To claim that measures and precautions should not be taken towards a group of X’s just because NAXALT (Not All X’s Are Like That) is such an absurd argument that it is hardly used except to justify ―in an artificial, finalistic way― politically correct causes. (more…)
Author: Asier Abadroa
Photo courtesy of Liz Castro on Flickr.
Photo courtesy of Liz Castro on Flickr.
2,106 words
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
How much does White Nationalism have in common with other, more local nationalisms? Is it possible to use popular independence movements for our purposes? Is it possible to use, either in their place or additionally, the petty nationalisms of the current states for our purposes? (more…)
4,759 words
A series of daily demonstrations have been taking place throughout Spain since the beginning of this month, including in the ethnically differentiated regions, in front of the offices of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE), Spain’s “socialist” party.
In the last Spanish general election in July of this year, the PSOE lost. (more…)
October 17, 2023 Asier Abadroa
El Secuestro de los Nobel
English original here
Observando el listado de los Premios Nobel, uno no puede evitar darse cuenta de quién gobierna el mundo y cuál es la agenda política que se pretende imponer. De hecho, en ocasiones, el Premio Nobel se convierte en un medio para difundir propaganda de odio contra los enemigos del Sistema. (more…)
Nelson Mandela with his Nobel Peace Prize. Mandela was only one of the many highly accomplished terrorists and warmongers who have won the prize.
6,238 words
Spanish version here
Looking at the list of Nobel Laureates, one cannot help but notice who rules the world and what political agenda they intend to impose. Sometimes, in fact, the Nobel Prize becomes a means to spread hate propaganda against the enemies of the System.
For example, this year’s Nobel prizes have aimed at supporting the struggle of the sexes in our countries (Claudia Goldin), reinforcing the dwindling confidence in the COVID vaccines (Weissman and Karikó), and slamming Israel’s main enemy in the region, the Islamic Republic of Iran, by the way they allegedly treat their women (Narges Mohammadi) — now that the United States military has been definitively driven out of the Taliban’s Afghanistan and the women there no longer matter. (more…)
August 28, 2023 Asier Abadroa
La Nación es un grupo biológico
English version: Part 1, Part 2
Después de haber discutido la diferenciación entre Identidad y cultura, y de haber explicado por qué la cultura no es lo que crea las naciones ―son las naciones las que crean cultura―, veamos ahora lo que sí es una Nación. (more…)
August 23, 2023 Asier Abadroa
Qué No es Una Nación
English original here
La Nación no es el idioma
Que la lengua es un criterio secundario carente de importancia lo demuestra el simple hecho de que aprender y dominar una nueva lengua no nos convierte en personas diferentes. De hecho, casi todos los idiomas tienen palabras para los mismos conceptos, salvo por un porcentaje residual de excepciones, las cuales, de todos modos, se eluden fácilmente recurriendo a la toma de préstamos lingüísticos. (more…)
August 19, 2023 Asier Abadroa
Identidad versus Cultura
2.209 palabras
English original here
En el estado de confusión actual, promovido por la tribu que domina los medios de comunicación, el pueblo ignora las diferencias de significado de estas dos palabras, y frecuentemente son empleadas como sinónimos, cuando en realidad pueden ser y son partes contrapuestas. (more…)
Only race can explain why Asians from alien cultures, such as Andrew Yang, become wealthy and successful in the United States while American blacks fail to prosper despite having lived in the same language and culture as whites for centuries.
2,961 words
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
Spanish version here
Certainly in the past the birth rate in our countries was much higher than it is now, but it was also higher in the countries of other races, so this gap is not something new and it has been maintained over time. Only the lack of medicine and aid from whites and so on kept the population of Africa at a stable level, at the price of an exorbitant mortality rate. (more…)
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
Spanish version here
After discussing the distinction between identity and culture, and explaining why culture is not what creates nations (it is nations that create culture), let us now talk about what a nation is. (more…)
A Nation is not a language
The fact that language is a secondary criterion of no importance is demonstrated by the simple observation that learning and mastering a new language does not make you a different person. In fact, almost all languages have different words for the same concepts, except for a residual percentage of exceptions which in any case are easily circumvented by resorting to loanwords. It is therefore absurd to base nationalism on idiomatic criteria. It is not languages that define the borders of Nations. (more…)
José de Madrazo y Agudo, The Death of Viriatus (1807), one of the Lusitanian leaders who resisted Roman expansion into the Iberian Peninsula.
2,058 words
Spanish version here
In the present state of confusion, promoted by the tribe that dominates the mass media, the people ignore the differences in the meaning of these two words, and they are frequently used as synonyms, when in fact they can be — and are — opposites. (more…)