On Saturday, July 30, 2022, Greg Johnson welcomes British activist Kate Fanning a.k.a. Bubba Kate Paris to the first hour of Counter-Currents Radio and Patriotic Alternative’s Mark Collett to the second hour. Counter-Currents Radio starts at noon PST, 3 pm EST, and 9 pm CET (more…)
Month: July 2022
July 30, 2022 Greg Johnson
Význam starej pravice
English original here, Spanish translation here
Aký je význam toho, čo nazývam starou pravicou, t.j. nemeckého národného socializmu, talianskeho fašizmu a iných spriaznených medzivojnových národno-populistických hnutí, vo vzťahu k dnešnému bielemu nacionalizmu?
Táto otázka by nevyvstala, ak by tu nebolo žiadne spojenie. Mnohé myšlienky bieleho nacionalizmu sú buď priamymi potomkami ideológií starej pravice, alebo sú jej bratrancami, t.j. zdieľajú spoločných predkov, sú vetvami rovnakého ideologického stromu. (more…)
This year, Counter-Currents is raising $300,000. Since our fundraiser started on March 10th, we have raised $107,184.60, which is 35.7% of our goal. I want to thank all of those who have given so far, and I want to share four simple reasons why you should give now:
First, showing we can grow our yearly revenue despite economic headwinds is a powerful signal to the world that we are a serious and formidable movement. Let’s make our haters mad!
Second, C-C is a place where fresh ideas and perspectives get a fair shake, which stands in contrast with cowardly mainstream conservative media. (more…)
Part 1 of 7 (Part 2 here)
David S. Wills
High White Notes: The Rise and Fall of Gonzo Journalism
St. Andrews: Beatdom Books, 2021“He’s a drunk and he’s a doper who has got a style which is very dangerous for journalism students to pick up on.” — Harlan Ellison, 1979[1]
David Wills comes not to bury Hunter Thompson, but to praise him; ultimately, he does a pretty good job of both. (more…)
4,571 words
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
2. Rage Militaire: Franco-American Zouave-mania
“His parents taught him to be a cavalier, but the life of the Zou-zou he much did prefer.” — anonymous Confederate verse
“The city,” one Richmond, Virginia newspaperman enthused, “was yesterday thrown into a paroxysm of excitement by the arrival of the New Orleans Zouaves — a battalion of six hundred and thirty, as unique and picturesque looking Frenchmen as ever delighted the oculars of Napoleon the three.” (more…)
July 29, 2022 Morris van de Camp
مأساة الأولاد المزيفين
English original here
موريس فان دي كامب
أبيجيل شرير
ضرر لا رجوع فيه: جنون التحول الجنسي يغوي بناتنا
نيويورك: دار ريجنيري للنشر، 2020انتشر وباء في الآونة الأخيرة للفتيات المراهقات اللائي يعلنن أنهن مصابات بخلل في الهوية الجنسية وأنهن يصبحن “متحولات”. من المنظور الليبرالي الأبيض اللطيف، قد يبدو أن هذا هو الحاجز الذي كسره جنود “الحقوق المدنية”، لكن أبيجيل شرير تقول في كتابها الممتاز، “ضرر لا رجوع فيه”، إنه ليس كذلك. وبدلاً من ذلك، تجادل بأن الفتيات المراهقات اللائي يصبن بخلل في الهوية الجنسية ما هو إلا تطور جديد لظاهرة قديمة ومعروفة. يمكن للمرء أن يطلق على هذه الظاهرة بدعة (more…)
Dear Paywall Members and Valued Readers,
The Counter-Currents team is excited to announce the launch of our private Telegram chat! To thank you, our paywall members, we created this space where our loyal readers and listeners will be able to enjoy more in-depth conversation, and the opportunity to interact with our Editor-in-Chief Greg Johnson, our writers, and regular guests on our podcasts. (more…)
2,244 words
As the saying goes, “White men can’t jump.” That’s as may be, but black men can’t do math, yet you don’t see Hollywood filming a whole movie about it. I wish they would; it’d be hilarious. (more…)
6,951 words
Heinz Hermann Weichardt was born to a German father and a Jewish mother and spent his young adulthood in the Third Reich. In in his February 1995 memoir Under Two Flags, he gave a concise but very revealing account of his tribulations as a Mischling in the first degree. (more…)
July 28, 2022 Greg Johnson
Je biely nacionalizmus „nenávistný“?
English original here, French version here
Jedným z najbežnejších obvinení proti bielemu nacionalizmu je, že ide o ideológiu nenávisti k ďalším skupinám. Moja odpoveď na toto obvinenie je: Áno. No a čo?
Áno, pretože nenávisť k iným skupinám je jednoznačne faktorom v bielom nacionalizme. No a čo, pretože nenávisť nijako nediskvalifikuje biely nacionalizmus z dvoch dôvodov: (more…)
2,293 words
Rampant lionesses tamed by BBC
Women’s football — soccer to my American readers — is often scorned but is actually enjoyable to watch, provided you actually like the game and not just the tribal and commercial nonsense that nowadays comes with it. (more…)
For the past two and a half years, the world has been gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic response. The disease itself, which broke out in China, turned out to be a bit of a nothingburger. Not exactly “just the flu, bro,” but not quite the doomsday plague many were hoping for. (more…)