Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
Gregory Delaney
The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (Vols. 1 & 2)
Sspress, 2024
The subversive Jewish angle in Norman Lear’s tawdry sitcoms went mostly unrecognized in the 1980s and ‘90s. Few in mainstream American society recognized the treachery of Jews at the highest levels of the US government, either. Apart from some perceptive critics such as Paul Findley, American support for the Zionist occupation of Palestine likewise went unquestioned. Meanwhile, the evil of Christian Zionism dominated American Christianity. The Jewish infestation of American culture is the perfect example of the normalization of deviance, where there is a major flaw in the system that goes unnoticed until after a disaster occurs.
The 9/11 terror attacks[1] and the Iraq War were both part of a series of post-Cold War Jewish-caused disasters which continue to the present. After Iraq, some looked again to the works of prophets such as Colonel Jack Mohr, Gerald L.K. Smith, and Elizabeth Dilling and have since realized that the Jews are the problem. Likewise, the organized Jewish community has recognized this shift in attitudes and responded with repression.
One such counter-Semitic prophet is Gregory Delaney. He has written an excellent two-volume series on the Jewish problem called Monsters of Babylon. Delaney’s perspective is rooted in the New Age movement and Theosophy — where God is truth and truth can be found through meditation and contemplation, as well as in the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Buddha, and the Bhagavad Gita.
The Jews emerged as a people out of the upper class of Jerusalem and Judea who had been held captive in Babylon after a war. These Jews were part of a criminal moneylending and swindling clan which had originated in the Babylonian city of Ur approximately half a millennium earlier. The first known member of this clan was named Terah.
A pseudo-religion for swindlers
In the first volume, Delaney shows the development of the parasitic form of economic activity that is practiced by Jews — predatory moneylending — since the time of ancient Babylon. There is also a review of the Old Testament which shows that moneylending and swindling others are the purpose of the Jewish faith.
Delaney shows that the universalist moral truths contained in the Old Testament are pirated from the religious views of Near Eastern peoples such as the Akkadians, Egyptians, and Canaanites. The Jew-like figures were added in afterwards, probably at the time that the Jews first emerged as a people during and after the Babylonian Captivity. Terah was a real person, but David and Solomon are probably fictional or highly exaggerated accounts of “wise” Jewish “heroes.” There is no account outside of the Bible which describes either king. A stone fragment which mentions David has been found, but it is very likely a modern forgery. The so-called state of Israel is filled with Jewish forgers who create and sell “ancient manuscripts” to naïve and wealthy American Christians.
Delaney is right about the Old Testament’s similarity to other ancient texts. Any professor at a seminary will admit that the creation myth in Genesis, Noah’s flood, and Psalm 104 have parallels in the literatures of other Near Eastern peoples. The Egyptians even had a “parting of the waters” story which pre-dates the one in Exodus. The god El or Yahweh was a deity worshiped by all the people of Canaan.
I don’t believe the Old Testament is a Jewish swindle myself. The Old Testament we know today came about when Greek scholars in Alexandria organized and translated into Greek a selection of Hebrew texts into what came to be called the Septuagint (LXX). After the ministry of Christ, the Septuagint was referred to as the Old Testament. The Septuagint was developed because of the intrinsically Greek quest for knowledge, truth, and morality. Greek cultural influence during the development of the Septuagint must have been enormous, and it influenced the choice of books selected for inclusion, as well as the way the concepts therein were translated. (Delaney, however, sees the Septuagint as a Jewish attempt to fool the Greeks: vol. 2, p. 111.)
Additionally, Christ’s conflict with the Jewish pharisees was one of universalist, Aryan-leaning Hellenists interpreting the universalist ideas of the Septuagint in a way that was opposed to those ethnonationalist Jews who were developing the Talmud. The Talmud is a pseudo-religious rationalization of pre-existing Jewish preferences for an in-group/out-group dual morality, as well as obscenity and sexual perversions. Jews believe in the Talmud over the Old Testament, and they don’t believe in the prophecies of Isaiah.
Despite the Greek influence on the Septuagint, there are many clear examples of the retconned Jews swindling non-Jews throughout the Old Testament. In the Bible, Terah is a predatory moneylender who has offices in the two key cities of the ancient world, Ur and Haran. Terah was extremely successful, but his success also brought problems. The journey of Terah’s youngest son, Abraham, to Canaan for “religious reasons” was the solution.
The problems of the moneylenders of Ur
Predatory moneylenders cannot share a common religion with those to whom they are lending money. A common faith leads to the risk of a revered priest getting a loan cancelled. Moneylenders must also keep the money within as small a group as possible. This necessitates marriage between cousins as well as uncle-niece pairings, and encourages the expulsions of apostates and those who out-marry. Loan sharks must also be able to immediately identify a fellow moneylender at the other end of a trade route or supply chain, which necessitates that all moneylenders have an identifying mark which cannot be easily forged, such as the mark of circumcision. Most importantly, moneylenders must secure their silver and gold.
Abraham’s journey to Canaan and Jerusalem is less a spiritual journey than a quest to find an area where the precious metal gained by Terah from his predatory moneylending swindles could be better secured. In Mesopotamia, the terrain is flat and hard to defend. The building material is bricks made of mud and straw, which are easy to breach. Jerusalem, on the other hand, is located on a defensible hill, and the city’s walls can be constructed out of stone gathered from nearby quarries. Stone walls are much harder to breach. Jerusalem is also in an area which is off the major trade routes, making it less likely to be attacked as a matter of course in a conflict.
The people of the area surrounding Jerusalem in Abraham’s day were nomadic herders. When Abraham arrived in that part of Canaan, he converted to the local religion, purchased a foothold in Jerusalem, and organized the local Hebrew nomads. Abraham then grafted propaganda to serve his own ends onto the pre-existing Canaanite religious myths, which were like the rest of the myths in the Fertile Crescent. The story of Cain and Abel, where Abel is killed because his animal sacrifice is superior to that of the farmer Cain, is an atrocity story to encourage the local nomadic herders around Jerusalem to fight against the Canaanite farmers in order to further secure Abraham’s operations. Meanwhile, Abraham positioned himself to economically fleece nearby Egypt.
Jacob, Abraham’s grandson, is also a swindler. He first wronged his brother and then fled to Ur, where he and his uncle were in a business partnership in which the two cheated each other. On his way back to Canaan, Jacob changed his name to Israel after passing a sleepless night in which he “wrestled with God.” Israel, however, was not a unique name in the region at the time, and has ties to names in the Ugarit language. Jacob’s sons betrayed their brother Joseph and sold him into slavery in Egypt, where he was given a high position in the Egyptian government and hatched a scheme to dispossess the Egyptians during an economic downturn.
The Egyptians eventually revolted against the Hebrews who had followed in Joseph’s swindling footsteps. Once Egypt’s government began serving the interests of the Egyptian people once again, the Egyptians “enslaved” their moneylending Hebrew oppressors. After Moses’ political agitation and an ecological disaster described in the Bible as a series of plagues, the Egyptians paid the Hebrews to follow Moses out of the civilized Nile Valley and into the wilderness. After several decades of nomadism, the Hebrews arrived in Canaan, where they carried out a genocide that is remarkably akin to that which the modern-day Zionist Entity routinely carries out.
Before Jesus
The First Book of Chronicles and the Second Book of Kings describes the Assyrian Empire’s conquest of the northern Kingdom of Israel. This conquest allowed the predatory moneylenders in Jerusalem to write off all of their kin in the north, thereby lessening their financial obligations. (Delaney completely rejects the Christian Identity view that the Israelites captured by the Assyrians became the “Ten Lost Tribes,” which in turn became the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons and related peoples.) Meanwhile, Jerusalem was self-governing, but still part of the Egyptian Empire — a rival to the Assyrians.
Delaney shows in the second volume that the Assyrian Empire fell in part because the Hebrew/Judean moneylenders quietly transferred their gold and silver from the Assyrian heartland around Nineveh to Babylon by shifting who they loaned money to. The Assyrian economy and military began to weaken due to this banker-caused shortage of capital. Additionally, the Assyrians were very cruel, which created many enemies.
The Babylonians capitalized on the discontent and rather quickly overthrew the Assyrian Empire. But apart from a transfer at the top, not much changed for most people. The Aramaic language of Assyria remained the Near East’s lingua franca and the predatory moneylending situation remained the same.
The fact that there was a vast, predatory moneylending system was an indicator of an inefficient financial system. Moneylenders acquired hordes of precious metal and then hid the wealth by converting silver and gold coins into candlesticks, bells, and idols. The metal also went out in the form of loans to be returned with interest. These hoards kept the population poor, since gold-backed money was an imperfect medium of exchange given that the amount of gold which can be put into circulation cannot match the actual value of the goods and services exchanged in an economy. Gold-based currencies create a shortage of capital. Silver-backed currencies can help make up the shortfall, but has the same limitations.
In the meantime, the Greeks realized that predatory moneylenders could be controlled if the King were to create a fiat currency of coins with a fixed size and stated value. The Greeks also realized that money didn’t need to be made from a precious metal. Money only needed to be a durable, recognizable token which was easy to carry that represented a specific value that could then be exchanged for goods and services. The Greek city-states minted coins of copper and brittle iron.
After conquering the Assyrians, the Babylonians captured Jerusalem, aided by the local Ammonites, Edomites, and Moabites, who were thoroughly tired of the Judean swindlers in Jerusalem and ready to see them off. The Babylonians put the Judean upper class into captivity. In Babylon, these captives ended up becoming modern Jews. When the Persian Empire attacked Babylon, the Jews were quick to serve as a fifth column. The Persians captured Babylon by surprise with Jewish help.
Eventually Ezra, Nehemiah, and Zerubbabel (a name which means “seed of Babylon”) were allowed to leave Persia — with both funding and building materials — to resettle Jerusalem and rebuild the city’s walls and temple. Although the Jews were genetically related to the population of Jerusalem, they were focused on remaining a small, closely-knit group in order to limit collective financial obligations and to have a larger population they could prey upon for their swindles.
Although the Canaanites around Jerusalem worshipped the same deity, the Jews refused to allow them to use their temple. The local Canaanites correctly discerned that the Jews were hostile, predatory settler-colonists. They then appealed to the Persians and warned the Emperor that the Jews were not trustworthy, and that allowing them to build a walled city would be a mistake. The Jews in turn sent their own emissaries to the Persian government insisting that they were “loyal,” however. It worked, and the Jews were back in Jerusalem.
The rise of the Greeks
From the perspective of the Persians, the money paid to the Jews was wasted. When Alexander the Great headed east with his army, the “loyal Jews” claimed they were “oppressed” by the Persians and collaborated with the Greeks.
Alexander died young, and unexpectedly. His empire was then divided by his generals. The two Hellenist empires which ruled over the Levant at various times were named for the generals who had gained that specific part of Alexander’s Empire. The Seleucid Empire contained Persia, Mesopotamia, Syria, and much of Anatolia. The Ptolemaic Empire was centered on Egypt. Both empires secured profitable existing trade routes, and both had populations of Jews seeking to siphon off as much of the profits from legitimate trade as possible.
Meanwhile, Greek pioneers moved into the area. The differences between the Greek and Jewish ways of thinking were vast. The Greeks took pride in using reason, founded philosophical schools of thought, and laid the foundations for modern science by attempting to understand the cosmic order. The Jews, for their part, practiced rituals and memorized their scriptures. The contrasts between Jews and Greeks were also expressed at the individual level in terms of physical activity and bathing. The Greeks exercised regularly and washed with soap; while the Jews didn’t exercise and ritually washed in baths made of dirty water.
This disparity between the two races created a serious political split. Delaney writes:
The Jews were always willing to offer their undying “Jewish Loyalty” to whoever had the most power and the most gold. The security of the Jews as a parasitic, foreign minority depended on the maintenance of a stable authoritarian government who protected their depredations against the common citizens . . . Backing tyrannical governments gave them protection and unfair advantage over the non-Jews did not make the Jews popular with the People, yet it would be a basic tactic of these parasites for the next 2,000 years, because Judaism can only thrive under tyrannical governments that “legalize” their crimes against humanity and protect the Jews from the reprisals of their victims. And if one government is not tyrannical enough to protect Jewish interests, then the Jews betray it to a more totalitarian government that will enable their crimes, while they stand behind the despots like “ticks behind the ear.” (vol. 2, p. 106)
Greek culture was obviously superior, and many Jews became Hellenists. Delaney believes that the Book of Daniel, where Jews maintained their collective identity in the face of Babylonian assimilationist pressures, is a work of pseudo-prophecy intended to bolster Jewish resistance to Greek culture. The clash between Greeks and Jews first exploded during the Maccabean Rebellion (167-160 BC), which led to the ethnonationalist Jews holding Jerusalem and its environs. The revolt also created a permanent split between the Hellenist Jews in Galilee and the ethnonationalists.
While the Greeks were bringing the light of Western Civilization to Asia, the Roman Republic was rising on a foundation of the valorous civic engagement of free men, fiat currency, and affordable family formation. The increase in Rome’s power accidentally created a domestic political crisis which culminated in Julius Ceasar becoming dictator, which resulted in the end of the Republic. Additionally, Roman civic culture encouraged its officials to mix public and private interests. Every Roman official was expected to be paid with bribes. Jews found this society easy to burrow into, and honest Roman officials were forced to defend themselves when they stopped Jewish swindles in the Jew-created two-tiered justice system.
[1] Admittedly, no Jews were directly involved in the 9/11 terror attack. Jews did alter United States immigration policy in 1965, however, which ultimately allowed the hijackers into the United States. Additionally, Osama bin Laden essentially stated that the motive for the attack was America’s support for the so-called state of Israel. The illicit Zionist Entity’s genocide of the Palestinians has only become more open and vicious since 2001.
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It is worth noting that when the Persian king Cyrus allowed the deported Jews to leave Babylon, many of them, perhaps most, refused to go home. Thus began the chosen diaspora which they advertise as “exile.” It is baked into their identity now and constitutes a basic MO. Today, having a homeland again after 2000 years, the majority also refuse to go home. Playing the insider/outsider game to their advantage (never ours) has made this strategy key to their survival and dominance.
Does either Sspress or Gregory Delaney have a website or public email address? I looked and could not find. Thanks.
You might be able to contact the author through this website:
Thanks. So I gather that Sspress and Clemens & Blair are one and the same.
There is a connection, but I am not sure of the specifics.
You make a passing comment about merchants needing to recognize each other by marks such as circumcision. So before doing business they’re asking the other guy to whip out his dick?
I was kind of thinking that too. “OK, whip it out, Shlomo, I want to make sure you’re the real deal!” More seriously, nudity was pretty common among the ancient Greeks. It caught on with the Hellenized Jews too, though they were a bit embarrassed about the clip tip.
Thanks for the information. I’ve been looking for information on the Ugaritic texts.
The 9/11 terror attack was a false flag operation.
Many here would agree with you but Mr van de Camp is a staunch supporter of most official narratives. Dr Johnson has said that he thinks there’s more than enough evidence of Jewish malfeasance in plain sight and he prefers not to address “conspiracy theories.” Theorising about conspiracies is prone to become contaminated by disinformation and I guess we need propaganda at all levels although it would be interesting to see a poll of readers on their thoughts on the topic.
This is a fine article. Well-written with just enough righteous contempt for the jew to make it a fun and informative read.
When is someone going to do a review of Douglass Reed’a “The Controversy Of Zion,” it is a Ph.D. level course on the jews!
Jürgen Graf did it many years ago, but his review was written in German, and also translated into the Russian, and I do not know if there was and is an English translation.
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