René Guénon was born on November 15, 1886. Along with Julius Evola, Guénon was one of the leading figures in the Traditionalist school, which has deeply influenced my own outlook and the metapolitical mission and editorial agenda of Counter-Currents Publishing and North American New Right. (For a sense of my differences with Guénon, see my lecture on “Vico and the New Right.”)
Tag: Traditionalism
Savitri Devi was a philosopher, a religious thinker, and a tireless polemicist and activist for the causes of animal rights, European pagan revivalism, Hindu nationalism, German National Socialism, and — after the Second World War — pan-European racial nationalism. She also sought to found a religion, Esoteric Hitlerism, fusing National Socialism with the Traditionalism of René Guénon and Julius Evola. All told, she was one of the most extraordinary personalities of the 20th century. (more…)
Baron Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola was born on May 19, 1898 in Rome. Along with René Guénon, Evola is one of the writers who has most influenced the metapolitical outlook and project of Counter-Currents, which is reflected in the fact that Evola is one of the most-tagged writers on this website. In commemoration of his birthday, I wish to draw your attention to the following resources. (more…)
May 1, 2024 Greg Johnson
Nowa Prawica przeciw Starej Prawicy
Rozdział 3: Metapolityka i wojna tajemnaEnglish original here, Estonian version here, French version here, Polish version here, Spanish version here
Część 5 (Rozdział 1, Rozdział 2, Rozdział 4)
W 1897 r. Robert Lewis Dabney przewidział tryumf ruchu sufrażystek w oparciu o własną ocenę historii i charakteru jedynej siły sprzeciwiającej się prawom wyborczym kobiet – konserwatystów z północnych stanach USA: (more…)
676 words
Johann Christoph “Jan” Assmann, the world’s foremost Egyptologist and a profound religious thinker and cultural historian, died on Monday at the age of 85.
Assmann was born in Langelsheim in Lower Saxony and grew up in Lübeck and Heidelberg. After studying Egyptology, classical archeology, and Greek studies in Munich, Heidelberg, Paris, and Göttingen, as well as doing fieldwork in Egypt, Assmann was appointed professor of Egyptology at the University of Heidelberg in 1976, where he stayed until his retirement in 2003. Assmann then became Honorary Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of Constance, where his wife Aleida Assmann taught English. Jan and Aleida raised five children and developed a theory of memory and cultural transmission. (more…)
1,646 words
James J. O’Meara has a book out, Mysticism After Modernism: Crowley, Evola, Neville, Watts, Colin Wilson, and Other Populist Gurus, published by Manticore Press. The book is about where mysticism intersects with culture and politics, rather than being some purely academic look at mysticism and the occult. It is also about thinkers who used magic to enact real-world change.
Much of the Right is dismissive or derisive of the occult, their criticisms ranging from conspiracy theories about evil Illuminati occultists to dismissing the New Age scene as being solely for Left-wing hippies. Regardless, there is a lot of crossover appeal and syncretic occultism. (more…)
Rightist third-worldism is a tendency among people of the broadly understood Right — nationalists, New Rightists etc. — to take the side of the “Third World.” The Third World is understood by them very differently from its original meaning — that is, referring to those countries that were not on either side of the Cold War). (more…)
January 16, 2024 James J. O'Meara
How I Became a Demigod — and You Can Too!
Rise to Greatness with The Golden One
Part 1Part 1 of 3 (Part 2 here)
Marcus Follin (The Golden One)
Demigod Mentality
Legio Gloria, 2023If someone truly believes himself to be blessed by the Gods, it eventually becomes true — this is the power of faith. — The Golden One (more…)
November 22, 2023 Kerry Bolton
Aleister Crowley jako politický teoretik
část 22.547 slov
English original here
Thelemský stát
Podoba thelemské vlády je do jisté míry nastíněna v Knize zákona jako svébytná forma korporativismu: „Stav mnohosti ať je spoután a mějte jej v ohavnosti: ty nemáš jiného práva, než konat svoji vůli“. 1] V protikladu k anarchistickým či nihilistickým výkladům thelemské zásady „konej svou vůli“ však Crowley definoval thelemský stát jako dobrovolné sdružení pro blaho celku. (more…)
October 24, 2023 Kerry Bolton
Aleister Crowley jako politický teoretik
část 12.057 slov
English original here
Aleister Crowley (1875–1947), který sám sebe rád nazýval „Velkou bestií 666“, dodnes zůstává relevantní postavou v subkultuře okultismu i současné populární kultuře. Zatímco ho někteří oslavují jako filozofa, mága a proroka, pro jiné je především zvráceným egomaniakem. Povětšinou je ale zájem o Crowleyho osobu motivován poněkud morbidním zájmem a jeho celkovou excentričností. (more…)
English original here, Estonian version here, French version here, Polish version here
Capítulo 1 aquí, Capítulo 2 aquí, Capítulo 4 aquí
En 1897, Robert Lewis Dabney profetizaba el triunfo del sufragio femenino en base a la opinión que le suscitaba la historia y el carácter de la única fuerza que se le oponía, el conservadurismo norteño: (more…)
4,196 words
Part 7 of 7 (Part 1 here, Part 6 here)
We have no standards to judge what are “good” and “bad” forms of being a human, since there are no subjects existing outside the contingencies of historical time and power relationships. All we can do is engage in “discourse analysis” so as to uncover existing hierarchies by analyzing the fields of knowledge through which they are legitimated. We can engage in questioning how we came to be the “humans” we think we are, such as how we came to think that we have natural rights to life, liberty, and happiness, but such a questioning can only show us how our current way of being human is historically contingent and thus changeable. (more…)