Baron Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola was born on May 19, 1898 in Rome. Along with René Guénon, Evola is one of the writers who has most influenced the metapolitical outlook and project of Counter-Currents, which is reflected in the fact that Evola is one of the most-tagged writers on this website. In commemoration of his birthday, I wish to draw your attention to the following resources.
Counter-Currents has published the following writings of Evola’s:
- East & West: Comparative Studies in Pursuit of Tradition, ed. Greg Johnson and Collin Cleary
- “The Aryan Ethos: Loyalty to One’s Own Nature.”
- “The Swastika.”
- “The Jew Disraeli & the Construction of the Merchants’ Empire.”
- “The Mirror of the Jewish Soul: Otto Weininger on the Jewish Question” (Czech version here)
- “Judaism in the Ancient World.”
- “The SS, Guard & Order of the Revolution of the Swastika.”
- “A ‘Castle of the Order’.”
- “The ‘Napolas’” (in Czech)
- “Israel: Its Past, Its Future.”
- “Biological Youth & Political Youth.”
- “The Hegemony of the White Races.”
- “Rene Guénon & Integral Traditionalism.”
- “Intelligent Stupidity.”
- “Power and Infantilism.”
- “Subliminal Influences.”
- “The Love of the Distant.”
- “The Tarantula’s Bite” (Czech version here)
- “Faces and Mud.”
- “Dionysus and the Left-Hand Path.”
- “The Decay of Words,” Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- “The Enjoyment of Vulgarity.”
- “The Jewish Question in the Spiritual World” (Spanish translation here)
- “Negrified America.”
- “Mussolini and Racism,” Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
- “Racism and Anti-Semitism.”
- “The Third Sex and Democracy.”
- “The Mystique of Race in Ancient Rome.”
- “Orientations” (Spanish translation here)
- “Race and the Myth of the Origins of Rome.”
- “The Meaning and Function of Monarchy.”
- “Races of the Soul and Spirit in Judaism.”
- “Aspects of Racial Doctrine.”
- “Races of the Spirit.”
- “Racialism as Anti-Universalism.”
- “The Tragedy of the Romanian ‘Iron Guard’.”
- “The Japanese Hara Theory and its Relations to East and West,” Part 1, Part 2
- “The Svadharma Doctrine and Existentialism.”
- “Oriental and Ancient Mediterranean Erotic Symbolism.”
- “Spiritual Virility in Buddhism.”
- “On the Problem of the Meeting of Religions in East and West.”
- “Zen and the West.”
- “The Right to One’s Own Life in East and West.”
- “Historiography of the Right.”
- “The ‘Mysteries of Woman’ in East and West,” Part 1 and Part 2
- “Yoga, Immortality, and Freedom.”
- “Vedanta, Meister Eckhart, Schelling.”
- “The Liberating Influences of the Traditional East.”
- “On the Subterranean History of Rome.”
- “Initiatic Centers and History.”
- “The Tools of the Occult War.”
- “The Concept of Initiation.”
- “To be of the Right.”
- “Nietzsche for Today” (in Czech, in Portuguese)
- “The Spirit of Roman Civilization.”
- “Léon de Poncins’ The Occult War.”
- “Christmas and the Winter Solstice.”
- “Against the Neo-Pagans.”
- “Mr. Gurdjieff” (in Czech)
- “American ‘Civilization’.”
- “Sol Invictus: Encounters Between East and West in the Ancient World.”
- “Youth, Beats, and Right-Wing Anarchists,” Part 1 and Part 2
- “Baron von Ungern-Sternberg” (in Czech)
- “Nihilism and the Meaning of Life in Nietzsche.”
- “The Overcoming of the Superman.”
- “Evola on the Egyptian and Tibetan Books of the Dead.”
- “Juan Donoso Cortés.”
- “René Guénon: East and West.”
- “Evola on Zen and Everyday Life.”
- “Evola on Aurobindo’s Secret of the Veda” (Czech version here)
- “What is Spanish Falangism?.”
- “The Relationship Between Judaism and Freemasonry.”
- “What Tantrism Means to Modern Western Civilization.”
- “On the Secret of Degeneration.”
- “Aleister Crowley.”
- “Race and War.”
- “East and West: The Gordian Knot: Ernst Jünger’s Der gordische Knoten” (Czech version here)
- “Über die Geistigen und Strukturellen Voraussetzungen der Europäischen Einheit.”
- Correspondence between Gaston-Armand Amaudruz and Julius Evola (PDFs of originals here)
The following essays by other authors deal exclusively or principally with Evola, or employ him as the main frame of reference:
- Michael Bell, “Julius Evola’s Concept of Race: A Racism of Three Degrees” (Spanish translation here)
- Michael Bell, “Man’s Devolution Across Cycles: Radical Traditionalism on Anthropogenesis” (Czech translation here)
- Alain de Benoist, “Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power.”
- Thomas F. Bertonneau, “Against Nihilism: Julius Evola’s ‘Traditionalist’ Critique of Modernity.”
- Jonathan Bowden, “Paganism and Christianity, Nietzsche and Evola.”
- Jonathan Bowden, “Julius Evola: The World’s Most Right-Wing Thinker.”
- Amanda Bradley, “Absolute Woman: A Clarification of Evola’s Thoughts on Women” (in Portuguese)
- Amanda Bradley, “Nazi Fashion Wars: The Evolian Revolt Against Aphroditism in the Third Reich,” Part 1 and Part 2 (in French)
- Peter B. Bredon, “He’s Our Bannon, Only Better: From Meme Magick to Evolian Populism.”
- Collin Cleary, “Heidegger Against the Traditionalists,” Part I (Greek version here)
- Collin Cleary reviews Julius Evola: The Philosopher & Magician in War (Czech version here)
- Collin Cleary, “Evola, Magical Idealism, & Western Metaphysics,” Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
- Collin Cleary, “Evola’s Nietzschean Ethics: A Code of Conduct for the Higher Man in Kali Yuga.”
- Collin Cleary, “What is Odinism?, Part IV: Odinism as an Esoteric Path.”
- Coomeraswamy, “Toward a Right-Wing Critical Theory.”
- F. Roger Devlin, “Fascism as Anti-Modernism: Julius Evola’s Fascism Viewed from the Right.”
- F. Roger Devlin, “National Socialism as Anti-Modernism? Evola’s Notes on the Third Reich.”
- Derek Hawthorne, Review of Evola’s The Metaphysics of War
- Derek Hawthorne, “North Face: The Return of the German Mountain Film.”
- Derek Hawthorne, “The Holy Mountain,” Part 1, Part 2
- Derek Hawthorne, “The White Hell of Pitz Palü,” Part 2
- Derek Hawthorne, “Storm over Mont Blanc,” Part 1
- Alexander Jacob, “The Bourgeoisie, Protestantism, and The Protocols: The Anti-Democratic Thought of Erik, Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn and Barone Giulio Cesare Evola.”
- Greg Johnson, “Metapolitics and Occult Warfare” (Translations: Estonian, French, Polish, Spanish)
- Greg Johnson, “Notes on Heidegger and Evola” (Spanish translation here)
- Greg Johnson, Review of A Handbook of Traditional Living (Spanish translation here)
- Greg Johnson, Review of Codreanu’s The Prison Notes (Translations: Slovak, Spanish)
- John Morgan, “What Would Evola Do?.”
- James J. O’Meara, “Battle of the Magicians: Baron Evola between the Dancer & the Druid.”
- James J. O’Meara, “The Eldritch Evola” (on Evola and Lovecraft)
- James J. O’Meara, “Eumaios, Evola, & Neville on Race.”
- James J. O’Meara, “Evola on Wheels: Psychomania as Hermetic Initiation.”
- James J. O’Meara, “Evola’s Other Club: Mitch Horowitz and the Self-Made Mystic.”
- James J. O’Meara, “Immobile Warriors: Evola’s Post-War Career from the Perspective of Neville’s New Thought.”
- James J. O’Meara, “Look out honey, ’cause I’m using technology! Eumaios, Evola, and Neville on Race.”
- James J. O’Meara, “Notre Dame des Fascistes,” Part III
- James J. O’Meara, “Two Orders, Same Man: Evola, Hesse,” Part 1, Part 2
- Michael O’Meara, “Evola’s Anti-Semitism” (Czech translation here)
- Michael O’Meara, “Le primordial et l’eternel : La Tradition dans la pensée de Martin Heidegger et de Julius Evola.”
- Matt Parrott, “Freemasonry and the Occult War.”
- Renato del Ponte, “My Memories of Julius Evola” (Portuguese version here)
- J. J. Przybylski, “Grey December Zeitgeist: Shades of Spengler, Evola, Nietzsche, & Bukowski.”
- Thomas Steuben, “Beyond the Left-Hand and Right-Hand Paths.”
- Robert Steuckers, “Evola and Spengler” (in Czech)
- Gianfranco de Turris, “Julius Evola: A Philosopher at War.”
For those wishing to read Evola’s books, I would suggest three different starting points. For those who want to jump in at the deep end, begin with Evola’s magnum opus, Revolt Against the Modern World. For those who want to wade in, I recommend starting with one of Evola’s slimmest, most beautiful, and most seductive works, Meditations on the Peaks: Mountain Climbing as Metaphor for the Spiritual Quest. For those who prefer to begin with an overview of Evola’s life and works, I recommend his The Path of Cinnabar: An Intellectual Autobiography. I also recommend the following website on Evola:
- Fondazione Julius Evola,
Finally, as a treat, here is a video of the elderly Evola being interviewed with English subtitles.
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To the text about Baron Ungern by Evola:
If there is not already a Black Metal song about the bloody baron, it seems inevitable that there will be.
There are some songs, mostly by Russian musicians. Moreover, there is a MONGOLIAN Black Metal band called Baron Ungern.
So much to read! I have long been interested in understanding the link between Judaism and Freemasonry. I’m told that the latter is an offshoot of the former; a recruitment tool for the goyim. Thank you for putting together all the links.
I enjoyed the Counter-Currents essays on this subject written by Matt Parrott, although I might not necessarily agree with each of his points. I also found a spin-off article by him comparing Tea Party Conservatives to “Cargo Cults.”
The idea is that American Patriotards wear tricorn hats and sport star-spangled banners to thereby meme into existence “a Republic if you can keep it.” This is why color-blind Whites get distracted by things like capital gains taxes and whatnot while the eternal city is in flames and being raped by the latest colored hordes yearning to be “propositional Americans.”
The point is, and why it is “Cargo Culting” the Founding Fathers, is because they are seeing forms and not substance. They miss the trees comprising the freedom forest for the freedom fries. Stuff like Liberty is emphasized when the most important point (self-evident in 1790) was that the racial stock of the nation (i.e., White) is under siege.
Generally speaking, I try to avoid esotericism in politics and take such like Julius Evola and Savitri Devi with boulder-sized grains of salt. I also tend to think that the significance of the Freemasons is hugely overstated. The gayest claim is the one that George Washington was a Jew plant because he was part of a lodge. Alexander Hamilton is also supposed to be a plutocratic stooge since balkanization was what he feared the most, and this was the purpose of calling the Constitutional Convention in the first place. The Framers also made a good-faith effort to incorportate the most Rights into black-letter Constitutional Law as possible. Forms of government is not the most important aspect, either.
In the end the new Republic proved to be too centrifugal and this is the primary weaknesses of multicultural empires in general. They are too concerned with maritime expansion and esoterica to hold their own continent and secure their own homeland.
General Erich Ludendorff, in his treatise Vernichtung der Freimaurerei : durch Enthüllung ihrer Geheimnisse (@ 1927, 1935) pretty much sums up the point with the title itself: The Destruction of Freemasonry through Revelation of Their Secrets (Noontide Press: 1977).
As Julius Evola himself noted in his essay:
The Relationship between Judaism & Freemasonry
“Finally, it must be pointed out that, if the fact of having borrowed elements from the Jewish tradition was enough for an accusation, then the accusation against Masonry could easily be extended to Christianity itself […]“ [Emphasis mine.]
That Jews have infiltrated the lodges is “hardly surprising.”
“It is thus hardly surprising that Jewish elements have flowed to the ranks of Masonry and have done everything they could to turn it into one of their most powerful instruments of work. The extremist hypothesis, according to which Jews created Masonry in all its parts with the occult domination of the world in mind, cannot, in our opinion, be taken seriously.” [Emphasis added.]
Masonic lodges expressly banned atheists (so they would exclude me), but in affirming Christianity they by definition hold the door wide open for Jews and conversos.
But, as General Ludendorff notes, the important point is not weird “occult” rituals intended to convey transcendance ─ like Mitt Romney’s magical underwear ─ but whether the lodges are indeed harboring dangerous, alien, and likely criminal, political secrets.
Evola points out that Freemasonry also reveres the Jewish spirit for cosmopolitanism and internationalism. As does the Roman Rite Church.
The Masonic lodges are what billionaire plutocracy NGOs like the Club of Rome or the Bildenberg Group might be if they were just a bunch of underfunded and aspiring Protestant businessmen trying to network without too much interference from the Papacy. Most Christians don’t seem too concerned about international financial cabals of today that can hardly be kept regulated by secular governments of even the largest and most modern Nation-States.
I am not trying to signal too hard against Catholics, but I think it was a good thing that the United States resisted the Church and the immigration of Papists, or the nation easily could have turned out like another Brazil or Argentina. The anti-Semitism of E. Michael Jones is useless (and arguably disasterous) because his one-true faith does not even see Race as important, let alone is it a virtue.
I frequently make criticisms of Jews and Israel. That makes me a Hater in the eyes of the ADL. But if any think that criticism of the Catholics is divisive, ask yourself why it would be okay to make the same criticisms of the Mormons? Every time a bald-headed tattooed freak gets arrested in Idaho, the press leads with “White Supremacist …” whatever. This kind of thinking led directly to the Feds shooting Vickie Weaver while she stood in the doorway of their cabin at Ruby Ridge, Idaho holding her assault baby. Idaho is one of the three U.S. states today that still has a majority Anglo population. Utah and Maine are the other two.
All it takes to be branded as a “doomsday cult” is to put out the Whites Only sign at the next Klan barbecue. The White majority in Idaho is not racist, but they are far too insufferably White for the comfort of Liberals and Jews.
I think the Roman Catholic Al Smith, who unsucessfully ran for President in 1928, would have made a better Chief Executive than his fellow New Yorker, the philo-Semitic Protestant Progressive Franklin Delano Roosevelt ─ but by how much is hard to say. FDR and the younger Morgenthau were unironic Jeffersonian Democrats, who aspired to be romantic sons of the soil just like lodge Masons wore aprons and pretended to be transcendant bricklayers.
I would have had no objections to John F. Kennedy’s religion once he explained publicly that he believed in the Separation of Church and State. And even the Protestant, anti-Semitic Ku Klux Klan dropped opposition to Catholic immigration after Vatican II formally ended the claim of papal infallibility and made other reforms. Father Coughlin was not silenced because he said the Jews killed Christ but because the Church itself was now using a different sheet of music.
I don’t have hostility to Joe Biden because he is a Catholic as much as that he is mentally impaired ─ and he has put hundreds of Jewish and Marxist judges into positions of power thinking that this is the right side of History.
“Biden had the largest number of Article III judicial nominees confirmed during a president’s first year in office since Ronald Reagan in 1981. Biden reached the milestone of 200 federal judicial confirmations on May 22, 2024. This rate of judicial confirmations exceeded the pace of Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump.” (LINK)
I doubt that (if elected) Trump will build the wall that he promised ─ there are millions of excuses ─ but I already know that Biden is fiercely dedicated to the doctrine of anti-White, so I plan on holding my nose and voting Trump in 2024 for that reason. I am grateful that Hillary was not elected in 2016.
It’s interesting to hear your take on it all Scott, thank you for replying. So the Jews didn’t create Freemasonry, they just subverted it to serve their own needs? That’s their modus operandi I suppose.
Evola – The Mountain and Spirituality
In the modern world there are two factors that, more than any others, are responsible for hindering our realization of the spirituality that was known in the most ancient traditions: the first is the abstract character of our culture; the second is the glorification of a blind and frantic obsession with activity.
On one hand, there are people who identify the “spirit” with the erudition acquired in libraries and university classrooms, or with the intellectual games played by philosophers, or with literary or pseudomystical aestheticism. On the other hand, the new generations have turned athletic competition into a religion and appear to be unable to conceive anything beyond the excitement of training sessions, competitions, and physical achievements; they have truly turned accomplishment in sports into an end in itself and even into an obsession rather than as means to a higher end.
Some people regard this opposition of lifestyles as some kind of dilemma. In reality, in the so-called scholarly type, we often find an innate strong dislike for any kind of physical discipline; likewise, in many sports-practicing people, the sense of physical strength fosters contempt for those in “ivory towers” who confine themselves to books and to battles of words they view as harmless.
These two lifestyles should be regarded as misguided and as the fruits of modern decadence because they are both foreign to the heroic vision of the spirit that constituted the axis of the best Western classical traditions which, in the context of the actual renovation of Italy, is being successfully evoked.
On science:
Based on the above, one can demonstrate that final form of dissolution of knowledge corresponding to Einstein’s theory of relativity. Only the profane, in hearing talk of relativity, could believe that the new theory had destroyed every certainty and almost sanctioned a kind of Pirandellian “thus it is, if you think so.” In fact, it is quite a different matter, in the sense that this theory has brought us even closer to absolute certainties, but of a purely formal character. A coherent system of physics has been constructed to keep all relativity in check, to take every change and variation into account, with the greatest independence from points of reference and from everything bound to observations, to the evidence of direct experience, and to current perceptions of space, time, and speed. This system is “absolute” through the flexibility granted to it by its exclusively mathematical and algebraic nature. Thus once the “cosmic constant” is defined (according to the speed of light), the so-called transformation equations suffice to introduce a certain number of parameters into the formulae used to account for phenomena in order to get over a certain “relativity” and to avoid any possible disproof from the facts of experience.
A simpleminded example can make this state of affairs plain. Whether Earth moves around the Sun, or the Sun around Earth, from the point of view of Einstein’s “cosmic constant” is more or less the same. One is no more “true” than the other, except that the second alternative would involve the introduction of many more elements to the formulae, thus a greater complication and inconvenience in the calculations. For the person unconcerned with one system being more complicated and inconvenient than another, the choice remains free; this person could calculate the various phenomena starting either from the premise that Earth revolves around the Sun, or from the opposite premise.
This banal and elementary example clarifies the type of “certainty” and knowledge to which Einstein’s theory leads. In that regard, it is important to point out that there is nothing new here, that his theory represents only the latest and most accessible manifestation of the characteristic orientation of all modern science. This theory, though far from common or philosophical relativism, is willing to admit the most unlikely relativities, but arms itself against them, so to speak, from the start. It intends to supply certainties that either leave out or anticipate them, and thus from the formal point of view are almost absolute. And if reality should ever revolt against them, a suitable readjustment of dimensions will restore these certainties.
From Ride the Tiger
As a reader of this website, I would like to make a suggestion to the editors: It would be nice to have a single page that lists and links all the directory articles. Ths would make it easier to use Counter-Currents for research and intellectual wandering. The “commemorations” tag does have many of them, but I think at least a few of the directories are not tagged under commemorations. (The big list of articles pertaining to Black History Month, for example, was not a commemorations.)
Also, happy birthday Evola! Though you are dead now, may the thunders of your ominous magic reverberate for centuries to come!
Someone in a comment on on TOO has called Evola a gay. Can you please debunk that insult?
The burden of proof would rather be on that commenter, since there is absolutely zero evidence that Evola was homosexual.
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