1,413 words
Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc.
-Roy Batty, Blade Runner.
Los Angeles is burning. The ongoing conflagration in California’s largest city is a testament to the destructive nature of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. How can the core competency of firefighting be diverted away from firefighting as such to unrelated matters like making sure non-white lesbians have the proper wheelchair access and properly weighted fire hoses? The Left is adept at subverting any institution it touches with inane woke policy initiatives. This is done quite deliberately to weaken, subvert, and ultimately destroy the pillars of society. Whenever an erstwhile Right-of-centre institution is in the Left’s crosshairs, a ferocious battle ensues, especially when taxpayer’s money is no object. That’s not all, of course, as questions abound about the deliberate sabotaging of the city’s firefighting efforts emerge. Questions: What other nefarious plots are afoot? Is Los Angeles, along with the entire state of California, being razed to the ground literally and figuratively for reasons unknown?
In other eerie and coincidental news, some homeowners in the Los Angeles area revealed that their once active home insurance policies were strangely cancelled or nullified a few months prior to this ongoing fiery disaster. A Revolver article had this to say about the dire home insurance situation:
To be clear, this isn’t an issue that just popped up overnight. The insurance industry in California has been collapsing for quite some time. Yes, the fires play a role, but the real truth is that California is dying. And now, thanks to Gavin Newsom’s horrific state management and his progressive battalion, many of the people losing their homes are left with nothing but a pile of ashes.
Could it be that these giant insurance companies knew something homeowners didn’t? It is more than likely they saw the writing on the wall as the state slides of the proverbial cliff. The prospect of political and other public officials being incompetent is very real, of course, but this raises the spectre of these same people along with other actors being actively malign.
It is telling that newly arrived migrants (whether they’re illegal or legal is immaterial) are an irregular army of scavengers ready to pounce on any sort of unrest in a societal system. Sure enough, amid all the frenetic scrambling to flee for their lives, regular citizens of Los Angeles abandoned their homes, businesses, and vehicles. No one would ever take advantage of this situation, would they? Cue the infiltration of the fiery ruins with an army of looters from the furthest reaches of the world. Have a look at their mugshots, they’re the usual suspects, aren’t they?
Legend has it that these wonderful paragons of virtue and integration are not just looting, they’re deliberately setting fires like a horde of marauding fire ants with pre-paid debit cards. “Paid by whom?” you ask. Social media, especially X/Twitter, is replete with videos of these criminals.
In one of these cases it’s the tendency for rootless homeless people to start fires and carelessly let them burn out of control. It’s not much of an extrapolation to say that many homeless vagrants are high as kites on whatever street-poison suits them. That is one of those taboo topics that firemen are forbidden to mention as it makes Gavin Newsom, and the progressives look terrible.
President-elect Donald Trump took to Truth Social to rip a strip off of the incompetent and deliberately malevolent governor of California. He had this to say about Gavin Newsom who he has rebranded “Gavin Newscum”:
Governor Gavin Newscum should immediately go to Northern California and open up the water main, and let the water flow into his dry, starving, burning State, instead of having it go out into the Pacific Ocean. It ought to be done right now, NO MORE EXCUSES FROM THIS INCOMPETENT GOVERNOR. IT’S ALREADY FAR TOO LATE!
One family showed ingenuity when they used a generator, a pump, and two swimming pools worth of water to save their neighborhood: “We have to give all the credit to our father, about 3 to 4 months ago [he] was adamant about having one of these [pool pumps] for fire season.” Sadly families had to resort to these measures because of the abject failure of public officials.
Newsom claimed to be on top of land management in the state of California, but he wasn’t being truthful about it. According to that City Journal report:
The most common causes of recent wildfires in the Golden State have been human activities (including arson) and poorly maintained power lines, such as those belonging to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), which caused the 2018 Camp Fire that killed 85 people. Another likely culprit: bad forest management. Last April, Los Angeles County unveiled its Community Forest Management Plan. The plan is heavy on buzzwords about the need to ensure an “equitable tree canopy” and “environmental justice” but light on strategies to reduce wildfire risk.
If we take a look at the Community Forest Management Plan website we find that, under the “equitable tree canopy” section:
Frequently, the communities in the County that need trees the most have the least amount of space for them in parkways, sidewalk planter strips, and medians. The lack of urban green space and tree canopy is due partly to discriminatory policies such as historic redlining and systemic under-investment in certain communities.
The website links to a pdf of the entire document entitled “Room To Grow: A Community Forest Management Plan For Los Angeles County.” The document weighs in at 134 pages and is festooned with Left-wing jargon, talking points, and is prefaced with an aboriginal land acknowledgment. The report sets the tone straightaway:
The County of Los Angeles recognizes that we occupy land originally and still inhabited and cared for by the Tongva, Tataviam, Serrano, Kizh, and Chumash Peoples. We honor and pay respect to their elders and descendants — past, present, and emerging — as they continue their stewardship of these lands and waters. We acknowledge that settler colonization resulted in land
seizure, disease, subjugation, slavery, relocation, broken promises, genocide, and multigenerational trauma. This acknowledgment demonstrates our responsibility and commitment to truth, healing, and reconciliation and to elevating the stories, culture, and community of the original inhabitants of Los Angeles County. We are grateful to have the opportunity to live and work on these ancestral lands.
Meanwhile, the reservoirs were not filled, deadfall accumulated, and fire vehicles were neglected. An investigative report undertaken in the summer of 2021 by CapRadio and NPR’s California Newsroom had this to say about Newsom’s mismanagement of fire prevention initiatives:
An investigation from CapRadio and NPR’s California Newsroom found the governor has misrepresented his accomplishments and even disinvested in wildfire prevention. The investigation found Newsom overstated, by an astounding 690%, the number of acres treated with fuel breaks and prescribed burns in the very forestry projects he said needed to be prioritized to protect the state’s most vulnerable communities. Newsom has claimed that 35 “priority projects” carried out as a result of his executive order resulted in fire prevention work on 90,000 acres. But the state’s own data show the actual number is 11,399.
Overall, California’s response has faltered under Newsom. After an initial jump during his first year in office, data obtained by CapRadio and NPR’s California Newsroom show Cal Fire’s fuel reduction output dropped by half in 2020, to levels below Gov. Jerry Brown’s final year in office. At the same time, Newsom slashed roughly $150 million from Cal Fire’s wildfire prevention budget.
Speaking of DEI and incompetence, failed presidential candidate Kamala Harris delivered another of her infamous word salad’s on the subject of the LA fires during a conference call. Here is a sample of what she said:
The work that still needs to be done to ensure the safety around utility lines, this work is still very much in progress and so it’s critically important that to the extent you can find anything that gives you an ability to be patient in this extremely dangerous and unprecedented crisis, um that you do . . . Lots of people who still have a home who were under evacuation order, I know you want to get back home, but this is a time to be patient . . . There is still so much work that firefighters, police officers, FEMA and others are doing that is about search and rescue.
The inferno burning in Los Angeles is a stark reminder that whatever the left touches turns to a smoldering ruin.
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Do you predict a 15 minute city In and around Malibu? Rows and rows of Cabrini Greenesque section 8 housing? Inhabited by the usual suspects? Making SoCal uninhabitable? What purpose would that serve? The most expensive real estate in the country ruined forever.
The residents of Malibu would never do that to themselves. If Pasadena is another tier or two or three of wealth down from Malibu I wouldn’t put it past them to callously dispossess Pasadena residents. That is all speculation. In any case, the people who own Malibu RE are not ever going to turn it into a 15 minute city. 15 minute cities for thee but not for me.
“Could it be that these giant insurance companies knew something homeowners didn’t?”
I read a purported statement from one of those instance companies that explained that they cancelled fire coverage because the government stopped clearing brush on the hillsides, significantly increasing the likelihood and severity of fire.
Even they probably didn’t know that the fire hydrants had no water… I saw a video clip of a woman – the head person in charge of the water, with a $750k salary – trying to explain why the hydrants were dry and I was struck by how she wasn’t even American, and was almost certainly undeserving of all that taxpayer money…
This is an excerpt from a 1998 book explaining how the whole Malibu-Pacific Palisades area is naturally extremely prone to wildfires and thus has experienced such disasters on a regular basis since its initial settlement.
Notably, most of these suburbs were built after the original Boston Brahmin-descended owners had to sell the land to members of the Hollywood elite.
When the inevitable wildfires struck, this was their reaction:
“Furious property owners—ignorant of the true balance of power between fire suppression and chaparral ecology—denounced local government for failing to save their homes and demanded new, expensive technological “fixes” for Malibu’s wildfire problems. “Elected officials, acutely sensitive to Malibu’s national prominence in political fund-raising, were quick to oblige””
This shows us how these people do problem-solving – by using their political influence to get advantages and help from the gov, so they can continue doing the same mistakes as before! At no point did they say: Well, this was a bad idea, let’s resettle to a place with less fire-risks! Doubling-down instead of abandoning a bad idea. Really makes you question these people’s intelligence.
Thanks for the link and perspective on the issue.
What remains to be seen is how much money and aid that L.A. will get because of these recent fires compared to how much money and aid that residents in North Carolina will get because of the effects of the last hurricane that they are still dealing with? What will be FEMA’S and the politicians excuse months from now if L.A. gets more aid than that area of Appalachia?
One thing the LA fires should lay to rest is the idea that voting does not matter. Had Los Angeles possessed competent political leadership instead of a mob of DEI hacks, it is likely that the situation would never have gotten out of control. In the 2022 mayoral elections, only 44% of registered voters actually voted.
This is something which needs to be considered by those who declare that the best way to bring the system down is to stay home on election day. Maybe once upon a time there was not much of a difference between candidates. But today?
The fires are approaching your house or place of business. But no problem because by refusing to vote, you denied them legitimacy! And not only that, by refusing to vote, you did not give consent to the blazes!
Again, something to be considered in the continuing train wreck…
Even though I live 5 to 10 miles from most of the fires in the foothills and beaches (safely in Hacienda Heights), I am up in age and suffered from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder) before the fires, but which has worsened in the last 10 days. Everyone in Southern California is being warned to get back into face masks — whoopee!
And if you Angelinos are thinking you are safe because the blue skies and fluffy white clouds have returned, just wait until you are 60+ and you acquire a constant cough. I pray they have the perfect medicine by then.
Blessings on all affected by the fires,
What will happen to this society, when the white demographic becomes a minority by 2044..? Could it be COLLAPSE of the electric grid system, firefighters, police, economy, military, government…?
The worst of brazil infested with annihilation hordes of shitholians, an easily controlled permaslave pool for the jews, and stupid ‘conservatives’ bloviating about how rooftop koreans are good amerikans if 1992 gets a sequel.
Bigfoot: January 18, 2025 What remains to be seen is how much money and aid that L.A. will get because of these recent fires compared to how much money and aid that residents in North Carolina will get because of the effects of the last hurricane that they are still dealing with? What will be FEMA’S and the politicians excuse months from now if L.A. gets more aid than that area of Appalachia?
I’ve seen first hand the contrast between taxpayer-funded “disaster relief” JOGbucks to fire victims in tony sections of LA compared to Hurricane victims here in economically depressed southern Appalachia.
We live just 20 miles from the NC line here in Upper East Tennessee and our county was just as devastated by heavy rain, wind and flood as were western Carolinians, yet most national news reports seem to focus only on North Carolina victims. That’s OK. It’s victims in our southern Appalachian region I compare to those of the LA fires.
From what I could gather, fewer than $1 billion JOGbucks have been granted in disaster relief to victims of Helene in our relatively large region, while I hear daffy Joe Biden pledging $100 billion over the next six months to pay 100% of damages in the much smaller, if more densely-populated, afflent area in southern California. Could there possibly be some politics involved in the disparity of funding? Of course there are.
Fortunately, being on high ground we avoided devastating flooding of the 100-year storm. Scores of trees, some quite large, were blown over on our property, with a few across our interior roads, but none on our buildings, thank goodness. Many hours of chainsawing, tractor-work and stone, repairing roads, but not catastrophic like hit some of our unfortunate neighbors.
There was much neighbor-helping-neighbor, but then came the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to the rescue. I went into the FEMA headquarters that had been set up here, invoices in hand, twice, to seek reimbursement for our cleanup expenses and was surprised to see that all of the eight or so FEMA reps except one were Black — in this practically all-White Johnson County in the heart of southern Appalachia. Such is the state of our supposed “union.”
A few of us determined Whites are determined to separate from this Judaized nigger mess.
Call me prejudiced, call me racist, call me a domestic terrorist. I don’t care. I call things as I see them. After dealing with those imported Negro bureaucrats, jumping through several of their FEMA hoops to be reimbursed a couple of thousand bucks, I finally told them “Keep your federal money, the millionaires in LA need them more than we do.”
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