Donald Trump needs an intervention. But is there anyone he will listen to? Trump’s conversation with Elon Musk on August 12th offers some hope. After a great deal of autistic rambling, Trump actually started listening to Musk. Also, Trump’s great immigration betrayal on August 15th showed signs of his conversation with Musk, which mentioned AI:
. . . [W]e’re going to close the border and get the crooked ones out, the bad ones out. And we’re gonna let a lot of people come in. Because we need more people. Especially with AI coming and all of the different things. And the farmers need, everybody needs. But we’re going to make sure they’re not murderers, killers, drug dealers, and the kind of people we have, largely, coming in right now.
Trump has followed up this statement with others in the same vein since then, to the consternation of single-issue immigration voters like me. What’s so upsetting about this statement? Why could it hurt Trump? And why should Musk intervene?
Why Trump’s Statement Is A Betrayal
Trump excited me because he combined proposing a border wall and tough controls on immigration with nationalism and populism. Nationalism means putting Americans first. Populism means siding with working Americans against powerful business interests. Trump always maintained he was for immigration, but at the start, it was also clear that the standard to govern immigration was: what protects American workers and contributes to renewing American greatness. Those standards would considerably reduce immigration.
Trump was fuzzy-minded about this from the start. If he spent five minutes with businessmen, he would start talking about the “needs” of business as a basis for immigration. Fortunately, at the beginning at least, he had Steve Bannon to remind him that America is not just an economic zone. It is a nation with an identity and a destiny to protect.
The great betrayal in the statement above is that the only standard for immigration is the “needs” of businesses. Why do businesses “need” immigrants? The answer is: they don’t. If a business has a shortage of workers or an excess of capital, it can always send the capital overseas where the labor is. It doesn’t need to import labor.
Your boss simply prefers immigration because, by increasing competition among workers, he can pay you less and keep more for himself. You, of course, prefer to retain your standard of living, even improve it. Trump is now siding with the bosses against you. So much for populism.
Trump is talking about mass deportations. But even if he gets rid of all the “crooked” immigrants, what about the tens of millions of illegals who are working in the US economy? If employers “need” them, will Trump really deport them—just to turn around and let them return to their jobs? Obviously that makes no sense. The logical policy is a mass amnesty.
If business interests are the sole factor in setting immigration policies, when would it all end? If we had completely open borders and free trade, the only natural stopping point would be one global price for all products, including labor. If American workers had to compete for jobs with more than 7 billion other people, they would be pauperized overnight. So much for putting America first. (See my essay “The End of Globalization.”)
Beyond the collapse of American prosperity, open immigration would alter the racial composition of America beyond recognition. America would simply cease to be a First World country. White Americans would lose our homeland. We would be reduced to a powerless minority under a system that blames us for its own failures and those of its client groups. Elon Musk knows what that leads to. That’s why he left South Africa.
Why This Could be a Problem for Trump
This immigration betrayal could cost Trump the election. This is likely to be a very close race. Trump’s first race was very close, and a lot of the white Bobs and Karens who voted for Trump in 2016 are now dead, replaced by Enriques and Jamals who vote more than 70% of the time for Democrats.
This underscores the stupidity of Trump campaign manager Susie Wiles, who has pinned Trump’s reelection hopes on Enrique and Jamal, not Karen. (Karen’s husband Bob, who voted for Trump in 2016, is now dead and will henceforth be voting Democrat.) Sorry, Susie, the Great Replacement works for the Left, which is why they opened the borders in the first place.
Beyond that, there are a lot of single-issue Trump voters, and that issue is immigration. If enough of these voters in a few swing states stay home, or decide to punish Trump by voting for Harris, they could cost Trump the election. And the closer the race, the more powerful small groups of swing voters become.
Is this threat real? Yes. In my article, “Can White Nationalists Tank Trump?,” I argue that even if a Dump Trump campaign were confined to White Nationalists and adjacent spheres, it could cost him the election. Thus it would be foolish to ignore this threat just because it is being spearheaded by Nick Fuentes, whom many dismiss as a troll or a fed.
Moreover, there is a great deal of normie Republican pushback against Trump’s betrayal. The Republican mainstream is far closer to the “far Right” than it was in 2016, which means that a Dump Trump movement could move from the margins to the mainstream very quickly. Remember: the Great Replacement was marginal even among White Nationalists when it was coined by Renaud Camus in 2011. Now it is mainstream among Republicans.
Currently, the Homeland Institute is conducting a poll to determine how many single-issue immigration voters there are among Republican normies. The findings should be reported within the next couple of weeks.
Would Single-Issue Voters Really Tank Trump?
Given that so much is at stake in this election—law and order, rolling back wokeness and DEI, the First and Second Amendments, inflation, and myriad foreign policy challenges—would some voters really stay home or vote for Harris over immigration alone?
In a word: Yes. That’s what it means to be a single-issue voter. To me, none of these other things matter unless we can get immigration under control. If you accept that single-issue voters are real, then enough single-issue immigration voters may very well tank Trump.
I am a White Nationalist. As I explain in The White Nationalist Manifesto, I believe that whites must secure their homelands from unrestrained non-white immigration, because under current conditions, the white race is on the path to extinction. Because of globalization and open borders, the four major causes of biological extinction now apply to whites: loss of habitat, invasive species, hybridization, and excessive predation. White Nationalists see white homelands with closed borders and pro-natal policies as the only way to preserve our race from biological extinction. (See my essay “White Extinction.”)
White extinction will happen if we have unrestricted non-white immigration under the aegis of either global socialism or global capitalism.
If our only choice is white extinction managed with socialist inefficiency or capitalist efficiency, then I prefer the socialist model, because it is more likely to break down, giving our people a chance to set up a pro-white system.
How do you boil a frog if he is free to jump out of the pot? If you increase the heat too fast, the frog will leap. If, however, you increase the heat slowly, the frog might be comfortable enough not to think of leaping until it is too late.
Under the Biden-Harris administration, the flood of millions of illegal aliens is akin to the fast boil. The frogs are getting jumpy. It is no solution, however, if their only option is to jump from a fast-boiling pot to a slow-boiling one. But that’s all that Trump is offering now. Thus, from a White Nationalist perspective, Trump is worse than Harris.
This is why, as a White Nationalist, I supported Obama over McCain and Romney. Both Republicans were just as committed as Obama to globalization and immigration, with all their racially destructive implications. If we must have race replacement, then:
- I prefer the frontman of the operation to be nonwhite rather than white. It is truth in advertising. It also makes the Great Replacement perceptibly real. Thus whites are more likely to wake up and resist it.
- I prefer the Great Replacement to be run with socialist inefficiency rather than capitalist efficiency.
- I prefer the fast boil to the slow boil.
- I prefer that the Republicans to oppose and obstruct this process, which they will do if their man is not in the White House. Having a Republican in the White House lulls white people to sleep. They think things are okay, allowing race replacement and general Leftist rot to creep forward unopposed.
I supported Trump only because his views on immigration differed from those of McCain and Romney. Trump’s new position, however, is exactly the same. Thus, I would prefer Harris to be elected, knowing full well how awful she is and how destructive her administration is likely to be.
Again, if our only choice is race replacement with capitalist efficiency or socialist chaos, I prefer chaos, and that is what I will vote for. If enough other people in swing states feel the same way, then Trump has thrown the election.
Why Elon Musk Should Intervene
Why should Elon Musk intervene to talk sense to Trump about immigration? Isn’t Musk a businessman? Doesn’t he support immigration? Isn’t he an immigrant himself? Doesn’t he want to pay his employees less, like every other businessman?
All this may be true, but Musk still should intervene with Trump, because Musk has more to lose from this election than White Nationalists do.
If Trump wins, Musk can hope for pro-business tax and economic policies, a thriving economy, better policing, a rollback of DEI, and a decreased likelihood of global thermonuclear war. If Musk wants to take humanity to the stars, he needs Trump to win.
If Trump loses, however, Musk can look forward to confiscatory taxation, economic chaos, more lawlessness, more DEI, and a greater chance of nuclear war.
Beyond that, the Left will never forgive Musk for turning Twitter into a free speech platform. They will come after X, Tesla, Space X, and all his other ventures with regulations and lawfare. He won’t be taking us to Mars if he has to fight for his very survival.
What we need to hear from Trump is that immigration policy will not be determined by the “needs” of businesses but by the good of the nation as a whole. And no, the business of America is not business. We are a nation, not an economic zone.
Personally, I would prefer a complete moratorium on immigration. Barring that, how about a net negative immigration policy? Just as we should get rid of old laws and regulations before we pass new ones, shouldn’t we reduce the existing number of immigrants if we want to add new ones? How about a policy in which we can have one new immigrant for every ten emigrants? That would actually give businesses an incentive to encourage net emigration.
Moreover, new immigrants should make American workers better off, not worse off. How about a policy of allowing only wealthy people to immigrate, as long as they create jobs in America? Why not give businessmen some competition from immigrants, for a change? (We should also have a policy of allowing wealthy people to emigrate without economic penalty.)
If we are going to have immigration, why not have a preference for white immigrants, who would increase homogeneity and harmony rather than diversity and conflict? (See my essay “What’s Wrong with Diversity?”)
When Elon Musk turned Twitter into a free(r) speech platform, I declared him the most important man in the world. I still believe that. He could save America, save himself, and save Trump’s candidacy, but only if he can save Trump from himself.
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Why not sell green cards for their real worth?
$10,000,000 each would be fair.
The American people are the shareholders of the USA, not the employees of the USA.
This is a very important and underappreciated point I have long held, but never thought to express it as you have done. What I have argued (especially to open immigration libertarians back in the 80s and 90s; later I stopped talking to them altogether) is that America (or any true ethnonation, which is what we were) is not just some undeveloped piece of territory in its original state (like, eg, Antarctica, the seabed in the middle of the ocean, or the Moon), but is, rather, property, albeit not individual property (like a home or business or Trump golf course), but collective or national property. I argued in this way because doing so is both correct, and a way to appeal to libertarians with their emphasis on property rights as the most basic human rights (a contention I also believe is correct).
We whites have a collective property right in our white nations, either the ones we’ve occupied and built up from time immemorial as the first inhabitants (ie, Europe), or those whose territories were either uninhabited or only sparsely inhabited by savages who did nothing to develop civilization or systems of property rights (ie, North America, Australia, South Africa, etc – the “New World” white nations), but upon which whites later founded and built great nations. A collective, ethnonational property right (a concept which I admit requires considerable philosophical development and elucidation) does not possess the same scope as an individual one. But it is, I believe, sufficient as a tool of “weaponized ethics” to defeat claims that immigration restrictions (especially those imposed for reasons of preserving white racio-national identity and collective cultural character) are in any way unjust.
[This is the type of issue in philosophical ethics (and Christian theology) which I feel is vital to developing the moral case for white preservation (and whites, being the most ethical race, simply will not take the coercive and likely brutal measures necessary to ensure their racial perpetuity without believing it ethically justified to do so), and that I intend to spend my retirement years working on.]
A collective, ethnonational property right (a concept which I admit requires considerable philosophical development and elucidation)
Hasn’t the Left already done that?
Yes, the Soviet Union belonged to the Soviet people. But the Soviet people belonged to the Communist Party and the KGB.
Maybe so, but I was talking about the New Left, not the Old Left. You know, the Cultural Marxists who have been telling us all about how White people stole these resources and that land from this or that indigenous group, all the while denying that White people can be indigenous, with the rights and prerogatives that go along with that, anywhere on the planet under any circumstances.
No, there was no ownership over anything more than a small craft shop or a family farm. The Chairman of the Party owned nothing; he only enjoyed trappings in relation to his position.
Not exactly, though I’ve felt for decades that whites in Europe should be deploying the Left’s indigeneity arguments in denouncing nonwhite immigration into Europe. Indeed, at least three decades ago (and maybe longer), the Jewish Marxist historian of note Eric Hobsbawm was pointing out that the New Left’s earlier obsession with Third World “decolonization” and “anti-colonial struggles” could also be weaponized by the Far Right against what he called “the new immigration.”
My concept, however, is substantially different. Yes, it is an anti-colonialist, not white supremacist, one, but I argue for its validity. North America pre-European colonization was a territory sparsely populated by savages (as determined by some objective standard; for me I would refer to an ecumenical understanding of Christian moral theology). The white man came and colonized this vast territory, in the process founding the nations of the US and Canada, and then building them up into a great Anglo civilization. To whom does that civilization belong: the white Americans, or some group of nonwhite aliens? It belongs to those of us whose ancestors did the work of building the country. It most certainly does not belong to people (ie, immigrants) with no ancestral participation in the building of the nation.
To whom does that civilization belong: the white Americans, or some group of nonwhite aliens? It belongs to those of us whose ancestors did the work of building the country. It most certainly does not belong to people (ie, immigrants) with no ancestral participation in the building of the nation.
I quite agree. Not all indigenous peoples and cultures are entitled to the same consideration. The other day, Greg pointed out that it is difficult to make a libertarian feel guilty about something he didn’t do. I was never a libertarian, but I never suffered from any feelings of White guilt either. That got me to thinking about the reasons for my own immunity to White guilt.
I think it’s because I’m a Christian humanist and a progressive. (Can you be a humanist without being a progressive, or do I repeat myself here?) God created the world and saw that it was good, but, as the Left always likes to say, much work remains to be done. As bearers of the Imago Dei, we are here to make it better still.
I can’t think of anything less progressive than denouncing civilization and glorifying a Stone Age hunter-gatherer lifestyle that inevitably leads to brutal violence among nomadic bands competing with each other for game. Certainly, it is less burdensome for the Earth, but it certainly isn’t “progressive.” It is precisely the opposite of progressive. Moreover, none of these grandstanding shitlib blowhards would trade in their own lifestyle for a teepee and two sticks to rub together, so WTH do they expect me to feel guilty about?
As Locke would say, we have “mixed our labor” with this land. The others weren’t interested until Whites, as Locke would say, “mixed our labor” with land held in common (i.e. unowned). The others weren’t interested until we did so. Of course, in the end, we didn’t leave as much and as good in common for others, but this is an almost unavoidable consequence of agriculture. Once it gets a foothold, it will expand to take over any adjacent lands. More food security means more surviving children means more need for farmland… what were White settlers supposed to do, exactly? Sorry kids, but we promised that these Indians could continue living their Stone Age lifestyle, so no farm for you. It’ll be scientific experimentation for the lot of you.
Of course, herein lies another Leftist failure (or refusal) to recognize the implications of their own narratives. If Mexican peasants, who have a much better standard of living than the urban poor of 18th Century Europe, can’t be blamed for wanting to move for a better life, why the demonization of the founding stock? Are they pro-refugee or not?
Leftist morality is reasonably intuitive, it is the distorted and selective way they apply it that is unacceptable. I almost cried the other day when I actually heard Gregory Hood refer to voting as an “act of coercion” as a part of his ongoing Crusade against modern social and political values. I thought, gracious Lord is this person living on the same planet as me? Whom does he think is coerced by voting? Certainly not the ruling class. And even when they are, the devil is in the details. Yes, the British government did Brexit, but certainly not as the people intended.
I disagree that Trump’s betrayal on immigration will have much of an impact on his campaign. Outside of our circle most Trump supporters are blissfully unaware that he even said it, and even if they do it will not change their minds. They’re only going to look at the alternative.
I also doubt that having a non-white as the frontman when the collapse happens will get white people to wake up. The overwhelming majority of white Americans are completely deracinated. This is not South Africa and the end of apartheid. Their demise was totally predictable as they had Rhodesia as a perfect example. American whites will never put two and two together. Do you think Elon Musk believes in racial differences?
Also on an unrelated topic, where has Stephen Paul Foster been?
I think Musk does, in fact, believe in racial differences. He IS South African for goodness’ sake, and has had more than enough of an education in reality.
I agree completely with your first paragraph. I want Trump to win purely for personal reasons. He will be much better for my own interests than commie Kamala. Disappointing as he is and will be, he will also be better for white interests. We need Trump to win; to at least not be “open borders, pro-looter, anti-free speech” Kamala; maybe to build the damn Wall and oversee the “massive deportations” which he’s promised, and which his own base expects; and to be enough of a free marketist to produce an acceptable level of economic growth such that it makes electing Vance or DeSantis or someone we hope will be more soundly restrictionist on all immigration (on which I, too, am a near-single-issue voter – and have been since the 80s!) reasonably likely.
But your second paragraph is a complete black pill, even if possibly (but not assuredly) correct. If you feel the situation for our race is utterly hopeless, why are you here at all? I agree that the chances for avoiding white extinction are slim. But if I were as pessimistic as you seem to be, I would spend my non-work days reading literature, drinking wine, and enjoying my family, friends and hobbies – anything to avoid thinking about racial decline.
I’m not pessimistic, if I were I wouldn’t be on this site and donating money to it. I am realistic and I can see that race is not a concern for a huge swath of the white population. We have a lot of work to do.
Respectfully, I think prior cohorts of White Nationalists were looking for the wrong signs as to whether ‘Whites are with us’. As much as overt pro-White racial consciousness has changed my life and my understanding of the living of my life, I don’t think that most people are like me or that most people are ever to be like me. I don’t think it’s impossible that every White will become a racially-conscious pro-White White Nationalist but I don’t think that’s a viable goal at this time.
My view is that – at this time – we don’t need White folks to be ‘thinking about race’.
What we need is for them to get ‘riled up’ about things that create the conditions for open pro-White racial consciousness to be more likely to occur with nudges from the White Nationalist vanguard.
For example: Lots of people are ‘concerned’ about the ‘effects’ of immigration. A very great many of these people are White. You can wrap all kinds of ‘facts’ and ‘logic’ around this ‘concern’, but the sentiments involved in the White concern about immigration is not the same as the ‘concern’ of Negros and Browns and Yellows and Reds.
Which is why every attempt construct a ‘logical’ and ‘rational’ basis for de-immigratizing the US is not a way to get to de-immigratization, but to defuse the ‘nativist’ sentiments of Whites have regarding immigration that is not shared by Darkie Americans.
We need to find the ‘triggers’ for those emotional valences that separate Whites from non-Whites on ‘issues of concern’ that large numbers of Whites have in common with the pro-White vanguard.
By following a ‘facts and logic’ course of action in trying to get Whites to ‘think racially’, we’ve completely failed to accomplish very much along those lines.
On the other hand, we can – and ought – be emotionally sensitive and manipulative of White sentiments that lean into White racial consciousness in everything but name.
We need to create the conditions where Whites feel secure in having feelings they know that Darkies don’t share and work that emotional separation like a bankruptcy (slowly, then suddenly).
Can you provide some concrete examples of what you’re referring to? It seems like you’re advocating for implicitly white policies (attacking immigration, the border, DEI, etc), but you don’t quite say that.
I don’t think Trump or anyone else could be explicitly prowhite and win. But what undoubtedly has angered Dr. Johnson is that Trump could be resolutely restrictionist for reasons that overtly have nothing to do with white dispossession. Mass immigration, legal as well as illegal, is very bad for the objectively deserving interests of all Americans (the exceptions are those with illegitimate interests: ie, the desires to increase nonwhite racial power, or to increase low wage labor numbers so as to undercut American wage levels). Trump could make that case without ever mentioning the artificial racial transmogrification aspect.
Need them – Breed them. I sure understand the argument that you loose a generation’s contribution, and ~2 decades lost may be a lot in a Tech Race. Still, any nation that will put its head to it, which does include an extra burden for not too long, will thrive.
Trump is the only reason White, or Not White, became a thing in the Mainstream & in America’s Power Center. Which is big, very Big. That aside, he does need the right people around him. He’s as oblivious as it gets, and neither gut whiteness nor healthy instinct can make up for lack of knowledge..
I wonder if Trump has even attempted to make contact with Steve Bannon since he went to jail on Trump’s behalf.
The biggest problem with Steve Bannon is that the guy is a HUGE toe licker of the baby bombing, war criminal state of Israel. If Trump somehow wins in November, I have a very strong feeling that he will shove our US military into a new war against Iran, and by then, Bannon will be out of jail and back on his war room podcast cheer-leading for that war and he and Sean Insanity will be telling the anti-war MAGA voters that they need to support the troops and rescue poor little Israel from those awful Iranians.
I mean, how many times do we have to hear Trump repeat his promise that, if elected, he will make sure America supports Israel 1,000 percent – before it dawns on us that he is promising to ensnare our military even deeper in the Middle East and force them to fight Israel’s wars for them?
I am not saying that the Cackler and Tampon Tim would not do the same, but at least they might get a massive backlash from the American public. I’m seeing polls taken recently and the majority of Americans in those polls say they do NOT want to be dragged into any wars to defend Israel or against Russia, either. So, we all should know what that means.
As always, when the public is opposed to wars that our rulers want to get us into, those rulers orchestrate a false flag and kill a few thousand Americans – and presto! The public is too stupid to recognize this treachery for what it is – and overnight, the public opinion does a 180 degree flip and everyone is now pro-war.
Excellent essay overall, even if I disagree with abandoning Trump. I personally (being an aging, single man nearing retirement) prefer the “slow boil” to the fast one. But I do disagree for white preservationist reasons with Dr. Johnson’s new turn to accelerationism, something which he has persuasively argued against in the past, and which I cannot help seeing as a “fit of pique” resulting from Trump’s stupid, ad hoc statement on immigration.
If Trump is President, there is a chance that Vance or his staff can persuade him not to be an ass on immigration. OTOH, if commie Kamala is President, there is a very real possibility that she will find a way to put the 15 million new illegal immigrants just since Biden entered office on a “path to citizenship” (in addition to the hundreds of other ways she will work to destroy White America). The idea that this treason will sufficiently radicalize Middle America so as to outdo the damage that a Kamala regime will do to it seems farfetched to me.
All of Johnson’s past arguments against accelerationism still apply. Trump will buy us more time for prowhite Awakening activities; Kamala will shorten that time (amongst much other damage). There is also a credible chance that Trump will also permanently secure the border, and perhaps even deport millions or tens of millions of aliens. I urge prowhite voters to vote for Trump, even if in non-swing states, simply to run up his numbers (as Johnson also until just recently advocated). Whites need to stop feeling demoralized, and that requires victories (even ones more “honored in the breach than the observance”). If enough whites feel like Fred Dobbs in his comment above, then they will simply abandon fighting for white preservation altogether, and spend their days pursuing “wine, women and song”, for “tomorrow we shall die.”
But who, really, is the ‘accelerationist’ here? Dr. Johnson or Trump? In my view, the answer is ‘Trump’.
I agree with Dr. Johnson that the face of mass immigration and anti-Whiteness would be better being a non-White face. Even our enemies agree with this position. Why else is Tim Walz on the ticket?
What Concerned Whites have to face is that there is not elite coming to save the White race. They are all – to the man, woman, child and trust fund – collaborators against the White race or not White.
‘Conservatives’ want to hang onto the illusion that Whites have not lost on all issues that matter to the security and advancement of our people. Realists accept the situation is otherwise.
‘Conservatives’ want to hang onto the illusion that ‘White values’ are universal values, when they are not. The Left is right in that respect.
I’m not a single issue voter (yet), but I do think that anti-immigration sentiments are more ‘pro-White’ than pro-immigration sentiments. And I no longer care much about ‘facts’ and ‘logic’, and I care much more about ‘feelings’.
A vote for Trump is a vote to be betrayed.
A vote for Harris is a vote to be betrayed.
The difference is that Harris’ betrayal will have a darkie face.
And, in the long run, how people feel about that betrayal having a darkie face is what is going to make ‘racism’ great again.
But you and others are completely overlooking the extent of the betrayal!!
Trump is very unlikely to do any of the antiwhite things that Kamala will do. Just because he might be a disappointment (as last time) doesn’t make him into an equivalent of Kamala’s. That’s childish.
The other thing that everyone, including Greg Johnson, is overlooking, is the possibility that chameleon Trump is simply saying whatever he thinks will get him elected. I wouldn’t do that wrt immigration if I were he, simply because I would wish to be generating a PR electoral ‘mandate’ for restrictionist change should I win. But we need to understand that what matters is winning formal power, and there is a case to be made that anything that aids in this quest should be deployed, however odious to our own particular sensibilities.
Sorry, but if the best thing you can say for Trump is that he is insincere, that’s not going to motivate me to vote for him.
Trump already did many of the anti-White things Kamala ‘would do’.
Trump’s DoJ was not friend to White Nationalists.
Remember when Trump’s DoJ leapt to defend the ‘civil rights’ of White Nationalists in Charlottesville? Or the ‘civil rights’ of Whites attacked by BLM mobs? Do you remember when Trump’s DoJ RICO’d BLM?
I sure don’t.
The simple fact is that you have an imaginary Trump who already had the power to protect White interests by protecting White Nationalists and not only failed to act, but openly repudiated White Nationalists at every opportunity.
Whatever anti-White policies Kamala will try to enact, the Republicans are going to feel heat from their remaining White constituents to resist.
But if there are any anti-White policies initiated by Trump’s jewish handlers, then the GOP will support them because, well, you know, GOP President.
And I guarantee you that Trump’s jewish handlers have a whole smorgasbord of ‘hate-speech’ and ‘anti-Semitic’ laws just waiting to be enacted. It will be the Must Love Jews equivalent of the PATRIOT Act.
Trump is run by the jews who by definition are anti-White. Without anti-Whiteness, there is no ‘jewishness’. And the jews run Trump.
If you want the GOP to fight anti-White policies, then the GOP can not have access to the Presidency.
If the GOP refuses to fight Trump’s anti-White judeo-supremacist policies the DNC surely will not.
If the DNC tries to pass anti-White policies and the GOP does not fight them, the GOP will collapse.
In both cases, I expect anti-White policies or judeo-supremacist policies to be proffered because the jews in both parties hate Whites.
The difference is that if Trump wins, the GOP will advance anti-White-judeo-supremacist policies in the name of ‘party discipline’ instead of maybe fighting them.
Either way, I expect the GOP to betray their White voters every chance they get.
But, then, in my view, the national GOP must die so that White America might survive.
Idk, one could turn the frog metaphor upside down. If Trump is slow boil, Kamala is deep fry. Both will kill the frog, but at least the slow boil gives it time to notice, the deep fry will kill it before it even blinks. Which is why the dissidence is important, without it the frog will never awake from either wrong path.
How is there a credible chance that Trump will secure the border and deport tens of millions when he is explicitly telling you that he won’t do that? When he speaks on curtailing immigration now, it’s only about the distinction between legal and illegal. This matters from a legislative perspective, but the actual lived experience of people harmed by immigration is scarcely changed whether or not the immigrant has filed the proper paperwork.
Moreover, his critiques of immigration increasingly enfold his pathetic and seemingly endless attempts to court blacks, as he did at the end of his first term and throughout his reelection campaign. He repeatedly speaks about how immigration is harming black workers, but will never use the word white. To still believe that Trump is somehow pro-white strikes me as an inability to come to terms with the betrayals highlighted above.
The resilience of Trump’s cult of personality has been truly remarkable. It is a great tragedy that all of that energy, enthusiasm, and willingness to sacrifice has been mobilized in support of someone so unworthy. How many lives have been destroyed or, indeed, outright lost by those who threw their support behind someone who has yet to deliver anything of real substance and now makes no promises to do so? Johnson and many of us in his readership have given Trump more chances than almost anyone in this space, but our patience has its limits.
I have never said Trump was prowhite, nor am I in any way a Trump fanatic (I have friends and cousins who are). I agree he is utterly unworthy of his fanatical base support (which actually shows hopeful possibilities for the future: imagine how fanatical the MAGA base would be if led by a truly superior man; indeed, that would constitute the base of the future separatist Ethnostate). But Trump is by lightyears the better candidate for whites on offer today.
I fully recognize that the distinction between the legal and illegal immigration invasions is immaterial. I’ve been arguing such possibly longer than you’ve been alive (I’m about to turn 63). But there is hope that Trump will do something about securing the border – his signature issue – and he will not like to be harshly condemned by his own base for betraying his promise of massive deportations (of illegal aliens, true, but that’s needed and a good start).
Do not confuse the disappointing Trump with the horrific Kamala.
The ‘lesser of two evils’ argument just doesn’t cut it. Trump is bad because he allows this mostly White supporters to deceive themselves about race. Kamala Harris – for all of her many flaws – does not. Obama damn near killed the System’s legitimacy and, wallah, suddenly the jews front Trump to come in and save the System from a legitimacy crisis that it has earned and deserved.
And White Nationalism in any form worthy of the name, needs the Federal Authority to be in crisis in order to make room for alternative local politics (like we saw with the anti-White education board protests and Gregg Abbott’s ‘states rights’ immigration policy).
Trump is not better than Harris. Trump is a con-man and Harris is a White-hating Wine Aunt. Both are bad for Whites.
Wrong. The Great Replacement is happening due to FEDERAL policy. It will not be stopped unless the GOP captures the Presidency and both houses of Congress. Localist activism is a joke next to the scale of Federal replacementism. I’m in favor of local prowhite networking (and have been for many decades), but that in itself will not stop immigration, and halting the invasion is all that matters if we really do want the Ethnostate someday.
A thoughtful response. I agree on many counts, particularly with what you mention about the hope that the pro-Trump energy might go towards something productive one day. I certainly will not be supporting Kamala, but I live in a deep blue state I’ve never even registered to vote. I just find myself unable to have any hope left in Trump at all, even as the lesser of two evils.
“The resilience of Trump’s cult of personality has been truly remarkable.”
I am both amazed and considerably disgusted at how this guy even has a ‘cult of personality’.
I voted for him in 2016 and in 2020, not because of any perceived ‘cult of personality’, because of the promises he made, and the most important promises he made that got him elected – he made little or zero effort to make good on, once he was in the White House.
His ‘cult of personality’, if there is such a thing – is actually nothing more than the typical obnoxious, abrasive, narcissistic, egotistical and completely unlikable personality traits that are exhibited by anyone who has either been born in, or spent many years of their life in New York City. How can such a insufferable conglomeration of those kinds of negative character traits garner the guy such a massive following?
The only answer I can come up with is that White Americans are so desperate to hitch their wagons to a politician who doesn’t constantly spew vitriolic hatred at them because of their White skin – that they will ignore these repulsive character traits in the vain hope that maybe the guy might accidentally do something that might benefit Whites.
I’m skeptical Musk could talk sense into Trump — who seems to be less sharp than he was even a couple years ago. Trump has always been a “spur of the moment” type of guy, so anything he says has to taken with a big grain of salt. If he wins, he might stop all immigration and then change his mind three days later. The only guarantee Trump would bring is leftists would melt down again, however that doesn’t get us anywhere.
A little off topic, but it’s not a given that things would change much under Harris. She has the same handlers Biden had, and if she deviates too far from the rules they will get rid of her. Personally, I just can’t bring myself to vote for her, and Trump is a bumbling egomaniac who is completely unreliable, so I’m not voting.
You (and others here) do not understand political PR. Trump is seen (however laughably) as the candidate of White America. He is also (equally laughably) seen as a nationalist, and an immigration restrictionist. If Trump loses in a big way, that will D-O-O-M even the civic nationalist agenda. It will doom any future GOP efforts to curtail immigration. You people, sadly even including the normally sound Greg Johnson, do not seem to grasp modal GOP (aka Middle American) voter psychology (which is funny for people oriented towards not only nationalism, but populism).
Most GOP voters, who are white, don’t especially care about white issues per se, but they are uneasy with mass immigration, wokeness, and other racial assaults from the Left. That MAGA base is OUR potential prowhite base, indeed the only one we have (the fantasies of those who think the prowhite movement can recruit from today’s Left, which is virtually defined above all by its commitment to antiracism, aka antiwhiteness, are unworthy of serious consideration).
Trust me (as I know innumerable MAGAites, and have known the type for decades, including my years working for the GOP): if these people, who, like other voters on the Right across the West, are mostly motivated by fear (but not just fear of racial dispossession, but of crime, socialism, economic stagnation or impoverishment, diminishment of liberty, continuing loss of “traditional moral values”, etc) come to perceive MAGA-style civic nationalism as a surefire political loser, many of them will become open to appeals to “soften” the Trump agenda so as to appeal to “voters of color”, and, in league with the interminably selfish and unpatriotic Cheap Labor Lobby, that will ultimately result in the wholesale jettisoning of any attempt at immigration restriction at all. If you doubt me, look at the formal, post-2012 GOP analysis of why it lost that election, and read what that manual of treason had to say about immigration (and the alleged electoral ‘danger’ of advocating restriction).
It will be much better for whites if Trump wins than if he loses. But it is also better that Trump’s total vote number be as large as possible. Simply to abstain from voting, let alone voting FOR the alien enemy out of some puerile pique because the erratic Trump is is much less than what we want and need, is unconscionable, either by reason of treason (in the latter case), or stupidity (in the former).
It will be much more comfortable for whites to be slowly genocided under GOP management than under Democrat management. That’s hardly a future worth choosing.
No, we are on the knife’s edge right now. Kamala will try to put the 40 million aliens on a path to citizenship, and many GOP cowards in Congress will go along with it – especially if Trump’s final vote tally is lousy. She will continue the open border. She will stack the judiciary with antiwhites and totalitarian progressives. She will massively damage the economy. She will practice lawfare against prowhites and dissidents. She will assault speech and firearms freedoms. She will push DEI to the max. She is a horrific human being, but she has more toughness than most GOP bedwetters.
Trump will buy us Awakening time. Nor will he do much or any of what I listed above.
You used to argue against accelerationism, and you were correct. If Kamala wins, it will have a deflationary effect on Trump’s / Sam Francis’s growing Middle Americanism. It might make the prowhite faction noisier. It might win us a few more adherents (but at what cost in deplatforming and other speech assaults?). But it will demoralize the bulk of the MAGA base; reinvigorate the neocons and RINOs; send the nascent pro-Trump Tech faction scurrying; and lead the majority of Republicans to conclude that immigration restrictionism, and worse, America First nationalism, is an electoral loser. What will then happen is a chorus of calls to “return to Reagan”, who, of course, was awful on immigration (but who sure was a winner politically).
You want immigration termination? Trump is the only shot you got.
From what I’ve seen, folks like you have been arguing that Whites have been at ‘the point of no return’ for at least a generation and during that time every action action advocated to respond to this situation has failed. Spectacularly.
‘A sense of urgency’ is one of the many tools of the con-artist. The idea is to get ‘the mark’ to move quickly before they realize they’re being conned.
That’s how I see you ‘knife’s edge’ argument. It’s just bluster with no real content.
In the end, the only hope for White Nationalist policies in the medium term is the destruction of the national GOP. Any Concerned White who cares to look at the national GOP’s policies over the last 50 years will easily reach the conclusion that (a) the national GOP is anti-White and (b) the national GOP has mislead White people about (a).
The GOP White rank-and-file hope that the GOP will do something – anything – to support them in the race-war being waged against them. And the GOP has consistently helped their racial enemies to achieve all of their goals while undermining the vast majority of White GOP voting base.
Voting national GOP will not help Whites. Even you admit as such when you say that the mostly likely outcome is that Trump won’t help Whites but will give us ‘breathing room’.
If the main advantage is that Trump gives us time to help us help ourselves then why not just help ourselves and leave Trump out of the equation?
This is really the point of all my talk about nullification and focusing the White Nationalist vanguard’s attention away from ‘national politics’ and focusing on local politics.
Locally, ‘the White vote’ still counts for something. Nationally, it does not. The national GOP takes the White Vote for granted and it’s only job is to deliver that White Vote as a way of legitimizing the anti-White policies of the Federal Authority.
As for ‘immigration’ being solely and completely a function of federal law, you need look no further than ‘sanctuary states’ to see how that is simply not the case. The White Papers Policy Institute Substack has published policy recommendations that can be followed by state and local government to intervene and undermine mass immigration. It’s not that hard. It just take will. Fortunately, there are many, many GOP office holders at the state and local level who still need the White Vote to get into office.
And this is what I’d suggest any White Nationalist who does not have a ‘paper trail’ as a White Nationalist should direct their political time, political attention and political resources.
The Old White Guy who stands up for Whites at the government meeting should not be there alone. Even three White people working together guietly to gain a good reputation among ordinary White people can have a noticeable impact on local elections.
And nothing the ‘Vote Trump’ advocates have said suggests that local politics would not be a better investment.
If you’re interested in knowing more, be sure to take a look at the White Papers Policy Institute Substack and the Tenth Amendment Center’s website (particularly the ‘State of Nullification’ report for 2023).
Local politics in some parts of the country are setting up the conditions for autarky at the state and regional level.
What liberalism cannot abide – or survive – is any obstacles to the ‘free movement’ of ‘goods, persons, money and contracts’.
The medium-term goal for White Nationalist politics should be to turn away from ‘national politics’ and toward state and local politics with the goal of creating obstacles to the ‘free movement’ that liberalism’s race-mixing and cultural corrosion requires.
Voting for Trump gives us nothing, whereas committed White Nationalists refusing to legitimate White dispossession by boycotting the national GOP is the principled stance.
It’s also the only meaningful one in terms of practical politics.
After election fraud, manipulation, and assassination, the great danger to candidate Trump is easily discouraged White working class voters.
After so many betrayals on the wall, the border, and the immigration front, hope fades quickly. After hearing about Trump’s new views once or twice, the shoulders of these voters that Trump needs will sag and those voters will stay home, as they stayed home for losing Republican candidates before Trump.
These discouraged Whites won’t say much. History says that the Republican campaign machine won’t notice the deadly signals till after the campaign is lost, when they’ll say, “what happened?”
A few thoughts here. I believe it’s fair to summarize this as “If Kamala wins, this may wake up the public enough to do something about their dispossession.” To that I’ll add that I prefer incompetent enemies to competent ones. Granted, Heels-Up Harris would only be a figurehead, almost as much of a marionette as Bidet is now, but yanno… I’ll also concur that her mug on the TV screen makes a pretty favorable symbol reminding the public of who the enemy is.
Now, some other possibilities that should be considered. First, what are the chances that she could transform America into effectively a one party dictatorship and use “emergency powers” or some other pretext to crush the opposition? Also, would a Trump presidency be beneficial if it gives us enough breathing room to develop further and become more effective? His second term most certainly would be embattled – we saw that the last time around, especially with the Plandemic and the Long Hot Summer of Floyd – and further mischief like that possibly might give the public sufficient notice that the heat is still on.
One other thing is that the possibility does exist, slim or otherwise, that Musk or someone else can talk some sense into Trump. Would Heels-Up Harris ever change her ways? I don’t see that happening.
What’s the final verdict then? Hell if I know. Anyway, it’s just something to think about. All told regarding discussions about the upcoming election, we may be burning up a lot of CPU cycles over nothing. Little has been done to shore up electoral integrity since the last time. Most of all, we have to be prepared for any possibility and act accordingly.
What ‘breathing room’ did with get with Trump’s first term? Where were the RICO cases against BLM (or even talked about)? How about the Trump DoJ pursing federal ‘civil rights’ violation against Antifa or the city of Charlottesville?
Trump isn’t any of the things his supporters say he is. He’s neither competent nor any better than a DNC puppet.
It’s a hard lesson to learn that no one is riding to save us.
Donald Trump most especially is not, although he’ll happily exploit the longing in White Americans for an advocate and a leader. He simply is not the man we’d like us to think he is.
The sooner we face that sad fact, the better.
I’d never accuse him of batting 1000. He wasn’t able to keep his own intelligence apparatus from hounding him constantly about the “Russian collusion” nothingburger and the like. That’s because they weren’t working for him, even though his signature was on the front of their monthly paychecks. Therefore, I wouldn’t expect him to be able to call off the dogs on the people who memed him into office, on the rare occasions (if any) that he thinks about us. One advantage he does have, though, is that he isn’t likely to go out of his way personally to make life more difficult for us.
On the other hand, Heels-Up Harris and (more importantly) her handlers want a permanent lock on power, and they want it now. To that end, they’d be perfectly happy to shred the first two Amendments, the whole Bill of Rights, or even the entire Constitution – or at least quietly nullify it. Would that be enough to wake up Joe Sixpack? Once more – hell if I know.
That said, these are all hypotheticals. Trying to convince the public to vote one way or another doesn’t seem too productive, until election integrity gets fixed. Our CPU cycles would be better consumed on planning ahead.
He batted zero. And in many ways, he seems to have made things worse. He certainly invigorated the enemies of Whites (and White Nationalism) while systematically refusing to pursue the interests of Whites as a separate demographic group.
As for the Harris et al wanting a ‘permanent lock on power’, I wonder what you think they can do with more power that has not already been accomplished? It seems to me that a certain people already have a permanent lock on power at the national level and the only restraint on that power comes from concerns about legitimacy.
But what about power at other levels of government and business, though? Does Ace Hardware seem to you particularly infused with au de jew? It doesn’t to me. What about the politics of your local county or region? How jewy are they? Or how ‘multiculti’?
People on our side seem to ignore all the very interesting signals that have been coming from ‘grass roots’ White people or state governments.
Remember when there was a ‘grass-roots’ rebellion against teaching perversion and ‘wokeness’ at various school boards at the same time. I have to wonder how much the jews had to do with that, but it sure seemed like White people – and more specifically White women – were a big part of that rebellion?
Or did we forget already?
Or how about that fact that when wimpy Greg Abbott saw the writing on the wall about mass illegal immigration destroying the border areas of his state and asserted states rights over immigration enforcement, nine other governors all the way to the Canadian border (and contiguous) supported his arguments and efforts?
Or have we forgotten this?
Local elections matter.
They matter because the smaller the voting area, the bigger the impact of your vote.
In my area, it’s rare for a candidate who wins by more than a few hundred votes. Sometimes much less.
We had a very contested election and the local elite pushed back hard to keep the incumbent. But one could tell that it stressed them out. If they were challenged every election for every seat, they would eventually move in the direction of the challenge to diffuse that opposition (or try to find the ring-leaders and buy them).
I think the problem for ‘White Nationalists’ in politics is that we focus on being ‘White Nationalists’ rather than just being ‘Populists Who Happen To Be Pro-White’.
It’s true, in the long run every political activity a White Nationalist engages in should lend support to the ultimate goal of ‘White territories ruled by Whites in the interest of Whites by Whites who care about Whites because they are White (and no other reason)’.
But the day of open and public ‘White Nationalist’ politics as a legitimate political orientation is not yet upon us.
In fact, the ‘support’ of ‘White Nationalists’ is something that every public figure runs away from and disavows the instant it is presented to them.
So, as committed agents of change, we need to find work-arounds for this problem, and not sit around trying to figure out how we can just force ourselves into ‘normal politics’.
Instead of worrying about Trump and Harris and national elections, we should be assessing our personal resources in terms of being leaders in our communities supporting any political or community activism that lends itself to (a) breaking White women away from Wokeism, (b) encouraging ‘local rule in local interests’ and (c) developing networks of leaders and supporters who are opposed to ‘anti-Whiteism’ (generally without realizing it) without calling it ‘anti-Whiteism’.
The medium-term goal should be for our enemies to be concerned that every public meeting that is held has a White Nationalist-oriented person observing what is going on. Not interacting. Not acting out. But observing and being supportive of any generally-pro-White resistance to anti-White or integrationist policies.
Don’t initiate such policies. Just get skilled at being counted on to be supportive of anyone who does.
In private conversations, note who says ‘I’m not a racist, but….’.
There’s potential there.
That’s all fine, but it doesn’t address the incredible damage a President can do to white interests (some of which I list in a comment above). Kamala can and will put tens of millions of illegal aliens on a “path to citizenship”. If that happens, game over for White America, including any possible Ethnostate.
I’ll concur that local politics is important. So is grassroots engagement. I say that any practical route to recovery is worth attempting. I’m for whatever works in the end, and something has to give.
I’ll also concur that Trump was yet another do-nothing Republican, even though in 2016 he campaigned on not being yet another do-nothing Republican.
Which candidate, for all the reasons that have been discussed extensively in the article and its 66 (and counting) replies, ultimately will be the best because of what they’ll do and/or don’t do and how likely is each to get the public to grow a pair at last? Once more, hell if I know. Too many factors are in play for me to make any sound predictions.
What harm could Heels-Up Harris do potentially? It’s a fair question, and here I can make some predictions. She could (and almost certainly would) continue Bidet’s maximally accelerated open borders plan. Now I’ll get hypothetical. Towards the end of her first term, she puts out an executive order legalizing the illegals who have snuck across the border, perhaps 30 million by then. She redefines opposition as terrorism, a narrative already pushed by the Obama administration, and uses the full spectrum of government power to go after it on an industrial scale. (You and I might meet at last at the reeducation camp.) Any civil unrest, whoever starts it and for whatever reason, leads to a batch of new “emergency powers” perhaps including martial law and suspending elections. Of course, the “emergency” never ends! Or she could get really, really stupid and push the Big Red Button.
Anyway, lots of that stuff would be flagrantly unconstitutional, but nobody will stop her from exceeding her authority. If SCOTUS rules against her, she packs the Court. Any impeachment attempt would fail, since it needs a supermajority in the Senate to stick and the Dems vote on party lines with these. (It should go without saying, but by “she”, of course, I mean her handlers using her as a proxy.) So, this is at least what we might be looking at as a worst case scenario. We’re about to find out how far they really do go with it, since there’s no way Trump (or someone better in the future) will win as long as election integrity is broken in key swing states. The way things are going now, America might not have too many more elections in the future.
Once more, I’ll say that we’re consuming CPU cycles for nothing about this, because we’ll get a fair election when pigs fly. What we really should be thinking about is what we’ll do next. We have a couple months and change to figure out how we can spin it when the selection delivers the inevitable result, so let’s get a head start.
I think Trump the Scab may have lost a number of working class voters after the Musk interview. But I was encouraged by a recent legacy media interview with Vance who when pressed, affirmed his commitment to deporting millions of invaders. But he could flip flop again.
But I am starting to see the reasoning behind voting for the Democrats. Having a Marxist, female, person of color, married to a jew and willing to spend tax dollars on guaranteeing Israel’s right to self defense covers a lot of ground. Even if she is not really in control, she will be the one seen to be at the helm when the ship goes down.
If the preferences of businesses to pay Americans less determines immigration policy, then there will be no mass deportations. That would just inconvenience employers. There are plenty of criminals to send back. But the scabs will stay and be given amnesty. And Trump could sell his plan trusters on an amnesty that they would fiercely combat if the colored woman pushed it.
It is a gamble, but I am betting that in the long run, whites will be better off when Trump exits the stage of history. If he is defeated, he will be too old to run in 2028.
I do agree that it will be better when Trump is gone from politics. But the issue now is only: Trump or Kamala? Trump buys us time, Kamala might just kill off any hope for our people.
Having a Marxist, female, person of color, married to a jew and willing to spend tax dollars on guaranteeing Israel’s right to self defense covers a lot of ground. Even if she is not really in control, she will be the one seen to be at the helm when the ship goes down.
Are you saying you want a woman to take the blame for the GR out of spite? How nice.
That takes DR misogyny to a whole ‘nother level doesn’t it? You’re not claiming that women are to blame, and we have to honestly confront that reality, like it or not. (Just the facts, ma’am.) Rather, you imply that this is not the case, as the GR, carried out by generations of overwhelming male governing elites, will continue regardless of the outcome of the election. Yet, you want a female at the helm so that you and other misogynists can lie about us, as you always do. You will pretend to believe we are to blame for the predictable consequences of the ruinous, insatiable greed of your own sex in order to stir up hatred against us among disaffected White men. That is truly psychopathic-level Machiavellian cynicism, sir, and sadly directed at your own people.
There is, of course, a good reason to prefer that a non-White take charge of the GR, since that would promote White identity and solidarity. OTOH, how you think that incurring the hostility of White women, when literally the whole world hates your guts, is going to serve White interests is quite beyond me. Since we’re talking about tactics here, does anyone know if other ethnic advocacy groups regularly go out of their way to insult half their people? Or is it just White men? That’s not a rhetorical question, either. I would very much like an answer. I’ve been asking for over a decade now.
In general, men with enough testosterone make the best leaders. People like Tampon Tim, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, pope Francis and any other number of White male traitors are loathsome enemies.
From a White Nationalist perspective, the ‘testosterone generations’ you claim were so great oversaw the mass murder of millions of White men, women and children. The foundation of White Nationalism is Whites caring about Whites because they are White (and no other reason). Without that, we are no different than any ‘political party’ squabbling over narrow sub-racial issues. White women are essential to introducing and maintaining a culture of ‘Whites caring about Whites because they are White (and not other reason)’. We need both the strength of female nurturing behaviors as much as we need the strength of male nurturing behaviors. It’s not an either/or situation.
At least for a select group of social engineers, facilitating women becoming involved in politics and other male-dominated domains was always a cynical ploy to assist the break down of ethnic identity and solidarity among Whites. Tricontinental mulatto Kamala is emblematic of the results.
This is not to say that our women can’t play an important role in politics but they’re unlikely to be the best candidates for high office.
At least for a select group of social engineers, facilitating women becoming involved in politics and other male-dominated domains was always a cynical ploy to assist the break down of ethnic identity and solidarity among Whites. Tricontinental mulatto Kamala is emblematic of the results.
This is what we call the genetic fallacy, judging a goal, idea, or policy by its origin (genesis) rather than its results. Even if your motive claim here is true, which I doubt, it is irrelevant. On the other hand, if you’re claiming that women politicians are responsible for the decline of White solidarity, you’re going to need some evidence for that. The overwhelmingly male (>95%) composition of the Congress that passed the Hart-Cellar Act suggests otherwise.
This is not to say that our women can’t play an important role in politics but they’re unlikely to be the best candidates for high office.
I find myself believing this less and less as time goes on. Indeed, if Plato is correct in his view that the best people to hold power are those who least desire it, white women should run the country.
In any event, how about practicing some bro taqqiya and setting this issue aside until we regain control of our destiny. For now there’s not a damned thing you can do about women politicians, and if you don’t learn to be diplomatic, you never will be able to do anything about it.
Good logic, give credit where its due. Very well said Ms. Lexi.
A very thought provoking essay, Greg. I understand your points, but let me ask you this. What if a Harris win results in significant First Amendment curtailment and free speech suppression (as you indicated it might)? What if you and Counter-Currents are targeted? Wouldn’t a Trump win at least mean that you, C-C, and we WN will live to fight another day, so to speak? Or do you think that free speech suppression is another accelerant like socialist incompetence, inefficiency, and chaos?
Trump did nothing for four years about tech censorship and deplaforming, which eventually affected even him.
The Republicans have recently showed that they are fully willing to trample on freedom of speech and assembly to court the donations of hysterical Zionist billionaires.
Again, there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties.
I could be targeted by a Trump administration if the right Jew whispered in Trump’s ear.
We simply have no friends in high places.
It is sad to see so much riding on the orange buffoon. But people like Musk have far more to lose from Trump’s failure than we do.
The Dissident Right (DR) needs to take the long view. To survive and thrive in the future, an alliance with at least one strong institution/patron is needed for cash, legal defense, access to social media-financial services, and especially a degree of legitimacy. This is regardless of who wins in the November ’24 election.
Elon Musk has the organization and is conceivably open to such an alliance. One point of approach is in the anti-white attacks in South Africa. Relate them to the anti-white attacks now taking place throughout the Western world. Note that Musk apparently is tilting towards the nationalist side in the current dust-up in the British Isles.
The DR could provide the ideological vanguard, meme campaigns, podcasts and “groyper” style ops to keep mainstream Republicans on the program. In return, Musk (or an equivalent) would provide the cash et alia.
An alliance would require some strategizing and some planning to make the contacts and come up with a mutual plan.
Any ideas?
Musk doesn’t really want all the things we want. At best he is a fellow traveler on important issues. Freeing up speech on X is his greatest achievement, so far. If we have freer speech, we can do the rest.
Here’s hoping he starts reading and donating to Counter-Currents! Stranger things have happened.
I appreciate the position that you’re promoting but respectfully do not entirely agree.
First of all, I think that White Nationalists already have a ‘Long View’.
It’s called ‘White Nationalism’.
I don’t know of any version of a political orientation willing to be considered under the rubric of ‘White Nationalism’ that has not been ‘long term’ in its orientation.
What I believe that ‘White Nationalist’ politics has been missing is a mature, grown-up political program of building a movement one White person at a time that can be applied every day and that exhibits a ‘sliding scale’ of involvement.
So, over at my Substack and in comments threads, I (and others) have been trying to create new levels of engagement beyond posting, commenting and ‘walking around with signs and shouting’.
The approach I am promoting builds on the idea that the foundation of ‘White Nationalism’ isn’t politics or culture but sentiment and that ‘sentiment’ is ‘Whites caring about Whites because they are White (and no other reason).
Another point of disagreement is with the idea of White Nationalism seeking ‘elite support’.
Notwithstanding that no elite figure seems inclined to give a crap about White people as White people, the key problem with seeking elite favors is that they control your movement. It’s that simple. Once you come to depend upon elite money or influence, the movement will become dependent on it. There’s no way around it. And dependence for a revolutionary movement is death.
Now, if members of the elite come to the movement, that’s a different story. In such situations, the movement can take or leave what the elite is offering. Still, I’d advise rejecting elite support of any kind for the foreseeable future. There’s just no upside to allowing elite interests to misegenate the interests of White populists who have been the backbone of the White Nationalist movement for over half-a-century. During that same 70+ year period, elites have been openly hostile to Whites and specifically White Nationalism.
In general, I feel like the ‘let’s get elite support’ has been injected into the community by jews like Curtis Yarvin and others who are part of the jew-approved ‘Dissident Right’.
I think the word ‘dissident’ largely conceals more than it reveals.
Anyone who runs away from describing themselves as ‘White Nationalist’ isn’t ‘pro-White’ in some essential way. Their interests like elsewhere.
This isn’t directed at you, personally, but I at the ‘thought leaders’ who continually sell ‘elite theory’ or ‘elite support’ rather than talk openly about White interests in sharp distinction from the interests of other demographic groups.
Besides, in America at this time, there is really only one actual ‘elite’ and it’s jewish, so all talk of seeking ‘elite support’ is just a covert way of giving jews power over whatever movement is seeking ‘elite support’. It’s another jewish con-game.
What’s your substack?
Same question!
It’s under my nom-de-guerre that I use here (Hamburger Today).
It’s under my nom-de-guerre that I use here (Hamburger Today).
Thanks Hamboogie!
Trump is terrible. Harris is worse – for white nationalists. Why?
Because the federal government – & all levels of government, & academia, & society in general – will come after white advocates, indeed, all whites not certifiably, genuflectingly Woke (a la Tim Walz) – with hammer & tongs if Kamala & company are elected in November. Especially with extreme lawfare. Look at what they did to VDARE. You know Counter-currents & Amren are on the target list.
At least with Trump the federal government will not be dominated by people who want to destroy us. And it buys precious time for organizations like Counter-currents & Amren to reach more & more un-woke but racially asleep whites with the message that it’s not only violent, low-IQ blacks & hispanics, it’s all those smart, shiny, well-behaved Asians, who are part of the Great Replacement – of you.
If the racially aware whites who can warn other whites of what is facing them are rendered inert by the Harris administration, “the worse, the better” does not work.
Vote Trump.
This is the most compelling argument. But let’s look at it carefully.
Did Trump do anything against censorship and deplatforming when he was president? No, and eventually he was deplatformed while still president.
Are the Republicans reliable defenders of freedom of speech and assembly? Remember just this year how they pivoted instantly from complaining about woke universities to attacking anti-Israel protests?
Under Trump, the federal government was swarming with people trying to destroy Trump himself. If the fool did not have basic self-preservation instincts, why would we think he would preserve our liberties?
It is utterly appalling, but we don’t have powerful friends in high places.
The sooner we accept that terrible truth, the better. Then we can start realistically assessing our options and planning for the future.
True rebuttals. However:
Censorship & deplatforming. The awareness & anger, including among Republicans, have grown enormously about this since Trump’s first term. Since then, platforms have developed on substack, even unheard, at the Claremont Institute, etc., which are fighting against such deplatforming, including Stephen Miller’s outfit, which has – it seems – growing access to legal resources. Trump himself will probably be more open to fighting against censorship (a dangerous prediction, I know), at least when it doesn’t involve Holy Israel. Since the mainstream Right now acknowledges whites are being attacked for being white, we should leverage our position as racially aware whites to demand fair treatment with the, “First they came for the Jews” argument. And maybe we shouldn’t pick fights about Palestine, a place & people which should not concern us in a substantial way, as opposed to doing our own point & sputter against Israel – for now a low priority, OK? In fact, why not point out that Israel the ethno-state is a good thing for Jews, as it would be for whites. You’ve done this in the past, I believe.
Again a risky prediction, but surely 24/7 persecution since 2015, double impeachment, triple convictions (so far), massive financial penalties, & the looming threat of jail from the Deep State…& being shot, have developed some self-preservation instincts in Trump, which should reasonably extend to preserving the liberties of those who supported him.
We don’t have friends in high places, but with Trump at least we would not have declared enemies in high places who have the desire & power to shut you, me, Jared, & all the rest of us down forever.
If Trump has developed any self-preservation instincts, then why the recent series of catastrophic statements on immigration?
Ha! Hard question. I think for the same reason he launched missile attacks on Syria, assassinated the Iranian general, & never did anything substantial about NATO: Trump needed at least some powerful people (who were whispering in his ear, “Or else!”) on his side. Here he appears to be responding with the appropriate kowtow to Miriam Adelson & the other Big Donors who have dropped tons of money on his campaign recently. “The spice (immigrants) must flow!” So the bucks will flow. The choice between angering the comparatively small portion of his base which sees immigration as their “die on the hill” issue, & the cheap labor-mass immigration big money people he needs to keep his campaign alive.
I no longer think there is any hope Trump will do anything effective about immigration. My argument is that Trump in power – indirectly at least – keeps you & others platformed & viable enough, & the Overton window open enough, to build a critical mass of whites who will finally demand that illegal immigration be shut down completely that & that legal immigration be at least drastically curtailed, or – alternatively (& more likely) – that whites be restored enough freedom of association to survive & prosper as a cohesive force.
But with Kamala & Co. in power, it may be time just to head for the hills.
Miriam Adelson only wants Israel policies. I doubt she cares about immigration enough to insist on policies that could lose Trump the election and tank her own dreams RE Israel.
Musk supports immigration, but again, he has a lot to lose if Trump loses, so Musk has no incentive to press Trump to embrace ballot box poison.
Perhaps, though, this is a case of Trump defaulting to typical GOP idiocy in the absence of clear information about the preferences of his backers or his voters. They call this a Schelling point in game theory.
The trouble with embracing such defaults is that in many cases, they aren’t actually what any of the parties want. X doesn’t want A, and neither do Y and Z. But since they are all lying or lazy, none of them have this crucial information, so they end up choosing A, which a suboptimal outcome for all of them.
Trump follows money, money is power. There is no moral compass, dedication or dedicated benevolent path. After much debate we may find ourselves back to this same conclusion. This applies to characters on both sides of the isle. How else could we experience in present time so many props (and their recorded televised statements and comments in the last decades) who lack the education and common sense required for the supposedly most important position, not only in America, but the world.
Scarier are the “state of minds” of the masses who follow.
Perhaps the comments are a form of self-preservation. He knows that he could be killed off if he doesn’t toe the line.
Let us also remember that when Trump had the chance to commute sentences he focused on jews and niggers, not White political prisoners. He’s just not our guy.
As for Musk, he built his empire on H1B visas. Tesla, etc are notoriously brown and chock full’o’foreigners.
Trump isn’t going to save White people.
Neither is Musk.
It’s part of the Right-wing Fantasy that ‘the elite are with us’ when it is obvious to anyone that Whites would not be in this position if the WASP ruling class hadn’t systematically sold out the country to ethnic bankers beginning in the early 1900s.
People in our circle will say that ‘No politician can get elected running as pro-White’ as if that were the most normal thing in the world.
And yet these same people still think we should vote for someone like Trump is is anti-White nationalist, pro-judeo-supremacist and panders to every kind of darkie available.
Have some self-respect, people.
The entire ruling class is just not into us.
Just walk away.
Stop being an enabler to a ruling class that hates you.
There are voices on this site urging us to support Trump even while they claim ‘the White Nationalist vote’ doesn’t matter.
How’s that supposed to work?
In my view, Trump 2024 has become the issue around which the kernel is being separated from the chaff.
The people who cannot truly accept that Whites are a hated minority….
The people who cannot truly accept that Whites are a stateless people….
The people who cannot truly accept that the ruling class doesn’t think it needs Whites anymore….
These are the people urging to make the distinction between an anti-White White dude and an anti-White Darkie woman as if anti-White wasn’t a part of both of their political orientations.
As I advised previously, think about your ballot as being ‘tiers’ of political influence and representing domains of political power.
Your vote in local races counts much more than your vote in national races.
In local races Whites should be looking to encourage their preferred party to move toward local rule in every legal way possible including the infrastructure of nullification.
Your – White – vote in national elections is has been intentionally diluted and debased (in the same way that inflationary monetary practices dilute and debase the value of the money you earn).
However, your – White – vote can be used to encourage more separatist politics at the local level.
And, in many locales separatism benefits White Nationalism.
Maybe not in every circumstance, but the mere circulation of more ‘Don’t tread on me’ separatist kind of rhetoric and memes will create fractures and opacities to the Federal Authority that cannot help – at least in the long run – make actual White Nationalism as a political orientation a reality.
A vote for Trump is a waste of time. A vote for Harris is a waste of time.
Because any White vote is wasted at the national level.
The ruling class is just not that into us.
Please link to your sub stack.
Great article. It changed my mind.
Greg, the problem with your vote for Kamala instead of Trump argument is that it is speculative. There are no facts for the future. Maybe everything goes to hell even if Kamala gets in and the frogs get boiled quicker but do not jump out. Maybe the frogs turn everything around because Trump gets in there. Or maybe, the future is the death of the White race no matter what happens. Or maybe the future of the White race is glorious. Who knows?
Your aims are noble, to save the White race from extinction. Maybe our hopes and dreams for the future rest some where else? Don’t worry, if Trump gets in there, there will be another Kamala coming down the tracks.
Newsflash: all political discussions, like all discussions of possible futures, are speculative. The question is whether or not the speculations are reasonable.
I think this argument is an instance of what is called “tactical nihilism.” It’s like exploding a nuke on a battlefield. Not smart, because it blows you up as well.
I watched on YouTube the long Friday Trump rally in Glendale, Arizona where Trump brought on Bobby Kennedy, Jr. to endorse him. They also had some other candidates like Kari Lake for the Senate, plus other local tough-on-crime and anti-immigration officials.
First, nary a Darkie in sight. Let that sink in.
The Desert Diamond Arena holds about 19 thousand and the line to get in to the Trump event was massive.
These White people waited in 107 degree heat with elevated (by our standards) Monsoon season humidity (a storm rolling in that fizzled).
And depending on who you talk to, at least half of those waiting for hours did not make it into the arena because the stadium got filled to the gills.
You can get an idea of the queue based on the Robert Gouveia podcast from his on-site report (LINK). (He is an attorney from Scottsdale who analyzes legal matters from a based Rightwing perspective.)
When Queen Kamalamala and Timpon were at the same venue a couple of weeks ago, they did not even fill the arena. And their audience was hardly 99+ percent White.
By contrast, the Trump rally was mostly non-objectionable. I could do without the rap-rave DJ effects and the (just shoot me now) Lee Greenwood and Village People songs. There were a couple of cringey references by some candidates to Kamalamala’s “Socialism,” and they always have at least one based Hispanic at these TP-sponsored events to kick it off with a short speech in halting English. Sí, él puede!
They also had a Rabbi and some Televangelist each give a prayer.
Trump himself did not say anything objectionable that I recall. He mostly focused on Immigration and Crime, and basically pledged to finish the wall and deport them all.
He did not say anything about legal immigration except compare the modest numbers of immigrants on his watch with Biden’s, a massive differential if true. He spouted a lot of figures at least. He predicts that he will trounce Kamala in the coming debate. I predict that she bails out for some churlish reason like MAGA being rayciss or whatever.
Trump also came down hard on reckless military adventures that Democrats are so fond of. He came out in favor of “putting America first” policies. He did not actually use the term “Neocon” but many of the other speakers like Kari Lake did so many times, and that is what they pledged to fight.
Bobby came out and endorsed the Trump-Vance ticket and Trump was pleased. He fell short of promising that he would help Bobby clean up the food, medicines, air, and water, which I think would have been helpful, but he did let Bobby say his piece.
There was nothing specific mentioned about a Cabinet post but that might be a little premature. I don’t get the impression that Bobby wants to try to sabotage controlling the border or has it out for White people. His populism seems genuine.
I also watched Bobby’s earlier speech in Phoenix where he explained the censorship and resistance that he had found in his beloved Democratic Party, comdemning their corruption, thanking his followers as he wraps up his campaign, and pledging support for the Donald with the hopes that Trump will support his health reform efforts if elected. RFK, Jr. is correct about the DNC sewage factor.
Sixty years ago childhood obesity and insulin resistance was almost unheard of. What is causing this other than ultra-processed foods and high-fructose corn syrup? When I was a kid, the school lunches were actually pretty decent. Now they are basically like vending machine snacks. I don’t object to Bobby’s concerns as long as he does not drift into too much conspiracy-theory. He promises to stay science-based but to resist conflicts-of-interest in Medicine and Healthcare.
Overall, I think Bobby’s endorsement helps Trump, but I hope that things will not get pulled into whackadoodle directions. That is one of the focuses of Libtard outrage at Bobby’s “defection.” I am against vaccine mandates and lockdowns, but I am not against vaccines. Bobby’s comments did not strike me as ill-considered or immature. He said that he had prayed about it long and hard. For him, Trump is the lesser of evils by far.
If Libtards are fuming that a Kennedy has endorsed Trump, I’d say that is a win.
It looks to me like Trump is going to take the state of Arizona in November.
And that is a good thing, because I agree with those who say that Trump might boil the frog slowly, but Kameradin Kamala is going to boil the frog fast ─ in oil, and clamp down the lid on the pressure cooker. “You ain’t jumpin’ out of this one Whitey,” she cackles.
This election is implicitly about Race. What a Kamala win means is that instead of stochastic chaos and intermittent collapse and unintentional dysfunction, we will get planned anti-White crackdown and hard chaos aimed at Whitey at all levels.
So before, you might have had to shoot Rastus for trying to snatch your wife’s purse in the poorly-patrolled and poorly-illuminated parking garage.
But with the anti-Whites firmly in power, just thinking White is a crime all on its own ─ and you will be prosecuted to the limits for the Hate crime of not letting your wife get raped by Rastus in the unpatrolled and non-illuminated parking garage.
In Trump’s Glendale speech yesterday, he talked about how Prosecutor Kamala and an odious Governor had decriminalized theft in California so that shoplifters can help themselves to what they want as long as they stay on a budget below about 900 dollars at each store they hit.
I know that some people are soft on Anarchy because they think Whitey will naturally rise to the top of the swamp. Maybe, but not before most White people are ground into the dust. Wallowing in the sewer is not a win. And it is not going to make us tougher.
All it would have taken is a little bit of leadership (if such had been available) and those “fed-up Boomers” at J6 would have accomplished something noteworthy for the history books.
Our problem is not that we are not yet fed-up enough, nor too bourgeois, and just do not understand the World of Warcraft conceptions of Honor.
Our problem as WN is that we have very little leadership, and that has LONG been the case.
Trump is not that leader, but he has made it permissible for Whitey to think racially again. That is the primary complaint made against him by the usual suspects.
That is also why the Establishment media can’t stand him. Trump and many of his speakers at these events points at and mocks the corporate media. This plucks the heart strings of the White people attending.
Trump buys us some time. And we need to use the time to develop the needed leadership cadre, because Trump is not going to do it for us.
The people that attend Trump rallies are decent and good raw material.
The people that attend Democrat rallies are the dross from the infernal melting pot of non-Whites, Jews, and Leftists.
Excellent comment. The anti-Trumpers here should consider it carefully. Few prowhites love Trump. It’s simply about which candidate is better for whites, now and/or long term. I think Trump is better, both for the moment, and the future. Any talk of preferring Kamala is pure accelerationism. I’m sad to see Dr. Johnson go down this path when he has put forth many excellent anti-accelerationist arguments in the past. Accelerationism in the form of Kamala will not just harm whites, it will demoralize them, too. Anti-Trumpers seem to forget that whites need to be motivated – to feel they’re on the winning side. If whites get too demoralized they can always just accept defeat and give up on politics, especially racial politics, and rationalize doing nothing but enjoying each day in light of the inevitability of Collapse. Such sentiments are not the foundation for a lasting political movement.
I agree that White Nationalism has had terrible leadership.
I have been complaining for a decade about the willingness of American WNs to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on conferences, while more important metapolitical projects and institution-building projects go unfunded.
I have been complaining for more than a decade about WN’s who give money to mainstream political parties and churches, while the movement goes wanting.
I’ve been complaining from the start of the lack of moral seriousness and urgency in our ranks.
Obviously, I’m not good at persuading people. But a huge part of that failure is the default bourgeois programming of our people.
If Trump actually can govern — big if — the best we can expect from the current Trump is something like we would have gotten from McCain and Romney, plus unhinged hatred and hysteria from the Left. When offered McCain and Romney, I chose Obama. When offered a Trump who is now indistinguishable from McCain and Romney, why would I choose Trump?
Yes, I used to argue that “Trump buys us time.” But in the background I was assuming that Trump had given us a much greater boon: He questioned the value of immigration and economic globalization to the nation.
Remember Ross Perot’s comment on NAFTA: that “giant sucking sound” as Mexico drained away American prosperity?
Trump’s talk of the needs of business is that same “giant sucking sound”: draining away American prosperity and swamping white people with more hostile, restive, and burdensome aliens. It is the giant, sucking sound of racial obliteration.
Race replacement is built into global business.
Yes, Trump’s version of racial nihilism — which of course could be reversed by the next Democrat — would be slower and more orderly. It would “buy us time.”
But I really think that principles matter more. Trump’s greatest boon to us was putting the “racial and national destruction is good for business” argument in question. Now, he seems to have abandoned that. That’s alarming to me. That needs to be swiftly and decisively rebuked and punished.
I am not willing to abandon that principle for just a slower, more orderly path to racial nihilism. Honestly, that seems to be voting for the greater evil than the lesser one.
If you get the time you want, what are you going to spend it on?
Greg Johnson: August 25, 2024 I agree that White Nationalism has had terrible leadership… I’ve been complaining from the start of the lack of moral seriousness and urgency in our ranks.
What should you expect, Greg, when the likes of Jason Kessler, Richard Spencer, Nick Fuentes, et. al. are promoted as “leaders”?
A serious, bona fide leader of our race was William Pierce, but only a minority of the minority of racially conscious, responsible Whites have the ears to hear what he told us 50 years ago when he founded Cosmotheism, and until his last breath, as the reality-grounded belief system for our people, rejecting the Semitic creed that worships our enemy’s tribal god.
Speaking of moral seriousness, Pierce’s novel, The Turner Diaries, is hated by the ADL and called by them “the most dangerous book in America.” However, what makes that story dangerous for Jews is not the violent actions of fictional White revolutionaries who declare Jews and other non-Whites the problem, but lines like this one from page 9 of The Turner Diaries:
“Only by making our beliefs into a living faith which guides us from day to day can we maintain the moral strength to overcome the obstacles and hardships which lie ahead.”
It’s consistent Cosmotheist quotes like that from Pierce that are found in everything he wrote, going back 50 years.
It’s time for more White nationalists get serious.
We are screwed… Trump is a useless Philosemite & David Duke is not palatable to normies…
I think Trump is backing off on the issues that made him, viz. border wall, trade treaty renegotiation, out of nato, because he is coming to realize that his espousal of these issues is WHY HE IS BEING ATTACKED SO HARD. He’s trying to walk the cat back and have a normal presidency so they will get off his back. The issues are implicitly white. They are about stopping race replacement and the starvation of the white middle and working classes. The last is about Zionism. Our opponents are smart enough to realize this. We can only hope that trump is playing a game and hiding his intentions(turning into a politician) and will remain true to his earlier election promises. With trump we might get something, with Harris we certainly won’t.
So Trump is the better horse to bet upon. With trump it’s improvement or status quo. With Harris it’s status quo or massive anti white policy. On the other hand a Harris win might be good accelerationism or soul fulfilling schadenfreude of “I told you so!” So for white nationalists it’s a win win. Or the best we can do until we can raise the lich of William Pierce to the throne.
I’ve often speculated that global warming is an attack on the southeastern oil patch, which is a huge source of white middle class and elite conservative wealth. Al Gore effectively created the issue out of spite for his loss to bush and Chaney who were tantamount to representatives from the oil industry. That’s why Obama lifted the oil embargo on Iran, which was probably morally right, but to fumigate the fracking sector of the white oil industry as much as possible. The petroleum industry is a major source of wealth for whites as opposed to leftist “financial instruments.”
Good summary. I want Trump to win for:
1. his appointments to the federal courts and bureaucracy.
2. his promise to pardon the political prisoners. (we’ll see.)
3. the predictable reaction of the lunatics to his victory. (CA might exit.)
4. negotiating peace with Russia, and ending the slaughter in Ukraine.
As for immigration, he hasn’t changed his policy there, just his rhetoric. He was always for mass immigration, as long as it’s legal. It’s a distinction that impresses many Republicans, who are terrified at being labelled “racist”. The Democrats want endless mass illegal immigration, in order to promote chaos, anarcho-tyranny and social decay.
Basically, all correct!
To stop the slaughter in Ukraine Trump should talk to China, not to Russia. Russia is only a vassal of China, like Ukraine is vassal of the British Empire.
Principles? Principles? We’re talking about principles now?
Principles is for what we have, between US, what we owe each other, amongst ourselves now, or in our ethno-state later.
For now, towards our enemies, and even to whites who are racially blind who may be persuaded to join us, I will lie, cheat, steal, & do a wide variety of other things which have nothing to do with principles, or honor, or fairness, as long as they work; as long as they – in my judgement – bring us even a tiny bit closer to white survival, independence & cohesiveness. (Whatever form, ethno-state or not, it eventually takes.)
Including voting for a narcissistic buffoon who is a slave to the Israel lobby, the cheap labor lobby, & all the other fundamentally anti-white forces he lickspittles to.
I will always be grateful for Trump entering the blood sport of politics. He changed the conversation and gave us a lot of red meat. I knew he would never say Make America White Again, but he made some waves. I am disappointed by his apparent pivot away from populism. Is he just getting too tired to maintain a fighting stance toward the establishment?
I think a Kamala win might radicalize a number of Whites and make us more serious. Serious people put their money where their mouth and heart are. Our side definitely needs an injection of cash, whether it’s to websites, think tanks, political prisoners, or organizations such as the American Freedom party. When I think of how much money was raised by BLM, I want to spew.
Trump and Musk look on the picture just like A.H. und his “Feldmarschälle” vor the Barbarossa Campaign in 1941.
Is there any point to your accellerationalism Dr. Johnsom?
Cheeto-Jesus the ZOG-Emperor Drumpf doesn’t need an “intervention,.” Just to be locked up in his own home with his third wife so the buffoon won’t get in as much trouble.
Now I’ve always thought that “White Nationalism” is a scam ever since David Duck invented it after Netscape 1.0 and Windoze95 gave him his last chance to cadge ZOGbux and whiggress pussy from the tards given that the Old Time Klansmen were tired of the Duck selling theys’ names and addresses to the FBI, the politicians, and everyone else. Some newbie whigger cums in from off the Internuts knowing nothing about the Ft. Smith Sedition Trial or having to live through the Greensboro Incident of 1979. “Look Ethel, I can join the Movement without going to jail. All I need to do is send 20 ZOGbux to the Duck, or join the $permFart v-bulletin forum or get on Rabbi Lender’s Virtual Colostomy Bag and guzzle down a fifth of Jim Beam with TraitorGlenn Miller and save the Grate Whigger Race !!!”
Now my views might be colored by the fact that I’m old-line Dual-Seedline Christian Identity from the rebuild after the Ft. Smith Sedition trial and my Movement mentors were a bunch of Old-Style Klansmen born over a hundred years ago. I don’t have much use for the sundry jews and mamzers playing See-Eye Dentist. Far from being horrified by political violence we have always thought of using counter-terror as an option. I also think that you have marred your standing in the Movement by being against racial and religious political violence by such as Dylann Roof and Robert Bowers. Since you believe that the ZOGling Whigger Race is about to go extinct, then what exactly is “beyond the pale of reaction”?
Elon Musk is simply a South African refugee who knows how to mine ZOG for subsidies. Rather than pay $44 billion for Twatter and then fire half the cat-lady woke whiggers he simply should have invested a billion in Gab instead. As far as his Tesla electric cars are concerned he would do better to simply import a e-Chinkmobile with solar panels on the roof and hood and put in a small gas engine to act as a hybrid for $10,000 for city and local commuting styled like a Model T or Beetle and becum the Henry Ford of e-vehicles.
Newton County Missouri where I live went over 80% for the ZOG-Emperor Drumpf in 2020. Me voting for Kum-Kumallah and TamponTimmy Fudd won’t change anything this year. Right now I’m the LiberToon nominee for Eastern County Commissioner, where I hope to get from 5-20% of the vote for those who want warlordism in the area once ZOG collapses. Before the LibberToons kicked me out of the Party for being a militia leader and against faggot “marriage” them tards used to think that they had the “balance of power” by getting 2% of the vote in a close election around the late 1990s and early 2000s. Your thinking that Whigger Nutsionlists will teach Cheeto Jesus anything is a delusion as this narcissistic buffoon is beyond learning anything by the consequences of his stupidity.
Rather I support the Big Orange Pussy because it will be thought that ZOG stole the [s]election again and that might well bring about another series of civil wars — and I think that saving the Whigger Rayce depends upon ZOG collapse. ZOG collapsing due to never-ending civil wars is actually good for the Whigger Rayce because being a whigger is incompatable with living. The warlords who supplant ZOG will have no love or care for jews and non-whites.
Right now I’m being lawfared by Bryan Reo. I’m trying to get together what little I have left in order to form a colony of “Volga-ZOGlings” now that Putin opened legal residentcy to ZOG dissidents in Russia on 19 August. I’m wanting to try to start over in a place like that of my birth in South Dakota as opposed to being a casualty in the next civil war.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
Libertarian Nominee Eastern Commissioner Newton County Missouri
Pastor Martin Lindstedt: August 29, 2024 …I’m old-line Dual-Seedline Christian Identity… [Musk] simply should have invested a billion in Gab instead.
Does Andrew “Christ is King” Torba push, like you do, that Jews are the product of the union between Eve and the Serpent? If so, Torba getting a $billion from Musk toward White racial preservation would be about as helpful as the $44 billion he already pissed away on Twitter.
You outrageous spook-chasers deserve each other. Regardless, good luck in your race to become a Commissioner in Eastern Newton County, Missouri.
I disagree with the visa for investment scheme. We already have that. The result is every franchise and motel is owned by foreigners. No one is really making money there. It’s a way for the clan family to emigrate here…
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