Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 604
Saving the Trump Campaign
Counter-Currents Radio
Greg Johnson and David Zsutty discussed Donald Trump’s recent statements on immigration and his lagging campaign energy, as well as taking listener questions and comments. It is now available for download and online listening.
6:21 – Trump’s immigration betrayal
14:13 – Corporate welfare
15:47 – Productivity vs cost cutting
26:10 – Can WNs tank Trump?
37:30 – So much WN money is not spent productively
40:33 – Trump treats politics like it’s business
48:33 – Is this “accelerationism”?
1:03:03 – Trump’s Israeli policy
1:08:37 – The achievability of non-white emigration
1:14:55 – Anti-whiteness is the establishment norm
1:15:42 – On the latest act of muslim terrorism
1:21:05 – Bad-assed commentary about honor and spite
1:34:51 – White people are the middle of the pyramid
1:39:27 – What would it take for Americans to riot?
1:44:15 – We have to vote for Trump because we don’t have a choice
1:45:45 – David believes in reincarnation and karma
1:48:58 – Does America need more people to compete with China?
1:53:18 – To what degree are economics behind the great replacement?
1:54:28 – How violence works
1:56:13 – How autistic are WNs?
1:58:52 – On the ability to propagate novel ideas
2:02:09 – Should people only go public after 30
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Thanks for the fantastic discussion, Greg and David!
When Greg talked about the ridiculous notion that one should never be so presumptuous as to think that the world should like you as much as you like yourself, I immediately thought of George Costanza and thought Greg made the same connection too but suppressed his laughter.
There are about 7500000 people in China with an IQ over 140, same for India. There are about 1750000 such people in US. In total, in Europe, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, there are about 4000000 such highly capable people. As any empire, America needs high quality immigrants in order to stay in the technological and geopolitical game long term, that’s a reality. There were many high quality European immigrants that settled in America during and immediately after WW2, with a huge impact on the technological progress in US, including military technology, and those numbers were only in the tens of thousands for the same IQ bracket. I guess this is what Trump had in mind when he said what he said about selective immigration. The trick is in the implementation of Trump’s plan, namely closed borders and a strictly selective ofiicial immigration program with a minimal great replacement impact. Of course I could be wrong, it might have been a blunder.
We don’t need Indian and East Asian immigrants for anything. If capitalists wish to employ them, they can send their capital abroad.
And we can build tariff walls to make the giant Globalist sucking sound a little less tempting for them.
Foreign investment means transfer of technology, and I think this is what Trump wants to avoid. The high IQ immigration is not the same as cheap labor immigration, it’s geopolitical strategy, and their numbers are negligble compared to the riffraff cheap labor mass migration to make corporations rich quickly. In history it never ended well for the civilization with inferior military technology, and China certainly has the potential to surpass US in military technology in a couple of decades, specially with the anti meritocratic equity bullshit trend in America and the West. If that happens, that would be the end game for the white race.
Are you thinking we will maintain military superiority over China by importing Chinamen?
America will maintain its military superiority by scrapping with prejudice affirmative action , equity or any other forms of anti meritocracy in science and technology. Russia has superior hypersonic missle technology with 10% of the American defense budget. To answer the question in a simple manner, for very high IQ foreigners, yes.
No, we should not debase our country because of cognitive elitist immigration. I encourage capitalists to move overseas. But good luck in selling your products back here.
You make some sound observations, but there is so much you neglect. I happen to be in an area (geographically as well as professionally) with a lot of high IQ Asians, and was sounding the alarm about the racial dangers of importing these “intelligent, hardworking immigrants” as far back as The Bell Curve, thirty years ago, when too many whites (Charles Murray, John Derbyshire, and even to a slight extent, Steve Sailer and the great Jared Taylor) were ‘fetishizing’ Asian IQ (mainly, I thought, to deflect attention from their real object, which was to demonstrate how black failures were not the fault of white “racism”). Such foreign high IQ types are NOT the white man’s friends, even if, unlike some other diversities, they’re not going to be raping your daughter (though they, especially the “subcontinentals”, will certainly try to marry her, and increasingly often, will succeed) or assaulting you in a parking lot or movie theater.
High IQ Asians are being used by the DEI regime to meet (implicit) diversity quotas when they simply cannot do so with blacks or Mexicans or Amerindians. The effect is the same: to push high IQ whites – OUR people – especially white men, out of STEM study and professions, with the result that too many for the past 40 years have ended up going into largely ethnonationally irrelevant professions like finance and law, which (apart from prowhite lawfare possibilities) contribute little to nothing to the larger society, let alone to white interests. Importing high IQ Asians to do our scientific research work is also causing whites as a group to forfeit the scientific and engineering professional cultures we developed over the millennia, and specifically nurtured over the 20th century – and which are necessary (as you correctly imply) to our long term racial defense and survival. Do you really think it the same whether American national defense (upon which our WW2-ruined European cousins now parasitically depend) is R&D’d by Asians or whites?
And do we really want another high-IQ hostile cognitive elite to ‘lord’ it over the cognitively simpler members of our race? I think we can all agree we already have such a hostile elite, one which has done immeasurable damage over the past century of undeclared ethnowarfare to the underlying demographic, social, cultural, and political conditions necessary for white preservation.
Rather than thinking in geopolitical terms, you (and all prowhites) should be assessing all policies first from a georacial perspective: how does “policy x” contribute to or harm whites as a race, now and in the future (because one can easily recognize that some policies could be good for whites short term, and yet greatly deleterious long term)?
Your merited concerns should be met via scrapping DEI; halting all immigration (and deporting all illegal aliens); ending all egalitarian attempts at raising low IQ via educational reforms; and then re-incentivizing high-IQ whites to pursue STEM professions, even if that means creating, say, an Ultra-High-IQ Defense Research Arm within the larger US Defense Establishment, one with very high non-market pay scales so as to entice quantitatively-oriented white men to stick with STEM instead of financial money-shuffling (which is where so many ‘quants’ end up).
High-IQ Orientals, Indians, and Europeans are not equivalent. There are huge differences in temperament, particularly creativity. The White Man is unsurpassed where this quality is concerned, and that quality is essential for the manifestation of true, productive genius.
Combine that with the indomitable, thumotic spirit found within our race, and you have explained what has historically made us so very special.
It is true that the IQ Bell curve for the white race has certain characteristics that are not found in other races, the statistical outliers are noticeable. Historically, the white race had individuals whose IQ, by today’s standards, is impossible to measure accurately, in other words off the charts.
India and China have always been far higher in population than Europe, and Europeans have always been way ahead of them technologically and scientifically. You make a spurious, antiwhite argument, typical of neocon types.
I could be called many things, but antiwhite is not one of them. About India and China, the situation today is different than a hundred or two hundred years ago, they learned from Europeans that the key to power is human potential, and they exploit that today better than the West with its woke agenda.
This is sadly true. Moreover, DarkPlato forgets that white IQ has been falling, especially on the right (highest IQ) margin, for a century now, and this bad trend is soon to get much worse, as feminism for the past half century has enticed so many high IQ females to pursue (what have almost always been ethnonationally and even nationally useless) careers (HR, PR, law, government, ‘advocacy’, the arts, etc) instead of marriage and motherhood, resulting in an unprecedentedly low level of fertility amongst the highest IQ decile of females. This is a new phenomenon in the West (perhaps in world history generally).
Of course, these observations are not meant as any justification for importing a future high-IQ nonwhite overclass (perhaps to complement our existing low-IQ nonwhite underclass). How about white nations for white peoples instead, IQ be damned? If we really need to improve white IQ (and we do), let’s do it ‘organically’, via state eugenic policies, along with STEM-study incentives for whites.
Name one original technological or scientific breakthrough innovation that Asians have made in the past 50 years. Those of white Europeans remain legion.
Yet Asians are well able to outcompete Europeans academically. Witness the math Olympiad or Putnam exam. When whites are excluded from academics, will other groups be able to maintain our levels of progress? It’s something for the world to consider. I believe there are dangers to pure IQ fetishism.
Moreover, high IQ Asians and other groups will simply never serve “our diversity” with the same tenacity with which they will serve their ethnonationalist homelands. That’s where their true IQ lays. Ha.
Yes, but the vast majority of white innovation comes from certain high IQ subgroups, particularly Jews, often acting under debilitating persecutions. Whites need to recognize and cherish the cream of their populations in order to gain an edge moving forwards, in addition to poaching talent from east Asia. Always think,”how can I serve them?, how can I make them comfortable?”
Yes, the poor, poor, “brilliant” jews, who by the way are not white.
Jews are about 0.2% of the world’s population and they have about 20% of the Nobel prizes, yes they are a smart bunch. Unless you are sarcastic, the last two sentences in your comment are probably meant for a different crowd than here.
Fascinating discussion. I used to dabble in Buddhism, and regard rebirth/reincarnation as a depressing possibility. David’s comments did nothing to lift my spirits…
I don’t see what is depressing about reincarnation, and I don’t particularly see why our overall situation is depressing either. Frightening, yes, but change is inevitable and White people everywhere are slowly opening their eyes.
Many WN talk about how we are declining in percentage as a population but forget that our actual numbers have never been higher. Perhaps it is my natural female optimism but I know that we will survive somehow, somewhere. Take care Adrian!
Questions: First, I thought Buddhists were atheists? (I know, I could Google, but am just lazy or uninterested.) Yet you’re saying they believe in reincarnation (ie, the soul)? I know Hindus do. Second, what evidence can you offer to support the idea of reincarnation as a fact, and not mere fantasy?
Big questions, which I am scarcely competent to answer.
However, to the best of my knowledge no Buddhist school takes any position on the existence of god as Christians understand the term.
The idea of rebirth is central to all schools Buddhism, but what is reborn is not necessarily anything personal. A popular simile is using a candle which is about to go out to light a fresh candle. I would not attempt to persuade anyone of the truth of rebirth.
The foundational text which is accepted by all schools is called ‘The Four Noble Truths’. That would be the place to start if you want to find out more.
Guillome Durocher is one of my favourite CC authors. He reviewed a work on Buddhism that I read shortly after the Charlottesville disaster and will reread.
Won’t technological dynamism, as you call it, replace workers and therefore destroy the body politic too? I see here a sort of choice between Scylla and Charybdis. Which is worse?
Yes. Eventually, machines might put us all out of work. Then people would have to move from being employees to being shareholders collecting dividends.
“fawn over N-”
lol was he gonna’ say “non Whites” or…?
Getting youth into it is also too much pressure sometimes. Look at Derek Black’s trooning out saga for example.
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