Part 2
Jacques Luzi
Ce que l’Intelligence artificielle ne peut pas faire
Èditions La Lenteur, 2024
While scientists and economists are often prepared and willing to debate the “dangers” of specific potential AI developments, they are less disposed to debate the ultimate purpose of AI or whether AI has an ultimate purpose at all.
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“”The lines are clearly drawn between those like Luzi, whose sensibility is religious, with a notion of the sacredness of nature and those on the other hand who belong to a tradition of dyspathy in the face of natural order and who constantly want to improve or circumnavigate nature and “the natural course of events”.””
Those who consider the world and thus nature sacred vs those with “a tradition of dyspathy”…
I hesitated to think and apply it and then went looking for an opposite to Godwin’s Law. A consultation with ChatGPT gave a few sideways alternatives until it finally refused to give a true opposite which you could perhaps call, Satanwin’s Law. This is entirely appropriate since this age considers these two to be diametrically opposed.
This query was inspired by a comparison of the concepts of tikkun olam, which mean repairing (improving) the world as opposed to the little known Yiddish word, farpotshket, which describes a thing that is not just broken, but broken because you tried to fix it!
Something seems inevitable about AI. It could very well supersede humans, but it is still the human who will give it life, that is, humans of a certain mindset. In all fairness, you don’t have to be Jewish to share this view of the world, but the origin is curious.
jews do not live outside cities or indulge in anything ‘nature-oriented’ like camping or mountaineering. Snively prefers its LA/NYC/FL lairs in power-centers like guarded courts, financial headquarters, and parliament from which to beguile and fleece. Only they would have a phlegmatic word like fartposhkit, though it’s their gargoylings of color more known for wrecking what they probably had no intention of fixing, assuming they noticed today’s disaster as a problem, which they don’t. I doubt lovelock’s precious humanity includes commentators on here or that ‘green’ is inclusive of nationalist yeomanry. People who say customary saccharine things like mother nature always wins in the end follows the same trajectory as good triumphs over evil or bastards will be bitten by karma in the end. These beliefs are sweet caress, throwing coins down wishing wells. Nature is seen by city people as a dreamy place where tons of concrete and traffic are not. Sunshine and briar thickets with fairies dawdling to lutes in The Shire. As a quaterntity strikeforce of torrents, volcanoes, avalanches, and quakes, people expect that only against themselves as tragedy, not as Mother Nature’s Holy War against cold tech-psychotronic civilization that AI will usher in under the crazy rule of technocrats. Perhaps the three guys from Initech with a baseball bat could solve alot.
Do you allow for any sincerity to their concept of Tikkun olam?
While Nature isn’t as hazily benevolent as a Thomas Kinkcaid painting, there is the grace of everything we need to survive, including all the components for AI, always being here. That to me suggests some inevitability. I think many take for granted the pre-positioning of these raw materials.
I’m only vaguely familiar with tikkun olam but everything I see becoming in the world is the grand inversion and quite literal evil twin negation of what ought to be. Uglify beauty, torment and kill the innocent, praise and reward the villain, extol stupidity, vilify the intelligent, attack indispensable Whites for civilization building and maintenance no matter what, pamper society-wrecking colored dregs no matter what. Our worst enemy becomes ‘our greatest ally’, courts are ‘justice’, universities ‘education’…you see my point. This blessed sanction of the evil impulse hostile against every sound and healthy instinct by dark design is uniquely jewish/talmudic and as far from White soul-sensibilities as can be. I don’t see how anyone, if they’re honest with themselves, can see it any other way even if they’re not a raging antisemite like me. On materials, I veer on the cliched answer that most is ultimately dependent on the wielder. Unrestrained passionrage, fentanyl, sorbitol, and neolib bizarrerie are some bads-in-themselves not contingent on an agent’s motive. I know nothing of AI matters.
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