Christopher Dorner, Robert Jay Mathews, & the Power of Myth
Gregory Hood2,331 words
Czech translation here
Two men take up arms against the System. Both claim that they have been forced into this action. Both are involved with violence against nonwhites. Both characterize their deeds as acts of warfare, with political ends. In both cases, law enforcement makes the choice that the offender will not be taken alive. Both are burned into ashes after being vastly outnumbered and surrounded.
One receives mainstream media sympathy and careful understanding. “Root causes” are discussed. He is even proclaimed a “hero” on social media, and this is given a respectful airing by certain outlets. The merits of his manifesto are disscussed in polite society. Elements of both the Left and Right express anger that he was not given due process before being killed. Demonstrations are held in his honor. He is even compared to the “heroic” protagonist of Hollywood blockbusters. In the end, officialdom responds to the killing of its servants by holding an investigation to look into his grievances.
The other is widely despised. He goes unmentioned in popular culture except as a figure of absolute evil. None dare express sympathy except the already marginalized. His ideas are mocked, his surviving friends put on trial for sedition. Rather than resulting in an examination of “root causes,” his example serves to justify even greater crackdowns against people who agreed with his ideas. His very existence is used as proof of the evil of his creed.
One man is the late Christopher Dorner. The other is Robert Jay Mathews of The Order.
Christopher Dorner killed four people. Sheriff’s Deputy Jeremiah McCay of the San Bernadino Sheriff’s Department (not the LAPD), a white man, leaves behind a wife, a seven year old daughter, and a four month old son who will grow up without his real father. Officer Michael Crain of the Riverside Police Department (not the Los Angeles Police Department) was a former rifleman in the United States Marine Corps who survived duty in the Middle East only to be murdered once he returned home to what used to be his country. He also leaves behind a family.
Dorner’s other two victims were an interracial couple. Monica Quan, 28, was an Asian woman, the daughter of the first Chinese-American captain in the Los Angeles Police Department. Her father was among those named in Dorner’s manifesto as responsible for his dismissal. Mr. Dorner made sure to call Monica Quan’s father to taunt him about the death. Needless to say, she was not in the LAPD herself. Her fiancé, Keith Lawrence, was a black man who was working as a public safety officer for the University of Southern California (not with the LAPD). We can be reasonably certain that the late Mr. Dorner is directly responsible for all of these deaths, none of whom had anything to do with his ostensible target.
The Brüder Schweigen, in total, can be linked to two murders. Some members were charged with violating the “civil rights” of the one person they are widely accepted to have murdered, Jewish talk show host Alan Berg. Alan Berg was a caustically anti-white provocateur who enjoyed using sexual and vulgar taunts against his interlocutors. He was gunned down in his driveway allegedly by members of The Order, thus becoming an immortal martyr against “hate,” with movies and plays written about him and his brave fight against the powerful Nazis. He leaves behind an ex-wife who now travels around the country making speeches condemning racism. The second murder was committed by David Tate, who killed Missouri Trooper Jimmie Linegar when he was about to be detained. Linegar was a faithful Christian who left behind a loving family. He is all but forgotten.
Robert Jay Mathews may have been a lookout in the shooting of Alan Berg. He was obviously completely uninvolved in the shooting of Trooper Linegar.
Dorner’s manifesto is a remarkable document, revealing a true man of the people. It is confused, shallow, obsessed with references to ephemeral pop culture, and filled with spelling mistakes, poor grammar, and ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. He claims that he was called a “nigger” when he was a kid, and that police officers used the forbidden word, and he regrets he didn’t punish them all with death immediately. Dorner, a former officer in the Naval Reserve, litters his work with military jargon and specialized terms but commits the common Negro fallacy of using words he doesn’t really understand. As the conservative media has pointed out and the mainstream media has done its best to conceal, Dorner is a fervent Democrat who uses his manifesto to threaten the life of the head of the NRA. He supports his case for gun control with a quotation from Mia Farrow.
Like Alexis de Tocqueville’s prophecy, Dorner’s manifesto reflects the contemporary American’s endless fascination with himself. Dorner blames the LAPD’s culture of institutional racism for his dismissal. As Jared Taylor’s devastating deconstruction points out, Dorner’s charges appeared only after he was given poor performance reviews. Dorner outlines how police officers of all different races are equally “high value targets” because they do not militantly enforce a creed of egalitarianism. (Interestingly, Dorner also criticizes black officers for discriminating against white men and thus creating new racists, though this has been downplayed.) Finally, Dorner makes it personal. He did not get to have a family, so no one else will either. It is the classic case of taking his own misery and trying to inflict it on the world.
In contrast, The Order is remembered for generating two political creeds. The first is the fourteen words of David Lane – “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” Whatever one thinks of his later writings, the fourteen words are an elegant summation of the goals of White Nationalism.
The second is Bob Mathew’s famous speech before the National Alliance the year that he was killed. Whatever one thinks about the politics or the concrete actions proposed, it is a well-crafted, eloquent, and passionate call to duty that makes far more logical sense than vague complaints about racism and references to Charlie Sheen. It appeals to the primordial traditions of warriors and casts the Order’s action as a political mission, not a petty quest for violent revenge. There is a world of difference between “Stand up like men, and drive the enemy into the sea” and “I never got the opportunity to have a family of my own, so I’m terminating yours.”
As of this writing, the Occupy movement (which receives adoring press from the media) has already held a demonstration in honor of Dorner. The LAPD has announced it is going to hold an investigation into charges of racism. On twitter and on CNN, Dorner has been compared to the protagonist from Django Unchained, the “real life Django” who is using ruthless violence against the racist white America that in its heart, knows it deserves it. The popular black news site News One (among others) is filled with comments praising Dorner as a hero, with little sympathy for their “brother” Keith Lawrence, who, presumably, had it coming. There’s even been a video game released calling him a “True American Hero,” though it’s more of an exercise in trolling that has the usual affirmative action academics all upset. Still, the only real problem that the media seems to have with the game is that it is supposedly racist against blacks.
Even conservatives, libertarians, and white racialists (from my admittedly unscientific survey on Facebook) have expressed concern or outrage over Dorner’s demise. Although he supposedly committed suicide, evidence suggests the LAPD may have pulled a Waco and deliberately set his cabin on fire. While most people have obviously expressed anger about Dorner’s tactics, it is taken for granted that Dorner’s cause is inherently just and that he was fundamentally on the side of good, just misguided. As with the shooting of the “innocent” Trayvon Martin, no evidence is advanced and none is needed. Dorner will live in as a symbol of leftist and useful idiot “libertarian” rebellion against the oppressive racist state. Expect T-shirts with his image on them by next week.
Outside the White Nationalist movement, the Order is all but forgotten. There are no college students wearing Bob Mathews T-shirts as symbols of anti-government rebellion. The only direct cinematic treatment of the Order, Brotherhood of Murder, is a particularly ham-handed piece of propaganda explicitly designed to people to denounce neighbors they suspect of being “racist.” (Don’t believe me? Check out my full review here.) There’s also Betrayed (review forthcoming) which features white community-wide “hunts” of random black people, the inability of the FBI to figure out what “ZOG” stands for, and White Nationalist moles in Congress. As for the movie and play Talk Radio, both focus on the anti-racist martyr Alan Berg, rather than the Order. The only people outside the movement that remember the Order are anti-racist groups, where it serves as a convenient justification for ever greater funding and donations.
Objectively, the Order committed less violence. They were motivated by idealistic, political ends that some people may regard as evil. But they were certainly not motivated by purely personal grievances. Dorner killed people who had little or nothing to do with his supposed target, gloated over his victims, had a flimsy (and evidence suggests false) rationalization for taking action, and killed more people (and more minorities) than the most legendary white resistance group in American history. Nonetheless, Dorner is a misunderstood hero, and the Order constitute the blackest of villains.
As Alex Kurtagić has demonstrated, the heart of the case for white extermination has nothing to do with empirical evidence but with a moral vision, impervious to evidence. It is now the mainstream, conventional opinion that all whites are beneficiaries of “white privilege” and that all the institutions of society serve their interests in some sense. Violence, while regrettable, is simply an excessive (but understandable) reaction to inequality. It’s worth noting that media concern over racism in Django Unchained was not about blacks being incited to slaughter white people (including women) but whether whites were laughing at inappropriate moments or whether people were saying “nigger” too much.
What this suggests is that concern trolling by White Nationalists about extreme or even violent elements in the movement is misplaced. To a certain extent, Christopher Dorner shows that tactics don’t even matter when it comes to public relations. The larger narrative that we are fighting simply shapes the specific facts and evidence to fit what egalitarians think the story should tell, rather than what it does tell. Has Christopher Dorner hurt the cause of anti-racism or gun control through his violent actions? Is there any, literally any, conceivable action committed by “antifa” or nonwhites that could hurt that cause? If gunning down interracial couples and taunting grieving fathers don’t do it, I’m hard pressed to say what could.
Michael O’Meara writes in “Cù Chulainn in the GPO” about the Easter Rising that “the Uprising itself was a work of art,” a “blood sacrifice” that would turn defeat into victory. Ireland’s independence was realized because the Rising fit into a larger romantic, anti-modernist, and above all mythic cultural vision of the nation rising to self-realization. Every act of white resistance, from the occasional (and usually misguided) act of violence to the most erudite commentary is doomed to fail unless there is a larger mythic vision, a romantic worldview that people will believe in because they want to believe in it.
In contrast, the egalitarian Left has a myth. The working man striking out against white privilege and institutional racism resonates in this society. The fact that Dorner committed horrifically evil and sadistic acts matters less in the public mind than how he fits into the egalitarian myth. The fact that he was a stereotypical failure, fired from his job, dumped by his wife, and resentful of people with happy families matters not at all. In a society such as ours, it is not surprising that Dorner is seen as Django. What is surprising is that there is not more behavior like this.
As for whites, acts of violent resistance like that of Robert Mathews and his comrades are doomed to failure unless they have a cultural movement behind them. No act of propaganda of the deed, however courageous or terrifying, heroic or evil, has any significance unless it can be fit into a larger narrative that society can internalize. Much of the reason violent white resistance is a mistake (aside from ethical considerations) is because it easily fits into a narrative of weak and reactionary losers impotently lashing back at a world passing them by. The cultural work of building a counter-narrative is the critical first step to any revolutionary movement, including the movement for the great dream of The White Republic. Ideally, if that narrative is created and accepted, violence isn’t even necessary.
But all that said, let’s not kid ourselves. Let’s not adopt the narratives of the enemy. When a sadistic black murders innocents (of all races) in cold blood and is hailed as a hero by the powerful and privileged, the society is sick beyond saving. Let’s not cringe and cower when one of “our own” makes us look bad. While we should control our image all we can, we are going to be denounced as violent and dangerous no matter what we do. There is no double standard, as the message from all the organs is the same – whites are dying out, and they should. In the face of that, I am less concerned about being made to look “scary” and more concerned about being made to look weak.
One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter, one man’s murderer is another man’s avenging angel, and one man’s “racist” is another man’s patriot. In a world gone mad, reason will not save us. Our redemption will lie in Myth.
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In addition to David Lane’s fourteen words and Robert Jay Mathews’ speech to the National Alliance, Gregory Hood should have mentioned the letter Mathews wrote shortly before his death, the text of which can be found under the heading “Final Letter” at:
Whites suffered a total cultural defeat and they still don’t know it.
Please elaborate
“Please elaborate”! Unwitting or not, that’s masterful. That’s on par with the apocryphal “This is courage” college essay in response to the prompt “What is courage?”
All true. But can Whites be made to believe it and live it? Conservative Whites still delight in throwing other Whites to the wolves when the slightest scent of racialism is detected. They are utterly devoid of loyalty – except to pleasing the parental State which they think they are against. Meanwhile, you cannot get Liberals and Leftists to criticize each other. I pointed out to an Anarchist that he belonged far more with the Libertarians than the Leftists. Nothing doing, wouldn’t even consider it. Imagine if we had that kind of Loyalty to an Ideal or Myth that even Whites who disagreed with us wanted to serve beside us.
Jaego in blockquote:
I have seen a remarkable number of people moving “Back Home” with their families, particularly in the last year. They need to Start Over, and do not have a clue how to do this. Yet, suddenly, the State as The God That Failed loses moral legitimacy, which is the foundation of Fifth Generation Warfare. Reduced to obvious power – the threat and/or use of force – further undermines the legitimacy of governance in the eyes of the governed.
The foundation of the nation is the Race, and the foundation of the Race is the Family. Indeed, the Race, temporally, is “simply” an extended Family with strongly common genetic characteristics -a Tribe, write large.
This is why I always refer to Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic as an Analytical Model. Rather than complain impotently about the status quo. I actively address social and economic issues and conflicts in that framework, as if it was real, today. This does encourage the further development of these ideas in a very constructive manner.
Which leads to the metapolitical project, and the importance of contributing to counter-currents, each and every month, without fail.
What unites the Liberals. the Leftist, and the Anarchists is much greater than what divides them. Their common unity is in a hatred for the White Race, and all of the euphemisms they use simply pale claoks for that one overriding Truth.
Yet, more important is the fact that they are operating more of the emotional state than the intellectual state. Words are simply tools used to support what they feel. Simple as that. Like small children, feelings are much more important than words.
Living the lonely isolated life of the shift worker I began corresponding with Bruce Pierce (since deceased) and Gary Yarbrough. My motive was to support the front line people and for obvious reasons we never discuss politics. The funny thing is I was well aware of the murder of Alan Berg but until Counter-Currents (warts and all) ran this article I was totally oblivious of the murder of State Trooper Jim Linegar. The murder of Berg is alleged and doubtful and shouted from the rooftops while the murder of Linegar is definite and unknown. I wonder why.
From the metapolitics angle I see nothing good coming out of violence which only sets our cause back. As Kmac observed, We have to have a sense that what we are doing is morally OK, for without that White People are easily intimidated. Hood is correct in writing that the only solution is The cultural work of building a counter-narrative is the critical first step to any revolutionary movement A most polite way of saying that I am doomed to a monthly contribution to Counter-Currents for the rest of my miserable life.
Building a counter-narrative? The only thing that can turn the tide in the US is total economical breakdown and race war. Look to Greece. GD’s counter-narrative had no fertile soil before the collapse. The exposure of endemic corruption and incompetence of the authoritites paired with collapse may move a large enough segment of the people to usher in a new paradigma.
Facts on their own have no meaning. Total breakdown and race war will not be enough on their own to save us. They might be the occasion for our complete slaughter. What is crucial is how people interpret and respond to objective circumstances. That is where metapolitics, myth, counter-narratives, morality, and other factors come into play. But yes, most people will not listen to alternative views until they are forced to by circumstances. But we need to have our views in place, the media to communicate them, and a clear idea of what we want BEFORE the crisis hits.
Yes, of course. But don’t expect large support before the collapse.
It will be more difficult in US than here in Europe, where the majority are sceptical about immigration and there exist a us/them dictomy to the aliens even if the latter are of third generation.
Suceeding in convincing white americans – indoctrinated in liberal universalism – to take on a racialist ethos against fellow citizens will be a tricky challenge.
I suspect the sympathy on the white side (conservatives and libertarians) exists because many people have no respect for law enforcement. For whites, it’s about the principles. The LAPD managed to open fire on a 150 pound white man and two old Hispanic women by mistaking them for a 270 pound negro. Right. Obviously, they were indiscriminately shooting to kill without even a pretense of caring about innocents or due process.
I very much agree with this article. The sociopathic arrogance of the American government – most especially in the U.S. legal system at all levels – is, for those who’ve experienced its evils firsthand, as I have, something which trumps all else. (Perhaps this is why I feel more devotion to my libertarian principles than the WN movement.)
Quick anecdote: I’m good friends with this kind Arab who owns the gas station near my place. He’s the most ferociously racist guy in the world, using the N-word more than “the”. (He has to be racist in his profession because so many gas station clerks are murdered by blacks.) However….he’s also been ravaged by the legal system, and he hates cops, too. So I thought it’d be funny to hear his opinions on this story. His first words, “He’s a hero!” As much as he hates blacks, his hatred for doopy-eyed, power-tripping, sociopathic liar cops is greater still.
There’s a lawyer expression, “A liberal is a conservative who’s kid has just been charged with a crime.” (Meaning that only then do “law and order” conservatives discover how corrupt the system is.) Well, there could one day be an expression, “A libertarian is a white nationalist who just got arrested by white bureaucrats.”
However, setting aside the huge issue of outrage at corruption in the U.S. legal system, I think this article was well-written and insightful, as most GH articles are.
Hilarious. At the moment, I’m at Whole Foods waiting on my wife. CNN, which I never watch at home (no satellite TV), is presently running a segment on gun violence. The story is drawing parallels between Adam Lanza and Anders Breivik, complete with running commentary from the ex-AIPAC lobbyist Wolf Blitzer and a criminologist named Levin. Anyone care to guess if they mentioned Dorner?
Jews have such tight grip on the media that isn’t even funny.
David Lane’s short story, KD Rebel, is a solid piece of WN literature. Its quite the page-turner. Not bad for an evil-racist-nazi rotting in prison. Lane should be remembered for this contribution toward our struggle as well as his brilliant 14 Words. I highly recommend it to all CC readers.
The comparison between Dorner and The Order is very enlightening.
I disagree with the idea that most White people have internalized the anti-White attitude of the media, as Gregory Hood seems to think. The brainwashing is a mile wide and an inch deep. It is defeatist to think that most White people really disagree with us, and that they need a special narrative so they can think straight again.
I don’t like the idea of building a counter-narrative because it sounds like something magical and mysterious. Besides, we are not in a position to build a counter-narrative as we do not control the media.
GH: “In contrast, the egalitarian Left has a myth.”
The Left has many myths, most of them ridiculous and contemptible. They completely disregard reality. They think that money grows on trees. They think of themselves as kind and generous, when in fact they are stupid and egoistic. The idea of lashing out at scapegoats, aristocrats, White people, anybody, because of one’s personal grievances, is central to leftist revolutions. Dorner should have been a leftist revolutionary.
“Much of the reason violent white resistance is a mistake (…) is because it easily fits into a narrative of weak and reactionary losers…”
Breivik doesn’t look weak at all. People understand exactly what he did. He rejected the genocide of the Whites by race-replacement. Consequently, he took out a few of the enemies. It helps our fellow White people understand that letting ourselves be destroyed by race-replacement is not right. Here again, it is defeatist to claim that such an action can only play in the hands of our enemies. Only ineffectual conservatives should talk like that.
More than stupid and egoistic, they are evil, in the true, un-Christian, sense of the word. This assertion needs to be repeated until it loses its new and bizarre status and becomes an accepted fact. They are evil. They cause evil. Their adversaries wouldn’t cause as much evil as they do. We hold the higher moral ground.
The negation of human nature is the root of all evil and sad things on Earth. When you dig deep enough into crime stories, suicide stories, animal mistreatment stories, and complex sociological, psychological or environmental problems, you will find that these problems could have been prevented from appearing, or at least reduced, by an understanding of HBD/sociobiology and appropriate culture/policies.
As Alex Kurtagic brilliantly and concisely summarized in this TOO article, liberalism has ensured its cultural hegemony through appeals to morality, hence why every attempt to destroy it intellectually hitherto failed. Any attempt at creating a living and active pro-HBD/pro-white culture must therefore be sanctioned by the idea of higher moral ground. Be inspired by what has been successful.
The worst thing in life is to look ridiculous, because ridicule is neither loved by Aryan morality nor Christian morality.
Breivik does not look ridiculous to anyone I know. Crazy, maybe, but not ridiculous. On the other hand, Osama Bin Laden looks ridiculous to many people. It has do to with the content of their manifestos (one is close to rational, the other one is religious), but it has also a lot to do with their bodily appearance (one is taken care of, the other is neglected).
Hence Breivik succeeded, since terrorism and political assassinations are the art of lending gravity to a cause. Terrorism and political assassinations are never meant to change everything instantly. Their purpose is psychological, not technical.
As a moral and legal disclaimer, I insist that I do not support blind terrorism, and especially not during times where it is not OK to do so. My opinion on the subject is similar to the one of Dr. Pierce. What Breivik did was semi-blind and done in inappropriate times, so I condemn it. But it does not stop me from understanding him and wishing him well — he’s a human to me, not a criminal.
2 quick points:
1) If Myth is what we need, and I agree I think it is, then our brightest thinkers had better get to work fast because the myths of the racially-conscious white right of yesteryear haven’t gotten us shit. I bet many of the younger guys don’t even know what they are.
2) Brevik was a failure.
And one reason why (among many, many others) is because Brevik dutifully played into the left’s favorite myths i.e. that their enemies – us – are cruel, mentally ill loners. We’re dangerous because we’re armed and prone to going off in a blaze of senseless violence, but we’re also pathetic losers who can’t even work in teams of >1.
Brevik couldn’t have more fit the left’s stereotypes of us. I hope that our Myth, whatever it’s going to be, will confound our enemies rather than confirm what they think they already know about us.
Veik: “Brevik dutifully played into the left’s favorite myths i.e. that their enemies – us – are cruel, mentally ill loners.”
As said in the original article, the anti-White left will fit any incident into their narrative, whether it really fits or not. But the anti-White left is mostly the Jewish left. What you call the left’s favorite myth is really the propaganda of the Jewish media. Most white people who vote for the left don’t see White nationalists as their enemies, and don’t have any strong opinion about them.
Maybe the mass media did present Breivik as a cruel, mentally ill loner, but they also played down his motivation, which was to stop the race-replacement. They didn’t want to help people understand why he took action because they probably think that Breivik’s point of view would resonate with a lot of White people. The result is that they could not exploit Breivik’s rampage against us.
“Brevik was a failure.”
You think any such action is counter-productive. I think you are wrong. What we lack is a way to evaluate the impact of such an action in people’s minds.
Armor in blockquote:
Those slogans, to be effective, MUST pull off a Romantic vision; a metapolitical worldview defined in reasonably accessible terms. Making the Vision more concrete is a matter of filling in the blanks in the manifested world. A wise person said Uncle Wolf tried to do hundred years of change in ten, and a thousand years in twenty. That is an example we should emulate in our own lives, and let the ripple effects take care of the details.
Another word for “Romantic” is a better world, felt more than seen, and yet it is *this close* to being ours.
Do you see what the materialists see, a dry, barren land filled with snakes and scorpions, or do you see the land filled with milk and honey? The clash of Visions – the materialist, and the Romantic – supported two entirely different possibilities before them.
That is where Harold Covington wins First Prize. He SEES so sharply that it is literally painful for him, what we SHOULD be doing, and what we COULD become. The vital first step is sending money to counter-currents, each and every month.
The final step will be when our grandchildren look up to The Stars, and see THEIR grandchildren looking down at them.
We have always thought too small, and dreamed too small a dream, one forged for us to be chains on our Minds by our Adversaries.
We can Do Something about that, while we can.
Again, sending money to counter-currents is the necessary First Step. Without that metapolitical foundation, all else will fail.
Armor in blockquotes:
The brainwashing might be a mile wide and an inch deep, but that is all that is needed to control us. Most white people really DO “disagree with us,” even as they choke to death on the intellectual and moral poison offered them. That “inch deep” is all that is needed to drown us, particularly if you replace “mile wide” with total media immersion of the anti-White position.
There’s nothing “magical and mysterious” about our counter-narrative. Remember, they have their narrative, and it controls us quite well. And, given the collapse of the historical media, the media of the Internet is available to us.
Bob Whitaker and Horus the Avenger’s efforts, small though htey are, are paying off. They use the Internet. No flyering, no streetwalking, no funny ununiform uniforms – just an effective message, consistently applied. It helps to create the first crack in the ice. THAT is where our opportunities will be presented.
Their myths might well be “ridiculous and contemptible.” They are also nearly universally accepted, and enthusiastically supported. We should learn from their example.
And, as to Dorner being a “leftist revolutionary,” if you think about it, he was.
He was a failure at that, as he was at everything else in his life.
One point needs to be made about Dorner. If you listen to black radio, and read the black blogs, this man is I repeat IS a damn Hero of the (Leftist) Revolution.” If you want “politics of the Deed,” here it is. Envy is probably the most powerful emotion, and revenge – the attempt to replace humiliation with pride – amplifies the power of envy, and anchors it in an elaborate, pseudointellectual, rationalization that provides the raison d’etre for the rest of one’s life.
Revenge also binds one mechanistically to the Past, allowing us to miss the lesson put before us by our Adversaries. We thus miss the opportunity to transform Evil into Good.
In some alternative history ideas I have outlined, Mathews is the United States Senator from the Northwest Republic, and David Lane is practicing what he preached while incarcerated. He is a Pastor at a Church of the New Christianity, incorporating the masculine forces offered by the Pagan North into a new, assertive practice of Christianity.
In short, they are being deep Revolutionaries, by being effective politically, transforming the decaying System before us into something that organically serves the Race.
Now, imagine what Breivik could have done with his money if he had developed an organization based on a race-based philosophy, and gone into politics.
He would have been, like The Order would have been, much more effective as servants of the Race.
In the meanwhile, we can all best serve the Race by sending money to counter-currents each and every month, without fail.
That is the most effective revolutionary act we can perform, today, and lays the foundation for even more effective revolutionary acts, tomorrow.
Now, imagine what Breivik could have done with his money if he had developed an organization based on a race-based philosophy, and gone into politics.
A senator David Lane or Robert Mathews is believable. Such a result would have been manifestly superior to their rash, premature spree. (As an aside, WLP didn’t seem to accept responsibility for Matthews’ going postal in his introduction to Matthews’ speech in the NA archives, even though his own work unambiguously encouraged such wanton mayhem, which only lowers my already low opinion of the man.) Matthews seemed to genuinely believe his actions might serve to ignite the racial revolution he perceived as brewing under the surface and that he would have lived to enjoy its fruits. Brievik, in contrast, was committed to sacrificing himself from the outset. A more realistic superior course of action for Brievik’s context, therefore, would have been to take the leftists as hostages rather than killing them, releasing one for each hour he was allowed to air his message on national television, or something like that.
“Bob Whitaker and Horus the Avenger’s efforts, small though they are, are paying off. They use the Internet. No flyering, no streetwalking, no funny ununiform uniforms – just an effective message, consistently applied.”
I agree, but Bob’s mantra isn’t an example of the counter-narrative that Alex Kurtagic says we need. It is only a mantra, a slogan. Alex Kurtagic’s counter-narrative is larger than a slogan. It is supposed to be “a larger mythic vision, a romantic worldview” I’m a little skeptical about that. He says that we rely too much on logical arguments. But at the same time, Gregory Hood writes that “as Alex Kurtagic has demonstrated, the heart of the case for white extermination has nothing to do with empirical evidence”. Both Gregory Hood and Alex Kurtagic rely heavily on logical demonstration, so as to prove that logical arguments don’t matter. But logic is largely what makes their articles interesting to me. Maybe what they mean is that we must rely less on logic and more on romantic visions when talking to White people who are NOT White nationalists.
I enjoy articles that demonstrate over and over that we are right and moral, and that there is no logic, coherence, or honesty in the positions of our enemies. Leftist myths do not succeed thanks to their inner strength. They are enforced through force, brainwashing, censorship and intimidation.
I wonder what Alex Kurtagic thinks of Bob’s mantra. It is certainly not over-intellectual. It relies heavily on simple logic, but even more on repetition. Leftist myths rely on 24/7 repetition by the media (and zero logic).
When learning a new language, I think it is sometimes more effective to listen 20 times to the same foreign language speech on an MP3 player than to listen to 20 different speeches. Repetition helps you to remember. After that, you can proceed to something new. I think it is also very useful to keep rehashing the same ideas on WN blogs.
Personally, I am more interested in spreading mantras and slogans than in trying to spread romantic visions. Of course, several different approaches should be tried. One approach I liked was tried by the blog We know that the Jewish media, through sheer repetition, have made a lot of absurd anti-White themes and ideas easily available in the brains of dumb leftists. Someone at Majority Rights had the idea to prepare a list of snappy comebacks (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) to reply to the most common anti-White remarks. I think that kind of work can certainly be effective.
I’m just throwing this link in because it has a picture of his beautiful mother and his half-sister.
Armor: You think any such action is counter-productive. I think you are wrong. What we lack is a way to evaluate the impact of such an action in people’s minds.
Not to belabor Brevik when he’s already been discussed to death here and everywhere else, but I have to say that there are at least two possible ways to evaluate the impact Brevik made:
1) Did he stop immigration of non-whites into Norway in any way?
No, he didn’t.
2) Did his attack move significant numbers of white people in our direction?
The reaction to what Brevik did seems to be an almost near universal sense of revulsion, including from many people who would agree with much of what he believes (including myself). If you know otherwise, I’d be happy to hear about it.
Given these results, I don’t see how Brevik’s attack could be seen in any way as a success.
“The reaction to what Brevik did seems to be an almost near universal sense of revulsion”
If you are the average person revulsed by the violent death of young people, Breivik’s action gives you all the more reason to condemn the government’s immigration policy.
“including from many people who would agree with much of what he believes (including myself).”
Actually, most people agree with Breivik that the government’s policy of replacing White people with non-White immigrants is wrong. Even though most of them disapprove of Breivik’s method, I don’t think they feel guilty about Utoya, and my guess is that it will unconsciously encourage them to be even more hostile to the government’s policy, and it will make the semi-leftists less sure of themselves.
Battered wives often feel guilty. White people who are abused by their governments and the media also feel guilty for having healthy moral thoughts. But there is no reason to believe that it can only work one way. Violence against the leftists may also make them feel guilty. Violence tends to increase the polarization. It can only make White people more aware of what is happening. It will generate more resistance. But it is difficult to evaluate its effect. The Norwegian newspapers will never let the leftists describe in the newspapers how Breivik made them change their minds.
“If you know otherwise, I’d be happy to hear about it.”
If you can explain how Breivik’s actions make it easier for the government to bring in more immigrants, please go ahead. In fact, you don’t try to explain anything. You just show some exasperation and think that the burden of proof rests on me. But there is nothing obvious in your own views.
Some people also claim that Hitler is responsible for today’s immigration disaster. The theory is that he overdid it, lost the war, and there was an adverse reaction. I don’t think that theory makes much sense. The worst possible thing, in addition to the Utoya death toll, is that the Norwegian government will continue to work at the destruction of Norway. But it was already doing that before Utoya.
I’ve seen the picture of one of the victims who was a sweet looking about 15 year old white girl. It is very sad, but the project of the Western governments is that people like her will cease to exist, be raped or killed in the streets, and will stop having children because life has become too ugly and dangerous. It is much worse than the death of a few dozen people. The leftists should be blamed for that anyway. What do they expect?
George Michael’s latest book, Lone Wolf Terror and the Rise of Leaderless Resistance (Vanderbilt University Press, 2012), might warrant a review at Counter-Currents.
This is a bull’s-eye piece, and a useful reminded of incidents that have been largely forgotten. I’ve linked to it here:
This passage has stuck in my head since first reading the column:
“Has Christopher Dorner hurt the cause of anti-racism or gun control through his violent actions? Is there any, literally any, conceivable action committed by “antifa” or nonwhites that could hurt that cause? If gunning down interracial couples and taunting grieving fathers don’t do it, I’m hard pressed to say what could.”
This is similar to crime stats, or all the evidence of false rape claims vastly outnumbering legit rapes at colleges. All these truths are completely subjugated to the Multicultural Myth. Truly, what more crime could be more explicit – wanton murder of innocents, multicult innocents, no less – and still be disregarded?
Similar to the Military Myth (Americans cannot fathom troops as anything other than manly heroes in constant death struggles straight from ‘300’ and ‘Saving Private Ryan’), the Multicult Myth is communicated almost entirely through the mass media: Hollywood, news, pop politics, and pop culture.
Did anyone ever contact Kevin Alfred Strom concerning his reviewing the book he edited, “Jack’s War?”
No, it is really not the right approach to have a book reviewed by the person who edited it.
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