Victorian children would play a game, perhaps on rainy days, called “hunt the thimble”, in which just such an object was hidden in a room, and competitors would race to be the first to find it. The only rule was that the thimble had to be hidden in plain sight. Today’s children are doubtless too busy slaying zombies for such a charming parlor-game, but they needn’t be concerned. The adults are playing it for them. In fact, the most powerful adults in the world have rather taken to the game.
Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development is a piece of aspirational technocracy from the World Economic Forum (WEF). You’ll doubtless remember them, chiefly because of their eccentric front-man, Klaus Schwab. With a name like a cut-throat German pirate, and cast in the role of Bond villain for a generation who think in those terms, Schwab will soon be stepping down as Starfleet Commander. Check out the suit.
Born in Germany in 1938 to an industrialist family, Schwab’s back-story is strewn with red flags, from Henry Kissinger to the Nazis to the CIA. His father, Eugen Schwab, was MD of a factory which created armaments and worked on heavy water projects for Hitler, and Klaus would go on to a CIA-funded course at Harvard, Kissinger’s International Seminar, whose stated aim was to train the young political leaders of the future. This would mutate into the European Management Forum in 1971, the precursor to the WEF. This could be described as a chiaroscuro organization; Part of it is in the light, part in the shadow. But in 50 years the WEF has crept stealthily into pole position in the race to run the world.
The WEF, of course, couldn’t simply muscle in and take over, even though it is composed of the world’s richest and most powerful men and companies. What about the UN, for example? No problem. In 2019, the WEF and the UN co-signed a “Memorandum of understanding”, a suitably vague term with a hint of beneficent co-operation about it. It is, of course, no such thing, but with the UN onside, the World Health Organization (WHO) comes as part of the package, the latter being an agency of the former. The WHO has recently signed into being powers that will allow it to impose lockdown on entire national populations, in the event of another pandemic, which WEF drones may well be diarizing as I write. And so the power of the WEF extends even further into the lives of ordinary people. There’s nothing stopping you joining the WEF and popping over to Davos for the annual meet yourself, provided you have the initial, individual membership fee of $23K. Then you can help set the global agenda.
Agenda 2030 came into being in 2015, superseding 2000’s Millennium Developmental Goals (the WEF seem to prefer 15-year plans to the five-year version usually favored by dictators and revolutionaries), and featured 17 “sustainable goals” with 169 related targets. This is rather slippery of the WEF, but in keeping with technocratic practice. Having 170 targets would just look as though each goal had simply been allocated ten each as a round number. A slight tweak, and the figures look more technocratic. These are some of the 17 goals:
- Ending poverty and hunger.
- Protecting the planet and its natural resources.
- Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
- Realizing the human rights of all.
- Building peaceful, just, and inclusive societies.
You get the picture. This kiddy-color paintbox of meaningless aspirations is designed to attract those who have read Harry Potter, not Hayek. Even these few items are rife with internal contradictions which are obviously unworkable in the real world – the empowerment of women in Muslim countries, for example. But the WEF are not interested in the real world except to change it (as Marx instructed) to fit their model of what a new world (order) should look like.
There are also key-words that expose the WEF agenda as anti-white at its core. “Inclusivity” means exclusive of the white races, everything from an absurd amount of black people in TV ads to courses and scholarships – along with hiring practices – which are statedly closed to whites. A “just” society means only and always racial justice, BLM in perpetuity.
The WEF uses a lot of catchphrases in the contemporary fashion, heavily influenced as modern politics and metapolitics are by NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), but perhaps the most familiar is “The Great Reset”. In common with past upheavals in the affairs of men, those causing this one want a Year Zero, a new calendar, a new dawn, spring after winter courtesy of technocratic husbandry. I’ve written before about the Derridean concept of the master or controlling metaphor, and the modern elites’ fascination with the machine metaphor at the expense of the organic. A “reset” is something you do to an engine or solid-state electronics, not to people.
Watch the WEF’s 90-second video on the Great Reset. Watch the semiotics. Natural disasters (nature can’t be trusted because men are evil), machines functioning but in the midst of human chaos, an entropic world of suffering and sickness. Then a message – “Our systems need a reset”. What comes next is a vision of the future worse than Orwell’s boot (good name for a pub, if there are any left to rename), so subtly disturbing it stays with you, as it is designed to do.
Governance by catchphrase accelerated around 2020, when the phrase “The Great Reset” began to be associated with the WEF, followed by the (in)famous statement – more like an injunction – that ordinary people “will own nothing and be happy”. Even then-Prince Charles was roped in to record a TGR video, like brand endorsement by a sports star. Once this led to the idea that the planet would somehow be saved if we all started eating insects and stopped eating bacon (and wouldn’t Muslims and Jews like that?), even the mainstream media began to take notice, and the WEF began deleting social media comments along these lines. But there had been an even greater deception before the Great Reset.
The first step of this great deception was to rename the ordinary citizen as a “stake-holder” in modern society. This sounds a lot like being a “share-holder”, and it is designed to do just that. The difference is that a share-holder elects to put something of theirs at risk – usually their money – whereas a stake-holder does not so choose. Also, the share-holder receives dividends directly related to the performance of the company whose shares they have bought. The “dividends” paid to the “stake-holder” are far harder to discern. According to the WEF, they are very good indeed, however, as, “you will own nothing and you will be happy”. Or, as online satirists put it, mimicking Schwab’s B-movie Kommandant accent, “You vill eat ze bugs!”
It was never going to be plain sailing for the WEF. Eating insects is a tough sell, however much Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, talks about the need to “change behaviors”. And all the influence in the world can’t always prevent events, dear boy, events, as British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan put it when describing that unknown X-factor in politics. At the 2020 WEF meeting, Schwab talked of “penetrating the cabinets” of world governments, specifically naming Canada and Argentina. Well, at the time of writing, Justin Trudeau – one of Schwab’s brightest young students – is staring down the barrel of a no-confidence vote, his deputy Chrystina Freeland (another Schwab protégé) having already resigned. She quit just as she was due to present a budget, and when the job passed to her finance minister, he quit on the spot. Technocracy ain’t all agendas and targets.
As for Argentina, this has become a briar patch for the WEF with the election of Javier Milei to the Presidency. He may come across as mad as a box of frogs and a show-boater, but he is a trained economist of the type the WEF do not want to see in charge of large economies, largely because he wasn’t trained by them. Milei made an interesting point in an interview with The Spectator. He said that slavery was 100% taxation, whereby all the product of your labor went to the person or persons who govern you. By this index, the higher the rate of tax on the individual, the closer they are to the position of the slave. The road to serfdom, indeed, and Milei is a self-confessed student of Hayek. This does not sit well with the WEF, as they have been preparing the road to serfdom since they elected themselves saviors of the world.
Another immediate problem for these guardians of the galaxy is that, as noted, octogenarian Klaus Schwab is about to step down from his life’s work. To whom will the keys to the kingdom pass? Yuval Harari is an Israeli-born Jew who married his husband in Toronto in 2010, and you will be hearing more about the latter fact than the former if the current deputy of the WEF takes over from Schwab as expected. A very high-IQ Jew, Harari meditates for two hours a day, is an expert on AI, has written a number of best-selling books, and believes that the world could do without the majority of its population. Revenge for the Holocaust? Could be, but Harari is worth keeping an eye on if you want to know what the new Illuminati (or the same old gang, if you are of that persuasion) have got in store. What’s on the agenda, as it were.
The Covid pandemic in 2020 also saw a partial uncovering of the WEF. The keynote speaker at their conference that year was China’s President Xi, who talked with enthusiasm of the interventionist tactics Schwab’s people were preparing. Although this appeared to be the leader of the world’s largest Communist country endorsing a corporate economic model, China was already doing so after its own fashion. The difference is that, in China, the government owns at least controlling shares in all the major companies. Alex Jones, in his 2022 book The Great Reset, calls the WEF “a ChiCom globalist operation.”
“Never let a crisis go to waste” has long been a political maxim, but how much easier for these new elites if they can themselves manufacture and control those crises? Schwab called Covid-19 “our defining moment”, but did not clarify who “our” are. The citizenry, or a hyper-managerial global business conglomerate and its provisional wing in world government?
And what of that other Bond villain with reputed Nazi connections, George Soros? One would expect him to be hovering in the wings of an organization with aims which seem to dovetail so neatly with his own. Soros attends Davos, of course, and gives a traditional after-dinner speech. In 2023, however, Soros pulled out of Davos, citing a diary clash. Unlikely, as Davos is the biggest event on any self-respecting world-leader’s calendar. Keir Starmer, with the tin-eared, tone-deaf autism which is becoming his signature, told a reporter he “preferred Davos to Westminster” as a place to do business. But then, other absentees from Davos 2023 included Biden, Xi, Sunak, and Macron. Are the main subscribers losing interest in the global content-providers? Again, not really in the cards. For a committed globalizer, the WEF and its annual beano at Davos are the only game in town. A no-show is just more psy-op. Also, there is the small matter of Soros’ son, Alex, who did attend Davos 2023. More mantle-passing, as with the WEF. “The old order changeth” as Tennyson wrote, “yielding place to new.” The great poet omitted the words “world order” at the end there.
As well as the annual meeting in Davos, the WEF also holds a so-called “Summer Davos”, modestly titled “The Annual Meeting of the New Champions”. This takes place elsewhere, and this year’s was in China (although there was no MSM coverage), reinforcing that nation’s involvement with the WEF. China may be rich pickings for the globalizers, as its citizens hold $30 trillion in savings. Surely there must be a way to tax a people as compliant as the Chinese out of that nest-egg.
The WEF has its own co-axial language, and a whole lexicon of phrases and acronyms constellate around it: Cloward-Piven, Universal Basic Income, CBDC, 4th Industrial Revolution, DEI, ESG, Build Back Better. This is world governance as a NLP seminar. During Davos 2023, Elon Musk remarked that the “S” in “ESG” stood for “Satanic”. This was dismissed by the WEF, but back then Musk was merely the richest man in the world. He still is, only now he has the ear of the President of the USA, and Trump will not have a favorable view of the WEF.
With Trump’s recapture of the global world title, or at least a contender’s shot at it, things are shaping up for the bout of the century, and it will be between the WEF and the US. In the run-in to the US election, when the media were beginning to panic, there was a lot of loose talk about “Agenda 2025”, supposedly Trump’s evil plan to, I don’t know, destroy the world with gamma rays or something. Even if Agenda 25 was what the young people call “a thing”, it is hard to imagine Trump calling it “the master-plan for humanity”, as the head of the UN General Assembly, Peter Thompson, did of Agenda 2030. Trump is often accused of bluster, but he is a novice when faced with the WEF. And face the WEF he will.
Ban ki Moon, then-UN Secretary, also waxed lyrical over Agenda 2030, calling it “the global declaration of inter-dependence”, a clear allusion to a founding American document. But if the WEF wish to take on the US for the heavyweight title of the world, perhaps a recent meeting at Mar-a-Lago might make them pause and ask their trainer for advice.
I wrote about Farage and his current political leverage on both sides of the Atlantic here at Counter Currents last week. As long predicted at CC, Farage now refers to himself as an “interlocutor” between The White House and Westminster. I’m betting that the WEF is a topic of conversation at the former in a way it won’t be at the latter. One of the better British MPs, Andrew Bridge, claims that politicians in Westminster “support Agenda 2030, but they’re not allowed to talk about it”.
Farage recently went to Mar-a-Lago for a meeting of big tech moguls and their associates. Farage is one of those now, after his blossoming relationship with Elon Musk. On returning, Farage made an interesting point about who was at Trump’s home representing big tech.
The guest list looked a lot like Davos.
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One thing I could say for the W6rld Ec6nomic F6rum is that at least they’re honest about what they want. Still, the answer is a resounding NO.
A very high-IQ Jew, Harari meditates for two hours a day, is an expert on AI, has written a number of best-selling books, and believes that the world could do without the majority of its population.
Maybe Harari, on the sly, is reading some works of Savitri Devi, among others, the Impeachment of Man.
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