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Abigail Shrier
Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters
New York: Regnery Publishing, 2020
There has recently been an epidemic of teen girls declaring that they have gender dysphoria and becoming “trans.” From the nice, white liberal perspective, this may appear to be a barrier broken by the foot soldiers of “civil rights,” but Abigail Shrier says in her excellent book, Irreversible Damage, that it is not. She instead argues that teen girls getting gender dysphoria is only a new twist to an old, well-known phenomenon. One can call that phenomenon a fad, a craze, or more darkly, a social contagion.
Some crazes, like teen girls wearing bobby socks and saddle shoes and screaming during Frank Sinatra concerts, are harmless, but other crazes are dangerous. Teen girls with gender dysphoria are analogous to the young ladies who hysterically accused ordinary citizens in Salem of witchcraft in 1692, or girls who developed anorexia nervosa in the 1970s, or those who cut themselves in the early 2000s.
Shrier entered the transgender debate after getting a letter from a reader following an article she wrote about the constitutionality of laws related to pronoun use. The reader’s daughter had mental health issues and got involved with the trans movement. She damaged her body with hormones, as well as her relationships with everybody. After this epiphany, Shrier wrote an article called “When Your Daughter Defies Biology.” The article drew a thousand comments and put her in touch with all sorts of people involved in gender dysphoria, from true-believer influencers to de-transitioners who were angry that they’d been deceived.
Shrier writes:
America has become fertile ground for this mass enthusiasm for reasons that have everything to do with our cultural frailty; parents are undermined; experts are over-relied upon; dissenters in science and medicine are intimidated, free speech truckles under renewed attack; government healthcare laws harbor hidden consequences; and an intersectional era has arisen in which the desire to escape a dominant identity encourages individuals to take cover in victim groups. (p. xxii)
Shrier argues that adolescence for teen girls is an agony of insecurities. As soon as they develop breasts they get attention from men, often considerably older men. Dealing with this is a shock that is difficult when the girl in question is 12 or 13. Teen girls are also concerned with their looks, and are often terribly cruel to each other.
Then there is the problem of young women giving each other awful advice. Shrier elaborates:
The female tendency to meet our friends where they are and share in their pain can be a productive and valuable social skill. Co-rumination (excessive discussion of a hardship) “does make the relationship between girls stronger” . . . But it also leads friends to take on each other’s ailments. Teenage girls spread psychic illness because of features natural to their modes of friendship: co-rumination’ excessive reassurance seeking; and negative-feedback seeking, in which someone maintains a feeling of control by angling for confirmation of her low self-concept from others. (p. 36)
Young girls also react with dismay to pornography. Many pornographic films are rough-sex fantasies where the woman is choked and/or sodomized. The average age of a young woman who first sees porn can be as low as 11, and many of these girls are so appalled by these depictions of intercourse that they then fear sex.
In the 1990s, parents and schools were concerned that there was too much sex going on. By then, the negatives of the sexual revolution were plain for all to see, including AIDS and births to unwed mothers. Today, however, adults are frightened that young people aren’t having sex at all. Instead, the young now live miserable, lonely lives in a virtual, smartphone-created cocoon.
Other markers of adulthood are lagging as well. Many youths are not getting their driver’s license even after they reach the age requirement.
In the same way that printers in the seventeenth century made money by publishing salacious accounts of witchcraft, social media influencers gain money and status by pushing gender ideology. These influencers are able to seduce teen girls into practicing self-harm by pushing the following easy-to-grasp but utterly false concepts:
- If you think you might be trans, you are.
- Trying out the trans lifestyle? [Breast] Binders are a great way to start.
- Testosterone, or “T,” is amazing. It may just solve all your problems.
- If your parents loved you, they would support your trans identity.
- If you’re not supported in your trans identity, you’ll probably kill yourself.
- Deceiving parents and doctors is justified if it helps transition.
- You don’t have to identify as the opposite sex to be “trans.”
Influencers are
[e]cstatic about being ‘on T’ [i.e. testosterone], pitying those who can’t yet “get access” because their “gatekeeping” parents won’t allow it, they are the undeniable drug and surgery boosters of the trans world. Many of them peddle misinformation, outright medical falsehoods, and just bad advice. They extol the glories of testosterone as if it were a protein shake, not a Schedule III controlled substance. They enthuse over double mastectomies as if they were no more significance than a haircut. They refer to skeptical parents as “toxic” — and encourage their audience to upgrade to a trans glitter family. (p. 55)
Since the smartphone revolution, young girls can slip down a Big Tech-managed rabbit hole where trans ideology is amplified and there is no opposing viewpoint. Girls who transition are given accolades online which provide a salve to their genuine angst. Unfortunately, like anorexia, becoming trans is a maladaptive coping mechanism to the ultimately brief discomfort that all experience during adolescence.
Shrier shows that schools, including prestigious private academies, are facilitating teen girls who engage in self-harm by becoming trans. When it comes to gender ideology, the adults have left the room. Teenagers are awash in natural hormones, and their brains are still in development. They don’t really know what they want, yet schools are affirming gender identity with little thought for the long-term consequences.
Another problem is that schools now routinely carry out anti-bullying campaigns that specifically seek to protect LGBTQ students. Many young people are fleeing to the trans identity because they are generally socially awkward and are looking for shelter.
It isn’t just schools that are corrupted, either; psychiatry is as well. Children who are taken to therapy are getting obviously bad advice about being in the wrong type of body. Psychiatry is a field historically prone to quackery. Freudian ideas became highly popular in the 1940s, but were empirically proven to be fraudulent by the early 1960s. In the late nineteenth century, neurasthenia was a common diagnosis which has fallen out of use because it is so ill-defined. Medicine itself — the part of it based on hard science — has also run into dead ends; in the mid-twentieth century, lobotomies and insulin shock therapy were used. The results were bad.
The Dissidents
Shrier shows that members of the medical and mental health professions who push back against affirming gender dysphoria are forced out of their jobs and career fields.
Shrier’s focus is on teen girls, but she also gives a partial account of those highly competitive men who become transwomen to get a leg up in society’s current moral paradigm. Many of these men have autogynephilia. Autogynephilia is a perversion, possibly enhanced and spread due to the availability of lesbian pornography on the Internet, whereby a man is sexually aroused by imagining himself as a woman.
Transwomen fiercely defend the trans ideology because if the idea of autogynephilia gets out into the wider public narrative, its perverse aspects will change the public’s perception of them. Shrier writes:
One reason the existence of autogynephilia matters has to do with women’s safe spaces. If transgender-identified biological men are completely uninterested in women sexually, one might argue that however uncomfortable it may be, there is little danger in admitting them to women’s private spaces. But if some transgender men are heterosexual, aroused by the idea of themselves dressed as women and generally by the female form, the nature of the debate shifts and the possibility of admitting trans-identified men into women’s safe spaces begins to seem untenable. (p. 129)
Health Issues
Because the trans identity has successfully associated itself with the narrative of “oppressed” sub-Saharans in the South during the 1950s, they have successfully come under the sharp-toothed protection of the illicit second constitution that is the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Trans activists are thus able to bludgeon any skepticism from a health provider with real force.
The first health problem that arises in transgender individuals comes from the effect of puberty-blocking drugs and hormone treatment. It is already well-known that steroids used by professional wrestlers and bodybuilders damage the body. It is also known that hormone replacement therapy in menopausal women might cause certain cancers. It is therefore highly probably that hormone treatments currently being provided to young women who are transitioning will damage their bodies and that the resulting effects will manifest in the very near future. Testosterone treatments are certainly increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and the side-effects of puberty-blocking drugs are yet to be discovered, but they are certain to be problematic. Mastectomies, breast binding, and surgically constructed genitalia likely have long-term complications as well.
Eliminating Womanhood
Another aspect of the transsexual problem is the elimination of womanhood. Transwomen are genuinely and fiercely misogynistic. In their lexicon, actual women are “bleeders.” The vagina is referred to as a “front hole.” Even National Public Radio is starting to refer to genuine women as “people who menstruate.” Lesbian clubs and societies have gone underground, a major reason being that transwomen infiltrate lesbian gatherings and make seduction attempts.
The anti-woman trans movement is, ironically, an outgrowth of feminism itself. F. Roger Devlin wrote that, “A feminist in the strict and proper sense may be defined as a woman who envies the male role.” Shrier affirms this in different words. Womanhood, however, is an honorable thing in and of itself.
Destroying the Left’s Cardboard Castle
If the book has a weakness, it is that Shrier, who is likely Jewish, still accepts the “I Have a Dream” concept of “civil rights,” and believes that there are some people who might genuinely have gender dysphoria. Personally, I think the entire thing is a made-up condition which became a virus in the culture when quacks and sex pests made it up out of whole cloth in the early twentieth century.
A solid case can be made that transgenderism is a Jewish movement. The original founder of this ideology was a Jewish quack named Magnus Hirschfeld. He influenced other sex activists. By the early 2000s, Hirschfeld’s ideas were thoroughly discredited.
A horrible experiment, created by a Hirschfeld-influenced sex researcher named John Money and carried out upon a Canadian boy named David Reimer, went tragically awry. After a botched circumcision, Money convinced Reimer’s parents to raise Reimer as a girl. While Reimer was a child, there were no problems, but as he grew up, his biological impulses took over and he became male again. Reimer ended his unhappy life in 2004 by shooting himself with a shotgun.
One would think that Reimer’s story would have ended the trans movement, but homosexual activists got fully organized just as the Religious Right was going over a cliff like lemmings, following the tragically foolish George W. Bush.
All is not lost, however. In the late 1940s, the Democratic Party was the supreme political movement in the United States. Its politicians had deftly led America through three different calamities: the Depression, the Second World War, and the start of the Cold War. But then they got involved in sub-Saharan uplift and “civil rights.” They went on to lose the South, and now the Democratic strongholds in the Spanish-speaking areas of south Texas are switching affiliation. It is when institutions are at their most powerful that a mere pull on a small thread can unravel everything.
Gender ideology could be the loose thread that unravels the entire 1964 Civil Rights Act, and with it, all “civil rights”-inspired social oppression. Today, even Leftist professors recognize and admit that the “civil rights” movement tore the fabric of American society. Things that cannot continue eventually crash.
Sexually reckless behavior renders every endeavor a whisper away from catastrophe. Trans perversion is progressive — “civil rights” sexual recklessness drunk on whisky and high on cocaine.
Shrier gives some advice for parents of teen girls that is quite wise. She recounts a personal anecdote describing when she appealed to her mother to allow her to receive breast reduction surgery. Just as her appeal was about to be granted, her father intervened. He insisted that she looked as a woman should look and that breast reduction could interfere with breastfeeding later. She was initially dejected, but deep down relieved that she had received validation about her looks from a man she trusted.
Should you be a parent of a teen with gender dysphoria, Shrier argues that you should not indulge the child’s fantasy pronouns and new name. She also goes on to advise the following:
- Don’t get your kid a smartphone.
- Don’t relinquish you authority as a parent. Be in charge, don’t back down.
- Don’t support gender ideology in your child’s education. The ongoing “goomer” narrative pushing back against this poison is a good start.
- Reintroduce privacy in the home. Don’t let anyone post trivial family matters on social media.
- Consider taking big steps to protect your daughter from harm: change schools, get the right treatment, take away Internet access, etc.
- Stop pathologizing girlhood.
- Don’t be afraid to admit that it’s wonderful to be a girl. Boys grow up to dodge bullets in the infantry, mine coal, or work on oil derricks. Life ain’t easy for them.
Shrier writes:
. . . [T]he transgender craze will likely end as the multiple personality craze did: in the courts, with patients suing their doctors. Some of these teenage girls . . . will wake up at age twenty-three, twenty-four, and say, “Here I am. I’ve got a five-o’clock shadow, I’m mutilated and I’m sterile, and I’m not what I ought to be. How did this happen?” (p. 142)
Anita Bryant was right when she said, “Homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children.” The homosexual movement has successfully recruited a generation of sympathetic children since George W. Bush destroyed the Religious Right with his swagger and idiotic decisions. All is not lost, however. Now is the time to support mainstream efforts to turn back gender ideology. The foundations of this movement are built upon sand. And in defeating it, we might take down the 1964 Civil Rights Act as well.
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This article is such a poisonous propaganda stew that it invalidates your other work as a writer. It’s the same fallacy over and over again.
Shrier’s (and your) implication, or argument, is that because social crazes exist, gender dysphoria can’t be a real thing. Simply put, because Some girls are motivated by trend-chasing, All girls involved in this are motivated by trend chasing.
Same fallacy with AGP. Because Some men are motivated to transition by AGP, QED All men who are motivated to transition have the same spurious or insincere motives.
And it’s John Money. Again. This tired old chestnut. Reimer did not have gender dysphoria. He did not want to transition. He was coerced into it. Your implication is that because this exceptional case exists, every other case involving teens is a case of adults abusing children. Wow, when you force someone to change their body in a way they don’t want to and deny them bodily autonomy, they kill themselves. Big surprise.
And the homosexual “recruiting.” Same fallacy again. Some homosexuals or other flavour of non-heterosexuals “recruit”, or abused children, QED all non-heterosexuals are child abusers. I can’t think of a more poisonous D&C narrative.
Completely absent from this article is any distinction between Male to Female transition, and Female to Male transitioning, even though MtF outnumbers FtM ten-to-one. Also absent from the article is any serious discussion of age and trends. Are we to assume that every single transgender begun transitioning as a teen under their parents care or is a man the shape of a fridge who’s a porn addict?
Also absent article is much distinction between surgical and non-surgical intervention. Are we to assume that every transgender goes under the knife, even though it’s fairly uncommon? Are we also to assume that any teenage girl who goes under the knife is the fault of the “Transgender activists”, and not her own parents?
When using sound-the-alarm phrases like “All is not lost,” did you think through the implications? Are you going to ban crossdressing in public? What about freedom of expression? How does long standing anti-discrimination law or the principles of bodily autonomy and freedom of association enter into this? Are you going to ban adults ingesting substances of their own choosing?
Are you going to ban hormone pills that are utilised for Male-to-Female transitioning, but also make that the very same substance available for menopausal women? Are you going to keep contraceptive hormone therapies legal, but make transitioning hormone therapies illegal, even though the first is making women infertile at a much, much higher rate? Etc.
You want to turn back “Gender Ideology” but don’t even use a single word to describe what it is. Which ideology? The idea that as an adult, I have the right to self-medicate with whatever consumer products I feel are necessary, be it hormones or protein shakes? The ideology that says I should not be discriminated against because of my gender? Etc.
If I wanted to read 4chan memes, I’d go there. This article is agitprop.
You will never be a woman.
“Some crazes, like teen girls wearing bobby socks and saddle shoes and screaming during Frank Sinatra concerts, are harmless”
Are you 90 years old?
You’ll never be a good commenter
Perhaps, but at least I’m not delusionally trying to pretend that I’m a woman.
Remember, bro: XX = Go Have Sex; XY = It’s a Guy
Why of course I would make transitioning hormone therapies illegal – and transitions in general. This whole rotten industry must be completely destroyed. And after having read another one of your very entitled rants, I’m making up my mind up whether cross-dressing should not be made illegal as well.
Every time I see you protest too much, I’m becoming more disgusted and more intolerant about the things you defend so vocally. I have always subscribed to liberal principles like “anti-discrimination law or the principles of bodily autonomy and freedom of association” in a broad, general way, but you make them sound extremely fishy, as if straight from a NAMBLA press statement.
Your personal gender dysphoria and your other interesting fetishes and hobbies are nothing anyone else but you cares about or should care about, certainly not the political right you are trying to co-opt and subvert, and certainly not society as a whole.
The transgender agenda is one of the most insane and vicious things unleashed upon this civilisation. By now it has reached a stage where children are relentlessly implied, almost as primary targets. Anyone trying to relativise or downplay this poison should have no place in a right wing movement.
If I could I would also ban the anti-baby-pill and contraceptive hormone therapies and other things, but that doesn’t mean I think society should treat paraphilias as equals of so-called “heterosexuality”.
Granted, there’s a danger in over-generalization. I don’t doubt that there are some people who have some crossed wires, for whatever reason. On the other hand, it’s quite obvious that this is being pushed very aggressively. I don’t mean only the mall rats on Tumblr who give each other tips on how to convince the psychiatrist that they have gender dysphoria. Rather, radical gender theory is now an orthodoxy that has The System’s full backing.
I support radical gender theory. Gender is a social construct. People decide their social roles and then adapt their bodies to match.
If gender is a social construct (which it is), why in the world would one change one’s body to suit social constructs and call that “affirmation” rather than reject it as mutilation and instead reject the tyranny of social constructs?
Gender is a form of social organisation (labour specialisation). QED anything someone does to change their biology in the direction of their preferred gender social role, whether it’s pumping iron or taking estrogen, is gender affirming.
With regards to “mutilation”, the front hole surgery is Jewish surgeons doing shenanigans and seeing to profit off others misery. It’s stupid and thankfully uncommon, but reactionaries seize on it as an excuse to dismiss all of transgenderism as a fraud or fad, even though contraceptive therapies (which make women functionally transgender by altering their reproductive function) are a fact of life.
Should stay-at-home dads take estrogen?
Should male nurses take estrogen? After all, once upon a time, it was considered women’s work. Shouldn’t they bring their body shape into line with their social role?
I can imagine the transexual lobby arguing for something like this. The hilarious thing is that they would present it as a form of liberation from repressive social norms.
Nursing was always a man’s profession until deep into the 20th century.
One could plausibly argue that masculinity and femininity have certain socially defined characteristics to a certain degree. However, that doesn’t change the fact that male and female are biologically determined characteristics. Trying to be something you’re not is wishful thinking at best. If a guy wants to wear a pink tutu and call himself Yvette, that’s one thing. On the other hand, surgical mutilation is wrong.
Biological gender dimorphism is the result, not the cause, of gendered social roles.
“Biological gender dimorphism is the result, not the cause, of gendered social roles.”
That’s not how biology works.
Please understand, I’m not out to give you a hard time here. That said, I hope you’ll break free of your indoctrination.
I wasn’t indoctrinated. The people who are indoctrinated are the ones who are repeating 4chan copypastas and pushing the idea that LGBT is inherently paedophilia and/or child abuse (like the article).
I was raised with a normative view of gender. My beliefs are from deductive reasoning and real life experience.
The “you were indoctrinated” is an insulting fallback that is an easy way for you to write off an argument that contradicts your position.
Just look at Sherman whatever his name is. You can’t keep just yelling about chromosomes and dying on this marginal issue that alienated the liberal left. The entire right has gotten sidetracked into building a hysterical moral framework for depriving other whites of their basic liberties. Transgenderism has been around for decades and yet the energy expended on this issue by the so-called “pro white” right is farcical.
Gender is a mix of biological and social. It’s not just a “social construct”. Significant differences between the sexes are primarily biological.
it’s quite obvious that this is being pushed very aggressively.
Agree. I don’t understand how people can fail to appreciate how dangerous this is to young people who feel somewhat alienated from their peers because they don’t conform in every particular to social expectations of boys and girls.
We already know that there is an inverse correlation between cognitive ability and gender conformity, and recent research suggests that peer relations for gifted children may take a turn for the worse around middle school age. It seems obvious to me that these kids, desperate for answers, are going to be highly suggestible to this sort of thing, and not just because it’s “cool.” (Is “cool” still a thing or am I dating myself?)
often terribly cruel to each other.
Mean girls are like the Sith. Always two there are, no more, no less. The third (and sometimes, the fouth) is just going along to get along. Unfortunately, those two dominate the social environment and can make life hell for others, and it’s easy to see how a minority identity could serve as a “refuge” for their targets.
Nursing was always a man’s profession until deep into the 20th century.
Not so. Nursing has only been a “profession” since Florence Nightingale found injured, neglected, miserable soldiers wallowing in their own filth during the Crimean War. Apart from that, caring for the sick and dying has always been women’s work, though certainly holy men took care of the sick as well.
<- Reddit is that way
Ok groomer.
The libertardian tranny lover doth protest too much, methinks. Only a secret pervert or gender-bender would respond to this well-presented review of a widely noted book in such a manner.
What I find bizarre is that “buttercup” has frequently appeared as a commenter – and perhaps even as a CC writer (is this person the same as someone calling himself “Buttercup Dew”?). His/her/its comment reads like something one might find on a “bleeding heart libertarian” site, not one dedicated to the resurrection of Western civilization and white racial honor.
I’m with MvdC: I suspect gender dysphoria is indeed another “meme parasite” or “social contagion” and nothing more. But even if it did describe a real psychosis, who cares? Why should we upend healthy society (or what little is left of it, to be fair) in order to accommodate deranged misfits? Even if this “dysphoria” were biologically real, society and the law should never treat it as such.
It would take a 300 page book with myriad footnotes and a 20-page bibliography to address all your complaints, and this platform is just for ‘articles’, not scholarly treatises. I stand by the writer here who is addressing just one aspect of this horror in our society — one step at a time.
It’s hard to believe what we’ve let happen to our women and girls in America. A decent, kind and mothering woman is a blessing. As men we should step up and not let this shit destroy the women and girls in our lives. This trans garbage destroys all that is beautiful and feminine in the world. It destroys true Godlike creation. The miracle of motherhood is just that a miracle. We as father’s have a cool role in our children’s life, but it still pales in comparison to motherhood. Family is everything. All else comes second.
bobby socks are dangerous that’s where I draw the line
“Personally, I think the entire thing is a made-up condition which became a virus in the culture when quacks and sex pests made it up out of whole cloth in the early twentieth century.”
Same here.
Everybody wants validation: “My actions are extreme, so my motivations have to be complex!” they’ll insist.
But it isn’t complicated: ingenuity figures out how to do something unnatural (i.e. sex-reassignment surgery) because it can; the market figures out a way to sell it; casualties follow.
I’m just not buying this female victimology narrative anymore. The stats are in. Transsexualism is 10-1 M-t-F. That’s where the actual privilege lay. Fish transition because it is advantageous and so do men, especially conmen like Contrapoints because transvestism is becoming an evolutionary strategy to finesse one’s way to the increasingly difficult task of achieving sex with women as women are more attracted to the female aesthetic. This whole ‘teen girl’ angst is a load of rubbish. Young women are insanely confident because everybody worships them. Nor are they disgusted by porn and sex because teens boys have it far less than teen girls. How do you explain that? I thought teen girls were so much more mature than grown men? What happened to that tale?
Tran genderism, along with fanatic ‘careerism’ and rejection of all ‘family values’ by young girls and women will only add to the death knell of the White race, and these concepts are clearly being pushed by societal groups which ‘dislike’ us, to put it nicely.
Perhaps it is solipsism, but the LGBT thing of Gen Z seems to be primarily LARPing white lesbians from the ones I see in public and from surveys. So much so I am starting to reinterpret all this as an asymmetrical race war of attrition directed by young white women. But it is more of an unspoken osmosis rather than a conspiracy because nonwhite women follow the direction of young white women. Lesbianism is just a phase for most young white women, yet is becoming a way of life for nonwhite women who imitate them. The low white birthrate is constantly underscored by everybody, but collapsing fertility in nonwhites is going completely unnoticed, and this is being incurred primarily by the dearth of teenage pregnancy, which (contrary to MTV) was mostly a black/Latina phenomenon. So now nonwhite teen girls are doing the lesbian thing instead of having early sex like they always did, which propelled their notorious fecundity and fueled the former welfare queen factories in the ghettos and barrios. That in turn is rebalancing other things and having severe consequences for the sexual hierarchy of men too. Black males are no longer being titled by women with early sex. In fact, black women are ‘divesting’ from black men now. This could also be fueling externalities like the latest black crime wave, and could even annihilate the entire hip hop culture if black men are no longer seen as cool.
The US was 61.6% white in the 2020 Census. Keep in mind a lot of Hispanics consider themselves white and report as such. The projection for 2045 is 49.8%. This number doesn’t account for illegal immigration and endless refugees from 3rd world shitholes wrecked by ZOG bots.
Whites are already a minority in most of the major cities. For example, the white non-Hispanic population of Atlanta is 38%, Chicago is 33.3%, Dallas is 28.8%, Los Angeles is 28.5%, and Philadelphia is 34.1%. These metropolitan areas dominate the states they’re located in already in terms of voting power.
While I’ve shitposted about blacks leading the stats at 38% of abortions several times elsewhere, white women being in second place at 33% is anything but a win. Hispanics have the lowest abortion rate at 21%. One third of the total being white women (2019 annual data) means significantly more white children being killed than Black children. As if this wasn’t bad enough, white males accounted for 69.68% of suicide deaths in 2020.
Despite all this, the smooth brains on this site are hyper focused on trannies that make up only 0.7% of the population, despite all the indoctrination. Trannies aren’t the ones raping, robbing, and murdering, or rioting and burning down your cities. We’re not the ones outbreeding and replacing you via immigration both legal and illegal. In short, you’ve proven you can’t be taken seriously.
Thanks for explaining why you will no longer be commenting here.
Did anyone hear about the terrible soviet disease called vegetovascular dystonia? This paper states that it “affected” anything from 5 to 80% of USSR population.
It never existed, but it was politically necessary. When you can’t do anything about e.g. the soviet flu, you treat the nonexistent illness of VVD and declare a great success.
Gender dysphoria seems as real and serious as the VVD.
But what is sure, GD is a potent political trap. You can’t lock down the crazies, but you have to treat them afterward. When it is to make stupid things it is freedom, but dealing with the aftermath it is the society responsibility.
Also, GD is supposedly an illness that have to be addressed, but the homosexuality is not an illness and have to be considered normal and left alone.
Like pups and kittens, people should be rubbed with their noses in the byproducts of their freedoms. Starting with the “doctors”.
Interesting article, but frankly your claim “Homosexuals can’t reproduce, therefore they recruit children” is baseless. Homosexuality is (mostly) a congenital condition, almost certainly caused by hormonal conditions before birth. People who know gays or lesbians and have asked them will likely be able to find out that in many cases they always knew they were different as children. For better or worse, a small fraction of each generation born will end up homosexual. This is a myth that is fun to repeat if you simply want to bash gays, but surely intellectuals of the right should themselves to a higher standard.
Transgenderism is a completely separate condition. I’m sure if I had to I could make a case for accepting or tolerating both the relatively small number of homosexual and transgendered individuals (or whatever you want to call them, and this doesn’t have to equate to the hyper-normalization we see today). To paraphrase a point the gay writer Douglas Murray has made, transgenderism as a lifestyle is much more dangerous and harmful to promote to children, because it means pre-pubescent children can be pushed onto hormone blockers and make getting a surgical sex change a core part of their identity.
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