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Pastor Peter J. Peters (1946 – 2011) of the LaPorte Church of Christ in Colorado was a remarkable white advocate who left a body of pro-white Christian Identity literature which should be more broadly known. Additionally, Peters’ activism had an impact on American culture and politics both during his lifetime and after. His successful ministry also shows how one far-sighted and prophetic white advocate can influence another who will go on to found institutions and make a positive impact towards white preservation. During his ministry, Peters had run-ins with the Organized Jewish Community as well as the political establishment of Colorado. His career as well as his encounters with the Jewish Establishment are important mile-markers in the journey to restore America’s white homeland.
“Pastor Pete” was born on November 13, 1946, in Ogallala, a town on the high prairie of western Nebraska. His paternal grandparents were farmers, and his father managed an appliance store. His mother was a homemaker. Most of his life and career was spent upon the majestic, high-altitude Great Plains region of northeastern Colorado and western Nebraska. His ancestors included the wave of settlers from Schleswig-Holstien who pioneered the Midwest just prior to the Civil War. Schleswig-Holstien is where the Anglo tribe originated. Also among his ancestors were Yankees who’d left their granite hilled homelands in Vermont and New Hampshire for the Ohio Country and beyond.
His Yankee ancestry is significant. Christian Identity is a part of the wider Christian faith and the denomination works against the Organized Jewish Community. In America, whenever there is a conflict between American whites and Jews over nearly any matter – Bolshevist control of the US government, Zionism, or pornography – the whites are typically led by old-stock Americans with ancestral roots in New England.

The area of Old-Stock American Yankee settlements in 1781. In America, whenever there is a conflict between whites and Jews, the white American involved typically has ancestors in New England during the colonial era. Pastor Pete’s Yankee ancestors were in New Hampshire in the seventeenth century.
Reverend Peters spent much of his life the western, semi-arid, and rural part of the Platte River Valley which is in Greater New England – the northern part of the United States settled by Yankees and deeply influenced by Puritan culture. Chard Powers Smith described the area his book Yankees and God (1954). Smith dismissed the “Turner Thesis,” which postulated the environment of the frontier created a new American. Instead, the Puritans “conceded nothing to the forest.” The wild western spaces were, Smith wrote:
…just the edge of expanding New England that, continuing as it had started from the eastern beaches in the 1620’s, unrolled slowly toward the Pacific and along its advancing line grew immediately the outer paraphernalia of civilization and the inner assumptions and tried ways of a culture. In 1630 the line was within the sound of the Atlantic. In 1660 it was on the Connecticut River and the northern boundary of Massachusetts. In 1760 it was at New York and a third of the way up New Hampshire. After the Revolution the great march began. By 1800 the line included all of Vermont and most of Upstate New York, with a long salient down across Ohio to Cincinnati. By 1820 it included all of Ohio with a salient running down along the River across southern Indiana and out to Collinsville in Illinois. By 1840 it had swelled to take in half of Michigan, a third of Wisconsin, all of Illinois – though still under plenty of Rebel competition, had crossed the Mississippi to include a strip of Iowa and send a Mormon salient out to Independence, Missouri, while two new lines had bulged in from the Pacific, one to enclose some of the Spanish in California, the other to set up the missionary post at Walla Walla in what was going to be Washington. By 1860 all of Iowa and Wisconsin and half of Minnesota were in Greater New England, with a great salient sweeping south and westward to include most of Kansas and Colorado, and all there was of Utah, while the California frontier had moved in to the Sierras, and the northern one had enclosed Portland, Salem, Seattle and Olympia and had sent a salient up the Columbia valley and across Idaho to Missoula in Montana. After the War, the old line swept westward across the Dakotas, Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana, and by 1880 it had met the Pacific advance at Helena. Greater New England was complete in outline, and it remained only to fill in the spaces were the bison still ran. [1]

Western Nebraska is a place where the bison still ran which was settled by Yankees starting in the 1890s.
The Christian Identity movement is not, like Congregationalism, Mormonism, or Seventh Day Adventism, a direct-line daughter denomination of the Puritan Faith of England whose members supported Parliament during the English Civil War. There are thriving Christian Identity churches in South–leaning Missouri. Not all the leaders of the movement in America were Yankees, either. Clifton Emahiser (1927 – 2018), for example, was of Ohio German and Virginian ancestry. However, many of the movement’s initial leaders, including 1LT C.A.L Totton, Howard Rand, and Reuben Sawyer, were.

The Mayflower is shown arriving on the cover of this tract. A considerable amount of Christian Identity literature references the Puritans in some way. Pastor Peters references Puritanism when he bolsters his case that the Anglo-Saxons and related people are descended from those of the northern Kingdom of Israel when he wrote, “Sir Walter Scott, in his novel, Woodstock, has Oliver Cromwell use these words in chapter 30, ‘How as my soul liveth, and as He liveth who hath made me ruler in Israel.’” [2]
The overall movement is called Anglo-Israelism or British Israelism. This movement holds that the people of the northern Kingdom of Israel, the so-called “Ten Lost Tribes of Israel,” who were conquered by the Assyrians in 721 B.C., became the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic, and related peoples. Therefore, the stories, prophecies, and moral lessons in the Old Testament apply to the British, Americans, Canadians, etc.
In Britain, the movement is still called British Israelism, and it holds that Anglos compliment modern Jews as the Covenant People of the Bible. In America, the movement is called Christian Identity, and it holds that modern Jews have no connection to America’s whites and posits that modern Jews are an alien and hostile force in American life. In Britian the movement supports the establishment, in America the movement is anti-establishment.

The Ten Tribes of Israel revolted against Judean rule and created the independent northern Kingdom of Israel.
The shift in the theological thinking of Anglo-Israelism in America is due to the displacement of Old-Stock Americans which occurred between the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson in 1913 and the inauguration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933. Reverend Howard Rand, for example, shifted his focus from the British-Israel World Federation to his own Anglo-Saxon Federation of America in 1930.
In 1933 William J. Cameron (1878 – 1955), who was from Michigan, published The Covenant People, which is the first genuinely popular book that fully explains the ideas of the Christian Identity faith. Cameron says:
…[T]he Bible is not ancient history; it is contemporary chronicle. It has nothing to do with dead races and dead religions, but with the race and religion which were to flow and widen and deepen to the end of the streambed of time. The Bible is not a treatise, but a panorama which moves to the mighty music of the Pilgrims’ March of the Ages…The Bible deals with one race which flows like a Gulf Stream through the ocean of humanity. As the Gulf Stream touches two continents and blesses the nations, so this race, in its origin, history and destiny, was selected and equipped for the service of the nations. [3]
Cameron pointed to Anglo-America’s ability to assimilate other European people as further proof of the Israelite heritage of the Anglo-Saxons saying:
The chosen race was to be a separated people, not coalescing with other races; they swallow up peoples, but are not swallowed by them. This was Napoleon’s complaint against the Anglo-Saxons, and is the world’s complaint today. But it was written of old that “the people shall dwell alone” (Numbers 23:9). [3]
Cameron uses 2 Esdras 13: 40 – 45 as proof that the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel left Assyria for England:
Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters, and so came they into another land. But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt, that they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land. And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow places of the river. For the most High then shewed signs for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed over. For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth.
“God,” Cameron wrote,
was making paths in the sea against the time when Israel would be ready to come [to America]. He was already nurturing, in the central shires of England, a life that would move them to come. As it had happened many times before in the life of Israel, priestly and kingly power in England became oppressive. The Lollards arose; then came the Brownists, Separatists and Puritans, and with them a host that was friendly to liberty of conscience. [5]
The Covenant People is upbeat. There is a sense of triumph in every word. Later Christian Identity writers, including Reverend Peter Peters, have a sharper and more defensive edge to their publications. The delta probably comes from increased sense of displacement that followed the 1960s. While Old-Stock Americans were displaced between 1913 and 1933, it was not completely apparent. Segregation still ruled, the migration of sub-Saharans into the cities of the North hadn’t yet made its terrible impact. American industry still hummed with activity and profits. Jewish control over the levers of power were not as noticeable.

According to Christian Identity teachings, the Ten Lost Tribes of the northern Kingdom of Israel migrated to England and the northern areas of Europe after 721 B.C.
E. Raymond Capt (1914 – 2008) was an archeologist and writer who influenced the Christian Identity movement. He found and translated clay tablets which tell the story of folk migrations from Assyria into Anatolia and across the Black Sea which match what Pastor Peters and other Christian Identity ministers believed.
Capt’s ideas on how the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel migrated from Assyria to England is probably not provable. Belief in these views requires faith and a specific interpretation of the clay texts of Mesopotamia. However, Capt is probably not entirely wrong, either. In America, many people identify with the Mayflower passengers as well as the story of Daniel Boone. It turns out that millions of people are descended from those on the Mayflower and the Boone family is likewise very large. Richard Boone, the actor, really was a member of Daniel Boone’s extended family.
The people who were in the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel would have been literate, skilled in high end jobs like engineering, and comfortable engaging in complex commercial activities. As such, they would have been in high demand as employees in any part of Europe or the Near East where the need for technological services was high. Additionally, trade routes to and from Mesopotamia to northern Europe through the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea were developed in antiquity. Pytheas, a Greek merchant from Massilia hitched a series of rides on different ships to get from the south of Gaul to the Baltic. Europe’s trade network was advanced in ancient times, indeed.
So, it is entirely possible that Israelites taken into captivity by the Assyrians would have moved into Europe as merchants and technical specialists and intermarried with the locals. There are other connections between the figures in the Bible and the Anglo-Saxons, too. The Garden of Eden story is a metaphor showing the moral dilemmas caused by the shift from hunter-gathering to farming. DNA evidence shows the Early Farmers of the Mediterranean region are descended from the original agriculturalists of the Fertile Crescent, and the Early Farmers intermarried with northern Europeans and the proto-Indo-Europeans. Therefore, the intense identification that Anglo-Saxons and related people have with the Bible might have a genetic component in the same way modern Americans identify with the Mayflower passengers and the career of Daniel Boone. Additionally, the story of Adam and Eve doesn’t apply to all races of humans, only those who are descended from the Caucasian Early Farmers.
Peters was also influenced by the Book of Jasher, a pseudo-non-canonical book purported to be one of the lost books of the Bible that is mentioned in Joshua and 2 Samuel. The Book of Jasher which Peters read was printed in 1840. It is obviously fiction based on a known canonical work, like a television miniseries based on the life of the Emperor Claudius. However, it does show how economic and tax policies can enslave a population. In the book, a desperate swindler sets up a death tax which the King of Egypt adopts. This policy sets up later, harsher policies. The appearance of ownership also resigns people to accept slavery. Joseph’s master Potiphar gives Joseph free access to all his property, but Joseph’s use of it is a mirage. The moral lessons from fictional works are important. The half-baked morality in the Harry Potter series created a vicious fan base with a warped morality who “cancelled” the series’ creator J.K. Rowling when she pointed out that transwomen are not men.
Christian Identity is not a universalist version of Christianity. Pastor Peters explained this through a story about a flight in which he sat next to a Jewess who was afraid of flying. He held her hand during takeoff and said a prayer. The Jewess was impressed by his faith, but admitted she couldn’t find faith herself. Peters believed this was because Jews had no ability to accept the Christian message.
While the Christian Identity appears to be exclusivist, the phrase Anglo-Saxons, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic, and related peoples casts wide enough of a net to cover most Caucasians. As for modern Jews, they are marrying close cousins, and in Israel they deprive the Palestinians of the most basic of rights.
A Space Where the Bison Once Ran & the Farm Crisis
Western Nebraska, northern Colorado, and southern Wyoming are part of the Platt River Valley. By the logic of the Köppen climate classification scheme, the local climate is BSk, or cold semi-arid. Crops can grow in such an environment, but there is more risk for crop failure than in the more humid eastern third of the United States. Americans settled the area in earnest after the Civil War. Many were homesteaders, who took advantage of the US Government’s offer of 160 acres of unsettled land to any American that would live and farm on the property for five years.
Homesteading was not a get rich quick scheme. The pioneers often had little capital; however, they could borrow against their homestead even before it was proved. Therefore, many of the homesteaders were deep in debt and had to pay the balance by harvesting a crop which could be easily destroyed by hail, drought, or grasshoppers.
The system worked for the most part, however, until the 1930s, when there was a terrible drought. Dust from the dried-up fields filled the air and the situation ballooned into a crisis.
Northern Colorado wasn’t the center of the 1930s Dust Bowl, but it was still affected. Eventually, the local farmers improved their irrigation techniques which helped turn things around. This included diverting water from the forks of the Platte River into the fields, and then back into the Platte so Nebraska’s farmers could get the water also. Northern Colorado’s farmers also drew water from the underground aquifer. The technology required to do this is expensive, and farmers borrowed to get their fields watered.
The US Department of Agriculture also helped, although for a time, the help consisted of inefficient socialistic schemes, like plowing under crops to raise farm commodities prices when the bakeries in the cities had no flour. By the end of World War II prosperity had returned until President Nixon’s Secretary of the Agriculture Earl Butz shifted the farm subsidies in a way that encouraged farmers to put all the land into cultivation and borrow money to expand operations.
The downside for the farmers of Butz’s changes were not immediately noticed. The reckoning came in the early 1980s. The perfect economic storm of high interest rates, high fuel costs, and low commodities prices caused farmers to lose money and go into foreclosure across the United States. The low prices were due to Butz’s policies, which subsidized the production of grain so that the price to clear the market was less than the input costs of raising the crop. The farm subsidies hadn’t changed to match the new order. President Reagan was slow to act due to his neo-liberal economic beliefs. The disaster came to be called the Farm Crisis.
During the Farm Crisis, bankers lent money to the Brazilian agricultural industry rather than refinance existing loans for Americans, so there was plenty of popular anger. Farmers committed suicide to get the insurance money to save their farm, and one Iowa farmer shot several bankers. The Jewish Question was also wrapped up in the Farm Crisis. The high fuel prices were due to the Arab Oil Embargo which was caused by America’s support for Israel.
There was a wave of radicalization during the Farm Crisis. In a speech given in 1983, the white advocate Robert Matthews (1953 – 1984) said:
When a man is on the verge of losing his second-generation farm, his livelihood, in essence, his whole life, due mostly to the Jew usury system, he finds little solace in theological baggage from the Levant.
Most of the subject of Matthews’ speech is related to the economic situation of the time, and Matthews was pointing out that bankrupt ordinary farmers were losing faith in the established order and becoming tired of problems arising out of Judeo-Christianity. Judeo-Christianity is an illogical theological position through which establishment Christianity, regardless of denomination, provides cover for ethnonationalist Jews.
Other people were cut lose due to the Farm Crisis. With their prospects in Iowa diminished, Vicky and Randy Weaver moved to Idaho in an attempt to be free of the problems – until appalling missteps and overreach by a corrupt Federal Law Enforcement establishment led to a fatal shootout and siege in 1992.
Pete Peters was working as a minister in LaPorte, Colorado during the Farm Crisis, but his church couldn’t afford to pay him, so he got a job at the US Department of Agriculture. He was therefore perfectly positioned to see the problems. Until the Farm Crisis, Peters was an ordinary Protestant minister and had graduated from Church of Christ Bible Training School in Gering, Nebraska in the 1970s. Amid the Farm Crisis, Peters discovered the works of Pastor Sheldon Emry (1926 – 1985).

Christian Identity minister Sheldon Emry explained his ideas in Heirs of the Promise. Note how the cover shows the progression of the ancient Israelites of the Ten Lost Tribes ends with a Puritan. This indicates how Yankee heritage has an influence on the denomination.
Like Peters, Emry also had Old-Stock Yankee heritage. Emry was a veteran of the US Army Air Force and a teacher. In the 1960s, Emry was involved in anti-communist activities. While working against the Bolsheviks, Emry discovered Carl Oliver Stadsklev (1902 – 1990). Reverend Stadsklev had worked for Gerald L.K. Smith. After he went out on his own, Stadsklev produced serious Christian Identity metapolitical content.
After meeting Stadsklev, Emry became a Christian Identity minister, and he, in turn, influenced Peters. Emry’s work Billions for the Bankers – Debts for the People showed how banking policy had ultimately helped bring about the Farm Crisis. Additionally, it was widely known in the 1980s that the national debt was a drain on the economy, however the Reagan administration was unable to reduce the amount owed.
Ronald Reagan should have turned the national debt around. By the mid-1980s the worst of the Farm Crisis was over. There was no expensive war, either. The large and high-earning Boomer generation filled the workforce and generated plenty of revenue. The debt continued to exist because white American society was under a hostile foreign occupation, the so called “civil rights” regime, and the occupiers didn’t care about debt. Reagan’s economic choices worked to buy the social peace required to uphold “civil rights.” In his book The Age of Entitlement, Christopher Caldwell wrote:
The borrowing power of the Baby Boom generation was invested in avoiding the choices that the confrontations of the 1960s had placed before the country. What the debt paid for was social peace, which had come to be understood as synonymous with the various Great Society programs launched by Lyndon Johnson in the two years after the Kennedy assassination. We should understand the Great Society as the institutional form into which the civil rights impulse hardened, a transfer from whites to blacks of the resources necessary to make desegregation viable. Desegregation was, as we have said, the most massive undertaking of any kind in the history of the United States. Like any massive undertaking, it required endurance, patience, and prohibitive expense. Almost everyone who did not benefit from it was going to be made poorer by it. Now it was being presented to the public as the merest down payment on what Americans owed. The best evidence we have is that it was too much for most Americans from the beginning. The rhetoric that brought Reagan two landslides was, among other things, a sign that Americans were unwilling to bankroll with their taxes the civil rights and welfare revolution of the 1960s and the social change it brought in its train. [6]
In the mid-1980s, due in part to the Farm Crisis, the problems of the debt, and his discovery of the works of Sheldon Emry and others, Pastor Peters adjusted his theological beliefs to align with Christian Identity. This created a rift in his church and he “lost his congregation” for a time. He also had his first serious brush with controversy in the mid-1980s. Alan Berg, a disgusting Jewish radio “shock jock” in Denver was killed in 1984 by members of a pro-white group called The Order. Members of The Order had met with Peters and other pro-white activists before their larger crime spree was noticed. Peters received a great deal of negative attention as a result. He also invited the Christian Identity minister, Jack Mohr, to preach at his church.
The Unnoticed Right of the 1992 Election
Eventually, the membership of the LaPorte Church of Christ stabilized, but the congregation remained small. Reverend Peters had a larger influence than the size of his congregation would imply because of his skills as a writer, publisher, and short-wave radio host. The ideas which Pastor Peters preached spread across the American political Right and had an impact on the 1992 election. The road to the 1992 election started with the political conditions of the late 1980s.
The most significant political event of the late 1980s appeared to be the Iran Contra Affair. However, the 1980s was the time in which the new pro-white, “Right Wing” movement, which Reverend Peters was a part, moved into full maturity. The movement was independent of the hitherto dominant “Right Wing” ideology of the South which focused on keeping segregation in place. The pro-white Right of the time was attuned to the new circumstances created by the illicit second constitution the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It was also shaped by the fight against communism. The movement was ideologically flexible enough to deal with the changing conditions due in part to the theological ideas of Christian Identity preachers like Reverend Peters. The flexibility was critical, because conditions shifted markedly in 1986, when the Chernobyl nuclear reactor melted down. The disaster was a bright signpost which showed that the Soviet Union was in terminal decline.
The end of the Cold War created a new international geopolitical situation – the Clash of Civilizations – although in the late 1980s, this clash was still only felt at the gut level by a few far-seeing thinkers. In 1988, George H.W. Bush, an internationalist establishment Republican, was elected. Part of Bush’s appeal in 1988 was that he implied he would keep Ronald Reagan’s policies in place during the campaign, however once in office he shifted. The most important shift was the White House’s relationship with the “Far Right.” During his time in office, Reagan had reached out to the pro-white American “Far Right” and sent many of them, unofficially, to fight communists in Central America.
George H. W. Bush didn’t try to keep any “Far Right” activist in his coalition of supporters. Bush probably thought he didn’t need them. All was appearing to go well for him. In late 1989, the Berlin Wall was pulled down during a mass demonstration and soon all the communist governments were swept out of power in Central and Eastern Europe. In 1990 and early 1991, the god Mars handed the Pentagon a war which proved popular, appeared to be victorious, and wrapped up in early 1991. In late December of that year, the Soviet Union dissolved.
In the wake of the Gulf War Victory and the end of the Cold War, Bush declared a New World Order while failing to define what that “Order” was. The term was therefore defined by the “Far Right” who Bush had cast out of his coalition earlier. Bush’s re-election chances were then destroyed by the Right-leaning “fringe” political movements during the 1992 election. First, David Duke challenged Bush in the primary. Duke’s campaign was doomed from the start, but it was followed by Pat Buchanan’s more serious challenge over continued international military deployments and bad trade deals. Bo Gritz, a military adventurer and “fringe Right Wing” activist also ran. The tech billionaire, Ross Perot, entered the race as a third party candidate on many of the issues Buchanan raised. Perot’s enormous following was enough to defeat Bush.
Pastor Peters & Lawfare
While Pastor Peters was influencing the George H.W. Bush’s Rightist enemies, he had a significant run-in with the J-Establishment. In 1988, the city council of Fort Collins, Colorado pushed referendum for a pro-homosexual law. Peters and the LaPorte Church of Christ paid to run an advertisement in the local paper opposing the measure on theological grounds.
What followed next shows why having white advocates in influential positions at every level of government is so important. Someone in the local political structure hit upon the idea of using lawfare against Peters and his church over the ad. (Who was that and who decided to proceed using state resources?) Prosecutors claimed that the LaPorte Church of Christ should have filed as a political action committee before running the ad, so the ad was illegal. This was despite the fact that many churches and civic groups had opposed the homosexual agenda in Colorado. Undoubtedly, the Christian Identity ethos of the church was the main reason for the lawfare.
The LaPorte Church of Christ wasn’t saying anything irrational. In the late 1980s many homosexual men had AIDS which was then untreatable and 100% fatal. AIDS was easily transmitted by homosexual activity between men. Peters was well within his rights to oppose the measure on the grounds of the First Amendment. Additionally, he recognized that many homosexuals, were grooming young people into their lifestyle.
The case went through the legal system and at no point did any judge kill the case on free speech grounds. (Who were the judges?) The church was fined $10,000 which Peters refused to pay. In response, Colorado’s Secretary of State Natalie Meyer, an Old-Stock American with roots in the South, sent armed police to seize property to pay the fine. [7]
The date of the raid was 26 February 1993. Late February of 1993 is when America – leader of the Free World during the Cold War – transitioned into the Empire of Nothing although nobody realized it at the time. The day the police were scouring the grounds of the LaPorte Church of Christ looking for valuable items to pay the fine, Salafi Jihadists bombed the World Trade Center the first time. Two days later the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms carried out a raid on the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. The raid was a publicity stunt, but the Branch Davidians fought back, and the situation settled into a siege which ended when the FBI attacked the compound, and it burned to the ground. Although the Branch Davidians were not white advocates, the Waco Siege and its aftermath allowed pro-white activists to amplify their messages.
The fact that the police focused on the LaPorte Church of Christ and the Branch Davidians while ignoring dangerous foreign men who were very likely influenced by an FBI informant is a symptom of several trends. The first was that lawfare against “the Right” could score cheap political points and donations from wealthy ethnonationalist Jews. It could also be used for petty political payback. Lawfare along the lines of the latter reason was initiated by George H.W. Bush against Bo Gritz in 1989. Bush was angry that Gritz had accused one of his cronies of drug smuggling.
The unjust lawfare is an example of the normalization of deviance. Where there is an unnoticed systematic flaw which can cause a catastrophe. The lawfare against Gritz caused no ripples, the lawfare against the LaPorte Church of Christ only raised concerns on the Religious Right, the lawfare against the Branch Davidians turned into a series of massacres. Additionally, empires are based on an ethic core and when the empire takes an unacceptable toll upon that ethnic core or starts to attack it, then the empire has become senile and unstable.
The next trend, which is still ongoing, was the revival of Islam which remained largely unnoticed until 2001. In November of 1993, American Renaissance, which was then a small publication, published a warning about Islam and its connection to America’s “civil rights” regime saying:
Islam, in its various forms, lies at the intersection of America’s two most dogma-laden and self-destructive policies: immigration and race relations. It was the purest idiocy to have imported crowds of swarthy fanatics who are prepared to kill each other – and us – over obscure conflicts in the Levant. Had no one noticed that Middle-Easterners fight out their unsettled feuds not only in their own countries but in Europe as well? To have imported fanatics…was idiocy on stilts.
Finally, America is controlled by Jews and other minorities. These groups view Old Stock Americans as their mortal enemy. So, Mohammedan terrorists are less of a threat to the J-Establishment than a minister on the Colorado prairie who points out the truth and many of his co-ethnic Anglos, Celts, Germanics, Scandinavians, and related peoples can start to see things his way. The Jihadist message of the Arab terrorists can only spread by the sword and the Great Replacement, which is possible, but fraught with risks and setbacks. The message of Pete Peters and other white advocates can spread much easier.
Pastor Peters & the Clinton Era
Pastor Peters described the lawfare in spiritual terms in his 1995 book, Baal Worship. During his conflict with Natalie Meyers, he thought he was under the protection of the First Amendment; however, it became clear that the constitution didn’t apply to him. As a result of his experience with the two-tiered justice system, he realized that he had been metaphorically following Baal, the name for a collection of minor Phoenician and Canaanite deities that distracted the ancient Israelites. The “muh Constitution” which he though protected him was a distraction which failed – like an impotent Baal. Another Baal was the military. The Pentagon sacrificed American whites in Somalia, Korea, and Iraq to no benefit. The two main political parties were likewise a Baal of disappointment and more-of-the same.
He then wrote:
The devious, conspiratorial deeds of the Jews as confirmed in the book of Acts led the people of Jerusalem and the surrounding areas to believe that the Christians were a threat to them. They believed that true Christianity was a threat to society, and this is the same situation we find today. I recently found that my name is on a list of those whom the government deems as participating in un-American activities. I have loved America, I have fought for her freedom, I have stood up against Communism, and yet I am on the list…The belief of those who placed me on that un-American activities list is a false belief. These people predicted their action on the premise that government is equal to a nation or a country. We must bury this idea because it is not true. For example, Italy has had many different governments in the last one hundred years, but the people are still there. Italy still exists as a nation regardless of the different governments she has experienced. [8]
While Reverend Peters was enmeshed in his fight with the two-tiered justice system, he published America the Conquered (1991). The book shows how white Americans are dispossessed in the country that they and their ancestors built by commenting on various news clippings. Peters highlights various outrages – a judge named “Rosenblatt” fined people burning an Israeli flag while declaring burning American flag is free speech, for example.

Elijah confronts the Priests of Baal. “And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made. And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud: for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked.” Pastor Peters likened belief in the Constitution, the US Military, and the two political parties to belief in Baal.
The book’s concept is revolutionary for the time. Pro-white commentary on disparate news stories on social media as well as Alt-Right memes is a technological update on an information exchange method that Peters first pulled off. One key point raised in America the Conquered is that the military is deployed abroad while the US border is unsecured. Peters also shows how the Christian Identity minister Earl Jones of New Mexico (1923 – 2001), attempted to reach out to police in the same way sub-Saharan “community leaders” and the Anti-Defamation League do, but Jones was rebuffed.
In the middle of the Clinton Era, Reverend Peters published a jeremiad called Whores Galore (1995). The book is remarkable proof that politics is a game played by the “extremists” over the heads of the moderates. In the book, Peters decries homosexuality and reckless sexual behavior. He also warns against the lingering agencies from the New Deal as well as military deployments on behalf of the United Nations. Peters also warned about deindustrialization and the negatives of NAFTA.
Most of the ideas he put forward in Whores Galore were adopted wholly or in part in the 1990s. The anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 was passed by President Clinton. Clinton and the Republican controlled House eliminated many New Deal era programs and cut down welfare. United Nations deployments continued, but they were controversial and often disastrous. There were no loud calls for American troops involved in United Nations “peacekeeping operations” at the end of the 1990s like there were at the beginning of the decade. In 2016, Donald Trump won the presidency by promising a return to tariffs and ending NAFTA.
Pastor Peter J. Peters named the Jew. He pointed out that modern Israel was a problem. Unfortunately, his fellow Anglo-Americans and related peoples did not listen to his prophecy and after 2001, continued Jewish control of America created the disaster of 9-11, the Iraq War, ISIS, and the ongoing Gaza Genocide.

Like the followers of Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts Bay Colony, Pastor Peter J. Peters was seeking to create a City on a Hill.
Pastor Peter J. Peters of the high prairie Colorado died in 2011. He was too young – just 64. Nonetheless his career was influential and his life inspiring. Most of what he wrote wasn’t about Anglo-Saxons, or the Jewish Problem or sub-Saharan crime. Instead, his message was mostly spiritual. He truly traveled across the higher prairie. He was also fighting for the white American ethnostate with theological weapons. His vision was inspired by the Prophet Michah who said:
But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it. For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever. In that day, saith the Lord, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted; And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the Lord shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever.
[1] Chard Powers Smith, Yankees and God, (New York, Hermitage House, 1954) pp. 39 – 40
[2] Peter J. Peters, The Greatest Discovery of our Age, (LaPorte, Colorado, Scriptures for America Ministries, 1985) p. 37
[3] William J. Cameron, The Covenant People, (Destiny Publishers, Merrimac, Massachusetts, 1966, second printing 1972) p. 4
[4] ibid. 12
[5] ibid. 60
[6] Christopher Caldwell, The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2020) p. 109
[7] Although a Republican, Natalie Meyer was similar to Bill Clinton’s Attorney General Janet Reno. Both were born in the 1930s and therefore young adult believers in “civil rights” during the height of the movement in the late 1950s. Both were women in high positions, and both made poor decisions. Neither seemed to understand that their lawfare and police raids against both churches were actions akin to running through the powder magazine with a lit blowtorch. More recently, lawfare was used against President Trump. It was so obviously unjust that it could lead to uncontrollable political violence. Meyer was a supporter of Ronald Reagan, and she oversaw the election in the Philippines following the ouster of President Marcos. This should alert the reader as to the pre-existing skillset which establishment politicians have to rig an election.
[8] Peter J. Peters, Baal Worship, (LaPorte, Colorado, Scriptures for America Ministries, 1995) p. 130
William J. Cameron, The Covenant People, (Destiny Publishers, Merrimac, Massachusetts, 1966, second printing 1972)
Peter J. Peters, America the Conquered, third edition, (LaPorte, Colorado, Scriptures for America Ministries, 1996)
Peter J. Peters, Baal Worship, (LaPorte, Colorado, Scriptures for America Ministries, 1995)
Peter J. Peters, The Greatest Discovery of our Age, (LaPorte, Colorado, Scriptures for America Ministries, 1985)
Peter J. Peters, Whores Galore, (LaPorte, Colorado, Scriptures for America Ministries, 1995)
Chard Powers Smith, Yankees and God, (New York, Hermitage House, 1954)
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I remember his radio broadcasts back in the day! The one about TV was pretty good. His sermon about St. Dr. Rev. MLK Jr. caused a bit of triggering 🙂 Although I find the premises of Christian Identity to be historically untenable, I must say that Pastor Pete Peters was great!
kind of grasping at straws while we re drowning.
kind of hard to believe we re the real Jews of the Old Testament J Bible , ethnocentrict J myths like the parting of the Red Sea and the slaughter of all those Persians in the Book of Esther.
souldn t “ we” White Anglo Saxons, the real Js be contesting the Jerusalem and the rest of the Holyland, Constantinople or at least London / Londonstan against the Islamists and Talmudists.
it seems IMO a bit of a stretch.
do these Identity White Churches get any White wives and Moms like Orthodox Jews?
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