Part 2 of 2
In Part 1, we looked at Emperor Trump’s rationales for annexing Canada and Greenland. Now let’s look south of the Rio Grande.
The Panama Canal
Trump has a somewhat better case for annexing the Panama Canal, since the canal was built by the United States and the Canal Zone used to be US territory until Jimmy Carter sold it all to Panama for $1. Trump, I am sure, thinks he could have gotten a better price. (It would have been less insulting to have just given it away.)
First, Trump is complaining that Panama charges US naval and merchant ships too much to use the canal. Apparently, Trump thinks America deserves some sort of discount for building the canal.
I am all for negotiating a better price, but Trump is crossing a moral line by threatening the sovereignty of another country over money. Again, this smacks of the worst sort of Yankee commercial imperialism. It has the potential to curdle good relations not just with Panama but with all of Latin America.
Second, Trump claims that control of the canal is a national security issue. China has made huge investments in Panama. If America goes to war with China, China might be able to block Americans from using the canal. Thus America needs to control the canal.
The main problem with this argument is that, in case of war, Panamanian sovereignty would not block the US from securing the canal. Nor would US sovereignty over the canal prevent China from stopping traffic. Simply sinking a couple of ships would be enough to disable the canal for the duration of any conflict over Taiwan.
Third, Trump thinks that selling the canal to Panama was a national disgrace. That’s true. But why revisit this particular disgrace? After all, there’s a long list to choose from, including ones much closer to home.
How about we retake California first?
Seriously, there’s a better case for retaking Constantinople than the Panama Canal.
The Mexico Question
America’s biggest domestic and foreign policy disaster is our porous border with Mexico. Building a wall on the Mexican border was the central promise of Trump’s first presidential campaign and the greatest failure of his first administration. Trump has already crossed words with Mexican president Claudia Scheinbaum about the border. Trump has also threatened Mexico with both economic sanctions and military incursions.
Predictably, as soon as Trump began speaking of violating Mexico’s sovereignty, some of his followers became priapic at the prospect of annexing the whole country.
Yes, some of the people who elected Trump to deport 30 million Mexicans now want to annex 130 million more. Almost overnight, a chunk of MAGA has morphed from “white racism” to an insatiable lust for more brown bodies. The only word for this is insanity.
The MAGA Question
Millions of white Americans voted for Trump because they want him to close the border, deport invaders, and put Americans first. White Nationalists applaud such policies, but not everyone who supports them is a White Nationalist.
Most MAGA voters are, in short, political “normies.” They think that national greatness can be measured quantitatively in terms of square miles and population. Thus America automatically becomes greater by becoming bigger and more populous. So why not expand?
But quality is more important than quantity. America was a much greater nation when it had half the population it has today, because that population was nearly 90% white, and the rest where expected to conform to white standards. The way to truly make America great again is to make it whiter, even if that requires shedding people and territories. Let’s begin by deporting 30 million illegals and cutting loose Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and other non-white island territories.
Part of the support for Emperor Trump is just online posturing. Human beings can identify with groups, even entirely silly and conventional ones, like sports teams. When our group wins, we feel good. When our group loses, we feel bad. Thus otherwise impotent Americans enjoy feeling powerful by seconding Trump’s belligerent rhetoric in online spaces.
But this is the bad kind of nationalism, in which one nation aggrandizes itself at the expense of other nations. Needless to say, antagonizing fellow white countries like Denmark and Canada is not good for world-wide white solidarity.
As an ethnonationalist, I want to live in a world of sovereign ethnostates with secure borders. I want sovereign states to deal with one another with trade and diplomacy, not war. I want an international community that sides with subject peoples over empires and that isolates and sanctions states that make war on their neighbors. Such a world would have no place for concepts like “spheres of influence,” “preventive war,” or land grabs over minerals: basically, an anti-globalist, anti-homogeneous End of History. Such a world has no place for Emperor Trump.
Even if Trump’s imperialist posturing is just a negotiating stance or an online troll, it has real-world effects. For if the United States is back in the business of seizing territory, why shouldn’t other countries do so as well?
Thus Ben Shapiro posted a map on X labeling Canada “the 51st state,” Greenland “Trumpland,” Mexico as “the other side of the wall,” and the Atlantic Ocean the “Anti-European Moat.” Aside from stoking ill-will among whites, Shapiro knows that if America seizes land on geopolitical and economic grounds, that would make it easier for Israel to expand its borders.
Naturally, Alexander Dugin reposted Shapiro’s map, because American imperialism would provide cover for Russian imperialism in Ukraine as well.
I’d like America to keep better company and set a better example for the world.
The most sensible defense of Emperor Trump was offered by Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh on X: “I want the US to buy Greenland mainly because seeking and acquiring new land is a sign of a healthy, thriving nation.” Setting aside the question of whether the land in question is taken from others, this makes sense. A thriving nation would have a growing population, thus it would require more land.
But America is not a “healthy, thriving nation.” America’s core white population is shrinking while its borders are open to replacement migration from the Third World. It is delusional for such a society to wish to add new territory. It is like a bankrupt buying an expensive meal on credit in order to feel rich.
When I look at America’s problems, I often find myself thinking, “What would a serious country, a healthy country, do in this situation?” But then I remind myself that America ceased being a serious country a long time ago. To pretend otherwise isn’t serious either. It is just LARPing.
How much of the enthusiasm for Emperor Trump is just a desire to pretend that we’re back in the nineteenth century?
This brings us to the main reason why we should say “no” to Emperor Trump and his schemes: America is a profoundly sick society. Trump should focus on fixing our problems at home, not creating new problems abroad.
Trump has finite time and political capital. He needs to prioritize securing our borders and deporting millions of nonwhites, not expanding our borders and incorporating millions more.
Imperialist talk doesn’t just deplete Trump’s political capital, it also increases Leftist resistance against him, which could threaten his ability to enact necessary domestic reforms.
This whole episode smacks of megalomania, grandiosity, and a fundamental lack of seriousness affecting the MAGA movement from Trump on down. It does not bode well. Hubris invites nemesis. I fear Emperor Trump may be blowing his second administration before he even takes office.
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A healthy nation (which we’re not, presently) should at least be capable of expanding. When we become healthy again, we can turn to space for colonial projects.
Sometimes there’s a difference between being healthy and being strong. Imperialism is always a sign of strength, but not necessarily of health. America is the perfect example of that right now.
America isn’t even strong now. It is falling apart.
America’s “strength” of the past 50 years or so is comparable to the strength of body-builders who take annabolic steroids. Grows huge muscles for a time and gives you “roid rage” to take out on anyone not as big and strong, but ultimately causes a mess of internal organ damage and shrunken testicles and an early death.
Lyle Alzado was the poster child for steroid abuse. Once one of the most ornery players in the NFL who later became a pathetic wreck of a man, crying in pain from every joint.
America is now Alzado in his wheelchair phase.
Healthy and strong always go together. Could you elaborate on how an unhealthy person/society can be really strong?
For a human, someone on performance enhancing drugs could have brute strength but poor health. Likewise, a nation can have a large and powerful military but a deeply unhealthy culture and populace – the Soviet Union would be an example.
Good point!
It is very depressing that we are hearing so little about mass Deportations.
“It is very depressing that we are hearing so little about mass Deportations.” This is the fault of maga because it chose not to be a force to be reckoned with. It begins January 20, 2025 maga needs to remind him – you have twelve months to complete The Wall, remigrate ALL illegals, cancel birthright citizenship; after your H1B backstabbing us, you will not backstab us again or else we will shame you for the rest of your life.
…And 24 hours to pardon all the J6 political prisoners.
We 100 percent should NOT surrender Hawaii. Puerto Rico, fine. But Hawaii should be colonized and taken over by right wingers.
I lived in Hawaii for some time. I don’t share your perspective on its value but I’m open to hearing your thoughts.
I lived there for a couple of months in the late aughts for work. It did get old after a couple of weeks for me personally but it is an absolute island paradise. I remember thinking you could just live outside.
My invasion plan involves tens of thousands of new arrivals bumming it on the beaches for an election cycle or two. Replace all the libtards in power and then use the state to redistribute the resources to ourselves and make life unbearable for libtards to reside there.
It’ll work perfectly.
Maybe I was there too long. Several years. Certainly the nature is awe inspiring. Politics there are a disaster but your plan could work!
And what of the Christopher Kunzelman case on Maui? If this is indicative of the average attitude the natives have towards Whites, who needs it? Politically, it’s as blue as the water. They even have one of the “tribe” as governor, imagine that. What are the odds…
Unfortunately, my own impressions of Hawaii are irrevocably tainted by a recent binge-watch of Dog The Bounty Hunter.
Totally wrong. You must think always of what is “doable” – physically and morally (for white Americans, especially among non-progressives, are supremely ethical). Hawaii could conceivably be given back to the natives, or at least made independent subject to a continued US military presence (which the Hawaiians should want to prevent immediate Chinese conquest; anyway, US will NEVER give up its bases there). A moral case can be made that it was taken as a function of US imperialism, and thus should be returned to the natives, and physically, it would be a simple legislative act (simple in concept, maybe very difficult politically).
Ditto independence for PR. That would just entail another legislative act.
But HI is not a good prowhite relocation place because there are too few of us there already. And how is the local jobs situation?
The idea of prowhite demographic conquest is that eventually we hope to transform wherever we go into a true sovereign Ethnostate. The US will not allow that for HI for geostrategic reasons, and most of the natives won’t want that, either. Islands are dangerous, too, as they can be easily navally blockaded.
My prowhite ingathering place (if it should be in America) would be either the Northwest (no surprise), Alaska, or New Hampshire and/or Maine.
A “fundamental lack of seriousness,” that’s it in a nutshell. Trump has a mandate to secure the borders and deport millions. He is tossing aside that mandate aside to pursue outdated fantasies of imperial greatness. His second presidency is headed for ruin.
Well said. I wish it were not so.
Excellent article Greg. One sign of a healthy America is that you or a similarly serious thinker would be Secretary of State. It is interesting that Shapiro’s map doesn’t show all of the flight connections and agreements that are going to flood our homeland with more replacement populations. What good is a wall when it is a dog and pony show?
One thing that I have concluded recently is that post-America is a multi-colony. I concluded this the other day when digging in to Alex Karp. Looking at where he flies his board during a border/invasion crisis, what he defines as a national crisis, where he gets is money and where he invests in programming talent … … The behavior is the very definition of a colonizer. He isn’t the only one. There are multiple nations/empires and consortiums that have colonized America.
When I look at this map and I look at the rhetoric it seems clear that the colonizers realize this. They don’t care about a healthy America. America is gone and it is a multi-colony and they know it and they treat it as such. It is a geographically perfect staging ground for going to grab and formally create new colonies. We are going to win, but we are going to need MAGAs to realize that when the colonizers say America they mean the empire and themselves and that the MAGAs are tools of power waving a flag in its support. The ’20 revolutionaries were tools who were turned on the minute they weren’t needed. MAGA are worse off. There is no need to turn on them, now the flag and America are perfect skin suits for the GAE’s next colonization project. MAGA is a tool for consolidating gains. It is also the source for ever greater numbers of the disaffected that is going to feed our cause.
P.S. The “Anti-European Moat”, is very concerning. It is as if they plan on Europe running into the arms of China. It is hard to know if a European vassalage by China is worse for Europe than a vassalage to the GAE. It can’t be good. More reasons for solidarity with and support for our European brothers and sisters.
Continental Europe will not be in vassalage to China if we (the USA) allow it to form an independent pole with Russia. Just as Russia would pull Germany east–and with Germany, the Continent–so Germany would pull Russia westward, away from China. And as the Continent breaks free of American suzerainty, its nations will be emboldened to pursue remigration programs, by gunpoint if necessary.
Likewise, although I have no love for Israel, its long-term interest is to ally with Iran. Otherwise, Israel is doomed.
I foresee the following “poles” of power: (1) Continental Europe in partnership with Russia; (2) Israel allied with Iran; (3) Turkey isolated and eventually divided, the western part absorbed into Greco-Europe, the eastern part a resurrected Armenia; (4) China ever more powerful in East Asia, rapprochement with Japan; and (5) the Anglo-American sphere in steady decline, hopefully breaking apart into smaller states, but vulnerable to manipulation, tampering & intervention by outside powers, in particular China.
This is an interesting forecast. It is plausible if the GAE has an elite circulation where Heritage Americans reclaim leadership. Otherwise, as an occupied power, it is hard to see it changing. Though if the current consolidation of power holds, those colonizers could eventually remain China’s satraps in a strange replay of Medieval Iberia.
I think the monkey wrench there is the importation of South and East Asian elites precludes that. Eventually, maybe sooner than later, these rival elites with strong power bases become the North American satraps. It is hard to know how solid the globalist elite alliance is. We do know that one day they will split and do a lot of infighting.
America is a tragedy. A vast, wealthy continent, with two vast coastlines of natural warm water ports and a single people with work ethic, intelligence natural geographic defensive advantages, bolstered by a massive nuclear arsenal and an unfathomably rich heritage. The greatest tragedy in man’s history is from the perspective of Heritage Americans. Two generations enthusiastically embraced and facilitated the forfeiture of that inheritance. Perhaps the Sorellian (sp?) Myth of Americans will be the reconquest of Our continent. Jews ended every prayer for 2000 years with speaking that it would one day be uttered in their temple in Jerusalem. It is a very powerful oath. Perhaps we should invent such a spoken vision for our people and our homeland, and work for however long it takes to fulfill it.
Great comment, even if some of it is over my head, and wonderful ending.
Reclaiming white lands is going to have to come to be seen as a spiritual project, which I believe it is.
Europe on its own can stand up to any geopolitical rival.
Definitely not in its current form (and unfortunately the trajectory of events doesn’t seem optimistic either).
I think the real america needs to annex the lands that are already within our borders.
yeah, I think that absurd annexation/conquest talk is more about the Middle East. First of all Russia’s business is not really a fait accompli yet; we don’t know how that’s gonna fall out. Israeli territorial expansion has been a big theme of the Trump presidencies, for example, of course, when he moved the capital to Jerusalem, that represented sort of an annexation. Those lands were considered by the international community occupied territories that would at some point be returned to their original countries, which supposedly Israel was occupying for security reasons, having claimed them during the different wars(yom kipper,6 day?). Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital instead of Tel Aviv was a big concession. That meant they’re keeping those lands.
I agree, President Carter’s interviews being aired now on the subject of Israel is revealing of his insight. I have reached a time in my life where a crime does not need to be identified in written statutes anymore, for them to be realized. How does a leader of the US declare the capitol of a foreign nation, and without all hell breaking loose? In the lyrics of Peppi Marchello of the Good Rats, “It’s a time when almost anything goes”.
Like what does he say? Exactly?
In summary he said that no president or congressman could maintain any support if they opposed Israeli policy publicly (surprisingly we do have about 30 of them right now). He mentioned the decades inhumanity practiced which no one in Israel or the US wish to investigate or even discuss. He also wrote a book whose title includes Palestine and apartheid. The 2007 interview can be seen on Democracy Now, Jan. 9-10 show airings and Christiane Amonpour Hour tribute to Carter this past week. When asked about which forces controlling congress, he specifically called out AIPAC.
Sure, brave of him, but none of this info is new. I don’t see how anyone could call Carter weak, as he was the only major political figure confronting the truly dangerous powers.
Trump must take off his Real Estate Mogul hat and put his MAGA hat back on for 4 more years. There is so much damage to repair from the previous Biden fiasco.
Keeping Trump focused is not the easiest job in the country.
“I fear Emperor Trump may be blowing his second administration before he even takes office.” Well, he certainly blew it by stabbing the maga people in the back by choosing cheap labor(H1B) over choosing the interests of maga. Maga needs to become a power block, that regardless who sits in the White House the POTUS aims to please maga. Maga can start with ensuring Trump builds The Wall & remigrates ALL illegals. The Commander-in-Chief POTUS requires zero permission to build The Wall as he already has the manpower & they are called the Army Corps of Engineers & the Naval Seabees, &, has virtually unlimited money by just placing a tax on the tens of billions of dollars that leaves USA every year called Remittances. Well over 20,000,000,000 dollars leaves USA as Remittances, 10% tax on it is 2,000,000,000 dollars. And, of course cancel birthright citizenship. Maga needs to hold his feet to the fire on this & shame him relentlessly if he again stabs maga in the back. If maga, who are still the majority voting block, becomes a power to be reckoned with then they’ll deserve MAGA in all caps.
You’re right in noting Trump just pulled a classic bait-and-switch.
We wanted an America that works for the native-born, has a responsible fiscal policy, and has some semblance of law and order. So starting in the holiday season, we get a load of muck about Greenland, Panama, and Canada.
This is all the opposite of what the MAGA people voted for. If we make the USA work we do not need Greenland. Canada has issues Americans are better off leaving alone; completely aside from the fact nobody in the Great White North ever wanted to join the union. If things continue, in fact, most Americans who work for a living would be better off if the union fails since smaller nations seem to control their destiny better.
A good example is Hungary. Roughly the size and population of states like Ohio, Georgia, and Oregon. Who doubts these states would better serve their people as independent polities?
Trump for some odd reason was a beacon of hope for patriots. He’s just shown that ain’s so. The next stop is devolution.
Amren has this article about how there may be a “shock and awe” of deportations in DC I’m wondering if all this, “let’s annex Canada, let’s buy Greenland, let’s retake control of the Panama canal!” are all distractions for what’s to come.
We can hope, but this smacks of the old Trump playing 4D chess meme
This whole episode smacks of megalomania, grandiosity, and a fundamental lack of seriousness affecting the MAGA movement from Trump on down. It does not bode well. Hubris invites nemesis. I fear Emperor Trump may be blowing his second administration before he even takes office.
Aside from one remark that being anti-White is not nice, the most astounding aspect of the Trump phenomenon, and its most diagnostically significant, is that a movement which is massively White (about 85% of his voters are palefaces, if we believe exit polls) has a leader who does not otherwise mention us, much less advocate for us.
I can think of no analogous movement anywhere with such a deafening silence about its super-majority base and with a base that goes along with it.
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