White Identity Politics
Greg Johnson
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2020
150 pages
About White Identity Politics:
White identity politics is the wave of the future.
Since 2015, Western elites have been in full panic at the rising tide of nationalism, populism, and white identity politics. To beat back this tide, the parties of the center-Right and center-Left have formed a united front, along with the media, academia, and big business. They have resorted to campaigns of vilification, censorship, and outright electoral fraud.
In White Identity Politics, Greg Johnson cuts through the lies and hysteria. He argues that white identity politics is inevitable as a consequence of multiculturalism, necessary if whites are to survive, and completely moral. He explains the three foundational concepts of white identity politics: kinship, culture, and love of one’s own. He debunks the idea of “white privilege” and the accusation that populism is “anti-democratic.” Finally, he explores how “uppity white folks” can build a vital political movement and outlines a path to power.
White Identity Politics is the sequel to Greg Johnson’s pathbreaking 2018 book The White Nationalist Manifesto and is written in the same clear and compelling style. White Identity Politics is required reading to understand the fundamental ideas and deep social trends behind Trump, Brexit, Orbán, and Salvini—and why uppity white folks are not done yet.
Like the Manifesto, White Identity Politics will also be released in a limited hardcover edition for patrons of the project.
The full table of contents and information on how to order are below.
Praise for White Identity Politics:
“Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics offers a timely answer to the worldwide push to promote identity politics of every description except white identity politics, which, on the contrary, is suppressed in an increasingly coercive manner. Johnson argues that white identity politics is inevitable, necessary, and moral, and he provides white identitarians with the philosophical foundations for a counterattack.”
—Kerry Bolton, author of The Decline and Fall of Civilisations
“In White Identity Politics, political philosopher Greg Johnson excoriates the misdirected policies of the Trump era and American ‘conservativism,’ pointing a way forward for identitarians and populists who want to reconstitute a coherent American nationalism. Johnson argues that American populism must embrace the welfare state, economic protectionism, social conservatism, and the demographic renewal and cultural dominance of America’s white majority.”
—Margot Metroland
“The late Gordon Baum once admonished Greg Johnson to take racial nationalism and ‘get it down where the chickens can get at it,’ i.e., communicate to the widest possible audience. In White Identity Politics, he does just that, explaining highbrow ideas in a clear, often conversational style. Johnson covers white identity politics from the Alpha to the Omega: from the basic morality and normalness of racial communitarianism to the necessity of embracing environmentalism and social justice, despite the superficial appearance that such causes belong to the ‘Left.’ White Identity Politics belongs in the library of every intelligent white advocate or serious student of the subject.”
—Sam Dickson
“White Americans are arguably the most successful group in human history, attracting enormous numbers of people of other races wishing to enjoy the benefits of a civilization they are unable to create for themselves. Soon Americans of European descent will be out-voted on all matters of importance, an arrangement guaranteed to be devastating to our interests and ideals. What will our quality of life be as a minority in a country fractured by wildly different races, religions, languages, cultures, and mindsets? To avert such a future, Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics merits your emergency attention.”
—Tito Perdue, author of Materials for All Future Historians
“It is hard to imagine a more timely book than Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics. Trump has been pushed out of the presidency. Big Tech is striving for complete ideological control. Black Lives Matter and Antifa are running amok in our neighborhoods. Anti-white propaganda surrounds us everywhere. Whites have their backs against the wall. But don’t lose hope. This easy to read, very well-argued book offers a solution. It explains why it is both necessary and ethical for whites to take their own racial side. This is a political primer on defending the interests, heritage, and identity of whites in a measured, fair, and open-minded manner.”
—Ricardo Duchesne, author of The Uniqueness of Western Civilization
“White Identity Politics, like its predecessor The White Nationalist Manifesto, brings lucidity to the debate surrounding European political and cultural advocacy—at once the most important movement of our times and the target of massive and deliberately hostile obfuscation by our enemies. Even the reader who cannot accept all of Dr. Johnson’s conclusions will finish the book with a clearer understanding of what he does believe and why.”
—F. Roger Devlin, author of Sexual Utopia in Power
Introduction — 1
What Is White Identity Politics? — 7
Basic Distinctions — 8
White Identity Politics Is Inevitable — 12
White Identity Politics Is Necessary — 13
White Identity Politics Is Moral — 16
Love of One’s Own — 19
Self-Actualization — 22
Universalizability — 26
Fairness — 28
Consequentialism — 30
Will We Win? — 31
“This Is Who We Are” — 33
Kinship — 36
Culture — 40
Love of One’s Own — 46
The Specter of Populism — 69
Political Ideology or Political Style? — 70
Principles of Populism — 71
Two Senses of “the People” — 71
Ethnic & Civic Peoplehood — 72
Populism & Elitism — 73
Populism & Classical Republicanism — 74
Populism & Representation — 76
Populism & Democracy — 79
Populism & White Identity Politics — 80
Justifying Popular Sovereignty — 81
The Revolt Against Globalism — 83
Eatwell & Goodwin’s National Populism — 84
Distrust — 86
Destruction — 89
Deprivation — 92
Dealignment — 93
Riding the Wave — 96
After The White Nationalist Manifesto — 102
A Modest Proposal — 104
Eatwell & Goodwin’s National Populism — 107
Ashley Jardina’s White Identity Politics — 113
From Identity to Identity Politics — 117
Bring Back the Iron Curtain — 122
The Anti-Globalist Carnival — 123
Identitarianism & the Spirit of Music — 126
Creating Alternative Spaces — 129
The Limits of Play — 132
In Their Hearts, They Know We’re Right — 134
Make Multiculturalism Work for You — 138
Ninety-Percent White Nationalism — 142
Medicare for All Plus Slurs — 145
Index — 151
About the Author — 156
Also by Greg Johnson
2024 - 279 pages
Greg Johnson
Nowej Prawicy przeciw Starej Prawicy
Dr Greg Johnson, bazując na ideach europejskiej Nowej Prawicy, proponuje nowe podejście do białego nacjonalizmu w Ameryce Północnej. Nowa Prawica przeciw Starej Prawicy jest zbiorem 32 esejów, w których dr Johnson przedstawia swoją wizję „metapolityki” białego nacjonalizmu i odgranicza ten nurt od faszyzmu oraz narodowego socjalizmu („Starej Prawicy”), a także od konserwatyzmu i klasycznego liberalizmu („Fałszywej Prawicy”).
2024 - 264 pages
Greg Johnson
Nueva Derecha vs. Vieja Derecha
El Dr. Greg Johnson se inspira en las ideas de la Nueva Derecha europea para promover un nuevo enfoque de la política Nacionalista Blanca en Norteamérica. Nueva Derecha vs. Vieja Derecha recoge 32 ensayos en los que el Dr. Johnson expone su visión de la “metapolítica” Nacionalista Blanca y la distingue del fascismo y el Nacional Socialismo (la “Vieja Derecha”), así como del conservadurismo y el liberalismo clásico (la “Falsa Derecha”).
2023 - 216 pages
Greg Johnson
Against Imperialism
Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism collects thirty of his best pieces of political commentary written primarily in 2022 and 2023 on such topics as imperialism vs. ethnonationalism, the Ukraine War, sovereignty, international relations, abortion, and the Gaza conflict—as well as such figures as Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, Christopher Rufo, Kanye West, Dave Chappelle, Elon Musk, and Richard Hanania—all from a pro-white point of view. These essays display all of Greg Johnson’s trademarks: careful argumentation, moral clarity, political idealism, and a willingness to take unequivocal stands on controversial issues.
2023 - 190 pages
Greg Johnson
Toward a New Nationalism (Second Edition)
Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism is a companion volume to his The White Nationalist Manifesto. Toward a New Nationalism offers a White Nationalist analysis of race realism, white identity, the problems with conservatism and libertarianism, “hate,” “white privilege,” American ethnic identity and nationalism, technological utopianism, freedom of speech, metapolitics, the Jewish question, the rise and fall of the Alt Right, and the ethos of idealism, duty, and self-sacrifice that white advocates need to cultivate if they are to change the world. The Second Edition of Toward a New Nationalism is based upon the French edition. It keeps all the essays of perennial importance, but it omits three essays on the “Deep State” and a number of dated, journalistic essays on the Alt Right and adds the classic essay “It’s Okay to Be White.” The result is a slimmer, easier-to-read, and more impactful volume.
2023 - 238 pages
Greg Johnson
The Trial of Socrates
The trial of Socrates is a pivotal event in world history. Before Socrates, philosophy had put society on trial. Now society was striking back. The Trial of Socrates first presents the case for the prosecution based on Aristophanes’ comedy Clouds, which mocks Socrates as a preacher of atheism and moral corruption. The case for the defense is drawn from five of Plato’s dialogues, which explore the permanent tensions between intellectual freedom and social order, as well as how they might be harmonized.
2022 - 150 pages
Greg Johnson
El Manifiesto Nacionalista Blanco
Un fantasma recorre el mundo: el fantasma del Nacionalismo Blanco. Trump, el Brexit, Le Pen, Orbán, Salvini: la política identitaria blanca está en auge. A pesar de que todo el establishment político ―de izquierdas y de derechas― está comprometido con el globalismo, el nacionalismo populista está barriendo Europa y ha puesto a Donald Trump en la Casa Blanca. En El Manifiesto Nacionalista Blanco, Greg Johnson defiende la forma más radical de política identitaria blanca: el Nacionalismo Blanco, que defiende el derecho de todos los pueblos blancos a la autodeterminación.
2022 - 196 pages
Charles Krafft
An Artist of the Right
About An Artist of the Right Charles Wing Krafft, “the dark angel of Seattle art,” was an American painter and ceramicist, as well as a poet and essayist. Straddling the worlds of fine art and “lowbrow” art, Krafft began as a painter of the Northwest School but in the 1990s became famous for his dark and ironic Delft-style ceramics depicting weapons, disasters, and dictators. In the last fifteen years of his life, Krafft became an outspoken Holocaust revisionist and white advocate. An Artist of the Right collects transcripts of some of Krafft’s interviews and talks about his artistic, intellectual, and political journeys.
2022 - 150 pages
Greg Johnson
Manifesto del Nazionalismo Bianco
Uno spettro si aggira per il mondo, lo spettro del Nazionalismo Bianco. Trump, la Brexit, Le Pen, Orbán, Salvini: l’identitarismo bianco è in crescita. Sebbene l’interno spettro politico, a destra così come a sinistra, abbia abbracciato la globalizzazione, il nazionalismo populista sta attraversando l’Europa e ha portato Donald Trump nella Casa Bianca. Nel Manifesto del Nazionalismo Bianco Greg Johnson difende la forma più radicale di identitarismo bianco: il Nazionalismo Bianco, che sostiene il diritto di ogni popolo bianco all’autodeterminazione.
2022 - 150 pages
Greg Johnson
O Manifesto Nacionalista Branco
Um espectro está a assombrar o mundo, o espectro do Nacionalismo Branco. Trump, Brexit, Le Pen, Orbán, Salvini: a política de identidade branca está em ascensão. Embora todo o establishment político, tanto esquerda como direita, esteja comprometido com o globalismo, o nacionalismo populista está a varrer a Europa, e levou Donald Trump à Casa Branca. No livro O Manifesto Nacionalista, Greg Johnson defende a forma mais radical de política de identidade branca: o nacionalismo branco, que apoia o direito de todos os povos brancos à sua autodeterminação.
2021 - 220 pages
Greg Johnson
The Year America Died
In 2020, America was hit by three waves of catastrophe: the Covid-19 pandemic, widespread racial violence, and a stolen presidential election, leading to economic devastation, explosions of black crime and white flight in diverse cities, and a government crippled by deep polarization and the stench of illegitimacy.
2020 - 230 pages
Greg Johnson
Here’s the Thing: Selected Interviews, vol. 2
In his interviews, Greg Johnson is known for expressing radical and sometimes shocking ideas in a calm, rational, unapologetic manner. Here’s the Thing collects ten of his best interviews from 2014 to 2018. The interviews with Darryl Cooper, Tara McCarthy, and Lana Lokteff offer a basic introduction to White Nationalism and the New Right. The first of two conversations with Hugh MacDonald focuses on the treacherous charge of “racism” and different ways to handle it. The conversation with Millennial Woes answers the centrist, civic nationalist objections of video commentator Sargon of Akkad. The discussion with J.M. answers common questions and objections from “normies.”
2020 - 220 pages
Greg Johnson
Graduate School with Heidegger
Greg Johnson’s Graduate School with Heidegger is unique in the vast literature on Heidegger. Written by a self-proclaimed “failed academic” for intelligent laymen, these essays and lectures serve as a non-systematic, non-technical introduction to the twentieth century’s most influential and difficult philosopher.
2020 - 226 pages
Greg Johnson
It’s Okay to Be White: The Best of Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents is getting out of publishing, but Greg Johnson is still publishing books. His latest book is It’s Okay to Be White, coming soon from Ministry of Truth and available here for preorder and (eventually) at better bookstores around the world.
2019 - 150 pages
Greg Johnson
The White Nationalist Manifesto
A specter is haunting the world, the specter of White Nationalism. Trump, Brexit, Le Pen, Orbán, Salvini: white identity politics is on the rise. Even though the entire political establishment, Left and Right, is committed to globalism, populist nationalism is sweeping Europe and put Donald Trump in the White House. In The White Nationalist Manif
2019 - 220 pages
Greg Johnson
From Plato to Postmodernism
Greg Johnson’s From Plato to Postmodernism collects essays and lectures on philosophical, political, and cultural themes in Plato, Aristotle, Vico, Rousseau, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Yeats, Husserl, Heidegger, Jünger, Cassirer, Camus, and Kojève. Written in a lucid and lively style and illustrated with examples from ordinary life and popular
2019 - 238 pages
Greg Johnson
Toward a New Nationalism
Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism is a companion volume to his The White Nationalist Manifesto. Toward a New Nationalism collects 35 essays, speeches, reviews, and opinion pieces on a wide range of topics, including race realism, white identity, the problems with conservatism and libertarianism, White Nationalism, technological utopianism, fr
2017 - 256 pages
Greg Johnson
You Asked for It: Selected Interviews, vol. 1
You Asked for It collects twelve of Greg Johnson’s best interviews from 2011 to 2017 with Mike Enoch, Tomislav Sunić, Robert Stark, Dennis Fetcho, Matt Parrott, Laura Raim, Georges Feltin-Tracol, Francesco Boco, and Ruuben Kaalep. Topics include White Nationalism, the New Right, the Alternative Right, the perils of multiculturalism, the Jewish question, eco-fascism, the boomerang generation, populism, elitism, economic policy, the case for paternalism, the case against marijuana, the Donald Trump phenomenon, and such thinkers as Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau, Kant, Heidegger, and Savitri Devi. These interviews offer a self-contained, accessible, and compelling case for White Nationalism.
2017 - 272 pages
Greg Johnson
In Defense of Prejudice
Greg Johnson’s In Defense of Prejudice collects 45 essays, speeches, reviews, and opinion pieces on a wide range of topics, including White Nationalism, the Alternative Right, the “Alt Light,” the Donald Trump phenomenon, sexual politics, cosmopolitanism, Freemasonry, the Old Right, and the Jewish question. There are essays on such figures as Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Adolf Hitler, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Leo Strauss, William Pierce, Harold Covington, Jonathan Bowden, J. Philippe Rushton, Dominique Venner, Gilad Atzmon, Yoav Shamir, Milo Yiannopolous, and of course Donald Trump. Greg Johnson once again demonstrates his mastery at bringing together theory and practice, connecting topical commentary with eternal truths, always with an eye toward the conditions of white survival and flourishing.
2016 - 268 pages
Greg Johnson
Confessions of a Reluctant Hater
Greg Johnson’s Confessions of a Reluctant Hater collects 52 short essays, reviews, and opinion pieces that chronicle the author’s discovery of a white worldview and a white voice to defend it. The second edition contains 24 new essays plus an index and is 40% longer than the first. Greg Johnson discusses multiculturalism, immigration, economic policy, political correctness, the limits of the Republicans and the Tea Party, the 2008, 2010, and 2012 US elections, and books by Christian Lander, Vox Day, and Malcolm Gladwell.
2015 - 250 pages
Greg Johnson
Truth, Justice, & a Nice White Country
Truth, Justice, and a Nice White Country collects 39 of Greg Johnson’s best recent essays from the Counter-Currents/North American New Right webzine. They primarily offer metapolitical commentary on political issues and events.
2013 - 248 pages
Greg Johnson
New Right vs. Old Right
Dr. Greg Johnson draws upon the ideas of the European New Right to promote a new approach to White Nationalist politics in North America. New Right vs. Old Right collects 32 essays in which Dr. Johnson sets out his vision of White Nationalist “metapolitics” and distinguishes it from Fascism and National Socialism (the “Old Right”), as well as conservatism and classical liberalism (the “Phony Right”).