The recent publicising of Britain’s Muslim rape gang epidemic has shocked the world. I have been shocked by it since August 2014, when the Rotherham report was published and laid bare the full scale of this epidemic in one town alone. I began making a video series about it but was soon overwhelmed by the scope of the project, which reflected the scope of the scandal.
It is a uniquely horrifying news story. But it is not merely a news story, and nor is it finished, in the past, as some American commentators have ignorantly stated. It is on-going, and it is a shame upon Britain to rival surely anything else in its history. I believe the rape gang epidemic is the most significant thing to happen to Britain since World War II.
It signifies two appalling things:
1. Enormous numbers of Muslim (typically Pakistani) men have been raping enormous numbers of White English girls, as young as 11, for decades. This fact alone destroys the myth of the multicultural nation, the benefits of diversity, the equality of Mankind, and the idea that people can, or ever should, be race-blind.
2. The civic, legal, cultural and political systems of Britain colluded to hide this on-going mass crime. In so doing, they condemned yet more thousands of native girls to be raped, debased their offices and the nation itself, and humiliated those girls as well as their families and communities.
To say that “those responsible should be held to account” is as futile as saying that every soldier on a battlefield should be held to account for every bullet fired. You would do better to look for those few individuals who are not culpable. This is a society at war with itself. More specifically, it is an ethnic group (the native English) that has been made to destroy itself, with the middle led into throwing the lower to the wolves, to suffer gut-wrenching pain, misery and degradation.
These words are dramatic but they are not hyperbolic. If you doubt the gravity of what we are discussing, it is time to grow up, to accept that there really is evil in the world, that it is all around us, and that it is funded and enabled and encouraged from the very top of society.
Take the example of Matt Collins, a researcher for the very moneyed “anti-fascist” organisation Hope Not Hate. In 2013 he wrote a hit-piece about a working-class woman named Karen Downes. Collins dug into her private life to find dirt with which he could smear her character. Why? Because she had begun working with the BNP, since the mainstream political parties showed no interest in the rape gang epidemic. What was Karen’s interest in this? A decade earlier, her 14 year-old daughter was raped by Muslim men (possibly up to 100 of them) before, in all likelihood, being murdered and her body minced up and sold as kebab meat. Twenty years on, her body has still never been found, but two Muslim men were recorded joking about having disposed of her in this manner. They were each awarded £250,000 in compensation when their trial collapsed due to the evidence collected by a police force described as “hampered by political correctness”. Karen, broken-hearted by all of this, eventually turned to the BNP, so Matt Collins saw fit to vilify, mock and belittle her. It didn’t matter that she had suffered the horrific abuse and loss of her daughter and then disinterest from the British state; Collins had to ensure that the public would despise her for collaborating with the BNP – the only organisation that cared. Collins did his smearing as a key employee of Hope Not Hate, which is connected to and funded by the British government and trusted implicitly by the BBC.
It is tempting to utterly despise Matt Collins, along with the vermin who employ him and okayed his hit-piece and still carry it on their website eleven years later. But it must be remembered that Collins is just one cog among thousands. The media, the government, the judiciary, the whole culture-making apparatus of Great Britain today is filled with people just like him. And that is why thousands of working-class girls get raped. Every police officer, every social worker, every school teacher knows, if they dare to raise the alarm about what is happening to local girls, they could be the next target for Matt Collins or some other state-backed scum just like him, and have their lives destroyed. In such a perverse context, it becomes the done thing never to do the right thing.
The problem of Muslim men raping native English girls goes back, not merely to the 2000s, but certainly to the 1970s and probably to the 1950s, to the very beginning of mass immigration. As soon as they were here in more than negligible numbers, they were doing this – to Sikh girls and, much more, to White girls.
From the 1950s through to the 2000s, the British state decreed that we should all be “race-blind”. It first encouraged this of its (native) people, then demanded it, and eventually legally required it.
To be race-blind is to assume three things:
1. Foreigners are the same as us, and therefore aren’t more or less likely to harm one of ours than we are
2. Foreigners are also race-blind, like us, and therefore won’t allow their co-ethnics to harm us
3. When we accuse a foreigner of harming us, his co-ethnics will react as dispassionate individuals, not as an inflamed group
Each of these assumptions is suicidally naive. They set the English up, inexorably, for what went on to happen to them and their daughters and grand-daughters.
We are now six decades into “the multicultural experiment” and its dire consequences are clear, and are only going to worsen for Whites as Muslims increase in number and influence in England. (The skeptic might ask for proof of such a bold claim. I would ask how Muslims could possibly get less daring as they grow in number and influence. Common sense tells us what is obviously going to happen here. Ignore it at your daughter’s peril.)
So the question is, what can be done about the situation?
It could have been dealt with much more easily in the 1950s, or even the 1970s, when the numbers of non-whites in England were much smaller than today. They could have been made, through means legal or illegal but certainly fairly humane, to obey the law. But the law intervened and prevented the native English from doing that. Today, given the numbers involved and the social and political pressure that such numbers can muster, such action is no longer possible.
The naive would say that we should redouble our efforts to persuade Muslims not to gang-rape our young girls, by teaching them about respect, equality, human rights, etc. Let us leave that suggestion for morons to ponder. I want to be realistic.
If we react as our ancestors would certainly have reacted, it would be a blood bath – on both sides. Nobody wants that. But if we persist with the current modus operandi, of race-blind rules-based civic nationalism, we should expect the raping to continue. What’s more, as Pakistanis take up more and more positions within the police, social services, education, judiciary and media, they will naturally become more and more brazen about protecting and advancing their ethnic group. This will result in the raping of young English girls not merely continuing, but greatly increasing. Maybe you think that is a hideous and racist thing to say, but to expect any other result is to ignore the realities of group dynamics. Those dynamics have been shown to us in brutal clarity over these six decades of multiculturalism. It is time to wake up.
Groups naturally work against each other, as rivals, and individuals within groups naturally act in accordance with that imperative. This is human nature, mammalian nature, all nature. In the early years of mass immigration, this problem reared its head with White English people uncouthly objecting to the foreigners now in their midst. But means were available to persuade them to “turn race-blind”, to stop caring about race, to stop even seeing race (or rather, to pretend not to see it), and to treat everyone as an individual. This was the equivalent of a country giving up its nuclear weapons in the hope that its rivals will do the same. But other groups didn’t do the same. Why not?
1. Initially, because they were tiny minorities and needed to stick together for security.
2. Later, because they were large minorities who had much to gain by sticking together.
3. Now, because, in many towns, they are no longer minorities at all and therefore have no reason to forsake their group identities, and nothing to gain from doing so. Indeed, it would only harm them by reducing them to the “atomised individual” status endured by the White English around them. They can see how vulnerable and helpless that makes the White English; why would they accept the same for themselves?
Today, stopping the Muslims from gang-raping, while allowing large numbers of them to stay in England, would depend on persuading these many individuals to stop feeling a primary loyalty to their ethnic group. Well, we’ve been trying that for 60 years, and, as the above shows, it was never going to happen. In fact, it was – and is – only going to get harder with every passing year.
What’s more, to even attempt it now, we Whites would first have to overcome a second dynamic that has played out over the same time period, operating on us, and emanating from the British state and media (“the regime”):
- Having lied to us that mass immigration would only ever be in tiny numbers, the regime browbeat us for any acts of resistance to it (“racism”)
- It created laws to punish people for saying or doing “racist” things, laws which were exerted upon us far more than the minorities
- It empowered minorities to advocate in their own interests against our “racism”
- It rewarded minorities for complaining about us
- As we became less and less “racist”, the regime browbeat us more and more for being “racist” (now we’re at the stage of “unconscious microaggressions”)
- It conditioned our young to accept and actually celebrate their dispossession (“diversity is our strength”) but simultaneously to believe that they aren’t being dispossessed at all, since “Britain has always been multicultural” and “diversity built Britain”
- It created an understanding that White people “owe” non-white people – whether for slavery, Jim Crow, the British Empire, or 1950s racism – while they owe us absolutely nothing. Indeed, we should be grateful that they deign to live in our country
- It undermined our right to our homeland (“Cheddar Man”) and even our claim to exist as an ethnic group – thus, there was nothing for us to belong to or defend
- It encouraged a guilt complex in White people about being racist, so that they would assume themselves to be so even if they were not
- It established an assumption that White people are to blame for pretty much anything that goes wrong. That sounds cartoonish but it is effectively the mantra of today. In any bad situation involving non-whites, the first assumption made by Whites is that they, not the non-whites, are probably to blame – and even if they don’t think so, someone higher up the chain might, so it’s in their interests to kowtow to the non-whites sooner rather than later.
- This, combined with the specific demonisation of the police force as “institutionally racist”, is the witch’s brew that resulted – inevitably – in the Muslim rape gang epidemic. Even in 2023, a decade after the extent of it was known, the regime was crowing that Manchester police, who have facilitated the epidemic, are nevertheless “institutionally racist”.
In short, White people’s group identity has been very thoroughly deconstructed, while the group identities of the foreigners in their midst have been actively encouraged, and White people’s ability and willingness to comment on that, or to any wrongdoing on the part of non-whites, have been eroded. This has been so thoroughly achieved that, even when White people gasp in horror at the revelations about the Muslim rape gang epidemic, they rush to insist that, though horrified by what these brown men have done, they are not racist against them. It is like a wolf that has been turned into a poodle.
This spiritual, psychological, social, cultural, legal and political weakening of White people is how Pakistanis were able to freely prey on the White girls of Rotherham when they, the Pakistanis, were only a tiny minority (about 3%) of the town’s population.
My favourite analogy of group dynamics was proffered by Stefan Molyneux. Imagine a football match where one team passes the ball only to its own members, while the other team passes it to any players, regardless of team membership. Obviously, the former team will win and the latter will lose – every time. Race-blindness demands the same behaviour in society at large. Each individual is expected to ignore group membership of all other individuals and to interact with them without prejudice or favour. The result? White people watch their girls get gang-raped by non-whites.
You can say, “it doesn’t have to be like that. When an individual breaks a rule, we can punish him”, but that is to ignore that his co-ethnics will (and do) rally around to protect him. Groups easily defeat atomised individuals. They will threaten or use violence, orchestrated formal complaints, legal attack, and media vilification – and then you have a disaster on your hands that could ruin your life. You and your colleagues might think “if we persist, eventually principles will intervene and make these people see sense” but they are not interested in principles or in seeing sense, only in protecting their group from outside attack, even if one of its members has done wrong. For them, “justice” is the well-being of their group, not an abstraction based on principles.
If you need proof of this, just look at how the Pakistani community protects its members who rape English girls. There have been reports of Pakistani police officers leaking information to rapists, enabling them to intimidate their child victims into silence. There have even been cases of Pakistani police officers committing the crime themselves. When a White girl goes to a police station to report that she has been raped by Mohammed 1, and she is met by Desk Sergeant Mohammed 2, what chance does she have? The sergeant will legitimately fear that, if he doesn’t cover things up, he will face ugly reprisal from his community. They will not see that he has served some higher principle, only that he has betrayed his group: he is a traitor. This is why it is insane for us to be pushing for more Muslims to join our police forces – we are literally heaping up our own funeral pyre.
But what we have in the case of the rape gang epidemic is actually worse than that. The White team does not pass the ball indiscriminately, it actually favours passing it to the Pakistani team. That is to say, the Whites help the Pakistanis at the expense of their own group:
- White police officers “lose” evidence
- White police officers decide not to investigate
- White police officers arrest raped White girls and leave their Muslim rapists alone
- White police officers arrest concerned White fathers
- White police officers fail to record the ethnicity of rapists, so that statistics will be skewed and their force won’t get accused of racism
- White social workers accuse White girls of lying
- White social workers let White girls be picked up from care homes by Muslim men
- White politicians incentivise these behaviours
- White civil servants distort the data
- White media producers make drama and documentary about a (vanishingly rare) false allegation story, clearly implying that this is the norm and that the whole epidemic is mostly “fake news”
- White Wikipedia editors categorise the epidemic as a “moral panic”
- White journalists do everything they possibly can to minimise, obfuscate, blame-shift, distort and outright lie about what is happening
- White academics help them to do so
- A White Prime Minister declares that people who complain about all of this are “racists” who are “spreading lies and misinformation”, “are not interested in the victims”, and are “jumping on the bandwagon simply to get attention” by amplifying “the far-right”.
The White English are a group wilfully destroying itself in service to another group. It does so because of the overwhelming, career-ending and life-wrecking threat of being accused of racism.
The civic nationalist response to this is to call to do away with the threat of racism accusations, and to restore the dispassionate rules-based order. We must all become race-blind again, and neither injure nor favour our own group nor any foreign group, but instead treat everyone as individuals, all of whom are subject to “the rules”. This is utterly futile.
There is no question of doing away with the threat of racism accusations, because that would require doing away with the bogeyman of racism, which would require entirely overturning the moral order of the West since 1945. To preserve that requires believing that racism is evil, which requires punishing people for racism, which unavoidably means that the accusation of racism will be enough to sway ordinary people to do almost anything to avoid it – even looking the other way when 11 year-old girls are gang-raped. In short, the post-war moral order makes it inevitable that, if brown men are present in sufficient numbers, you will let them away with gang-raping your girls. To do otherwise would mean violating the core tenets we have sworn by since 1945.
There is no question of becoming race-blind again. Nobody is actually race-blind. We Whites can feign it – most of us desperately try to – and the consequence has been mass rape of our girls by other groups who steadfastly refuse to feign it. When they see a White English girl in a vulnerable situation, they see an alien who is fit to be raped – and why not, when her group will not rally around and punish them for doing so? When it will even help them to get away with it?
Whether Muslim men rape White girls for reasons of race or religion is a question that could puzzle us if we let it. I suggest that we don’t. It is not up to us to decipher the motivations of foreigners who, by rights, should be adopting our moral order and our legal code. It is their responsibility, not ours, to overcome any problems they face in aligning with us. I also think the race/religion question is one that cannot really be answered, even by them. My quarrel is not so much with Islam as a religion, as with its adherents who defile my group or help their co-ethnics to do so. I have absolutely no interest in poring over Islamic scripture to try to work out whether or not it endorses this crime. That should not be our problem, and it is certainly not our duty. Our only duty is to prevent the crime and punish those guilty of it.
Now we come to the problems of punishment.
When a White victimises a non-White, the racial disparity is nearly always seen as an exacerbating factor in sentencing, sometimes even as a separate crime in itself. But when brown men victimise (in the worst possible way) White girls, the racial disparity is ignored. It embarrasses us Whites to think that we might “play victim” like that, “play the race card”, and unfairly demonise a rapist as a racist.
The Left even taunt the Right about this matter, sarcastically asking “are brown rapists worse than White rapists?” The answer is yes, in inter-racial cases, for the same reason that the Left would insist that an inter-racial crime by a White person is worse. A Muslim rape of a White girl constitutes not just a sexual attack upon that individual, but a racial attack upon her group.
Another problem with punishing the men responsible is the immense difficulty in proving a sexual crime, especially years or decades after the fact. Realistically, the vast majority of the thousands of men guilty of inter-racial sex predation on young White girls will never be punished.
A third problem with punishing is that, even when one can prove a Muslim man guilty of this crime, it is not just he who is guilty but also all the people – friends, relatives, colleagues – who knew what he was doing but did nothing to stop him, or even facilitated him in some way. How can one prove their guilt? Realistically, one can’t, and therefore many thousands of Muslims will never be punished for colluding in the rape of White English girls. We Whites are going to have to “just live with that” – and frankly it is outrageous for the British state to impose this humiliation on us.
Of course, Muslims can use the defence that it is irrational to blame an entire ethnic group for the crimes of some if its members. This doesn’t actually hold water, for the reasons given above, but leaving that aside… why shouldn’t White people impose collective guilt on a community, when every single day we are made to feel collective guilt for the actions of our ancestors? Of course no White person today is technically “blamed” for the British Empire or the Atlantic Slave Trade or the Holocaust, but we are systematically forced to associate ourselves with those things, feel guilty for them, atone for them, and consider ourselves stained with an Original Sin of racism. Our very genes condemn us, apparently, and our atonement must be lifelong. This notion is baked into our culture, our art, our education system. So, if we are collectively culpable for things that our ancestors did centuries ago, why aren’t Pakistanis collectively culpable for things that their relatives and friends did just a few days ago? I’m not saying that they are, incidentally, just that the disparity here is glaring. It is clear that White people have not only been saddled with hordes of hostile foreigners, but have also been stripped of any ability to defend themselves against them.
One solution might be for us all to race-mix until there are no groups any more, and therefore no inter-ethnic predation between them. But why should English people want to mix themselves into a group that is so profoundly different from them? A group that is, demonstrably, capable of such monstrous depravity? Would it be in any way an “upgrade” for the English? Of course not.
The next resort is to call for “an inquiry”. A great big inquiry to get to the bottom of things and work out what exactly went wrong here. People would prefer it be done at the very highest level, the government. But the government has been well aware of this problem for decades and has done nothing, and has even covered it up. Why trust it now, when the stakes are so much higher than in 1995? And, even if the government somehow could be trusted, what would its inquiry find? Only what we already know: foreigners are mass raping our girls, and they are doing so because our morality prevents us from stopping them.
Calling for an inquiry is just a way to hand a collective moral duty over to bureaucracy in the hope that it will somehow solve the problem by gathering facts which we, in our bones, already know. It is a means to delay doing what must be done, because we are all terrified of doing it.
What must be done:
- Total and permanent end to immigration from Pakistan.
- Total and permanent end to immigration of Pakistanis via any other country (this requires racial categorisation, which requires an acceptance of racial categories – it would be an explicitly “racist” policy).
- “Neighbourhood Watch” style teams, made up entirely of White people, stationed around grooming hot-spots and authorised to take whatever action is necessary to stop Muslim men picking up underage White girls. These teams should be led by specially-trained men, maybe ex army. Any Muslim who complains about them should be immediately deported. Any journalist who works to undermine them should be tried for sedition.
- All police forces with a record of turning a blind eye to the crime should have their upper echelons replaced, wholesale.
- All police officers should be required to swear an oath to protect the native English above all other priorities. Any police officer who refuses to do so should be fired.
- Examinations of all acquittals of Muslims tried in the past for this crime. The law of statutory rape must be enforced, retroactively, on all of these cases. Any judge found to have been too lenient should be disbarred and, if possible, tried for criminal negligence.
- Deportation of all men found guilty, along with all of their relatives.
- Encouraging and facilitating remigration of Muslims back to their ancestral homelands, even if they were born in England. (To simplify this task, I would say those aged over 40 can stay and live out their lives here, since they won’t reproduce and are unlikely to cause trouble.)
- Rehabilitation of the belief that race is a real thing and the different races of mankind are, indeed, different.
- Promotion of the belief that one should value and protect one’s ethnic group, and new standards in civic institutions to this effect, with treachery to one’s ethnic group seen as a disgrace and a sacking offence.
- Primacy of the native English in the laws and culture of England.
- Investigations into the corruption at every newspaper, every social services office, every police force, and every government department which facilitated the mass rape of English girls. Anyone found culpable must face historic consequences.
- A new understanding that a foreigner does not become English simply by living or even being born in England, but that he is – and will always remain – foreign. This does not mean we should be cruel to him, just that we should always be aware he is not “of us”.
Until we have the stomach and the resolve for such actions, an inquiry into what happened is a waste of time and money. And we have already wasted enough time and money on diversity, with the results as appalling as the world has recently learned.
Nothing will change until we change.
I am not saying that we should be cruel – or blithely “racist” – to non-white people. But I am saying that we must get over the taboos surrounding race. It is a real thing, it does have consequences, it does (demonstrably) make groups differ in their behaviour, and it does set them against each other (eg. many Pakistani men and their relatives against us and our daughters). This is the reality. It is ugly. You don’t like it and neither do I, but to continue denying it is to send our children and grandchildren into the most horrific future imaginable.
This article first appeared on Millennial Woes Substack page. It has been republished here with permission. Follow Millennial Woes at and at
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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 622: Morgoth and Millennial Woes on Britain’s Rape Gang Scandal
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I am not saying that we should be cruel – or blithely “racist” – to non-white people. Yes. We should. And to the things up top and trash just like it, that cruelty should strike terror in the mind of God(s) till the end of time.
Antiwhite rape was one of the first things that made me understand the truth about the antiwhite narrative. It was eye opening to see how antiwhite rape happens all over the world, both in America and Europe.
White women are seen as meat to be hunted down and conquered by these antiwhite predators. They view White women as the highest thing they could get their hands on. That’s why so many rappers and sportsmen drive around in sportscars, and they always have a White woman next to them.
All races look at White women when they watch pornography.
It is upsetting to see this as a man, since all I ever wanted was to be with a White woman, and I wanted to love her so dearly for who she is on the inside, but due to this hunger that the other races have for my sisters, and how White women are guilted into dating them, so that they can commit biological White erasure, it has become very hard for White men to get a White woman. It is painful to see that those White women date those non-White men, even though those women will never be loved in those relationships, when men like me would love those women more than anything in the world.
Seeing how cold and evil this world is towards me and my folk, I have for long felt that Whites don’t owe the other races anything, and we must take care of ourselves only.
“it has become very hard for White men to get a White woman. It is painful to see that those White women date those non-White men, even though those women will never be loved in those relationships, when men like me would love those women more than anything in the world.”
Certainly miscegenation is a major problem and a profoundly upsetting one. But let’s not overstate here. The majority of white women still want white men. If you’re online or focused on media too much, you can get the impression that miscegenation is the norm for white women. The system particularly pushes white woman-black man pairings. Quite literally every single time a white woman appears as part of a couple in an advertisement, it’s with a black man. Negro celebrity worship also results in many highly visible examples of attractive white women dating black men, as you mention, but those women are interested in them for money, not because they uniquely desire blacks.
You mention interracial pornography, which is an obvious psyop, but are you aware that pornstars don’t choose their partners? That’s all handled by agents. A particularly infamous retired pornstar recently revealed in an interview that she would not know who she was paired with until arriving on set. They choose the sex acts they’ll perform and may agree to interracial sex in the abstract, but they aren’t specifically requesting any man. The porn industry also offers significantly higher pay for white women who agree to do interracial scenes, in the same way it would for an extreme or deviant sex act. That would be unnecessary unless the white women actually have an aversion to nonwhites (pretty much exclusively blacks in porn) that needs to be overcome for the psyop to continue. The intended propaganda message is that white women are overcome with lust for blacks, but behind the scenes they’re actually having to give these women special incentives to get them to do it. This is to say nothing of how many of those women are there due to coercion and human trafficking or remain there via intimidation and desperation, removing the element of choice entirely.
Let me ask you this. When you see presumably voluntary interracial couples in the real world, does the white woman typically look high value, like the kind you would want to date? I see that sometimes in reality, but more often when I see a race mixing white woman, she is morbidly obese or otherwise very unattractive. This is not to say that makes it okay for her to miscegenate, but it suggests that dating non-whites is less a preference for white women and more often either a mercenary arrangement for money or an act of desperation due to lack of attention from white men.
If you look at unironic incel communities online, they are filled with nonwhites, contradicting their supposedly high sexual market value. Routinely when these people complain about all the standards you have to meet to get a woman’s attention, they will include whiteness right alongside other highly desirable traits like height. I think because miscegenation is so upsetting to all race conscious people, we can often get a myopic vision of it and overestimate the problem. Given the psychic assault the system puts white women under with its constant miscegenation propaganda, it actually speaks to a high degree of racial loyalty that the majority still choose white men.
Great comment. When you really think about it, it’s quite impressive that there aren’t more race-mixing Whites out there, given the insane pressure we are placed under to do so. Every woman at my toddler group has a beautiful White child.
I was pleasantly surprised to learn recently how popular White men are amongst women of the other races. They just can’t get enough of us, no matter how much they may lie about it, and we still overwhelmingly choose to be with each other. It must make them seethe!
Hmmm … did you see OJ Simpson’s murdered wife? How about the white wives of most black football players? Where I live, the best looking white women usually have nonwhite husbands or boyfriends (often Orientals or South Asians, no matter how ugly these dudes are from my admittedly hetero perspective). Only occasionally does one see a good-looking white female with a white male. Usually that white male is either very good-looking himself (and always tall, often taller than I am, and I was once 6’4″), or, if not, he usually clearly has a lot of money and looks Jewish.
I really do not think like a woman, or understand women (at least, post-Sexual Revolutionary women; my late mother would have killed herself in preference to being raped by a mud-savage of any hue; and to her final day she could not fathom why any white of either sex would marry a nonwhite). But such post-revolutionary white women have a very good instinct for sucking up to power and status. Could you have sex with 99% of black females, even if they had wealth and status? Me neither! What about a hideous white female with lots of money to spend on you? Nope.
But women? They can sleep with anything; more accurately, they find hideously ugly men attractive if they have status and wealth. Billy Joel was never good looking. Yet he was nothing next to the Ramones, who were downright ugly. But they all had their share of very attractive girls.
I was recently in a California city, sitting at an outdoor table of a cafe. Nearly EVERY attractive white female (and especially all the youngest ones) I saw for about an hour walking by was with a nonwhite male (and I don’t think any of those nonwhites were black). Orientals, Mexicans, Hindus, and mixed-racers. It was unbelievable. When I was a young buck, white women would never date Orientals. One somewhat attractive white girl in my then overwhelmingly white college class ended up marrying an ugly fellow student from either Pakistan or India, and many of the females I associated with couldn’t understand why. This was a little over four decades ago. Today, I think other white females would actually compete to see who can mud-date. I see it everywhere, all the time.
White women have much less racial loyalty or pride than even deracinated white males. All they care about is “marrying up” – and today, they instinctively realize that this means marrying nonwhite, as white libtards, along with doofus Christians who confuse Christianity with liberalism, have given away all former white power to grasping nonwhites. Why wouldn’t these alien rapists also think – after libtards allowed them to rape our industries, jobs and countries, as well as poach our women (individual white females belong to themselves; but white females as a class belong exclusively to white men) – that they were free to rape our girls?
These Muslim child rapists should all be doused with pig grease and whale oil, and then burned alive publicly. But those who were complicit in bringing these scum aliens into our beautiful white homelands must also be punished for their treason, and perhaps more severely.
“But those who were complicit in bringing these scum aliens into our beautiful [W]hite homelands must also be punished for their treason, and perhaps more severely.”
Betrayal is the worst. In Dante’s Inferno the lowest circle in hell is reserved for traitors. Capital punishment is the usual sentence for treason. The current POTUS has violated Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution, yet, everybody tolerates this. Trump betrayed maga by choosing cheap labor(H1B), yet, maga tolerated it. If maga is a force to be reckon with (not), Trump won’t even show up for his inauguration, he’d be too ashamed not to mention rotten tomatoes rotten eggs chanting TRAITOR would meet him.
My point when I mentioned pornography was more-so that if you go on porn websites, you see almost ONLY White women, with the occasional Asian woman. If you change your VPN to some non-White countries, you will see non-White women, but ALL the non-Whites in the West are watching non-White women. And even in those non-White countries, I saw that they were still watching SOME videos of blonde White women with a man of their own race. This proves that they must want non-White women, or you’d see other races on the front page of pornographic websites. I believe that one of the reasons why pornography is forbidden is because non-Whites should not be allowed to see White women in that way.
We also know that Arabic slave traders used to travel as far North as Finland and Iceland just to take White women as slaves for Arabs. Arabic Christians were not allowed to have slaves who believed in Islam, so White women were also appealing to them for that reason, but it is undeniable that the fair skin, fair hair and blue eyes of those women was the main reason why they were taken as slaves. It used to be a common fear for Whites to be abducted by Arabs. I have seen this fear mentioned by poor folk in books from 100 years ago, when those books had nothing to do otherwise with the White slave trade!
Also, Jews want White women as well. I believe that Marilyn Monroe was wedded to a Jew. Harvey and Bob Weinstein would go after White woman after White woman. I believe that they also went after Asian women occasionally, but the vast majority of their victims were White. And the White men saw that and did nothing to stop it.
So this proves that most non-White men want White women. But what about the reverse? Do White women want non-White men?
Well, I listened to one of William Pierce’s last American dissident voices broadcasts, “the importance of leadership”, and in this broadcast, it was said that a non-White sportsman had gone to a university, and infected *every single White woman there with HIV!* Every single one! Let that sink in. Again, the White men just tolerated this, and some of them got HIV also from sleeping with those women, and I don’t shed any tears for them, let’s just say that.
William Pierce also pointed out how White men have begun acting more and more like non-Whites, having their hair in cornrows and so on. It seems that most young White men, even those who by the looks of them seem normal (such as YouTuber Gerbert Johnson), will speak with black accents. They will say things like “this is some wacked type shit!” instead of “this truly is wacked!”. I have also heard White women do this.
And in this broadcast, it was pointed out how in the 90s, those rap listening White men with cornrows were photographed in antiwhite riots, helping non-Whites of various races tear the clothes off of White women and rape them.
And every time I go to a big city, especially in the summer, I see fully White couples but also biological White erasure. I don’t even like going to cities anymore, since I know I’ll see biological White erasure, and also have to be put through the mental torture of having to worry about my phone or wallet getting stolen, or being hit by a car (which isn’t antiwhitism’s fault, but it’s still stressful), or getting murdered in an antiwhite terror attack.
Perhaps biological White erasure is uncommon like you say, but I would guess that if it is, it is due to other reasons than White women having loyalty to their race. It might be that they like the look of White men, or they happen to run across more White men, or whatever else it is, but most White folk don’t have any good in them at all. They will just follow along with what the media tells them. If the media was to change its tune, they would too.
That story about some non-white athlete giving every white woman at a university HIV is just farcical. There is a zero percent chance that actually occurred. There was a 60 Minutes report in the 90s where black football players in the Southeastern Conference discussed how they were celebrated on the field but otherwise pariahs on campus. That’s around the time when Pierce would have been making that insane claim. I attended one of the preeminent football factory universities well after Pierce’s death and even there the vast majority of white coeds dated white men. If you think you could have an HIV outbreak of that magnitude affecting primarily middle and upper class young women and it could pass by without media comment, you are out of your mind.
Moreover, if you truly believe that “most White folk don’t have any good in them at all,” one wonders why you’re on a WN blog. I find that many avowed WN eventually arrive at a bizarro world version of white guilt where they hate their own race as much as the most ardent leftist, just for opposite reasons. Frankly, when someone reaches that point, they’re worse than useless to the movement.
@Lord Shang, I already addressed the reason that attractive white women date black athletes in my comment above, so it’s unclear to me why you trot that out as a counterpoint. I don’t know where you’re living that the most attractive white women date primarily non-whites. I’ve lived in many of the most liberal states and the least white states and that was never the case for me. That claim also isn’t supported by census data on interracial couplings or by results from dating apps. By a significant margin, the most common interracial pairing in the US is white man-Asian woman. This is the cause of endless seething among Asian men. Look up their reactions sometime – it will offer an alternative perspective on what being white means for your dating prospects.
My guess as to why you think you see majority interracial couples is that interracial pairings stick out more to you and thus remain in your mind, while intraracial white couples are regarded as normal/unremarkable and are accordingly forgotten. It no doubt sticks with you even more if the woman is attractive.
White advocates should be careful not to repeat enemy propaganda designed to demoralize young white men hoping to start a family.
I am not all that familiar with William Pierce or how strong good sources were, but I would assume that the listeners would have written to him complaining if he just made it up. There was another broadcast where he had used a bad source for a completely different claim, and he apologised for it in the next broadcast, after some listeners pointed it out. But again, I don’t know all that much about Dr. William Luther Pierce.
Here’s the quote from the broadcast in question:
“Here’s an example: a month ago a small, nearly all-White South Dakota college town was turned upside down when it was discovered that a Black basketball player, whom the local college recently had imported from Chicago, was infected with HIV and was having sex with the White girls at the college: with lots of them. Nearly everybody at the college had to have an HIV test, and it turned out that several of the girls there already had become infected by the Black. It’s likely that a few of the White boys will be testing positive for HIV pretty soon”
He later says that the basketball player was locked up, since knowingly spreading HIV is unlawful in South Dakota. There should be a news story about this somewhere. What a shame that we don’t have the name, so that we could easily verify the truthfulness of this claim.
You misunderstood me when I said that most Whites don’t have any good in them. I don’t hate them, but it is clear that they are just selfishly looking out for their own interests, and going along with what the media tells them. I know people who are either normies/vagues or antiwhites who I have defeated in debate time and time again, and I have shown them all the facts, and I am sure that they know most of what I know, yet they STILL take the opposite view of me, just because they know that doing so will more easily get them ahead in society. I know that if the media changed their tune, then so would these people.
Take Richard Nixon for example. There is an audio recording where one of his associates tells him that a non-White group of people runs the media, and if they are allowed to keep doing so, then they’ll run America into the ground, and Richard Nixon said “yes, that’s right, but I can’t say that”!!! Richard Nixon could have saved the West already back then, but he didn’t do it, and instead took the easy way out, spelling doom for the rest of us. He might be one of the Whites who counts as truly evil.
There are White folk like myself who will do what is right even if it doesn’t benefit us personally. We need to become the elites among Whites, who will lead the rest of the herd.
But once you understand that you are among the moral elites, it becomes hard to date the rest. What are you going to talk about with someone who doesn’t care about anything but themselves?
I found a news article related to the case.
Here’s how it worked:
The non-White basketball player had several sex partners, and then those sex partners had sex with others, and in the end, 237 people had to be tested for HIV. Whether the basketball player’s sex partners were White or not, there must have been biological White erasure going on at that school.
Maybe those statistics you mention are about marriage? Sex and marriage are not the same. I believe that White men need to take some sort of revenge on antiwhite non-White men who have stolen what is rightfully ours, so that we can regain our manhood. That is something we need to push for as we get more political and cultural power.
Siegfried, William Pierce saying what needs to be said:
“Apotheosis of Evil” by Christian Bell.
Recently on X, I saw newspaper clips from the 1950s and 60s of Pakistanis being arrested for sexual predations against white girls in England. It has been going on for a long time.
My first time in England (2002) I went to a BNP meeting in Oldham where there had recently been riots caused by these attacks. Working class white men were literally fighting back but the government and media came down on them rather than the Pakistani rape gangs and the white judges, cops and politicians who were enabling them.
It’s nice to know that they tried to fight back. I suppose covering up any retaliation is part of the demoralisation tactic.
“Working class white men were literally fighting back but the government and media came down on them…”. With all due respect, please spare me the White men fighting back. In a normal ethnicity our girls let alone our women would not be attacked by foreigners because there would not be any foreigners, certainly not in any significant numbers. And, if our women would be attacked they would have been lynched. A people who do not protect their females have no future, &, English people are not protecting their females. Conclusion: England has no future, they allowed their own conquest. And ditto to pretty much most of the European Peoples from Europa to Australia. Yes, it’s that simple. There are literally tens of millions of English men. Guess they’re too busy fighting for their futbol team.
Every year in USA, over 20,000 European women are raped by Africans, & nothing is done.
Has anyone seen that European woman holding a sign that read: Better rapists than racists.
Agreed. The white race is facing a uniquely race-destroying confluence of factors, from atheistic nihilism; to the reality or at least memory of excessive physical comfort; to hostile ethnic elites; to unleashed capitalist greed which places [short-term] profits, via cheap imported labor lowering unit labor costs, over patriotism; to living at the time of the Third World population bomb in combination with instant communications and easy global transportation.
Only a resurrection of white racial will-to-endure can possibly save us. The problem there, as I see it, is that there just aren’t enough whites who are “unbrainwashable”, and even fewer who see clearly and who care. So many of my generation, men ranging from mid-50s to early-70s in age, who do see clearly have basically abjured the struggle, and are just hoping to get through the rest of their lives avant le deluge.
This is why I’ve been saying for so long that the only realistic hope for our race’s perpetuity is mass prowhite physical relocation to one or a handful of demographico-electorally conquerable countries, places wherein we can become the majorities, and proceed to create white ethnostates. I fear otherwise prowhites will remain everywhere minorities permanently locked out of political power by the unholy alliance of white race traitors and imported colonizers.
Dr. Petr Hampl has mentioned this in some of his articles. A lot of this is due to the fact that the elites want mass immigration into the west, even when they know the problems it causes. He describes it as an almost suicidal act on their part. We need to figure out realistic ways to combat this. Trying to convince normies to boycott sports because the black athletes despise whites doesn’t seem to work. We would have to also be able to combat the doxing and other methods the left uses against us.
It is not up to us to decipher the motivations of foreigners who, by rights, should be adopting our moral order and our legal code.
Only what we already know: foreigners are mass raping our girls, and they are doing so because our morality prevents us from stopping them.
There is a contradiction here.
The foreigners are expected to adopt the same “moral order” that devastated White communities and prevents Whites from punishing their tormentors??
I think these disgusting men fully adopted that moral order which emboldened them in the first place to commit those heinous acts.
I have absolutely no interest in poring over Islamic scripture to try to work out whether or not it endorses this crime.
No, it DOESN’T endorse such acts.
Lastly, although these scumbags are responsible for their own actions, still, it is a fact that they were Muslims and that they were Pakistani.
As a Muslim Pakistani, I hope they they all rot.
It absolutely endorses such acts. In fact, such behaviour is part and parcel of the faith and to deny it is akin to apostasy. Your nonce prophet claimed a divine mandate for molesting a six year old, raping her at nine. His behaviour in warfare allowed for sexual deviancy under the guise of “victor’s spoils” and to this day your scholars argue whether or not Muslims are in a state of war with the west, thereby justifying some of this atrocious behaviour.
There are numerous anecdotal tales, examples from the Sunnah, that suggest the kafir is lesser than the believer. There’s a reason Muslim scholars suggest laymen shouldn’t study Hadith without guidance.
All it takes is a little exposure to modern Muslim Discords, chats, community gatherings, youth groups, etc., to find that they are positively gleeful at the prospect of an “Islamic Britain.” Your primary function as a Muslim, other than idolising an epileptic pedo warlord and bowing to a Temu version of an ancient tribal deity, is to spread Islam.
Most of us have known it for years, but Muslims do not belong in western society. They loathe modernity, nostalgic for a fictitious golden age. They are fundamentally flawed and barbaric people. I fought them in Afghanistan and I’d happily fight them here in the UK given the opportunity.
What happened to those whom you fought against?
Yeah, they bided their time and returned at the helm of affairs.
And given the level of your understanding of Islam, it is no wonder that you were easily manipulated into fighting a stupid war.
You wasted your time and resources in a losing and purposeless war in Afghanistan, and unless you intellectually upgrade yourself, you will exhaust your remaining energies on your own turf.
Your cause is moral. Don’t let silliness destroy it.
Every time someone here writes an article or makes a comment detailing yet another diabolical expression of Islam against white people and white nations, along you come with your Deconstruction Islam Version act a la CAIR, pretending it’s all just some big coincidence.
You know damn well that Islam is a religion of conquest and that you (Muslims) would see the entire world bend its knee to your Abrahamic god and his inventor, Muhammad of Mecca. The only thing silly here is this goofy juggling act you play, constantly, between proselytizing for the world’s most bloodthirsty religion and pretending to care about the well-being of white people as anything more than a block of potential converts.
People pushing their incompatible (with white well-being) agendas love that tack: “You must be a scholar to understand our special thing we have here; since you don’t want to dedicate a chunk of your life to becoming a scholar of our special thing, why don’t you just let down your guard and become a devotee.”
It’s insanely facile, this way of thinking.
The very idea that to recognize a threat requires more than just a modicum of information, in most cases, is the result of relentless harmful propaganda aimed at making white people (and others) mistrust their instincts. This is done because when something or someone is so unmistakably inimical, the only chance he possibly has of being perceived as an angel of light, and thereby deceiving whom he’d hurt, is to add a million superfluous pieces to the puzzle and hope the guy who’d solve it gets confused by it all and mistakes the confusion for stupidity.
But no one here is stupid. There are very few readers of this webzine (contrarians for contrariness’ sake excluded) who don’t see Islam for the debacle that it is.
This is a racial issue not a religious one. There’s always a Punjabi Sikh rearing his ugly mug in their group mugshots for chrissake; turban and all. I’ve seen members of these grooming gangs and “brown” screams at me, not Muslim. These guys are the scum of Pakistan and would be summarily dealt with in Pakistan. If this was an Islamic phenomenon, blonde Bosnians and carrot-top Chechens would be doing this stuff en masse, but they’re not.
It’s both.
IFA: I don’t really think Chechens belong in the West either. The term ‘non-white Caucasian’ appeared at some point and it’s useful. I’m not sure about Bosnians. When Islam takes over a group, I think it becomes effectively less white in practice.
But I haven’t studied Islam itself. It’s a religion of brown and more primitive people to me. Their version of the Bible essentially, remade in their image.
Greg and Millennial Woes are right that it’s a side academic exercise to unpick it from race in this case, but it’s probably worth thinking about the specifics in the long run generally.
What you can say is Islam correlates with a lot of negative stuff for us. Perhaps its proximity to race is technically like medical conditions that often occur together, feed the other, but are not directly caused by one another, although there is obviously some kind of match going on there.
The types of regimes Islam inspires in their countries may have a positive effect on some of these brown and more primitive groups, giving them discipline they need and structure, otherwise they would be even worse, or it may be making them worse, providing them with a permit to be animals, giving them more solidarity, expanding that solidarity to protect appalling behaviors. Probably both.
That said, dropping a carpet of bombs on these people in their countries because Jews told us to is a bad idea. I think messing around in their governments, propping up one leader then overthrowing them with another is a bad idea.
But they belong where they belong. Far away from us. And there should be zero tolerance for their crimes.
Let me rethink what I said. I thought I knew where I was going with the medical analogy, but it’s not quite right. I was right the first time.
Islam is a religion created by brown people for brown people. As well as conquering each other, they managed to conquer some other groups in history, in doing so extending the reach and influence of brown people. This is why it’s bad in the broad sense.
We also use the term Muslim as a term of convenience when it comes to immigration and demographic issues, mostly meaning non-white groups from Asia, more rarely does it mean African Muslims, who also need completely excluding.
@James Kirkpatrick
So, I am a “deceptive” “angel of light” who is “unmistakably inimical”.
I feign friendliness towards Whites and their concerns to ensnare the gullible amongst them to convert to the “world’s most bloodthirsty religion”.
Don’t “let down your guard”, folks. Else, you’ll be converted.
It’s not both. I’ve studied enough of Islam to know that the Paki gangs are criminals pure and simple. They can shout “God is great” as much as they want. It’s not here nor there. They’re still shunned by their fellow Pakistanis. Might as well say the European pirates were Christian or the drug cartels are Catholic because their members wear a crucifix.
Islam, like Christianity, is akin to an aperture: I won’t say which one. You can lubricate it well enough and it can fit many an object. You have Islamic mysticism (which is profound and attractive) and you can have ISIS. You can have modern woke Christianity and you can have the KKK.
Excellent article. The one thing it fails to do (perhaps a strategic omission to avoid censorship?), is to mention the Jews that are behind this white genocidal debacle and the need to punish them “appropriately”.
What is the cause of the betrayal of the police towards the white victims and their assailants? Is it just their jobs and pensions? Many of them look young and perfectly capable of finding other opportunities if they were to be dismissed. Have they know sense of right and wrong? There must be some that speak the truth? That is one of the most heartbreaking aspects of this story.
Has there ever been a case of white on Muslim girl rape? I’m sure the disparity is the same as here where white on black rape is a statistical non entity. To my knowledge here in the USA white cops do not coverup for black criminals when their victims are white. I can even see black cops taking the side of a white victim over the black perpetrator.
What causes the Brits betrayal?
Decades of industrial crusher-like jewish propaganda meets innate stupidity, sycophantic cowardice, and material want that’s purged every iota of decency and morality from people who were despicable trash to begin with whom no depravity is low enough to give cause to pause. Look at who the enemy gets to do their bidding: jack dorsey, fauci, bill gates, pelosi, lindsay graham, that repulsive little wormtongue speaker mike johnson, trudeau, mark rowley…These aren’t just vile people, they are the weakest and most pathetic lackeys one could find that even low-quality men and women would look down upon as pure scum. Even hardened prisoners draw a line at raping children, destruction of homeland, and animal cruelty.
Those you mentioned are Americans. Even with the input from our masters most people would do the right thing. I refuse to believe that it’s just the British version of the people you just mentioned.
trudeau and rowley are not amerikan. Even with the input from our masters most people would do the right thing. I don’t believe that, and have a much more pessimistic view of people. I don’t see the majority-masses as criminal per se, but easily corrupted into tolerating by apathy, ignorance, or hijacked empathy horrific crimes that a normal society never would. The British Isles are the more extreme end of anti-Whiteism but the cancer spares no White nation.
Brainwashing doesn’t work on everyone. Just like NAXALT there are going to be some outliers. People that stand up and do what is right. I do not believe that there are none.
This past Christmas, a recently acquired White family friend, who happens to be an MA cop spent a good chunk of his time counter signaling me about race and crime. Said he’s seen no disproportionate patterns of certain races and refused to understand per capita.
Trusting these people to do what’s right and what’s good for White people is very naive. Most White cops are not on the side of White people, they’re storm troopers for the anti White system that hates us.
The NAXALT meme can be used here as he isn’t the first cop I know to play this game. He is the majority.
I disagree. Most white cops I know are entirely aware of the disparity in crime rates. A few I know agree that we must prepare to separate..
Could be the area. My experience in the North East, from 23 year old full sleeve tattoo cops to “muh constitution” early Gen Xers they always counter signal our truths. This last scenario infuriated me to the point I called our newly acquired family friend a ZOG hog.
The problem I’ve noticed with police, and in extension military people, is that they will be aware of these facts but they will still ultimately serve their masters, even to the detriment of their own kin.
Great article, one to study, keep, and share. What would make white people, white Britons, rise as one?
Recently I met up with my friend, a White man in his late 50’s who works in advertising and fund raising for museums and galleries (a moderate liberal). He told me the management of the company are all women and most are non-White and all are far-left and were hired due to DEI. I told him DEI is just anti-White. He admitted that indeed this is true.
He can’t afford to buy a home (BC, Canada) due to the very high prices. I told him this was primarily due to our very high level rates of immigration. He said this wasn’t true, that the high prices were due to price gougers and besides, our aging population meant we need immigrants. I asked him if immigrants made things better why are wait times in hospitals getting longer every year? Why are all government services worse, crime worse and the government is running ever more deficits if these immigrants were so great? He said he wasn’t sure, but we still needed immigrants.
The guy is fairly intelligent but yet he refused to see (admit) what was before his eyes. I’m not sure anything would convince this guy, and people like him, of reality.
That situation is always alarming. To a certain degree, I can understand people refusing to look at uncomfortable truths. I can chalk that up to human nature, but some people won’t even accept facts when it hurts their own physical or financial health.
At a minimum, your conversation planted a seed in his mind. If he’s already accepted that DIE is equivalent to being anti-white then he’s probably on the right path of opening up to reality.
A neoliberal, universal humanitarian Globalist Prime Minister and a billionaire tech bro from another country walk into a pub and order a pint. The billionaire tech bro says, “Hey why didn’t you do anything about the grooming gangs that targeted young girls?” The Globalist PM says, “Why don’t you butt out and worry about your own country?”
Go figure.
Karen Downes
Oh dear, was her name really Karen? Get on it memelords.
Anyway, she clearly didn’t get the memo. We’re not allowed to be feminist anymore. It was recently pointed out on another thread that Second Wave feminism was organized and led by Jewesses. Some seem to think that, therefore, without Jewesses, there would be no feminism. Not so. Second Wave feminism was going to happen anyway for reasons I won’t repeat here.
Taking control of developing movements for social change is (((standard operating procedure))). Remember, anything that Jews do not control is a threat to Jews. It would not have been difficult to predict that Multiculturalism and Feminism would clash, and now White women can’t stand up for ourselves because Feminism is a wholly owned subsidiary of the anti-White Left. “Intersectional Feminism” is self-contradictory pilpul.
“If we react as our ancestors would certainly have reacted, it would be a blood bath – on both sides.”
There’s no need for a bloodbath, we alter course & remigrate ALL of them so the English once again have their own homeland. Millions of English people come together to get it done. I suggest using the Greg Johnson model:
We don’t have to live like this.
“Restoring White Homelands” video:
You really outdid yourself with this one, MW. Thank you for your tireless work. Sincerely.
Good piece. Raises a question, how important is Islam here? Would a ban on immigration from such countries achieve the goal ?
If they didn’t have Islam would they be ‘nice brown people’ who wouldn’t rape white girls ? It’s not known to me (someone can share if they know) what actually happened with Pakinstan— were they mostly some particular ethnic group within that part of India that became Muslim ? Were they shaped genetically by Islamic conquest ? Or are they regular pajeets and Islam made them ‘bad’ ? Has Islam emboldened or permitted even worse behavior ?
I definitely see Islam associated with a lot of trends that really don’t belong in the West.
Then I was thinking about this whole thing the other day, why abolishing racism is a terrible idea.
It’s because patterns are really important.
Doctors use known patterns all the time to diagnose a patient and these patterns are stacked on top of one another to come to a diagnosis. So when you come in with a pain in your gut, he’ll ask you questions and he’ll examine you. But some of the most important factors informing the direction of his diagnosis will be obvious or on his computer screen:
your age,
your sex,
your prior conditions,
what drugs you are on,
and yes also things like sexuality and even race or ethnic background, although there is an effort by the left to get race out of medicine with their fake studies.
If you eliminate whole blocks of criteria you can’t ever get to a diagnosis.
And that’s what they want. They want the idea that you can never reach a sound conclusion, for the masses to be chasing their tails, scratching their heads and looking baffled as these things go on.
In fact a lot of science, whether in medicine or elsewhere, that’s drawing an association between one thing and another, finding a pattern that has important implications, is often far flimsier than racial observations.
Last thought. Something particularly malignant has been going on in the UK for some time, that accelerated under Blair, but its roots go back to WW2. I don’t fully pretend to understand it. One can say it’s all Jews, and no doubt that is a big factor, but there’s something else going on. A precarious reliance on immigration economically, immigration becoming a state’s economy effectively.
Or it could just be pressure from America has created the monstrous conditions there. It’s interesting, these recent comments from Musk, and Anglin was downplaying them, but actually someone only says stuff like that who’s not ‘in’ power. Musk is powerful but not in power. But I would guess power in the US could just tell the UK what to do, ‘ease up on the anti-white policies’ in this case, and they would do it. I don’t know.
A timely piece by Woes.
I must say, why is this all breaking now? Do some people have an ulterior motive for suddenly getting interested in this issue now (Elon Musk, Kemi badenoch).
We’ve known about this for a decade plus.
I’ve also followed this story since it broke in 2015.
I tried to discuss it with people I know who are leftists and was ostracized for it.
I’ll say 2 things on this.
1. Where is the Islam Against Grooming Gangs protests? I’ve never once seen a Muslim do anything other than deflect and cry racism/islamophobia.
2. When I was a leftist I recall a Facebook page called Britain Furst. I didn’t follow it but knew many who did. It was a parody if Jayda Fransen and Britain First. On the Britain Furst page once was a video of a chav / ned guy in a tracksuit who was barely comprehensible given the accent and clear inebriation, but he talked about “islamic rape gangs”.
This got memed as “Muslamic Ray guns” complete with pictures of stereotypical beardy Mohammedans with 50s Sci fi ray guns.
I recall it vividly. Was about 2012 or 2013. Muslamic ray guns, how ridiculous. For my part. (Though I was leftist) I actually thought, as far as I did even think about it, that it was probably true. And turns out not only was it true but the scale and nature of it is so horrendous, you can imagine a BNP newsletter cartoonist being told by his editor to take that one out for being too on the nose. It is beyond parody.
I’d certainly like to be the one questioning these people who shared that ray gun stuff.
There’s an example of the kind of parody the Left was peddling 2010-2013 on this issue. A songify version of the “muslamic Ray gun” interview.
As pox populi would say : you don’t hate these people anywhere nearly enough.
As pox populi would say : you don’t hate these people anywhere nearly enough.
Many on the Right seem to think that hate is the only real motivator. I find this strange. As I mentioned upthread, it’s been obvious to me throughout my entire adult life that feminism and multiculturalism were on a collision course. The reason: the relativistic assumption, usually unstated, that all cultures are equal is fundamental to multiculturalism but anathema to feminism. Feminism has a very clear criteria for determining which cultures are better and which are worse: justice for women. Our rulers are very well aware of this fault line, mind you. Hence, the hysterical attempts to silence EM on this issue.
Now, this idea of justice is fundamental to the Western mind, going all the way back to the founding documents of our civilization in ancient Greece and subsequently incorporated into the New Testament. From Romans:
14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
When others are perpetrating an injustice against you, you recognize it for what it is, and the natural result is righteous indignation. In my opinion as a Christian, this is something very different from hate, but it isn’t cozy, universal, unconditional love either. Although he’s not a Christian (yet), Woes doesn’t need to hate, because he was born with God’s Law pre-installed.
On some level, I suspect that people like PP, and Henrik from Red Ice, don’t actually believe in right and wrong, because they don’t see any firm foundation to support such a belief. When they see atrocities against their people, they think it is “the way of nature” (a la Darwin) rather than perversion and abomination. Of course, they know they wouldn’t behave in that way, and that leads to a certain self-contempt, and the need to purge it by reviling gentility and extolling the virtue of “hate.”
Or have I got it all wrong? In any case, I don’t feel any particular need to change their minds. Still, the tendency to disparage Christians as weak and incapable of self-assertion, while failing to think our thoughts or assume our assumptions, even for the sake of mutual understanding and fruitful dialogue, strikes me as uncharitable.
This is an excellent, excellent article. The amount of depth into the issues is tremendous. The description of the problem and the potential fixes can be applied to many of our current struggles with Muslims and people of color.
One statement in the article stands out to me:
“I have absolutely no interest in poring over Islamic scripture to try to work out whether or not it endorses this crime. That should not be our problem, and it is certainly not our duty. Our only duty is to prevent the crime and punish those guilty of it.”
While I strongly agree with this statement, for me, I need ammunition against the so-called religion of peace, Islam. So many basic principles of Islam are right there, written in the Koran, or hadiths. So many ignorant people have no idea that the Muslim Holy Book states that Muslims are THE best people, that Jews and Christians are to be killed, that women have less worth compared to men. So yes, we should not have to pour over Islamic scripture. We have centuries of white law, culture, ethics, and a proven way of life. But when one learns even a small portion of this Muslum religion, one sees how incompatible it is with all we know to be good and all that has helped whites create the cultures and civilizations that have thrived until we became burdened by outsiders. If a Muslim woman is not worth the same as a Muslim man, just how worthless is a white, young woman to these Muslin men?
Another stark point that is very glaring is that so many imported cultures cannot operate under English and United States legal systems. Here in the USA, we see how blacks use our solid, strong legal system to enrich themselves, punish their enemies, protect their friends, rectify historical wrongs, and worst of all, practice “restorative justice,” which is anything but. Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, Eric Holder, Leticia James, Ketanji Brown, Kum Foxx, these people view our legal system as a tool of gibs for themselves and for their fellow blacks. It’s not about justice or protecting democracy, it’s about gaining power and hurting their enemies. I feel Muslims view our legal system the same way. They feel we are stupid not to abuse it for our own good as they do.
There are so many well-thought-out gems in this article, Mr. Millennial Woes. Here’s one I plan on incorporating for arguments against the grooming gangs and slavery:
“So, if we are collectively culpable for things that our ancestors did centuries ago, why aren’t Pakistanis collectively culpable for things that their relatives and friends did just a few days ago?”
“It is clear that White people have not only been saddled with hordes of hostile foreigners, but have also been stripped of any ability to defend themselves against them.”
There must be a massive shift in views of race/religion amongst the white peoples. This article gives extremely strong arguments that can be studied and used to stand up for all we whites have created with our blood and sweat. Thank you.
If one has any doubts about (((media))) manipulation, just take a look at the journalistic landscape in the UK over the last few days. With the exception of The Spectator and a couple of others, most of the articles about the Muslim Rape Gangs are full of equivocation, obfuscation, and outright cowardice. Not all Muslims, white people rape too, this is just far-right overstatement – I’m seeing it all. With audacious timing, Channel 4 even aired a show called, “Accused: The Fake Grooming Scandal”, focusing on an alleged liar, rather than addressing the thousands of verified incidents.
The “far-right” fear mongering accusation by Starmer was laughable. I wish there was a proper far-right group in the UK. With some numbers, we could clean up these towns ourselves. The police forces, emasculated and largely pointless, could either choose to be complicit with the right thing, for once, or just piss off.
I am still in the dark how the Pakis came into the contact with their white victims? I know how picky young girls are about the appearance of a suitor. How could they have been “goomed” by those ugly brown men? Were drugs in the play? I come from post-communist Europe and the only brown minority here are Roma (gypsies). They commit all imaginable sorts of crime but as it seems they very seldom rape a white woman. The reason is they could count on a horrible revange by both the police and the white inmates in prison.
Money? Presents? I was in Portree, in Scotland, a few months ago. Around 9 p.m., I stopped in a convenience store and could see two white girls talking with the South Asian cashier. As my friend went into the store, the girls, who were in their middle teenage years, moved away and pretended to look at things on the shelves. When the friend returned to the car, the girls walked back toward the cashier to resume their conversation. What I saw didn’t necessarily mean anything, but it was deeply disturbing nonetheless. I also couldn’t help being disgusted with those girls’ parents.
I fear that the natural defensive instinct against dark-skinned people that we still had as kids in the 1980s has disappeared in many children and adolescents today. This is a logical consequence of the brain massage of anti-racist ideology, where girls in particular are being indoctrinated that brown people and blacks are somehow particularly cool. I think the most important thing for me was the subliminal behavior of my parents, who always paid attention when a non-white person appeared on the horizon, and their reaction was always something along the lines of “Don’t go too close to him!” or “Watch your purse and wallet.”In our parents’ generation, it was also normal to tell jokes about non-whites.
From what I hear the initial “groomers” (pimps) are mostly good-looking young Pakhi men who target very young average looking white girls. They flesh money and expensive life-style and “love-bomb” the girl. Drugs are definitely part of the picture. You have to realize those were girls around 11-13 years, just children basically. Many are from incomplete poor families.
Siegfried: January 10, 2025 …I listened to one of William Pierce’s last American dissident voices broadcasts, “the importance of leadership”, and in this broadcast, it was said that a non-White sportsman had gone to a university, and infected *every single White woman there with HIV!* Every single one! Let that sink in.
Your misquoting Dr. Pierce like that got Lord Shang all bent out of shape, calling Pierce “farcical.” He could have looked up the ADV broadcast on to verify what Pierce had said, since you named it — but he didn’t bother.
I am not all that familiar with William Pierce …again, I don’t know all that much about Dr. William Luther Pierce.
No, you don’t. Pierce was in the truth business. He didn’t make things up and would more often than not provide sources for what he wrote or broadcast so listeners could verify for themselves. Good for you for eventually correcting yourself, quoting Pierce accurately:
Here’s the quote from the broadcast in question:
“Here’s an example: a month ago a small, nearly all-White South Dakota college town was turned upside down when it was discovered that a Black basketball player, whom the local college recently had imported from Chicago, was infected with HIV and was having sex with the White girls at the college: with lots of them…”
There should be a news story about this somewhere. What a shame that we don’t have the name, so that we could easily verify the truthfulness of this claim.
You even did go find that contemporaneous article, naming the Black basketball loverboy: Nikko Briteramos That’s how careful researching works. Good for you.
They must have let Nikko, the “non-White bastardball player,” out of prison early because in 2017 he used his HIV status for profit. See his image here: Barbershop Ordered to Pay $80,000 For Denying HIV Positive Man.
Your misquoting Dr. Pierce like that got Lord Shang all bent out of shape, calling Pierce “farcical.” He could have looked up the ADV broadcast on to verify what Pierce had said, since you named it — but he didn’t bother
Excuse me, Will, but where exactly did I call Dr. William Luther Pierce “farcical”? If I did so, it was wholly unintentional, and I apologize for it. Dr. Pierce was an extremely impressive man. While I disagree with his approach to preventing white extinction, Pierce was nearly the last man I would associate with the word “farcical”. Please show me where I said that.
Lord Shang: January 12, 2025 Excuse me, Will, but where exactly did I call Dr. William Luther Pierce “farcical”? If I did so, it was wholly unintentional, and I apologize for it. Dr. Pierce was an extremely impressive man. While I disagree with his approach to preventing white extinction, Pierce was nearly the last man I would associate with the word “farcical”. Please show me where I said that.
Siegfred had made the following outrageous statement, misquoting Dr. Pierce:
I listened to one of William Pierce’s last American dissident voices broadcasts, “the importance of leadership”, and in this broadcast, it was said that a non-White sportsman had gone to a university, and infected *every single White woman there with HIV!* Every single one! Let that sink in.
That was very sloppy of Siegfried, especially since he had access to what Pierce had actually said. Had Pierce said the nigger hoopster infected every single White female on that college campus with HIV, that would have not only have been irresponsible of him to say, but farcical.
I knew for a fact that Pierce would have never said such a thing. He was always careful to get things right and to not exaggerate or use hyperbole.
It is I who owe you the apology, Lord. I got you mixed up with Corday, who had responded to Seigfried’s sloppy characterization of Pierce. I don’t blame Corday for his reaction to Siegfried’s account that disparaged my mentor. Pierce cannot defend himself here from what’s said about him by someone who admits he knows little about him, so I will defend him, thanks.
Corday had reacted:
That story about some non-white athlete giving every white woman at a university HIV is just farcical. There is a zero percent chance that actually occurred… That’s around the time when Pierce would have been making that insane claim.
It was sloppy of me to attribute Corday’s statement to you. Since I’ve learned how to do a word search, I hit “ctrl F” and ‘farcical’ to quickly see that it was he, not you. who thought Pierce had made such an insane claim, like Seigfried said he had made.
The damage had been done by Siegfried, but at least he tried to correct himself later, even finding the nigger perp’s name, after it had been suggested that Pierce made things up. Unfortunately, these things are quickly buried in C-C comments.
I should say that even though the word “insider” is beside my name here, I have no idea who you, Siegfried or Corday are. That is the nature of Internet discussion boards, I suppose. Should you join our real-world Alliance, that would change.
I did know Dr. Pierce well, serving as his XO 33 years ago and for another ten years as his first NA Regional Coordinator. I’m now NA Chairman, Cosmotheist Church Trustee and President of our publishing arm — so, like I said, I knew him and know him and his approach to “preventing White extinction” well.
This unfortunate incident, hopefully settled and set aside, along with the issue of Muslim rape gangs, what interests me is your approach to our primary cause: “preventing White extinction,” since you say you disagree with Pierce’s approach. I know and represent his approach: eligible Whites must separate not only from Jews and other non-Whites, but from the majority of docile, befuddled mainstream Whites who are on the wrong side of Nature’s eternal laws and history, who disagree with Pierce’s realistic, Nature-based approach.
So, I respectfully ask, what exactly is it that you disagree with about Pierce’s simple approach, expressed here: What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance. I am not familiar with your approach.
Good try, John. It’s always good to get Dr. Pierce out there, telling our people what needs to be said. However, I clicked on your link and whoever “” is, he had no authorization to put up Pierce’s copyrighted material like that, especially without attributing it to or linking to the copyright holder: the National Alliance.
We offer for sale 240 of Pierce’s speeches on our 12-volune Power of Truth CD series, here: The Power of Truth (Volumes 1 through 12) – Cosmotheism. Proceeds from the sale of our books and CDs help to finance our work, but in this era folks prefer to download everything for free and install on their smart phones, or whatever. To Hell with supporting our work. That costs money.
After having our Pierce videos banned by the Jews at YouTube, having our Bitchute video channel banned in every European country, we decided to launch our own video channel: save that link for when you want to promote Pierce. We, not others, control this channel and Pierce videos there link back to and (now — domains Pierce launched in 1995.
Pirates like often change the title of WLP’s ADV videos/slideshows so they cannot be traced to us. Try to find his title, “Middle class deserves what they get” at any of our sites. I couldn’t without knowing what the original title was. Someone else can do this, not I.
Just saying, be careful who you promote, John.
John: January 11, 2025 Siegfried, William Pierce saying what needs to be said:
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