On Friday, December 20, Matteo Salvini was absolved of the kidnapping charges brought against him by Palermo prosecutors. This is the second time that leftist activist judges working in concert with immigration NGOs have failed in their attempts to wage lawfare against Italy’s former Minister of the Interior. (more…)
Author: Angelo Plume
December 20, 2024 Angelo Plume
Europa Carnaio
Francesca Totolo
Le Vite delle Donne Contano
Altaforte Edizioni, 2024(English version here)
Francesca Totolo è una cronista italiana con una significativa presenza sui social italiani. Ha quasi diecimila iscritti su Telegram e più di cinquantamila su X. Molto di ciò che posta ha a che fare con il declino dell’Italia, causato in ampia misura dall’arrivo di migranti da paesi disfunzionali del terzo mondo. Nel tardo agosto di quest’anno, ha pubblicato il suo quinto libro, Le vite delle donne contano. (more…)
In this episode, Angelo Plume and Irish author Keith Woods discuss the history of nationalism. Is it just an invention from the 19th century, or do its roots go much deeper? And what about the future of nationalism? What does it have to offer in this globalised world? (more…)
In this episode, Angelo Plume and American writer and political activist Kevin DeAnna have a hard-hitting and inspiring conversation about the flaws in modern democracy and a nationalist vision for the future. (more…)
Apart from hatred, politicians don’t provoke feelings of great passion in me. There is nothing inspiring about managers with comb-overs; men who never fought in battle, who never led from the front, who don’t write their own speeches and rely on teleprompters to recite them, who come from law schools and Goldman Sachs, who make promises that they have no intention of keeping. (more…)
Francesca Totolo
Le Vite delle Donne Contano
Altaforte Edizioni, 2024(Italian version here)
Francesca Totolo is an Italian reporter with a significant presence on Italian social media. She has almost ten thousand subscribers on Telegram and over fifty thousand followers on X. Much of what she posts has to do with the decline of Italy, caused in no small part by the arrival of migrants from dysfunctional third world countries. In late August of this year, she published her fifth book, Le Vite delle Donne Contano. The English interpretation of the title would be “Women’s Lives Matter”. (more…)
Before beginning the second instalment in this series of film reviews, let’s revisit the criteria.
- Is the cast “diverse” only in a way that comports with historical facts, contemporary realities, and/or source material?
- Is the film made with little to no CGI?
- Does the film edify the audience?
- Could the film be made today exactly as it was in its time? (Here, a negative answer is required.)
The Great Replacement. You’ve heard of it before. Is it just a baseless, far right conspiracy theory? Or is it an observable, quantifiable reality? In this episode, Angelo Plume talks to White Papers Policy Institute to find out the truth. (more…)
October 12 is Spain’s national holiday, La Fiesta Nacional de España, also more commonly known as Día de la Hispanidad. The date coincides with Christopher Columbus’ arrival to the Americas in 1492. (more…)
The annual budget for Counter-Currents is $300,000. For someone from the so-called “working class”, that’s a lot of money. For a movement with many thousands of members, many of whom are quite wealthy, it’s a humble sum. (more…)
The last time I was in Ireland, a little under a year ago now, I made it a point to avoid Dublin. I don’t say this to offend any Dubs. The main reason I didn’t want to set foot Dublin is because I didn’t want to see how bad things have got in the “fair city”. I’m not really fond of big cities, generally, but many years ago, I spent quite a lot of time in Dublin and I did grow fond of the place. (more…)
This is the first in a series of film reviews wherein I’ll be looking at works of cinema that were made when subversion—whether of expectations, morals, facts, or source material—was not the filmmakers’ objective. The objective was simply to tell a story on celluloid. These will not be “classic” films, however. No one needs to read another review of Gone With The Wind or other famous, monumental movies from the past. In fact, many of the films in this series might even be light-hearted, middle-brow, pop culture entertainment. (more…)
Antonio Tajani. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons
2,073 words
Antonio Tajani. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons
The same boring drama has been playing out on the political stage for decades: the progressive liberal left already gets everything it wants, yet it demands more; the useless “conservative” “right” either puts up no resistance, or gleefully sides with the liberals. Another episode of this drama could be seen recently in the United States and in Italy. (more…)