Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 622
Morgoth & Millennial Woes on Britain’s Rape Gang Scandal
Counter-Currents Radio
In the latest edition of Counter-Currents Radio, Morgoth and Millennial Woes joined Greg Johnson to discuss the resurfacing of Britain’s so-called grooming gang crisis. It is now available to download or listen to online.
Topics include:
0:54 – Enter Millennial Woes
2:45 – The backstory behind the grooming gang scandal
6:23 – The Rotherham report and the cover-up
11:48 – Rules were set in place that made this possible
17:50 – It’s not just “grooming”
19:24 – Enter Morgoth
20:00 – How the issue of Pakistani grooming gangs made Morgoth who he is
25:48 – Woes provides more historical context
31:11 – Morgoth on how the grooming gang scandal hits at the core of liberal multiculturalism
38:59 – How liberals try to invert what is really happening
42:20 – The left understands that interracial crime is worse
52:19 – People are rejecting the lies
59:39 – There is explicit deportation rhetoric coming from the mainstream
1:08:30 – Keeping the “counter jihad” types from co-opting the nationalist narrative
1:26:00 – Labour is selling themselves out to a foreign client group
1:28:13 – Question on the Homeland Party
1:31:14 – The feminist reaction, or lack thereof, to the grooming gangs
1:34:36 – Parents of rape gang victims being accused of racism
1:45:42 – More questions for Greg and the guests
1:46:53 – Ivor Caplin
1:49:49 – Final thoughts from Woes and Morgoth
2:00:22 – Goodbyes
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I’m shocked at the pedophilophobia on display here. Love is love, and age is just a number!
Everyone who has ever posted about this scandal can take a little credit and a couple of day’s off. Then it’s back to work, forcing the issue deeper into the public’s consciousness. Any move short of hanging the officials involved needs to be met with the same refrain: “It’s a first step, but only a first step.”
As far as I am concerned, this is a perfect pretext for the Trump administration to refuse to recieve the Starmer regime’s next ambassador to the US who, it so happens, is a homosexual Jew.
Britain has been ruled by poofters and Jews for many years. That explains its headlong decline into the pits of Hell. That explains the Uniparty’s on-going support for Paki rape-gangs. Jews think it’s funny when White girls are gang-raped by Pakis, just as they think it’s funny to genocide the Palestinians.
Excellent show. Great guests. The purpose of a state, its primary duty, is to protect the people and their territorial sovereignty and their physical well-being inside of it. In fact, it wasn’t long ago that ambassadors from Western nations would have a hotline to defend their citizens even on foreign soil. In any case, the point is that given that the states across the West protect the well-being of outsiders and are colonizing and replacing their people with outsiders, it is by definition that all people living in the West are a stateless people.
When you appeal to the state for protection and it oppressors you for objecting to it not protecting you, you live in a conquered territory under a hostile and illegitimate regime.
In addition to being pro-White we must also bring to consciousness that across the West, Westernkind/Whites are a stateless people. We must bring to the consciousness, why is it that Western governments advocate for the sovereign statehood and nationhood of alien client groups but oppress the desire of their own people, the native founding and creating peoples for territorial sovereignty? It is because we are conquered and colonized. We must name the conquerors and colonizers as we bring this reality to the masses of our people.
“We must name the conquerors and colonizers”
Who could they be, I wonder?
I listened in the car while doing a variety of errands yesterday. Surreal, hearing about the details of this grotesque “multi-player crime”, then picking up laundry, etc.
What most affects me is the complicity of the police. I used to be a pro-cop guy but the men, women (and others) who now play that street-level role in the West clearly have been totally co-opted in service of the globalist anti-White project. The corruption of the elites does not surprise me: the rewards at that level are considerable. That these mostly White, mostly male, mostly non-university-indoctrinated, middle-income, local authorities have acted in such a craven way (the Gardai in Ireland come to mind, as well) is one of the worst aspect of how sick the West is now.
Focusing the point of the rape crisis around “Islam” would indeed be a mistake. Elites would say that the problem with Pakistani rapists was that they were “bad Muslims” and the “evil cultural influence” of Britain had defiled them and driven them to degeneracy. Lest you think I exaggerate, the media were saying that the “asians” of the UK adopted the “British” practices of acid attacks and knife crime, arguing this from a handful of occurrences over the course of hundreds of years.
If the lens of the conversation centered around Islam, there would immediately be a move to fund mosques so that they might make these lecherous individuals “more Muslim.” Of course the money would be spent lobbying for more insane policies at best and arming, aiding, and abetting acts of terrorism against the British people at worst.
Excellent show! Something I’ve often wondered is whether the maestro’s experiences at morehouse were what set him on his course into white nationalism. Or at least a pivotal factor.
I recommend the terrifying account’s reading by one of the victim of these gangs of Pakistani rapists and pedophiles: Sarah Wilson, “Violated: A Shocking and Harrowing Survival Story From the Notorious Rotherham Abuse Scandal“, HarperCollins, 2015, 368 pages.
Available in paperback, audiobook and digital format on the publisher’s website (in United Kingdom):
Book description by publisher:
“The shocking first true account from one of the young girls who lived through and survived the Rotherham sex abuse scandal.
In the summer of 2014, the Rotherham sex abuse scandal sent shockwaves through the nation. A report revealed that, since the 1990s, up to 1,400 young girls in the town had been regularly abused by sex gangs, predominantly comprised of Pakistani men. As the media descended on the small Yorkshire town, Sarah Wilson watched with horror and relief as her voice was finally heard after years of abuse.
Sarah was just eleven years old when she was befriended by a group of older men. Bullied at school, naive and vulnerable, the gifts and attention they lavished on her were what she craved, she just wanted to belong. But soon she was hooked on alcohol and drugs, and then they owned her. She was just twelve years old when she was bundled into a car by a man in his thirties and forced to have sex with him. Soon, the gang were driving her to places where she was raped by scores of men.
Falling through the system, from social services to school, no-one was able to help her. She ‘escaped’ when she became too old for the men at nearly sixteen.
Finally a victim of the Rotherham scandal tells her story in the hope that other young girls will not fall prey to the same evil that she endured.”
If you were to get revenge on these guys, you’d be arrested. Get rid of the police so we can get rid of them.
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