The Best of Trevor Lynch
Trevor Lynch
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2025
242 pages
“Trevor Lynch is a master of using philosophy to illuminate films and films to illuminate philosophy: Plato, Hegel, and Kojève to interpret Pulp Fiction; Heidegger, Nietzsche, and Traditionalism to understand The Dark Knight Trilogy; Carl Schmitt and René Girard to make sense of Lawrence of Arabia, and so forth, one tour de force after another. This volume demonstrates why Trevor Lynch has inspired a whole school of New Right cultural criticism. I give it four stars.”
—Derek Hawthorne, author of Being and “The Birds” or: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Heidegger (But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock)
Since 2001, Trevor Lynch’s has garnered a fervent following for his frankly Right-wing treatment of philosophical, political, racial, and sexual themes in film and television. The Best of Trevor Lynch collects sixteen of his most important essays covering David Lean’s The Bridge on the River Kwai, Lawrence of Arabia, and Doctor Zhivago, Akria Kurosawa’s Rashomon, Federico Fellini’s La Dolce Vita, Luchino Visconti’s The Leopard, Sergio Leone’s Once Upon a Time in the West, David Lynch’s Blue Velvet, John Ford’s The Searchers and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Trilogy, David Fincher’s Fight Club, Paul Schrader’s Mishima, Sidney Lumet’s Network, Quentin Tarrantino’s Pulp Fiction, and Zack Snyder’s Watchmen.
Praise for Trevor Lynch’s Earlier Books:
“Trevor Lynch provides us with a highly literate, insightful, and even philosophical perspective on film—one that will send you running to the video rental store for a look at some very worthwhile movies.”
—Kevin MacDonald, author of The Culture of Critique
“The Hollywood movie may be the greatest vehicle of deception ever invented, and the passive white viewer is its primary target. Yet White Nationalist philosopher and film critic Trevor Lynch demonstrates that truth is to be found even in this unlikeliest of places. If American audiences could learn the kind of critical appreciation Mr. Lynch demonstrates for them, their seductive enemies in Tinseltown wouldn’t stand a chance.”
—F. Roger Devlin, author of Sexual Utopia in Power
“I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for Counter-Currents’ Trevor Lynch movie reviews there wouldn’t have been a Morgoth’s Review. Reading essays dissecting Hollywood movies from a thoroughly illiberal perspective made such an impact on me that I thought ‘I want to do this,’ and Morgoth’s Review was born.”
“Trevor Lynch reviews today’s films from an artistically sensitive, culturally informed, but most of all unfailingly pro-white perspective. He doesn’t just warn you away from the obviously bad, but explains how the poison works and where it comes from, and even finds racially uplifting stuff where you’d least expect it.”
—James J. O’Meara, author of Passing the Buck: Coleman Francis and Other Cinematic Metaphysicians
Preface — iii
- Blue Velvet — 1
- The Bridge on the River Kwai — 17
- The Dark Knight Trilogy — 23
- Doctor Zhivago — 52
- Fight Club — 61
- La Dolce Vita — 71
- Lawrence of Arabia — 81
- The Leopard — 95
- The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance — 107
- Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters — 117
- Network — 130
- Once Upon a Time in the West — 145
- Pulp Fiction — 156
- Rashomon — 183
- The Searchers — 194
- Watchmen — 203
Index — 219
About the Author — 236
About the Author
Trevor Lynch is a pen name of Greg Johnson, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief of Counter-Currents publishing imprint and webzine (
He is the author of twenty-two books (all published by Counter-Currents, unless otherwise noted): Confessions of a Reluctant Hater (2010; 2016), Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies (2012), New Right vs. Old Right (2013), Son of Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies (2015), Truth, Justice, & a Nice White Country (2015), In Defense of Prejudice (2017), You Asked for It: Selected Interviews, vol. 1 (2017), The White Nationalist Manifesto (2018), Toward a New Nationalism (2019), Return of the Son of Trevor Lynch’s CENSORED Guide to the Movies (2019), From Plato to Postmodernism (2019), It’s Okay to Be White: The Best of Greg Johnson (Ministry of Truth, 2020), Graduate School with Heidegger (2020), Here’s the Thing: Selected Interviews, vol. 2 (2020), Trevor Lynch: Part Four of the Trilogy (2020), White Identity Politics (2020), The Year America Died (2021), Trevor Lynch’s Classics of Right-Wing Cinema (2022), The Trial of Socrates (2023), Against Imperialism (2023), Novel Takes: Essays on Literature (2024), and the present volume.
He is editor of North American New Right, vol. 1 (2012); North American New Right, vol. 2 (2017); The Alternative Right (2018); Francis Parkey Yockey’s Imperium (Centennial Edition Publishing, 2024) and The Enemy of Europe (Centennial Edition Publishing, 2022); Julius Evola’s East & West (with Collin Cleary, 2018); and other books by Alain de Benoist, Collin Cleary, Kerry Bolton, Jonathan Bowden, and Savitri Devi.