Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 602
Red Pill Report
Counter-Currents Radio
Greg Johnson, David Zsutty, and Angelo Plume talked about the results of the Counter-Currents internal survey and the various ways to “red pill” not only more people, but the right kind of people. It is now available for download and online listening. Topics discussed include:
10:46 – On studying below average IQ white people
15:35 – NAXALT = “Not all Xs are like that”
21:51 – The Eminem Effect
25:10 – Mediterranean Europeans take the red pill faster
37:52 – The Libertarianism to WN pipeline
41:14 – Wealthy people are easier to red pill
42:25 – Political Campaigning as networking
48:36 – Personality traits of CC readers
57:29 – Diversity in film
59:55 – Difference between elite and aristocratic
1:01:25 – The power of narrative
1:08:52 – The Lord of the Rings is the ultimate WN book
1:13:31 – Greg is working on a song
1:15:51 – Will an empire built on lies collapse?
1:33:49 – Commentary on Warhammer 40k
1:36:27 – Whats the best way to help political prisoners in the UK?
1:50:38 – On Nordicism in the US (Greg Johnson’s article, “Who Are We? Nordics, Aryans, & Whites“)
1:54:06 – Conclusion
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I have a theory that this trend towards tattooization that we are witnessing, this increasing amount of tattoos and painted extremities and arms, is in fact, a reaction of white guilt. They are attempting to become “colored” in effect. It seems to be infiltrating higher and higher strata of white society. For instance, the other day, I saw a young doctor in our community, not that young, like a millennial, but at my late age, almost anyone seems young, with a sleeve tattoo. People are trying to cover up their whiteness and beauty advantage, so to speak, and thus leveling the sexual playing field with nonwhites. Maybe not everyone who gets tats has this intention in mind, it may be just fad or peer pressure, but I bet that’s why the architects of the fad are pushing it.
i viewbeing heavily tattooed as the same as having nonsense pronouns, both are done by people trying to find a substitute for a personality. They don’t want to put the work in to better themselves, so they ink up to seem interesting. If you ask a heavily tattooed person what their hobbies are, they’d say ‘weed and videogames’.
Oh sure, they’re small minded and insecure no doubt, but they could do other things.
pronouns are transient, but tattoos have much of the permanence of a sex change. It’s this drive to change one’s biology. Irreversible fashione errors, like Greg says. “Fashion victims.”
Anyone else think of John Carpenter when they hear the counter current radio theme music?
I too have been thinking about the importance of meme warfare, particularly with regard to the migrant rape issue discussed in last week’s show.
Yes, White men rape, too, but not nearly as often. I suggest coming up with a fraction. Numbers, even big and cumbersome ones like 6 million, seem to have the potential to go viral, and communicate a great deal with few words.
But I get the sense that we all know that something beyond numbers is at issue here. I suggest that the issue you all are having trouble putting your finger on is this:
While women everywhere since the beginning of time have had to worry about rape, the cultural context determines what measures are necessary to stay safe. Rape will always be relatively rare, because women will do what it takes to avoid it. In a White country, that means avoiding very high-risk behaviors, such as truck stop prostitution, for instance.
Never put yourself in the power of a man who will not be the prime suspect should you turn up dead or just roughed up, and for the most part you’ll be fine. Of course, dating to find a mate necessarily involves some risk, but you can manage those risks, and, if God willing you find the right man, whatever bad experiences you have will have been well worth it.
Rape culture is not the same in all cultures, and when you tell Native European women that we’re all the same and it’s racist (i.e. evil) to think otherwise, or even to be cautious, you are setting them up to be victimized. Of course, they’ll figure it out after they see enough brutal sexual violence in the streets to know the establishment is FOS, and they will adjust their behavior accordingly. Native European women, especially downscale ones, are now being put in the position of having to think hard about whether it is safe to walk down the street to visit a friend or whatever.
If anyone can figure out how to boil all that down to a meme, that would be great. In the meantime, a biting “dos and don’ts” article for staying safe in the new and improved multicultural Europe might get the ball rolling. Mr. Goad?
Now, Angelo, this brings me to my next point. You put far too much faith in the ability of abstract ethical maxims and thought experiments to answer every question and resolve every dilemma. Our actions don’t affect only one person, but have much broader consequences for others. You can’t do unto others all the time and in every circumstance. It is literally impossible. If you let in the migrants, you’re not doing unto working-class British girls as you would have done unto you if you were in their place.
In the end, you can’t avoid moral choices about priorities. Please keep that in mind when you characterize elite treachery as nothing more than the logical outworking of basic moral decency. It is not that, and you give our elites way more credit for sincerity and principle than they deserve.
Speaking of elites, I must say your defense of “aristocracy” has the ring of a real X has never been tried type of argument. Merchants are the new elites, and the time of the knights errant you read about in your “books of chivalry” is past, if it ever even existed in the first place. You don’t have time for tilting at windmills. Nonetheless, my criticism is facile, and I would be delighted to find out that you are right and I am wrong about this, but it looks to me like any hope lies with the plebs.
Greg made me laugh my head off when he mentioned disabled secret service agents. Great discussion and look forward to the next poll.
The vast majority of murderers are men.
The vast majority of men aren’t murderers.
Should police target men?
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