We might be at a critical point in history. It is possible that the Left’s vilification of all things they dislike has reached its zenith, and will soon begin its downward arc towards a more realistic understanding of history. What’s driving it is the rise of transgenderism and its odious step-sibling, transgender identity politics.
It’s not enough for minority identity groups these days to be non-white; they must also be anti-white and claim a portion of that Holy Grail of victimhood which certifies that their people were oppressed by those awful whites. Though Jews, blacks, and Muslims fight over that cherished bit of stemware, now trans people have been horning their way into the action — and with unexpected results.
Unlike the nowadays plain vanilla gays and lesbians, who historically had a closet door they could open or close when necessary, transgender people tend to be permanent outsiders. You’re not going to easily fit in with any traditional society after a sex-change operation. And if you advocate for such procedures, especially for children, then there is no society based on any sort of traditional values that won’t try to stop you.
Transgender people realize this, of course. In grasping for anything that can validate their wished-for status as a real and oppressed identity group, they have landed upon the ultimate bugbear against which to define themselves: the Nazis.
They are not incorrect about this. Nazi Germany did crack down on transgenderism, but only after the practice enjoyed a golden age during the Weimar period. This was largely due to the work of Jewish sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld, who promoted the idea that those who do not fit into the binary categories of male and female belong to a “third sex” (or Geschlecht).
According to Scientific American:
Hirschfeld’s study of sexual intermediaries was no trend or fad; instead it was a recognition that people may be born with a nature contrary to their assigned gender. And in cases where the desire to live as the opposite sex was strong, he thought science ought to provide a means of transition. He purchased a Berlin villa in early 1919 and opened the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (the Institute for Sexual Research) on July 6. By 1930 it would perform the first modern gender-affirmation surgeries in the world.
Beyond sex-change surgeries, Hirschfeld’s institute provided sex education, encouraged contraception, and conducted research on gender and sexuality. As a political activist, Hirschfeld worked to overturn Paragraph 175 of the German criminal code that banned homosexuality. He also coined the term “transvestite” and printed identity cards for his crossdressing patients to keep them from being arrested.
The institute would ultimately house an immense library on sexuality, gathered over many years and including rare books and diagrams and protocols for male-to-female (MTF) surgical transition. In addition to psychiatrists for therapy, he had hired Ludwig Levy-Lenz, a gynecologist. Together, with surgeon Erwin Gohrbandt, they performed male-to-female surgery called Genitalumwandlung — literally, “transformation of genitals.” This occurred in stages: castration, penectomy and vaginoplasty. (The institute treated only trans women at this time; female-to-male phalloplasty would not be practiced until the late 1940s.) Patients would also be prescribed hormone therapy, allowing them to grow natural breasts and softer features.
Of course, the Nazis put an end to all of this. On May 6, 1933, slightly more than three months after Adolf Hitler became Chancellor, Brownshirts descended upon the Institute and confiscated over 20,000 volumes from its library, many of which were either rare or irreplaceable. Soon, a great bonfire lit the night for the benefit of high school textbooks and Internet memes everywhere.
More from Scientific American:
The carnage flickered over German newsreels. It was among the first and largest of the Nazi book burnings. Nazi youth, students and soldiers participated in the destruction, while voiceovers of the footage declared that the German state had committed “the intellectual garbage of the past” to the flames.
As an odd footnote to history, while Hirschfeld, his lover Karl Giese, and Levy-Lenz managed to escape Germany — Hirschfeld died of a heart attack or stroke in 1935, and Giese by suicide in 1938 — Gohrbandt became a medical adviser for the Luftwaffe, and during the Second World War may have participated in medical experiments at Dachau which investigated “the problems of mortality due to hypothermia,” according to Wikipedia.
In recent several years, and especially around the time of the centenary of the founding of Hirschfeld’s Institute, transgender people and Leftists in general began reporting on how those evil Nazis had hindered the progress of the transgender movement. Here are a few examples:
- Teen Vogue: “LGBTQ Institute in Germany Was Burned Down by Nazis”
- Hornet: “The Nazi Regime Set the Trans Rights Movement Back Decades. Here’s How”
- The Mary Sue: “The Kind of Books Nazis Burned Is Super Relevant Right Now”
- The Forward: “It was a pioneering trans library — until the Nazis burned it”
- LGBTQ Nation: “First they came for the LGBTQ+ books: How the Nazis started burning books 90 years ago this month”
- The Conversation: “Historians are learning more about how the Nazis targeted trans people”
There are two big takeaways, one simple and one not so much. First of all, bombarding ordinary heteronormative people with this will naturally lead them to ask why no one ever told them about this before. Yes, it is common knowledge that the Nazis burned books, but why did so many of our educators never tell us what kind of books the Nazis were hellbent on roasting? Wouldn’t that be an important detail? Wouldn’t it also be important to know that the first and possibly biggest bonfire they ever had focused solely on books about sex, homosexuality, transgenderism, pornography, and whatever passed for queer theory a century ago?

You can buy Spencer J. Quinn’s young adult novel The No College Club here.
Secondly, this push from the transgender lobby will likely not have its intended effect. They are trying to piggyback on the Jews to gain status and credibility as a marginalized community. It may seem a legitimate move for them, since Nazi repression of the trans movement did indeed occur. But transgenderism is so grotesque on its face, and so obviously perverse and malevolent when pushed on children, that when all is said and done, normal people might end up having more sympathy for the Nazis than for transgender activists.
Transgender individuals who transition as adults and pay for their surgery and treatment out of their own pockets are not a threat to civilization. Such a microscopically small number of people are irrelevant and can be pitied. Transgenderism, on the other hand, is a dire threat to civilization. For one thing, it comes with a theory and a body of literature attached to it to give it the imprimatur of academic legitimacy. Its proponents also use the media quite effectively to make it fashionable, especially with the young. It is therefore a proselytizing movement. More importantly, however, it is backed by the deep pockets found in financial institutions such as BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street. These are the people forcing major corporations to push a radically woke agenda in all facets of life.
The point of it is not to make money, but to change civilization for the worse — and transgenderism is on the front line of this change. Vincent James has more on this here.
In order for a civilization to be great — that is, to produce lasting contributions to the arts and sciences as well as to foster a just, healthy, and productive society — individuals have to make sacrifices. These include raising children in stable, traditional families, but also making sacrifices meant to improve oneself and one’s community, church, nation, and race. Not all of our desires and fantasies should be acted upon. In fact, most shouldn’t.
What makes transgenderism especially maladaptive is how it encourages the vulnerable, such as children, to indulge their fantasies rather than overcome them. Years ago, most masculine girls or feminine boys would undergo a period of angst in their teens and then grow up to become productive adults. This is similar to the angst that countless heteronormative children endure for a whole host of common and perfectly natural reasons.
Growing up is hard to do, but you do it. And the fewer options you have, the better, because then you will have little choice but to grow up. Transgenderism, like other subversive lifestyles, offers options. But unlike, say, homosexuality, which can be practiced and then abandoned, transgenderism cannot get more radical and effect changes that are utterly permanent and destructive. In the wake of a sex change, a young person is most likely looking at a life without children, without a traditional family, and filled with medical and psychological complications that could hinder a productive life. What great civilization could survive with a critical mass of citizens such as that?
All because you feel a secret thrill when you put on your mother’s clothing or because your boy crush in high school started dating that little blonde girl you know is prettier and skinnier than you will ever be.
Are these good reasons to inject a child with hormones? Are these good reasons to hack off and graft on body parts? Are these good reasons to fall in league with pedophiles and assume children have the agency to make life-altering changes to begin with? We might as well offer our children heroin as a balm for their troubles.
Hopefully ordinary people will soon insist that their lawmakers stop this menace in its tracks. Otherwise, when they realize what is really going on due to transgender propaganda backfiring all around them, they may decide to give the Nazis a second look.
* * *
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Brits now say “this isn’t the Britain we fought for”. Well, what exactly were u fighting for? I mean, Hitler DID NOT want a war against Britain. It was Britain that bombed Germany first & several times before Hitler finally responded, he let the allies go back home at Dunkirk, Churchill refused Rudolf Hess’s peace offer when he flew solo to UK May 10, 1941. UK refused every peace offer from Hitler. The truth will out.
For our survival & that of our posterity we have to put our ethnicity first, our race first. If we make our ethnicity, our race as paramount, then, we will have a chance to survive. Otherwise, we will not stand a chance.
We cannot squander this opportunity to break free, our Breakaway Civilization to go our own way.
The British public was lied to, just as ours was. They didn’t know about the multiple peace offers that were blown off. They didn’t know about Churchill taking massive payola. They were used.
This is the best commentary on the ‘Trani Problem’ I’ve read so far, and I am thankful for the existence of Counter Currents to provide the platform. I still look forward to ‘truth, justice and a nice White country’ coming about in my lifetime due to all our efforts hee.
Thank you so much, Alexandra. I’m glad the article connected with you.
LGBTQXYZ+-*&^ month, 90 percent of the stores in the city where I live have the Queers rainbow flag flying, and government buildings have the flag flying in place of the National Flag.
Uncontrolled immigration of males from the Middle East and no opposition from the general populace doesn’t make for a positive view of the future of Western Civilisation.
It’s just starting here but we already have the Aboriginal flag, a variant of the black, red and yellow socialist international flag, as seen in both East ,West and united Germany after the war, which has equal billing with the national flag. Inexplicably we also have every public organisation, schools included, and many companies, flying a third flag, that of the Torres Strait Islanders (there are 4514 inhabitants at last count). Yes, every public school across the continent has to fly not just the Aboriginal banner but the flag of a tiny outpost of Melanesian fishermen. Attempts to point out the perversity of this state of affairs are rarely well received.
Actually replacing the national flag with that pin-striped pastel abomination is worrying. What to do? If someone were to deface such flags would it have any positive propaganda value? I’m not so sure that it would.
As an American, I find it odd how much of a fuss is made over a population with an average IQ of 62 (and I suppose that’s before they start huffing petrol) who ate babies before your ancestors cured them of the bad habit.
Most self-identifying Aborigines have half or more European (or Chinese)ancestry especially those who are politically active. The lack of abstract thought, internecine warfare and cannibalism are forbidden topics, unknown to all but a few Australians. Instead these, once hardy, remnants of the Palaeolithic are known to the populace as perpetual victims and yet somehow also custodians of the land to which they still have ‘Native Title’. Almost all public gatherings now commence with the ‘acknowledgment of country’ which was invented about forty years ago but really took off in the last decade. ‘We acknowledge the elders, past, present and emerging and their ongoing connection to the land’ is an abbreviated version. For those interested in more detail here’s something official looking from our most populous state
I don’t dispute what you’re saying, but I have a hard time understanding why there are any halfbreeds in the first place. They’re so unattractive that (excepting severe vision problems) I can’t imagine any Whites or Asians wanting to take one of them to bed.
Sound wisdom in this post. I always wondered about “Nazi book burning”. In fact, I knew the stormtroopers were at least burning leftist garbage and Jewish works, like Freud’s “studies” (and not the European literary and philosophical classics, as generations of liberal propagandists have implied). That they were in fact burning mostly (Jewish) sexual propaganda and outright pornography is unsurprising.
The beautiful thing about trannyism is that it is so at odds with reality – so much the product of diseased minds – and so divisive amongst leftist constituencies (eg, TERFs and females athletes and child welfare advocates – all groups generally on the Left – v. trannies), that it just naturally engenders negative reactions from ‘normals’, which we can then play upon to push the Overton window and introduce more of our dissident material. It’s a real wedge issue favoring us. And the fact that many trannies are not only mentally unstable, but violently so (and often outright antifa members), only further pushes normals to us.
I agree with Quinn: the Right should be absolutely uncompromising on transgenderism. Concede nothing, and carry that combative stance into more controversial but still Right-popular topics, like border security, crime control, CRT, and removing LGBTQ propaganda and ‘drag’ events from grade schools. The more we can insinuate and align WN politics with the far larger (but less comprehending) mass of Christian social conservatives, the better.
A very apropos comment. In Progressive publications dealing with DeSantis’ draconian new laws about exposing young children to public gender changing teachings**, there are a lot of panicked testimonials from Transvestites (TV’s). Well, by a lot, I mean two.
Their form is the same. I feel “unsafe” living in that state with the new laws. “Feeling unsafe” is a perfect term for Liberals. Nobody is actually treatening them and they’re free to go anywhere wearing a pro-TV t-shirt or whatever. Feeling unsafe is very hard to quantify.
This is an area where WN’s, as we are apparently calling ourselves for now, can publicise our sympathy with traditional family values as well as the “Alt-Trumpist”, which is Ron DeSantis.
Note that I don’t hate TV’s or gays or Progressives. I just think kids should be allowed to reach maturity before making their decision. For the record I am not a fundamentalist Christian. While it may reach a larger audience aligning with this, WN doesn’t necessarily have to be only evangelical Christian.
** They call them “gender-affirming” rights but really what they are, are gender-changing ideologies. Not gender-affirming at all.
Even Cracker Barrel, arguably the last bastion of implicit whiteness has joined the woke bandwagon with a twitter post saying they are all about pride complete with a rainbow painted on the slats of a rocking chair.
Bud Light, Kohls, Target, and now Cracker Barrel. I don’t think there is any amount of gas lighting and guilt tripping that will convince your run of the mill middle class family that children changing gender is okay.
It does beg the question since the pattern has been “get woke go broke” as to why the big investment firms are advocates for this stuff if they know they will lose money.
Their diverse staff are no longer focused on making money, but on increasing social capital, which seems to them perfectly natural. The hedge-fund owners’ concern is with breaking the spirit of the remnant whitefolks. They own all the competition anyway so overall revenues are barely affected.
It’s basically a write-off on overhead. I predicted this pattern during the BLM riots. It is reminiscent of Passover. Each home would paint their door with lamb blood so the evil spirit would bypass them and move on to their neighbors. Eventually everybody was doing it and then it became about insufficiency. I knew the extremely-white NHL would allow its token minorities to take a knee or raise a fist to preempt the woke mob. It was the same token gesture during the ‘pandemic’ of placing the social-distancing footprints and strategic-yet-pointless plastic plexiglass barriers in businesses, and the masking, by demonstrating they ‘believe in the science’ (religious scientism), similar to anti-heliocentric Catholicism during the Copernican Revolution.
None of these corporations actually believe they are cornering a developing market (LGBT) because those people already shop there anyway or never will (NASCAR pandering to blacks). It’s about defensively appeasing the woke mob, and then offensively neutralizing their nascent/perennial competition through newer barriers-to-entry. Walmart also did this by raising their salaries above minimum wage and then politically lobbying for the raising of the federal minimum wage to further bankrupt mom and pop shops.
Most of the time these corporations actuarially map this out, but then smaller outfits like Infowars paid dearly over the years with their undisciplined nonwhite/turncoat staff (mostly hired from gimmicky contests) despite having no obligation to Affirmative Action or wokeness and being hated by these audiences anyway.
” anti-heliocentric Catholicism”. It’s called the Ptolemaic Universe. Artists’ conception of this (from the 1500’s), with the planets and their orbits done in gold against a midnight blue background are breath taking in their sublime beauty.
My local WalMart, in small town America, has a low-key display of rainbow-colored cupcakes sitting on a display table near the front door. Other single-color packages of “regular” cupcakes sit on the edges of the table for reasons of plausible deniability, I presume. “Hey, these just happen to be multicolored, what’s wrong with that?” Clearly, though, it is a nod to Big Gay. I have noticed that since shortly after Saint Fentanyl Floyd ascended to heaven back in 2020 (year one), the imagery throughout the store on all displays is black, black, black, BLACK. I’m not sure why the local WalMart outlet is hesitant about homosexuality; but so far, they have not blatantly endorsed it.
Excellent article Mr. Quinn. The more I find out about 18, the more I like him. I would have guessed that 18 and his party would be against transgenderism but you supply the documentation. I had no idea that Weimar Germany was pushing transgenderism until I read this article.
Thank you so much Spencer. As always, great information, and great writing.
You would think that the Jews, and their Shabboz Goy, would understand that even the most dumbed down normie normie, when it comes to children, never mind them ramming the trannie stuff down everyone’s throats every 3 minutes, you would think that they would understand that they’re going way too far, but no, they just keep going.
Bud Light has lost billions of dollars. A top marketing expert has even said that the damage is mostly irreparable and that Anheuser-Busch, might have to discontinue the Bud Light brand, can you imagine? It was the biggest selling beer in the world. Their trannie campaign was concocted by a Jewish woman, no surprise there. I can’t remember her name at the moment but I know that she was Jewish.
I think that they’re just so blood thirsty to destroy our country, our culture, our values, and everything else about our society, that they just will not stop until enough people stand up to them.
I’m sorry to say that even though that probably will happen at some time, we still have a long way to go.
Yes, it does seem that Reform Jews have embraced and indeed promote this degeneracy — to other Jews and their children! But I cannot see how the Haredi (the strictly Torah-observant Jews, who, having the higher birth-rate, are destined to become the majority in Israel and the Diaspora) can have any truck with it. ‘Trans’-ism flies directly in the face of an injunction from Moses for which the death penalty is prescribed! My prediction: that ‘Trans’ will come to be seen as a ‘Bridge too Far’ for Entropic Liberalism. When it is clear that it cannot progress beyond a certain point, the money and media-attention sustaining it will dry up, and it will retreat back into the shadows as the prerogative of “the Bungled and the Botched”. But as in WWII, a débâcle in this Operation Market Garden does not mean that the campaign is lost. The Enemy will regroup and will try again somewhere else, and he has plenty of Orcs and Wormtongues left to do his dirty work.
I think the ‘Bud Lite’ problem has been fixed: their latest commercial features two or three of the Clydesdale stallions running wild and free in a pasture.
I bet they’re geldings!
The most valuable thing in this world is our children.
“The most valuable thing in this world is our children.” Yea, well, tell that to the European race from Europa to Australia.
Great quote on Council Of European Canadians:
Dr. Ricardo Duchesne
If essence of being human is bound up with a belonging to a völkisch community, then whites lack something essential about being human — which explains why they don’t care if they are replaced since anyone can be like them: rootless products of equal rights and asphalt urbanism.
In the wake of a sex change, a young person is most likely looking at a life without children, without a traditional family, and filled with medical and psychological complications that could hinder a productive life.
That’s what these surgeries are – after-birth abortions. There are mothers who deeply regret having kids, so they groom them (mostly boys) to a state where they are likely to commit suicide. It’s the perfect crime. It’s an abortion they can wash their hands of while appearing virtuous.
Children can’t give consent for hormone treatment and surgery, let alone pay for it. Their parents must do so. But you don’t read articles on right-wing sites blaming single moms like Jeff Younger’s ex wife for transitioning their children. The author of this piece, Spencer Quinn, blames transgenderism itself but that explains nothing. The concept of having a gender identity that is separate from your biological sex is not something a child develops on his own.
Were millions of children begging their parents to help them transition a generation ago? I don’t remember that. This is not an idea children developed themselves, from their own internal struggles. Children are compelled to believe and do things by people they trust. Who could that be? The main authority figures in a child’s life are their parents and schoolteachers. Which one is it?
Who gives children the idea that they are transgender, and more importantly, who gives them permission and the funds for hormone therapy and SRS? Who buys a boy girl’s clothing? It has to be the parents, but they are always absent from articles like this. Why?
In my experience it’s generally the people who ‘trust the science’, and don’t have a strong Christian or other moral famework. Teenage years can be very turbulent ones and this sex-changing ideology provides a convenient focus for a grab bag of discontent which the young person might feel regarding his ( or her ) developing body, appearance and social status. Surely you must already be aware that parents are often not informed during the early stages of ‘transitioning’ when they occur at school. Psychological therapies for this disorder may also be declared illegal ( similar to those for homosexuality ). Where they have a choice I’d say parents are generally acting out of love for their children, but have forgotten, or were never told,, that sometimes the most loving act by far is to say ‘NO’.
This stuff is rampant online, just like the anorexia / bulimia and cutting stuff that was trendy in the 1990s. The online forums give the kiddos a checklist of what to tell the shrinks in order to get a diagnosis of “dysphoria” so they can start the sex change. Then the leftist teachers push this stuff too. “Maybe you’re not a boy or girl; here’s all this other stuff you can be.” Then the kiddos are trying on these made-up gender and sexual identities like new clothing fashions. There are efforts to hide the “transitioning” from parents. But when parents do find out, the wise authority figures tell them they’d better let little Johnny get that sex change or “she” will kill herself.
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