Even though the metaphoric passenger airliner of Western civilization is plummeting at speed towards its ultimate destruction on the craggy peaks of the multi-cult, it’s disconcerting to look around at our fellow passengers who are completely oblivious. There are those who have assumed the crash position, calm as Hindu cows. And there are still others who are raging against the decline like irate anti-heroes who want their last single serving half-and-half cream added to their bitter coffee of entitlement before they’re obliterated.
Things are dire, yes, but it might be worthwhile to talk about some of the small victories that take place from time to time. Although these victories are often tiny life rafts in a sea of despondency, let us swim towards them for an infinitesimal sojourn of sanity.
In the realm of DEI sinecures, it’s very nice to see that some of the obscene and outrageous salaries being paid out to useless diversity positions in academia will be eliminated. According to Campus Reform, The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) has quite rightly axed both the “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion office” and its overlord, the vice chancellor-commissar (of anti-whiteness). Just think of the savings. Because of the closure of the office along with its five employees and the elimination of the commissar position, the school will be able to transfer $750,000 back into its budget. The vice chancellor of the useless entity received an obscene $320,000 salary and additional benefits. UNL’s chancellor Rodney Bennett stated that the policy of establishing and maintaining costly DEI offices at universities and colleges across the United States had “shifted.” Although this is a small victory, we’ll chalk it up in the win column. All of these “essential” positions can just be wiped into the dustbin. The money would be better served starting campfires or thrown into the impoverished volcanoes of the Pacific Rim.
In a small Pyrrhic victory, a clip of Kamala Harris admitting that she was there when Afghanistan was turned over to everyone’s favourite neighbourhood Taliban has resurfaced as a metapolitical weapon to figuratively bash the moronic vice-president over the head.
It’s nice to know that the Babylon Bee is satirical, but even their satires are so close to the truth. Even in satire there “can be seen a shard of the perspectival truth”, as Johnathan Bowden would say. They ran a spoof story recently about the Taliban holding a victory parade in honour of Kamala Harris showcasing all the billions of dollars worth of military equipment that the Biden-Harris administration had bequeathed to them and their worthless opium festooned backwater of a country. Fictitious spokesterrorist Hassan Al-Samir had nothing but praise for the Talibans benefactors:
“Though we were once a rag-tag band of goat herders causing trouble in the mountains, we are now a fully equipped military force. Thank you, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. You helped make us what we are today. Death to America!”
But how is this a victory? I hear you ask. I think the lampooning of the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan along with the fact that Harris presided over it and bragged about being the “last person in the room” when it happened can be leveraged as a metapolitical battering ram against her.
In a fitting reversal and irony, the author of White Fragility, which essentially castigates white people for their evil ways, has been accused of plagiarism. The book’s author, Robin DiAngelo, is accused of pilfering non-white authors in order to get her good-for-nothing doctorate in anti-white studies. According to The New York Post, another publication, The Washington Free Beacon, sussed out a complaint submitted to the University of Washington that alleges DiAngelo made liberal use of two Asian scholar’s work. Her doctoral dissertation entitled “Whiteness in Racial Dialogue: A Discourse Analysis” contains over 20 instances of plagiarism according to the filing. DiAngelo made a fortune in book sales and related race-baiting money during and after the George Floyd induced race riots and leftist moral panic. One academic characterized DiAngelo’s blatant copying as academic forgery.
Even though the feral mobs of civilizational decline are an ongoing scourge that loot, burn, rape, and desecrate our homelands, here is an instance where a lone white liquor store employee stood up to be counted. Beset on all sides by black “teens” resplendent in their hooded uniforms, the tattooed clerk at Golden Hours Liquor in Oakland, California didn’t back down after being physically attacked; he even went back in to the store to retrieve a pistol, which he brandished without firing. This set the cowardly throng running in all directions. It’s quite apparent that blacks are awestruck and dumbfounded when anyone stands up to them. A small victory, but it’s nice to see aspects of the heroic manifest in unexpected ways.
Meanwhile, in the waters off Horcas Coloradas beach in Melilla, Spain, coast guard personnel decided to ram a marauding migrant vessel. Before Chris Farley could yell “stop playing with your dinghy!”, the Spanish Civil Guard boat intercepted the craft. Although no one was injured in the incident, it was nice to see one invader go overboard, and the invasion landing craft capsize, much to the delight of onlooking beachgoers.
In other migrant news, it turns out that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that in light of the horrific stabbing attack by a feral interloper that killed many and injured many more, it’s time to start deporting foreigners. Is this the answer to all of Germany’s problems? No. Is Olaf Scholz a decent fellow? No. But that doesn’t change the fact that even talking about the notion of deporting walking biological weapons is a good thing. The next step is to actually do it.
I always find it rather satisfying to read about hoaxers getting their well-deserved comeuppance. Our stalwart friends at American Renaissance have an archival page devoted to the hate hoax phenomenon, which is well worth a look. In a recent incident of impersonation, one Taral Patel allegedly fabricated racist attacks against himself in order to garner sympathy. He has been hoisted by his own petard as they say. Patel channeled his inner Jussie Smollett when he created several social media accounts — including one that impersonated a real judge — to hurl vitriol at himself. Patel has been charged with online impersonation and another Class A misdemeanour. Patel was appointed by the Biden administration and had lofty aspirations to become a lawmaker in Texas. Even malevolent, petulant troublemakers have to contrive attacks against themselves because white people are so benevolent and accommodating. Although he was released on bail in June, he is under investigation for another impersonation charge.
The foregoing was an eclectic collection of the bizarre, but I do sincerely hope that these odd instances of victory engendered both hope and laughter amid this ongoing civilizational cataclysm.
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Thank you for offering these small crumbs. There are also many positive activities taking place in building parallel institutions. Ind doing so the best of our people facing the truth that we are far from the best of us from across our entire chain of being. Undaunted, the quality and steadily increasing quantity of these young men of quality are taking action to do the things that collectively will rise to our ancestor’s considerable standards and achievements.
It is bleak. The officers on the Spanish boat, and the crowd that cheered those actions are a sign that the spirit of our folk is being roused. We are not permitted to speak. This is not bad. For with our backs against the wall we are being forced to act. The cowards asking for more cream will come in numbers when shame compels them and fifth caste status is no longer reward enough for their spiritually sickened value system.
Meanwhile we at the Vanguard, hold and bolster the line.
No one ever wanted this jewish genocide against us. We just had lives in the 20th Century and the problem was small enough to be invisible then.
Thank you. Yes, we need to celebrate the small victories as they come.
So how about a monthly “good news” column? 🙂
Thanks, Clarissa, yes, that’s a great idea!
Thank you for a few positive stories on the Friday before a long weekend. What frosts me most about these DEI administrators is that I am 100% positive that they believe that they’re vital cogs in the machinery of higher education. The thought never crosses their minds that they’re completely useless. Their high salaries notwithstanding I’m sure they believe that they’re overworked and underpaid. The biggest decision of the day is where to go for lunch. I’d pay to see them at a real job where the employer actually expects them to do something.
I checked out a salary database. It turns out that $320K, which is what the University of Nebraska was paying the top diversity commissar, is only a smidge under entry-level pay for cardiovascular surgeons in Lincoln, Nebraska.
”Chancellor Olaf Scholz…. it’s time to start deporting foreigners…”. Do not be fooled by this – 2 steps forward; 1 step back. The only sign indicating we are reclaiming our homelands is when we explicitly pass official documents that read, for example, Ireland is the explicit homeland of the Irish People in perpetuity. Irish is by blood.
Unfortunately, I think it’s one step forward, two steps back.
I’ll add two other conditions to that:
No new intruders are permitted. This will be both de jure and de facto, so they’re officially prohibited and also turned back at the border – no pretending!
Existing intruders start being sent back to where they belong. Even those who are paper citizens are eligible for deportation.
Was the withdrawal from Afghanistan really that bad? I had assumed that rhetoric to be another psy-op to condition Americans against (necessary) withdrawls from unnecessary wars.
The government that we’d propped up practically popped like a soap bubble. Worse, we left (IIRC) about $80 billion in military hardware behind. Some of this included aircraft that simply could’ve been flown out of the depot. So the Taliban went from goat herders with rusty AK-47s and 1980s-vintage rocket launchers to being one of the best armed countries in the world, all thanks to the American taxpayer. On top of that, an unknown number of Americans were left behind in Afghanistan, and I have no idea what happened to them after that.
It takes a degree of military genius to conduct a successful offensive. But it takes a special kind of stupid to bungle a retreat that badly.
The whole Harris/Afghanistan thing is typical jew-servative idiocy. I’m glad we withdrew from Afghanistan. We should never have been there in the first place. The jews weren’t fighting in Afghanistan, Whites were. Every war with Whites fighting is a war against Whites.
War is a racket.
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