Against Liberalism: Society Is Not a Market
Alain de Benoist
Translated by F. Roger Devlin
Budapest: Middle Europe Books, 2024
320 pages
About Against Liberalism:
In the West, liberalism is hegemonic. Civilization is decaying all around us, yet liberal democrats have declared their system to be “the end of history.” We are told there is “no alternative” to capitalism. The Left has abandoned socialism for “neoliberalism.” The Right has abandoned nation and tradition for “classical liberalism.” Freedom is the only way.
In Against Liberalism: Society Is Not a Market, Alain de Benoist shows the inadequacy of liberalism’s philosophical premises: individualism, self-interest, progressivism, human rights, capitalism, market values, and “economic man.” He shows that liberalism in practice is incompatible with genuine diversity and with democratic, communitarian, and conservative values. He suggests that society can have a market without being a market. It turns out that the best society is one in which not everything is up for sale.
Praise for Against Liberalism:
“Liberalism’s most fundamental doctrine is that society is a mere collection of individuals, each of whom seeks to maximize his self-interest. Liberalism denies the existence of any objective human good in favor of subjective preferences. It denies that there is a common good beyond a mere aggregate of individual preferences. Alain de Benoist argues that these ideas are destructive of human identity and of much of what makes life worth living. In the present critique he points the way back to a politics based on real decisions in pursuit of the common good.”
—F. Roger Devlin, author of Sexual Utopia in Power
“Alain de Benoist’s Against Liberalism offers a powerful critique of liberalism as both a philosophy and a political and economic system, based on the writer’s firm belief that a viable human society must be something more than just a market. I welcome this readable and beautifully produced English translation, which will give his ideas a global reach and impact.”
—Michael Walker, founder of The Scorpion
- Introduction — 1
- What Is Liberalism? — 40
- Communitarians vs. Liberals — 72
- Liberalism & Identity — 106
- The Figure of the Bourgeois — 120
- Critique of Hayek — 162
- Representative Democracy & Participative Democracy — 208
- Liberalism & Democracy — 215
- The Third Age of Capitalism — 228
- To Conserve What? The Equivocation of Conservatism — 252
- Insecurity for Everyone! Work in the Age of “Superfluous Men” — 263
- Critique of Value — 275
- Money, or the Universal Equivalent — 287
Index — 293
About the Author — 312
About the Author
Alain de Benoist (b. 1943) is a political philosopher and historian of ideas. He is the author of a hundred books, including Ernst Jünger: Between the Gods & the Titans (Middle Europe Books, 2022) and The Populist Moment: The End of Left vs. Right (Middle Europe Books, 2024).