Part 3 (Read Part 1 here. Read Part 2 here.)
As a nation it is imperative that we meet present and future challenges in a competitive global environment. I’m not holding my breath. Chinese kids are learning trigonometry and how to assemble and disassemble a Type-191 assault rifle blindfolded while American kids are taught that racism is why we suck as a country and you can identify as a fruit salad (and we won’t tell your parents).
The only ones benefitting from the current educational common practices are testing companies, teachers unions, and the top earners in the administrative pipeline outside the classroom. Meanwhile, America’s enemies applaud our destruction from within, and they don’t even have to fire a single shot. All they have to do is set the hook in the mouths of select, influential liberals.
Liberal educators and administrators are willing, compliant and spiteful-to-change participants to the country’s demise. One example: they green light programs such as “Confucius Institutes” that promote Chinese language and culture, and that are nothing more than propaganda machines funded and directed by the Chinese government.
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Another: Qatar, a key financial supporter of the Palestinian militant outfit Hamas, has given more than $1.8 billion to that terrorist organization over the years. It has also contributed $4.7 billion to dozens of academic institutions across the United States between 2001 and 2021. Those universities include Northwestern University, known for its journalism school — a first tier shaper of public opinion — which has received $647 million since 2007. Other schools receiving Qatari money are: Cornell University ($443 million), Texas A&M ($182 million), and Carnegie Mellon University ($150 million) to name just a few.
Foreign governments are not allowed to own our radio and TV stations for fear they might be used for anti-American propaganda and influence, but there’s a river of money being poured into our universities by them who in turn preach anti-American doctrine to our students. Let us not leapfrog over our own domestic mind control grooming brought to you by Microsoft, Google, Meta and the rest. There’s plenty of “home grown” manipulation and more to come.
According to the Goldwater institute, sixty-seven percent of universities require students to take courses in DEI- an ideology that promotes race-based discrimination. For those who may not be sure of how DEI works, it’s tantamount to fixing a flat tire by letting the air out of the other three.
Consider California Bill AB665 which will allow 12 year olds to be removed from their homes without a court order and placed in a residential facility if they identify as trans and don’t want to live at their family’s home anymore. The people who green light this madness are too often the same people running our schools. Or consider Google’s Gemini artificial intelligence, which was backloaded with such anti-white bias that it rendered images of popes, Vikings, medieval knights, American founding fathers, and even Nazi SS soldiers, without including any white people. These are the entities who are invested heavily in controlling the flow of information in America’s public schools. The artificial intelligence generator ChatGPT has become the fastest-growing app of all time, reaching 100 million users in only two months. It’s soon to be the express lane in how our kids access information in school. It says it will provide accurate and helpful responses “while adhering to ethical guidelines, including promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Chinese propaganda efforts are mere tinker toys compared to what we’re rolling out right here at home.
We bayonetted excellence in American erudition when the meritocratic system became compromised by priorities that were sure to dilute excellence: race-based affirmative action, bar lowering DEI (“didn’t earn it”), desegregation bussing, and landmark legislation that obliterated American’s right of association. The creation of the Department of Education, a Jimmy Carter strategy to woo teacher union political support, was the express lane for public education demise. In 100 years we have gone from teaching Latin and Greek in high school to teaching Remedial English in college. For anyone who knows anything about “Systems Theory” (Ludwig von Bertalanffy) we are firmly imbedded in “entropy” (a system of disorder and disrepair) in education.
I believe that all systems are self-correcting, but the disruption, collateral damage and undesirable fallout of any correction is relative to the degree of damage and the resistance / opposition there is to correction. America is overdue for an honest assessment of the whole government school delivery system of education. Very possibly we need a total collapse of the system then a “from the ashes” reconstruction… smaller, more local control, and run the special interest provocateurs out of town with pitch forks and torches. Here’s your given: someone isn’t going to like what has to be done, but we’re screwed as a country if we don’t do it, boiled frog be damned.
America’s public schools have been shilling “mediocre” as “excellent” for decades; a boon for post secondary remediation and perfect for creating uninformed, lemming voters. Denying this goes hand in hand with other progressive delusions such as “all cultures are the same” and “diversity is our strength.” Vogue fallacies and ready-aim-fire implementation of top-down, trendy initiatives is what happens when progressives seize the reigns of any institution. The leftist dominated education establishment and teachers unions are driven with missionary zeal first to self-preservation and next to instill in students their social justice and equity world view. This leftist influence is destroying traditional values and that which made the United States the envy of the world. Their replacement ideology is divorced from logical reason and stands in the way of meritocratic accomplishment. Ironically, woke leftist education policies have evolved into the very thing they swore to destroy.
Leftists also measure the value of their implemented novelties and manias by the passion of their intentions instead of using data and facts to measure results. For them social indoctrination is more important than producing independent thinking, discerning individuals.
In my home state of Tennessee the five school districts (of notable size) with the largest percentage of blacks (35-54 percent) had the lowest percentages of third graders who read at grade level proficiency (23-29 percent). The five school districts in the state (of notable size) with the smallest percentage of blacks (4-6 percent) had the highest percentages of third graders who read at grade level proficiency (60-73 percent). This is a long standing “nothing to see here” elephant in the room everywhere. Even the Brookings Institute, referred to in Time magazine as “the nation’s pre-eminent liberal think tank”, wrote:
“African Americans score lower than European Americans on vocabulary, reading, and math tests, as well as on tests that claim to measure scholastic aptitude and intelligence. The gap appears before children enter kindergarten and it persists into adulthood. It has narrowed since 1970, but the typical American black still scores below 75 percent of American whites on almost every standardized test.”
The black-white test score gap is equally pronounced in European schools, but speaking that same truth on the Continent will, as here, cost you your livelihood…or more.
History seems to have taught decision makers nothing about race differences, cultural values, people’s preferences. In the late 19th century, America embarked on a program to “kill the Indian in him and save the man” by forcing tens of thousands of Native American children to attend “assimilation” boarding schools so they might be successful in a new world that didn’t regard their lifestyle and ways favorably. This effort was an abusive overreach and a spectacular failure aside from some anecdotal success stories. Eventually these schools were disbanded. Not to be dissuaded, in 2001, Congress passed the No Child Left Behind Act to raise the relatively low academic achievement of minority students. The result? Perhaps the media outlet Vox, most certainly left-leaning, put it the most politely accurate in 2015: “…12 years of the law left us with a better idea of what doesn’t work than what does.”
One inconvenient truth (aggressively anathematized) is that, generally speaking, different races learn, perform and comport themselves differently in school environments. They have different learning capacities and temperaments that are incompatible between races. The concept of separate but equal schools absolutely should be revisited. It is well established in American society that chosen association by gender, religion, and educational delivery systems (home schooling, public school, online school, Montessori) have a place. Why not by race? There is no greater or glaring divide in nearly every societal variable than race. This is universal the world over. Denying this has led to a half century of wastefully throwing hundreds of billions of dollars at closing the racial academic performance gaps and lowering standards. When these measures don’t work, the answer is to dumb down the curriculum so that slower groups can catch up. When this doesn’t work, the next and current trend is to declare that testing and measurements will no longer be criteria for selection, admission and graduation. There are a shocking number of medical schools that no longer require the MCAT for admission…and that trend is growing.
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3 Parts to tell us Palestine is the problem …
The author’s heart is generally in the right place, but he hasn’t quite reached our degree of enlightenment. Therefore there’s been one sour note per installment. The rest is pretty solid, fortunately.
What does this mean, enlightened on?
I mean the approximate ideological awareness we in the audience have. The previous installment mentions “a few redneck bigots”, apparently unaware that this is typical enemy language used to browbeat us. Then this time the article points out ChiCom and Arab donations to higher education as a big problem. Qatar doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell of influencing our future journalists enough to capture the media. Moreover, there are much worse agendas and influences on education than that – just keep digging and you’ll get there very quickly! All told, this series is saying a lot of the right things otherwise, but just lacking a bit of clarity on a few other matters.
Apologies for repeating myself. I know that can be tedious. But in the context of this article it’s worth repeating:
As WNs, we have not squeezed anywhere near enough juice out of ‘the Coleman Report’ on racial disparities in US education. This is spelled out well in Robert Ardrey’s book ‘The Social Contract’. Of course, the report was buried (ch. 2, I think). The book is available
Diversity experiment has failed at our expense & is killing us. Our survival & the survival of our posterity requires a Perpetuity Plan:
-reclaim our homelands,
-Breakaway Civilization.
What does this mean, what does this look like?
ALL non-Europeans shall leave European homelands from Europa to Australia. Our new constitution to be explicit in detailing for example – Ireland is the homeland of the Irish People in perperuity (Irish is Jus Sanguinis – by blood).
Simultaneously, we embark on our Breakaway Civilization (100% segregation separation in perpetuity) to continue our journey to the stars where we left off in 1972 on our unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Apollo 17 in 1972 was our last Moon landing – Apollo 18 & 19 were canceled. Instead, we invested in uplifting others via diversity at the expensive of our people. Result? No future for our children & we got hundreds of thousands if not millions of our people attacked, raped, killed, murdered.
As an educator, I am surprised you are taking these international tests (really bludgeons to privatize the public system) at face value. In America, all of the kids are taught in the same schools. In Europe, kids are segregated after middle school into trade schools or preparatory schools. In Asia, the segregation is a joke, where only the top kids are tested. The worst culprit is China. As a vestigal organ of the past Communist welfare system, people can’t move to the big cities without permission, meaning that half of the kids in the two largest and only cities tested by the PISA exams in China, count as a proxy for the whole nation.
The American educational system is fairly good. It’s weak points are downwardly mobile families, non-existence of middle-class kids being born, non-White pupils, the Bill Gates Foundation/Race To the Top, and squeamish managers refusing to back up teachers.
Denying this has led to a half century of wastefully throwing hundreds of billions of dollars at closing the racial academic performance gaps and lowering standards.
Imagine how much better our race would be today if that money had been instead exclusively spent on White students in White schools, public or private.
I have to stress. The minority kids are just one part of this issue. Decades of off-shoring, union busting, feminism in the media, etc., have precluded family formation of the important middle cohort of students. It’s either top kids, with the same functioning of top kids in the 90s, or single mom, free-lunch kids, same as the 90s. That middle mass, approximately 80 percent of students has shrunken to 40 percent of kids. There are all white schools that are impossible to hold the line with classroom management, by far the most difficult part of K-12.
Are there really a significant number of American women who are this pretty, with blue hair and double sleeves?
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