Congratulations, folks. We are about a week into our second White Boy Summer and already things are, as the kids like to say, popping. Roe v. Wade has been overturned, hoes are mad, and we still have most of the summer ahead of us. I write these words and a pleasant laziness permeates my body, calling me to the inactivity of the shade and the self-satisfaction of summertime repose. (more…)
Month: June 2022
1,419 words
Canadian conservatives are a sad lot. They live in one of the most pozzed countries in the West — if not the most pozzed. Canada’s rulers aim to set new records for immigration every year, leading to the Great White North now accepting over 430,000 immigrants on an annual basis. (more…)
Liberals are convinced that all illegal immigrants want is a better life, but if you ask the Mexicans themselves, they seem to have a different point of view.
1,180 words
On Monday afternoon, amid a stinking-hot San Antonio June where over half the days have already topped 100 degrees Fahrenheit, 53 would-be illegal aliens died from heat exhaustion after being trapped and pressure-cooked in a tractor-trailer where temperatures reportedly reached 150 degrees. It was the largest mass death from human smuggling in American history. (more…)
700 words
I was saddened to learn of the death of Martin Rojas, who died on June 24th aged only 29. His cause of death has not yet been determined. Martin was a remarkably productive pro-white writer and activist. He was particularly close to Jared Taylor (who wrote a warm tribute), the Brimelow family, Gregory Hood, and Sam Dickson, all of whom are friends and colleagues of mine. (more…)
Você pode comprar o Manifesto Nacionalista Branco aqui.
Você pode comprar o Manifesto Nacionalista Branco aqui.
2,261 palavras
Parte 11 di 16 (Parte 1, Parte 10, Parte 12)
Os Nacionalistas Brancos acreditam que a melhor forma de sociedade é a do etnoestado soberano, racialmente e etnicamente homogéneo. Mas a homogeneidade é realmente possível? A resposta simples é: sim. Lidaremos primeiro com a homogeneidade racial, e depois com a homogeneidade étnica.
Nós sabemos que a homogeneidade racial é possível, pois há poucas décadas atrás, quase toda a Europa era homogeneamente branca. (more…)
762 words
Counter-Currents collaborated with the Free Expression Foundation last Sunday to put on an afternoon reception and fundraiser in recognition of the accomplished Dr. Roger Pearson. The Free Expression Foundation (donate here) is a vital non-profit legal organization, founded by Glen Allen, Esq., for those who seek to protect and express their rights to freedom of speech and assembly. Dr. Pearson has valiantly resisted the many concerted efforts to censor and suppress his opinions, so the Free Expression Foundation was pleased to join Counter-Currents in honoring him. Dr. Pearson’s website can be found here. (more…)
1,746 words
This review is published in commemoration of Lothrop Stoddard’s 139th birthday. Stoddard has often been written about and referenced at Counter-Currents; to see these other essays, click on his tag.
Lothrop Stoddard
Master of Manhattan: The Life of Richard Croker
New York/Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., 1931Our subject today is “The Lighter Side of . . . Lothrop Stoddard.” I’ll be focusing mostly on the delightful Master of Manhattan, his 1931 biography of Tammany Hall boss Richard Welstead Croker. (more…)
1,336 words
Modern economics are in large part defined by the premise that infinite growth is both possible and desirable — if not always in theory, then at least in how most major economic actors behave. The green line should always go up — at least in the long term. If one takes a step back, this is unrealistic. Even if we could create ever more producers and consumers and make them ever more efficient, there is a limited amount of resources: food, land, rare metals, oil, and so on. (more…)
June 29, 2022 Nicholas R. Jeelvy
Východní záštita Evropy
1,627 slov
English original here
Nedávno jsem s jedním ze svých přátel mluvil o rusko-ukrajinské válce, konkrétněji o jejích dopadech na západní nacionalistické milieu. Spousta lidí, kteří se donedávna bez váhání označovala za odpůrce imperialismu, nadšeně přijala za svůj imperiální projekt anexe Ukrajiny, likvidace její státnosti a pohlcení jejího lidu do širokého ruského imperiálního náručí. Jiní, kteří ještě „včera“ z plných plic brojili proti „bratrovražedným válkám“, momentálně s velkou chutí povzbuzují vzájemné krvavé pobíjení ruských a ukrajinských vojáků v bratrovražedné válce. (more…)
Vikki Spit and her fiancée. Spit has become the first person in the UK to receive compensation from the government for a death — her fiancée’s — resulting from the Covid-19 vaccine.
1,779 words
Beware the Ides of June
Under British parliamentary rules, a vote of no confidence in a Prime Minister is similar to a recall vote in the United States, but it is the members of the incumbent PM’s parliamentary party — 359 Conservative MPs, in this case — who vote, and not the people. The peons only get to vote in general elections, where their choice is essentially between two brands of the same soap powder. (more…)
1,949 words
We’ve all seen sci-fi movies where an attractive woman gets stuck alone with a guy she normally wouldn’t consider, gets to know “the real him,” something threatens her, he rescues or protects her, and they pair up in the end. (more…)
“A splendid little war” was how Secretary of State John Hay described the Spanish-American War of 1898. Since Hay had served in Abraham Lincoln’s administration, he had had a lot of experience with more jaundiced wars like the one in the 1860s. The Spanish-American War was little, and its splendor depended upon where you were when it occurred. In DC’s clubrooms and in Congress, it was quite alluring, and was to most of the country. But if you were on the front line taking rounds from Spanish Mausers or suffering agony from malaria or dysentery — which a good part of the army was — it was not so splendid. (more…)
June 28, 2022 Counter-Currents Radio
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 459 Rich Houck Discusses Mishima’s My Friend Hitler on The Writers’ Bloc
The one and only Rich Houck was host Nick Jeelvy‘s guest on the latest broadcast of The Writers’ Bloc, where they discussed Yukio Mishima’s My Friend Hitler — a play about politics, friendship, and doing what is necessary — and answered listener questions, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:04:00 Yukio Mishima’s play My Friend Hitler
00:09:00 Who is Richard Houck?
00:12:00 Nick and Rich reflect on what it means to be a lawyer (more…)