1,327 words
The “grooming gang” scandal has resurfaced in recent days due to the disclosure of court transcripts combined with Elon Musk shining light on it. But as these court transcripts undeniably show, “grooming gang” is a euphemism. This was rape, pedophilia, and torture motivated by anti-white hate and on a mass scale. What’s worse is the shocking complicity of journalists and various officials, from social workers and cops up to judges and MPs, in covering up and thus prolonging these crimes—all under the pretext of anti-racism.[1]
Its hard to count the exact number of victims due to the systematic nature of the cover up. The current estimates range from several thousand to hundreds of thousands, even more if we add victims from other countries. While Britain was the epicenter of the grooming gangs, the phenomenon was reported in other pro-migrant countries as well.
Some have compared this to a holocaust. But a more apt comparison is with Black Lives Matter. The grooming gangs really are the sort of racist outrages that fueled BLM. BLM cherry picked a few incidents, most notably George Floyd and Breonna Taylor to paint a narrative for impressionable blacks and gullible whites that there was an army of racist cops killing blacks, to say nothing of the microaggressions.
The truth is that there is an epidemic in Western countries of migrants raping and sexually abusing white children, not just to satisfy their depraved lusts but as an act of conquest. And they are being aided and abetted by anti-white racism. Anti-racism is a code word for anti-white hate, and anti-white hate if taken to its logical conclusion will result in mass child abuse and torture. The slippery slope is not a logical fallacy; when it comes to unleashing human beings’ worst impulses, it is how the real world works.
It is always good to learn, especially from an enemy. We can copy BLM tactics, and do it even better because we have truth and morality on our side.
The essence of BLM was a binary litmus test. If you didn’t signal support, you didn’t care about black lives and were thus complicit in the martyrdom of Saint Floyd along with thousands of other imaginary black victims.
And just as BLM claimed that we needed to have a struggle session to confront our implicit biases, lest we take part in the martyrdom of Fentanyl Floyd, we should demand that every anti-racist confess his complicity and apologize. This isn’t just for corporations and politicians, but for ordinary liberals too. They knew they were making excuses for violent non-whites. They twisted themselves into pretzels to do so.
Did they know the true extent of what they were involved in? Probably not. That doesn’t mean that they aren’t complicit and shouldn’t be forced to confess their complicity. Consider “felony murder” in criminal law, in which non-violent accomplices to a dangerous crime can be held liable for the deaths caused for their co-defendants (the most common example is get-away drivers for bank robberies). If we’re being generous, some liberals due to their under-developed amygdalas probably thought that the only risk of allowing swarms of surly, military aged men from primitive countries with violent cultures was a few more muggings. They thought wrong. They are complicit. If they are truly sorry, they will take responsibility and confess their complicity. If not, they should be ostracized as ongoing accomplices to the systematic rape and torture of uncountable children. This includes liberals on both sides of the pond, because ideas cross borders more easily than migrants.
Let’s call it “White Lives Matter.” WLM is already a widespread, decentralized activist movement. But regardless of the specific phrase or symbol, there must come a point at which everyone should be expected to signal support or face repercussions. Pasting the word “complicit” on their faces or corporate logos would send a concise and powerful message.
Congress should be pressured to pass a resolution condemning the rape gangs and the UK government. This is not a hollow gesture. This grants official seal of approval to our beliefs. It should be followed up with sanctions and, if necessary, the withdrawal of diplomats and the suspension of joint military training. This would be as much of a move in domestic affairs as foreign affairs, because it implicitly brands those liberals at home who push for open borders and anti-racism as public enemies. This would also be a bold strike in the incipient stages of a new Cold War based on migration (which I will expand upon at a later time).
Just as the left created numerous George Floyd and other BLM monuments, we should do the same at home and abroad. One with the names of the victims, similar to the Vietnam War Memorial, would be a good option, because it would communicate just how widespread this atrocity was by transforming statistics back into real human names. Monuments control space and have a psychological impact. If they didn’t, people wouldn’t fight over them as intensely as they do.
Our movement has perpetually had an issue with appealing to women. This was fine for forging an elite vanguard, but eventually we must go mainstream. This could be a turning point in which one of our weaknesses is transformed into a strength. Women do not respond well to data charts and academic essays, but they do respond well to empathy and moral conviction. More importantly than just recruiting women, the grooming gang scandal could weaponize them.
There are two issues to address, however. First, the flimsy allegation that we are “weaponizing a tragedy to promote a far-right agenda.” Yes, we are weaponizing it because we need to forge a weapon to defend the innocent. The “far-right agenda” is First World living standards like preventing child rape. People who use this talking point or some variation of it are ultimately saying that a response to anti-white crime is worse than anti-white crime, and should be denounced as such.
The second issue is thornier. This was obviously a pivot by Elon Musk after the Great Christmas H1-B War situation developed not necessarily to his advantage. Several pundits, Nick Fuentes for example, have alleged (quite vehemently) that we are gullible and being played. I would ask them, what are we to do? Pout and counter signal, thereby allowing Elon and others to monopolize the discourse?
Most of this seems to boil down to resentment over not being given credit. There is some legitimacy here, as the rape gangs are in fact a very old issue that we have been talking about for years while everyone else was silent. But is it really a defeat when our issues finally go mainstream? I for one will advocate for white interests without overthinking it.
Discussion of the rape gangs, regardless of by whom or for what purpose, can only promote race realism and white consciousness in the long-term. If this is a calculated ploy, its only delaying the inevitable. And while I don’t trust Elon as I used to, I think there is more to Elon’s pivot than cynicism. I will write a review of Walter Isaacson’s biography of Elon Musk, but in the meantime, suffice it to say that he is on the autism spectrum and can be extremely impulsive. It is my hope that Sam Hyde’s video address to Elon will help diffuse tensions.
The mere fact that Elon pivoted is in fact encouraging, for by doing so he acknowledged us as his peers. We successfully bullied the richest man in the world on his own platform, and it hurt him, which means that he is not indifferent to our opinions. We are a factor he must account for now.
I will not forget the censorship of the H-1B War or that Elon called us “subtards.” I do not trust him, but raising awareness about the grooming gangs is a good first step to regaining our trust.
[1] See https://x.com/KeithWoodsYT/status/1876928234429862129 for one example.
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January 6 Pardons and Political Realism
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 622: Morgoth and Millennial Woes on Britain’s Rape Gang Scandal
The Muslim Rape Gang Epidemic
What White Nationalists Want from the Trump Administration Part 3
Protecting Brand Islam
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 620
Elon Musk, Wilmot Robertson, and the Question of White Immigration
Dawn of the Lizard People
This issue should be used as our number one issue. The scope of it is so vast and it has gone on since the 1950’s. Most people are entirely unaware of it. Some American liberals I know called it fake. The truth is so stomach churning it would red pill anyone.
And if WE don’t make it one of our big issues/big talking points, then the controlled opposition influencers/agents will use the issue to harness angry White energy and funnel it back into some variant of cuckservatism.
Yeah, I used to get incensed about black pimps and their white “ho”s, thinking of it as a new form of slavery. Also – and this will make many of you uncomfortable – it is a fact that many white men have been horridly transformed into the homosexual slaves of African savages in our nation’s horrifically ‘integrated’ prisons (that mandatory integration – despite the fact that racially resegregating the prisons would greatly reduce inmate violence – was Constitutionally reaffirmed about two decades ago in an opinion written by the evil {and note well: Reagan appointee} Sandra Day O’Connor; the neocon Gipper-ass had thought he was “outflanking the left” by being a Republican who was appointing the first woman to SCOTUS – “fellers, that’ll win us some feminist votes!! we’re owning them liberals, boys, more tax cuts for our international corporations, it’s Mourning in America again, woohoo!!”). I cannot conceive of a greater violation of the 8th Amendment’s prohibition on “cruel and unusual punishment”.
The sodomitic gang rape of white men in America’s prisons needs to be widely publicized, with added calls for slave reparations from black America (in addition to reparations for everything else they owe us for, including their crime, their ill-gotten socialist transfers of white-produced wealth, and their great good fortune in living in an industrialized, First World nation built by white genius and perseverance).
“it is a fact that many white men have been horridly transformed into the homosexual slaves of African savages “
Digressing slightly but in a similar vein, I’d like to draw attention to a US TV documentary from the autumn of 1981 that I became aware of perhaps about three or four years ago via a link on “The Daily Stormer” readers’ comments section. The documentary was entitled “Boys For Sale – American Tragedy” and pertained to underage male prostitution in Houston, Texas. It can be watched on YouTube. On watching the documentary first time around, I remember mention of young white boys being sought after by prospective clients of all races – white, black, Hispanic, etc; particularly if those boys were of “Nordic appearance, blond and blue-eyed” to use the words of the police detective involved in the cases the authorities were investigating. His comments can be viewed at approximately 56 minutes and 45 seconds into the programme. At 12.39, mention is made by a former male prostitute of “white slavery” being alive and well. The documentary appeared to have generated considerable controversy in its day and in fact may well have come to the attention of foreign news agencies; I’d have just left school in 1981 and can vaguely remember reading in one of the more sensationalistic British tabloid newspapers of how young runaways in the US were ending up in large cities either selling their own bodies or being targeted and exploited, most notably if they were fair-skinned; it may well have been perhaps 1982 that I saw the news item and was probably in the “News Of The World” – paper that ceased publication in 2011.
Joel Davis did a good Telegram post about this issue of Elon co-opting our talking points.
“1. We don’t want to give the Jew-approved voices a monopoly on the subject, very important prowhite voices talk about it in explicitly racial terms.”
Isn’t he just cynically highlighting the British rape gangs because the men are mostly Pakistani and Elon’s on a pro-Indian trip? I’m glad it’s in the news again, though.
Isn’t he just cynically highlighting the British rape gangs because the men are mostly Pakistani and Elon’s on a pro-Indian trip?
Indeed, that is very much the case.
Moreover, Indian/Hindutva lobbyists and influencers readily align with Zionist positions.
They are an absolutely revolting lot.
They have always gravitated to wealth and political influence.
They stick their tongues out and wait for orders from whoever is currently holding their collar.
In yester-years, they grovelled at the feet of Turkic, Mughal, and British rulers, whereas, today they dance nakedly in the court of Jews to advance the interests of their 5000 or whatever years old glorious pagan civilization.
Most of the speculation I’ve seen says Musk is talking about this issue to deflect attention from his H1-B advocacy. That sounds plausible, but I’m still glad he’s raising the issue.
So far I haven’t seen anyone on our side, not Tommy Robinson, not Nick Griffin, not Elon Musk, not Paul Joseph Watson – none of these people on our side has Named Names – given specific names, addresses, family and mosque connections of the real life, individual Pakistani rapists, the ring leaders.
Until we make it PERSONAL, name names, identify real enemy/White child rapists and Dox them, punish them, nothing will change.
It’s just the same old, same old, White Conservatives whining and complaining , try to “tell the teacher” but the teacher doesn’t do anything.
There must be a thousands ways, many legal to punish these White child rapists. We never punished Roman Polanski for drugging and anally raping at least one ~ 12 year old White girl, I’m pretty sure this sick Polish Je* had many other White victims.
Am I wrong, that England doesn’t have a death penalty? There must be a few 90+ World War II, Suez Vets that would like to avenge a few of these White English Child rapists and get… “Life in Prison”.
So far I haven’t seen anyone on our side, not Tommy Robinson, not Nick Griffin, not Elon Musk, not Paul Joseph Watson – none of these people on our side has Named Names – given specific names, addresses, family and mosque connections of the real life, individual Pakistani rapists, the ring leaders.
How about Mark Collett? There is a reason he appears on CC Radio but not the others.
This article is extremely important, maybe more so than many readers might initially realize. I’ve believed for over two decades that some type of civil war is the only way white nations will be restored to their rightful owners (I fear that the only way our race will literally endure at all is, as I’ve discussed in many past CC comments, via prowhite physical relocation into one or more “demographico-electorally conquerable” countries, which, using the Greg Johnson “slow cleanse”, we proceed by degrees to turn into white Ethnostates – exactly as Third World demographic conquerors are displacing and replacing whites in our homelands today). In order to prosecute that civil war, modally high-ethics and individualist whites need to be persuaded of the validity of the concept of collective guilt, which in turn can be based on “collective complicity”: the ideology of Diversity is a necessary enabling condition for the pedophilic gang rape of white children. Therefore, if someone has promoted Diversity, then that person bears some share of responsibility for these horrific crimes, and thus can be punished in good conscience by those of us who have always denounced and opposed diversitism.
This would be great advice except I don’t see any plan to do such a thing. Maybe it’s going on a AmRen and no is talking about it? I said a while back that White Nationalists need to pivot from ‘metapolitics’ to actual ‘politics’ and the best way to do that is to run as an ordinary citizen, not as a ‘White Nationalist’. Even today, jews don’t run as ‘jewish supremacists’. They run as ‘pro-Israel’. In theory, metapolitics should create the political equivalent of ‘Israel’ for American jewish surpremacists. So far, though, I don’t see that happening.
So, at least one of our ‘metapolitical’ entities needs to take their ‘educational’ mission seriously and start ‘educating’ viable pro-White candidates to run for office and succeed in office if elected. Doesn’t matter if it’s dog-catcher or city manager or city counselor or sheriff. We need to get ‘our people’ elected and holding positions across the country where it’s still possible be ‘elected while White’.
Trump is not our salvation. This is largely understood by White Nationalists. That we have to ‘save ourselves’ is also understood by White Nationalists.
What does not seem to be understood is how to get from where we are to we want to be without people like Trump.
Hamburger, Today,
I made a reply to you that didn’t get posted as a reply, but a separate comment below.
Whenever Muslims move to White countries they form child rape gangs. It is well known that this happens in the UK, Belgium, Germany and France but also happens in countries with smaller Muslim populations such as Finland.
Islam is an army of slave-soldiers in service of an imperialist theocracy. They view all non-Muslims as unclean and their men, especially because their own sexual options are so limited within their community, see our women to be taken as war booty sex slaves.
The Koran itself severely punishes intra-Muslim fornication or adultery and limits them to four wives (beyond the capacity of 99% of them) but gives them unlimited access to captured unbeliever sex slaves, whom it calls “those whom thy right hand possesses.”
The harem of the Ottoman sultan was peopled entirely by kidnapped non-Muslim White women and this was perfectly orthodox for Islam.
Islam, and therefore Muslims, have no place in our lands.
Certainly the rape gangs are Muslim but again, it’s the Janissary Corps that make it all possible.
Under the rubric of “America First” (Pat Buchanan’s 90s old slogan – taken from Lindbergh in the early 40s), we need to infiltrate MAGA and transform it away from Trump-worship and towards becoming a mass-immigration-restrictionist movement. I’ve been arguing since the 80s that immigration is the best issue for separating not only the Hard and Soft Rights, but the real Right from all manifestations of faux-rightism.
If we can steer MAGA in a comprehensive anti-immigration movement – one that withholds its support and vote from any RINO deviationists (eg, Trump and his dumb H1B visa support) – we shall have taken the first step towards building a real world (instead of online-only) white identitarian movement.
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