Biden is out. Trump is in. Is that a good thing for those of us who wonder if we were awake for the last four years or in an extended nightmare populated by a rogues’ gallery of psychopaths, racketeers, grafters, swindlers, weirdos and sundry lowlifes?
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“On Trump’s inauguration day, Stephen Paul Foster points out that we still don’t know who he really is or what he stands for.” On the contrary, we do know who he really is or what he stands for, Trump is a traitor. We have a short memory, don’t we ! A few weeks ago Trump had a very simple choice – back maga the people who elected him or cheap foreign labor(H1B). The Traitor Trump (TTT) chose cheap foreign labor.
Today, the pushovers know as maga, will go to his inauguration & cheer for the traitor. Maga is pathetically weak, is not a force to be reckoned with even though they represent the largest voting block. They don’t deserve their acronym in all caps. Maga deserves what it tolerates.
I prefer the capitalize MAGA, even though I agree with you about Trump. MAGA love Israel too much – that’s their real problem. If only they put America First and were neutral on Israel, then they would be better off.
“MAGA love Israel too much – that’s their real problem.”
Why bother calling themselves – make America great again – when they love Israel too much? They, maga, should be loving America too much, apparently maga has a defective brain.
“If only they put America First…”. Again, why bother calling themselves maga when they don’t put America First. Who needs enemies when we have maga. The ship of fools is maga.
Weakness causes problems.
They could put their own country ahead of Israel in their loyalty. That would be an improvement. They could go even further, and learn who is their real enemy, but that would be too much to hope for.
I share your distain for MAGA. They definitely put Israel first and America a distant second. Nevertheless, looking at the big picture, the Democrats manage to be even worse – ten times worse. Most leftwingers are anti-White, and they include Israel as a White country.
1John: January 20, 2025 “MAGA love Israel too much – that’s their real problem.”…Who needs enemies when we have maga. The ship of fools is maga….
Yes, MAGA fools’ logo might as well be the Mogen David.
Those few C-Cers who know well the answer to the JQ, and have the moral courage to say so, means they do not fear naming Jews as the primary enemy of the White race. For that reason alone they should not be docile MAGA enthusiasts.
Read this entire article from back in September to understand why: At DC Event, Trump Promises to “Make Israel Great Again”
President Donald Trump said Thursday at a ‘Fighting Antisemitism’ event in Washington DC that the upcoming US election is “the most important” in Israel’s history. Watch Trump’s remarks and event host Yehuda Kaploun…
Trump promised to not only “make America great again,” but to “make Israel great again.”
How can a parasitic tribe of liars that was never great be made great again?
Great article as always. Thank you so much for reminding us of the look on Jeb! Bush’s face. That is belly laugh material.
It will come as no surprise to readers here that “fascist” is the leftist/Jewish code-word for “White.” And so we have the bizarre situation of a leader whose base is at least 85% White, the reason why he is so hated, yet he hardly says our name much less advocates overtly for us. We have become The Race That Dare Not Say Its Name. In his inaugural he mentioned all the sacred victim coloreds, but not us. I have tried to think of a nifty analogy, but I know of no historical precedent for such an Alice-In-Wonderland political order.
The wretched tribe embodied by lifelong anti-White grifter Biden, so well described here as “a swamp creature” will be on the defensive for the next few years. That alone is satisfying and a huge relief. But I suspect the most we can hope for with Trump’s loose-cannon behavior is to take advantage of all the openings it provides. Who knows, perhaps his second term will ignite the Blues desire for secession and partition? A consummation devoutly to be wished.
The Blue leadership will not abandon the source that they use as scraps for their clients and a feast for themselves.
My impression of that speech was the same. After all of the scorn, vitriol an outright pogrom and overt calls for our genocide in the past four years, not a mention of us but a double mention for those votes he desperately needed.
Very disappointing opening salvo. We must use our time and energy wisely.
I hope the author is right about Trump’s epiphany. We’ll soon see.
Over the last 10 years (nearly), the attacks on Trump have been hysterical and hyperbolic. They resemble the Stalinists’ attacks against Trotsky for their level of absurdity and calumny. (In fact, Trotsky was a good communist, loyal to the USSR. Without Lenin and Trotsky, there would have been no successful putsch, and no victory in the resultant civil war.)
The entire lawfare campaign against Trump has been a massive Abuse of Process. It has permanently disgraced the legal system in certain leftwing jurisdictions, especially in New York.
Is Trump more like Biden than we wish to admit? Stories of his previous administration include his forgetting to sign off documents on his desk, confirming what Ann Coulter wrote about “policy was that of the last one he talked to”. Trump likes showmanship and Americans like that too. He’s not a Nixon or Kennedy, even discounting age.
If Trump’s subordinates can implement policy to placate some of the white middle and lower class with actual gains, the next four years could be better than I expect.
well for those who doubted him on this issue, he’s making good on his promise. I hope he does the same for CVille pows.
Trump wasted no time lifting sanctions on israeli settlers.
Stronza: January 23, 2025 Trump wasted no time lifting sanctions on israeli settlers
Since the 1967 Middle East war, Israel has occupied the West Bank of the Jordan River, which Palestinians want as the core of an independent state. It has built Jewish settlements there that most countries deem illegal. Israel disputes this and cites historical and Biblical ties to the land.
Ha! Jewish history from the Big Jew Book. How convenient for the chosenites.
Thanks for this, Stronza. Trump can throw hundreds of billions more of American taxpayers’ dollars to the “Israeli” occupiers, even a trillion from his new big tech Jew partners, but that doesn’t mean he/they will ultimately prevail against Palestinians. See “the other side of the story,” here: (183) Palestinians & Friends Attack Israeli Occupiers – Page 52 – White Biocentrism
Official: Hamas will defeat Israel in West Bank
“…A senior Hamas official says the Palestinian resistance movement will defeat Israel in the occupied West Bank as it did in the besieged Gaza Strip…
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