In a 180-degree reversal after years of celebrating Bio-Leninist rejects, the US Army recently released a recruitment video featuring white chads jumping out of an airplane. Emma, their previously-lauded girl with two moms from California, is nowhere to be seen — presumably because a real war is brewing.
💪 Together, we can take on any challenge.
🪂 Jump into the unlimited #ArmyPossibilities to #BeAllYouCanBe at #MondayMotivation
— U.S. Army (@USArmy) November 6, 2023
At last, Eric Cartman from South Park has a place where he can flee from the Disney executives who want to replace him with a sassy black woman — at least until the regime no longer needs cannon fodder for overseas wars and returns to crushing internal dissent. Given their desperation, getting a waiver for his obesity should be easy, too. Even his politically incorrect past shouldn’t be an issue, as I have heard several accounts of recruiters groveling to get back those who were kicked out for refusing the vaccine or for so-called extremism.
The Army being ritualistically humiliated in the replies was one of the most inspiring things I have seen in a long time. White men are increasingly unwilling to die for Israel. We are not all in this together, and we never were. The Schadenfreude of the worm turning so quickly is exquisite. And the fact that the video came so soon after the Army suddenly and chaotically ordered 800 soldiers to immediately go to recruiter training tells us that they’re desperate.
As of now, the regime’s Rainbow Terror has taken almost a thousand political prisoners from January 6 alone, not counting others such as Rob Rundo. So much for the land of the free. Every one of these political prisoners is a reason not to enlist. But I would like to highlight one who is special to me: my friend Christian Secor.
On January 6, Christian briefly sat in Mike Pence’s fancy chair of Our Democracy™ or whatever. Because he is not a black career criminal or antifa terrorist, the system threw everything at him. First it was a raid by 40 FBI thugs, then 40 days and nights of solitary confinement under threat of being extradited to the DC Gulag to be tortured, then months of house arrest. This was followed by months of curfew, and finally a coercive plea agreement on a fake charge of obstructing an official proceeding.
The “agreed”-upon felony charge came with sentencing guidelines. Oddly, the plea agreement did not allow for an appeal if the judge exceeded those guidelines. Judge Trevor McFadden exploited this procedural loophole and sentenced Christian to three-and-a-half years of prison — which was over twice what was agreed upon in the sentencing guidelines. This was despite Christian having a record of perfect behavior during his house arrest and no previous criminal history. The sentencing guidelines are apparently more of a sentencing suggestion for dissidents in Our Democracy™.
Trevor McFadden’s handling of January 6 cases has been erratic, to say the least. Defendants with mainstream views — or who perhaps sell others out, such as Baked Alaska — almost certainly received leniency. (Mr. Alaska got a mere two months in prison despite terrible behavior while his sentencing was pending.) Others, such as Christian, have the book thrown at them.
When the regime thinks it is strong, it silences, intimidates, doxes, and replaces white men. It even imprisons them in sham legal proceedings. But then when they feel vulnerable, they beg those same white men to die in foreign wars for their Israeli masters.
There are also numerous apolitical reasons why we shouldn’t enlist. From my time in the US Air Force, I can attest that if the military were a company, it would have failed years ago from gross incompetence. I will spare you my personal veteran rant, but suffice it to say that my comrades and I were treated very poorly despite being in a critically understaffed career field. My six years as an Airborne Linguist consisted of a series of insulting slaps in the face interspersed with annoying pokes. Whenever careerism or bureaucracy clashed with the mission, the mission almost always lost.
These apolitical issues lead into political issues. “Shut up and color” easily flowed into “Shut up and color the rainbow flag.” A few weeks before I began terminal leave in 2017, the black Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force was asked about President Trump’s transgender ban at an all-call formation at my base. He gave a blatantly insubordinate answer in which he shamelessly played the race card, saying, “There was once a time when I could not serve because of the color of my skin.” He was met with thunderous applause by hundreds of “ZOGbots.”
I know, too, that many people might be tempted to enlist because of student loan debt or the GI Bill. But it is better to be in debt than dead.
I must emphasize that we should not enlist even if Donald Trump is reelected. By then our adversaries will be even more entrenched in the military than when I was in. The Airman’s Manual declared that diversity was a military necessity long before the stolen election of 2020. The decay set in at least during the Obama era, and probably much earlier still.
I don’t believe that the current regime, including its military, can be reformed. They are past redemption. If they can be reformed, they will need to hit rock bottom first, like a drug addict before he goes off to rehab. It is still a long way off. Every white man who enlists just enables them to postpone their moment of clarity.
The current uniparty system will have to be uprooted and replaced in its entirety, including the GOP. Trevor McFadden illustrates this perfectly. He is not a Democrat, but a typical careerist Republican cuck, and a Trump appointee at that. I can’t even call Trevor a RINO, because liberalism, anti-white hate, and treason seem to have become key planks in the Republican Party’s platform. Even the Orange Man himself pardoned scores of blacks and Jews on his way out of office while leaving the mostly white January 6 defendants to be crushed while he golfed at Mar-a-Lago.
Democrats and Republicans, liberals and classical liberals, Soros prosecutors and Trump judges: They are all the same. When it’s safe, they will grind white men into the dirt to signal their loyalty to their Jewish masters. Epstein’s island was bipartisan, after all.
It’s not our party, not our regime, not our country, and not our army — so guess what? It’s not our problem. Pox Populi recently argued that we should change our mindset from focusing on solving problems to creating them. I couldn’t agree more. Since the system refuses to be reformed, it must be destroyed. And since the regime has done everything to make it difficult or impossible for us to act, perhaps we should lean into that and focus on inaction. Until now, the regime was correct in assuming that it would always have a supply of competent white men for its ill-advised wars of aggression. This is a critical Achilles heel, and we must exploit it as viciously as the regime has exploited us.
There are legitimate questions about whether the masses have revolutionary potential. We can bypass this problem, though, by focusing our efforts on the youth, who are proving to be mostly immune to the meme of Zionism.
There are certainly problems with youthful vanguardism, such as immaturity. But the youth are not only more receptive to our ideas and less receptive to the enemy’s, they are also the ones who are essential to the regime’s war machine. We must starve that machine.
Zionism is a luxury belief for old conservatives, just as diversity and Black Lives Matter are for liberals. Neither group pays for the consequences of their imbecilic policies. The youth do not have that luxury.
What about a draft? A draft would only hasten the regime’s demise. Most Americans are not physically or mentally competent to be drafted. Those who are, are too dangerous. And the instability caused by a draft today would make the Vietnam era look tranquil in comparison. If there is a draft, every white man should declare himself an “extremist” so that he doesn’t have to serve. By then it may actually be true.
The regime’s demise might be inevitable, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t hasten it. Doing so will save and enrich lives. As Nietzsche said, “That which is about to fall, shall ye also push.”
Each of us has a sacred duty to mock the regime, and especially when it comes to its recruitment efforts. The best way to do this is via real-life activism. But if real-life activism isn’t advisable, you can still engage in aggressive online activism, such as ratioing Zionist shills and military recruiters. If propaganda and counter-propaganda were not important, they wouldn’t be used extensively in every war. Each tweet counts in mass assault doctrine.
You have a thousand very good reasons to find a way to contribute to our holy struggle, and not one good reason not to.
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The comments below the video are gold. My favorite was “I was really looking forward to enlisting, but I didn’t see any latinx females in wheelchairs. I don’t know where I would fit in.”
Amen. Thank you for this. I too agree that the comments on YouTube for the army’s latest recruitment video were heartwarming to say the least
The American armed forces and government have done irreparable damage to the morale and defence of the country. As an outsider looking in, I may be misplaced but I always viewed the US servicemen and women as having a very high threshold of tolerance for whatever the government of the day meted out.
Over and above the colour of the ruling party I’ve seen many documentaries that show 2 and 3 generations of very proud individuals (be they services or police) that were proud to serve their country. It was the back bone of many a community.
That has been lost now and hell mend Biden et al. The pride in oneself and to one’s brothers and sisters in arms superseded anything the government could do because the ultimately knew they acted in good faith, despite orders and missions placed upon them.
Now the country may really need them and I guess there is only so many times a cohort of people (who are positive citizens of, for and to their country) can be shat upon from a very high height.
We’re inviting our top adversaries to inspect nuclear weapons sites…
Thank you for the link. Will have a look. The madness continues, it seems.
The only American military force I would have joined ended in the spring of 1865. Death to Yankee hegemony. Sic semper tyrannis. John Wilkes Booth did nothing wrong.
Wrong. Had Lincoln lived and his will carried out, the blacks would have been sent back to Africa and nurtured in the new free state of Liberia.
No. Lincoln deserved to die for invading the South and starting the war. Secession is as American as apple pie. Sending blacks back was never set in stone and wasn’t going to happen whether the tyrant lived or not, unfortunately, they served in the Union military and weren’t going to go to Liberia. Why do that when they could stay and get their (imaginary) 40 acres and a mule?
Mr. Lincoln was a shifty Illinois lawyer who talked out of both sides of his mouth as the occasion demanded. I’m convinced that the war-criminal never would have bothered with his so-called Negro Plan to ship freed slaves back to Africa.
At best he might’ve relocated some freedmen elsewhere in the country in small enough numbers to minimize the impact — just like Somalians are sent to Boise in the hopes that nobody notices.
6 children among 9 people wounded in knife attack at Idaho apartments that house refugees
But instead of putting a stop to this, the Boise locals gathered for Candlelight Kumbaya. Downtown Boise actually has a bronze Anne Frank memorial, which periodically gets vandalized by racists and anti-Semites according to the mayor.
It’s really amazing when nationalists defend the South. What do you think would have happened if Dixie had won? More negros to America, that’s what would happen. Southern nationalism is retarded from a pro white working class standpoint. If the south would’ve won, half the nation would’ve descended to the demographics of Brazil decades ago. The average free white farmer in the south was below the negro in the minds of the aristocrat class, and it did not consist solely of Jews.
I see why you may think that (Southern victory = more blacks), but I don’t think so. Southerners knew what they had. Jefferson, southern man, slave holder, banned new imports of slaves. southerners were under no “diversity is strength” illusions. The south, by and large, wanted to keep slavery only because they saw no moral and acceptable path to ridding themselves of the blacks who were here.
They stopped importing new slaves years before the war. Slavery was gonna die out anyway. The fact is, they had the right to secede just like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc. It was always a voluntary union that a state/states could break away from for any reason they wanted. Union Soldiers commited a bunch of war crimes that Southerners never did. Your beloved blue belly side fought shoulder to shoulder with blacks against white Southerners. The clown America we have today is a direct result from the war of northern aggression. I’m descended from the Planter aristocracy and normal farmers. They both fought together against an invading army. And they would have won had it been even close to a fair fight, which it wasn’t. I have more Northern ancestors than Southern, but I am closer to and entirely sympathize with my Southern side. Long live the (true) South!
My beloved blue belly side? Don’t get hysterical. I’m not even American, I’m a (continental) European. How the hell does it make me a Yankee to say that the South was no better (actually worse) than the North?
And what heritage of the South are you talking about? The South was the richest but at the same time the most unequal society in the world in the mid-1800s, right before the civil war. Being the most unequal, the South had the poorest and the most degraded White people ever. There were hardly any schools around, people were illiterate and they certainly didn’t care about their kin and kinsmen. It also had the poorest soil in the pre-modern world. The planters didn’t have any romantic attachments to the land, as soon as they depleted their land they’d go somewhere else and do it again.
Southerners did not castrate their slaves, they even allowed them to breed. Wow, very moral. Slavery wasn’t going to die out, it was a slave-economy and the Southerners needed slaves.
The clown America and the rest of the West we have today are the result of Christian ethics and its golems. You seem to forget that the Jews were represented in the South.
No use arguing with you, we don’t have the same history, so of course you will never understand why I, as a descendant of Southerners that have been in America for 400 years, hold the history of the region in such high esteem. Believe all the anti-Southern microwaved propaganda you want. You are obviously extremely ignorant on the subject. I’ll take my history over yours any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Ha, yes, that’s the answer I expected. “You are wrong” is your only argument. Just because you are from the South does not make you an authority or more knowledgeable on the subject. It only makes you look childish. In fact, swallow your pride and actually realize that Southerners were driven by economic, not racial, inclinations. National Vanguard has an issue about the subject published in the 2000s. Read it if you come across it.
My old military base, Fort Gordon, Georgia — which is the home of the U.S. Army Signal Corps — has now been renamed.
You see, it isn’t enough that Lieutenant General John Brown Gordon, CSA was once the Georgia Governor and a U.S. Senator; he was also a Confederate hero and an unrepentant White man. I proudly use General Gordon as an avatar on some message forums.
I happen to think that Secession was a very dumb move and that Nullification was illegal. But Secession was well within the rights of the states who had voluntarily formed a more perfect union in the first place, four score or whatnot years before.
Also, Northern Abolitionists had been using the tariff as bitter economic warfare against the Southern slavocracy, and not to help build the nation as Founders like Alexander Hamilton had intended. The Southerners were well within their rights to “rebel,” as the Unionists put it.
My Confederate ancestor did not own any slaves; he was a simple blacksmith who owned some land in Arkansas at the Cato Springs area near Fayetteville and was conscripted as a gunsmith in Colonel Gordon’s Regiment (not the same man as the aforementioned general).
Federal troops invaded their homes, not the other way around.
Private John Henry Cato, CSA died of smallpox and starvation in a Union prison at Alton, Illinois a few weeks before the great redeemer, Mr. Lincoln was shot dead. Ironically, Pvt. Cato’s parents were Southern Illinois “Copperheads” who similarly had no use for Negroes.
John Henry Cato wrote some pretty pathetic letters to his wife back home asking her to bring him some food and a cardboard box of provisions while in the overcrowded PoW camp, so she took a steamship up the Mississippi River with a gaggle of kids to comply with his plea. But he was already dead when she got there.
The widow, Mrs. Cato died shortly thereafter of consumption while working at a cotton mill. One orphaned son went West to Los Angeles and became a police officer. Another son went West as a juvenile to ply the rough trade of Colorado mining camp blacksmith, and his son took a Mormon wife who was my great-grandmother, whom I knew personally.
Assassins do not change history for the better, but President Lincoln — elected on a “free-soil” GOP ticket — had no business killing over 600 thousand fellow White men, and ruining the lives of millions of other Americans, over a faltering “peculiar institution” that was not marching West as pulpit Abolitionists feared.
Thanks for sharing. My Southern ancestors were from all over the South, including very early Texan settlers. My surname line were originally Virginians. During the Revolution they were in North Carolina, and my Patriot ancestor was murdered after the war by some local Loyalists. His grandson served in the War of 1812 and his son was an early settler of Texas, who mainly did Ranger work defending Texas during the War between the states. Eventually the descendants went to California, (Modesto and surrounding areas) and then to Oregon. I have other Confederate ancestors from Georgia,Alabama,Louisiana,etc.
The ‘legality’ of nullification is irrelevant. It was conceived by some of the most prominent Framers as part of the organic checks and balances on the federal instrument.
Irrelevant to what? I am not arguing against the Tenth Amendment.
I am not saying that the National government can’t pass bad or unjust laws — just that the states cannot decide which of these are the legitimate laws of the land like a picky eater at a school cafeteria.
In a Confederacy, this may be legitimate because each state is its own sovereignty.
But a Federal system divides power according to certain rules and traditions. The Nation-State is supposed to be an organic whole — but the individual States, while NOT truly sovereign, do have certain rights guaranteed by the Constitution, as do the citizens.
Pathological decentralization can also cause many other organizational problems, except maybe for Libertarians. In my opinion, the National government created by the Founders skirted that line too close to the side of weakness. This was not so disadvantageous when strong and pragmatic leaders were in power to set National goals. But wise and enlightened leaders tend to be the rarities.
Democracy-Capitalist systems tend to be highly stable over time because they don’t lend easily to change. But this tends to reinforce systemic problems until crises or even fundamental collapses occur. The Slavery question was one of these; it was never meaningfully resolved at the outset of the Republic.
A bottom-up or grassroots political tradition has many virtues, but administrative balkanization is not always the best outcome. It is not usually a good way to mobilize in wartime, for example, where all the horses need to hitched to the same side of the cart to pull it out of the bog — rather than all the interests balanced in the fresh air of Liberty as Madison described pluralism in Federalist No. 10.
That is why soldiers wear uniforms and get standardized training and usually swear an oath to obey — with bold government officials also setting broad economic policies which private industry is expected to follow, at least for the duration of the emergency.
By Nullification, what I meant was:
“Between 1798 and the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, several states threatened or attempted nullification of various federal laws. None of these efforts were legally upheld. […] The Constitution does not contain any clause expressly providing that the states have the power to declare federal laws unconstitutional.”
In a nutshell, that is why the Southern states started to secede after Mr. Lincoln was elected in 1860. They didn’t like high protective tariffs, for example, and the cotton slavocracy that controlled the Southern legislatures didn’t like many other things.
By eschewing a spirit of compromise, Lincoln encouraged the animosity and bellicosity because he was ordained in his mind to bring an egregious political poison to a head.
From the time that he was elected to when he was sworn in, Lincoln should have personally visited every Southern capital and state legislature with a message of friendship rather than radical Republicanism. I believe Sam Dickson made this point once long ago. Instead, the new President started picking fights and sending in troops over who owned former Federal properties in states that had voluntarily (and lawfully) left the Union.
A truly wise and just leader might have been able to work out a National solution to the rift that involved manumission, compensation, and deportation.
As it stood, almost no slave holder could have afforded to voluntarily free his slaves, and it would have essentially required putting Negroes on lifetime pensions to keep them behaved. Manumission was no mean feat even for George Washington — who left no children, and only his widow to provide for.
I enlisted in the Air Force in the 90s and while the diversity cult hadn’t quite entrenched itself yet, there was still this suffocating anti-racist atmosphere from the top down bureaucracy. NCO’s walked around with black power tattoos but i was grilled endlessly about various skinhead tattoos i had gotten as a teenager. It took them a long time to let it go and leave me alone. I can only imagine how bad it is now. At the beginning i was told if I was involved in “white supremacy “ i should just walk right out. I should’ve listened.
“There was once a time when I could not serve because of the color of my skin.”
Maybe it had something to do with your broad flattened nose, with hell portal nostrils,among other things.
Probably had more to do with his inability to pass the competency test than the color of his skin. I’m pretty sure blacks served in the military since at least the War Between the States and maybe some even esrlier.
A good and timely article, David. I hope it deters many a white young man and woman from enlisting.
In the heading image, that female drill sergeant looks mighty feisty. Aww, isn’t that cute?
Neither does the white man.
If you are white and wish to retain your dick & nuts I sure wouldn’t join the Armed Farces.
Back in 1980 I was flunking out of engineering school. Thought of joining the French Foreign Legion but the Carter Army had a two-year enlistment for combat arms Military Occupational Specialties (MOS). Plenty of 11B infantry MOS and there was one in the Cavalry Scout which involved driving around in a jeep wating until the Red Army chose to go past the Fulda Gap on theys drive to Paris. This was when the Regular Army was slightly less than a million, with the USAEUR forves being 350,000 along with the Air Farce being 100,000 or so. I wanted to be a Field Artillery Surveyer as that had a civilian use but failed color-blind test so I chose 15J10 — Lance Missile Fire Direction and Control for the most advanced inertial guidance cruise missile accurate within 10 meters over 75 miles in Charlie Battery 2d Bn 42d Field Artillery which was a nuclear unit tasked with taking out railroad chokepoints in East Germany or Czechoslovakia to attack Red Army supply. Our unit was less than 40 out of a supposed 120 man Tables of Organization and Equipment. The Red Army was at the height of its powers in the twilight of the Carter Army before Ronald Reagan poured a lot of money into the armed forces.
Six months before my basic training at Ft. Dix NJ the Army did away with bayonet training except for the drill platoon. In any case, two months of basic training and two months of training for your MOS can’t teach more than half of what you really need to know about your military job, such as how to set up camoflage nets, directional antennas, using the radios, using the generators, and operations from corps, brigade, and battallion to the missile crews.
A decade later during Desert Storm in 1991 at the local farm supply store there were around a dozen National Guardsmen who had not been trained in chemical warfare nor had they been issued rubber overshoes, which used to be issued for Miliary Operational Protectiver Posture (MOPP Level 3) for chemical warfare vs the Russians even though Saddam Hussein was supposed to have chemical wespons. I advised the Guardmen — some of them NCOs — to buy full overshoe as just ankle-length wouldn’t cut it against nerve agent.
Now certain military skills used to be taught such as First Aid in the hopes that the smarter troops would remember their skills and use them as necessary, but they were obviously no longer teaching soldier skills.
The Army used to track down the homos and the lesbos and kick them out. Now they all run wild from what I hear and the Army will even pay to turn them from a queer to a steer, no less. Even back in 1982 my roommate, a little super-lifer roommate was trying for soldier of the month and quarter and the older lifers told him that he would lose to a female beaneress because he didn’t have a pussy even back them. He got all mad when I made fun of the Army and compared it unfavorably to the Germans in the 250th Rocket after we went cross-training with them. They used the radios less and the field-phones more and didn’t spitshine their pull-up boots, nor rape German prostitutes and leave their bodies in the dumpster. They had more self-discipline and less spit-and-shine. So he moved across the barracks hall and set up a junior-lifer museaum after I told him that the battallion sergeant-major could get a hernia looking under my wall locker as I was going to reserve my paycheck for a train ride to Nuremburg for a 40-mark whore and not for floor wax. As a member of the Spec-4 mafia I put the mustache regulations by shaving off the ends and then when Herman-the-German would stare tell them that Fred the Battalion Commander and the Sergeant-Major told us that we were over there with nukes because Adolf started the war which kept us over there and it served them right. I got to keep my scraggly Spec-4 mustache as it was after a few am calls to Battallion HQ by the huffy local Hermans.
I loved Germany. The Army not so much. I could barely handle 2 years, 20 was out of the question, even though 2/42 FA was the non-reenlistment capital of USAEUR. (1/51st Mechanized Infantry across the street at McKee Barracks was the cocaine capital.) I tool a Eurail Pass trip across Western Europe. Got some teeth fixed. If I had gotten me a girlfriend as opposed to 20 whores or old German skanks the Army would pay for the kids.
But what destroyed the Army was the nigger Secretary of Defense policy of mandating the clot-shot for the troops. Those with 18 years or over were allowed to retire out. But two years ago I seen in the Granby Rameys grocery store a staff-sergeant with 12 years who when given the choice of the clot-shot or quitting chose to join the Missouri National Guard since Mike Parsons the governor or the Oklahoma governor as commander-in-chief of these national guard units wanted to keep the experienced lifers in their ranks. As a track mechanic staff sergent he was able to work on diesel engines, hydraulics, and tracks at the company and battallion level. Losing experienced NCOs from between 10 and 20 years of service means that you have lost institutional memory and what makes a unit work.
If you are white and wish to retain your dick I sure would’t join or stay in the Army. Not even if you are a drunken Lifer in the Drunken Lifer Corp. Not worth it or even possible. I lasted 2 years and in 1986-87 even fulfilled my Individual Ready Reserve obligation by attending weekend drills for $104 per drill in a 155mm howitzer unit long since disbanded for a MP company after George Dumba Bush got in Iraq and Afghanistan. Facing off against a Russian artillery unit using drones at the battery level to spot artillery fires is akin to having a death sentence now.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
Spec-4 (Ret) c Btry, 2d Bn/42d Field Artillery (Lance)
We in the Soviet troops in Germany always knew that our troops were superior in numbers and in the quality of weapons to our Western opponents, and that if the United States did not use nuclear weapons (Pershing, Lance and then also cruise missiles – land variant of the naval Tomahawk) in the first days of the war, the Soviet army would easily defeat NATO troops in Germany. True, the American troops were not considered the strongest in Germany, if we considered them as conventional forces, not to mention their tactical nuclear weapons. The Fifth and Seventh Corps both would not have been able to stop the Soviet advance. It must be said that Soviet specialists had more respect for the British, for the British Army of Rhine, as well as for the German Bundeswehr. The French were not considered a serious enemy at all, and it seems that we thought that in the event of a conflict they would generally remain neutral or leave their occupation zone in Saarland and get back to France.
Asking ZOGling whiggers to puh-leeeeze save this Mighty Evil Empire is not going to work out well for ZOG.
I joined the Army because I flunked out of engineering school and the Army was desperate for soldiers in the late Carter Army. I went into basic in Feb. 1981 and Ronald Reagan was going to put a lot of money into the Armed Forces. the 1982 Recession brought in talent to the Army and they got rid of the post-Vietnam duds ruthlessly. The Lance missile system was an inertial guidance missile with a dial-a-nuke-yield whose purpose was to stay 75 miles behind the front lines and to take out Soviet tank armies by attacking rail yards in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Being a nuke unit it of course brought the generals around to the command post where it was understood that the three Lance battallions would bring about WW3.
Soviet artillery was feared because there was so much of it and it could take out a kilometer grid square at a time. The T-72 tanks were also feared because they were smaller and faster than our own M-60s, much less the old M-113 APCs or the Mechanized Infantry or M-109 155 mm howitzers. Most of the Army was comprised of negroes, Puerto Ricans and criminals of low intelligence. In 1985 Reagan and Gorbachev came up with a deal to remove the theater nukes of the Pershing I and Lance and not to deploy the Pershing II and Lance II. So my MOS went from being the smallest requiring being able to look up in a logarathmic tables book to compute a firing solution by computation and thus a very small MOS to where it became a larger MOS for the Multiple Launch Rocket System which became the ATACMS and HIMARS. These systems became computerized and with GPS and satellite radio to where females could simply sit in a truck to a GPS firing point and get a firing solution without needing much, if any, mathematical ability. From what I hear they have done away with field-artillery survey crews — all done by GPS-computer tracks with loaded “pods” containing from 1-20 missiles costing millions to fire and months to make in a Raytheon facility.
The Missouri Army Reserves used to have six 155mm howitzer batteries back in 1986-87 where I would simply show up to finish my Individual Army Reserve obligation and get paid $104 per weekend drill. Today the only Army Reserve unit which used the 1960s era M-109 is the battery that Harry Truman used to command back in 1918 called “Truman’s Own”. As a result of not training to use 155mm tube artillery and going to these crated missile missile artillery not as much $5000 155mm artillery shells are produced. Whereas the Russians still got their 152mm artillery and are still making 10 times as much artillery shells costing them $500-600 to produce and two months ago bought 10 million 152mm shells for $60 each from the North Koreans so they can shell the Ukrainians like its March 2022 again.
The present of warfare is using all these artillery shells to destroy cities like Grozny, Mariople, and Gaza in conjuction with drone spotting to simply destroy any target from a battery to battallion level instead of having to use artillery from a brigade or divisional level. Thus a platoon or company commander can set up a drone and have organic artillery support within 10 minutes as opposed to having to get permission for a fire mission from satellite tracking and a colonel or general at the brigade or divisional level to achieve an operational or strategic mission in real time. And so, due to having learned under live fire experience at this present time the Russian Army is likely the best in the world right now. An outnumbered force with fat, doped-up, perverted ZOGlings even with million-dollar complex weapons systems probably won’t be able to compete on the modern battlefield.
Strategically the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans and Iranians with theys’ Syrian and Houthi Shiate proxies are allied, and it is but a matter of time until Putin and Xi formulate a Greater-Asia “Monroe Doctrine” keeping out both ZOG and the Zionists out of Asia.
Asking ZOGling whiggers to puh-leeeeze save this Mighty Evil Empire is not going to work out well for ZOG. Back 40 years ago ZOG had most of the world’s population behind it, but now ZOG is at the end of its time. Even — or especially ZOGlings — are tired of ZOG and want to see it go.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
Spec-4 (Ret) c Btry, 2d Bn/42d Field Artillery (Lance)
Pastor Lindstedt, can you tell us anything about Operation Able Archer in 1983? How close were we to a nuclear war? Would we have actually fired? Who would have fired first? And also, a hypothetical question: If you personally were a soldier tasked with firing such a weapon, would you have refused or complied?
May I also ask about nuclear missiles and nuclear weapons testing. The whole thing seems very fishy to me. The testing is all done “in secret” (why), Bikini Atoll is flourishing with natural life despite all forecasts, and the weapons were only ever “used” twice. The production of the bomb was incredibly Jewish, and the know how was leaked by a Jewish couple. Why did the Nazis not build it? The entire nuke thing is, in my opinion, very fishy and Jewish, and I’m just wondering if anyone better informed has any actual knowledge of these issues. (I will not accept 1950s grainy footage of miniature houses being blown up on a Hollywood film stage as proof)
By the way, the so-called Nuclear Winter, the horror story of the 80’s, was just an unfounded hypothesis, promoted in the West by disinformation specialists of the Soviet KGB.
The Fake Nukes people are full of it. The theory seems to be that governments can never do anything right or ever tell the truth, and so because nukes were created by massive government agencies, they must be fake. But this is conspiracy fantasy.
There is a very common but very basic lack of understanding about physics in general and what atomic energy is all about. Leftists especially don’t know what Science is.
The short answer for why the Germans didn’t develop the atomic bomb is because it was very expensive and nobody knew if it could be really done or not, so it was a risky endeavor for a nation that had to strictly husband its limited resources in wartime.
Before the war Hitler had lavishly supported nuclear research, but this had to be cut back at the outbreak of war unless some proof-of-concept milestones could be made.
However, the Germans made some fundamental mistakes in their nuclear research program early on such as not achieving a controlled chain reaction. Werner Heisenberg (a theoretical physicist and not an experimentalist) was still struggling with this in 1945, while Enrico Fermi (an experimentalist with good theoretical skills) had already built a reactor in 1942, the Chicago Pile.
By contrast, when the Soviets exploded their first atomic bomb in 1949, they curiously made a carbon copy of the Fat Man type bomb used at Nagasaki thanks to systemic Judeo-Communist espionage riddling the Manhattan Project.
Plus, the Soviets had the knowledge that an atomic bomb was possible, since it had been proved three times already in 1945 by the Americans — so any amount of money could be thrown at their own nuclear project by Beria with Stalin’s blessing.
My Dad was an aerospace and nuclear engineer who used to work as a reliability and statistical engineer for the Nevada test site, and later the National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho, which is now the Idaho National laboratory. He had a critical role in the design of the Minuteman missile in the early 1960s and later studied the 1979 Three-Mile Island nuclear meltdown, and the reliability of the Space Shuttle solid-rocket-boosters that blew up in 1986 and then had to be redesigned. Thiokol told them not to launch the Space Shuttle in frigid weater, but officials did it anyway because Reagan’s inauguration was coming up and they wanted the “Teacher in Space” to be in space.
I have known nuclear engineers all my life and I took quite a few Physics classes in college. I am willing to try to answer any questions about such things, barring any actual physicists here.
People have a lot of misconceptions about anything nuclear, thanks to Hollywood and the corporate media. I don’t think that we ever got especially close to nuclear war, but if war came, both sides had operational doctrines for using tactical nukes to conduct or to stop Soviet armored invasions. Everybody knew this and it was published openly in Soviet manuals.
The Minuteman ICBM was a strategic nuke for a powerful second strike deterrence against a Soviet strategic first strike. It used stable solid fuels unlike earlier ICBMs, so it could be launched in a matter of minutes without an arduous tanking up procedure with toxic liquid fuels. The Minuteman ICBM also employed a solid-state digital guidance computer, which was not bad for 1962.
Also, JFK campaigned for President in 1960 warning about a “Missile Gap” with the Soviets. This was flatly not true in spite of some Soviet successes in rocketry such as with Sputnik (1957).
The effect of a strategic nuclear deterrent was indeed a great deterrent to world war, and its effect should not be dismissed; nuclear deterrence helped protect the peace during the Cold War.
I watched the Apollo Moon Landing on TV in 1969. My Dad preferred working on Airliner safety or Space-related projects and was somewhat anti-military having beavered away on so many bureaucratic government and military contracts — but the thought that the Minuteman ICBM could accurately deliver a mighty megaton wallop if necessary to keep those Commies at bay made him feel pretty good about his engineering career.
The notion that a nuke means the end of all life is complete nonsense. There wasn’t very much fallout at Hiroshima and Nagasaki because the bombs were deliberately airbursted to maximize blast and to mimimize fallout. Most nuclear casualties were burned or blasted, and very few in fact died of radiation.
I also entered the Army in February, 1981. My Dad was not very supportive and could not understand why I was interested in the military and military history. I generally liked the Army and ended up a Signal Corps NCO. We trained to work telecommunications miracles in a simulated nuclear, biological, and chemical environment. I have known a few people on the tactical nuke team in the field artillery, and I am certain that they would have fired their nukes if so ordered.
As the retired former Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force during the Kennedy administration, General Curtis LeMay proposed in a memorable speech at the 1978 airpower symposium in Colorado Springs — that had the United States lost World War II, then he probably would have been deemed a war criminal for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the incineration bombings of Tokyo (which was actually more deadly than the nuclear attacks were).
Gen. LeMay noted that fighting wars is a very unpleasant business, but your job is to fight to win — and if you can’t do that, then you’re not a good soldier.
We have been fighting “tail wagging the dog” neo-imperial globalist bush wars for so long that I fear we would be in serious trouble if we ever did have to fight another World War, with or without any nukes. The motto of LeMay’s Strategic Air Command in the 1950s was “Peace is our Profession.” This meant quality Deterrence and not warmongering.
ZOG’s high-tech toys won’t work given low-tech ZOGlings
Never heard about Able Archer until I did a wiki on it. It supposedly was about Brezhnov and Adropov rightly being paranoid about ZOG starting a nuclear war. ZOG is the only one who has used nuclear weapons and promises a first strike — unlike the Russians and Chinks. It was declassified in 2019, well after my time from 1981-83. The scenario was that the Russians would stage an armored assault over the Fulda Gap on their way to Paris and the 350,000 US Army in Europe would be hostage/speed bump. The job of the three nuke battalions was to get out of the motor pool into the woods and fire a Lance with its dial-a-yield 1 kiloton yield air-burst over railway yards in East Germany or Czechoslavakia bringing in new T-72 tanks or artillery. This doctrine was in the Tom Clancy “Red Storm Rising” novel a few years later, which arm-chair warriors loved.
A friend of mine in Alpha battery read “Fate of the Earth” which was the Russian claim about “nuclear winter” made to get the Germans to pressure ZOG to remove the nukes. I told him that because our MOS was so very small, that he should do the same as his room-mate the NCO IC drug resupply and take the $18,000 for a six-year reup enlistment and then get kicked out for a trip to Amsterdam and a failed piss-test for smoking hashish. Both of our platoon sergents had trained us at Ft. Sill and would be able to compute a firing solution in any case so why get a bad discharge to save the world? His room-mate sold these amyl-nirate capsures used in chemical warfare to civilians as poppers and got a general discharge for drug useage as did himself. I myself was the first enlisted man in six months to get a fully honorable discharge and had no intention of re-enlisting in my battery. While I did get my educational benefits of $536 per month, and will have the Army pay for my funeral and grave marker with a bronze plate, I really have not much use for the Army and wish that they had a one-year enlistment rather than two years.
The commenters below have it right. The entire point of us being in Germany was to keep the Russians out, ZOG in, and the Germans separated. Joseph Stalin proposed in 1952 that Germany do the same as Austria in 1947, agree to stay neutral and become fully independent and leave intact in Berlin as in Vienna a statue of the Red Army Rapist. Instead Germany joined NATO and didn’t get reunited until 45 years later.
Randoph Dilloway told me all about Will Williams’ Vietnam exploits and I gave him a membership to my subforum explaining about Fearless Leader’s ZOGbot “Elohim Shitty for CreaTards” entity. Quite a few lifers found theysselfs in the Army, especially your friend TraitorGlenn Miller. Color me unimpressed.
Insofar as nuclear weapon testing goes, both ZOG and Russia have 20,000 nukes of which one-quarter probably don’t work. Unlike the testing to build them testing to see if they still launch isn’t feasible. Rather simply reusing the nuclear material in a new weapon is what will be done a bit at a time on both sides.
Actually it was whites who made the ZOG army run 40 years ago. A cruise missile with guidance via inertial guidance to hit within 10 meters at 75 miles was high tech easily messed up by low tech negro crewmen like at the Crete firing range in May 1981 where the niggers didn’t seat the control surfaces (fins) just right, they came loose, and the $500,000 liquid-fuel missile and dummy warhead was flopping around like a bottle rocket with the stick broke off around the launching area and over the cliff and into the Mediterranian Sea. Also the actual “gunners” were always a white PFC (E-3) or Spec-4 (E-4) and not the nigger or Puerto-Rican Sergeant First Class (E-7) with the title of “gunner”. One Spec-4 gunner destroyed the careers of this nigger E-7 and West Point 1st Lieutenant by simulating firing on the back-azmuth so if real it would have killed 2-5 million Germans in Stuttgart as opposed to hitting a railroad switching station in East Germany. High Tech doesn’t work with low tech non-whites, which is why ZOG will need to draft ZOGling whiggers — or think it does. GPS won’t work if the Russians take out satellites in Low Earth Orbit by firing a payload of gravel to take them out. This means that “Emma with two mommies” is merely tooling around in a computerized truck unable to generate a firing solution and without the supply of white surveyer crews to keep the system working.
ZOG is a far more a dangerous Satanic Mighty Evil Empire than Russia or China ever wanted to be. Thanks to ZOG I have lost my inheritance to Bryan Reo and the Foundation for the MarketPlace of Ideas pretend civil lawfare NGO, so much that I’m looking forward to chernobyling all the Blue Hives or prion-poisoning whiggers. Actually to keep these nuclear fuel rods from poisoning the ZOGland and its Satanic form of Government it would be best to use a 1 kiloton air-burst nuke over these former ailing nuclear power plants to dissipate the radioactive zone. Right now I’m thinking of moving as a political dissident to Russia, finding me a fat Russian woman, and asking for a few hundred acres to raise me some cattle or sheep and growing potatoes in Siberia or the jew automonous oblast.
“White Nationalists” simply can’t understand that begging ZOG for an ethnostate isn’t going to save the ZOGling whigger race. Rather we live in a state of pre-Collapse, and the solution which will work is the inevitable Collapse bringing about ten-thousand local theocratic military dictatorships over 20-50 million feral ex-whiggers in the ex-ZOGland using 1890 preindustrial agriculture. There won’t be working roads or even gasoline or electricity or supply chains, or a working ZOG able to keep things running in the ZOGland, much less over the entire world. Any “White Nationalist” thinking that he will supplant the Mighty Evil Empire to serve theys’ political ends is out of touch with reality. Like when Babylon fell under Nimrod, this scattering shall save the white Race while creating hardship over the surviving population.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
Spec-4 (Ret) C Btry, 2d Bn/42d Field Artillery (Lance)
Here I would also like to remind you about the so-called peaceful use of nuclear energy, i.e. about nuclear power plants and accidents at them. As you know, the consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants are regularly inflated and exaggerated by “the Greens” and similar “environmentalists.” Even the biggest Chernobyl accident in 1986 did not kill millions of people, but it played an important role in convincing Western people to abandon nuclear energy, which meant putting the West on the Soviet, and later Russian, oil and gas needle, i.e. make Europeans dependent, even addicted on Russian blackmail using energy resources. I’m not sure that the Chernobyl accident was deliberately engineered by the Soviets to scare the West into abandoning nuclear power, but it was clearly used by them for precisely that purpose. Not to mention the fact that the “Greens” in West Germany, like other “fighters for nature and against nuclear energy in Europe,” were financed and directed by the KGB and the Stasi, just like Western “peace movements”.
General Tommy Franks in his memoirs AMERICAN SOLDIER wrote, that when he commanded a battery of self-propelled howitzers M109 in the 2nd ACR in Germany he had to buy CB-radios for the vehicles for HIS OWN MONEY, 10 pieces for a battery, because all 6 howitzers and the vehicles of commander, Fire Direction Center, ExOf, and the 1st Sergeant were without radios. So he bought simply commercial available radios, $40 for a piece, to use them in the battery.
I don’t mean to say I think nukes are fake. I should say: I don’t know if they’re real or not. Your “my dad worked at nintendo” proof isn’t convincing. They could have easily faked these explosions with large payloads of conventional weapons, which also form mushroom clouds. As for radiation – how deadly is radiation, exactly? There’s different levels of radiation. It depends what kind of radiation we’re talking about. My microwave doesnt kill me, but the Van Allen Belt might. I am no expert on this and won’t claim to be.
I am extremely open minded, which is one reason why I am redpilled. I don’t rule anything out. The burden of proof for nukes being real isn’t on me. It is on the government who siphon off 100s of millions into funding these weapons that we’ll never use, whose creation, location and testing is all top secret, and whose use is even contested in the first place. Some people say Japan was simply bombed with conventional bombs. I do not know because I wasn’t there and the 1940s photography is inconclusive. I can certainly believe it was an effective piece of propaganda, at a time when governments had explicit Ministries of Propaganda, who pumped out lies daily. This propaganda, in this theory, made the Japanese surrender and thus avoid a costly land invasion of Japan.
Why was the U.S.S. Indianapolis, the ship that delivered the Little Boy bomb, later left to be sunk, and the sailors were then picked off by sharks? How top secret is top secret? Was her mission so secret that nearby vessels didnt even know she was there, and allowed her to sink? If you read about the Indianapolis, she was clearly left to sink. Why? It’s just so fishy and dodgy. There’s so much about nukes and about that period of time, the 1940s, that is extremely dodgy and conspiratorial. That is when the Jews began to fully control the USA and so the world, and all their Jewish duplicity came in with them. Propaganda, MK Ultra, spies, lies, hoaxes, blackmail, secret police, destruction of privacy/liberty, false flags – it all really kicked off in the 1940s, under the fog of war, the great world war that conveniently crushed anti Semitism. Call me paranoid all you like, it would be better to prove me wrong about what I’ve said rather than assert things about my character.
It is reasonable to be suspicious of anything the U.S. government and military say. They lie all the time, about almost everything. 9/11 for example. Frankly, if you believe the official narrative of 9/11, you really are a gullible idiot. The Pentagon got hit by a plane a day after announcing $3 trillion was missing. No footage or evidence of said plane exists. Is it unreasonable to question this version of events? From people, mostly Jewish or under Jew control, who also lied about Saddam Hussein, among hundreds of other lies? Is it unreasonable to suggest the plane was shot down long before it got near the Pentagon, or that the plane landed somewhere else entirely, with its human cargo either killed or sent elsewhere to live quietly, and that the Pentagon was perhaps hit by a missile or bomb? Is that an unreasonable theory? If so, why? If it is true, then would a government who make such huge, mind-bending, reality-shattering lies not lie about other things, too? Like 6 million people killed in a method that is mathematically impossible, for example?
Would they not also lie about other things? Like bombs that can destroy entire cities in one go? But we never seem to see these bombs. It’s a “we’ve got them – honest!” situation. I knew a kid in school (I’m sure everyone knew someone like this) who would make outrageous claims, like he could do a backflip. Naturally we all said, “Okay, cool, now do a backflip for us”. He would always answer a variation of, “I can do a backflip, but only when no one else is watching. Trust me!”
Taking someone who you know from experience to be a liar at their word is a fool’s errand (for the most part).
But this is besides the point. I asked about Able Archer because that was, as far as I was aware, officially as close as we came to nuclear war since the Bay of Pigs Cuba crisis in 1962/63. I thought maybe an ex servicemen active in Germany in 1983 might know something about it and let us know if we did indeed come very close to nuclear war. I was curious if NATO would actually have nuked Russia, or if it’s all just so much bluster. It is becoming apparent to me that, if nukes do exist, they exist to serve Jews. The most probable potential victims of nuclear bombs today all happen to be enemies of Jews. Israel might nuke Palestine, and the U.S. army might do tactical nuke strikes against its own (White) people, if they seceded, etc. Those seem to be the 2 main groups that might realistically get nuked. (You could argue Russia/Ukraine may nuke each other)
Notice how the nuclwar bomb always seems to benefit Jews. Perhaps they’re the only people unhinged enough to use such a weapon. After all the nuke is designed to hit large civilian population: this fits into the Jewish warfare doctrine of Amalek and every member of their opponent’s group being potential enemies – even children. By and large, the Christian “just war” doctrine at least tries to mitigate against the excessive bloodlust in war, however unsuccessfully over time. Imagine telling the POWs at Andersonville they were being treated “justly” for example)
You could argue Russia/Ukraine may nuke each other)
No, Russia could use nuclear weapons, but Ukraine could not. Ukraine has abandoned its (former Soviet, stationed on Ukrainian territory) nuclear weapons under double pressing from Moscow AND WASHINGTON. Because the US wanted to have only one “policeman” in the Northern Eurasia, and this should be Russia. So all other former Soviet republics should stay disarmed. Well, Ukrainians were stupid, that they have given up the nukes, but they still believed then that the West will defend them. In reality however the West armed and supplied Russia with new technologies, just like this was in the 1930’s with the Soviet Union.
I can also remember that when Yeltsin destroyed the Russian Parliament during the Anti-Yeltsin Putsch of 1993, with shoots of tank guns and murdering of hundreds Russians, the West even if not openly approved this action, still shrugged it off as an internal affair of Russia. When Ukrainian president Yanukovich tried to suppress the putsch, directed against him, in 2013-2014, also with shooting, but without tanks, the West pressed on him and ultimately drove him out of the country. Why? Because the West needed strong Russia as its Golem, but weak Ukraine, which interests did not matter at all.
How many stationary dirty bombs lie around the ZOGland?
Having been on the Internet for the Movement since Feb 1996, I hear every conspiracy theory there is and sometimes make up some of my own. So I don’t mind what the flat-earthers, the 9-11 Truthers and people on the perephery of OKC believe. In every case I simply say that “ZOG did it” with no obligation to say how I think “ZOG did it this time”
Whenever anyone asks how many nuclear weapons the Aryan Nations has I say 96 of them because that is how many of the old plants haven’t been decommissioned. They were engineered post WW2 in order to enrich U-238 to fissionable U-235 and Plutonium because nuclear weapons were cheaper than an armored division or aircraft carrier group, and so Prez-o-dint Ike the Kike announced “atoms for peace” to boil water to run a steam turbine while making bomb material. For example the North Perry Nuclear Power Plant was commissioned in the mid 1970s and supposed to be decommissioned in the early 2020’s. Bryan Reo sued me and my Aryan Nations Church, Roxie and myself for “defamation for revealing via republishing a Cleveland TV-5 article that “SwordBrethren the Teutonic Crusader” was actually Bryan Reo / Ol’ Niggerlips Esquirrel the Mamzer from Mentor. He got blacklisted from the nuclear power program as did an ISIS terrorist. Thanks to Jimmy Carter’s order denying civilian nuclear fuel rod reprocessing in 1978 every civilian nuke is surrounded by spent fuel rods. Now only the Russians reprocess this nuclear waste because the Yucca Mt. site in Nevada was disallowed from opening. Simply deny these working and used nuclear fuel rods water they can melt down into Hydrogen Sulphide Oxygen then have the top blow off like at Chernobyl and Fukishima. As head of the Aryan Nartions I have given ‘permission’ to chernobyl these Blue Hives nuclear power plants. On April 2021 some nut from Michigan threatened to be carrying a bomb in a trailer and said that he needed psychiatric help — which he got.
Back in the early 1990s I used to drive a reefer truck full of 40 tons of these nasty Tyson or Simmons chicken thighs and drumsticks from NE Arkansas to a Russian container ship at Gulfport Mississippi in exchange for old Ukrainian nukes made into nuclear fuel rods.
These nuclear power plants are what john Michael Greer calls a “subsidy dumpster.”It has actually been the utility companies which have held off from making new ones, not environmentalists They are more expensive than coal or natural gas plants to build and license or even operate. These plants are licensed for 20-25 years and like the ones at Chernobyl or Fukishima supposed to be scrapped and replaced, but are not. I think that the ability to run them safely and economically are long gone. If like in Russia the plant gets captured, all that is necessary is to deny it cooling water. Perhaps the operators can be subverted. In any case, a hot nuclear power plant can be used as a reminder for the next 200,000 years as a reminder that representational demonocracy as opposed to local theocratic militarydictatorships is a failed form of government. I used to get grief from fellow klansmen for advocating “racial federalism” by shipping the niggers and jews to a new homeland from South Carolina to the east bank of the Mississippi but now I tell them that gliberal Northeast Ohio gliberals will get all the niggers and jews they want — and then some.As it is, Bryan Reo is suing me in lawsuit #25 Reo v. Lindstedt 21-cv-1809 and the State of South Dakota gave my inheritance to Bryan Reo so I think it is time to sell the acreage of the State of South Dakota and lawyers, judges, regime criminals to the Chink Communist Party and make regime criminals eat theys’ spawns nuts and sell Alaska back to the Russians. Along with prion-poisoning deer the entire ZOGland shall be destroyed and politically decentralized to where if 100 million ZOGling whiggers turn feral instead of one ethnostate we can have Ten-thousand Warlordcies.
This Mighty Evil Empire isn’t the first to Collapse, or as I call it a Late ZOG-Age Collapse.
The fact of the matter is that due to the Biden KhazarWars in jewkraine and Gaza the Russians, Chinks, Koreans and Iranians shall make ZOG/Babylon an also-ran Mighty Evil Empire to where working with the Muzzies they can drive ZOG out of the Asian/european World Island and like George Orwell predicted make Oceanus alone against Eurasia and EastAsia while ZOGling whiggers are a dying aging captive racial minority addicted to petty acts of domestic terrorism, under ZOG, with liberty and justice for none.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
Candidate for Prez-o-dint promising to make regime criminals “eat theys’ spawns’ nuts.
I wouldn’t let myself becun a jewnissary for ZOG because ZOG never pays out for sick and dying veterans until at least half of them sre dead. The clot-shot demand really finished off the Army from what I hear. Most of the retired retarded jewps end up earting a bullet because of what evil shit they did in shitholeistan, an average of three a day. The average jewn Q. whigger isn’t going to live to collect his 20 year lifer-pension, so don’t even try.
It is pretty uncanny how the establishment is hellbent on there being enough black Oscar winners, black Viking queens in Netflix series, enough minority women on corporate boards, a Supreme Court that looks like America, but when it comes to a US Army advertisement as US bases are being targeted in the Middle East you only see white males.
The country has indeed changed. I would say it isn’t the same country any more. I think Biden trying to draft people would be openly defied.
Good article, but I’m not sure I agree the author’s conclusion (and this has nothing to do with my Late Boomer age: I’ve been prowhite since the 1970s, and my career Army uncle was complaining about antiwhite discrimination back in the mid-70s; luckily, he was old enough to have gotten far enough through the pipeline pre-“civil rights” – which didn’t hit the military big time until the 70s – eventually to be able to retire a colonel). Is it good for white Americans if the only soldiers are POCs and white liberal losers? Would it be good for the planet, given our nuclear weapons systems designed by and inherited from past whites?
Frankly, I don’t think so. We want covert prowhites in as many positions of influence and power as possible – but especially in the military, law enforcement, and politics. Our approach should be to Take Back the Military by aggressively dewoking it, as well as “de-coloring” it by means of both size reductions, and quality enhancement (eg, raising IQ requirements, or at least educational and skill requirements that are heavily g-loaded – a covert way of raising IQ).
The flaw in your thinking is that Whites would have the authority to override nuke-use by darkies and perverts.
They won’t.
But even if they did, what you’re saying is that White soldiers should be condoms for some darkie or homo’s dick.
White men have to have the courage to let the entire edifice burn while working to build something of value in our own backyards.
As soon as an ethnostatist movement starts to gain momentum, a POC-dominant army will be used to crush it (under one of the “usual pretexts”). Our only realistic hope to restore white sovereignty and living space is for law enforcement and especially the military to cleave along racio-ideological lines.
The Soviets were evil, but not dumb (like too many American conservatives). They knew what they were doing when they deployed Mongolian troops in European Russia, Russians in Kazakhstan, etc.
Basically, you’re saying that as non-White army would be deployed against White populations but somehow the Whites in the ranks of that army would somehow prevent or mitigate that decision. Your predicated (POC army vs White civilians) makes your conclusion (Whites in the army could stop it) utterly implausible.
Military-minded Whites can get the kind of training they need from ZOGs existing veteran pool. There’s a lot of White know-how and experience that goes to waste.
A POC army attacking White populations would be the end of ZOG.
And the more POC the army appeared to be, the more problematic it would be.
Many Whites live in the illusion that there is no race war going on.
An open military engagement would sweep that illusion away for some, perhaps many Whites.
Just like Waco and Ruby Ridge swept the illusions away from many Whites and their ‘patriotism’ toward the government. ZOG never recovered from that.
Calhoun predicted everything that has happened. He saw how one faction would achieve a critical mass and then use the federal government as revenue stream to grow the party of that faction. His solution was devolution, nullification and a culture of deterrence via the withholding of assistance to the federal government by states, unions, professional organization and other forms of ‘civic organization’.
Once size does not fit all. And for Whites, the federal government is now the enemy, the chief instrument of White dispossession.
Well, the South had a stunted cash crop Cotton and Tobacco economy that was being eclipsed by the economic juggernaut that was Northern industry and yeoman family farming. Some of the most enterprising White Southerners were already seeking their luck out West. Negro slavery was not useful to pioneer and settle the Western frontier, in spite of Abolitionist fears. Plus in the South, free White wages were kept down unbearably due to the prevalence of Negro slave labor. Not every White person inherited an Antebellum plantation.
Leesburg is a ghost town near Salmon, Idaho where my Grandmother was born. Her father was born in nearby Missoula, Montana and was descended from Welsh miners. Leesburg was a mining town where many Southern-born laborers mined ore for the Union, and they were paid in hard money and not Confederate scrip as they would have been in the South (if work was to be had). The men followed news of the war in the newspapers and cheered for General Lee, and after the war named the Idaho town in his honor.
I’m not an agronomist but my impression of Southern soil compared to the volcanically-enriched soil in the Snake River Plain, for example, is that it is not very fertile. One of my Scotch-descended ancestors who got a Revolutionary War land grant in Tennessee from General Washington, settled as soon as possible in Southern Illinois because the soil was more fertile.
The North had been waging economic warfare against the South with a punitive tariff that was not going to end slavery. So there were legitimate grievances. But Secession was not the answer, and a Confederacy is the least efficient national system.
In fact, a surefire military strategy against the South, although it would take some time and require an expensive Navy, was simply the Anaconda Plan — the naval blockade that broke the back of King Cotton.
I don’t deny that the Federal Government is today the enemy. The Civil Rights Act is perhaps the vilest law to have ever come down the pike until Hart-Cellar opened immigration the following year. I don’t think that balkanization is a viable answer, however, unless it can be done somehow on racial lines. The system itself is very resilient and will likely not collapse how we think.
When the regime thinks it is strong, it silences, intimidates, doxes, and replaces white men. It even imprisons them in sham legal proceedings. But then when they feel vulnerable, they beg those same white men to die in foreign wars for their Israeli masters.
Well said, Mr. Zsutty. No racially conscious young White should be joining the military these days. However, for racially unconscious Whites, go for it. Roll the dice, take your chances that you won’t find yourselves deployed in another far-flung, unnecessary war while the Jew holds your coat.
I couldn’t read your entire wall of text, Pastor Lindstadt, but was surprised to learn that you lasted a couple of years in the Army. Regardless, happy Veteran’s Day to you for your service.
My local paper celebrated my service for Veterans Day. The ad it ran, seen on WhiteBiocentrismdotcom under “A Remembrance on Veterans Day,” even included the National Alliance’s Web address. That was considerate of them.
I should not have responded above to C-C’s resident nutcase, my old nemesis Lindstadt, on 10 November with this:
I couldn’t read your entire wall of text, Pastor Lindstadt, but was surprised to learn that you lasted a couple of years in the Army. Regardless, happy Veteran’s Day to you for your service.
I have now been informed that he came back a couple of days later with this:
Pastor Martin Lindstadt November 12, 2023 …Randoph Dilloway told me all about Will Williams’ Vietnam exploits and I gave him a membership to my subforum…
What a subforum that must be.
I’ll take a pass on my right of reply to that except to say that anyone interested to learn about the pastor’s bud, SPLC’s paid informant, Dilloway, can read about him in my book, Pocahontas Show Trial by William W. Williams – Cosmotheism (
The pastor didn’t make it into the book as hard as he tried with his years of goofball attacks on me, William Pierce, and anyone associated with us. Such is the “Movement.”
The civil war was about money, control of textiles, commerce, industry and taxes. It was not about slavery even if Lincoln hated it. Capitalism uncontrolled which is our governing force. The east follows socialist philosophy, the middle east follows religious doctrines, we follow uncontrolled markets and profit at any cost. Which society is superior?
And, I could never live with seeing my mother, sister or daughter on a battlefield for clouded capitalist forces, call me what you will.
By contrast, when the Soviets exploded their first atomic bomb in 1949, they curiously made a carbon copy of the Fat Man type bomb used at Nagasaki thanks to systemic Judeo-Communist espionage riddling the Manhattan Project.
Sorry, just to be precise, Harry Hopkins was not a Jew. And this was he who has given to Russians most nuclear secrets long before any Jewish “nuclear spies”.
“Harry Hopkins was not a Jew.”
True, but he covered that by saying “Judeo- communist.” Hopkins was the second part
I too served our country, in the Marines as a Combat Engineer. More recently, I too have experienced Judge McFadden’s wrath: 70 months for Jan6. In the service I was spared the horror of political correctness, although the drill instructors warned us about its rising strength. Since that time, I have heard increasing amounts of horror stories from others who have served since that time (the Trayvon Martin affair is when I remember the gates of hell truly opening up), and as of several years ago have consistently told others to stay away from the military. During that time, and especially after Jan6, I’ve been heartened to watch the Federal Government destroy its ability to finance as well as make war, and even to supply or even ally itself with others to do the same. Further, in the space of time between the release of the Emma-Two-Moms ad and the White Chads ad, the Bud Light effect has killed recruiting (they’re now voluntelling personnel to be recruiters). And although the USMC supposedly has met its own recruitment goals, if the picture of this article is any indication, I’d wager all I could borrow that the bulk of those recruits are the very Bioleninist chaff that will ensure that we have nothing to fear from them when state officials simply decide to nullify Federal edicts they find unconstitutional, and get to work rebuilding America one state at a time. I am very grateful to read articles such as these on websites such as this one. My personal thanks to David Zsutty for his invaluable warning and call-to-arms to the rest of us.
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