Sentiment Analysis of the 2024 Democratic Party Platform
Hugo Kelly1,200 words
The Democratic Party released its final 2024 platform on August 18. The next evening, delegates at the Democratic National Convention voted to approve the 92-page platform.
To make a statistical summary, this article carries out sentiment analysis of the platform. Keywords related to race, religion, sexual orientation and gender are analyzed in context, and each reference is scored (one, zero, or negative one) according to the sentiment, which may be positive, neutral, or negative. Keywords include “Latino,” “Black,” “Asian,” “White,” “Muslim,” “Christian,” “man,” “woman,” and “transgender.” To give one example, the sentence from the platform: “Across his [Biden’s] Administration, agencies are taking action to fight Islamophobia and support Muslim Americans” contains two positive references to Islam — “fight Islamophobic” and “support Muslim Americans” — and receives a score (+2).
The primary racial categories of the platform are black, white, Latino, Native American, and AANHPI (Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Americans), and this article uses the same categories. Terms that do not refer to directly to race have been excluded from analysis, such as “White” in “White House,” “Chinese” in “Chinese goods,” and “Indian” in “Indian Ocean.”
The following table gives a summary of sentiments on race in the 2024 platform.
- +64 Native American
- +37 black
- +23 Latino
- +12 AANHPI
- -6 white
This means that the platform contains 64 positive references to Native Americans, 37 positive references to blacks, 23 positive references to Latinos, 12 positive references to AANHPI, and 6 negative references to whites. Without exception, all references to Native Americans, blacks, Latinos, and AANHPI were positive.
One surprise of this analysis is the large number of positive references to Native Americans. The first page of the platform is a four paragraph land acknowledgement that begins, “The Democratic National Committee wishes to acknowledge that we gather together to state our values on lands that have been stewarded through many centuries by the ancestors and descendants of Tribal Nations who have been here since time immemorial.” Native Americans are the only race to receive a separate section heading in the platform.
At the other extreme, all references to white were negative, without exception (score -6). There are three references to “white supremacy,” one reference to “hate crimes and white nationalist terrorism,” a negative reference to Trump’s white judicial appointments, and a complaint that “a home in a black community is undervalued compared to a home in a white community.” The platform capitalizes all races except white, following the style standardized by the Associated Press (AP) in 2020:
AP’s style is now to capitalize Black in a racial, ethnic or cultural sense, conveying an essential and shared sense of history, identity and community among people who identify as Black, including those in the African diaspora and within Africa […] White people generally do not share the same history and culture, or the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color.
Turning to religion, the primary religious categories of the Democratic platform are Judaism and Islam. Sentiment analysis gives the following scores:
- +12 Islam
- +8 Judaism
- +2 Sikhism
- +1 Hinduism
- 0 Christianity
- 0 Buddhism
- 0 Shinto
The platform does not mention Christianity. Searches for related keywords such as “Christian,” “Protestant,” “Catholic,” and “Orthodox” give no matches. This is a departure from the 2020 platform, which contains one positive reference to Christianity: “We condemn atrocities against religious minorities around the world – from ISIS’ genocide of Christians and Yezidis, to China’s mass internment of Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities.”
Antisemitism is condemned seven times in the platform, and these references account for seven of the eight positive references to Judaism. The eighth positive reference is Biden’s work toward “A negotiated two-state solution that ensures Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state.” Although Israel is mentioned 29 times in the platform, except where the association is explicit, Israel is not treated as a religious reference and is not included in the sentiment analysis scores. The platform contains several positive references to Palestinians and several negative references to Hamas.
Islamophobia is condemned six times. Other positive references include Title VI protections against discrimination against Muslims, a condemnation of the “campaign to demonize the Muslim community,” and a reference to Trump’s “disgraceful Muslim ban.” The word “Arab” is sometimes used to denote a group of states in phrases such as “Israel and key Arab states,” but the word is also used ethnically twice in phrases such as countering “hate against Arab, Sikh and South Asian Americans.” Sikhs and Hindus received minor platform support, but other major world religions such as Buddhism are not mentioned.
The final categories for sentiment analysis in this article relate to gender and sexual orientation. The number of positive and negative references are as follows:
- +89 women
- +54 LGBTQI+
- 0 men
The platform contains 89 positive references to women or girls and no negative references. There are two separate sections of the platform on women: “Violence Against Women” and “Women’s Rights” as well as a section on “Reproductive Freedom”.
For example, the platform states, “When women and girls are healthy, educated, and able to participate economically, their families and communities prosper, poverty decreases, and economies grow.” There is no corresponding statement about men and boys. Men or boys are mentioned only six times. Three of the references are negative and three are positive, for a net score of zero. In negative references, the platform bemoans that “three-quarters of Trump’s judicial appointees were men” and twice praises “a narrowing of the ‘boyfriend loophole’ to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers.” There are two positive references to the “brave men and women” in the U.S. military. The final positive reference criticizes the “disgraceful and discriminatory ban on blood donation by gay and bisexual men.” In summary, the platform rarely mentions men and criticizes them when it does, making exception for men who are gay, bisexual, or in military uniform.
LGBTQI+ and related keywords occur 54 times, always in a positive context. The platform contains a full section on LGBTQI+. The acronym was LGBTQ+ in 2020, LGBT in 2016 and 2012, and absent altogether in the 2008 platform. The two references to marriage in the 2024 platform are positive, but in both cases, the emphasis is on same-sex marriage: “President Biden signed the historic Respect for Marriage Act,” whereas Trump “appointed judges who oppose same-sex marriage.”
In summary, there are big winners and big losers in the 2024 Democratic Party Platform, as determined by the statistics of sentiment analysis. In matters of race, Native Americans are the resounding winners, while blacks and Latinos are also widely praised. White America is the overwhelming loser. White America is rarely mentioned but when it is, the context is always sharp criticism. On matters of gender and sexual orientation, women are the clear winners, but LGBTQI+ also has strong support. Men are the losers in the gender category, who receive no positive references, except if gay, bisexual, or in the military. In the platform, religion is less important a category than race or gender. Judaism and Islam are the main religious categories, and several religious references are condemnations of antisemitism and Islamophobia. Although 59 percent of all Democrats are Christian, the platform is silent about Christianity. God is mentioned only once in the 2024 platform: “We remain committed to fighting poverty and enabling all Americans to live up to their God-given potential.”
“’24 Democratic Party Platform”
“Explaining AP style on Black and white”
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The 69% of democrats being “Christian” is hard to believe. Christian In Name Only, I assure you.
If it weren’t for most Blacks and Hispanics being democrats the percentage would be much lower.
Every Christian I interact with is on the Left on every issue that matters (i.e. racial issues). They might be with Republicans on abortion, economics, and Israel jingoism. Online I see a lot of the “no true Christian” cope you reference, but in the real world I see many churches flying gay/trans flags, and this is the deep south. Many of the most racially cucked people I know consider themselves devout Christians. That percentage did not surprise me in the slightest.
Non-cucked white Christian laity need to stage a second global Reformation, this one racial and ideological. No, Christianity is not a whites-only religion. But it is also not a woke religion, not in its theological essence. It has been hijacked by the wokesters, as with the universities, the corporations, many of the law firms, the FBI, much of the military, etc.
This problem of global Western wokeism is crying out for scientific, anthropological, philosophical, theological and intellectual-historical investigation. It’s not a joke anymore, but a phenomenon of world-historical significance.
But it is also not a woke religion, not in its theological essence.
So true. A scandalously neglected dataset in the dissident right:
Contra Corday’s anecdotal report, the more often Whites go to Church, the more likely they are to express feelings of White solidarity. The difference isn’t large, but the trend is unmistakable. I don’t have any interest in defending the Churches. To the contrary, the worse the churches, the better the flock. Since the cuck isn’t rubbing off, we have to recognize that there is something about Christians that makes them particularly resistant to deracination and White guilt.
I suspect it lies in the very egalitarianism that anti-Christian critics view as so fatal to our cause. If we’re all equal, then we’re all equally depraved. And if we’re all depraved, then we all need the constraints of civilization to check our worst impulses, so we’ll take a pass on the noble savages. At a minimum, it certainly makes no sense to deliberately create social conditions likely to inflame envy and resentment. From a Christian point of view, the mere possibility of civil war, and the breakdown of order and civility that entails, is enough to justify immigration restriction all by itself.
On the other hand, I couldn’t agree more with Corday about the “Israel jingoism.” The problem with these Israel-firsters is that they didn’t get the memo about the New Covenant. They pay lip serve to the Gospel, but ignore it for all practical purposes. You asked the other day why more Christians don’t support the right to choose an abortion. I think these issues are related.
Nietzsche’s claim that Christianity contains the seeds of its own destruction was exaggerated, but he was right in this one respect: Christianity does lead to secularization. The Jahweh of Deuteronomic history made a Covenant with the nation of Israel. The punishment for disobedience is collective, and usually administered by enemy nations who conquer and subjugate Israel. God the Father of the Gospels offers salvation to individuals through the mediating Logos. Hence, someone else’s sins have no effect on your standing with God, and, arguably, are none of your business. Religion is thus personalized and privatized.
Since these evangelicals have been led to believe that Israel has a “continuing covenant” with God, they think Genesis 12:3 still applies, in stark contrast with Medieval supercessionists. Prosperity gospel hucksters teach that there is no conflict between generosity to the church and economic self-interest, because God will pay you back many times over. Israel jingoism works the same way, only on a collective level. Anything America gives to Israel will be paid back with exorbitant interest in blessings on the American nation. So you see, there is not and cannot be any conflict of interest between Israel and America (“no daylight”).
Corday will argue that I am just resorting to the “No true Scotsman” fallacy here, but that charge really contributes nothing to any clarity or resolution on the issue. The state of affairs is this: philosemitic evangelical Protestants have one understanding of the obligations of a Christian and the rest of us have another. If my claim that their philosemitism is based on a doctrinal error amounts to some sort of fallacy, then Corday’s implicit claim that all the real Christians are pro-Israel is likewise fallacious. Nor do numbers particularly matter here. Give me a bottomless war chest, and I’ll have American Christians out in force condemning Israel for its atrocities against Palestine and Europe alike, no problem.
Decoupling the evangelical Christians from the Trump train could be a little easier as Trump seemingly hitched himself to Chabad Lebovitch Judaism. In stealth, of course.
This is a thoughtful and ‘meaty’ comment to which I probably cannot do justice in any response. I was raised very Christian, but much more NT than OT, so all the special pleading on behalf of modern Israel has always struck me as odd. Ultimately, I’ve always believed that secular racialist movements will not save us. Our path to racial salvation is more difficult, and lay through Christianity. Secularism does not impel masses of men to put their lives on the line for a cause, especially any inegalitarian one, as ours necessarily is.
What I assert is needed is a racially-reformed Christianity, one in which not only race-realism (which is simple intellectual honesty), but white preservationism is seen to be morally allowable, and then positively encouraged. I do not believe this theological case is impossible (as many among both Christians and white nationalists do). Mass-nonwhite immigration is morally wrong. It is imperialism, especially when in tandem with the cult of government-imposed Diversity and now vicious wokeness, and we whites have the moral right to resist this theft-of-civilization – and (a more complex ethical case) to undo its past effects, to restore the racial status-quo ex-ante. Indeed, I believe, for another and more far-reaching set of reasons, we have an obligation (as well as a mere right) to do so.
Trying to figure out the arguments for these beliefs is how I intend to spend the better part of my upcoming retirement (in 3-4 years).
Divide and conquer.
The 69% figure is from a 2020 PRRI census. The numbers have dropped in the 2023 census.
I never read party platforms. Who does? Therefore, I am grateful to the author for taking the time to analyze the Democratic Party (communist) platform. It’s interesting how they have “evolved” over the years, ever downward into the abyss of decadence and decay.
The Democrats really hate God, America and the White race. And they really love perversion, abortion and war. They worship death. There is no doubt about it now.
The Republicans should publicize these results. It would help them win across the board. Of course, that assumes they want ot win. I think they’ve been bribed to lose – by the usual suspects. I would like to read a similar analysis of the GOP platform. I fear it might not be much better.
I read that a big shift in the Republican 2024 platform was quietly dropping all opposition to gay marriage and embracing the few gay Republicans. I mean, okay, but then why was opposition to gay marriage there in the first place? Was there some principle behind it? If so, what happened to the principle? If not, was it just pandering? There’s no way to make their capitulation look good, and it calls to mind the old saying that Republicans are just Democrats driving the speed limit.
Thanks Hugo Kelly. This analysis was a worthwhile exercise. We have to be clear on what is happening even when it’s bad.
I figured it’d be something like that, but it’s striking to see the numbers.
“Although Israel is mentioned 29 times in the platform, except where the association is explicit, Israel is not treated as a religious reference and is not included in the sentiment analysis scores. The platform contains several positive references to Palestinians and several negative references to Hamas.”
That’s reasonable but it would to good to separately quantify sentiments on these critically important groups which are so intimately tied to the ambitions of the power structure of America.
Great analysis. Definitely sharing this with some friends.
That being said, it’s certainly sad that Democrats will spend so much time pandering to blacks, Jews, gays, and other minorities while the supposedly conservative party, the GOP, will get called Christo-Facist nationalists for even using the watered down term “Judeo-Christian” in any of their messages. And don’t even dream about them ever explicitly mentioning White people.
Obviously, this should be old news to everyone, but it still disappoints me how American political parties can’t even mention real non-hyphenated Americans or the religion of America in a positive or even neutral light. They could at least pretend they care about us.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry or just leave the country!
The Democrats are split with the Republicans 50-50 right now, and I just can’t believe that 50% of the population are serious Democrat and believes this in hateful platform.
I wonder how many White democrats are even aware of this.
Thanks to the author (and CC for printing it) for enlightening at least one older White lady of the insanity in our midst. I am going to try to spread the word.
Well, the country is only 57-43% white/nonwhite (and I think those percentages exaggerate the number of whites; many Middle Easterners and mixed race Latinos are counted as “white”). Many whites are also LGBTQs who put their sexual identities above everything else, and have been bought off by Democrats. How many racially pure whites, like most of us here, actually support the Democrats? Too many (Biden, Walz, etc), but not a majority. Also, many whites work for the government, or are union members, and perceive Democrats to be better for themselves personally, even if they don’t support all the antiwhite woke crap.
The country is in catastrophic decline – though I predict that decline will not be linear, even if commie Kamala wins/steals. There will be occasional rightist reactions. Just a few days ago I interviewed for a construction job a fanatical Trump supporting Christian Arab-American. Guy is not white (I thought at first he was Hispanic), but he definitely talks and sounds like many anti-woke MAGAs. We agreed completely re how we would be voting, nationally and locally. There will be more of such POC Republicans, simply because leftist policies are bad for nearly everyone apart from how bad they are for whites specifically.
But the overall trends are towards endless white dispossession and dilution, broader national decline, and ultimate Western and white extinction, absent conscious political acts of white will-to-endure. I do think our race is likely doomed, though that doom is not guaranteed, and it will happen in spurts followed by periods of reaction and ‘rest’.
Can you please stop with all your doom and gloom? You are clearly an intelligent and erudite man, but I do believe that continually forecasting defeat is harmful to the movement. Younger White men look to their elders for cues, and if all they see is negativity, it may prevent our best and brightest from thinking that there is any point in fighting. That will certainly spell our doom. I know that I’m probably just some silly upstart woman to you (and you may well be right), but I do think that I have a valid point here, so I will put my head above the parapet.
Lee Pefley didn’t tell Reuben to roll over and die, he fed him and educated him.
Agreed. I generally dislike comment sections because they often function as a place where people engage in self-indulgent negativity.
Also, comment threads serve as a substitute for doing anything else. Shang is our #2 commenter but as far as I know has never donated a cent to keeping the site online.
It’s difficult to balance the need for free discussion with maintaining the atmosphere necessary for success.
I did wonder if maybe he had donated without sorting out an account. That is quite shameful.
If I remember correctly, another frequent commenter actually offered to pay for an annual subscription for LS. LS declined saying a second account would be required for security and that would be too cumbersome. Oh my.
Please see my lengthy response to Wifewaffen.
I assume that online essayists, as well as you and CC’s other editors, value thoughtful, considered, and well-expressed comments, as most of mine have been. Such comments help to maintain the high intellectual tone of the site, which seems to have been designed to encourage serious discussion among highbrow prowhites. That I’m the #2 commenter (with 2112, I just checked) is a status that should be encouraged and, indeed, praised, not implicitly denigrated.
Alas, perhaps my comments have not been appreciated, but merely tolerated.
Did you read my final paragraph carefully?
But the overall trends are towards endless white dispossession and dilution, broader national decline, and ultimate Western and white extinction, absent conscious political acts of white will-to-endure. I do think our race is likely doomed, though that doom is not guaranteed, and it will happen in spurts followed by periods of reaction and ‘rest’.
I’m not trying to be uplifting, but rather accurate. This is not the place for Henry V’s St. Crispin’s Day speech. We’re not going into battle, or even to a political protest. CC and similar sites exist to promote education and deliberation, not inspiration.
Anyway, please tell me where I’m wrong. On our present course, we are doomed (as Dr. Johnson has even implied just recently in his anti-Trump essays!). However, the doom of a race which at present has around a half billion members is not guaranteed. But it will only be averted via acts of will: “if we do nothing”, as Jared Taylor has been arguing for decades, our extinction is foreseeable and probable. That should be a spur to awakening and action, not lullabies and fairytales about how things aren’t so bad, and victory is right around the corner.
As for my being “shameful”, please regale me with your contributions, financial and otherwise (commenter “Flin Flon” should feel free to do likewise; Will Williams obviously doesn’t have to). You can tell us how many years you spent actually working professionally in the immigration restrictionist movement (and how you later had to cover that up on your resume). You can tell us whether you worked for Pat Buchanan’s campaign in 1996. You can tell us whether you ever worked on any other GOP campaigns pushing anti-immigrationism. You can tell us if you ever spent time working for the GOP itself, time you spent trying to awaken higher-ups to the dangers of mass immigration. You can tell us how much time you devoted (for ZERO pay) to official public advocacy on behalf of both CA Prop 209 (anti-affirmative action) and before that to Prop 187 (anti-illegal alien welfare benefits). You can tell us how much time you spent trying to secure funding to get an America First civic nationalist mass-membership and networking organization up and running (it’s OK if you, too, failed as I did). At least you can tell us for how many decades you were a paid subscriber to either Instauration or American Renaissance, or how much money you donated to prowhite groups or individuals like David Irving prior to the Obama Admin’s IRS personnel deliberately leaking names of conservative donors in an attempt to ruin their professional lives, and ‘chill’ rightwing donations generally.
Of course, if you’re a white female with 5 or 6 white children, that’s quite enough to enable you to pass judgment on me, an aging and unhealthy man working for a woke company in a woke state, trying to save enough for his retirement at his final job – a job he would lose in a heartbeat if his identity were doxxed – after far too many poorly-or-unremunerated years spent working on behalf of his people.
1. I pay enough as a subscriber to CC to have my comments displayed without editor review, and thus am a paywall member, indicated by the 💚 Insider. Since I am not a prolific comments contributor, I don’t have the ♥️ Top 100 and I am not an editor, so do not have 💙 Editor.
2. I encourage you (and others) to contribute financially. I repeat, be creative enough to take up the offer the other prolific commenter made to cover your paywall share, I believe sometime in the past year. That other commenter who contributes and made the offer to you helps keeps the lights on for CC. That is a very elementary concept not needing any more elaboration.
I disagree that the purpose of Counter-Currents is not to provide inspiration.
Avoidng the materialisation of your predictions requires motivation, and thus, inspiration.
In the same way that I try to ensure that my comment is worthwhile and not overly emotional before posting, perhaps you should make sure that your comments are not overly depressive in tone. Think, what would a young, gifted, White man who wants to change the world think if this was his first visit to the site? Accuracy is important, but if that interferes with our ability to win, then the latter should take precedence.
I am a White woman and mother, in the trenches of my breeding years. I hope to be blessed with the number you have suggested and that is what I strive towards every day. I will find out this week if I have been successful again, but breastfeeding has an tendency to inhibit ovulation, so who knows.
I give 25% of my personal income to pro-White causes and believe that I have given enough to Counter-Currents to qualify for an insider account (you would know if you listened to the radio show as I donate via Entropy) but I have not asked for one yet. Its not much and it’s weekly but I’m just a housewife.
Thank you for your previous efforts at saving our people. I’m sure it has been incredibly difficult to watch the decline. But was it Evola that said we decline into the new golden age? I may be misremembering.
I do think that it is shameful for you not to donate to Counter-Currents. If you see yourself as being ideologically aligned, are a regular visitor, and you have the means, then why shouldn’t you? I’m amazed Dr. Johnson has managed to hold his tongue for so long! If you are American it is easy to do using the eCheck system.
I hope that we can be amicable in future.
I want to apologise to you and admit that in my haste to reply whilst going about my morning routine, I didn’t properly read the part of your comment where you admitted your fear of doxing by the IRS. Posting cash would be the best option for you in that case.
It’s a fear of mine too. In fact I have so many fears that if I think about them all at once, I would be paralysed and do nothing. I don’t think that fear of job loss is a good enough excuse to just post comments of dubious benefit online, even after your past efforts and donations.
Neither I nor my husband will be entitled to a pension and neither will my children.
All the institutions are turning to filth and disintegrating. This includes and is not limited to the Democratic Party, the controlled opposition Republican Party, Hollywood, the “civil rights” enforcing judiciary, and big corporate America, with its pride flags, ESG and DEI policies, and subsidies for Black Lives Matter.
There is nothing to regret in this and much to hope for. These institutions are means of our racial destruction. They are not ours and they have not been ours for a long time. They stink of doom, but that’s only a problem if we identify with them, which we should not. As they continue to decline and disintegrate the stench of doom will dissipate.
I’d like to see the same analysis on the GOP platform. I bet it wouldn’t be that different when it comes to Whites.
Wifewaffen: September 1, 2024 Can you please stop with all your doom and gloom? … [C]ontinually forecasting defeat is harmful to the movement. Younger White men look to their elders for cues, and if all they see is negativity, it may prevent our best and brightest from thinking that there is any point in fighting….
Thank you, Ma’am. I would “like” your positive comment had my ability to do so here not been removed.
C-C is a nominally pro-White site, yet Lord, the number 2 commenter behind owner Dr. Johnson, is a defeatist, a pessimist. His pessimism is, like you say, infective to those young Whites who are looking for rare, positive guidance in the world that has gone stark raving mad.
I have a valid point here, so I will put my head above the parapet.
There’s nothing to fear up here where the air is fresher, and our vision for the future for our race is clearer and positive. You might enjoy the following observation from more than nine years ago when I first undertook the seemingly impossible task of restoring William Pierce’s life’s work after it had practically been flatlined by his successors, my predecessors: “Internet ‘Movement’ Forums” at
NATIONAL ALLIANCE MEMBERS SHOULD be aware that many popular “pro-White” Internet forums and discussion groups are riddled with dissension, false drama, anonymous rumors, probable infiltrators, and defeatism. Most of them are best avoided.
One anonymous keyboard warrior on one of these forums recently accused National Alliance Chairman Williams of “worming his way” into his leadership role, and mocked the idea of sacrifice for the cause, saying:
WN [White nationalist] activists need to lower their expectations of absolute sacrifice if they’re going to get more than the “elite cadre” of 100 White men out of 700 million Whites to take part, which is their present batting average.
That “nattering nabob of negativism” typifies the average anonymous “WN activist” on the Internet, with his defeatist mathematics and hollow talk about absolute sacrifice. Fred Streed, whose “Cosmotheist Dialogue” was featured prominently in the March 2015 National Alliance BULLETIN, responded to this anti-Alliance critic with a reply worth sharing:
I spent eleven fairly happy years on the [West Virginia National Office] staff, running the ditch digging department. I liked doing it, I was pretty good at it, and no one else would do it. That huge body of work Dr. Pierce left behind — his essays and radio programs — would be a lot thinner if I had not taken on that work. Hard to get much writing done when you also have to work on several vehicles, construct new buildings with wiring and plumbing, figure out a computer network, maintain roads, plow snow, and a zillion other little things: All things he was trying to do himself before I showed up.
[You have] accused Will Williams of “worming his way into the NA chairmanship.” The truth is a bit different. The National Alliance had been looted until there was almost nothing left. The bank accounts evaporated years ago. Resistance Records was just a memory. National Vanguard Books had the stock sold off without replacing it. Under Dr. Pierce we had well-equipped shops including a nice wood shop equipped with table saws, radial arm saws, a planer, jointer, all the hand tools. The metal shop had a lathe, Bridgeport milling machine, heavy duty wire feed MIG welder, thousands of dollars worth of micrometers, calipers, dial indicators, a lathe, and mill tooling. It’s all gone. Sold off. The property has been logged, any merchantable timber is gone. So exactly what did Williams have to “worm his way” into? He has used his own money, his retirement savings for Christ’s sake, to try to get the Alliance going again. When he took over there was practically no membership. He has managed to turn that around and has made some impressive headway on it. All financed by him.
…My impression, from a couple of phone conversations with him, is that his goal is to get the National Alliance breathing on its own once again, and then hopefully turn it over to some superior young buck. He deserves some credit and respect…
Modest Fred and I have been through a lot together in the past 32 years, but our cause is not about either of us as individuals. An honest, more detailed accounting of our struggle to rebuild the National Alliance after the Founder’s passing can be found in this book: “Pocahontas Show Trial by William W. Williams – Cosmotheism” at
Anonymous critics take their shots, but I hold my post. Their shots miss because they are anonymous internet critics that cannot back up their criticism or offer a viable alternative to our Alliance’s long-term, sound program of strict racial separation. So what if I’m criticized? Dr. Pierce was called “the most dangerous man in America” by the ADL, sued by that disgraced Jewish “law center” and hounded for decades by Jew-controlled mass media, but he persevered without compromising on fundamental ideals until his last breath. We have preserved and built upon his valuable life’s work, also without compromising.
The most valuable lesson I learned from my mentor is to count my friends, not my detractors or enemies.
Counter-Currents is a treasure trove, and I want potential great men to be able to use it and be inspired as I have been. While it is important to be realistic, defeatism is a different beast, and like you say it is infective. Even if our nations couldn’t be saved, for example, we should be excited to create new, superior ones that would not be susceptible to the problems of old.
I have had a gander over at National Vanguard, and I have enjoyed reading some of your writer’s work. Your story is very impressive, as is your dedication to your prophet. I find the idea that we are the universe understanding itself (which I suppose is literally correct) to be extremely beautiful and have incorporated it into my personal belief system.
I know from reading Dr. Johnson’s piece remembering Dr. Pierce that there are some differences in opinion regarding how we should go about getting things done, so to speak (some of which I share with Dr. Johnson), but I do very much hope that you can have a good working relationship.
Wifewaffen: September 1, 2024 Counter-Currents is a treasure trove, and I want potential great men to be able to use it and be inspired as I have been. While it is important to be realistic, defeatism is a different beast, and like you say it is infective…
Some of us recognize deathly toxic defeatism when we see it. Others cannot. When confronted with it we should follow Deputy Sheriff Barney Fife’s sage advice: Nip it in the bud! Nip it! Nip it! Nip it!
Your story is very impressive, as is your dedication to your prophet.
We all have personal stories of our racial awakening, growth and activism. After five or six years of following and learning from lesser lights (much of it what not to do), my journey eventually led me to Dr. Pierce, the last and best of my mentors. I was fortunate that he chose me to be a mentee. He patiently treated me as a protégé, though I was already in my 40s 32 years ago when we met. We should all tell our stories, the good ones with the not so good.
Pierce’s body of work is prophetic, all right, so I promote his visionary teachings. As his current successor as National Alliance Chairman I promote Alliance-building, closely following his teachings while adapting to the times. Organizations like NA are transitory like all secular political entities. My dedication is not so much to Pierce, the man, as it is to what will be his lasting legacy: what he called Cosmotheism. Religions are enduring, especially one whose time has come.
I know from reading Dr. Johnson’s piece remembering Dr. Pierce that there are some differences in opinion regarding how we should go about getting things done, so to speak (some of which I share with Dr. Johnson), but I do very much hope that you can have a good working relationship.
I searched C-C for ‘Pierce’ and found twenty or so articles, dating back from 2012, ten years after his death and more than two years before I stepped up to restore NA that was practically dormant by then — declared “destroyed” by the SPLC Jews. I’m not sure what “differences of opinion” Greg said he had with Pierce but found this piece from July 2012: “Call for Papers The Legacy of William Pierce” at
Although Piece died nearly ten years ago, he still provokes intense polarization. The premise of this symposium is that William Pierce was a figure who deserves respect. But that does not preclude the possibility of respectful disagreement and objective criticism.
Pierce certainly provoked polarization, especially among Whites who “believed” in Jesus as our racial “savior.” He looked at our world as a scientist, conforming with Nature’s eternal laws. Some, whose beliefs were not grounded in reality, disagreed with him, but they could not successfully debate his sound beliefs. Fact!
I admire Dr. Johnson and appreciate his allowing me to “respectfully disagree” with some C-C writers and commenters. Some will not find my criticism to be objective. That’s all right. Radicalization makes people uncomfortable, is not popular and will be rejected by most, but it is necessary for what lies ahead.
Greg Johnson: September 1, 2024 Agreed. I generally dislike comment sections because they often function as a place where people engage in self-indulgent negativity. Also, comment threads serve as a substitute for doing anything else…
After 30 years of observing and participating one way or another in interactive pro-White sites I agree with your assessment. Comments should be controlled by the owners of sites. They often are, but not always for the best interests of our race. Allowing or moderating comments is not an easy job in this internet era of censorship and highly valued, so-called “free speech.”
After being frustrated by counterproductive anonymous comments under articles on our online magazine,, I decided to tighten things up. One thing I did was to pay to get past C-C’s paywall to see how this works and if setting up our own paywall could bring about an improvement in the quality of comments.
What I’ve decided is that NV does not need comments at all, except by NA members, financial supporters and trusted friends who agree with and promote our policies and program. NA’s Media Director, Kevin Strom, who administers the site, disagrees with me somewhat and thinks that anonymous, self-indulgent internet “activists” that want to impress people with how smart they are, but who will not financially support NA, will somehow make us look bigger.
NA has never intended to be the “biggest,” only the best. Biggest comes later. Growing up in North Carolina I always admired that state’s Latin motto Esse quam videri which, translated into English, means “To be, rather than to seem.”
Dr. Pierce has given us the foundation to be the best with the necessary spiritual worldview, Cosmotheism, that sets us apart from the greater, Christian conservative “White nationalist movement.”
Shang is our #2 commenter but as far as I kno:w has never donated a cent to keeping the site online.
More than 2,100 comments here, for what? Self-indulgent negativity seems an apt phrase. Lord is a bright man but is he actually helping to build anything positive? Not that I can see. His defeatist commentary would not be welcome at NV, even should he become an official Alliance supporter.
See my comments above.
I would also remind you that one of NA’s heroes – Revilo Oliver – was also deeply pessimistic about the white man’s chances – and that was when matters were less dire than today, as Dr. Oliver has been dead for three decades. However, he perceived the direction our race was headed, and has been proven correct thus far. Was Revilo merely a “self-indulgent” defeatist, or did his harsh realism nevertheless have value, at least in trying to get the white man to face his prospects? Realism may not inspire the troops, but it is necessary for those trying to think with maximum clarity about the true correlation of forces. Hitler’s lack of hard realism was one of the chief reasons for his military defeat.
It is my belief that the true situation of our race is much worse than even many prowhites realize. I have outlined my views across many past comments, especially here (though also previously at AR). I believe that people’s ideology is increasingly a function of deep personal beliefs (as opposed to past commercial sector or geographical-sectional interests, or merely surrounding political environment), and that these are largely genetically determined.
Back in the 80s, I had to struggle intellectually to reach something like a white nationalist position. I’d never heard of Revilo Oliver or William Pierce or Wilmot Robertson. I knew the race-denialism of that time was wrong, but I had no intellectual backing for my prejudices, nor did I even know that such existed. And I attended prestigious undergraduate and graduate institutions!
But nowadays, anyone can discover truth just by searching the internet. And yet, from the 80s to today, the prowhite movement has only grown slightly. What does that tell you? You can excuse the lack of white solidarity by referencing the continuous full spectrum propaganda, but I would counter by noting that race is a visceral issue, not something arcane or specialized like healthcare or monetary policy. People with a prowhite (genetic) disposition will eventually find their way to race realist truths. It’s so much easier than when we were young.
And yet not that many do so. Even in Europe, where the damage caused by the presence of nonwhites is recent and can only be willfully ignored, there is a growing nationalism and identitarianism, but everywhere it remains a minority sentiment, with the forces arrayed against white preservationism always more numerous, passionate and committed than the prowhites. Does this not suggest that white race liberalism has an ultimate genetic origin? Or at least that whites are uniquely susceptible to utopian multiracialist propaganda?
As I have written elsewhere, prowhite sentiment exists everywhere, but is never a majority sentiment anywhere. Without radical change, ideological and political change, this situation will result in white extinction. It is inevitable. It could be active genocide, or the passive variety via increasingly encouraged miscegenation. I have recognized this, and argued for what I perceive to be the only way around it: global prowhite physical ingathering into one or a handful of already mostly white nations which we can, in turn, electorally conquer, and then, per Greg Johnson, “slow cleanse” into white ethnostates, states dedicated to white preservation (and excellence) per our/their re-founding constitutions (as our own American Constitution is basically a charter for liberty, or was intended to be).
We can do this, though again, actual prospects for the moment appear dim. The Jews did it with Israel, and we can similarly create our own White Zion(s). I suggest we really have no other options. It is only by prowhites becoming actual electoral majorities in sovereign nation-states that our race can realistically expect to survive on what is for us an ever-shrinking planet.
I don’t think these ideas of mine are worthless or defeatist. They are the key to our people’s future. Those who dismiss me should propose their own realistic paths to white preservation.
Lord Shang: September 2, 2024 [O]ne of NA’s heroes – Revilo Oliver – was also deeply pessimistic about the white [sic] man’s chances – and that was when matters were less dire than today, as Dr. Oliver has been dead for three decades. However, he perceived the direction our race was headed, and has been proven correct thus far. Was Revilo merely a “self-indulgent” defeatist[?].
The answer to your ridiculous question is “No,” Lord.
Dr. Oliver evolved as most of us do. He wrote for conservative The National Review magazine back in the 1950s until fired in 1960 for being anti-Jew. He cofounded the John Birch Society and the National Youth Alliance when I suspect you were in diapers. He gave lip service to Christianity until Reading Klassen’s Nature’s Eternal Religion more than 50 years ago and eventually eclipsed Klassen with his scholarly criticism of that Semitic creed. He was an Aryan and National Socialist writer of the top rank. He was an atheist and never embraced Cosmotheism, but you are correct when you say he was “one of NA’s heroes.” He should be one of yours.
I regret having never met Dr. Oliver, but with my position in NA we corresponded and had a couple of phone conversations. If you are going to be dropping his name, you would do well to familiarize yourself with some of his 436 articles, archived here: “Revilo P. Oliver” at My introduction to RPO was probably his review back in the 1980s in Liberty Bell magazine of one of my favorite books: “A Whiff of Truth: Adolf Hitler’s Art” at
I don’t think you grasped my response, or its significant elements.
And I’ve had my copy of America’s Decline (as well as xeroxed copies of “Conspiracy or Degeneracy?” and Christianity and the Survival of the West) since the very early 90s.
Lord Shang: September 3, 2024 I don’t think you grasped my response, or its significant elements.
And I’ve had my copy of America’s Decline (as well as xeroxed copies of “Conspiracy or Degeneracy?” and Christianity and the Survival of the West) since the very early 90s.
What of significance was there to grasp in your “full of beans” response? You are a self indulgent defeatist, an anonymous one at that.
You’ve taken analysis of the 2024 Democratic platform way off topic with your pretended expertise of RPO’s life and works, based upon the flimsiest of “evidence.”
It’s best to have Dr. Pierce’s biography in hand to read and grasp RPO’s influence on him going back to the 1960s instead of this oral reading of it: “The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: Revilo P. Oliver” at
Not for you, Lord, but for others who may be interested in the impact RPO had on WLP and racial nationalism from more than 50 years ago, see Douglas Mercer’s piece from four years ago, here: “The John Franklin Letters” at
End of discussion, thanks.
Conscious of speaking without the “Insider” imprimatur, may I say that I find your comments perfectly unobjectionable and generally well-considered and informative if somewhat on the “Eeyore” side of things. That’s only a real problem if there is no “Tigger” or at least a “Kanga” to provide balance, which there almost invariably is. Infighting and purity spiralling, such as above, are more damaging to my mind than guarded pessimism. Play the ball, not the man. Anyone who’s been commenting here for a while is working for the cause ( or is a canny enough sabbateur to get past Dr Johnson and the readership ).
Lexi: September 1, 2024 …Anything America gives to Israel will be paid back with exorbitant interest in blessings on the American nation. So you see, there is not and cannot be any conflict of interest between Israel and America.
I see. Well, that certainly is good news, Miss Lexi — to learn about all of those exorbitant blessings Americans will receive from above as long as we keep sending billions of our dollars to that “shitty little nation.”
That many refer to Israel as the nickname ‘IsraHell’ was not by accident or without cause. The nickname is not anti-Semitic; it is a statement of fact. That a French diplomat referred to them as ‘that shitty little nation’ was an astute observation from everything I have seen in Israel’s conduct domestically or internationally. Source:
Forget ‘IsraHell.’ Her neighbors will take care of that “holy” patch of land just fine when Uncle Sap weans her from the sugar teat.
How many more billions or trillions must White America give Israel to get their coreligionists/kinsmen in the U.S. to relinquish their stranglehold on our mass mind through control of the mass news and entertainment industry?
Lexi, you must know that tight Jew control of America’s mass mind is not for sale to us or to anyone else at any price. We’ll only reach our people by bypassing Jew media — by building and controlling our own mass media for our exclusive interests.
I see. Well, that certainly is good news, Miss Lexi — to learn about all of those exorbitant blessings Americans will receive from above as long as we keep sending billions of our dollars to that “shitty little nation.”
I didn’t say they were the brightest bulbs in the chandelier. It’s hard to believe such ridiculous Bronze Age superstition continues to this day, but as you say, they are in thrall to hostile propaganda. Notice also that it is virtually unfalsifiable, rather like faith healing. If the snake-handling Pentecostal preacher can’t cure your cancer, you just didn’t have enough faith. When the blessings aren’t forthcoming, you can just say we shoulda sent even more shekels, burnt more witches, smashed more icons, fed more Christians to the lions, etc.
At least the televangelists of the Prosperity Gospel are working from a grain of truth: God’s laws are there to promote our well-being (health and wealth), and following them will generally lead to better outcomes than not. Nonetheless, bad things still do and will always happen to good people. That was the whole point of the book of Job, which I suppose they haven’t read.
Lexi: September 2, 2024 At least the televangelists of the Prosperity Gospel are working from a grain of truth: God’s laws are there to promote our well-being (health and wealth), and following them will generally lead to better outcomes than not. Nonetheless, bad things still do and will always happen to good people. That was the whole point of the book of Job, which I suppose they haven’t read.
I suppose, being Bible experts, that they have.
You are an intelligent lady, Lexi, as are some of the dishonest millionaire televangelists (who would not get any face time on the electronic Jew without toeing the Tribe’s line — Fact!). Academia is full of intelligent PhDs, but how many of them are intellectually honest?
You and I will have to agree to disagree on Bible myths.
We Cosmotheists have our way and you have Yahweh.
Do democrats really feel the urgent need to genuflect to the American indians? They’ve had their own significant space to rule over and exploit for over a century. Or they can join in with the rest of America if they like. Maybe they’re getting tired of kowtowing to blacks and now they have a new group to treat like feeble minded fools. If only republicans were more open to acknowledging the plight of whites. Alas it’s not to be anytime soon.
Wifewaffen: September 2, 2024 …I am a White woman and mother, in the trenches of my breeding years… I give 25% of my personal income to pro-White causes and believe that I have given enough to Counter-Currents to qualify for an insider account but I have not asked for one yet… I’m just a housewife.
Huh? “Just a housewife?” You have what’s arguably the most important job: raising the next generation of our political soldiers. I’m not sure what a C-C insider is but it seems that you should qualify. Mrs. Williams, a housewife, is not a C-C insider, but she is the National Alliance’s Business Manager and accountant as an unpaid volunteer and keeps the Chairman out of federal prison. Invaluable.
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