Less Than Human
An Argument for Prescribing “It” to Certain Transgender “People”
Richard Parker
1,767 words
When considering some of the more tragic, unnerving specimens of the transgender craze, the pronoun question comes to play, even for those who correctly refuse to misgender as the term is properly understood, i.e. using he/him pronouns for a person born male and she/her pronouns for a person born as female.
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Less Than Human
An Argument for Prescribing “It” to Certain Transgender “People”
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Sadly, that photo of the Suicide Squad is all or nearly all white. It is a tragedy, and a disgrace upon this regime and their system that this is how it offers White men status. Tim Walz little minstrel show pales in comparison. I do believe that basic spiritual health will triumph.
If you have read Irreversible Damaged or have been monitoring transgender problem, it is really young white and fellow white women the have beenmost the most susceptible. A lot of the men are either gay men who can’t deal with what they are or, more common, older straight(?) men who suffer from autogynephilia. Covid seems to have unleashed a sort of contagion as well as many trooned out during the 2020-21 time period.
I am finally reading When Harry Became Sally by Ryan T. Anderson, about six years too late. That this been going on this long inforns my string conviction that mainstream conservatism is woefully ineffectual. Anyway, if there is interest, perhaps I will write a short review.
I disagree with using “it” for singular, known individuals for the same reason I refuse to use “they” – because pronouns should be based on a person’s sex. However, I think “it” can be appropriate for mystery-meat individuals whose sex can’t be sussed out. (“They” is more appropriate grammatically, because “it” is not for people, but on the other hand “it” signals an appropriate degree of derision…)
After starting to read this article, I could not continue. (No offense to the author.) I can’t imagine reading an entire book on this freaky subject. That would be far beyond nauseating. I would rather visit the dentist.
The entire subject of transsexualism is too disgusting and depressing. It does not exist in any normal society. And if it did crop up, it would be outlawed immediately, with severe penalties for those promoting it.
I refuse to use phony pronouns. In English, we have only three singular pronouns – he, she and it. And only one plural pronoun – they. Nothing else. I use the pronoun “it”, to refer to perverts who claim to have changed their sex.
Too many have shied away from it, which is why bad things are happening. It is indeed unpleasant and I noticed I am in an especially angry mood after wriring about such things or even contemplatkng them.
If universities stood up to this madness, there would be an immediate push back that college administrators don’t want to deal with. The case of Jordan Peterson comes to mind. I know that some Counter Currents readers have a negative opinion of him in regard to other issues, I’ll stick to the topic at hand, though. The Canadian government is planning on sending him to what amounts to a reeducation camp because he refuses to use gender preferred pronouns at the university that he is employed at.
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