The Worst Week Yet: August 18-24, 2024
French Authorities Arrest the Russian-born Founder of Telegram and Blame Him for Enabling Child Porn, Drug Trafficking, Terrorism, &, Probably, Criticism of French Authorities
Jim Goad
2,064 words
Maybe it’s the weather, perhaps it’s my paranoid imagination, or perchance Western governments are ramping up for a World War and figure they need to preemptively tamp down on all criticism of Western governments and their financial enablers, but it sure seems as if this thing we fondly and naively refer to as “free speech” is getting handcuffed and shoved into the gulag with a quickness.
It doesn’t seem very long ago that British Prime Minister Keir Starmer was suggesting that Elon Musk somehow bore criminal responsibility for causing the riots in England that followed the Southport stabbings.
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Now comes news that on Saturday, Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, a messaging app that to my knowledge seemed to allow “dissident thought” to be published unhindered and unpunished to a greater degree than Lord of Outer Space Elon Musk would ever think of allowing on Twitter/X, was arrested by French authorities.
Pavel Durov, billionaire founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app was arrested at the Bourget airport outside Paris on Saturday evening, TF1 TV and BFM TV said, citing unnamed sources.
Durov was travelling aboard his private jet, TF1 said on its website, adding he had been targeted by an arrest warrant in France as part of a preliminary police investigation.
TF1 and BFM both said the investigation was focused on a lack of moderators on Telegram, and that police considered that this situation allowed criminal activity to go on undeterred on the messaging app.
Telegram, based in Dubai, was founded by Russian-born Durov, who left Russia in 2014 after he refused to comply with demands to shut down opposition communities on his VK social media platform, which he sold.
Durov, who is estimated by Forbes to have a fortune of $15.5 billion, said some governments had sought to pressure him but the app, which has now 900 million active users, should remain a “neutral platform” and not a “player in geopolitics”.
It appears that Durov’s arrest was first announced on French media company TF1 on Saturday, but my first few attempts to wrangle a coherent translation of the article into English via Google Translate quite curiously failed—which had never happened before to me—before it finally spit out the article’s broken-English explanation for “Why he was wanted”:
Justice considers that the absence of moderation, cooperation with law enforcement and the tools offered by Telegram (disposable number, cryptocurrencies, etc.) makes it complicit in drug trafficking, child crime offenses and fraud….
For investigators, this internationally resonant dragnet has various objectives. First, it makes it possible to kick in the anthill, impress and dissuade the perpetrators of crimes and misdemeanors who exchange, until now freely, on Telegram. Then, it aims to put pressure on European countries to increase joint work to reduce secure messaging on terrorist issues.
In 2021 on his own personal Telegram channel, Durov defended his site’s willingness to allow users to speculate about the COVID lab leak theory, writing:
In my 20 years of managing discussion platforms, I noticed that conspiracy theories only strengthen each time their content is removed by moderators. Instead of putting an end to wrong ideas, censorship often makes it harder to fight them. That’s why spreading the truth will always be a more efficient strategy than engaging in censorship.
Ah, those pesky “terrorist issues.” Does that include when governments terrorize their citizens into silence for fear of arrest?
Last Friday, the day before Durov’s arrest, the website New Arab reported:
The Telegram channel of DDoSecrets, seen by many as WikiLeaks successor, was shut down with a request from Israel’s ‘cyber unit’ viewed as the likely cause.
The Telegram channel of Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDoSecrets), a journalist collective specialised in the publication of hacked material online, was shut down after sharing more than 1 million leaked documents from the Israeli ministry of justice.
The leaked documents, reportedly released in April 2024, contain “personal details of senior officials in the ministry along with sensitive correspondence [and] internal and classified ministry documents”, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.
On Saturday, shortly after news of Durov’s arrest broke, Rob Lee, who describes himself as a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute who focuses on Russian defense policy, wrote on X:
Telegram is the main social media network through which open source information is spread about the war. That includes footage but also opinions and analysis from Russian and Ukrainian military sources. A significant change to Telegram’s policies could have a significant effect on the information domain for this war ….
A popular Russian channel says that Telegram is also used by Russian forces to communicate, and that if Western intelligence services gain access to it, they could obtain sensitive information about the Russian military. They also mention Discord.
Early on Sunday morning, Chris Pavlovski, the CEO of Rumble, which many regard as a safe space for dissident opinions away from YouTube’s ADL-guided ban-hammer, announced on X that he was leaving Europe:
I’m a little late to this, but for good reason — I’ve just safely departed from Europe.
France has threatened Rumble, and now they have crossed a red line by arresting Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, reportedly for not censoring speech.
Rumble will not stand for this behavior and will use every legal means available to fight for freedom of expression, a universal human right. We are currently fighting in the courts of France, and we hope for Pavel Durov’s immediate release.
Telegram, bless its soul, is my go-to app for audio-dialing friends of mine internationally and speaking with them free of charge. Via this now seemingly endangered app, I asked a Russian friend of mine who has a charming knack for churning out zen-like phrases in English what he knew about Pavel Durov, and he responded:
This guy is Russian Zuckerberg
He made Russian Facebook and WhatsApp as you know
He is single, talking about healthy food, against drugs and alcohol
He is into fitness and long living
I heard that he is sociopath and used to throw money from his office years ago
To watch people reacting
Some are saying that Durov, who has a penchant for posting topless beefcake photos of himself and filming himself taking ice baths, is soon to become this generation’s Julian Assange. If that’s true, I at least hope he’s a better dancer.
Man Arrested in Pakistan for Publishing False Name of Southport Stabber, Which British Authorities Falsely Claim Led to Nationwide Riots
Early in August, the ever-reliable BBC, which is certainly not a mouthpiece of the English government and would never spread misinformation that might possibly lead to widespread slaughter and human suffering, published a piece about Channel3Now, a website whose X account was widely blamed for the riots that followed the stabbing deaths of three little white girls when it claimed:
A 17-year-old Ali Al-Shakati from Banks has been arrested in connection with the Southport stabbings and is currently in police custody.
The suspect in the Southport stabbings, Ali-Al-Shakati, was on the MI6 watch list and known to Liverpool mental health services. He was an asylum seeker who arrived in the UK by boat last year.
To my knowledge, what that post got right is that Axel Rudabukana, the suspect who was arrested three days later, was 17 years old and hailed from Banks. I don’t know whether he was on the MI6 watch list or had been to see a Liverpool head-shrinker. From what the authorities are saying, Rudabukana was born in Cardiff in 2006.
But to my mind, blaming misinformed tweets such as that one as the sole cause for “fueling” the widespread “far-right” riots that ensued—while leaving authorities blameless for filling English cities with hostile nonwhite immigrants who taunt, beat, rape, and kill indigenous English citizens—is a far deadlier form of misinformation. It’s an egregious sin of omission.
The original BBC article about Channel3Now suggests that a man whose first name is Farhan was identified by “former colleagues,” many of whom are “based in Pakistan,” as a worker at Channel3Now. The article also states:
On his social media profiles [Farhan] posts about his Islamic faith and his children.
Last Wednesday, the BBC published an article titled “Pakistan arrests man over Southport attack disinformation”:
Police told the BBC that Farhan Asif was linked to a website which gave a false name for the suspected Southport attacker and suggested incorrectly that he was an asylum seeker who arrived in the UK on a small boat….
On raiding Mr Asif’s property, the police recovered 2 laptops and a mobile phone used by Mr Asif.
After analysing the devices, the police say that the account on X (formerly Twitter) for Channel3Now was found active….
The officer told the BBC that Mr Asif said that he ran the website alone….
The police say that he used his account “with the intent to glorify the incident about the arrest of a Muslim asylum seeker by police… and created a sense of fear, panic, insecurity in the Government and the public” and it is on this basis that they have filed a case against him.
If I’m reading this correctly and they aren’t lying to me—always a risky supposition—a Pakistan-based Muslim who made social-media posts defending his Islamic faith has been arrested for posting false information alleging that a 17-year-old with the intensely Islamic-sounding name of “Al-Ali-Shakati” committed the Southport stabbings, which led to several days of anti-immigrant rioting, which then led to several days of Muslims beating up white Brits, which then led to British authorities threatening to extradite people who spread misinformation that might conceivably lead to violence against Muslims.
Did I miss anything?
Man who “Looked Like an Arab” Stabs Three to Death at German “Festival of Diversity”; Meanwhile, Germany Arrests Former YouTuber for Inciting Hatred Against Muslims and Jews
Just when you thought things couldn’t get nuttier and were hoping that creepily similar events were merely coincidental rather than purposely synchronized, along comes this headline to severely challenge my mental equilibrium: “Germany: Three Dead in Knife Attack at ‘Festival of Diversity’”:
On Friday at around 9:40 p.m. a man stabbed several attendees at a ‘Festival of Diversity’ (Festival der Vielfalt) in Solingen, Germany. The perpetrator, who according to some witnesses “looked like an Arab,” is still at large as of Saturday morning, Bild reports. The police have urged the public not to speculate about the knifeman’s identity or motives and have not yet issued a description of the perpetrator. …
Following the deadly attack, the police union chief called on the public to refrain from speculation about the motive and origin of the perpetrator, especially on social media.
“Speculation about the crime in Solingen is forbidden. I appeal to everyone, especially to users of social media, to refrain from spreading rumors,” said the North Rhine-Westphalia head of the police union, Michael Mertens. “I am concerned that speculation is currently being spread via social networks.”
At this point, for fear of being extradited, I hesitate to tell you that the Islamic State allegedly claimed responsibility for the stabbing.
In other news from Deutschland that makes me so happy I could scream, ProPublica gifted the world the following headline last Tuesday: “German YouTuber ‘Shlomo Finkelstein’ Arrested Following ‘Inciting Racial Hatred’ Conviction”:
After a lengthy manhunt, a prominent right-wing YouTuber in Germany is in police custody. On August 13, Aron Pielka, known by the pseudonym Shlomo Finkelstein, was arrested in Frankfurt after being found in violation of the conditions he was under for a past suspended sentence and may be imprisoned for one year.
In December of 2020, Shlomo received a probationary sentence for “incitement to hatred, dissemination of symbols of unconstitutional organizations and insulting religious denominations and communities” from the Cologne public prosecutor’s office.
In the ruling, the court determined that the commentator was accused of inciting hatred on ten occasions between 2017 and 2019 on his YouTube channel, called Die vulgäre Analyse, or the channels DoxxingGegenNazis and GreenDayBoy2009, between May 12, 2017 and March 29, 2019.
“Shlomo’s goal in these actions was to insult, degrade and mock the religion of Islam and the religious beliefs of Muslim people and thereby insult, degrade and mock all users,” explained the judiciary committee in the verdict. “He also accepted the risk of inciting all users who were able to view the video to also adopt a hostile attitude towards the religion of Islam and the religious beliefs of Muslim people.”
Wake me up when the world makes sense.
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If western governments are gearing up for a world war, they should consider their lack of manpower. One bright spot in this madness is the fact that a lot of whites don’t want to serve in a military that goes against their interests. Military recruitment in both Great Brittan and in the U.S. is at an all-time low.
Same as in Australia. Our government is now taking in people from other countries to get the quota for our military. After a term of service they are then given Australian citizenship.
That is more terrifying than anything else. You’re going to have an entirely Muslim army.
No, rather the Australians will have a fully Chinese army.
If anyone supports the police then I don’t want to hear them complaining. The only reason they can enforce these obviously corrupt laws onto people is because police willingly enforce the obviously corrupt laws.
“Back the blue.”
“Thank you for your service.”
“The thin blue line.”
Fuck you.
Some police are good. Others are not. It depends who. Local police in the US and Canada are mostly good. By contrast, the FBI are evil and degenerate, and the UK police are even worse.
Communists such as Kamala Harris and Tim Walz want to defund the local police, not the FBI.
Is the FBI all bad? What about the local FBI agents? Is Congress bad? What about the local congressmen? Just because something is local, does not mean it is good. Do local drug dealers care about their community?
I don’t really see what this has to do with the police. The police enforce the law; they do not make the law. And they only interpret the law to a very limited extent.
The issue, it seems to me, is that many advanced regimes are increasingly committed to Thoughtcrime vigilance and what it means to have “acceptable” speech.
It is a slipperly-slope indeed, whether the Wrongthink, Hate, and Decency itself is policed by the State or by private entities who pretend to assume this role, such as Twitter ─ which was even censoring the President of the United States when he disagreed with Liberal Bluestockings.
This is of course the opposite of the First Amendment tradition in the USA, which is under threat but not yet dead. And the question should give us pause.
Thank you. It’s an ignorant comment worthy of Niggaz Wid Addytood both in the sense-making dept. and its “fuck tha police” sentiments. And one which I’d expect Counter-Currents detractors could have a field day with. “See?” But what’s interesting to me is it’s allowed to stand but Greg or someone at Counter-Currents is blithely removing paid subscribers’ comments just because they don’t like it or the commenter.
Im guessing it’s been a while, if ever, that you have had a run in with “tha police.” The good ones are the exception, not the rule. And if you think Greg isn’t fair, just you wait for when your boys in blue come knocking. And they will.
Well, some of those whom we affectionately call Pig-Boys are far too motivated to crack down on White pipo who own guns. That is an obvious issue.
It isn’t hard to find some incident in the news where a boisterous Internet commenter who had owned a few guns legally had the tactical vehicle drive through his livingroom Waco-style, or was simply gunned down while retrieving his mail whilst wearing on the hip.
Most of these people did some foolish things, or maybe indulged in some bad Optics, but they were hardly criminals.
Why is there such a burning desire from Libtards to trample upon 1st and 2nd Amendment rights? ─ especially if the persons of interest are White people!
Some big-city political Police Chiefs and even Sheriffs fall into the category of needing to swing high from the public mast themselves.
I am a Law & Order kind of guy, and there is no reason to reflexively lionize police. I don’t do that. Still, the real problem is always a bad set of laws. We can find decent people to enforce decent laws. The rest have no promise.
I’ve certainly been mistreated by police. I’m from Philly.
The police enforce the law; they do not make the law. And they only interpret the law to a very limited extent.
The redcoats enforced the law; they did not make the law. And they only interpreted the law to a very limited extent. I suppose we should have just left them alone to “harass our people and eat out their substance.”
Fuck the police.
I don’t think there were any pitched battles before the First Continental Congress (1774), which was convened after the Intolerable Acts passed by Parliament following the Boston Tea Party (1773).
The First Continental Congress then tried to repair the fraying relationship between Britain and the colonies ─ but also to build support for the Second Continental Congress, which convened in 1775 just after some skirmishes with Redcoats in Massachusetts.
The Second Continental Congress presented an Olive Branch Petition to King George III but also established a Continental Army with George Washington as Oberbefehlshaber.
After the battle of Bunker Hill in August 1775, the King issued the Proclamation of Rebellion, which led to the Declaration of Independence by the colonies almost a year later, which laid out their grievances.
The Second Continental Congress served as the provisional government during most of the Revolutionary War.
Btw, lest we argue that Independence was merely about rich-men’s interests and onerous taxes, one of those grievances mentioned was that the British Crown had been brutally enforcing a 1763 treaty with the French and Indians that prevented White American settlement of the Western frontier.
We have bad laws, bad justices, Soros prosecutors, and anti-White officials at all levels ─ Federal, State, and Local. Law Enforcement itself is only part of the whole enchilada.
Aside from Wrongthink, Crime is Crime and always will be. You don’t need DEI and PoC Optics for that. That makes nothing safer.
I would get rid of “four-star general” Police Chief Negresses, campaign to elect better Sheriffs when needed, and support the demilitarization of most normal police forces. They don’t need to drive a tank into your living room to check out a paperwork complaint or send the SWAT team into a hotel hallway with itchy triggers to investigate a firearm-brandishing rumor.
Although I do enjoy the spectacle when a charming Negress chimps-out when she sees a White student at the University Library with a Blue Lives Matter sticker on his laptop ─ she thinks it bees her space, yo ─ I’m really not a rah-rah guy for the police.
They have either earned our respect or they haven’t. But even in Soviet Russia, the police performed an essential service and they need to be working for Us and not for Them. Always.
Bad Police are at worst a symptom and not the disease. Some police officers can be a little dumb, and they carry guns, so you should make a good-faith effort to obey them. Certainly the enforcers are not the best institution to provide legal opinions about the law or your rights, but you can get counsel and then tell it to the judge. Unless you chimp-out on them ─ as Negroes are instructed to do by the corporate media ─ the police are not the last word.
To Anarchists and Negroes who want to camp on the sidewalk barefoot, defecate and block traffic and smoke dope in front of shops, I can see how “The Man” might be an issue.
Some people believe that you can change the world with your middle finger. I’m not one of them. That builds nothing.
Yes, they enforce the law, THAT THEY KNOW IS CORRUPT. Police are not robots. The government is going to criminalize everything that we do. And the police are going to blindly enforce the unfair rules on us… How are they not to blame? What if the government made pedophilia legal? Would police actually allow pedophiles to rape children? Would they draw a line there? If they are unwilling to allow it, then that means police are willing to draw lines, so why aren’t they drawing the line now? And if they are willing to allow pedophilia, then that means cops are not willing to draw a line, even in extreme situations. Each of those scenarios makes them corrupt. This is like saying a mafia boss makes the rules, and then henchmen just carry them out, so they’re not to blame.
I love animals. MANY people abuse animals, and I can’t do anything about it because I’ll be arrested. People who hurt animals are the worst people ever. They cannot be reasoned with, and they have no empathy, so they can’t be emotionally persuaded either. We have to get rid of them. I know someone who hurt a dog, and I could go over to her home and put a bullet in her head right now, but I can’t. Because I’ll be arrested. A dog was left in a car. Another person called the cops, and when the cop showed up, he said he would arrest the person if they broke the car window. The dog didn’t die in that particular situation, but still the cop was more concerned about a broken window than a dog suffering a heat stroke. There are many migrants invading our country, and we can’t do anything about it. Because we’ll be arrested. Many right-wingers say they need guns to overthrow a tyrannical government. Well, what are they waiting for? They won’t do it. Why? Because they’ll be arrested.
All these terrible people are protected by the cops. They made their decision. Fuck ’em.
So study some Law and see what you can do to change it. Support pro-White candidates and tell them why. I still think you are putting the proverbial Cart before the Horse.
…with the intensely Islamic-sounding name of “Al-Ali-Shakati”…
No, it is not an “intensely Islamic sounding name”.
The first part is generic, whereas, the second one is purely fanciful.
The fabricator could’ve just used any other Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Turkic etc. surname to make it closer to reality.
However, it seems, apart from being excessively stupid, either he was too hooked on Marvel Comics to think outside of its characters or he tried to marry an Arabic name with the Sanskrit word “Shakti” (meaning power or strength).
Fascinating to watch the Kremlin playing a “coup de grace” on this diplomatic incident, shall we call it that way?
The french newspaper, Le Monde, published a very amusing article where it reveals that both the United Arab Emirates and Russia (from where Pavel Durov “escaped” 10 years ago to fight for “freedom of speech”) are extremely concerned with his well being… the UAE is for sure, since Pavel has investments on their soil and he is their “citizen”.
His citizenship “affair” looks more like a good old Frenchie lifestyle of “ménage à trois”, where he is French, Arab and still Russian. Truly fascinating because Russia is one the rare countries in this brothel world that does not accept double nationalities: “Either you are Russian or not!”, that is the official policy of the Kremlin.
Since Russia took Edward Snowden under their umbrella, Russia has become a world champion for Human Rights, so it seems… the Kremlin, which also requested consular access for the Telegram billionaire Pavel Durov, said on the diplomatic channels through the spokesperson for the Russian presidency, Dmitri Peskov:
“The accusations put forward are very serious and they require solid proof. Otherwise, it will be obvious that this is an attempt to restrict freedom of communication (…), and even direct intimidation against the boss of a large company.”
Again on the newspaper Le Monde, the french president, Emmanuele Macron said that « n’est en rien une décision politique ». Well, not being a political decision by the french authorities and as the Kremlin (everything it does is political) is already meddling around on this issue, I can’t wait to see the next episodes.
Telegram is a tool of Russian intelligence and propaganda services, just like TikTok is a tool of ChinCom intelligence and propaganda. Keep your minds tidy, do not use messengers and social medias, created by Russia and Red China.
On the surface, that seems completely false, since Durov left Russia over censorship and allows pro Ukraine channels to flourish on Telegram.
Do you still trust a Russian? Any Russian? I do not. He could “leave Russia over censorship” just because there was his agreement with Russian authorities, which let him go and did not throw him to the camps, like many Russian dissenters. Pro-Ukrainian channels flourish there, just like pro-Russian ones do, because it brings money. Durov is a clever man and not one of the recently “exchanged Russian spies”. His play is much more subtle.
You boldly asserted that “Telegram is a tool of Russian intelligence and propaganda services”. When Mr. Johnson asked for proof you gave us a whole lot of speculation.
You then claimed that pro-Ukraine propaganda was allowed on Telegram because it brought in money. Okay, but that tends to show it’s not a mouthpiece for the Russian gov’t.
Do you still trust a Russian? Any Russian? I do not.
So all Russians- over 100 million people- are liars? You just lost all credibility.
I do not know why people listen to him. He’s a Muslim minority in Russia who likes to constantly speak for White Russians as if he is one of them. At best White Russians don’t mind him at worse he’s a Chechen or Dagestani who are pretty much universally despised or he’s a Stan migrant which is just as bad. He uses every opportunity to push the Russians are Asians stance because it benefits him to do so and it appeals to Greg’s opinion. A lot of his posts show a disdain for White Russians or he is specifically pushing a certain narrative about Russian people.One thing, he is definitely right about Russia becoming China’s vassal. China will likely get their hands on Siberia as a result of the Ukraine war.
How exactly does Telegram make money?
Lets take the Kremlin’s perspective “on the surface”, as you said quite well.
Allowing the Ukrainian channels to flourish is gold over a blue sky IF the rebel Pavel Durov works for the FSB, since he will be able to access private information and it does not matter how much he claims Telegram to be encrypted to defend users’ privacy. In this World, there is always somebody willing to betray someone else, the motives vary but it happens, often. Proton Mail also defends its users’ privacy and is Open Source, “everybody can check the code”, but there is a little portion of the code that is proprietary. How much is proprietary within Telegram’s source code?
Russian FSB also implants so called “neo-nazis” in Ukraine and Belarus, whom per coincidence were trained in FSB schools and were allowed during their “studies” to get involved in officially forbidden “nazi” groups, in Russia and Belarus. Nice way to know what is going on underground.
How does Telegram make money? Very good question because IT DOES NOT MAKE MONEY! So, we have another Russian billionaire that upholds democracy and fights for freedom, how can you not love him??
Telegram owed creditors a reported $700 million, with Pavel Durov announcing that the company needed “at least a few hundred million dollars per year to keep going”. Still, it didn’t offer equity, instead Durov raised $1 billion through debt financing in the form of bonds, including $150 million from Mubadala and Abu Dhabi Catalyst Partners… and in an glamorous twist, Russia’s state investment fund, in early 2021.
Official news on The Moscow Times
Telegram later raised capital in subsequent financing rounds of $210 million in 2023 and $330 million in 2024.
The German government under Angela Merkel opened its borders to over one million non-White migrants in 2015-2016. Why? To kill Germans. That’s why the Merkel regime did it.
The same is true for Britain and France. Jews and their agents rule all three countries. Non-White migration is their weapon of mass destruction. And they censor anyone who complains about it.
The UK media label as “far right” anyone who is not a gullible dupe of the UK regime. They also use “fascist”, “racist” and “White Supremacist” to the same effect. But they never use “far left”, “communist” or “Jewish Supremacist” – for some reason. That is a clue as to their motive. They are globalist traitors.
For many years there were not and there still are not American or British films where the villains were or are Ultra-Left. There is plenty of films with bad Ultra Rightists of any sort, but nothing about bad Far Lefts. Even the films with the criticism of the old Soviet communism are very rare. In the former Soviet republics and in some countries of the Soviet block there are such films (not in Russia where Comrade Stalin is a hero again), but not in the West (there were some exceptions in Gemany like Das Leben der Anderen and Das Schweigende Klassenzimmer, but not many). The culture serves the Left and Globalists.
If you don’t want to wake up until the world makes sense, you’ll be sleeping a long time. Doesn’t look like it’ll be coming to its senses anytime soon.
It’s almost humorous reading about the filth from the West accuse a Russian of enabling child porn and drug trafficking.
As the son of German (fascists, NAZIS, and other insults) it’s rewarding to see the hypocritical, holier than thou people being exposed for the phonies they are.
From RfK Jr.’s speech:
“Democrats have become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money wanting to abandon democracy by canceling the primary to conceal the cognitive decline of the sitting president. …
The DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for VP Harris based upon nothing. No policies, no interviews, no debates. Only smoke and mirrors.”
Telegram is a communications company. Why should Durov be liable for the things that people communicate about? Are the people who print dollars, euros, and yen criminally liable if people use these currencies to commit crimes? Are the postal services of countries around the world criminally liable if someone uses them to send a ransom note? Obviously not. What’s the difference? Governments control these media, not a private citizen. It is easy for governments to steam open your letters, not so with your telegram posts. Of course governments want back doors and access to Telegram. They of course will say this is to protect citizens from crimes, but at this point we have good reason to fear our governments even more than criminals do.
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