Four years ago, the “wignats” declared war on Donald Trump. I thought this was silly and urged them to vote for Trump, largely because Trump credibly promised to slow the Great Replacement while Biden, as I predicted correctly, would kick it into overdrive. Trump wasn’t going to give us White Nationalism, but he would give White Nationalists time to build support for our policies. If, however, white demographic decline gets too far advanced, it will become increasingly difficult to turn things around. Frankly, saving the country as a whole is already a long shot.
But Trump has changed. As I explained in “Trump’s Great Betrayal on Immigration,” Trump is now indistinguishable from the GOP on immigration. He wants to replace white Americans, but selectively and legally. Why? Because business “needs” foreigners to replace us.
Of course, the bosses don’t need foreign workers. They just prefer them, because they prefer to pay you less, and expanding the labor market allows them to do just that. Siding with bosses against workers is not populism. Replacing American workers with cheap non-white labor is not nationalism. Since immigration is my one issue, Trump is now dead to me.
Going “off script” on immigration literally saved Trump’s life in Butler, Pennsylvania. Now, for voters like me, Trump going off the GOP script on immigration is the only thing that will save his campaign. And, based on the growing backlash to Trump’s immigration betrayal among normie Republicans, this sentiment is not confined to the fever swamps of the far Right.
So is there any way that I can get Trump to walk back this folly? Should I join the “Groyper War”?
Nick Fuentes has declared “Groyper War II” against Donald Trump. The first Groyper War took place in late 2019. It was covered extensively at Counter-Currents. Basically, Nick Fuentes tasked his followers to attend Turning Point USA events and ask White Nationalist questions. I had no objection to the Groyper War as such. People should do this sort of stuff all the time anyway. They shouldn’t need Nick Fuentes tell them to do it, and they shouldn’t have stopped just because Fuentes got bored and moved on to something else.
The new Groyper War is directed at Donald Trump’s campaign. Fuentes wants Trump to vow to impose a complete immigration moratorium and not fight any wars for Israel. These are certainly reasonable demands. But why should Trump accede to them? Apparently, out of fear. If Trump does not give in, Fuentes has vowed to mobilize his Groyper legions to destroy Trump’s bid for the White House. For good measure, Fuentes has also demanded that J.D. Vance be replaced as Trump’s running mate and that Trump fire his campaign managers.
The responses from Trump loyalists have been swift, brutal, and hilarious. I agree with them that Fuentes looks ridiculous. He’s like a chihuahua posturing as a pitbull. I agree that Fuentes is a repulsive character: he’s vain, histrionic, contemptuous of his audience, and reeks of insincerity. I agree that his positions are awful at least 50% of the time. I also agree that there are good reasons to suspect that Fuentes is compromised by the Deep State. At the J6 protests, he urged crowds to ignore the police and enter the capitol. Many protesters have been jailed for far less.
But we shouldn’t be too hasty to dismiss Fuentes’ message or his threat. Even if you want to shoot the messenger, you need to take his message seriously.
To evaluate the Fuentes threat, we need to answer three questions. First, how big is the White Nationalist vote? Second, how much clout does Fuentes have among White Nationalists? Third, does a “Dump Trump” movement have any potential outside White Nationalist and adjacent circles?
How big is the White Nationalist vote? In all honesty, I don’t know. Nobody really knows. It would take expertise and money to find out. We have the expertise, but we lack the money. Our movement can motivate its members to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on airfares, hotels, and meals to attend conferences—most of that money going into the pockets of fervently anti-white corporations. But I have not yet figured out how to motivate people to give a fraction of that amount to an organization like the Homeland Institute, which could actually determine how many White Nationalists there are, where they are, how many of them are willing to vote, and above all: how many of them are willing to vote Democrat to punish the GOP for refusing to address white ethnic interests. Politically, we will never be “a force to be reckoned with” until we can deliver actual numbers that politicians can reckon with.
In 2016, there was a lot of talk about how “The Alt Right memed Trump into the White House.” This was equal parts self-delusion and “fake it till you make it” fraud. There’s no question that the Alt Right had some effect on the 2016 election. But we simply don’t know how big an effect. In 2020, basically the same people were claiming they would “meme Trump out of the White House.” Again, it was equal parts self-delusion and fraud. In truth, Trump won the 2020 election, and that time he managed to do it without the so-called “wignats.”
Many people believe that White Nationalism is smaller today than it was in 2016. After all, many of the leading figures, podcasts, and platforms of that era have disappeared, become marginalized, or turned into outright traitors and informants.
There are fewer people on stage, so it is natural to think that the movement is smaller. But that is an illusion. The true measure of the movement is not the number of people on stage but the number of people in the audience.
Based on our web traffic, our audience is more than four times larger now than it was in 2016. Our financial support has also grown more than fivefold between 2016 and 2023, despite the fact that we have been unable to process credit cards since 2019.
Obviously, Counter-Currents is not representative of the White Nationalist movement as a whole. Further studies are needed. In the meantime, though, it would be foolish to think that White Nationalists are less of a force today than in 2016 or 2020. Moreover, in a tight race, even small voting blocs can make a huge difference.
But would White Nationalists really stay home or vote for the colored woman rather than Trump? A good number of them might. Earlier this year, David Zsutty polled Counter-Currents readers. In his article, “Interesting Results from the Counter-Currents Reader Survey,” he reports the responses to the question: “Evaluate the following statement: Pro-whites should be willing to endure or even vote for Democrat rule in order to discipline/punish/destroy the Republican Party.” Of respondents, 26.8% at least slightly agreed with this statement, compared to 20.4% who were neutral and 52.9% who at least slightly disagreed; 31.4% strongly disagreed. Again, the numbers are small, and Counter-Currents is not representative of the movement as a whole. But until we have support for polling the movement more broadly, this is what we must work with.
If one quarter of our readership is willing to punish the GOP, and our audience is four times larger than in 2016, that means that the equivalent of our entire readership in 2016 would be willing to punish the GOP. Again, there are problems extrapolating from Counter-Currents to the movement as a whole, but if the movement as a whole is just as willing to punish the GOP as Counter-Currents readers, that would imply that a group equivalent to the entire movement in 2016 is willing to punish Trump and the GOP, either by not voting or by voting for the Democrats.
There are, moreover, reasons to think that the Counter-Currents readership underrepresents the proportion of the White Nationalist movement that would be willing to spoil the 2024 election for Trump. The average age of the respondents to the Counter-Currents reader survey is 46.4. The average age of those who strongly agreed with punishing the GOP is 42.3, and the average age of those who strongly disagreed with punishing the GOP is 49.2. This seems to indicate that the younger the audience, the more receptive it is to punishing the GOP. Again, we don’t have data on the movement as a whole (yet), but I think it is reasonable to think that the average age is considerably less than 46.4. This is certainly true of Fuentes’s followers, as can be seen by the people who show up to his events. If anything, many of Fuentes’s followers might be too young to vote.
Does Fuentes have the clout to swing the wider movement into tanking Trump? No. He is widely despised. But he could build alliances. Beyond that, the idea of tanking Trump has its own intellectual merits, regardless of one’s feelings about Fuentes.
Does a movement to tank Trump have the potential to break out of the far-Right ghetto and affect the Republican mainstream? Absolutely. In fact, we need to stop thinking of ourselves as “dissidents” confined to a “ghetto.” When I follow the same people on X as J.D. Vance, it is time to accept the fact that we’re the normies now.
Bottom line: This is going to be a close election, in which small, organized minorities can shift the outcome. White Nationalists and fellow travelers like Fuentes are a larger force than we were in 2016. The Republican mainstream is also closer to us than in 2016. If enough of us unite behind this project, we can tank Trump. Given the depth of Trump’s betrayal, what do we have to lose?
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I’m curious: Would voting Independent be a good choice? Would that not send a clearer message of “protest vote” than voting for the Democrats? Or am I clueless about US elections? 🙂
Withholding your vote from Trump cancels your vote. Voting third party accomplishes the same thing. But voting for the colored woman also cancels somebody else’s vote for Trump. We can double the damage by getting people to change from not voting to voting for the Evil party.
I think the pro-Palestinian progressives are a good role model for how to exert pressure on a major party.
They are threatening to throw the election to Trump by voting for Jill Stein in the swing states, while promising to rally to Kamala and help her win the swing states if she capitulates to their principle demand (weapons embargo on Israel). By voting for Stein, they make their numbers and motivation clear – if they voted Trump they would hurt Harris more, but Harris would never know for sure that they were the ones who did this to her. Al Gore will know to his dying day that he was never president because he did not address the concerns of Ralph Nader’s voters. Hillary Clinton will always remember that she was never president because she did not address the concerns of Jill Stein’s voters.
I think we should do something similar. Have a write-in candidate run on our two principle demands (no immigration, no war) in the closest swing states. Have him promise to drop out and endorse Trump, if Trump promises to comply. Nick Fuentes mentioned something about a write-in candidate, and Muslim Republicans said something similar.
Even without action on our part, Trump is headed for a loss if he doesn’t change course. He needs the peace vote to repeat his 2016 victory in the Midwestern swing states.
Lets give him the pretext he needs to change course. “Sorry Jared, sorry Miriam, I have no choice! I gotta shut down this write-in campaign.”
I agree that Trump might be in trouble in Midwestern swing states if he does not change course with his jingoism.
If Trump either loses swing states Pennsylvania, with 19 Electoral votes, or Georgia with its 16, he will likely lose. Junior Bush in 2000 winning Florida with its 25 Electoral Votes by a sliver was massive.
However, I don’t see the point of threatening to vote for (((Jill Stein))) and even less of actually doing so.
Assuming it were true that voting for Jill does spoil the win for Trump in these states, that just brings the worst possible outcome, which is a Kamala-Walz ticket win.
Also, Texas with is light-Red 40 electoral votes are essential for a Trump win. Texas may or not be as on board with extremist-sounding or Rayciss immigration rhetoric. That may be Trump’s “Finkelstein” reasoning for backing off on “Deport Them All,” I don’t know.
But Zionist jingoism is certainly not going to help him.
I’m obviously not saying to vote for Jill Stein.
She is awful on immigration and on all the cultural issues.
I am saying that we need a right-wing equivalent of Jill Stein, someone who is opposed to immigration and war. Someone we can threaten to cast a protest vote for if Trump continues to cuck and simp for Israel.
The Constitution Party should be serving this role, but unfortunately Randal Terry is indistinguishable from Trump on foreign policy.
Makes me wonder what kind of numbers white nats have that makes it worth voting at all.
im a natural pessimist but my guess would be less than 10k. That’s whites who think the us needs to have language and actions that makes the co at least 90% white with the 10% existing here at our pleasure.
side topic : what do wn’s in general believe? One for a a second poll perhaps.
Voting for the Evil Party will cause Trump-like people and the Evil Party to think you are agreeing with the Evil Party. This is why voting 3rd party may be better since at least it sends a message.
Not if you make it clear why Trump is losing votes. Simply not voting Trump is less of a message than canceling someone’s Trump vote by voting for Carmella.
A vote for Kamala Harris will be interpreted as a vote for open borders, war with Russia, and transgender children.
I’ve stated my case. If people want to close their eyes and say it means something else, that’s not my responsibility.
A third party has ZERO chance of doing anything except as an extremely weak protest.
No third party has spoiled an election since 1912 ─ and even this is debatable ─ when two-term former President Teddy Roosevelt ran as a third-party Bull Moose Progressive against the incumbent, his former Vice President, William Howard Taft ─ who later became the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and is virtually synonymous with the GOP.
The result was that the Progressive Democrat, Woodrow Wilson captured the necessary majority of Electoral Votes and was elected in a landslide ─ to go on to great mischief indeed.
In the election of 1912, President Roosevelt actually got 88 Electoral Votes and the incumbent President Taft only got 8. Governor Wilson got a massive 435 Electoral Votes but only needed 266 to win.
No third party has ever gotten any Electoral Votes since the former Southern Democrat and Segregationist George Wallace got 46 in 1968. Vice President Nixon got 301 Electoral Votes, with 270 needed to win.
I am proud to say that my parents voted for the Wallace-LeMay ticket in 1968. Wallace captured the Electoral Votes of the deep South but came far short of denying the other two candidates the majority of Electoral Votes, i.e., what is needed for a win, which would have thrown the election to then be decided in the House of Representatives. If that had happened, Gov. Wallace would have had some negotiation ability with the Southern Democrats on side.
In 1992, Republican normies were furious about incumbent George H.W. Bush callously breaking his “read my lips” pledge not to raise taxes. Bush the Senior had his reelection otherwise sewn up, but the Gulf War I victor then listened to his Neocon advisors and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
Long story, but the Neocons (ex-Trotskyite Jews who liked money, Libertarianism and low taxes ─ and who wanted to use American power for pro-Israel mischief and anti-Russian global Wilsonianism) did not want an American Gulf War victory at all in 1991. What they wanted after defeating Iraq was endless American engagement in the Middle East. And after Bush the First had been bleating that Saddam was the next Hitler, leaving him in power and then weeping about the situation was nothing if not feckless and stupid.
Anyway, Democrat Clinton portrayed himself as a new Democrat who was tough on crime and welfare ─ but who was mainly on board with Globalization and deindustrialization and White replacement, and gun-control.
Texas billionaire oilman Ross Perot was advocating economic nationalism and warning about Globalism, but he ran as the third-party candidate. Perot actually got 19 percent of the “popular vote,” but this means nothing whatsoever. Perot got ZERO Electoral Votes, which means everything.
Many edgy podcasters, who if they were alive then, were kids at the time, say that Perot spoiled the 1992 election for Bush I ─ but this is nonsense. Clinton was a disaster, but George Herbert Walker Bush did it to himself. And even if you count up the votes that Perot got in the various electoral districts and arbitrarily give them all to Bush instead, Bush still does not gain a single Electoral Vote.
The point that I’m making here is that if you get some Electoral Votes and there are burning national issues behind them like the Civil Rights freak show and the Vietnam War ─ both sacred Democrat Party projects ─ getting a bloc of some Electoral Votes will give you some political leverage for negotiation.
Alabama Gov. George Wallace was a Democrat contender in the 1972 election with some delegates to negotiate with at the coming Convention until a would-be assassin shot and crippled him while on the campaign trail in Maryland. My relatives Jean (the first woman DNC Chair) and her husband Richard Westwood were among the few who actually showed Wallace some kindness and decency after the shooting. They rejected his racism (although they considered it principled, which would never happen today). Sen. McGovern got Gov. Wallace’s delegates by default anyway. But the Democratic Party had already destroyed itself on the reefs by their establishment not giving up on the Vietnam War and by the fallout from Civil Rights.
Since White Nationalists do not have the power to break Trump or even to punish his infidelity, voting for the opposition is worse than meaningless.
In swing states like Arizona, I am holding my nose and will be voting for Trump because it might make a difference there with its 11 Electoral Votes in play. And even IF Trump is a longshot for winning the election, a Harris-Walz Administration will be intolerable. Why should WN even symbolically contribute to that noise?
I agree with those who say that if Trump stays on the warmongering path with the jingoistic rhetoric, he will torpedo his chances with the swing states in the Midwest in November.
But if elected, and if Trump II does nothing at all on Immigration, his court appointments will still be MASSIVELY better than Kamala’s. And that is not nothing!
I personally have grown very sick of seeing Communists or anti-White fellow travellers wallowing in offices of authority and power. They are Marching Through the Institutions alarmingly. Kamala will accelerate that massively, as did Biden.
If one resides in a deep-Blue “People’s Republic” State, then maybe a protest vote for Kamala to personally signal dissatisfaction with Trump’s fecklessness on immigration will not actually hurt.
But I don’t see much of a “message” being sent here other than in favor of the same Blue State Bolshevism.
And even in a deep-Red State where Trump and the GOP can’t lose, what “message” is really sent here other than that some coffee commando bolted from the Trump Train and either saw the Enlightenment and voted for Kamala, or wrote in Mickey Mouse? Very weak “protest.”
This reasoning that White Nationalists, as we stand today, are going to do anything for our cause by voting for Kamalamala is to me ludicrous.
And Trump proved to be less Interventionist than any of the Democrats after winning in 2016, so I don’t think he will be worse on that than Kamala. Remember that the Gaza protesting is more anti-White than it is anything else. From what I’ve seen, it is the same BLM and Antifa weirdos. And it is very much more tone-policed compared to the anti-Vietnam and anti-Draft protesting of 1968.
If we pretend to be MAGA Normies, then maybe a strident letter-writing campaign to Trump decrying immigration appeasement will be helpful. But that will be fought by the “Finkelsteins” in his camp and is probably not going to actually move Trump very much anyway, even if a personal donation to the campaign were included.
President George H. W. Bush did not lose the 1992 election because he broke his “read my lips” pledge. He broke it because the Zionist lobby were furious with Jim Baker. (“F*** the Jews. They didn’t vote for us.”)
So we had an on-again off-again 3-way race, with H. Ross Perot suddenly jumping back in in October (he had previously been intimidated by the Zionist lobby into shutting down his campaign), and drawing off enough votes to lose Bush the Presidency. That was 19% of the aggregate state popular votes, and perhaps 120-160 of the national electoral votes. Perot won the election for Clinton. Those Perot votes might have stayed home, might have gone to Bush, but they darn tootin’ weren’t going to go to Bill Clinton.
Since the Bush/Clinton/Perot race was one of the first I ever voted in (I voted Perot), I have always taken an interest in the question as to whether Bush losing made any difference. I have concluded it did not. The basis for this position is NAFTA. Clinton and Perot campaigned against NAFTA. Once in office, Clinton – along with a few Democrats and nearly the entirely GOP caucus – vote for NAFTA the first chance they got. In my view, the only chance of stopping NAFTA was a Presidential veto and Perot was the only candidate who probably would have done that. After NAFTA came MFTN for China and the ‘giant sucking sound’ that Perot (and some many others) predicted came to pass.
So, Perot was really the only choice if you wanted to stop the ‘globalism’ freight train that was trying to leave the station will America’s industry.
Hamburger today are you from Hamburg Germany? I want to know since I’m going to be traveling through Europe during the election cycle. Also just so my comment doesn’t seem off topic here. Yeah I say fuck Trump. I‘m a very young white racialist and I think it would piss off and probably shock a bunch of white geriatrics into action if Kamala won and then started cutting their pensions or confiscating their wealth. I consistently hear almost on a weekly basis that “I’m glad I won’t be around because I see storms on the horizon”. Well I guess you‘re gonna be around when the storm hits now fuckers. Good luck having brown people take care of all your needs!
I look back at the two Obama elections and wonder if Romney or McCain would have been any better. The answer is a resounding hell no. They may have been worse. Especially Romney.
I was only 14 for the 92′ election but I was already very racially aware and therefore politically aware therefore I was for Perot. My late father was a UAW auto worker and wasn’t politically savvy so he voted for who the union told him ie Clinton but his UAW auto worker brother, my late uncle, was a little more savvy and voted Perot. When I was able to vote in 96′ I voted for Buchanan in the primary and then wrote him in because Dole and Clinton both sucked.
As for this “vote Kamala” or “vote 3rd party” to harm Trump, I think that’s a huge mistake. We know exactly what Kamala will do. Those 20+ million third world turds in our country “illegally” will all become citizens and tens of millions more will pour in. At least with Trump we can bide a little more time to get our ideas out there. I would have never thought 15 years ago that there would be this many people that no longer believe the mainstream media and I’m VERY PLEASED with the amount of people who are becoming jew wise.
I understand the feeling of wanting to stick it to Trump for backpedaling on “DEPORT THEM ALL” and for his slavish philosemitism but we have to go with the lesser of two evils at this point. I don’t believe in accelerationism. It’ll just be that much worse for White people if Kamala gets in over Trump.
No, the math does not work out. Even if you give all of Perot’s popular votes in the districts where they were cast to Bush ─ a generous assumption ─ George the First still does not gain a single Electoral Vote.
“Popular Votes” are basically a media invention and they do NOT go to other states; that is exactly what they do not do. The Electoral College system is designed to give rural voters a slight boost over urban ones, although its importance is disputed and even decried when elections are very close.
I think the main factor in 1992 was Bush winning the Gulf War in 1991 and then “losing” it in time for the election ─ because not winning decisively is what the Neocons wanted the United States to do.
It did not help that GOP voters did not like that Bush reneged on his promise not to raise taxes, and some of them might have stayed home to watch TV. But this would only have mattered in swing states anyway.
Bush’s credibility was extremely low for those on the fence and for those who wanted another Reagan. Milking tensions with Iraq and Saddam before the election and after the Highway of Death victory was the kiss of death. Newsweek called Bush a “wimp” in 1988 but in 1992 he was a big waffle.
Neocons had been trying to groom conflict against “Terrorism” and “Islamo-Fascism” to replace the waning Cold War ever since Reagan. That is why I stopped supporting him in 1983.
The Clintonistas actually approved a DoD Cold War Victory Medal for veterans who had served honorably between 1946 and 1991, but the GOP killed it pronto. Active duty and veterans are not allowed to wear it on a uniform, which is weird since they give out half a dozen medals just for signing up these days.
The usual suspects in the deep state just did not like the idea of any Peace Dividend, let alone a Victory. The Revisionist Prof. Harry Elmer Barnes, who wrote about Orwellianism and “Totalitarian Liberals,” called this principle “Perpetual War For Perpetual Peace.”
I’m planning to vote independent. This “worse is better” calculation seems rather like accelerationism, but there’s not much to love about either side of the uniparty now that Trump is making himself indistinguishable from yet another Republican do-nothing.
I’ll add that if we do withdraw our support from the Republican Party and it turns out to be a decisive factor, then one thing we ABSOLUTELY MUST DO is make it crystal-clear that they lost the election by taking for granted the support of the White electorate. If we fail to send that message, then all we did is hand the keys of the kingdom to Heels-Up Harris.
That is what I was wondering. If Trump loses due to white nationalists voting Democrat (assuming the numbers do make a difference), won’t it just seem as though the pro-Harris propaganda did its job? Will anyone bother to inquire why there was this shift?
By the way, other groups have recently voiced their disapproval of Trump caving on issues that are important to them, most prominently traditional Catholics concerning abortion. (I’m assuming other Christians might have a problem with that, too.)
I am sure that once Trump loses, there will be plenty of debate and also plenty of propaganda about why. If Republicans are serious about understanding the problem, however, then they will have to factor us into the analysis.
Interestingly, the Heels-Up Harris campaign just became the first one to make an explicit appeal to Whites. This is the first time any major campaign did that since maybe the 1960s. Granted, they’re appealing only to liberal weenies, but the Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for keeping up with the “Don’t Say White” policy.
Anyway, if the Republicans lose because their White voter base is sick of being taken for granted, it might not occur to them. After all, this is the Stupid Party. This is why we need to make things perfectly clear to them. If not, then all that will be accomplished is helping the greater of two evils get elected.
I’m not entirely sure any of this will matter. So far, no state other than Florida has done a thing to protect election integrity, as far as I know. What’ll be really funny is if on Election Day, in some swing state, there are 10,000 votes cast for Bidet because someone forgot to print new “ballots” 🙂
Anyway, since politicians listen to Washington insiders rather than the people, I wonder if all along we should’ve been trying to build a powerful Congressional lobby rather than a popular mass movement. Maybe it’s not too late for someone to start one, running it parallel with our other efforts?
Well, Arizona did recounts in 2020 to the derision of almost everybody, but did not find very much amiss. Also, the AZ voter registration rolls are regularly purged here so that absentee ballots are not just going out to Pedro.
And the retired Boomers from Minnesota who bailed in 2020 due to Covid are voting in Arizona again ─ as they normally would. They tend to be pro-White and lean Conservative. Screwing with their pensions is not going to help anyone other than the usual suspects.
(Btw, I have been a White Nationalist and Nazi sympathizer since the 1970s, so I somewhat resent Zoomers and Gen. Alphas yapping about how they just discovered the JQ and then blaming it all on our generation for problems that were already dooming our grandparents. But at least their instincts are good and they have figured out what we are up against, and hopefully so can their youthful peers.)
Anyway, Arizona started the modern anti-Immigration movement early in the 21st century, but it all got shot down nationally by people like Obama. We have long had Voter ID, and there is even talk about asking for Social Security numbers for voter registration ─ which the Democrats call “voter suppression.”
In Arizona at the polls, you are usually asked for an Arizona Driver’s License (which are not issued to non-Citizens in our state) and a Voter ID card. There are some other forms of supplemental documentation possible as well if you don’t have all of these.
The last time that I voted at the polls was in 2020 since the mail-in ballot system was broken, and they only looked at my Star ID (AZ Driver’s License, which originally required showing a birth certificate to obtain). And then they did not even ask for the Voter ID card since I came up in their system. When my octogenarian mother who rarely drives herself upgraded her driver’s license in Idaho to the new “Star ID,” they had to request a certified copy of her Birth Certificate. She has had a driver’s license in the state since she was 14.
In states like New Mexico before the new Star IDs, any Beaner non-citizen could get a NM driver’s license. And then all you needed to do at the polls is show some unopened mail with your name and address on it. I am not sure how they keep Illegals from voting with such a system.
So I don’t agree that no changes have been made since 2020, but Trump should have started the talk on election integrity in 2016 when he was elected and the usual suspects were accusing him of stealing the election from Hillary with Russian bots (or whatever the claim was). For starters, Trump should have fired FBI Director Comey in January of 2017 and the next two in line for that job. What happened in 2020 should not have been a surprise.
If Trump would just promise to reduce all immigration and fight tech censorship I could overlook all his other flaws. It’s incredible that we were all supporting him in 2016. He’s offering us nothing at all this time around.
We need to stop supporting him. At this point the debate should be: do we stay home or vote for the colored woman?
Voting for the colored woman is not an option.
Why not?
Because she’s an Indian
You’ve often said that we don’t win by losing. At the very least, it’s not the way to bet. The average Chamber-of-Commerce Republican is still much less bad than Harris is likely to be on immigration.
On the other hand, I feel plenty of spite for the Republicans. Plus, I feel that life in America will decline at an accelerating rate, and I want the Democrats to own it. (Perhaps in 80 years they’ll still be blaming the “legacy of Trump”, like in South Africa.)
Because worse is NOT better. How will making US citizens out of the 20 million plus non White invaders let in since 2021 and letting in tens of millions more non Whites during a Harris administration help us? I GET IT the Republican Party needs to be taught a lesson, but I don’t see how accelerating the genocide of White Americans helps get that message across. I guess that’s just the National Socialist in me.
Voting for the Dinda is NOT a win.
I hated McCain and Romney and did not vote for them, but voting for Obama was never an option.
And there is no way that those RINOs would not have won in my state anyway.
It feels so naughty voting for the ‘other side’. I’m in! Or I would be if I was American.
First, if Nick Fuentes is not black propaganda, he might as well. He has been outed several times. There was that catboy scandal, and other things, including one incident from a couple weeks ago. He constantly dines on goyslop like Dominoes pizza and McDonald’s.
Trump is not perfect, but Kamala Harris is a game over situation. We are already closer to nuclear Armageddon than we would ever be. She is talking about price controls, and the damage that Biden has done by opening the floodgates will continue another four years. Oh and two, possibly three SCOTUS judges are unlikely to go beyond 2028, if another Republican President could be elected at all with the enhanced browning. There are other ways to express displeasure with Trump’s comments, but this is not it.
No, I only care about immigration. If we can’t get a handle on that, then nothing else matters to me, because white genocide is baked in. If that’s the case, then I want it as vicious and chaotic as possible: full gay race communism. Not a colorblind space capitalist meritocracy that maintains a First-World, American feel while whites are slowly replaced.
The problem is there will be nothing to reclaim. Harris is so incompetnent she exacerbates the danger of nuclear war. If there is a ship that discontents want to mutineer, in the interim choose the captain who will not run right into an iceberg, killing everyone. Avoid the iceberg, buying much needed time.
As America weakens, there will be more instability around the world. Nevertheless, unless our system is overthrown, whites are dead in North America. Compared to that, none of the foreign policy stuff matters.
Also, on Ukraine, Harris would be better than Trump.
With all due respect, I think you underestimate what the government is currently capable of if it ratchets up from softer tyranny to a harder one, with few checks and balances in the way. We need time for more people to become aware. Trump buys us time. Harris is game over. I think we disagree re the War on Ukraine as well. Russia has legitimate grievances. I do not think Trump would have given trillions away, and so the conflict would either not have happened or be over already, but that is admittedly conjecture.
So you’re saying the Harris State Department is more likely to encourage more NATO shenanigans than a Trump State Department? The GOP is controlled by frothing Zionists. Zionists are very unwelcome in the DNC.
Whatever nuclear exchange is going to occur is due to the influence of ethnic neocons in either party and the ethnic neocons have much less say about policy in DNC circles than in the GOP.
It seems to me problem that GOP partisans have is in recognizing that theirs is now the party of Aggressive Jewry ™, not the DNC. Yeah, there are lots of jews in the DNC ‘rainbow coalition’ but they’re not Zionists and they’re not pro-War. They’re just White-hating jews who hate White people and don’t want them to have any say in government, business or culture.
The DNC ‘rainbow’ coalition isn’t pro-war. The GOP ‘coalition’ of Aggressive Jews and their Evangelical policy-sluts is pro-war.
The DNC rainbows don’t have to be pro-War; they are Global Interventionists by default.
And in the fallout after the First Gulf War, it did not take long for the Clintonistas to start becoming the tail “wagging the dog.” The Obaminator loved ordering air-strikes as well.
The last time that a Democrat was truly on board with peaceful Isolationism was Wilson’s Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan who bailed during the 1st Wilson Administration because he knew, i.a., that President Wilson’s future re-election slogan “he kept us out of war!” was a big fat lie.
One of the outcomes of passing the 17th Amendment (c. 1913) ─ which made the U.S. Senate directly elected instead of having Senators elected by their state legislatures ─ also turned Senators into plutocratic tools.
I am not a Constitution ‘sperg, but if there were any two Amendments that I could repeal outright, it would be the 15th which made Negroes and ultimately other non-Whites into U.S. citizens ─ and the 17th, the direct election of U.S. Senators.
The 14th Amendment (codifying state sovereignty) and the 16th (direct income tax) also need some tweaks, but they are not inherently wrong.
This would undo “a whole haunch of beef” /mischief (to steal from attorney Joseph N. Welch).
The U.S. Senate is already a millionaires’s club. I have also heard my sister’s late father-in-law who was a U.S. Senator (as was his father before him) lament about the way lobbying and fundraising pulls their strings. He was on the Senate banking committee.
And Membership in various Internationalist business or trade cabals like the Council for Foreign Relations is also a potential issue.
Before the 17th Amendment, statesmen like Sen. William E. Borah of Idaho used to have principled Isolationist stances and Nationalist debates.
The question was once, “is it good for the USA?” and not necessarily “what is good for Business is good for America” as Presidents like Coolidge and Hoover would have put it.
As if ALL the Jews in Biden’s cabinet and Harris’s husband don’t want what’s best for Israel. It’s all double speak. Everytime they show some “pro Hamas” protest it’s chock full of jews leading it. The Dem leadership just pays lip service to legitimate anti-zionists like those 2 or 3 Muslim congresswoman but it doesn’t change the fact that 80% of jews vote Democrat because, like Dr. Revilo Oliver surmised, they are more driven by their spiritual urge to destroy us than any practical considerations. Despite the feigning “anti-Israelism” of jews like Schumer or Sanders, they are still 100% behind Israel. I hate to use the old cliche of Lenin, but they are literally leading the “pro-Hamas” opposition yet they are still ardent zionists. “Zionism for the boys, Marxism for the goys”
If White erasure is going to go on regardless, then I would rather have leftist weakness than rightist manly values. If non-Whites are taught manly values by conservatives, then they will murder White men and take White women as sex slaves. I’d rather non-Whites were given hormone replacement therapy in that case, so that Whites can stay safe.
Yes, immigration is the core – building the wall and all illegals deported cannot be separated.
I was one of the voters who helped spoil the 2000 presidential election in the state of Florida, sending it to the Supreme Court. I despised Bush and Gore and voted third party (Ralph Nader). My vote was against the two-party system, not for Nader. I know, I should have voted for Pat Buchanan, but I didn’t know better at the time. After election day fewer than 6,000 votes separated the two candidates. There were recounts, halted recounts, and lawsuits. The ineptitude of the system was on full display. The funniest development was that a number of old Jewish women in Palm Beach County apparently voted, by mistake, for Buchanan, in what came to be called the butterfly ballot controversy. The WN vote could decide a close election in battleground states.
I wanted to do something along these lines in 2020 and tried to game it out, but it was the wrong year for it. I was not so concerned with the pro-white vote as I was with the ability of pro-whites to influence the voting behaivors of others. My view is the best thing is to try and become a sort of spoiler factor that the GOP has to appease with with an anti-immigration platform.
So, if the polls are vaguely accurate…
I believe we can tank Trump and a few GOP senate candidates if we have a clear and simple anti-immigration betrayal slogan and pound it in a relentlessly disciplined manner in just a few states. I also believe that we can more effectively hurt Trump by hurting the candidates he has to stumping for.
The states to target are AZ, NV, MI, WI and MT. The first four are going to be close for Trump and have senate races this year. The fifth has a senate race in which Trump’s ego is involved. I believe a serious effort can influence all of them, especially if we can provoke the MSM into amplifying the message. But I am going to focus a little on Arizona and Montana, with the point of driving a wedge between Trump and the GOP candidates over Trump’s immigration betrayal.
Arizona is a state where immigration is the biggest issue for Republican voters. AZ used to be solidly if cuckily Republican, but is now a swing state due to immigration from Mexico and California. Trump won it in 2016 and supposedly lost it in 2020. The republican candidate, Lake, is a Trump bot. The democrat is a latino. Nevada, right next door, has a somewhat similar dynamic and the sitting Senator there is named Rosen.
Trump is going to win Montana but the senate race there is likely to be very close and is important not just for Trump (who was humiliated there six years ago) but for the sitting GOP senator Daines (who is owned by the open borders oligarch Paul Singer, and who is also head of the republican senate campaign this cycle). Montana is a small state and the sitting three-term democrat is very much a son of the soil. If the GOP candidate, a put-together lightweight with zero experience (and a carpetbagger with no wiki page), is getting hammered from the right on immigration, it is going to be noticed.
If it were me, I’d keep clear of the groypers. It might be better to let Fuentes reap any whirlwinds all of this might produce, if we can pull it off. If ever there was a man who would benefit (and benefit us all) from national service with maximum severity in the initial period, it would be Fuentes.
I don’t see the point of rejecting Kari Lake for Rueben Gallego in the U.S. Senate, the latter of which is very on board with the great replacement agenda of the Party of Jefferson. That is very stupid.
Democrat Congressman Gallego is a Shït-Libby former U.S. Marine who “has been to war” but unconditionally supports Israel. Lake will follow the Trump line whatever that is, but Lake’s and Gallego’s respective stances on Immigration could not be more clear.
Furthermore, “White Nationalist” State Senator Wendy Rogers will benefit from a Trump win in the state, even if he does not win the general election. That is probably true of other decent downballot Republicans who are not RINOS and might be moved by some Overton ventilation.
In my opinion, Biden won Arizona in 2020, but not because of ballot fraud (we actually counted the ballots afterwards to the high shrieks of the mainstream media).
I don’t think Trump’s loss was due to the Beaner invasion either, although this is a huge concern here. We have also had Voter ID for a long time, and there is talk of more “Voter Suppression,” as the Democrats call it.
I think the 2020 Trump loss in the state was because due to the Covid crisis, White retirees had left for their deep-Blue state climes where their vote would not have counted instead of voting against Immigration in their Arizona trailerpark as they normally would have. The mail-in balloting system also did not work for some reason in 2020, so you had to actually get your heinny to the polls.
Kari Lake might been a Trump “bot” ─ she floated “Stop the Steal” longer than she should have ─ but she got an impressive 49.65% of the vote in the 2022 Arizona Governor’s race against Shït-Libby Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (obsessed with Abortion and DNC talking points). Democrat Gov. Hobbs won with a razor thin 50.32% margin, or by 17,117 actual votes over Lake. (The state had a population of 7.4 million in 2022.)
The Secretary of State is the next in line for Governor in Arizona in case of a vacancy, so Lake might as well have been running against an incumbent and still did decently. The support for Hobbs in Maricopa County (Phoenix) was only pale-Blue in 2022, whereas the 2020 support for Biden in Maricopa County and Pima County (Tucson) was deep-Blue.
I am taking a different approach here than Greg’s. I am not telling anyone how to vote. I have no idea if the badthinker vote can effect or swing anything.
But our ideas are clearly influencing political discourse across the West. Every four years we get a chance to put our message in front people who would not normally encounter it. So what I am talking about is a propaganda campaign.
By targeting close senate races in a handful of swing states with a simple Trump-as-immigration-traitor message, we might (1) affect those races by affecting the polls, at least the internal ones, (2) affect downballot races in the same way, (3) affect all those races by forcing GOP candidates to disavow or at least move away from Trump on immigration, (4) affect those races by depressing the GOP vote, (5) bring more people around to our way of thinking regardless of the election outcome, and (6) affect future white political activity by moving mass immigration towards third rail status for Republican candidates.
‘Anti-immigration’ in some form is supported by over half the voters. It’s not ‘White Nationalist Thing’ anymore. Between 50-60% of voters support mass deportation of all illegal aliens.
I think a lot of folks on our side haven’t caught up with the fact that some of our original ‘pro-White’ issues have been adopted by the majority.
We need to move on.
We need to plan ahead for the time when the ruling trash concedes on mass illegal immigration and shifts gears to put mass legal immigration on steroids like they have Canada.
We need to be planning now to have something to say that displaced Whites who are afraid of their own ‘racism’ but are still very concerned about the effects of mass immigration.
As for slogans, I propose “No wall, no vote.” I’d prefer “No illegals and no immigration moratorium, no vote” but the former is catchier.
Is not possible that Harris would mount a significantly more severe war on freedom of speech than Trump would? Some people in the UK recently thought that Labour could not be much worse than the Conservatives, since the Tories were so cucked. But with Labour in power for just a few weeks we have the spectacle of Brits being jailed for tentatively worded (and since deleted) social media posts:
As Jim Goad says in this article, despite the First Amendment, Americans can still be debanked and fired from their jobs because of their speech. Who knows how a Harris administration would worsen the situation? But I dare to say that Trump, having been banned from Twitter, would respect freedom more in this area.
Maybe, but Trump did nothing to protect freedom of speech on social media, even his own freedom of speech. Also, the Republicans are obsequious slaves of Jews. We saw how willing they were to attack the freedom of speech and assembly of those protesting Israel. So both sides suck on this issue in my opinion.
I’m not a Trump-tanker, wignat or accelerationist, though I’m not entirely out of sympathy with those who are. I recall that back in 1972 a lot of us were so thoroughly disgusted with Richard Nixon that we declared ourselves for the third-party candidate, American Independent Party’s John Schmitz. In the end, all that didn’t matter a hill of beans, because the McGovern-Eagleton (oops! -Shriver!) ticket was going down hard, whatever happened.
I do not believe this will be a close election at all. I believe a third of the population will hold their nose and vote for Trump-Vance because they see the election as another Flight 93 situation. And this will include most of the Trump-tankers, holding their noses at the last minute and eluding the opinion pollsters. And then another third of the electorate are already well and firmly decided to vote for Trump and against the Kamala-Tim clownshow. They won’t be budged, whatever happens.
I recall that in 2004 there was a substantial body of conservatives—most real conservative-nationalists, in fact—who were dead-set opposed to GWB and his Mideast adventuring, and said they’d vote for Nader or someone else. Most of these “came home” to the GOP in November. The thought of Kerry and his merry band in the White House was just too dreadful to stomach. That’s the only sort of “close election” 2024 could possibly turn out to be…and Kamala Harris ain’t no John Kerry.
White nationalists should do whatever is more likely to lead to a white ethnostate. That’s the goal–not whatever helps us project power within democracy. Peaceful separation will never be offered through democratic bargaining. Why focus on projecting power within a democratic system?
I hope Trump loses. If he loses, white nationalists can approach GOP constituencies with the argument, “You can’t win in a democracy this brown.” That should have been the party line after 2020, not “the election was stolen.”
If Trump wins, I’m afraid he’ll win with a decent chunk of the brown vote. The lesson for powerful GOP constituencies will be “maybe we can keep power in a multiracial democracy.” That would be a disaster and set nationalists back.
“If enough of us unite behind this project, we can tank Trump. Given the depth of Trump’s betrayal, what do we have to lose?”
First, you should not compromize your convictions.
Second, you should know that the election is a scripted, staged event. It is a curse, but also a blessing.
In a country like the USA, both parties have interest in maintaining stability of the political system.
Both “candidates” are just reflection of that.
So, what do you do as a willing and conscious voter ?
You vote for the lesser evil !
This is Kamala at 2024 Democratic National Convention:
This is Kamala’s handlers’ economic plan: economic-plan-will-terminate-the-us-economy/
This is Kamala’s state of mind:
“So I think it’s very important… for us, at every moment in time, and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past, but the future.”
Could please Greg, the C-C’s Chair of Philosophy Department, explain that Femme Fatale to us mere mortals ?
The colored woman is the lesser of the two evils. Gay race communism is less of a threat than multiracial space capitalism.
He wants Indians to replace us due to Vance marrying a Hindu. Replace Vance with a White man married to a White woman. Declare the deportation of ALL Indians. Then I’ll vote for Trump. Otherwise, fuck him.
Indians have ruined the tech induatry and their spam call centers have made owning a cellphone useless. I’d be all for a platform of nuking India and exterminating them all at this point. At least then he’d have a vision.
Indians have ruined a hell of a lot more than the tech industry. It’s just my personal opinion but they are the ones that have been chosen to replace us. The only reason for Vance’s VP nomination was to accelerate the process. If anyone else on here has had the pleasure of having Indian neighbors you will know what I’m talking about. Someone should remind Trump of who replaced the IT department’s of Disney and AT&T as well as many others. Also there’s an endless amount of them.
I think we need to be practical. Yes, it is unsettling hearing Trump saying what he said about letting a lot of people in. I doubt he will actually deport anyone. If he does win, I’m willing to be whatever subversion and artifice the left pulled during his first administration will look like a walk in the park. He’s not even the incumbent and already there was an assassination attempt.
The thing is, a Harris presidency will undoubtedly wreck the country. I think Jim Goad eloquently opined that there are simply too many problems facing the US for one man to fix. On that note, very hard to fix but very easy to screw up more and that is precisely what Harris will do. That being said, do we really want to give Harris and Walz the satisfaction of saying “this is what democracy looks like!” after they win?
Tell me which option is scarier for you:
1. Harris wrecks the country, destabilizing the system that is replacing us and hastening its end.
2. Trump stabilizes the system that is replacing us, allowing it to retain power until whites simply disappear.
Option 2 is objectively worse from a White Nationalist point of view.
Just a thought. Is it possible that Trump is blowing smoke just to pacify the ruling class?
I doubt he’s that clever. He said it because he thought it was a good idea. He’ll reverse course if it’s massively unpopular. The problem is that it will be hard to hold his feet to the fire if he gets elected and then sells out again.
We’ve been hearing that 4D chess argument for 8 years now.
Anything is possible with this buffoon. But he needs to be punished regardless. It is not good when the only defense is that Trump is being insincere.
2. Trump stabilizes the system that is replacing us, allowing it to retain power until whites simply disappear.
Whites won’t literally disappear from the US for centuries.
A Trump presidency would be far less repressive towards us than one by Harris where our First and Second Amendment rights would be under constant attack.
Voting for Harris would be “worse is better” accelerationism at its worst.
Also, re: 1. Harris wrecks the country, destabilizing the system that is replacing us and hastening its end.
And then what? I understand the appeal of that thought, but I honestly doubt things will work out that smoothly. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think “the system” has a future, and rightly so, but whatever comes next is anybody’s guess. It could be infinitely worse.
You took the words out of my mouth for my response to Greg.
This reeks of the, “we need things to get bad for things to get better” idea/meme. I think this originally cake from Lenin… how did that end up working out?
I feel this line of thinking is cutting of your nose to spite your face.
Again: What is objectively worse for whites?
1. Race replacement + chaos and socialism
2. Race replacement + law and order, meritocracy, and capitalism
We have a much better chance of surviving the first scenario than the second. The second will simply make the euthanasia patient more comfortable.
Actually, it is rational in the long term to be willing to hurt yourself to punish your enemies. They are far less likely to mess with you than a person who is always ruled by calculations of short term self-interest.
Greg can you write or do an interview on CCR with an update on your perspective on Trump. Now that he has used the Remigration word and with another assassination attempt. Interested to get your thoughts.
I think, ultimately, ‘the movement’ is too goal-oriented and not enough strategy-minded. In my view, the goal of ‘the movement’ should the death of the national GOP. To achieve this goal we need to withhold our vote ‘up ticket’ (President, Senators) and be very selective about giving our vote ‘down ticket’ (Representative, Governors, local elections). We also need to think clearly about what we’re trying to accomplish with voting based upon the different levels of ‘government’ with which we are asked to provide legitimacy through our vote.
Which brings forward an issue we ought to consider central: legitimacy.
Is a government run by Trump and his anti-White Zionist handlers any more or less legitimate than a government run by Harris and her White liberal anti-White handlers?
I submit to you it is not.
I’m not voting for Trump because he offered nothing to my people that is worth lending the legitimacy my vote would give him.
I feel the same about Harris.
‘Lesser of two evils’ is a stupid strategy that has not resulted in any victories in 70+ years of White Nationalist agitation. People arguing for Concerned Whites to vote for Trump are either GOP partisans or incapable of learning from experience.
At the lower levels of governance, pro-Whites should be looking for candidates who are pro-nullification. And in particular we need to look at the position of governors on nullification. For example, when Abbott in Texas decided to challenge Biden on a very small part of the border, nine governors in the US sided with him. These were all states that were contiguous and ran from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian border.
Given that ‘anti-immigration’ is generally aligned with the goals of the movement, these nine states look like a homeland-within-a-homeland for pro-White Whites. No perfect, but a start.
If WN’s made ‘Don’t tread on me ‘nullification their one issue ‘down ticket’, I believe we could, in fact, change the contours of our local elections in such a way as to negate any losses ‘up ticket’.
My belief is that the goal of ‘running the table’ and ‘getting control’ of the Federal Authority is both unnecessary and counter-productive. The more we try to grasp, the bigger the reaction from Whites who don’t yet understand what we’re trying to do and how it benefits them.
In every populist White-dominated movement that I’m familiar with rejectionist, separatist, ‘Don’t tread on me’ sentiment has been a significant part of the movement.
So, don’t vote for Trump or Harris is you don’t want to legitimate the Federal Authority. Instead, focus your attention on your ‘down ticket’ candidates. Some of them are no doubt going to be Chamber of Commerce (CoC) stooges, but the pro-immigration, pro-‘global competition’ positions of the CoC is increasingly unpopular.
There are lots of ‘down ticket’ elections and referendum where the ‘minority vote’ of WNs can make a difference. But only if we’re not selling White Nationalism. This is the key. We need to be selling something – ‘Don’t tread on me’ nullification – that creates the conditions to increase the likelihood for ‘pro-White’ policies.
We need to keep separate the agitational component of the movement from the electoral strategy of the movement.
Since neither Trump or Harris are pro-White, we need to look for other candidates whose positions are more aligned with the separatist politics and economics that will be more conducive to WN’s getting what they want: Freedom from non-Whites and anti-White policies.
One way to send a message by voting for the colored woman is to vote all R down ticket. That would show specifically that Trump is the problem. Believe me, that sort of discrepancy will be noted.
Supporters of Trump in 2024 do not seem to appreciate that the GOP most ferociously betrays its base when it has the Office of the President. It’s only when the DNC holds the Office of the President that the GOP are forced to keep up appearances by putting up the most pitiful fight possible in support of the GOPs ‘base’. A vote for the GOP is never a vote for the White workers interests. Never. People seem to forget Reagan’s amnesty and all-out war against White union workers.
Yes, this is important to keep in mind. The Rephblicans will oppose the Democrats passing bills that the Republicans would pass if they were the majority. But they are paid to oppose things, as long as they don’t affect Israel.
“Trump is now indistinguishable from the GOP on immigration.” / “business “needs” foreigners to replace us.”
I think those who call for more immigration on behalf of business interests are really working for the Jews, not for business interests. Business owners want more money, not more brown migrants. Only a minority of them have become richer thanks to the Third World invasion. Most of them would be better off without mass immigration, as would everyone else in the country.
The obvious way for the government to please/bribe business owners, including big employers, is to cut taxes on business. And there must be many other ways to transfer money from the general population to the business owners. There is no need to destroy White people with mass immigration, no matter what the Chambers of Commerce say.
The GOP is not only for third-worldization, they also want tax cuts. If their priority is to reward business owners who contribute money to their campaigns, they should just push for bigger tax cuts. But it looks like their priority is to please the Jews.
I agree with the sentiment and live in Georgia, a place where the Indian immigration is especially intense and to such an extent that I voted against most Republicans at a state level circa 2022. If Trump 2024 means more of the same than I’m Not Trump 2024. That being said is there some anti-immigration candidate that those of the white right can rally to? It strikes me as actually sending a message when you can clearly point to who Trump lost votes to and why, whereas voting for the Indian obfuscates the real reason for his loss and as a result allows all sorts of wrongheaded narratives to take root. If it’s a candidate who’s decisively anti-immigration then if their votes exceed the margin Trump loses by it sends a message that he could’ve won their votes if only he wasn’t a sellout.
The best way to send a message is to vote for the colored woman and loudly tell the world why. That increases your impact by canceling a pro-Trump vote.
No. If Trump loses, the System-media will easily sell the narrative that this was so because Trump was too racist and never that he was not racist enough.
Some people protesting the impending desecration and melting down of sacred American symbols in 2017 easily got turned by the corporate media into “the ignorunt raycists marched to massacre innocent social-justice students [coalburners] like Heather Heyer.” Hate. Hate. Hate.
The Left will say that a Kamala win is another triumphant nail in the coffin of White Supremacy and accelerate their anti-White policies and replacement agenda.
And the RINOs will heartily endorse this narrative as well, and it will embolden the impotent cultural opposition to the Democrats like Romney or McCain, while discrediting White advocates at all levels.
Downballot, it will stengthen the cucky Jeff Flakes and discredit the pro-White Russell Pearces.
You pose scenarios 1) Kamala or 2) Trump.
Both support Great Replacement but Scenario 1) especially so. As such, both will inevitably lead to chaos.
I don’t think the power grid is going out with either ─ but who knows what could happen if Chaos becomes a feature and not a bug.
The chaos might be more manageable with Trump, but there is not going to be much efficiency or meritocracy with Trump anyway unless he has an epiphany on Race, and that will never happen.
But the damage for White people will be less because it will not be explicitly against White people. That buys whatever time there is left.
If Trump loses for whatever reason, then it means that Kamala-Walz wins and it will get infinitely worse for White people ─ and that is not going to help either White people nor bolster any struggle for their interests.
Unless there is another billionaire who can thumb their nose at the System (which despises him) like Trump can, and who can generate fawning crowds of White people like Trump can, then I don’t see how supporting a Kamala win does anything except hurt us or purity-spiral.
There is no reason to support the least-favorable option in some futile effort to send a “message” to Trump that he will never hear unless (possibly) he thinks we are friends. Trump will not be viable in 2028 anyway.
But if he wins, and his coattails are not toxic for us, and he does not fight us, then there may be time for someone better to emerge from the base.
That will not happen if Kamala wins.
And any protest votes against Trump will just be part of the normalization-of and the vindication-for the sacred anti-White agenda ─ so the Overton goalposts will be moved very far in the wrong direction, yet again.
“Vote for us because at least we’re not Democrats!” doesn’t cut it for me.
In 2016 I voted for Trump with enthusiasm. By April 2017 I was off the Trump train and thoroughly disgusted.
In 2020 I held my nose and voted for Trump.
In 2024 I will….well, at this point I am not sure. I’ll show up on Nov. 5 but I will probably skip the presidential race. Trump has just not done enough to win my vote.
Do I want Kamala to win? No, not at all, but if she does, then the people have spoken, and America as we know it goes down the drain. As Hoppe observed, Democracy is the God that failed. Expect poverty and tyranny. I, however, am at the end of my life. I’ve been warning anyone who will listen for the last 35 years. If I live long enough to see the implosion of the United States of America, I will at least have that satisfaction before I expire, have a life review, and go up the tunnel of light.
Don’t blame me for a Kamala victory. It’s not my fault that the Republicans run shitty candidates who show their true priorities by kissing Zionist ass at every opportunity. Not my fault that every mouth-breather with a pulse may cast a ballot.
Sadly, no matter which one of them wins, we the people lose. They call that “liberal” democracy.
RFK Jr. & Trump
JMO, but it’s possible that the business with Robert Kennedy Jr. (he & Dondi are playing footsie) will shift things somewhat, but in what direction I couldn’t say. I suspect that some folks will be scratching their heads over this. Wall Street Journal says it will make not things better for Trump, but we have to wait & see.
I can hardly wait to hear RFK’s resignation speech…
Supporters of communism used to say they had seen the future (in the USSR) and it worked. The more they made that sound plausible, the worse trouble anti-communists were in.
Antiwhites are eager to say they have seen the post-White (or “post-racial”) future and it works. The more they make that sound plausible the worse trouble Whites are in.
We don’t want the false promise that the post-White world will be wonderful and we wouldn’t want a true promise that the post-White world would be wonderful even if that were possible which it isn’t.
We pro-Whites want actual survival for White people as a race. Our goal is not a smoother and easier path to oblivion. Our goal is survival. Accept no substitutes.
Amen to that.
Having a total wall & ALL illegals deported cannot be separated & must be implemented on the first day of the new POTUS, everything else is downstream. The slow boil to be avoided at all cost.
Voting is pointless in America in 2024. Most American elections since Kennedy’s assassinations have been rigged, one way or the other, with the elite allowing steady alterations in power between moderate left wingers/Democrats and moderate right wingers/Republicans. This has kept the last generation of elites in comfortable power in the second half of the twentieth century by preserving the stability of the system – that is, keeping the political center of gravity in the middle without allowing things to swing too far to either extreme. The American masses have an intuitive understanding of this but have mostly accepted it since the economic standard of living in America has been pretty good until about the 1990s.
Despite these fluctuations between the “left” and “right” wings of the Uniparty of the elites, however, the overall trend in the United States for at least the last several decades has been anti-White. Of course, you don’t go straight from Nordic White to sub-Saharan African in a decade – rather, there is a slower process of mongrelization and bastardization. First, the Jews started taking over academia, entertainment and finance. Then, the swarthiest southern Italians were presented as “cool” in films such as The Godfather, Goodfellas, etc., then the Latins/Cubans in films such as Scarface, and so on – and, now, of course, as representatives of the Uniparty of the elites, we have the mongrel Kamala Harris on one “side” and the mongrel children (the future of America) of JD and Usha Vance on the other. At what point, then, does it become completely obvious that America is irrevocably no longer a White nation but, essentially, a mongrelized entity like Brazil or Columbia?
From a White Nationalist perspective, America is dead. The country as a whole is completely without saving. As for saving a part of it – and since we are talking about race and not some abstract idea, this would have to mean geographically (that is, physically) separating out a chunk of the country and preventing the people in that chunk from also becoming mongrels and bastards – this is also very unlikely, since the problem of mongrelization in America is spread out throughout the entire country and not confined to one area. Sure, some areas outside of the big cities are still “majority white” on paper but if you go to those areas, you will see that there are few or no jobs – the factories were all relocated to far-away countries long ago (and this was done more by the “right wing”/Republican/muh capitalism wing of the Uniparty, by the way). Most of the jobs are in the big metro areas. However, the big metro areas are a mongrelized, race-mixed Brazilian mess. So, we have a conundrum here, from a White Nationalist perspective. So what’s the solution?
The solution, of course, is to understand that, from a White Nationalist perspective, America has become a malignant tumor on the body of the White Race. That is not to say that all Americans are cancer calls – and certainly not White Nationalist Americans – however, America as a whole, as an entity in 2024, certainly is. The only response to this, from a White Nationalist perspective, can be to leave the country – that is, to excise the tumor. The single best investment of time and energy for anyone in America who considers himself or herself to be a White Nationalist, is to get together with other White Nationalists and organize their common re-location to a suitable part of Central/Eastern/Northern Europe. This will also, in fact, kill two birds with one stone, since it will not only starve America of remaining good White blood (and White tax money), it will also hasten the creation of a “Fortress Europe”, which is the last chance the White Race (less than 10% of the world’s population) has of surviving the coming racial tidal wave of the hordes of billions of non-White Indians, Chinese, Africans, Arabs, etc.
Everything else (and that certainly includes voting in America in 2024) is a waste of time.
Voting is pointless in America in 2024.
About time someone said this. Anything else is debating frying pan VS fire.
I would be happy to hear a better alternative.
I have no cures for our situation, but I know this for sure: voting does not work anymore. With all the propaganda shoved down our throats about the greatness of democracy (everyone of legal age gets to vote – yippee!) since we were children in first grade, it actually takes courage to not vote.
Consider, too, that anti- or non-voting is generally treated with contempt. In some countries, if you don’t vote, you face punishment. Shouldn’t that tell you something? Look up “compulsory voting”.
Yeah, I’m not a big fan of “Democracy.”
It is the scheme where the average idiot, low-information and low-agency citizen decides the important matters. That is why expensive television ads are so effective for candidates, especially when they go negative.
This might be news to the Democrats, but the Constitution never created a “Democracy” and never even used that term. Some of the Founding Fathers did not even like the idea of all White men voting, and their concerns were not unwarranted.
I actually would hope that the stupidest, least informed, and least motivated would sit it out completely ─ and this often happens in the less exciting horseraces, especially in the Midterms.
Democrats, especially, think that some kind of magic happens automatically when they “get out the vote.”
In Arizona some time ago, the usual suspects wanted to end “voter suppression” and really bus out the vote with their minority and disfranchised minions. A Bill was proposed to allow “Community Organizers” to go into nursing homes and whatever to collect ballots, possibly even fill them out, and then deliver them to the polls. Yeah, what could possibly go wrong with that? This blatant proposal was defeated of course.
NormanRockwellinPrague: August 21, 2024 From a White Nationalist perspective, America is dead. The country as a whole is completely without saving. As for saving a part of it – to mean geographically (that is, physically) separating out a chunk of the country and preventing the people in that chunk from also becoming mongrels and bastards…
[F]rom a White Nationalist perspective, America has become a malignant tumor on the body of the White Race. That is not to say that all Americans are cancer calls – and certainly not White Nationalist Americans – however, America as a whole, as an entity in 2024, certainly is. The only response to this, from a White Nationalist perspective, can be to leave the country.
Scott: August 21, 2024 I would be happy to hear a better alternative.
I “liked” Norman Rockwell’s comment for his first sentence, that America as some of us once knew it is dead. But his conclusion is defeatist: run away and leave the entire country to whomever will replace us.
I have provided a better alternative, over and over here at C-C for the past year or so, but it can only appeal to the 2% of so-called “White nationalists” with the ears to understand William Pierce’s solution; form our own communities of serious, eligible, like-minded Whites in already all-White communities. I’ve even provided an outline, a blueprint for how we go about this: “What is the National Alliance?” at But like I said, it’s only for those who can comprehend it and who have the will and determination to be a part of it. It is a “build it and they will come” proposition.
Greg: Nick Fuentes has declared “Groyper War II” against Donald Trump… I agree with [Trump loyalists] that Fuentes looks ridiculous.
Pardon my French, Greg. Fuck the puerile groypers and fuck Fuentes. He should have lost every serious-minded adult White separatist except die-hard Bible thumping Jesus freaks when he declared that when his crew takes over <harumph!> all non-Christians will be exterminated. How will his crew handle those on-Whites who replace all those American Whites who ran away from the struggle?
“Voting is pointless in America in 2024.” – I’d be interested in Gregs response to that, but here’s mine.
We have a fake democracy and elections are rigged, but they can only be rigged to a degree. They’re not 100% rigged. For example, I can guarantee that the election outcome will not be a 70/30 split either way.
Elections therefor can be swayed to a degree. But it depends on the numbers as Greg and David Zutty have outlined. We unfortunately dont have the numbers.
Even if it is going to be rigged, we can make it harder for them to rig.
No, I don’t believe it is all fake and rigged. That’s schizo talk and belongs on another website.
We may well have the numbers. We don’t know because we don’t have a serious movement that would fund knowing such matters. Instead, we have a movement that invests in superchats, drugs, drink, and WWII memorabilia, then, when faced with actual questions, thinks we can substitute memes and fakery.
If we don’t have the hard and soft power to reclaim all of America, I don’t see how we can do so for part of America.
An awakened White ethnostate, large or small, would be public enemy number one for the Enemy that we face. It would simply not be tolerated!
It would be like actually allowing Hitler to keep the Sudetenland and Danzig, both of which wanted nothing more than to be German again.
The racially/ethnically German part of Österreich (Austria) was also explicitly forbidden under the terms of the Versailles Treaty to join the German Reich. So much for the Wilsonian plank of the “Self-Determination of Peoples.” (That plank only applied for Entente interests, apparently.)
This is why Germany and its “Bohemian Corporal,” as Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt impiously called him, had to be put down hard by the German nation’s foreign enemies.
(For all his hidebound faults, however, von Rundstedt had been in the regular German Army for over fifty years, and at least he was loyal.)
What I am saying is that the best chance for us is to decisively reclaim the necessary power somehow.
We can either do it or we can’t do it. But we cannot run away from this. There is NO place that is far enough away nor safe enough.
Any White person would be crazy to vote Democrat. They are anti-White extremists, in the manner of Keir Starmer in the UK.
Donald Trump was quite good in his first term – certainly better than Hillary Clinton. In his second term, he will be better, in reaction to all the lawfare against him. Trump will appoint honest, competent judges and other officials. His choice of J D Vance for VP is an example of this. (For some reason, that has really enraged the war-mongers.)
The US Deep State is just like Inner Party from Orwell’s novel. They demand total power for themselves, and they view Trump as a threat. They even tried to kill him on July 13. For over nine years, they have demonized him, training their minions to hate him. He is their Emmanuel Goldstein. I would like to see their over-the-top, hysterical reaction to a Trump victory in 2024.
There is no reason to think Trump will be better in a second term. His rhetoric on immigration is far worse. Enjoying Leftist shrieking about Trump is no reason to vote in someone who is objectively worse for whites. Gay race communism is less a threat than fully automated luxury racial nihilism under Trump.
America’s decline cannot be stopped, and certainly not by Trump. However, on immigration he’s better than the Democrats. And he will appoint good judges. The Democrats will appoint more freaks and kritarchs to the courts. I don’t want that. I don’t want the federal courts to look like the New York “justice” system. Or California – freaky and creepy.
I like Trump, despite his many faults. I’m a decelerationist. The slower, the better. Where there’s life, there’s hope.
Do you agree with Vladimir Putin, that it doesn’t matter who is “President” of the USA, that he is merely a figure-head for the Deep State? That is certainly true with Biden and Harris. Less so with Trump. That’s why the Deep State hates him – they can’t control him completely. He might even have learned something from his recent experiences.
Trump is not better on immigration. He’s committed to race replacement now, as long as businesses want to pay workers less, which means: always and unconditionally. Given the choice of fast, chaotic, socialist race replacement or slow, orderly, capitalist race replacement, I think the latter is far worse. It is the slow boil option. Count me out.
Greg well done on laying out the logic of all this. It’s so obvious to me that Trump is going to be worse for White people in the long run.
They are trying to run out the clock. 4 more years of Trump means 4 more years of false hope.
It is worse than false hope. It is a racial death camp run with capitalist efficiency.
Trump the car wreck or Kamala the Train wreck.
Sorry, can’t vote for a Train wreck!