Jimmy the Tooth has grinned his last goofy grin. He was planted in the ground the other day. After circling the drain in hospice care for nearly two years of extended overtime, the former President James Earl Carter is no longer. His spirit now resides in whatever crevasse of the afterlife that awaits Trilateral Commission members. He was fortunate enough to make it to the century mark, and the second half of his life is generally reckoned as his better years. Still, that’s not much to shout about, since by then he was a washed-up politician. Jummah’s most notable achievement since his failed Presidency was to win a Nobel Prize for the great accomplishment of not being George W. Bush, a distinction he shares with Al Gore and The Obomber.
Carter’s folksy beginnings as a peanut farmer in Plains, Georgia are well known. America would be much better off if he hadn’t undertaken a career change. In 1963, he entered politics as a state senator. This became a stepping-stone to the governor’s mansion in 1971. By 1973, he gained the attention of none other than David “Mr. New World Order” Rockefeller. Tapped by the Deep State to be an approved candidate, Carter got a publicity boost that put him on the national political map, Bob’s-yer-uncle. He ran against Gerald Ford in the 1976 election.
It was a close race, but Carter prevailed because of three factors. Ford’s Presidency was weakened by the aftermath of Watergate, such as pardoning Nixon, as well as the collapse of the fragile peace established in Vietnam. Also, enough Southerners believed that Carter was really their guy deep down, though of course he’d show his true colors soon enough. Finally, the black vote was a decisive edge in several states. Consider it another lesson that diversity is a game-breaker for democracy; instead of a contest about who has the best ideas, it becomes about ethnic bloc-voting and promising goodies to special interests.
Overall, Jummah had the public image of being a nice guy. Still, there was a bitchy, vindictive side underneath the surface. According to some new perspectives, the “man of the people” shtick was just an act. For one example, pictures of him carrying his own luggage were just photo-ops with an empty suitcase. He ostentatiously showed up to work early, and promptly took a nap. The real Carter was remarkably haughty and barely spoke to those he considered beneath him.
Much worse, the Apostle of Mediocrity was the sort of liberal who thinks all differences can be resolved by trying to understand our opponents, by having more tolerance, by seeing things from their perspective rather than our own, and then meeting them in the middle – which usually really means capitulation. (You know the type!) They may be nice people, but they should never be allowed in charge of anything important. Playing softball might work when dealing with other softies, or at least the reasonable and principled, but it utterly fails with opponents who play hardball. For example, we know very well that it’s pointless to try negotiating with those who think we don’t have a right to exist. Endless compromise on vital matters means giving up the farm. Moreover, being Mr. Nice Guy and always letting everyone else get their way means we end up with nothing, not even a country for ourselves.
Thumping the Wrong Side of the Bible
In his four years as President, Carter became a byword for bleeding-hearted liberalism. This was informed by his ultracalvinist theological inclinations. (This is the sort of thing that gives Christianity a weaksauce reputation in modern times, although that’s certainly not the only interpretation of the Gospels, much less the most valid one. As far as Carter’s denomination goes, namby-pamby pathological altruism is certainly not normative for Southern Baptists.) The famous Watergate burglar G. Gordon Liddy riffed on Carter’s holy rolling in his Playboy interview of October 1980. He was asked, “And why emphasize the President’s private religious beliefs?” The G‑Man replied:
Because they aren’t private anymore, damn it; they’re at the root of his whole Easter Bunny approach to running this country. Jimmy Carter just doesn’t understand the world as it is; he still believes you can look the other way and the problem will disappear. He’s not prepared to face the harsh problems, whether inflation or recession at home or Soviet aggression and American military weakness abroad. I mean, if he were on a yacht for a summit conference with Maggie Thatcher of England, Giscard d’Estaing of France and Helmut Schmidt of Germany and that yacht capsized and they were all in the drink together, I can just picture what would happen when а dark fin started cutting through the water toward them. Thatcher, D’Estaing and Schmidt would all shout, “Jaws!” and do everything in their power to scramble up for safety on the inverted hull of the ship, while Jimmy would just continue paddling around, saying, “Gee, guys, it’s Charlie the Tuna!” No, I’m sorry, but the requisites for leadership of a great power are brains, brawn and balls, and I’m afraid Carter is singularly lacking in all three departments.
His take on Carter is devastating, and there’s a lot more of that where it comes from. For example:
And I’m particularly alarmed when a man like Carter bases his foreign policy on the way he wishes other nations to be, rather than on the basis of how they actually behave in the world as it is. І don’t mind Carter talking to God. It’s when God answers back, and tells him something different each day, that I get really worried.
Jimmy the Tooth wasn’t shy about putting words in his Savior’s mouth; for example a statement in 2018, “I believe that Jesus would approve of gay marriage.” Surely it’s quite convenient to have a deity who always agrees with him on every ideological matter!
As it happens, Playboy also interviewed Carter, roughly a month before he was elected. Early on he gets into the theological talk. For example:
Committing adultery, according to the Bible–which I believe in–is a sin. For us to hate one another, for us to have sexual intercourse outside marriage, for us to engage in homosexual activities, for us to steal, for us to lie–all these are sins. But Jesus teaches us not to judge other people.
Leaving aside questions of morality, this disagrees with his later statement, leaving a logical conundrum. Does this mean that homosexuality was still a sin in 1976 but stopped being sinful by 2018, or does this mean that Jesus is cool with hallowing sinful relationships? The easy way out of this one is to say that Carter’s views evolved. The problem with that, of course, is that he was making theological pronouncements, perilously close to putting words in his deity’s mouth.
The good news for Carter is that he had little to fear from getting sent to the Sixth Circle of Hell for heresy; the bad news is it’s because he was liable for more serious charges of treachery, which gets one sent to the Ninth Circle of Hell. Asked about his regrets, he says:
Not speaking out for the cessation of the war in Vietnam. The fact that I didn’t crusade at a very early stage for civil rights in the South, for the one-man, one-vote ruling. It might be that now I should drop my campaign for President and start a crusade for black-majority rule in South Africa or Rhodesia. It might be that later on, we’ll discover there were opportunities in our lives to do wonderful things and we didn’t take advantage of them.
The fact that in 1954 I sat back and required the Warren Court to make this ruling without having crusaded myself—that was obviously a mistake on my part.
Beautiful, isn’t it? After that, the discussion soon turned to foreign policy and other ordinary political topics. Then toward the end, it was back to wearing his religion on his sleeve again. This resulted in an epic foot-in-mouth moment:
I’ve looked on a lot of women with lust. I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times. This is something that God recognizes I will do–and I have done it–and God forgives me for it. But that doesn’t mean that I condemn someone who not only looks on a woman with lust but who leaves his wife and shacks up with somebody out of wedlock.
Christ says, Don’t consider yourself better than someone else because one guy screws a whole bunch of women while the other guy is loyal to his wife. The guy who’s loyal to his wife ought not to be condescending or proud because of the relative degree of sinfulness.
No, Jummah, too much information! The interview almost cost him the election. That statement in particular was almost as cringe as the time he discussed his hemorrhoids on record, or boasting about how his sex life with Rosalynn remained satisfying even into old age. Compared to Jimmy the Tooth’s awkward confession about committing adultery in his heart, Clinton’s overwrought denials and lawyerly word games during Fornigate don’t seem quite so lame. If a sin is a sin is a sin, as Carter suggested, then at least Chubby Bubba had the balls to enjoy himself in the Oral Office. (If anything, a bimbo eruption would’ve given the public some much-needed reassurance that Jummah at least had a pair of peanuts down there.) Further back, JFK’s flings with actresses and gun molls enhanced his mystique, but Jimmy the Tooth looked silly by getting all St. Augustine about looking on women with lust. Note well, I don’t recommend lewd behavior, but I do recommend knowing when to keep one’s yap shut.
Besides all that, what business did Mr. Holy-Holy have consenting to an interview with such a worldly magazine? (To be technical about it, he did so four times, and the printed result was concatenated from these separate talks.) Let’s face it – as a matter of fact, Playboy is indeed about lusting after women in one’s heart. Interviews like these were merely for literary gravitas to keep America’s favorite manustupration magazine on the right side of the Supreme Court’s obscenity standard. Still, most of the readership bought the November 1976 edition to scope out Misti Rowe’s sublime femininity and the centerfold Patti McGuire’s generous curves, and didn’t care about Carter’s boring blather.
A Legacy of Failure
The best word to sum up Carter’s term in office is malaise, a term often heard after he delivered a turkey of a speech. For one thing, there was the energy crisis in which the camel jockeys were pushing us around. This culminated in skyrocketing gas prices, rationing, and cars lined up for blocks to top off at filling stations. This problem already had been under way, but Jimmy the Tooth did nothing effective about it. That speech in a sweater next to the fireplace doesn’t count.
Inflation was already under way, but rose to double digits under Carter’s term, marking an unprecedented high. (The Bidet junta did come close to matching it, but they cooked the books to hide the true extent.) Meanwhile, unemployment was a headache during the Carter administration too. Usually that’s inversely correlated to inflation, so economists are still puzzled by how stagflation happened. Obama did give us another data point on that, but I’ll have to credit The Lightworker’s administration for figuring out how to fudge the numbers so that it didn’t look so bad. Since Presidents don’t have dictatorial powers like Hitler and Pinochet, it’s hard to blame them for the entirety of economic woes, but Carter’s ineptitude didn’t help.
All throughout, Marxism was a tremendous threat to the world. Kids these days, misled by the Pied Pipers in our educational system, think that Communism means unlimited free goodies. The fact is that the Western world was locked in an intense conflict with ideological opponents who played hardball to the fullest, and the Cold War had been getting pretty hot. The global situation neared the tipping point in 1968. Although the crisis stage was narrowly averted, the engineered chaos that Yuri Bezmenov called the destabilization phase continued throughout the 1970s. Meanwhile, the world map was getting redder.
I’d have to write out an entire history lecture to discuss how the Carter administration’s ineptitude diminished military readiness and harmed our geopolitical strategy. Instead, I’ll point out the fate of Rhodesia as a characteristic bungle, though in this case Jimmy the Tooth was only one of the guilty parties. As a strategically-important country embattled by Marxist terrorists, we should’ve taken their side. The hang-up there was that Rhodesia, a First World country and Africa’s breadbasket, had a white government. Boo, hiss, not democratic! After the British and American governments alike sold them out to the terrorists, the Marxist dictator Robert Mugabe turned the place into a starving hellhole. Yay for freedumb and democracy!
Late in the game, Carter did begin to remember that there was a Cold War going on when the Soviets took over Afghanistan. He began supporting the Taliban insurgency. The way that ultimately turned out, though, we’d have been better off letting the pinkos deal with the goat-loving zealots.
Then there was the Iran hostage crisis. (Things didn’t have to be this way, if not for a Deep State bungle by Kermit Roosevelt, but I’ll spare the history lecture on why frogs don’t belong in the CIA.) Following a revolution, a crowd of “Iranian students” – a media euphemism for “fanatical towelheads” – took over our embassy. They held the staff hostage and mistreated them throughout. This led to over a year of the daffy beardo Ayatollah Khomeini punking out Jimmy the Tooth on national TV.
A bit of gunboat diplomacy on our part would’ve ended that. An Iranian official later confirmed that they were just waiting for a show of force, but it never came. The closest we got was a failed rescue attempt late in the game. A Washington insider told me that Carter wanted to rattle the saber, but his hands were tied because of an obstructive figure in the chain of command. This sort of thing does happen, but having been a Navy officer, he should’ve known how to deal with insubordination. Moreover, since he had Deep State approval – being a Trilateral Commission bigwig and all that – surely he could’ve finessed something. Another result of the Iran bungle is that we got pushed into the arms of our good buddy Saddam, which turned out rather embarrassing in the long haul.
Some might point to the accords between Israel and Egypt as a triumph of the Carter administration. Although I don’t have a dog in the fight on that one, I’ll concur that peace is a good thing overall. On a closer examination, that particular agreement looks pretty wonky. The deal was that, year after year, we’d send billions in foreign aid to both the Israelis and the Egyptians not to fight each other. When one country pays another country for peace, the old term for it is Dane geld. The way it normally works, often as a postwar shakedown, is that one country hands over tribute to a stronger country. This deal was different – American taxpayers pay both sides, even though we weren’t part of their conflict (unless the USS Liberty counts). What a screwy protection racket!
Another international bungle was when Carter gave away the Panama Canal. How the hell did we benefit from that? The megaproject was obtained at the expense of much American blood, sweat, tears, and treasure. This placed the tremendously strategic waterway in the hands of whichever El Jefe in a military uniform, funny hat, and mirror shades happens to be running Panama at the moment. That’s why Bush the Elder invaded after our buddy Noriega became too troublesome. Lately, the ChiComs are buying up the Panama Canal. As Instauration – a great source of Carteriana – noted in March of 1978:
The military importance of the Canal is only secondary. We would be giving up part of our history, part of the American record, if we gave up one of the world’s great engineering achievements, one of the seven wonders of the modern world. Why is it that diplomats—good mind like Kennan’s, media-mongers like Kissinger—inevitably fail to see that in matter of international affairs and military strategy morale must come before all else? If the losing streak becomes too wide and too long, if the team is never allowed to win once, it might as well quit the field.
A final foreign policy blunder came when Clinton delegated Carter to negotiate with North Korea’s leader Kim Il-Sung. He got the Potemkin Village tour, and believed the act so much that he compared one of their shops to the Wal-Mart in Americus, Georgia. He agreed to give aid to the Norks, and they pretended to abandon their nuclear program. We exchanged goods for false hope. Great going, Jummah! Not even Linda Lovelace could’ve blown something as epically as that.
If all that weren’t bad enough, there was the 1979 Vorpal Bunny incident. On April 20 – a red letter day, if you ask me – the Apostle of Mediocrity was escaping the woes of the world on a fishing trip back home. Along came a wascally wabbit swimming towards him, and apparently the baleful beast wanted to get on board. Thinking quickly, the Commander In Chief deterred the big, bad bunny; “When he got almost there, I splashed some water with a paddle.” Whew – he narrowly averted yet another crisis! If Jummah hadn’t bragged about it to his staff, ordering up an enhanced photo of the incident so that they’d believe him, the world might never know about him courageously confronting the cantankerous cottontail. It didn’t play so well to the public; the POTUS fending off a rabbit was quite an apt symbol of his chickenshit administration.
More Carter Agony
I’ll give the Pussy of Plains credit for not getting mixed up in corruption – much unlike Congress at the time – but his Presidency was a flop in every other way. Time and again, he was one embarrassment after another. The least of his faults was micromanaging the schedules of the White House tennis court and weight room while the rest of the country was going to Hell in a handbasket.
In 1969, Jimmy Carter became a UFO contactee. While one might write it off as the usual type of Age of Aquarius fluff popular in those days, it did have some political dimensions. “A light appeared and disappeared in the sky. It got brighter and brighter . . . I have no idea what it was . . . I think the light was beckoning me to run in the California primary.” Most likely, he was driving down a winding road while trying to chase down Venus.
In 1978, a “Best Known American” survey was conducted. Richard Nixon won the contest, Billy Graham came out second, and Mr. Whipple got third place. That’s right – the “Please don’t squeeze the Charmin” guy beat President Carter.
From the October 1979 edition of Instauration: “The Cairo newspaper AI Ahram recently ran a poem on Jimmy the Tooth’s hemorrhoids. The poet begged Allah to relieve the president’s pain because ‘this malady should have been visited upon an unjust politician, rather than on you, O President Carter!'”
Carter repeatedly fumbled the nuclear football. One bad omen was during his transition to power, when some wag slipped an empty beer can and a horse condom into the Doomsday Suitcase. (Or did Mr. Ed have a wild party?) Then there was one time he forgot the launch codes in a coat pocket and had it sent to the dry cleaner’s. Other than that, due to Jimmy the Tooth’s distaste for military personnel – despite having been a Navy officer – he wouldn’t let the aide carrying it stay at his farm in Plains, Georgia. Therefore, the carrier had to book a hotel room fifteen minutes away whenever Jummah was vacationing back home, during which time America would’ve been defenseless to a nuclear first strike. Oopsie!
Then there were the embarrassing relatives. His brother Billy was a drunk, but at least he had a penchant for making lemons out of lemonade, and that’s how Billy Beer came to be. Unfortunately, he was a bit too close to the postcolonial goofball Muammar Gadhafi. Then there was Amy Carter – oh boy! I’ll overlook the earlier silliness, since she was a kid at the time, but she became a Social Justice Warrior in college. Fortunately, she knocked it off with that long ago. It’s easy to let it all slide, since Presidents usually have an embarrassing relative. Fortunately, Carter’s didn’t get anywhere near the depths of Hunter Bidet.
One can’t choose one’s family, so questionable friends are worse. The Carters, especially Rosalynn, were quite chummy with the cult leader Jim Jones. For example, there’s one extant letter in which he tries to prevail on the First Lady to arrange for aid to Cuba. At the end, the radicalinski Reverend says, “Let me again express my deep appreciation for the privilege of dining privately with you prior to the election.” Sweet! That stuff didn’t age so well when the People’s Temple committed mass suicide. Still, it might not be so exceptional, since lots of leftist pukes gave slobbering praise to the love-monger of Guyana. Another fine moment was Rosalynn’s photo op with the sicko predator John Wayne Gacy, the “Killer Clown” who murdered over thirty boys and men he’d picked up.
In 1980, a Boston Globe editorial appeared about a Carter speech concerning the economy. The title – “More Mush From the Wimp” – was intended as a joke, but slipped by into publication. Journalists getting something right for once – who knew?
The ultimate Carter moment, in my opinion, came on April 12 of 1978. Romania’s asshole dictator, greatly loathed by his own people, had arrived for a state visit. The Pussy of Plains greeted his buddy Comrade Ceauşescu thus:
Our goals are also the same, to have a just system of economics and politics, to let the people of the world share in growth, in peace, in personal freedom, and in the benefits to be derived from the proper utilization of natural resources. We believe in enhancing human rights. We believe that we should enhance, as independent nations, the freedom of our own people.
Isn’t that just precious?
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My very Slavic great Russian Aunt Sonia had strong opinions against President Jimmy Carter. My Aunt Sonia had seen lots of life – she/we were part of the last Russian nobility, our land was/is featured in Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina “Vronsky’s Estate” the one with a tennis court.
She saw the German troops come to the family land during World War I (countryside outside of St. Petersburg, Tula), she experienced the J Bolshevik Coup, the Russian Civil War, my grandfather fought in the ha Wite Army.
She Lived in Paris France from ~ 1928- 2005. Her mind was sharp until the end.
She told me that the German occupation of Paris was very safe and orderly – German military officers would give up their seats on the Paris Metro to ladies like her – she didn’t experience any NAZI mistreatment of the Slavs/her.
She thought Jimmy Carter was an idiot?
She would ask me:
“What kind of a proud nation has a leader named “jimmy” who acted like that”?
She had more wink wink views about Js and was strongly anti Algerian and other Muslim migrants to France.
“They’ll turn Notre Dame in to an Islamic Mosque”
My Aunt Sonia was great. She was a tennis fan and really like John McEnroe and Chris Everett.
Chris Everett was playing some rough, stern young Eastern European woman “Hanna Manlikovna” for the finals of the French Open women’s tennis tournament. Hanna Manlikova was mouthing off before the match that she would beat Chris Everett.
Hanna M one the first gamer, then Chris Everett proceeded to win the rest wining the French open championship 6-1, 6-0.
My Russian Slavic Aunt Sonia commented:
“Hanna Manlikova – her coach, I think he will beat her”.
ha ha.
I have probably about ~ 12% ha Wite slavic blood in me. This Slavic blood has made me immune from all things “Liberal, Libertarian”. Slavs like brutal, tough guy leaders like Ivan the Terrible, Stalin, Vladimir Putin.
Arab and other Islamic terrorists understand the difference between taking American hostages when our leader was “Jimmy Carter” and say trying to use terrorism against Slavic Russians – torture, exile, family retribution, that all follows when messing with Slavs.
Too bad Hitler and Himler couldn’t appreciate Slavs, have the SS take at least one young Slavic wife during the conquest and occupation of Eastern Europe.
Oh well.
That reminds me of a meme I saw, showing a picture of occupied Paris in the 1940s and today’s multicultural Paris. In the first, the Germans were behaving respectfully, and in the second, the Blacks were acting like they owned the place.
It was Evert, not Everett, you dumb retard.
Please, Counter Currents, ban this energetic jerk from being a commenter. The perfect example of a time waster. He is ruining Occidental Dissent. Ban him from here!
Dumbfuc* (nice name) writes:
“It was Evert, not Everett, you dumb retard. Please, Counter Currents, ban this energetic jerk from being a commenter. The perfect example of a time waster. He is ruining Occidental Dissent. Ban him from here!”
I respond:
Evert not Everett – OK, duly noted. It’s just a small typo!
Italians would still be speaking Etruscan if they weren’t allowed some small linguistic liberties.
I have a BA in History /Economics from Vanderbilt
A Marketing MBA from Stern New York University (OK, I concede that was a waste)
I qualified for MENSA and am the co-creator of the “Missing – a Future for White Children ” flier poster the most successful peace of American WN propaganda. Just ask Will Williams here – the National Alliance copied my/our “Missing Poster” and it was/is the NA most successful, popular flier/poster.
How about contacting a proctologist and working to remove the giant pole stuck up your arse?
Evert/Everett – somehow Charles Martel beating back the dark, swarthy hordes from North African Moorish Muslim hell, I doubt the French Franks and other ha White Europeans really cared if Charles the Hammer Martel was a perfect speller.
Jeeees, CC comment section has gotten petty.
This Slavic blood has made me immune from all things “Liberal, Libertarian”. Slavs like brutal, tough guy leaders like Ivan the Terrible, Stalin, Vladimir Putin.
Every time I go on pro-White sites, I see random articles used as a platform to promote the (supposed) traits of Slavic blood. Most White Americans have no Slavic ancestry and the article had nothing to do with Slavs (other than a brief mention of the Slavic majority Soviet Union – which was busily promoting Leftism across the planet, arming Blacks in Africa, and spreading anti-White Marxist Third Worldism).
torture, exile, family retribution, that all follows when messing with Slavs.
High quality Western men are never going to idolize that type of behavior.
Any man with a sense of personal honor knows that you don’t ask men underneath you in a chain of command to engage in torture. It is degrading to the man inflicting it, weakens moral, and breaks down a military unit’s sense of discipline.
When systemic torture does happen (Abu Ghraib) it’s the absolute dregs who are dishing it out.
We don’t want a movement filled with people like that. Neither did the Confederates or the Victorian British or the Wehrmacht. Goering (super evil head Nazi #2) refused to allow downed American bomber crews to be summarily shot or tortured. And that was when Germany’s cities were being burned down.
Too bad Hitler and Himler couldn’t appreciate Slavs, have the SS take at least one young Slavic wife during the conquest and occupation of Eastern Europe.
No one in Germany wanted their nation to be Slavicised or to abduct masses of Slavic women. That also doesn’t mean they wanted to kill all Slavs as the post war Soviets claimed.
Oh dear!
What utter ridiculous nonsense – pretty much accepting the J lie that German/Nordic Nationalists in the 1930s and 40s considered all Slavs and Eastern Europeans to be subhuman , untermenschen.
Yes, sadly some Nordic supremicists in the SS did feel this way, act this way and this was a major reason Germany and German allies (Romanians, Hungarians, yes Slavic Ukrainians) lost World War II in the East. It was/is the same for White Nationalists who needlessly bash, defame all White Europeans that are follow some form of Christianity.
Hitler Grand Dad, and Alfred Rosenberg the official NS court philosopher didn’t make that foolish mistake.
I’m a direct descendant of Catherine the Great – her first son – father was the German officer Count Orlov who led the royal Russian imperial guard. Catherine the Great (Russians still call her that along with Peter the Great) was a Nordic/Germanic German Princess as was most of the Russian nobility the French nobility before the #*$&@# Je* involved French Revolution and of course the J Bolshevik coup, reign of terror in Russia and other Eastern, Central European countries. The Je* Communists dominated Red Berlin for a while after World War I and did rule for one bloody Soviet month in Bavaria led the the Je* Communist Kurt Eisner.
Germanic, Nordic leaders – the best, wisest ones had and have known how to work with other Whites – Slavs, Alpine, Southern Italians etc.
And really mate – do you think the likes of Anna Kournikova and Maria Sharapova aren’t good looking White women? Enrique Inglese certainly noticed Anna K’s beauty and their children are all beautiful, fair (White) with great light eyes and good hair.
Again, I’m around 12% Slavic and I cherish my White Slavic blood that has made me immune to idiot, weak race denying, POC, Islam pandering Liberals and worse Libertarians.
What utter ridiculous nonsense – pretty much accepting the J lie that German/Nordic Nationalists in the 1930s and 40s considered all Slavs and Eastern Europeans to be subhuman , untermenschen.
You are strawmanning. I literally wrote:
Again, I’m around 12% Slavic
You just wrote that your grandfather was a Russian which would make you 25% Slavic. I suppose you’re claiming that your Slavic ancestors were 50% non-Slavic.
and I cherish my White Slavic blood that has made me immune to idiot, weak race denying, POC, Islam pandering Liberals and worse Libertarians.
There plenty of Slavic liberals. The longest serving Serbian Prime Minister is a pro-EU Lesbian (Ana Brnabic) who headed The Progressive Party:
As for Islam, there are 600,000 Muslims in Moscow and 20 million in Russia:
And Polish women living in the UK have a higher rate of mixing than English women:
“Most of the 21,000 children born to Polish mothers in 2012 had Polish fathers; but of the rest, 23% had African or Asian fathers.”
Source: https://www.economist.com/britain/2014/02/10/into-the-melting-pot
No smart person has time for fantasies about magic ‘based’ Slav blood.
I’m a direct descendant of Catherine the Great
Claiming to be descended from royalty doesn’t impress anyone on here.
Germanic, Nordic leaders – the best, wisest ones had and have known how to work with other Whites – Slavs, Alpine, Southern Italians etc.
Do pulp fantasies about abducting millions of Slavic women make Slavic men want to ally with you? Actual Russian Nationalists are pissed off that their nation is known for mail order brides.
Enrique Inglese certainly noticed Anna K’s beauty and their children are all beautiful, fair (White) with great light eyes and good hair.
Their daughter has very dark eyes and looks mixed, not White:
If I saw her, I’d assume she had ‘something in the woodpile.’ Hopefully they’re a happy couple.
Wilhelm writes, expresses his 100% belief in bad dirt, magic dirt theory:
Again, I’m around 12% Slavic
You just wrote that your grandfather was a Russian which would make you 25% Slavic. I suppose you’re claiming that your Slavic ancestors were 50% non-Slavic.”
I respond:
No dumb as*. Race is not 100% determined by place, dirt either magic dirt that Ebola infected Black Africans become Nordic White by simply moving to Sweden, Denmark, Germany. This was/is what causes idiots, liars, enemies and fools to think that simply moving, busing the worst Black welfare underclass to some White neighborhood in South Boston or the Chicago suburbs will make them turn in to middle class, good student Republicans.
My ancestor Catherine the Great was most definitely a Germanic German princess married off to a weak Russian Czar – there was a coup as Russians don’t like weak leaders. Catherine the Great’s first son was the start of my “Russian” (actually Germans in Russia) family – here’s a painting of Catherine’s son, my ancestor
(He’s the one in the Green outfit)
Catherine the Great also inviting in lots of German farmers to farm in the Volga area and they became the “Volga Germans” and they thrived up until the 1930s when Stalin and his Je( Bolshevik henchmen ethnically cleansed them, sent them to slave labor camps in Siberia the gulag.
Hey buddy, there is no “Magic Dirt” or Slavic dirt. If Nordic Germanic people’s move to Russia whether it’s my ancestor Catherine the Great or the Volga Germans or Hitler and the SS’s plan for Lebensraum the Nordic Germans don’t someone change to Slavs just because they move to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.
Also, Ann Kournikova and Maria Sharapova were two of the most beautiful women’s tennis players in history, both are very Nordic and Anna K and Enrique’s children are very handsome, very tall, fair, White with great eyes and hair.
Sir, I’m throwing the penalty flag on you for not just “noticing” how beautiful , White Anna Kournikova was/is.
I will be working to wine, dine, dance and hopefully make love with beautiful Russian women like Anna Kournikova, Maria Sharapova. I’m cursing you to get homo r*** by Black Somalian, Haiti migrants who somehow made it to Germany, or Ohio.
Yes, I plan to be “in bed with the Russians” as the Je* media mafia running CNN and pretty much all of the “American media’ accused the first Trump administration.
Wow, we sure have some dumb as** folks posting stupid comments on Counter Currents this week.
No one in Germany wanted their nation to be Slavicised or to abduct masses of Slavic women.
Maybe not. But that did not stop the National Socialist government under A.H. from herding (i.e., forcibly deporting) thousands of robust young Ukrainians into Germany to work. I knew one such woman and just as an interesting diversion here, she was grateful that this happened, as it was her lifeline to the west as the red army approached in 1945. Others were not so lucky – they were repatriated to the USSR.
Also, she never said that she was mistreated by the Germans who she was forced to work for in various capacities, farm as well as other forms of labor. Some Ukes did make such claims. There may have been some truth to this. I don’t know, I wasn’t there.
This is one shitty crappy world. Lies and deception everywhere, on all sides.
Which is worse, to be conscripted to very probably die in the army or to be used as a generally fairly benignly treated temporary slave in Germany. It was a total war, especially for those in the middle of the pincers.
Being a temporary “slave” is better. This woman even was given the option to work off the farm for a time doing nicer work indoors. She was grateful to the farmer for his warning to get out of Germany immediately when he saw the red army approaching. Also, the Ukrainian “slaves” were encouraged to join a social club to be with their own kind in their off hours. Hardly the horrible natzees we keep hearing about, though I understand that everyone has a story to tell.
Better than the experiences of (Catholic) African Francis Bok, taken slave at a young age by muslim slave raiders in Sudan. He was treated worse than shit.
“Jimmy The Tooth” is what Wilmot Robertson called Jimmy Carter in the early days of Instauration. Did he make this up or was there something more to the nickname? Carter didn’t seem to particularly have long or weird teeth to me
He always put on big grins for the cameras. It was a signature move for him.
In those days print newspapers were still a thing & many had political cartoons on their editorial pages. Different cartoonists would take one physical feature (or accoutrement) of major politicians & exaggerate it as part of their product; they generally chose the same characteristic for a given subject: cigarette-holder & jaw for FDR, hair-do for JFK, big teeth for Carter, a rather corpse-like, mummified look for Reagan (considered old for a president back then). Btw, the definitely not-a-rabbit Teddy Roosevelt had his teeth (& pince-nez) high-lighted in cartoons.
Then came the internet. Now editorial cartoons (which have dwindled along with newspapers) are a few drops in an ocean of memes.
I despised him from the beginning — his starch-collar parson act and the goody-two-schoes schtick — “I will never tell a lie. I will never betray a trust. I love you all.”
We also have Jame Earl to thank for the U.S. Department of Education via the deal he cut with the NEA for campaign support.
I wonder if even he had any idea of what the Department of Education would become. It’s like you water a little flower, and the next day it says “Feed me, Seymour!”
My favorite Billy Carter story was when he was entertaining some foreign diplomats he had the limousine pull over and he took a piss on the side of the road. He must have had a few too many Billy beers that night.
In Carters’s defense, he didn’t live off laundered money and he didn’t start a bullshit charity with himself as the main benefactor like his two democrat successors did.
His alcoholic brother Billy was obviously an embarrassment to him. His daughter Amy didn’t pull her social justice warrior routine until she was an adult, and he was out of office. After his presidency, having dysfunctional family members for a president seems to be less of a liability than it used to be. Clinton’s younger brother served time in a penitentiary for a narcotics violation. We all know what happened with Hunter Biden.
If I recall correctly, there is a Carter foundation, but it seems legit. I believe he’s done a lot to eradicate the guinea worm. So he was a lousy President but a pretty good exterminator.
Ha! Now that is some funny shit. A carter who didn’t lose his peanuts. Truly a man of the people.
The best that can be said of Jimmy Carter is that his incompetence limited the amount of damage he could do with his asinine ideas.
Also, I never anticipated Patti McGuire and Misty Rowe getting mentioned at Counter Currents. I personally would rather have lust in my heart than mush in my head.
I’ve thought the same of Obama – when you’re ruled by someone with a whiff of sulfur about him, it’s much better when he’s ineffectual. I wouldn’t say that Carter was evil, though – just hopelessly wrongheaded.
As a millennial, I only knew about a quarter of this stuff before reading this article. Glad I wasn’t alive to experience it.
It was a thrill a minute. I must say, though, surely Bidet will leave some treasured memories.
According to some new perspectives, the “man of the people” shtick was just an act.
According to Ronald Borek Kessler, that is. His kind are famous for accusing others of doing what they themselves do all the time.
About Carter’s teeth. From the recentest photos, it seems he was able to keep his own teeth til the end with only minimal cosmetic work. How about that. Sure beats the chiclet implants just about everyone and his dog is sporting these days, even young people. Especially the beloved Donny T, who looks just plain silly: degenerate face and body, but nice shiny perfect “teeth”. LOL
I remember Carter’s presidency well. He and Rosalynn both oozed sanctimony. That “bitchy, vindictive side” which you mentioned came out pretty often in their statements. Neither one of them were so charitable when it came to talking about Republicans, both during their days in the White House, and later when the media constantly told us that Carter was “the greatest ex-president.” As you mentioned, low-level people who worked with Carter found him cold and uncaring. A lot of other presidents have been very good to their more humble staff.
There was also the big “Mariel Boatlift,” when Castro let a mass of Cubans leave for the USA, including criminals and mental defectives. Carter constantly gave a message to the rest of the world that they could walk all over us. And his especially disastrous handling of the Shah, Khomeini, and Iran has continued to hurt us to this day.
Michael Savage did an enjoyable rant about Carter on Youtube recently.
A lengthy article could be written about the Muriel boat lift and the damage it caused. He also boycotted the Olympics because the USSR invaded Afghanistan. That was unpopular with a lot of Americans as well.
Yeah, good points, Bigfoot. Carter and his media friends (most of the media at the time, of course) tried to present Carter as a tough guy with that Olympic boycott. I remember at the time thinking it was wrong to be political with the Olympics, like the Soviets did earlier with the soccer World Cup and refusing to play Chile, if I recall correctly.
It might be hard for the young’uns to believe now, but back then the Olympics were limited to amateur athletes, which made it more special.
The 1983 movie Scarface captures some of the vibe as the vile Al Pacino character was one of those Mariel boatlift people when Castro emptied out his jails and sent them North.
Carter’s response to the Afghanistan invasion by boycotting the 1980 Moscow games amounted to cancelling a tiddlywink contest. Then he reintroduced draft registration.
Really, everything about President Carter exuded incompetence as a Commander-in-Chief.
And nobody wants to hear a call for more belt-tightening as some kind of systemic economic solution.
“Malaise” was a time of exploding oil costs, high inflation, high interest rates, high unemployment, and high budget deficits (though still manageable compared to Reagan deficits).
Not to long after the Mariel boat lift, the crime rate in Miami went up. The number of homicides increased so much that the mourge ran out of room to house the corpses. The city of Miami had to rent a refrigerated tractor-trailer to house the overflow of dead bodies.
Traddles: January 10, 2025 I remember Carter’s presidency well. He and Rosalynn both oozed sanctimony…
Their presidency is forgetable, but Rosalynn’s photo op with John Wayne Gacy is not.
rosalynn carter and john wayne gacy photo – Search Images
Would be a better article if the author had avoided citing “the great source” Instauration. Just two examples of Instauration nonsense:
“…one of the world’s great engineering achievements, one of the seven wonders of the modern world”
The canal is actually an engineering embarrassment. It joins sea level sea 0 to sea level 0, i.e no need for locks, in which it currently transforms millions of sweet water into salt water. From an engineering point of view, the only solution would have been to dig from one end to another, the maximum elevation between Atlantic and pacific being 30 feet – the height of a tree. The cost, maintenance and operation of several locks is tremendous.
2) “Why is it that diplomats…inevitably fail to see that in matter of international affairs and military strategy morale must come before all else?”
Huh? Is this sarcasm? Since when in international affairs “morale” has any value, except in hypocrite speeches?
Apart from this – a great article, as always from the Beau.
The French attempt at a sea level canal was a complete disaster because of the terrain and climate of Panama. Interesting reading about that process if you get the chance. It makes very clear why the locks were necessary.
What you said! Where does the OP get off making totally fallacious claims about one of the greatest engineering achievements of all time, and pretending he’s some kind of expert on the subject? Live not by lies.
“They may be nice people, but they should never be allowed in charge of anything important.”
Amen. What a great article!
I remember riding to High School on the bus that morning after the 1976 election and while the bus driver was trying not to let the windows fog up, we were informed that Mr. Peanut had won the election. There was a glum silence.
I wasn’t too surprised, though. The television ads had films of WWII ships shooting at Kamikazis and how Mr. Ford had been a great sailor. This maybe fell flat as it had not been long after the NVA rolled their tanks into Saigon and the last U.S. helicopter evacuated the embassy roof.
Jimmy’s TV ads were a folksy jingle that went something like, “We need Jimmy Carter, a leader for a change.”
When my grandmother and I had Christmas dinner in Scottsdale with our cousin, Jean Westwood ─ Sen. George McGovern’s 1972 DNC Chair and the first woman to hold the position ─ she said that Jimmy had really been a Dark Horse that nobody in the Party was very thrilled about but nevertheless viable after Watergate and Ford’s pardon of Nixon. And she said that as President, Carter had turned the country into a “paper tiger” with the ongoing Iran hostage debacle.
Sen. McGovern ─ who lost in a landslide with his Party divided ─ was a peacenik on Vietnam, but he was also a decorated WWII veteran who had piloted 35 missions over Europe.
Carter’s career in the Navy was how to stay off the bad side of the Jewish Admiral Hyman Rickover, who was the father of the Nuclear Navy.
I don’t remember between the goose and the garnish if Madame Chair predicted that Carter would lose reelection, but Reagan was now a lot more formidable as a candidate than he had been in 1976.
In House Speaker Tip O’Neill’s ghostwritten memoirs, he challenged President Carter on the carrying of his own luggage thing.
Carter said that “people loved that.”
Speaker O’Neill reprimanded him sternly, “not if you’re the President, they don’t.”
Carter was a “provincial” governor and had to learn how to be Presidential. The Hollywood actor Reagan, oozed it from day one.
O’Neill related that Jimmy was as tight as the paper on the wall. In the salad days of his presidency, Carter would get Congressional staffers in for White House meetings at the crack of dawn. There wasn’t anything offered to them but coffee and toast. The House Speaker told the President in no uncertain terms that if he was dragging his fat ass over here at this hour, then there had better be a big breakfast waiting, LOL.
When Jimmy Carter lost reelection in 1980, he conced to Reagan before the polls had closed in California. This hurt downballot candidates, as Democrats usually do better when their lazy voters get to the polls. That is why busing them to the polls, and then afterwards to the Baptist church where wings and malt liquor await, has been a tried-and-true electioneering tactic.
A college roommate of mine who was from California said that his Dad was furious that Carter conceded the 1980 election before he had a chance to get off work and go vote against him.
Good article. Yes I remember those hazy malaisey Carter years. Along with disco, a time hard to recall without a chuckle and a head shake.
One news article not mentioned in this piece was one of him dropping out of a 10k run. A picture is worth a thousand words they say. This one is a whole book of a failed presidency:
Yes disco was popular during the Carter years. Disco fashions are what stood out with a lot of people. Bad fashions for a bad decade.
Interesting how many of your gripes about Carter come down to the America’s activities on the world stage and her status as “empire.”
Empiretards are destined to constantly feel humiliated and disappointed. They have psychologically attached themselves to an “empire” that does not in fact exist for their benefit.
I was thinking the same thing. I’m no fan of Carter, but the American Empire is an affront to all things decent and good.
Jimmy Carter was less of a warmonger than Junior Bush, for sure, but he came from a long line of Interventionist Liberals like Thomas Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Harry S. Truman who believed in moral crusades and policing the world.
Also, before the 17th Amendment, which caused Senators to be elected directly by the people ─ read special interest lobbies ─ U.S. Senators were appointed by State legislatures. Prior to this, the U.S. Senate, which ratifies treaties and so forth was far more inclined to be nationalistic and isolationistic regarding U.S. foreign policy. Nationalism and Isolationism are anathema to Global policing and empire-building.
The narrative taught in school, before history was swamped by Big-H propaganda, was that American Isolationism directly led to World War II because the United States was not directly underwriting “International Law” and the Versailles Treaty, etc. Jews declared war on Germany in 1933, whereas Congress waited until the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941 to declare war.
There may be a valid argument that the military was weak in the Interwar period ─ Peace Through Strength ─ but a Nationalist and Isolationist foreign policy is LESS likely to lead to war and empire-building, and it does not necessarily preclude strong continental military strength. George Washington argued against “foreign entanglements” in his Farewell Address ─ and this was the mindset of the Senate until WWII, basically.
Like it or not, the world is a dangerous place. It sets a very bad precedent to let Third World goofballs like Ayatollah Khomeini get away with stunts like what he pulled off. Moreover, Communism was very expansionistic and aggressive – this is historical fact. Lack of preparedness and resolve in the face of that could’ve ended very badly. If you want to call that imperialism, knock yourself out, but bringing a flower to a gunfight doesn’t work. That was one of Carter’s major mistakes.
But your article could be interpreted as having just convincingly laid out the case that Carter was actually the Third World goofball. And when you look at the absolute humanity that constitutes Western “leadership” he’d merely be one goofball among many.
This whole Superman mentality never played well with me. Putting a stop to whatever wily machinations the Ayatollah is plotting in his Fortress of Doom only makes sense if you think the American regime is some kind of force for good. I certainly don’t and I don’t know anyone on the dissident right who does. It’s much more of a mainstream attitude.
Here’s what I mean. The followers of some religious nutball who rose to power took over the embassy, held 52 staffers hostage, humiliated them and abused them while whooping it up on TV, and the best the President could do for over a year was negotiate until the end of his term and attempt a bungled rescue operation which killed seven military personnel. The Iranians tweaked the tail of the tiger and got away with it, other than some economic sanctions.
This put a big “KICK ME” sign on the entire country. If not for that, perhaps Hezbollah wouldn’t have taken American hostages in Lebanon, along with some other fine messes we could’ve avoided. Again, the world is a rough neighborhood, and whether we like it or not, there are consequences to losing prestige. It’s about like being in prison; if you won’t stand up for yourself, you’ll become Bubba’s girlfriend before too long.
There are two other things about Jimmy Carter that are worth mentioning. He pardoned the draft dodgers who evaded the draft during the Vietnam War. A lot of these men fled to Canada. This was unpopular with a lot of Vietnam veterans and people who had family members who served in the Vietnam War. Also, he had this odd evangelist sister, who was friends with Larry Flynt for a time.
It was the best I could do to hit the highlights 🙂 Anyway, I hear she was a faith healer.
I saw him as an independent and I have always respected independent candidates. He was intelligent which enabled him a broader vision of the world, as opposed to acute. Moral judgement with levels of humanity also draw my respect for leadership credentials even if the individual does not achieve what others define as glory. Men like Eisenhower also fit into this category with public warnings of the “industry power threat” and defending original territorial boundaries after conflicts in Europe and the Sinai, despite being tricked into a coup of Mossadegh in Iran by Churchill and BP (which brings us to today). Carter’s recent clips aired of his detailed criticisms of Israel go beyond any presidents and his honesty of their evil power hold in American government were quite surprising (JFK also tried to torpedo AIPAC via congress unsuccessfully). He also displayed how limited presidential power can be amongst overwhelming opposition, (perhaps an alternative view of the “deep state”).
I see him and Nixon as the last real leaders capable of holding the office, before it was handed over wholesale to its new proprietors on Wall St.
I’d find it hard to characterize him as independent, or any other Trilateral Commission member. He wouldn’t have gotten further than governor of Georgia if David Rockefeller hadn’t discovered him and brought him on board the Deep State. Mr. NWO was a kingmaker acting in the interests of his family’s vast financial empire. He used his press connections to generate publicity for Carter, putting him on the national political map.
As for Carter’s criticisms of Israel, that’s one of the few times he makes sense. Still, there’s something about his book that just doesn’t sit right with me. Palestine: Peace, Not Apartheid makes the point about Israeli aggression by equating it to South Africa. Most especially after what happened when the ANC took over, I have no patience for people who still harp on the Big Bad Whitey morality play.
Carter is was a nice, sheltered man. He was a semi outsider, which caused congress to obstruct him. The real historicity of his term was the elites shift to austerity, anti unionism, offshoring, etc. reagan put it into hogh vear, bit it started during carters time.
Picture of Carter in the header image is scary. He looks like the lady who got her face bitten off by a chimp
The Gothmog the Orc thing was funny for sure!
Jay Ryan of OD wrote:
I’m cursing you to get homo r*** by Black Somalian, Haiti migrants who somehow made it to Germany, or Ohio.
Apparently anyone who disagrees with the mighty Jay Ryan deserves to be sodomized / raped. At this point, I’m only responding to this so that other readers can realize this man is a delusional narcissist, liar, and general moron who responds to those who stand up to his grandstanding with slurs and trashy behavior.
No dumb as*. Race is not 100% determined by place, dirt either magic dirt that Ebola infected Black Africans become Nordic White by simply moving to Sweden, Denmark, Germany. This was/is what causes idiots, liars, enemies and fools to think that simply moving, busing the worst Black welfare underclass to some White neighborhood in South Boston or the Chicago suburbs will make them turn in to middle class, good student Republicans.
I never said any of that. You’re putting words in my mouth and using slimy tactics.
Anna K and Enrique’s children are very handsome, very tall, fair, White with great eyes and hair.
I posted a link to a picture showing their daughter has dark eyes (after you said they all have light eyes) and odd facial features. Then you repeat what you said earlier. You’re a broken record.
Yes, I plan to be “in bed with the Russians” as the Je* media mafia running CNN and pretty much all of the “American media’ accused the first Trump administration.
I don’t think anyone here is interested in your sex fantasies.
My ancestor Catherine the Great was most definitely a Germanic German princess
Anyone can claim anything on the internet. I think it’s far more likely that you’re a narcissist with delusions of grandeur.
My message to all the normies reading this is simple:
We don’t need to let a minority of loudmouths redirect our energy towards Putinism, pining for Russia as a savior, or be told that Slavs are superior. I wish the Slavs the best in their portion of Europe, but they’re not going to fix the West and it’s time we move on from the Russophilia of deranged internet weirdos.
Wilhelm: January 13, 2025 …Apparently anyone who disagrees with the mighty Jay Ryan deserves to be sodomized / raped. At this point, I’m only responding to this so that other readers can realize this man is a delusional narcissist, liar, and general moron who responds to those who stand up to his grandstanding with slurs and trashy behavior…
We don’t need to let a minority of loudmouths redirect our energy towards Putinism, pining for Russia as a savior, or be told that Slavs are superior. I wish the Slavs the best in their portion of Europe, but they’re not going to fix the West and it’s time we move on from the Russophilia of deranged internet weirdos…
Thank you, Wilhelm! You noticed that about JR, too. I just found what he’s said to you:
I will be working to wine, dine, dance and hopefully make love with beautiful Russian women like Anna Kournikova, Maria Sharapova… Yes, I plan to be “in bed with the Russians”…Wow, we sure have some dumb as** folks posting stupid comments on Counter Currents this week.
The boy is not just a deranged moronic weirdo, but is hallucinatory. Beautiful Russian gals want nothing at all to do with an American Internet idiot who brags about being descended from Katherine the Great. He should go back to OD where he belongs, before he gives C-C a bad name.
Thanks, Will, appreciate it. Imo, when someone repetitively acts in a way that pushes away high quality people it’s fair to point it out.
The boy is not just a deranged moronic weirdo, but is hallucinatory. Beautiful Russian gals want nothing at all to do with an American Internet idiot who brags about being descended from Katherine the Great.
Exactly, beautiful Russian women are not going to fall for that nonsense.
I honestly think that William Pierce’s video on dealing with tough talking hobbyists & creating a high quality movement still has a lot of value.
Wilhelm: January 14, 2025 Thanks, Will, appreciate it. Imo, when someone repetitively acts in a way that pushes away high quality people it’s fair to point it out.
Exactly, beautiful Russian women are not going to fall for that nonsense.
I honestly think that William Pierce’s video on dealing with tough talking hobbyists & creating a high quality movement still has a lot of value.
There are several videos of Pierce talks on the subject, but this short piece written to his Alliance members 46 years ago about “movement” hobbyists says it all, and remains true today:
Hobbyism is a disease, like selfishness, and the people who are afflicted by it can’t help themselves. Whatever may be said here will not cause them to cease being hobbyists; it will merely cause them to think of better excuses to justify their hobbyism. But what is said here will, hopefully, be a warning to others, so that they can recognize hobbyism when they see it and shun it like the plague that it is…See: The Uniqueness of the National Alliance | National Vanguard
32 years ago Pierce wrote this for his National Alliance members/recruiters:
The importance of keeping defective people out of our ranks cannot be overemphasized. It is not just that we want to be proud of our membership in an elite organization, nor is it just that some types of defective people are nuisances or distractions rather than assets. Defective members are the single greatest threat to the success or even the survival of the National Alliance, more so than the government or organized Jewry. For every organization which is brought to grief by a spy, an infiltrator, or a provocateur, a dozen are wrecked by a member with a severe character flaw.
A few of the more common defective types to be avoided by the recruiter are described below….
See the six defective types listed here and decide for yourself which type or types best fit JayeRyanOD: Traits We Want in National Alliance Recruits | National Vanguard
JR may identify as White and he may meet general eligibility requirements for Alliance membership, but should he apply for membership, after what I’ve seen from him here at C-C, his application would be denied becsuse he’d have to come through me for approval.
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