I never thought I would see some of my ideas and views go mainstream. And I certainly never thought I’d see them enter public policy. As recently as 2014, the idea of deporting anybody, no matter how illegal or criminal, was seen as impossible. During that era, as recently as within the decade, the idea of ending birthright citizenship was seen as simply laughable. The GOP was still fully neoconservative and led by the likes of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. It was an abysmal time politically, as was most of my life. (more…)
Tag: Richard Houck
The Good Reset[1]
This essay will complete my Trump trilogy of election essays. I truly believe for the rest of our lives people will talk about the Trump political era with extreme reverence and nostalgia. Before this era, we had the likes of McCain, Romney, the Bush family, Obama, and the Clintons. All political powerhouses that Trump would end in brutal fashion. That alone is a fascinating achievement to consider. (more…)
2,347 words
On October 30, 2024, agents from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (currently led by commissioner Sean Mahar, who is Jewish), raided the home of Mark Longo, where they captured an orphaned squirrel named P’Nut and a pet raccoon named Fred. (more…)
Since I began to discuss and debate political and cultural issues publicly, I have been relentlessly pursued by midwits and their incessant “NAXALT” refutation of my points. Nearly any assertion made about a group is met somewhere with, “well, to be fair, not all Jews / blacks / women / Hispanics / immigrants / politicians, et cetera, are like that!” (more…)
August 7, 2024 Angelo Plume
The New Nationalism Returns
Last month, The New Nationalism Podcast debuted with an interview featuring Jared Taylor. A sort of crash course on the questions of “diversity” and the realities of racial differences, the premier episode is a great resource to share with those who are coming to our side of things, or with those who still need a bit of convincing. (more…)
3,170 words
Today I am nearly the same age that Kriss Donald would have been if he was still with us. Kriss was murdered by a Pakistani gang in his hometown of Glasgow, Scotland when I was about to go on spring break during my sophomore year of high school. Kriss was a small teenager: about 125 pounds and 5’7” (1.7 meters) at 15 years old.
I myself had a slight build much like Kriss’ at 15. I mention this because Kriss’ story changed my life in several ways, including inspiring me to take up bodybuilding as a hobby and lifestyle. (more…)
One of my favorite movies is the 1986 film Hoosiers. As a lifelong sports fan and former basketball player, I am drawn to the story of an underdog high school team overcoming the odds to win a championship. Set in the fictional town of Hickory in the early 1950s, it showcases the unique relationship between high school basketball and the culture of rural Indiana.
The title of the film is significant. “Hoosier” has a long history as a colloquial term for natives of Indiana. According to the Indiana Historical Bureau: (more…)
1,465 words
I started to seriously observe Lent with my grandmother on my mom’s side of the family about 15 years ago. She was Eastern Orthodox, and I am too – or at least I was baptized as such as a baby. On Fat Tuesday I usually stop eating around lunch. I fast on Ash Wednesday with no food, just water and black coffee. Then, sometime on Thursday I break the fast and start my Lenten restrictions (or Lenten sacrifice). (more…)
As Valentine’s Day approached, I decided that I should perhaps commit myself to the insane asylum that is modern technological courtship. I knew it would be painful and time-consuming, but this year I decided to devote more effort to finding my own modern-day Brünhilde. (more…)
A university professor and an engineer built a hitchhiking robot over a decade ago named hitchBOT. The project was meant to be an interesting experiment relating to human interaction with technology, robots, artificial intelligence, and ultimately, trust. hitchBOT could not move, but he could speak, asking humans to give him a ride and make basic small talk. The robot roadway companion had a global positioning system, social media access, and a camera that he used to document his journeys. (more…)
December 29, 2023 Richard Houck
Reklama a válka proti bělochům
Reklama a bělošská genocida: „Ou bejby, mám ráda kvičení feministů, feministek a fembotů o sexismu.“
Reklama a bělošská genocida: „Ou bejby, mám ráda kvičení feministů, feministek a fembotů o sexismu.“
3.487 slov
English original here, Hungarian version here
Masový marketing mezirasových vztahů, zejména bělošek s černochy, se stal fenoménem natolik agresivním a všudypřítomným, že si jej začínají všímat i ti nejméně bystří příslušníci naší kultury. Při nedávné návštěvě obchodního centra jsem ve třech odlišných obchodech zaznamenal trojí vyobrazení reklamních párů. Dva z nich byly mezirasové, v obou případech běloška s černochem, na třetím byl bělošský pár. Asi nejvíc mě na celé věci zarazila skutečnost, že obyvatelstvo města, kde jsem se na nákupy vydal, tvoří z asi 97 % běloši a černoši představují méně než dvě procenta populace. (more…)
December 7, 2023 Richard Houck
Reklama a válka proti bělochům — pokračování
Reklama a válka proti bělochům – nepřátelé naší civilizace propagují vytrvale dysgenické a k chaosu směřující rasové míšení, a naopak Evropany vybízejí, aby trávili svůj čas o samotě – atomizovaní, vykořenění a bezdětní.
1.807 slov
English original here
Po zveřejnění článku Reklama a válka proti bělochům se mi sešla spousta komentářů, zpráv a příspěvků na sociálních sítích – článek vyvolal masivní vlnu podpory, za niž vám děkuji. Jedna z nich se týkala „zakázané německé reklamy na Sprite s orálním sexem“. Čtenář nás prosil, abychom se na reklamu podívali blíže. Zjistil jsem, že pravda o ní je možná ještě zajímavější, než tazatel tušil. Odkaz na video je zde. Plavovlasá běloška na něm klečí před černochem a my vidíme, jak si říká „teď bych si vážně dala Sprite“, zatímco orálně uspokojuje černého partnera. Nakonec ji po celém obličeji postříká silný proud zpěněného Spritu, na což reaguje „miluju Sprite“. (more…)
2,479 words
It was supposed to make our lives better, not consume them — or so we thought. Smartphones and social media are as ubiquitous as they are dangerous. They are a tool, but unlike most, they offer an easy on-ramp to behavioral addiction and cognitive decay. (more…)