Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 621
Angelo Plume & “The New Nationalism”
Counter-Currents Radio
In this episode of Counter-Currents Radio, Greg Johnson spoke with Angelo Plume about his podcast series “The New Nationalism” as well as his recent trip to Italy and listeners’ questions. It is now available to download or listen to online.
Topics include:
0:59 – Angelo’s opening remarks about his time in Italy
3:33 – Greg’s thoughts on the sensitivities of a European vs those of an American
6:58 – Angelo on why all the third world migrants, even the nice ones, have to go back
9:00 – Freedom of speech in America vs freedom of speech in Europe
14:40 – Angelo on observing the literal replacement of Italians
22:19 – On the crime and carnage that brown migrants wrought during New Year’s Eve in Italy
30:09 – Did Angelo see any progress of nationalist ideas amongst his Italian friends and family?
33:34 – On the acquittal of Matteo Salvini and the precedent it sets
36:17 – What is The New Nationalism Podcast
46:40 – Focusing on our untold stories
49:57 – Speaking to the victims of globalism and diversity in Europe
1:00:25 – Angelo remarks on how Konstantin Kisin treated a rape gang victim
1:06:35 – Question on Trump and Musk letting down nationalists with H1-B visas
1:13:36 – Question on recommendations for Counter-Currents articles suitable for an AI reader
1:26:53 – Greg feels there is a turning of the tide taking place
1:30:38 – Do Western countries need to lower the legal age of marriage in order to fight demographic change?
1:41:40 – The legal and constitutional reforms that will be necessary to make birth rates go up
1:50:26 – Feminism and capitalism are bedfellows and ideological zealotry has held our society back
1:53:44 – Question on being a public figure and running for office
1:58:00 – Clarification on the question about marriage ages
2:06:00 – Will white racial consciousness grow during Trump’s reign?
2:17:50 – Goodbyes
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Great discussion here guys, Brilliant work Greg and Angelo
When Angelo mentioned being heartbroken about young European kids growing up not knowing how things were in their parents or grandparents day I know exactly how he feels. I know many like-minded friends who feel exactly the same.
“49:57 – Speaking to the victims of globalism and diversity in Europe”
“Feelings matter more than facts”
I listened to Angelo Plume talk to Milleniyule about this as well as here with Greg. It is a very important point to bring up. The European world is overflowing with stories of horrible things being done by non-Europeans to our countries, economies and most importantly OUR PEOPLE. These stories can be a very effective tool for reaching more of our people. Especially because Europeans seem to have a propensity for pity/feeling sorry for victims. That propensity has been weaponised against us for decades (think all the money sent to starving African children). But it can be used for good, too.
We need interviews as Greg suggested to Angelo, but we can also have image and text, articles shared around social media too. And of course, this content must also hint at and link to the solution – remigration.
Look at the success of the anti-covid community sharing vaccine injuries prolifically on the internet. We can learn from them.
Keen to hear others thoughts on this.
The New Nationalism
Was disappointed there were no new episodes after Dec. 5. Please continue the series. When I’m out of coffee, Angelo is a fine substitute as he boils my blood when criticizing Christianity.
I’ve been studying Italian for years now and I watch RAI Italian news online.
A few weeks ago they did a show piece report about the President of Italy talking about
how diversity is Italia’s strength yadda yadda and it ended with the old fart shaking hands
with a pair of young afro youths who looked barely interested. The next report was about
Blacks running around a neighbor hood somewhere in Italy with machetes intimidating people. Its truly surreal to see how Italians are passively watching the home of the one and only birthplace of civilization descend into perdition.
The situation described in the parts of Italy Angelo visited is really concerning. However, I was recently in Austria and Slovenia (the latter borders Italy to the northeast), and, apart from a group of 3 African males in the “bad part” of the center of Ljubljana (the capital of Slovenia), I did not see the masses of nonwhites all over the place (on train stations, etc.) that Angelo describes. In fact, I barely saw any nonwhites at all.
While there is certainly a problem with nonwhites in Europe, could there be other factors making the Italian situation particularly acute? The most obvious one is geographic – i.e., Italy stretching so far out into the Mediterranean towards Africa and the Maghreb with a very long stretch of coastline on all sides which is impossible to patrol 24.7 in its entirety. There is also the fact that, economically, Italy is weaker than Slovenia (Slovenia is expected to outpace Italy economically by 2029) and much weaker than Austria, so that could be a contributing factor, as far as Italy actually having the budget and resources to deal with this problem, especially as you get into central and southern Italy (southern Italy, in particular, being among the poorest of European regions).
Culturally and geopolitically, also, Italy is in an interesting situation, since, by a somewhat outdated way of looking at things, it’s considered a “Western” country, in the same group as, say, Germany and France, however, economically, as I stated above, it’s much weaker (especially the further south you go).
Therefore, unlike, say, Germany, which, being “Western”, is culturally “open” to nonwhite migrants but (for the time being) still has the economic strength to insulate its middle and upper-class, native, White population from the true nature of multiculturalism (via an extensive police network, detention centers, border checks, security technology, etc.), while, say, Poland (or Slovenia), being “Eastern” is culturally not open to migrants and so, despite having a lower budget than Germany, doesn’t need to expend it on insulating its native populations from migrants, Italy kind of, unfortunately, has the worst of both worlds, in that a part of it’s population is influenced by the “Western” worldview and aspires to be “open” to migrants without having the budget and infrastructure to really deal with this the way Germany has.
Of course, none of this changes the fact that the overall situation in the White world with regard to nonwhite migrants is very bad and that nonwhites do not belong anywhere on the European continent.
Angelo Plume is the most interesting new personality to emerge in this movement in quite a while. His artistic sensibilities, heart-felt Italian heritage, & pan-European / American outlook make him different from the other talented “young-guns” who are beginning to make their mark, mostly as political or meta-political activists. Plume’s idea to create an Identitarian version of NPR’s This American Life (one of my favorite programs), focusing on the untold stories of ordinary white people (& flipping the Ben Shapiro script about facts vs feelings) is genius. It could be as big a step forward as The Homeland Institute.
Good show. We can and should crowd source the train platform photo. Sometimes in the most surprising of enclaves in America you will be on a train platform and be the only White in a sea of non-Whites. It is quite shocking. I am sure the sheer number of such photos we can take and present across three continents will be some of the shock therapy we need.
P.S. I was in a very large brew-pub, estimate 120+ people, over Christmas and it was entirely White. Even though many were striver-class shit libs, it felt very very good to be in that room. I didn’t want dinner and drinks to end.
P.S. Internationalist sports is absolute poison. It has broken down the “other” barrier and massively exaggerates both NAXALT and excusing vicious criminal behavior and sweeping more minor, but once unthinkable, thuggery and degeneracy under the rug. ‘Ah well, “we” need to win. Forget about the rape and assault of our women!’
Finished listening and I’d like to support another point that was made by Angelo about how we need to continue to build bridges with the ‘manosphere’ since the men there are usually very close to our politics/worldview.
An engrossing and thought-provoking conversation. Angelo Plume’s quiet intensity is very powerful in conveying the harrowing details of White dispossession. I never feel black-pilled after listening to him, though. Instead, I realize that with men of his caliber, and thought-leaders like Greg Johnson, we surely will not perish as a race.
Here I was all ready to write a nice post expressing my solidarity with the Italian people and my sympathy for you, Mr. Plume, but then you had to go and spoil the mood. I see it has dawned on you that pro-worker liberals can be pro-White. Do you think they approve of your reactionary designs against women? How many manosphere creeps are there, anyway. There are approximately 100 million White women in America. Lying about us is very bad strategy.
I find it interesting that the attacks on women continue regardless of what is happening in the real world. The DR claims to be reality-based. That’s not so, unfortunately.
Facts the Dissident Right continues to ignore:
1. The more education a White woman has, the more likely she is to marry.
2. The more education a White woman has, the less likely she is to divorce.
3. Birthrates among the most educated White women are stable, while birthrates among less-educated women are in freefall.
Given these facts, how can you possibly argue that education makes White women less inclined to marry as per manosphere predictions? What would it take to refute them once and for all? If present trends continue, and women with graduate degrees exceed the fertility of high school dropouts as birth control becomes ever more reliable, would that do the trick?
As a matter of fact, look closely at that graph. Even if we assume that women’s education causes rather than merely correlates with lower fertility, a totally-unwarranted assumption given that excess births among less-educated women are usually out-of-wedlock, and probably unplanned, you should be all for it. Look who’s fertility seems to be most adversely affected by education. It seems to me that women’s education is a net positive for White people, but reactionaries always glorify Third-World machismo. The solution is always for us to be more like them, never for them to be more like us. I guess the DR has noble savages of its own.
Another dose of reality: Men will continue to have daughters as long as the Earth supports human life, and many fathers don’t want their daughters to be powerless victims of fate, even Arab men. They send their daughters to college to become engineers so they don’t suffer as their mothers did.
Anyway, just what are these “incentives” you think men need to get married and have children, Mr. Plume? I thought men were naturally inclined to marriage and children while it is women who need to be economically coerced. After many encounters with these despicable creeps, it has become very clear to me that their demands add up to this: all the power in the relationship and the freedom to walk away whenever they like, reducing Mom to an at-will nanny and housekeeper. Take a good hard look before you subject your daughters, and your grandsons for that matter, to this:
Pandering to manosphere guys is pointless. They are selfish degenerates who only care about two things, sex and money, and mostly just the first. You have all but admitted this yourself, Mr. Plume. Their nation means nothing to them.
I think it’s about time for someone else to bang their head against this brick wall for a change. My facts-and-logic approach (the only one I know) is clearly not penetrating crania. I know many people reading this agree with me, maybe because your father beat you black, blue, and red when you were a child as your helpless mother looked on and sobbed but could do nothing about it. Grow a pair and speak up for Christ’s sake. From Harry Potter before it turned into PC pigslop:
“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”
In our discussion, it was Greg who was ardent about keeping women out of college and certain industries. Why you direct your bad attitude towards me reveals the crush you must surely have on me. If you want to blather on about women’s lib, I suggest you find a feminist forum where those views are more welcomed. And I won’t be taking any more insults from you either.
I don’t know if Angelo is a parent, but I am, and I can say that from my point of view the #1 thing to get people to have more children is “simply” to get them to have their first child at a young age (i.e. what would have been a typical age in the past). Humans are basically hardwired to love and want children, but this instinct doesn’t “kick in” strongly until you actually have one. Once you have one, you want more, but if you don’t have that first kid until you’re 37, then your prospects of having more than one or two are slim…
People say they can’t afford kids; that’s bunk because our ancestors in dirt shacks managed to have an average of seven kids per couple, and today the poor have more kids than the wealthy. You don’t need the $300 pram, the extracurriculars, and whatnot. You just need a little clothing, a little food, and a lot of free time. The free time is the hard part, but only if you rely on two parents working outside the home to survive.
Many things can help. Greg’s ideas on discouraging women from the workplace during their most fertile years are good. We should return to multi-generational households where grandparents don’t waste away in retirement homes but instead help bring up the next generation. Discouraging hookup culture and the use of birth control, and teaching boys and especially girls to never waste time with somebody that’s not wife or husband material are all helpful… but unfortunately as individuals we have little or no power to effect such changes. The best I can do is raise my own kids better.
When I was growing up, my parents told me nothing about what the arc of my life should be like, when I should marry, whom I should marry, or any of that. I resent the lack of guidance, and I wasted 15 years seeking the wrong things. At least my daughters know what I expect of them, and what I believe will make them happy. (Whether they’ll listen is a separate thing…)
One specific thing Angelo Plume said really struck a chord with me — the question naturally prompted by the bewildering sight of alien-appearing racial strangers in places far removed from their natural habitat — “WHY are you here?!” I myself have asked this countless times over the past two decades, either inside of my own head, or even muttered aloud, when I see a non-White in a place that they have absolutely no necessary reason to be.
My apologies for adding one additional comment. Listening again to the podcast, I picked up on a comment Mr. Plume made about people remarking on his calm demeanor without, perhaps, picking up on the seething anger (towards our enemies) under the quiet exterior. Indeed, that is something I completely understand and acknowledge. For most of my life, I have been labeled as “so quiet”… Although not quite the same thing as “calm” or “measured”, I can attest that often inside of my heart and my head, I RAGE against each and every injury inflicted on the White race; either by racial enemies, or racial traitors. As it is often said, still waters run deep; and, as it is also often said, it’s the quiet ones you’ve got to watch out for!
Great points, too, by Greg Johnson on barring women from inappropriate jobs and careers. The least of requirements for sex-appropriate work roles should be an aptitude test, an IQ test, and a physical and emotional strength test. Also a simple and brilliant idea, is his idea of a policy to allow those particular women who are intellectually fit for higher education, to attain it for “free” AFTER spending their more fertile and youthful years having the desired number of children. That is truly a win-win!
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