In Britain, there are numerous neo-Nazi networks and groups that reinforce – as well as promote and disseminate – their violent ideology primarily through pamphlets, music and private gatherings. Blood & Honour (B&H) is one of the largest of these networks; but even it is still at a stage where, if the government were to take suitable measures, the threat it poses to both security and community cohesion could be countered before it matures.-
-Henry Jackson Society, 2010
Back in the garage with my bullshit detector.
-The Clash, Garageland
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OK Blood & Honor or any other “ praise Hitler and the NS” aren t doing anything in the UK….
Who is ?
IMO all Western European , Scandinavian countries/societies have strong populist , nationalist , Islam /Indian/POC immigration restrictionist parties and street activists … not so UK or Ireland .
Why is that ?
IMO not one single Pakistani Muslim child rapist has been executed , run out of town on a rail , tarred and feathered – not one .
instead King Charles is announcing new/old propaganda tours to NAZI CC in Poland – still championing “The Good War “
what s wrong with you Brits?
At the moment, the treasonous regime is making an example of anyone who even so much as complains on social media. They think it makes their position more secure. Of course, that sort of thing works – until suddenly it doesn’t. Ask the Ceaucescus about that one.
That’s a weird one, actually.
Four years ago, my job disappeared due to the coronavirus panic. I took a job in a factory, which was dominated by Poles, but also included various other European nationalities. I got talking to one of my new workmates about politics. He shook his head sadly and said, “In my country it is always the same – 30 years of stealing since they killed the last president.”
He was the first Romanian I’d ever met. (I didn’t even realise he was Romanian, because at that point, I didn’t know that some Romanians had fair hair and blue eyes.) He not only thought that Ceaucescu had been a good leader, but also that he was the last legitimate president of the country. Since that time, I have become less trusting about what we were told during the Cold War.
In response to the earlier comment, people who don’t know the North of England almost certainly don’t appreciate how segregated these towns and cities are. Mention Bradford to anyone in the UK and they will say Pakistanis, but I campaigned there for a nationalist candidate a few years ago and, during four hours putting leaflets through letterboxes, we didn’t see a single non-White. Conversely, it is possible to drive a mile through other parts of the city and not see a single White person.
Are many people angry? Very much so. In my city, serious unrest followed the protests after the murder of three White girls by a Rwandan in Southport.
Murders of White people by negroes seem to be routine in the US. Yet (in spite of widespread gun ownership) there are no lynchings in response.
Are all White Americans indifferent to attacks on members of their race? I don’t believe so, any more than I doubt there are many millions of Britons who are deeply dissatisfied with the society that has been imposed on us.
On both sides of the Atlantic, there is anger, but it is unfocused. I hope that will change.
In a fit of pique, I found the C18 UK website and sent an email to the address listed there. Of course I used Tor and a throwaway. The domestic security services analyst who is probably manning that inbox sent an obvious trap, “Hi Patriot, send me your full address and we’ll send out your membership materials…” Nice try, MI5.
I’ve heard of shows in the last few years that represented the last gasp of B&H. Punters in a dingy pub, shite music, a sad showing all around. The government needs to maintain its spectre of imminent far-right violence now more than ever as the edifice crumbles under the weight of rape gangs, economic and infrastructure collapse, and sheer incompetence. It’s a desperate move, but many will believe it.
However, I sincerely wish such movements did still exist in the UK. There should be roving gangs of white British men storming through towns and villages. Residents should wake up to find rape gangers strung up in the square, the remaining Muslims rushing to airports, eager to get leave.
But even as I write this, more boats are landing and our emasculated indigenous population can barely afford the gas to keep their flats livably warm. Abdul and Aisha, on the other hand, are receiving a stipend, private medical care, and free rent. I can’t wait for this all to break.
And I believe it will break.
Thanks, you have very interesting topics here – Warhol, skinheads, Blood & Honor, RAF, Cabaret. I’m very interested in all this.
The diversion into speaking ill of Oi! music seemed gratuitous. Most music sounds awful to people who don’t like it and Oi! was a musical community of pro-White people trying to stay White.
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