The Cold War, the Farm Crisis, & the End of History
The Career of White Advocate Richard Kelly Hoskins
Morris van de Camp
4,986 words
It is ironic that Virginia’s expansive ethno-culture [1] benefits from complex commercial activity and global trade while being damaged by the same. Virginia’s main early money-making venture was the tobacco trade, which needed a large and complicated system of finance and commerce before a single penny could be made. The Virginians needed to borrow money to get the tobacco seeds in the soil. Once harvested, the crop had to be transported across the Atlantic to get to its final marketplace. The price of the commodity was subject to the of the ups and downs of the global business cycle, and that affected paying back the initial loans.
While carrying out this difficult economic activity, Virginians also became aware of racial differences. A Virginian who explored racial and economic themes from a pro-white perspective was Richard Kelly Hoskins (1928 – 2022). Hoskins embodied all the wisdom, virtues, and contradictions of the Virginians. He was active for decades and wrote from a pro-white perspective. His publications merged Biblical and theological ideas with economic and racial concerns with mixed results.
Hoskins ably summed up the white-red racial problem that first appeared in Jamestown in 1607 when he wrote that,
[The English] came to understand that Indians were not sunburned White men. They were savages bred to their way of life for a thousand generations by a god that demanded that different laws be obeyed. The colonists made quick adjustments in their thinking to improve their chances of survival in a strange land, a land made savage by inhabitants as cruel and evil as anything encountered by the children of Israel when they went into the promised land. [2]
The Virginian
Hoskins was descended from a colonist who arrived in Jamestown in 1615 as well as Royalists who relocated to Virginia after the Puritans in Parliament won the English Civil War. Richard’s father, John Hundley Hoskins, was a veteran of the First World War and a doctor. His great grandfather, William Hoskins, had served as a surgeon in the Confederate Army. Hoskins was also descended from Ensign Richard Payne, Sr. who fought against the notorious Banastre Tarleton during the Revolutionary War.
Hoskins was born in Lynchburg, Virginia and he lived there for most of his life. Lynchburg is an interesting town. It is a mid-sized city with a large population of old-stock American whites. From his home in Lynchburg, Hoskins generated right wing metapolitical content, and members of that community continue to generate intellectual work which leans “right wing.” In the cases where the “right wing” content is not fully pro-white then it favors, indirectly at least, creating social conditions which allow for families of old-stock American whites to flourish. Other places like Lynchburg include Colorado Springs, Colorado which is an (implicitly white) Evangelical Protestant mecca, and Tulsa, Oklahoma, which was the home base of Gerald L. K. Smith. There are also communities in California which hosted the white advocate Wesley Swift, and others.
Korea, the 1961 Berlin Call-Up, & Activism
Hoskins attended Fishburne Military School in Waynesboro and graduated in 1947. When the Korean War broke out, he joined the military and served as an Airman Second Class at Fort George Wright, Washington in the 15th Air Force, Strategic Air Command. While there he carried out intelligence duties. After he was discharged from the Air Force, he joined the Virginia National Guard. He was called to active duty during the Berlin Crisis of 1961 and served as a First Lieutenant in the 100th Infantry Division at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas.
During the “Berlin call-up” the 100th Division was responsible for training reservists who’d been hastily called and mustered for active service. This included repairing barracks and training ranges, offering classes, and organizing maneuvers. The Berlin Crisis ended when it became clear the Soviets were building a wall around the Western part of the city and were not seeking to attack Western Europe.
Hoskins’s military career wasn’t one of front-line, combat service, but he was involved in operations during a part the Cold War when it was not unreasonable to believe a war between the United States and the Soviet Union was inevitable. Hoskin’s service also matches a trend; ambitious, intelligent people tend to gain leadership positions quickly. To rise from Airman Second Class to a First Lieutenant is a considerable accomplishment.
The Korean War and the early portion of the Cold War, which included the 1961 Berlin Crisis, is what shaped the American political scene into what it is today. This conflict proved that Communism was a menace, and that Jews were involved in pro-Communist subversion. Also at this time, the so-called “civil rights” movement was becoming undeniably problematic.
Black troops, mostly in the 24th US Infantry Regiment, went on rampages against civilians in Japan while on occupation duty and once deployed to Korea, retreated without orders at the first sign of enemy activity. In the early 1960s, black racial activists encouraged black soldiers to mutiny. Black troops didn’t do so in during the Berlin Crisis or the Cuban Missile Crisis, but they were insubordinate and problematic enough. Hoskins would have been aware of the problems in Korea and at Fort Chaffee during the “call-up.” The Berlin Crisis took place prior to the illicit second constitution, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, was in place, which possibly explains why Hoskins was not “cancelled” or cashiered for being an “extremist.” Hoskins was a known white advocate before the call-up.
Early Activism & Nordicism
In 1958, Hoskin’s published his first serious book, Our Nordic Race, which would go through several printings. The book is mostly derivative, repackaging the ideas of earlier racial thinkers including Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard. However, he did put forward a new idea; that Alexander the Great’s Greek-Persian intermarriage project led to Greece’s downfall. This idea was transmitted in Christian Identity literature later. Says Hoskins,
Alexander the Great destroyed Greece. With all of his conquests and glory, he did more to destroy Greece than any man or group of men of this time. Somehow, probably from one of his teachers, Alexander became fascinated with the illusion that all which was needed to create a paradise on earth was for all non-Greeks to assimilate the Nordic Grecian culture. Putting theories into action, he built temples and centers of learning in the lands of the nations he conquered. He sent hundreds of these conquered half-caste people back to Greece to be trained as teachers, and thousands more as slaves. In a few years jackals roamed in the ruins of these far-flung temples… [3]
Hoskins is only partially correct. The Greeks and their conquered Persian subjects were both white, Indo-European people who were racially related. The problem was and is that they had a vastly different worldviews – which was probably partially genetic. Greeks are the forerunners to Western civilization. Persians are the creators of the civilization of the Magi.
Hoskins misses the considerable successes of Alexander the Great’s empire and his unification efforts. As they rose to power, Alexander’s Greeks did what all successful imperialist groups do – they first united that which could be united and continued to unite what could be united after Alexander’s death. They were able to combine the Macedonians with the Greeks, as well as the Armenians, Syrians, Phoenicians, and Lycaonians later. They also joined with Hellenistic Jews – such as the family of Jesus Christ and their Galilean followers. The Greeks also colonized North Africa, southern Italy, and Sicily, which implies they united with the highly civilized Phoenician setters who were already there. Dialects of the Greek language are spoken in parts of southern Italy.
The creation and spread of the Christian religion were the result of Alexander the Great’s unification efforts. The religion is an epiphenomenon of the whites of the eastern Mediterranean region recognizing the value of Greek culture and joining with it while keeping true to their own traditions which were derived from Caanan, ancient Egypt, and Mesopotamia. Additionally, jackals didn’t range across the ruined Greek temples until after the armies of Islam arrived – theology matters.
Where Christianity failed to spread is where Alexander’s unification policies also choked. As soon as Alexander died, his Greek officers left their Persian wives, meanwhile, the Persians never took to Greek culture or Christianity. Instead, as a group, they stayed with Zoroastrianism, briefly followed Manicheanism, and then finally adopted Shia Islam. The Persians and Romans would go on to fight vicious wars for centuries.
Ironically, the philosophy of Nordicism is itself similar to Alexander’s unification efforts. It is common for a powerful ethnic sub-group to unite that which can be united before setting out on an imperialist project. Anglo-American social thinkers such as William Z. Ripley united through metapolitics the American Yankee and Rebel cultural units with the recent immigrant arrivals from northern Europe into a “Nordic” racial group just before going on an imperialist expansion program which was marked by the Spanish-American War and the following Philippine-American War. In the same way that Alexander the Great’s Empire choked on Persian culture, America’s Nordic unification efforts completely choked on Jews as well as Orientals and sub-Saharan Africans.

The Nordicist Theodore Lothrop Stoddard served in the Signal Corps during America’s imperialist wars in Cuba, the Philippines, and China. Many white advocates were veterans of that conflict including George Van Horn Moseley. The Nordicist ideas of Lothrop Stoddard were an ideology developed by old-Stock New England Yankees which united the people of northern and western European heritage in America before starting an empire building project.
Nordicism and Christian Identity – the form of Protestantism which posits that the Anglo-Saxons and related people are the descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel who moved to England after the Biblical Kingdom of Northern Israel was conquered by the Assyrians – are two separate worldviews which overlap in a disjointed and uncomfortable way.
Nordicism is ideologically Darwinian. Its proponents were only nominal Christians. Nordicism is also Europe-focused. Madison Grant wrote, “[Nordics are] a purely European type, in the sense that it has developed its physical characters and its civilization within the confines of that continent.” [4] It is not unsurprising that many Nordicists become Odinists.
The Nordicist ideas of Lothrop Stoddard and others are also science-based, although the data underpinning their conclusions has been adjusted due to newer, DNA based race-science findings. The Nordicists arrived at their ideas by acquiring the measurements of European skulls and phenotypes of living European people using the scientific method and then interpreted the data accordingly.
Christian Identity adherents, such as Hoskins, interpret observable racial reality through the theological teachings of the Bible, which holds that the story of the white race started in Mesopotamia and spread from there. The faith holds that only Caucasian whites – Western Eurasians – are the descendants of the Biblical Adam and Eve. Christian Identity identifies the origins of the Anglo-Saxons (and related peoples) in the northern Kingdom of Israel – which is in West Asia. Christian Identity therefore includes more literature, territory, and theology, in its worldview than the Nordicists.
The most recent scientific findings don’t completely confirm the ideologies of either Nordicism or Identity, but these findings do show that the people of West Eurasia were fused into the Caucasian race by a collection of several different hunter-gatherer groups who first started farming in the Fertile Crescent and expanded into Europe through Anatolia during the Neolithic or the Pontic Steppe during the early Bronze Age. This does match the Biblical origins of “mankind” in a place near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The people of northern Europe have more of DNA of what is called “steppe ancestry” and the people of southern Europe have more “early farmer” ancestry, but they are all interrelated, and this roughly matches the Nordic and Mediterranean categories of the early race scientists.
Wall Street & the Sumerian Swindle
Hoskins eventually went to Wall Street. He became disillusioned there and moved back to Lynchburg. In 1973 he started publishing and distributing his Portfolios Investment Advisor magazine and worked as a money manager and financial advisor. He also continued his white advocacy. The central thrust of his activism was his warnings about the problems created by usury – moneylending. He came to believe what Gregory Delaney, who wrote The Monsters of Babylon called, “the Sumerian Swindle.” Hoskins wrote,
If there is only $10 in existence, and you lend it to someone under condition that he repay $11, and if he agrees to this, he has agreed to the impossible. [5]
The focus on usury both enhanced Hoskins’s work in and detracted from it. Moneylending arose with civilization in the Sumerian city-states. Along with moneylending comes agriculture, engineering, and theology. The Sumerians also came up with the idea that there were sixty seconds in a minute and sixty minutes in an hour. The Babylonians, who followed the Sumerians, also came up with a seven-day week cycle. The problems of “modernity,” which includes usury, go back to the transition of hunter gatherers to farmers thousands of years ago. Usury is here to stay.
Hoskins declaration that paying back a loan made under conditions where no additional currency is created is impossible is true, but the statement doesn’t really describe what is going on. Even in the times when only Sumerian society was the center of civilization, silver and other metals were continuously being mined and struck into coins – thus expanding the currency. Governments, then and now, put new currency in circulation to meet the needs of an expanding economy. The election of 1896 was centered on the question of how much currency would be created. Too many coins in circulation can lead to inflation, however so the whole system is complex and fraught with risk.
Furthermore, the return on investment from a farmer was high in ancient times, especially when farming was the major economic activity. One wheat seed will produce a stalk which contains from twenty to one hundred wheat berries. Additionally, the borrower’s assets grow in value over time and through improvements.
Nonetheless, borrowing can be a problem. It is always best to not borrow more than one’s ability to pay. Predatory moneylending is when a lender deliberately seeks to dispossess the borrower. Such a practice can work for good or ill. Thomas Jefferson sought to get the Indians in debt to acquire title to “their land” when the Indians sold out to clear the debt. This made large parts of North America a civilized white ethnostate. Usury is therefore a useful, but dangerous tool that can be used as a weapon in racial conflict.
Hoskins was probably driven to fight against usury because of his childhood during the Great Depression, as well as family stories of the hardships suffered after the Civil War, when Confederate money was declared worthless by a vengeful Radical Republican Congress. It is also certain that many of his clients would have come to him seeking advice on how to get out of debt, and his extreme stance on borrowing helped such clients stabilize their finances.
Unfortunately, Hoskins always circled back to usury as the cause of white America’s problems. His commentaries on the root causes of the Persian Gulf War and the 1999 Kosovo War, for example, would drift to over when Oliver Cromwell allowed “international finance” into England in the seventeenth century. He also crammed racial categories into buckets of his own creation based on where bankers were lending or not lending money. He therefore missed much of the nuance of what was going on during his activist career.

This map shows the problems of Hoskin’s worldview. Here he organizes the races of Europe into Saxons, Turks, and Slavs, and then claims that southern Europe was captured by “Dharma” (defined by Hoskins as global finance) through Greek military efforts. Interestingly, Hoskins is putting all West Eurasians and North Africans into a “Saxon” category in this map.
Hoskins & the Three Mistakes of Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980 with considerable help from the far right, including white advocates. For the most part, his presidency was an enormous success, his policies caused the collapse of communist governments in Eastern Europe and the later fall of the Soviet Union. Ronald Reagan made three mistakes with long-term consequences, however.
The first was that he deployed US troops to Lebanon on a “peacekeeping” mission whose primary goal was vaguely described as “presence.” This mission was not the first American military deployment in the Arab world, but it marked a deeper involvement in the region and this involvement was the result of the Organized Jewish Community’s support for Zionism. Hoskins correctly pointed out that these deployments would grow to be a larger problem. In the 1986-87 issue of his Hoskins Report he wrote,
The Muslims say they have a grievance against America. They say that every Arab man woman and child that is killed is killed with American made planes, bombs, rockets, bullets, tanks, shells, or other American manufactured equipment of war. Without American war equipment the [Israeli] invasions of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon would not have been possible. They say that the refugee camps full of Arab women and children fleeing the terror in Palestine have been savagely attacked with American made carpet bombs, delivered by American made planes, flown by American trained pilots. Those who fly these planes, drive the tanks, and fire the guns, are paid with American aid. The Muslims say American intervention has cost them tens of thousands of Islamic lives.
Ronald Reagan also failed to recognize the Farm Crisis, which started quietly in 1981. The Farm Crisis was when commodities prices dropped to the point that American farmers were going bankrupt. In Nebraska, land values dropped tremendously, so there was no way to re-finance anything based on the price of the land. Hoskins wrote about the events in that state throughout the downturn.
The Farm Crisis was the event where Hoskins’s ideas about usury being an impossible thing was true. There was money in the broader system, but American bankers were lending money to South America – especially Brazil – so the farmers had agreed to a loan which was impossible to pay back since the coinage was not in the economy.
In response to the Farm Crisis, Hoskins published one of his most influential books, War Cycles/Peace Cycles (1985). Here he pointed out that usury was behind every war, and he predicted that there would be a United Nations directed attack on South Africa since it was not in the clutches of usury. He also predicted an attack upon the Arab world. Just five years later, the Persian Gulf War broke out, so he appeared prophetic. Iraq was not attacked because it was debt-free however, the nation was attacked by a global coalition assembled in response to Iraq’s attack on Kuwait. However, Iraq’s invasion was partially motivated by Iraq’s outstanding debts to that mini-Emirate. Thus, usury was part of the reason for the hostilities. The book also achieved notoriety when it was found in the car of a person who’d gone on a shooting spree in 1999.
Ronald Reagan’s final mistake was his 1986 Amnesty of illegal immigrants. Reagan didn’t understand the immigration problem. Reagan grew up in a time when immigration was basically non-existent. Additionally, the white advocates prior to the 1960s, such as George Washington Armstrong and Ernest Sevier Cox, saw Mexicans as whites, just not Anglo-Saxons. Billy James Hargis, the anti-communist preacher, was against Eisenhower’s Operation Wetback. The attitudes of these rightists were a likely factor in Reagan’s unfortunate immigration policy. Hoskins recognized the problem however, but he lumped the New World Spanish into a “Turkic” racial category in some of his writings – his racial categories were all over the place – and that was a mistake. The amnesty also let in people who were not New World Spanish people from Mexico.
The Phineas Priesthood
The Farm Crisis was when a small part of the genuine American far-right started to separate from Ronald Reagan’s coalition. The most extreme of whom joined The Order. This group was led by Robert J. Matthews. Members of The Order committed several crimes, and two of them shot a Jewish shock jock in Denver in 1984. Matthews was eventually surrounded by the FBI in Washington State and burned to death during the ensuing firefight.
Hoskins was interested in the story of The Order and saw it in spiritual terms. He connected The Order’s actions to the Biblical story of Phineas, which is found in Numbers 25. In this story, the Israelites have left Egypt and are wandering “in the wilderness.” While there, the Israelite men are seduced by Moabite and Midianite women who encourage the Israelites to worship false gods. After Moses institutes a policy to end this fraternization and idolatry, a high-class Israelite brings a Midianite woman into his tent in the presence of the entire community. Enraged, Phineas kills both with a spear.
Hoskins believed that a secret “Phineas Priesthood” continued after that and he published The Vigilantes of Christendom in 1990 to expand upon this theory. In this book he claimed that the stories of Saint George, Robin Hood, Beowulf, the Crusading Orders, and King Author were accounts of the actions of the Phineas Priesthood. Women were also included in this society. Jenny Geddes, who protested against the Book of Common Payer in a church service and started the Covenanter movement in Scotland, was a Phineas Priestess.
Vigilantes points out that narrative is important. Any act of violence, no matter how extreme, can be accepted by the public as just provided there is a narrative which explains the motivation of the deed. He tells stories of how the media narrative of the early twentieth century helped the political career of Senator Carter Glass of Virginia. In Vigilantes, Hoskins also pointed that the logical end of the theologically wrong Judeo-Christianity created the religious alignment of the men in The Order which was a mix of Christians and Odinists. Hoskins believed that the men of the Order were a legitimate Phineas Priesthood, but they neglected the advice found in Ezekiel 9:1 – 6 which says:
“Approach, you who are to visit destruction on the city, each with his destructive weapon in his hand!” Next I noticed six men coming from the direction of the upper gate that faces north, each with his war club in his hand. Among them was a man dressed in linen with a writing kit at his side. They came and stood beside the bronze altar. Then the glory of the God of Israel went up from the cherub where it had rested to the threshold of the temple. He called to the man dressed in linen who had the writing kit at his side. The Lord said to him, “Go through the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of the people who moan and groan over all the abominations practiced in it.” While I listened, he said to the others, “Go through the city after him and strike people down; do not let your eye pity nor spare anyone! Old men, young men, young women, little children, and women—wipe them out! But do not touch anyone who has the mark. Begin at my sanctuary!” So they began with the elders who were at the front of the temple.
All of the critics of Hoskins are correct when they say that Hoskins is calling for violent actions in The Vigilantes of Christendom. Hoskins believed members of The Order made five mistakes:
- Robert J. Matthews recruited some he shouldn’t have – substituting quantity for quality.
- The organizational structure was faulty. It should have been small cells of 5-6 men as described in the Book of Ezekiel quoted above.
- They failed to properly plan for mistakes such as a dropped pistol which could be traced to a member.
- Matthews was ‘too kind.” He failed to exclude a person who refused to take a voice stress analyzer test. That person turned out to be an informant.
- Christians were working with pagans, in violation of Biblical Law.
Hoskins published parts of several letters from two members of The Order. In the first letter, Bruce Carroll Pierce said words to the effect that he would not work with “non-Christians” on such a project again. Richard Scutari implied he agreed with the Phineas Priesthood concept, saying he “dedicated [his] life to God’s Laws, the meat of the Word.”
The long-term efficacy of the actions of The Order will only be determined in the fullness of time. In the short term, violent actions are dubious. It is best to focus on advancing in one’s career so that one can shape the jobsite in particular and society in general. A white advocate should be a Federal Judge, don’t stand before one. In the mid-1990s, Hoskins started to notice that sub-Continental Indians were appearing everywhere, including positions as chief executive officers in companies. He saw this as a problem and again drew inspiration from the Bible: You shall appoint over you a man of your own race, you must not appoint a foreigner, one who is not of your own race (Deuteronomy 17:15 New English Bible).
He believed that Indians were the perfect vectors for global usury and were a major threat. In 1999 he wrote,
Kings tend to support people and systems which support them. The religion created to tame gods and permit rulers to govern as they please is called Hinduism. Its missionary arm is Buddhism. Hinduism teaches that all gods are different manifestations of the same one great World Force. Buddhism teaches that all religions may join together simply by accepting Dharma – “non- violence, obedience, tolerance of other peoples and their gods without regard to ‘race, creed, or nationality.” Dharma is the Buddhist technique of pacifying divergent populations in order to expedite trade. When a king rules over many different peoples he is faced with a complex problem which Buddhism can solve for him. Many different peoples have many different gods – each with his own law system. These differing systems can slow down or stop trade. The king must have trade to support both himself and his followers. A referee is required for these competing law systems in order that trade not be stifled. The king insists that this referee be himself. As the judge of gods – the king becomes greater than the gods he judges. To be greater than God is what the king desires. [6]
Asian Indians from the sub-Continent are due to become a problem, and Hoskins was one of the first to point it out.
The End of History
Hoskins is important because he pointed out the challenges to American whites during the End of History – when it appeared that liberal political theory and global capital would expand forever, and leadership posts would be held by everyone’s unmarried, childless aunt. The End of History was a temporary lull, however. History returned and Hoskins correctly identified many of the brooding grounds for future trouble, however his message was muddled by too strong a focus on usury.
[1] Other ironic fact about Virginia is that it is the place from which the first English settlers of North America formed what would become American culture, and yet the European nickname for Americans, “Yanks” or “Yankees” is the nickname of the New Englanders. As one travels west from the Falls of the James River, the buildings, people, towns, and forms of land use look the same; a major indication that a common people developed the territory. This is the case, from their original toehold at Jamestown, the Anglo-Virginians spread across the country. The first Anglo-American settlers in places as far a Michigan and Iowa were people whose roots stretched back to Virginia. However, the modern Commonwealth of Virginia has no political hold on any of the other states. Although populated by Virginians, Maryland became a separate polity in the seventeenth century. North Carolina became open to English settlement because of an amphibious military expedition made by Virginians in 1645, and yet it quickly became an independent colony. Virginia gave up its claims to the west after the Revolutionary War despite the fact that Virginia’s troops had captured the Ohio River Valley. West Virginia broke from Virginia during the Civil War. There is no Federal Holiday which honors anything from Virginia. Columbus Day honors the arrival of the Spanish to the New World, Thanksgiving reenacts a feast held at Plymouth, but there is no day off honoring the Virginians’ survival after a surprise Indian attack in 1622.
[2] Hoskins, Richard Kelly, The Vigilantes of Christendom: The History of the Phineas Priesthood, (Lynchburg: Virginia, The Virginia Publishing Company, 1990) p. 67
[3] Hoskins, Richard Kelly, Our Nordic Race, (Lynchburg: Virginia, The Virginia Publishing Company, 1958) p. 7
[4] Grant, Madison, The Passing of the Great Race, (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1918) p. 167
[5] Hoskins, Richard Kelly, War Cycles/Peace Cycles, (Lynchburg, Virginia: The Virginia Publishing Company, 1985) p. v
[6] Richard Kelly Hoskins, Money at Kelly’s Ford & Other Stories from Hoskins Report, (Virginia Publishing Company, Lynchburg, VA, 1999) p. 6
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Hoskins, Richard Kelly, In the Beginning, (Lynchburg: Virginia, The Virginia Publishing Company, 1995)
Hoskins, Richard Kelly, Our Nordic Race, (Lynchburg: Virginia, The Virginia Publishing Company, 1958)
Hoskins, Richard Kelly, The Vigilantes of Christendom: The History of the Phineas Priesthood, (Lynchburg: Virginia, The Virginia Publishing Company, 1990)
Hoskins, Richard Kelly, The Wolf & the Sheep, (Lynchburg: Virginia, The Virginia Publishing Company, 1993)
Hoskins, Richard Kelly, War Cycles/Peace Cycles, (Lynchburg, Virginia: The Virginia Publishing Company, 1985)
McFadden, Louis T., Collective Speeches of Congressman Louis T. McFadden, (Palmdale, California: Christian Book Club of America, 2022)
Niehaus, Jeffrey J., Ancient Near Eastern Themes in Biblical Theology, (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2008)
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1 comment
A wrote a book report in High School on Our Nordic Race by Richard Kelly Hoskins, probably the 1975 Noontide Press version, which had just come out. I don’t remember what the exact letter grade was but the English teacher thought the ideas were “very interesting.”
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