Bo Gritz
Ruby Ridge & Presidential Run
Part 2: 1987-present
Morris van de Camp
2,408 words
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
In 1991, as the Cold War was ending, President George H. W. Bush proclaimed a New World Order, but failed to define what the term actually meant. It came to be seen as a negative by men such as Bo Gritz — i.e., those who were valorous, accomplished, white, and politically to the Right.
The New World Order
Gritz was not a simple “conspiracy theorist.” From his life experience and his reading, he understood the mindsets of those in powerful positions and understood the endpoint of their ideas. He realized that the various agencies within America’s national security bureaucracy were taking advantage of the end of the Cold War to expand. In 1991’s Called to Serve, Gritz deconstructs the views of then-Foreign Policy editor Charles William Maynes. Gritz warned that Maynes was advocating endless war for “democracy”:
. . . the “export of democracy” may well surpass anti-communism in the minds of foreign policy planners, and extreme means would be justified by them to achieve it: [Maynes claimed,] “Most Americans probably would be willing to defy international law and support the use of military force to spread the cause of democracy if the cost were low.”[1]
Gritz recognized that “democracies” abroad were often dictatorships, and that those dictators were often supported by the CIA or some other US government agency. Additionally, such “clandestine” operations were not kept secret from the enemy. Instead, the “secret” classification was used to keep the US media in line, suppress whistleblowers, and leave the American public in the dark. The costs of spreading “democracy” by force of arms can likewise climb upwards rapidly.
Gritz was especially concerned about the loss of American sovereignty to the United Nations. He wrote:
The New World Order isn’t new. John the Divine gives us a look at its origin in Revelation Chapter 12: “And there was war in Heaven . . . and the great dragon was cast out . . . into the Earth, and his angles . . . with him. And the dragon was wroth . . . and went to make war (against those) which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. George [H. W.] Bush is simply the latest in a long line of clones to be dangled by the power elite before the masses as a pied piper promising world peace through a “New Order.”[2]
Like Ross Perot, Gritz opposed American involvement in the Persian Gulf War. He pointed out that the United States had supported Iraq up until the moment Kuwait was invaded in 1990. Gritz was certain that the war would upend the Middle East. He was also concerned about bar-code technology, which was then beginning to appear on driver’s licenses and such. He further pointed out that the cashless economy promised by electronic banking transactions could end up diminishing individual liberty.
Gritz’s premillennial eschatological views were not unusual in America in the late 1980s and early 1990s, nor were his concerns about bar codes and electronic banking transactions unfounded. Since the widespread adoption of cash transfer applications, debit cards, and so on, many dissidents — and especially whites, Christians, and those on the Right — have been de-banked. Bar codes and tracking technology have also allowed private companies and other agencies to gather data on private citizens.
Gritz attempted to bring various “conspiracy theorists” together with the aim of having them work together in 1988. These included people on both the Left and Right, as well as the Olympian Bob Richards. Little came from this, however, save publicity for Gritz. He attempted to run for Vice President on the Populist Party ticket that year as well but dropped out when he learned that David Duke would be his running mate, as he didn’t support Duke’s pro-white views. In 1992, Gritz ran for President himself for the Populist Party, but shortly before that he was involved in yet another historical event.
Ruby Ridge
In August 1991 there was an incident involving the family of Randy and Vicky Weaver that was destined to leave a lasting impression on the entire country. The Weavers were Iowans who, like many others, had been upended by deindustrialization. They were adherents of Christian fundamentalism and decided to move to a cabin in northern Idaho in order to live according to their beliefs in 1983. The mountaintop where they settled is called Ruby Ridge.
The Weaver family lived near the headquarters of Aryan Nations, which was led at the time by Reverend Richard Girnt Butler, an old-stock American with many ancestors from colonial-era Virginia. The FBI was looking to recruit an informant who would keep an eye on Aryan Nations. Randy Weaver was tricked into selling sawed-off shotguns, which are illegal, to an undercover agent from Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and was arrested. Law enforcement officials then attempted to cut a deal with Weaver, offering to drop the charges if he became the informant they wanted. Weaver refused to comply, leading to a chain of events that ended in US Marshals being ordered by a judge to arrest Weaver. When the Marshals approached the Weavers’ cabin on August 21, 1992, they unexpectedly encountered Weaver’s armed 14-year-old son, Sam, in the woods nearby and a firefight ensued which led to both Sam and a Marshal being killed.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Year America Died here.
The FBI besieged the cabin, and a Hawaiian sniper shot and killed Vicki Weaver within as she was holding her 10-month-old daughter. Gritz believes that another FBI gunman shot Randy, who was unarmed at the time, as well as another young man who was living at the cabin, Kevin Harris. While wounded, they both survived. (The FBI claims that the same sniper fired at both the Weavers and Harris.) Concerned locals then descended upon the FBI’s encampment and protested.
Gritz became involved when local residents as well as an Idaho pastor asked him to help. To get the FBI’s attention, Gritz issued a “citizen’s arrest” notice against the FBI’s on-site commander, Gene Glenn. The FBI ignored the notice, but senior agents persuaded Gritz to work with the Bureau unofficially in order to talk Weaver into surrendering. Gritz successfully persuaded Weaver to leave the cabin; he was later acquitted of any criminal charges. Gritz also calmed the anti-FBI protestors, many of whom were skinheads, near their encampment.
Gritz writes that some Christian Identity ministers attempted to use him to propagate their own ideas during the siege, although he refused. Gritz also claimed that Reverend Butler was like “a 70-year old teenager making a statement of identity with a crooked cross rather than dying his hair green.”[3] While Gritz disavowed white advocacy, the press used a statement in which he used the words “identity” and “Christian” in the same sentence to claim that he was a Christian Identity sympathizer. (Randy Weaver likewise rejected the claim that he was a “white supremacist.”)
Gritz believed that Divine Providence aided him in ending the siege. He went on to testify at the Congressional hearings that were held regarding the siege, and some reforms were enacted as a result of them.
He ran for President in 1992 on a platform of protecting American sovereignty from international bodies such as the United Nations, reducing the national debt, and dissolving the Federal Reserve. He proposed paying off the national debt by having the US Treasury Department mint a trillion-dollar coin and send it to the Federal Reserve. His campaign was quixotic from the start, but he nevertheless managed to win 12% of the vote in Franklin County, Idaho.
In the late 1990s Gritz became involved in a real estate deal in Idaho which went badly, and his wife, Claudia, left him in 1998. As a result, Gritz attempted suicide. He recovered, however, and in September 1999 he married his fourth wife, Judy Gayle Kirsch. Judy was affiliated with the Church of Israel, a congregation that is in line with the Christian Identity movement. Gritz claims that he became interested in the Church of Israel because of its dedication to celebrating the various feasts described in the Old Testament.
Gritz and a Church of Israel pastor, Dan Gayman, had a falling out in 2000. Gritz’s account of the affair in his 2002 book, My Brother’s Keeper, is full of gossip about the differences between the Church of Israel’s leaders. It also contains the usual accusations of sexual misconduct that invariably appear in church fights.
Pastor Gayman was known to anti-white groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League prior to his association with Gritz. Gayman was a reluctant witness for the prosecution in the Fort Smith Sedition Trial of 1988 in which white advocates, some of whom had engaged in violence, were tried and then acquitted. Gayman was alleged to have taken money from Robert Matthews’ group, The Order, in 1984.
The Church of Israel
The Church of Israel is located in rural western Missouri. It is an offshoot of that branch of Mormonism which remained loyal to the son of the prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., and consequently didn’t go to Utah with the others. Today, the denomination is not Mormonism in the strictest sense, but has become a pro-white form of Protestantism.
The Church of Israel is notable in that it publishes well-written books describing its doctrine. They encourage circumcision for eight-day-old boys, but recognize that circumcision is not required as an act of Christian faith. The Church also uses the 1611 King James Bible and rejects all other translations. They reject sex outside of marriage and hold that Caucasians should only marry other Caucasians. To support this, they point to Genesis 3:15, which reads:
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

You can buy Tito Perdue’s The Gizmo here.
In their view, the meaning of this passage is that white Caucasians live in a world where there is enmity between themselves and other races. They therefore oppose immigration as it currently exists. The Church also accepts the views of Francis Parker Yockey, Carleton S. Coon, Lothrop Stoddard, Madison Grant, and Earnest Sevier Cox.
The Church of Israel does not believe in Creationism or Darwinism, and rejects the idea that all of humanity is descended from Adam and Eve. They hold that only Caucasians are descended from the pair. The denomination further contends that the Anglo-Saxons, Celts, Scandinavians, and the Germanic and their kindred peoples are the descendants of Noah’s son Shem. The Church also doesn’t believe in spreading the message of Jesus Christ to non-whites.
Reverend Gayman preaches that America’s abandonment of Christian values has led to a nation in crisis. Debt is high, the economy is stagnant, and everywhere material affluence is declining. He writes:
The United States did not lose a single military engagement beginning with the War of Independence (1775-1781) through and including the end of World War II (1941-1945). However, beginning with the Korean War (1950-1953) and running all the way to the current war in Afghanistan, begun in the aftermath of 9/11 (2001) and still going, the United States has not sustained a clear military victory. All the blood and treasure appropriated by the United States in these wars, including tens of thousands of permanently crippled soldiers and trillions of dollars spent, have accomplished little — and some people would say that they accomplished nothing, except to waste American blood and treasure.[4]
Gritz and the 1992 election in retrospect
In his own telling, Gritz was and is not a white advocate. In the 1990s and early 2000s, he feuded with genuine white advocates and dismissed their claims, although he fully understood them. The claims that he was a white advocate came from groups such as the Anti-Defamation League. Perhaps this is because such organizations need to paint heroic figures such as Gritz as white advocates to keep their donations coming.
Gritz was a central part of Ronald Reagan’s “soldier of fortune” Right wing that was used by the administration to further their objectives, especially in Central America. The men who made up this group were uncomfortable with the social revolutions that had taken hold in the US during the 1960s, but they were unable to develop a feasible strategy to change the situation. Because of their military training and combat experience, they could have resorted to violence, but did not.
Gritz certainly believed in the causes of which he was a part, so one cannot say that he was fooled, but he was definitely used by senior politicians. Although the defection of “far Right” figures such as Gritz from the Republican Party helped to bring down George H. W. Bush in the 1992 election.
The focus of Gritz’s activism after the 1992 election is described in his book My Brother’s Keeper. He describes the sieges at Ruby Ridge and Waco in detail and tells the story of other men who were killed by overzealous federal agents. Gritz clearly identifies the problems in the US government in his book, but fails to identify their root: namely, the fact that since the advent of the 1964 Civil Rights act, Caucasians –and especially old-stock Americans — have become the villains in the eyes of law enforcement and the federal government. Additionally, once the Cold War ended the global system of alliances in which America was and is entangled means that the aspirations of ordinary Anglo-Saxon Americans for peace, prosperity, and neutrality are a threat to foreign lobbying groups and those politicians who are funded by them.
Gritz even predicted the disaster that the Iraq War would become in 2003:
Operation Iraqi Freedom is a cataclysmic mistake in my qualified opinion as an Army General Staff Officer and Special Forces Commander. Another blitz of Iraq only provides militant Muslims with the cause they want, to escalate the level of terrorism worldwide. The absolute worst thing America can do is to forcefully take down Saddam’s Islamic Iraqi government and replace it with a Western world military tribunal, a la 1945 Japan — exactly what George Bush has done![5]
Gritz never found any missing prisoners of war, and by the end of the 1990s, it was clear that there had never been any. The missing men, who in many cases were downed aircrews, were most likely swallowed up by the jungle after dying. So was Gritz a grifter? Definitely not. He believed in what he was doing.
[1] Bo Gritz, Called to Serve (Sandy Valley, Nev.: Lazarus Publishing, 1991), p. 556.
[2] Ibid., p. 491.
[3] Bo Gritz, My Brother’s Keeper (Sandy Valley, N. V.: Lazarus Publishing, 2003), p. 134.
[4] Dan Gayman, Finding the Ancient Paths (Schell City, Mo.: Watchman Outreach Ministries, 2023), p. 72.
[5] Bo Gritz, My Brother’s Keeper, p. 625.
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He is definitely a type A personality.
The way I heard it, Randy Weaver was busted for selling a shotgun that was sawed off a quarter inch beyond the legal limit. The FLEAs (federal law enforcement agents) were trying to play “gotcha!” so they could recruit him as a snitch. Something tells me that he might well have sold legal weapons, but someone tampered with the evidence to make them “illegal”.
Yeah, then Randy missed a court date ─ which they probably scheduled without telling him ─ and then they acted like he had a secret stockpile of dead process servers at his cabin.
The first thing the FEDs did is shoot the boy’s dog, but the kid got one of them before he was killed.
And of course one idiot killed Vickie Weaver standing in the doorway of the cabin holding her baby.
I wonder if anybody will ever locate the lost Peckinpah film called Bring Me the Head of Lon Horiuchi!, LOL. I vaguely remember seeing wanted posters for this loser in Shotgun News.
Since Trump seems to be the 2024 GOP candidate, the Bidenistas are already trying to gin up trouble. “Undercover” Feds and the corporate news media are ramping up the warnings for the White Supreemist onslaught.
Yesterday, some skinhead prison gang just tried to break some tatooed freak out of jail in Idaho. It was probably an inside job since it occurred when the inmate was taken to the emergency room in Boise after self-inflicted injuries. Apparently, three corrections cops got shot, one by friendly fire. All are in stable condition now. I think police have already captured the suspects.
This is exactly why I have always despised skinhead optics.
So was Gritz a grifter? Definitely not. He believed in what he was doing.
According to himself, at least, since van de Camp draws mostly from Gritz’s own books.
Interesting character profile of someone in the 80s and 90s fringe right wing Americana. But why all the praise?
I recall this guy’s name coming up occasionally over the last 30 years or so that I have been in dissident circles. I always suspected Gritz was a nut and not really on “our side.” It seems I was correct in this belief.
The photo in Part 1 reminded me that I used to confuse him with Alex Karras of the drooling-retard sitcom Webster. I hope Bo didn’t disavow pro-whiteness just because he had secretly adopted a tiny growth-stunted black orphan. Seriously, that was a great article. Always look forward to learning new things in reading each one of your pieces.
I remember his name from those days, but was unfamiliar with all his heroism. Talk about a military family. It has to be a shock for a child that both parents go off to war. Kind of an abandonment even though he was with family. Ruby Ridge and Waco can never be lived down no matter what msm tries to sell us. One thing is clear, from his writings, is he had an exceptionally keen eye for the future based on the past. But as a rebel he was too out of step to succeed in traditional politics. It is a little disappointing he didn’t support whites more, but he was so exposed to Asia he couldn’t help himself I guess. Certainly great story and well told. Thanks for telling it.
Thanks, that was a great write up of Bo Gritz. . I ran in to Bo Gritz when I was sampling the just out of mainstream Conservative GOP politics in 1991-92. I fled New York City in 1990 after earning (IMO pointless) MBA from Stern New York University then ranked the #1 MBA in the USA. Civilization was collapsing in New York City then under crack cocaine, AIDS, de institutionalized mentally ill “homeless”, mass 3rd world migration invasions etc, Black criminal anarchy, Al Sharpton race baiting demagogues (Tawana Brawley, Central Park Gang Rapists).
I lived a block and a half from a Dominican Crack Cocaine house called “The Rock” where there were beheadings. I went to grad school a block and a half from the World Trade Center and I predicted Islamic terrorist attacks like the ones in 1993 and 2001. I had some (what I thought were) mainstream conservative political, family, religious connections and I tried to warn everyone what was happening in New York City, my Chicago – soon the LA Rodney King Black race riots. I thought then and sometimes still do think that: ”If I could only tell these responsible Conservative people in power what was happening in NYC in our cities, with mass illegal immigration invasions, Islam, Black underclass etc – they would leap in to action and take, necessary action”….
And then George HW Bush Sr then President of the United States invaded Iraq and made IMO the worst Presidential Speech in American history about fighting to finally secure the dream of the United Nations of a New World Order…. WTF? I took out full page anti war adverts (From a George Washington/Charles Lindberg) America First perspective – took out full page adverts in the Nashville Tennessean, Chattanooga Times and went on talk radio and the most influential Nashville TN cable news show (Hosted by Teddy Bart – J). I was treated very fairly by the Tennessee media including the then small Tennessee J media and on one to one basis most regular folks conceded I was right, we shouldn’t jump in to Arab/Muslim tribal wars, we should protect our own borders, restore civilization in our cities… but….. The Powers That Be cranked out the war propaganda “We Got to Get Saddam like we got Hitler”. Hank Williams Jr cranked out a terrible, typical war propaganda song “Don’t Give us a Reason” and outside of a small Populist Party group, a few Palestinian Arabs in TN and another small John Burch society – my America First, one man anti war mission cave for naught. Then I went and met David Duke….. later just was at a Bo Gritz small speech. Followed him at Ruby Ridge etc.
Yes, that 1991-92 year was the most important of my life. The Atlantic Magazine had/has a lot of honest commentary about that period – LA RIots “Blacks vs Browns”, “Camp of the Saints – must it be the rest against the West… The Atlantic Magazine is now taken over, IMO as bad as National Review, J Neo Con or just ZOG with heavy BLM. Well this was a rather rambling comment on my first behind the Counter Currents Paywall. I sent in a $250 donation, the US Mail still hasn’t delivered it. Greetings folks. I hope to get to work with some of the great writers, thinkers and just regular folks here on CC. Jaye Ryan TPC Radio Show The Political Cesspool hosted by James Edwards OD Occidental Dissent blog
… beginning with the Korean War (1950-1953) and running all the way to the current war in Afghanistan, … the United States has not sustained a clear military victory.
Years ago I was attending a military history seminar on Vietnam. The presenter was a bored Army major who looked like he was headed for retirement at 0-5 at best. His was giving a perfunctory accounting of the history of the war. And then he stated:
“In Vietnam American national will was broken!”
Understand he made this declaration in a voice which in other days would be connected to some entity writing on the wall: Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.
One can observe that the United States never really recovered from defeat in Vietnam. Yes, there was a military reform movement in the 1980s. Yes, there were (minor) expeditionary victories in Grenada and Panama. Yes, Operations Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi all proved to be demonstrations of American military power. But they all ended with the Taliban sweeping to victory in Afghanistan, summer of 2021.
More recently, the Pentagon has proven unable (or unwilling) to defend the US southern border. Pentagon staffs have (apparently) been unable to provide the Ukrainians with a plan for victory in their current war with Russia. The Pentagon cannot even defend its own bases from the ongoing wave of iconoclasm. And it has been reported that the USMA at West Point is dropping General MacArthur’s motto of Duty, Honor, Country from its mission statement. One more surrender.
This is a reason for the recruiting shortfalls: who wants to be part of a defeated military?
The adventures of Gritz and others in the post-Vietnam era was a search for that victory which had proven elusive in the jungles of Southeast Asia. And there was some inkling among them that the real enemy was among those responsible for the collapse of the home front during the war.
The situation does open the way for the Dissident Right to gain recruits, especially among those who would otherwise volunteer for the armed forces, and among veterans:
Pledge for a military policy of no substitute for victory.
I dabbled with the Populist Party briefly, long ago as Executive Director of the North Carolina faction, and met “Bo” in 1986 or early 1987 at a PP gathering when he was contending to be PP’s presidential nominee. He was an imposing figure with his martial reputation, chest full of medals and firm handshake, but there was something about him that struck me as phoniness — later confirmed in my mind.
I had met or served with hundreds of Green Beret soldiers in Vietnam. He didn’t fit the mold, despite his obvious valor as a warrior. Most GBs were valorous but just did their jobs as combatants, lacking for the most part Bo’s strong desire for personal advancement as a celebrity. Randy Weaver was more the typical, principled ex-Special Forces soldier who came to distrust JOG. Interviewed a couple of years after the government had murdered his wife and son, Randy was asked what he thought of religion. His response: “It’s all shit!”
When Bo styled himself a White patriot, he came up short.
He worked for the FBI not only in the Weaver incident but also helped them to nab Eric Rudolf. See Andrew Hamilton’s: Eric Rudolph’s Prison Writings: America’s Most Wanted Fugitive Speaks Out | National Vanguard
Even ex-Special Forces Lt. Col. Bo Gritz, enlisted by the FBI, tried to lure the fugitive from hiding. To Rudolph, Gritz is “a loyal subject of the Washington regime,” a “Judas Goat,” a “neutralizer” of American Patriotic anger: “I will never understand men like Gritz.”
Bo married outside his race, fathered non-Whites, even apparently adopted another. Those moral offenses combined certainly make him ineligible for National Alliance membership. His spurious embracing of Christian Identity that, perhaps, later became serious, doesn’t say much for his judgment nor his perception of reality.
To represent himself as a White race preservationist, much less a leader of that cause, the sum total of Bo’s actions in retirement, despite his proven former acts of physical courage, show him to be a moral coward, like most politicians who think they can become president by aiming to please the majority of the herd electorate.
When Rockwell planned his run for president, prior to his assassination, he knew his base. He was an honest political leader of Whites, a revolutionary statesman, not a run-of-the-mill politician — or, as Rudolf said of Bo, “a loyal subject of the Washington regime.”
I find Gritz mildly interesting, recalling an era of military types who were seen as our salvation “if only they could wake up.” To be honest, I was turned off by the full garden of medals on his chest. I distrust all those merit badges. In the army, I won two medals, and I’m happy with those.
I admire Gritiz’s stand in many ways, but again, so many like him just won’t see things in racial terms. I’m reminded of what Harold Covington said of such types: “They are so close to our struggle and the causes, and, eventually, the solutions, but they come to our door, step up, raise their fist to knock, then, at the last minute, turn and walk away.”
I think Gritz was like many such types, lacked a world-view to see how the system really worked. He never seemed to be jew-wise, which is a great handicap.
As for the Vietnam MIAs, I recall a book by Scholl-Latour, a German correspondent who spent many years in Asia. He believed the entire movement was built on false hopes and a lack of concrete evidence. He noted many MIA
organizations were based in Thailand, and were pulling in money from the states that only lined their coffers. Many military wives whose husbands were MIA were strongly involved. Scholl-Latour said a big reason was that they were still drawing their husband’s salaries as MIA, and if accepted them as dead, they’d lose the money. He also noted several romances developing between these women and the organizers. He doesn’t condemn, only that a special interest group had developed that had a stake in prolonging the MIA movement; essentially preying on American’s hopes to “bring our boys home.”
That Perot believed this made him, in this case, a bit of a sucker. But I always thought he was. I think he ran against Bush not to save America, but just to keep Bush from winning and get back at him. Perot did say some rousing things and got crowds, but he was, at heart, petty-minded.
These organizers were happy to keep the MIA show to keep the checks coming in.
As for MIAs, Scholl-Latour said almost all were dead, and there were probably some who, like in all wars, just didn’t want to come home. There were a lot of blacks who deserted in Vietnam and ran to Saigon to hide out. No one ever heard of them, probably because when the NVA took over S. Vietnam, they made short work of them.
It was all a result of the Vietnam screw up. Gritz probably was, in his heart, wanting to somehow fight Vietnam over again and “do it right this time.” It was a common thread among many of that generation, the Soldier of Fortune types.
Sadly, many wound up being dupes for whatever war the CIA was dredging up.
And still, throughout rural areas and firehouses, you see that MIA-POW flag waving. I don’t really think Americans are capable of understanding the real world.
S. Clark: … [S]o many like [Gritz] just won’t see things in racial terms. I’m reminded of what Harold Covington said of such types: “They are so close to our struggle and the causes, and, eventually, the solutions, but they come to our door, step up, raise their fist to knock, then, at the last minute, turn and walk away.”
I can’t believe you would quote Covington about anything, S., especially anything to do with the military since he is the biggest textbook case of “stolen valor” to ever have claimed to be a leader in the pro-White cause.
See a exact copy of a page of Covington’s newsletter here at a reliable source where he claimed to have served “in two armies in two wars”: Setting the Record Straight: Did Harold Covington serve in the Vietnam War? (
You might want to read some of the other articles at that site about what a lying phony Covington was — ten times the phony of Bo Gritz.
You and other at C-C can chill some of your fascination with Mr. Covington’s skill as a wordsmith by learning about his total lack of character as spokesman for Whites by searching for ‘Harold Covington stolen valor’. Considering the source, see a genuine interview with Harold Covington’s brother Ben about his claimed military service, here: Ben Covington Offers Insight Into His Brother Harold’s Neo-Nazi Activity | Southern Poverty Law Center (
…Harold came home one day with military enlistment papers and joined the Army. Harold went to boot camp at Fort Jackson in Columbia, S.C. He made noises about wanting to be a Ranger, but for whatever reason he couldn’t pass the entrance requirements. He was assigned to the 14th Infantry Division and wound up going to Fort Polk, La. And I don’t know what he was running into in Fort Polk, but he started to develop white supremacist contacts and influences from the military. They shipped his infantry division to Schofield Barracks in Hawaii, preparatory to them being rotated overseas to Vietnam.
But he didn’t end up going to Vietnam.
No. While at Schofield Barracks, he apparently started passing around pamphlets — Nazi propaganda, all that kind of crap. They put Harold on restrictive duty, and they ordered him to see the base psychiatrist to be evaluated as to whether or not he was medically fit to be in the military. Ultimately, he was in fact diagnosed as having paranoid personality disorder.
My parents were really upset about the whole white supremacist thing. What the Army psychiatrist told my parents — and what my parents repeated to us off and on over the years — was that it could have been anything. He could have been a Jesus freak, he could have been a Hare Krishna, he could have been anything — anything that the mental illness could latch onto. And it happened that he latched onto the neo-Nazi, white supremacist ideology. He was determined to be medically unfit, and he was discharged from the Army in 1972.
Part of Harold Covington’s story is that he was a Rhodesian mercenary in the early 1970s.
I suppose he wanted to move someplace where everything was white and bright, so after a yearlong stint at the Nazi Party headquarters, he wound up going to Rhodesia, and he joined the Rhodesian Army. In different blogs and writings, he was always bragging, “Oh, I was a mercenary in Rhodesia and I went out and did all this fighting.” But to the best of my knowledge, according to the letters he wrote to my parents, he was a file clerk. He certainly never fired a shot in anger. He started agitating over there, and the [white-led] Ian Smith government said, “We have problems enough without this nutcase,” and they bounced him.
I don’t want to change the topic from Gritz, but can’t let your citing Harold Covington pass.
Your mention of Scholl-Latour is interesting to me since, though I was not captured by the VC, I was listed as MIA for six hours in May of 1969 after a particularly nasty battle with the little yellow zipperheads. BTW, Covington claimed repeatedly to his suckers that I was neither a Green Beret captain nor that I could have served two tours in Vietnam — so you might understand my personal interest in his fans lending any legitimate to the SOB. Read about my defamation lawsuit against Covington at “Setting the Record Straight”. I won a real world judgment where he eventually owed me $250,000.
Yes, that’s how so many frustrated White Americans are – looking for a handsome, military hero to ride in on a White horse and “Save America”, Make America like it supposed was back in the 1950s or was it the 1850s.
With Bo Gritz 1992 Presidential campaign/crusade, I found he/this type really appeals to White Christian Conservative women, mothers of homeschoolers etc – I ran in to a lot of them especially LDS Mormons in the West – one in particular – great LDS Mormon mom with ~ 6 healthy White children.
If Only They Would WAKE UP
S Clark writes ““if only they (ex military war heroes) could wake up (regarding race, mass immigration, Js/Islam etc).”
I actually came face to face with Bo Gritz around this time after his (pretty solid) efforts at Ruby Ridge the Weaver Family stand off. Bo was going on about paying off the National Debt, the Federal Reserve system – that sort of “Patriot/Constitutionalist” hard money stuff. I said: “that was all well and good, but I had just come from having lived for 5 years in immigration, Black A American crack cocaine, AIDS plagued New York City where NYC had over 2,000 murders in one year and I had lived 1 block and a half away from Dominican Crack House “the Rock” in the East Village Manhattan where the Dominicans had been cutting off people’s heads. ” I told Bo Gritz that: “I noticed he hadn’t said anything about race or the fact that because of mass 3rd world immigration migration invasions, our people would be on track to be a minority in North America and thus would probably suffer the same fate as Whites in Haiti, French Algeria or Rhodesia.”
Bo Gritz reacted in terror like I had suggested he openly embrace Man Boy Homosexual sexual orgies. He said words to the effect that he didn’t have a racist bone in his body, but conceded that some types of illegal immigration were problematic.
Then it was on to the next questions from fawning Christian females.
My experience face to face with Colonel Bo Gritz (Real Life Rambo) was pretty much exactly the same as our John “The Derb” Derbyshire (then still employed by (inter) National Review Magazine interviewing White LDS wholesome Utah, but also Harvard Business School, Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney during Mittens Romney’s campaign for the GOP Presidential primaries. John Derbyshire asked President candidate Mitt Romney his views on immigration, mass 3rd world immigration to the USA, Europe, UK and Mitt responded:
“That he just hadn’t thought about it”.
Then it was on to the next or no question.
This was/is what it’s like trying to talk, connect with Mountain West White Conservatives , systems Conservatives, clean cut LDS Mormon pols, salute the flag, support the troops, that horrible Toby Keith Song “Amurikun Soldier” “Don’t ask the reasons why, just answer THE CALL like our grandfathers who fought and won World War II did against Hitler, saving the entire Free World BS.
IMO sweet reason, trying to get these types to read honest, great books about race, history like Wilmot Robertson’s “The Dispossessed Majority”, or my favorite Jean Respail’s “Camp of the Saints” this didn’t, doesn’t work at all with Bo Gritz, Mitt Romney or Bush Family types, or Ron and Rand Paul Libertarian Constitutionalist True Believers.
Only in person, brutal racial, criminal, immigration realities have any effect on these types. And even when Antifa/BLM mobs almost beat Rand Paul and his beautiful young wife to death in a DC BLM protest/riot, even that didn’t seem to effect Libertarian Constitutionalist true believer Rand Paul. Rand Paul followed up his near escape with BLM/Antifa mob violence death by trying to appeal to the mob that he was really on their side that he had sponsored the “Justice for Breonna Taylor Act” (Breonna Taylor was a Black heroin trafficker GF in Louisville killed in a police raid on her boyfriend, who started a shoot out with the police and Breonna was killed in the crossfire).
Sorry for rambling.
False Right Ring, False military Christian Constitutionalist saviors, Libertarian Constitutionalist race denier true believers – Sigh. I’d frankly prefer dealing with open homo Antifa or Black Gang bangers.
S. Clark: Will: I did it again. Mentioning Harold Covington’s name is like the old Three Stooges short where mentioning “Niagara Falls,” sends someone into a rage… [M]y experience with Harold wasn’t like that. I admired his fiction, as my articles in Countercurrents Aug. 24, Sept. 4 and 5 demonstrate.
That someone is me, S. because for 20 years I was the victim of Tubbington’s poison pen that you so admire. His attacks on me are not just personal, however, I have a responsibility to disabuse fans of his by exposing the damage he wrought and is still bringing forth to our cause trough his fans, like you. Perhaps, had you been more active in the cause of racial activism, you would have also felt the sting of his malicious lies, and you would look past his worthless novels to expose him for what he was. But to quote you, you “DON’T CARE” that he was the biggest smear artist and political saboteur ever to pose as a White racial leader.
I won’t be looking at your C-C articles, because I already know that you DON’T CARE what an enemy of our noble cause he was, as he actually claimed to his suckers that he was “the leader of all National Socialists worldwide.” Apparently, he led you, to where I have no idea except down his dead-end path that is still being followed by losers like Atomwaffen and The Base, many of whom are languishing in prison now for following his North West Front scam. They liked his novels, too.
I will recommend this other piece, however, that admires his fiction, from four years ago on TOO — not for the article that you will like, but for some of the comments below it that will no doubt remind you of that three stooges thing: The War on Whites: Harold Covington’s Northwest Novels – The Occidental Observer
You should believe Martin Kerr, an honest man who is leader of New Order, successor group to George Lincoln Rockwell’s NSWPP:
Martin Kerr: says: May 7, 2021
It is disturbing to see that an attempt is being made to rehabilitate the deservedly poor reputation of Harold Covington. I had hoped that after his long-awaited death in 2018, that the memory of him would quickly and mercifully fade away. Sadly, I can see that my hopes were in vain.
No one did more to harm the cause of pro-White advocacy than Covington. From the mid-1970s until his death, he did everything he could to weaken, harm and destroy that cause…
He attacked whatever pro-White leader who was receiving the most public recognition at any given time. He only attacked those who were trying to do something. Those who limited themselves to writing books or articles he left alone. But those who were in the public arena, actively trying to build a pro-White movement, he attacked relentlessly and ferociously. Among those he sought to undermine and destroy were Dr. William Pierce, David Duke, Matt Koehl, Ben Klassen, Kevin Alfred Strom, Dr. Edward Fields, Will Williams…
I’m honored that my name is included with those giants of our cause, by another giant. You may consider yourself “in the arena” like those of us that Harold Covington attacked relentlessly and ferociously, but the fact that you weren’t attacked by him suggests otherwise. Sorry.
JayeRyanOD: I told Bo Gritz that: “I noticed he hadn’t said anything about race or the fact that because of mass 3rd world immigration migration invasions, our people would be on track to be a minority in North America and thus would probably suffer the same fate as Whites in Haiti, French Algeria or Rhodesia.”
Bo Gritz reacted in terror like I had suggested he openly embrace Man Boy Homosexual sexual orgies. He said words to the effect that he didn’t have a racist bone in his body…
Bravo, Jaye. I’d like to think I’d confronted the phony similarly had I the opportunity you had at that time.
I’ll make a reference to a side topic. It’s not about Bo Gritz, but about the army special forces. This was back in 2019. I know that was years ago, but I can’t help but wonder if what these NCOs said is still true. Two NCOs who were instructors at the JFK special warfare center at what used to be called Fort Bragg sent an anonymous email about the lack of standards and the politics at the training school. The website is The article is titled “Green Berets Targeted After Anonymous Email Exposed Lower Standards”. It’s by Christina Wong, January 15, 2019.
Bigfoot: March 26, 2024 …I can’t help but wonder if what these NCOs said is still true. Two NCOs who were instructors at the JFK special warfare center at what used to be called Fort Bragg [now Fort Liberty] sent an anonymous email about the lack of standards and the politics at the training school. The website is The article is titled “Green Berets Targeted After Anonymous Email Exposed Lower Standards”. It’s by Christina Wong, January 15, 2019.
Thanks for that site, Bigfoot. It took some maneuvering to find Miss Wong’s article, but it’s there by searching on the site for ‘sonntag’.
I went through the JFK Special Warfare School Officer’s course in 1967 when SF were still relatively elite warriors. SF standards went downhill after Vietnam as elite units usually do after a war — lowered standards, more racial diversity, finally women into the combat arms. You know the routine. From Ms, Wong’s 2019 article:
The issue of standards will likely continue to be a heated topic of debate, as the military continues to integrate more women into the combat arms.
The Obama administration began lifting restrictions on women serving in the combat arms, and services have been slowly implementing those policies.
The Marine Corps, which was the most resistant, has made recent headlines for integrating a female platoon into a previously all-male battalion at Parris Island, S.C., and for its first female Marine officer graduating from the Scout Sniper Unit Leaders Course.
At the same time, the military is facing recruiting shortages, and an ever-increasing demand for Special Forces…
“We have some recruiting challenges, and I think the trajectory is not good over the next few years,” Mark Mitchell, principal deputy assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, said February at the 2018 Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict Symposium, according to
Former Green Beret and Ultimate Fighting Champion superstar Tim Kennedy said Army recruitment challenges hit the Green Beret force especially hard.
“[For] Special Forces specifically, we are gonna have the biggest deficit of eligible… population, to select from,” he said on The Joe Rogan Experience on May 17. “You have to have a certain level of intelligence, a certain level of physicality, just to be eligible for Special Forces to pick you…that pool is the smallest that has ever been in history.”
Sonntag himself acknowledged those challenges shortly after taking command. He said at a symposium in November 2017 that all three of the Army Special Operations regiments are facing serious challenges in “force structure changes, pipeline production, and recruiting.”
“We are currently not meeting our production numbers. The restructuring of the 85th [Civil Affairs] Brigade has created an imbalanced CA force structure. And our recruitment is down. If something doesn’t change soon, we will short the operational force drastically over the next five years,” he said.
Robertson said lowering standards in order to produce more Green Berets goes against a fundamental SOF truth that every Green Beret is taught.
“They were basically telling us to not uphold standards,” said Robertson. “The reason they were doing that is because they were trying to make quota…In Special Forces you don’t sacrifice quality for quantity.”…
The lowering of SF standards didn’t begin with Obama. They got lower under Trump and have been getting lower under Biden. Whomever will be the next Commander in Chief will lower them even more. Special Operations will still be predominantly White males. I recommend our males stay away from the military altogether and join the National Alliance instead.
You might enjoy my entertaining experience with newer generations of Green Beret soldiers recently when I was invited to attend a VFW gathering: An Experience with the VFW | National Vanguard is an excellent site that exposes quite well how far “our” military has fallen in recent years to achieve Political Correctness (DEI).
Thank you so much Mr. Williams.
I’ve always tried to be honest about how I felt from the youngest ages about things like Sports loyalties. I as a Chicago White Sox fan, because our home was on the Near South Side and my father and aunt were White Sox fans, it was our team.
But when I was 7 years old in 1969 our White Sox were in last place and the North Side Chicago Cubs were having a run away best ever season, complete with record sales of an album “Cubs Power”.
Pretty much all of my classmates and some of their parents were fair weather Cubs fans, used to taunt me everyday before school but I was just get real red in the face and yell at them back .
Then the ’69 Cubs died, chocked down the stretch and lost to the NY Whites. Not only was it the worst Chicago sports team collapse/choke – many consider the worst sports/choke collapse in American history – it was part of the Chicago Cubs curse of the Billy Goat Greek Tavern owner who was denied entry to Wrigley Field with his goat once in the 1940s.
I loved it!
So much of my life, I’ve seen American politics not as a principled division between “Liberals and Conservatives” but more as in just those who go with the flow, as cowards and those who have any principle on any issue that matters.
That’s what I felt with Bo Gritz in my face to face meeting Q & A with him. Despite all his combat medals. He just seem like a scared coward. I mean what kind of principled person from any perspective would be then or now, indifferent to his own people’s replacement, persecution, his own women, young children being insulted, bullied or worse?
I looked around for any still sane, principled White Christian Church that would just protect the interests of our people, same as everyone else did/does. I couldn’t find any. The last attempt was with the one 100% White Mormon, LDS Church of Latter Day Saints.
The usual J hate White People perverts led by then King of Hollywood Harvey Weinstein was mass opening the Hate White People Snuff FIlm “D’Jango Unchained”….
On Christmas Day!
I tried to get people from the still majority White LDS Mormon Church to go with me to meet the Theater owner of one of the Chicago movie theaters slated to open up “D’Jango Unchained” on Christmas Day to speak with the theater manager just to express our disapproval.
I couldn’ t get a single person to go with me.
So I went alone.
So much of my adult life, I have been fighting this fight all alone. That’s life.
Thank you sir,
Jaye R
Left Behind Outside of Chicago
I’ll give you credit for going to the theater and attempting that. It’s films like that and many others that negativity influence people, especially young people. Logically people know that it’s a fictional movie. However, these films reinforce certain themes subconsciously. It’s because of past injustices, blacks should be able to have their revenge without any consequences. It also reinforces the theme that whites are immoral, cruel, and incompetent, while reinforcing the counter narrative that blacks are moral, wise, and competent. As we know, movies and television are a far cry from reality. Some people might realize this when they get to see the effects of black crime in our big cities or a breakdown of infrastructure like the water crisis in Jackson, MS due to neglect and incompetence. Even then, it’s blamed on racism. Some black commentators even blame white flight, as if whites should stay in crime infested decaying cities. I don’t believe that it’s a conspiracy of Hollywood moguls, it’s just how people like Harvey Weinstein are.
Will: I did it again. Mentioning Harold Covington’s name is like the old Three Stooges short where mentioning “Niagara Falls,” sends someone into a rage.
(“Slowly I turned, inch by inch, step by step…”). Okay. I know there is a veritable flood of bad blood between THAT MAN and many others. I understand. There are articles and statements. Yet, my experience with Harold wasn’t like that. I admired his fiction, as my articles in Countercurrents Aug. 24, Sept. 4 and 5 demonstrate.
Harold’s writings and observations had a lot to do with bringing me into the WN viewpoint, as did Dr. Pierce and Kevin Alfred Strom, both of whom had a lot of nasty things written about them. I might add your name has been mentioned in some dodgy circumstances; that is neither here nor there. I don’t care. I DON’T CARE. Everyone gets smeared. We have an enemy and battle that overrides all of that. I admire David Duke, and boy does he get things flung at him. If Harold caused you harm and damage, then I’m sorry for that, but again, that wasn’t the man I knew. And I admire and respect your comments and opinions. I never seem to hit it off with the National Alliance, but I’ve always supported the NA and I very much like your stand. When I wrote the NA back in the nineties, the office in W. Virginia considered one of the enemy. But locally I met the NA reps, and worked with them on mailings and other projects. Perhaps I’m just the man you love to hate. But we’re standing together. If only the Bo Gritz types would stand as well.
Jaye: I find the Gritz types who ignore race in the military frankly incredible. I was in the army, and the racial differences and competency were glaringly obvious. Someone who was in the military and who ignores that is either lying or he’s just keeping his mouth shut for that golden pension. And, yes, if they’re
shacking with a non-white, that’s a huge factor. Certainly the Fred Reed article that loves Mexico so much has something to do with Fred’s Mexican wife (and no offense; I’m sure she’s great, but let’s be honest and admit that love, sex, and etc. can easily turn a man’s mind).
As for Rand Paul, Romney, et. al. Race is simply never to be admitted, ever. If
race were honestly treated, much of the country would simply fall apart. Also, BLM was for all purposes a government backed color revolution. I’m sure Paul understands that. If you want to play the game…you play the game. And of course if Trump was that strong on law and order, why didn’t he do anything?
A big cause a few years ago was leaderless resistance. It was dumped, but may be the only movement by default. There ain’t no leaders, but there is…or will be…resistance. That, or simple white extinction. The ghost of Raspail is very strong.
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