Former KKK poster boy R. Derek Black today, whose pronouns are now they/them. (Photo from his Instagram)
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Translations: French, Polish, Spanish
This essay was originally published in July 2013, but has become relevant again in light of the recent disclosure that R. Derek Black now identifies as transsexual, as revealed in his new memoir: The Klansman’s Son: My Journey from White Nationalism to Antiracism.
Derek Black’s renunciation of White Nationalism raises questions of wider significance about how people form and reject beliefs. There are two basic kinds of beliefs: those you think are true based on reality and reason vs. those you think are true based on other people’s opinions.
If you base your beliefs on reality and reason, then you will change them as new facts come to light or as better arguments are presented. For example, I used to be a classical liberal, but classical liberalism grants no importance to racial and cultural differences, and when I realized that these were more important than individual freedom and capitalist economics, I rejected classical liberalism as subversive of higher values.
Why I am a White Nationalist
I am a White Nationalist because I believe that the survival of my race is threatened by the present political and economic system, which prizes individualist, capitalist, liberal, multicultural, and multiracial values. I see that these “race blind” and “race neutral” values are incompatible with the preservation and flourishing of my race. Race is real. Racial conflict is real. The other races are not going to trade racial competition for race-blind universalism. And any race that will not take its own side in racial conflict has no future.
I am concerned to preserve my race simply because it is mine, because it is my extended family. I also wish to preserve my race because I believe that it most closely approximates to the aesthetic and moral ideals I hold dear, ideals which may be race-specific but which seem to be universal because they are cherished by other races as well, so far as they are able. Finally, I want to preserve my race because I believe that biology has a huge impact on culture, thus many of my most cherished cultural, political, and scientific values could not have arisen without white people and will not be appreciated or preserved without white people.
Because the survival of my race is threatened by the current political and economic system, I believe that we need a new system that puts race at the center of political priorities — not individual freedom, capitalism, or tolerance and pluralism, which are genuine values, but lesser values than the preservation of the race that creates and sustains them. I believe that each race and each distinct people should have a nation or nations of its own, in which it can live according to its own identity and values and pursue its own destiny, free from the interference of other races and peoples. Finally, I believe that the main enemy of the idea of nationalism for every nation is the organized Jewish community, which promotes race-destroying values for other societies as a tool of ethnic warfare.
The Derek Black Case
It is my understanding that Derek Black more or less believed the same things I do. Because I strive to base my views on reality and reason, I was naturally curious to hear why Derek Black had rejected White Nationalism. Did he have new arguments that I could not answer? Had he discovered hitherto unknown facts about race, the Jewish question, and the present-day political system? With these questions in mind, I eagerly scanned the news reports, only to be disappointed.
Derek Black has apparently rejected White Nationalism not for new truths but for old lies: pure Leftist boilerplate that rejects biology and biological inequality and explains unequal group performance in terms of social injustice, which in America means white injustice, for which whites can atone though affirmative action, non-white immigration, and all other forms of white dispossession and self-abasement.
Many people have speculated about Derek Black’s motives for abandoning White Nationalism for this kind of mush. Is it peer pressure? Rebellion against his parents? Love? Perversion? Blackmail? Insanity? Did he grow tired of alienation and want to be plugged into the Matrix?
I am less interested in Derek Black’s particular motives, or in the Derek Black case in general, than in what would make it possible for anyone to abandon truth for any reason. Two factors strike me as relevant, the first having to do with the basis of belief, the second having to do with strength of character.
Objective Truth vs. Common Opinion
People who base their beliefs on reason and reality generally will change them only if given better facts and better arguments. People who base their beliefs on the opinions of others generally hold the beliefs of the people around them, particularly the most important people around them. When one grows up, one’s beliefs are shaped primarily by one’s parents and other authority figures. As one grows older, one’s beliefs are shaped primarily by one’s peers. Derek Black may simply have adopted White Nationalism because it was the worldview of his father, whom he wished to please. When he went off to college, he found a new, politically-correct peer group and authority figures, and he may have changed his opinions to suit them.
If this is the case, then we can say that it is possible to reject White Nationalism for Political Correctness — truth for falsehood — if one never really thought that White Nationalism was true in the first place — if one never really understood that truth means correspondence with reality, not mere agreement with other people. I don’t believe that it is possible to reject truth for lies if one really believes that truths are based on objective reality and lies are not. But if one merely adopts beliefs to please other people, then truth and falsehood have no objective meaning. They are just different ways that people express approval and disapproval. Then it becomes possible to adopt and discard radically different beliefs at will, based on the audience and aims of the moment.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.
Of course, there are two kinds of apostasy: one in which one actually changes one’s beliefs, the other in which one merely verbally renounces them under duress without changing one’s inner convictions. The first kind can be explained entirely in terms of a deep-dyed conventionalism, but the latter can’t. Moral factors come into play.
Furthermore, nobody is entirely unconcerned with objective truth. It matters when you balance your checkbook, or if you are falsely accused of a crime. But when it comes to the moral and political opinions that one has to profess to be considered cool or enlightened or just mainstream, their connection to the real world is nebulous to begin with. For one thing, the worst consequences of multiculturalism lie far into the future. And since at present most liberals occupy reality-free bubbles of prosperity and security — college campuses, college towns, resort communities, wealthy urban and suburban enclaves — they are insulated from the costs of diversity and even positioned to profit from it, financially and in terms of status, by abasing themselves before the black idols of white guilt. Thus for most people, politically-correct opinions are entirely divorced from objective reality in terms of their grounds and consequences. Instead, they function as cheap tokens of status, easy ways of seeking social approval.
The closer you are to reality, and the more accountable you are for the objective consequences of your actions, the greater the importance of objective truth in determining your belief system. The further you are from reality and the less accountable you are for the objective consequences of your actions and beliefs, the greater the importance of social approval in selecting one’s opinions.
The Issue of Character
Strength of character comes in as follows. All human beings value truth and the good opinions of their fellows to some extent. But these values often conflict. Strength of character is required to cleave to the greater good. The truth of White Nationalism is, of course, more important than the approval of a decadent society based on lies and hell-bent on destruction. This does not mean that you are a coward if you choose not to discuss White Nationalism where it is not socially appropriate (over Thanksgiving dinner) or where it is not likely to produce a positive effect (with your boss, or your Congressman, or your Jewish dentist). But if forced to choose publicly between White Nationalism and Political Correctness, the man of character will choose truth over lies.
Of course, many people have good reasons to want to avoid having to make that choice. They require the approval of their families, friends, colleagues, employers, and customers to lead good lives. Some of them wish to burrow into the system, gain as much wealth and influence as possible, and use it to advance our cause. They are secret agents. So they keep their views secret. And the rest of us have to respect that. If the system were able to socially and economically destroy every White Nationalist, it would be stronger and our movement would be weaker.
I have argued that if White Nationalism is to grow as a force, we have to follow two basic rules:
1. Everyone gets to choose his own level of involvement with White Nationalism and explicitness in advocating it.
2. Everybody else has to respect those decisions, while, of course, maintaining that the most admirable position is that of the fully explicit and proud White Nationalist.
In particular, everyone has to respect the anonymity of fellow White Nationalists. Anyone who “outs” fellow White Nationalists to expose them to harm from the system should suffer the social death of shunning. Similarly, any White Nationalist who through lax security measures allows personal information about White Nationalists to fall into the hands of “antifa” hackers, or movement kooks with track records of “outing” people, should suffer social death as well.
In exchange for these courtesies from explicit White Nationalists, I have asked implicit White Nationalists to reciprocate as follows:
1. Stop complaining about the eccentric and marginal people who are willing to be explicit White Nationalists. It is easier to be brave when you have less to lose. Courage and principle are also often paired with prickly or eccentric personalities.
2. Stop rehearsing horror stories and gloom-and-doom scenarios that make it harder for White Nationalists to become or remain explicit.
What If You are Outed?
Another bit of advice for White Nationalists who wish to remain anonymous or silent: If you are outed — whether by yourself, a group like the Southern Poverty Law center, or a turncoat in our own ranks — do not apologize or surrender or go groveling for absolution from our enemies. It doesn’t help you or the cause.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The White Nationalist Manifesto here
Don’t focus on how being exposed as a White Nationalist will ruin your credibility. Instead, try to control the damage. Try to maintain your credibility and moral stature by not apologizing and not backing down. Then, think of how you can lend some of your dignity and credibility to our ideas.
Don’t count the “friends” you are losing. They’re gone, anyway. Surrender and groveling will not win them back. That will merely disgust and dishearten movement people who would otherwise be sympathetic to your plight. So instead count the friends that you will be gaining by not backing down.
Don’t let the online kooks fool you. The White Nationalist community is filled with highly intelligent, accomplished, morally upright, and neurologically normal people. Many of the finest people I have met are White Nationalists. You should be proud to count them as friends and ashamed to dishonor them with your apostasy. Furthermore, outside the movement, there are still people who admire moral character, even in people with whom they disagree.
It is easy to understand and even forgive a Galileo, who paid lip-service to the Church’s dogmas when threatened with torture and death. But White Nationalists today are being threatened with nothing worse than social disapproval and employment discrimination. Furthermore, the Church had the power to force Galileo into apostasy in part because of a long litany of Christian martyrs who chose differently: They preferred death before apostasy, or even mere lip-service to ideas they considered false. All things being equal, the side that is willing to fight the hardest and give up the most — even life itself — will win.
Ultimately, White Nationalism will not win until we can inspire people to prefer death to dishonor — until we can inspire people to martyr themselves for our racial survival. People who will suffer dishonor to preserve their economic status and the good opinion of complete strangers are natural slaves. The system can easily control them. But it cannot control people who would rather die than submit. It fears them, because a man who has conquered the fear of death has conquered all lesser fears, and he may inspire others to do so as well.
Thus, White Nationalists must give the highest honors to explicit White Nationalists who demonstrate that they are willing to give everything to the cause by living a warrior’s life and dying a martyr’s death.
High honors are also due explicit White Nationalists who fight for our cause but never face the ultimate defining choice of martyrdom.

You can buy Charles Krafft’s An Artist of the Right here.
White Nationalists like Charles Krafft, who stand their ground when the system outs them and targets them for economic and social destruction, also deserve high honors.
Explicit White Nationalists need, in turn, to respect those who choose to remain secret agents within the system, particularly those who give active support to explicit White Nationalists.
Teach Your Children Well
With the apostasy of Derek Black — and the somewhat similar case of Lynx and Lamb Gaede of Prussian Blue — there is a significant mitigating factor. They were brought into public roles in White Nationalism as children. They were not allowed to determine their own level of explicitness and involvement. Their parents played a large role as well. Thus it was perfectly natural, when they grew up, to decide for themselves how involved they wanted to be, and to revise matters accordingly. One may quarrel with how they went about it, particularly in the case of Derek Black. But, in principle, I think they have the right to decide to leave the movement and lead private lives, as far as that is possible.
I think it is unethical for parents to involve their children publicly in White Nationalism, just as it is unethical to involve them in child-acting, child-modeling, and child-beauty pageants. These scenes are psychologically stressful for even the strongest adults. For children, whose characters and tastes are still developing, they can be psychologically crushing. The whole thing smacks of another scarring decision foisted upon children by parents: infant circumcision. In both cases, part of a child — be it only his innocence, his privacy, his childhood — is snipped off and discarded by his parents to consecrate him to their idols.
I do not, however, subscribe to the common view that it is a waste of time to try to pass one’s values on to one’s children because they will only “rebel.” Empirical studies confirm that the single most powerful influence on a child’s values and worldview are those of his parents. Why, then, is the lie that it is futile to teach one’s children values so widely circulated? So that children are delivered to the schools and popular culture as blank slates for politically-correct brainwashing, which has never been deterred by the argument that it is futile and will only lead to rebellion.
* * *
The model White Nationalist is a person whose convictions are founded on reason and reality and who has the strength of character to stand up for the truth and work for the salvation of our race despite social and economic pressures, threats of torture and imprisonment, and even a martyr’s or a warrior’s death. This is a heroic ideal, by which we can measure ourselves and which we can strive to emulate. The great problem of our movement is to find or form men who put truth before opinion and death before dishonor — men who are hard enough to shatter this system, not weaklings who will crawl through the mud before its idols to protect their credit ratings.
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So Derek Black has come out as trans now. I wonder how ‘their’ wife Allison feels about that.
He isn’t attractive as either a man or a woman. I wonder if he is one of the spiteful mutants that Edward Dutton writes about?
A potato-faced windsock perhaps?
Pat Condell is back after a 2 and a half year hiatus:
Because I strive to base my views on reality and reason, I was naturally curious to hear why Derek Black had rejected White Nationalism. Did he have new arguments that I could not answer? Had he discovered hitherto unknown facts about race, the Jewish question, and the present-day political system?
Come on Greg, stop toying with us. You know darn well there are no serious arguments against race realism and White Nationalism.
Going trans is a horrible form of choosing what is fashionable over truth and reality.
Be a man if you’re a man. Be a woman if you’re a woman.
Be White if you’re White. And, as Michael Polignano said, we should take our own side.
Derek Black’s personal situation had been brewing for an extremely long time. I wouldn’t be in the remotest bit surprised if he had been in secret contact with the SPLC since around his mid-teens – a long time before he went off to college.
When I saw him at events in the early 2000s he dressed in an eccentric way, had a wretched physique and posture, and radiated a vacant, stoner vibe. He was ill favored and hungry for attention. His becoming a turncoat then a troon somehow makes sense.
Yes Greg, I remember those things well. The odd clothing, the hair and that horrid, greasy leather hat. I hoped he would grow out of it and did not realize he was plunging down the path of darkness.
Thoughtful essay Greg. Thanks.
Joe Gould: May 10, 2024 Going trans is a horrible form of choosing what is fashionable over truth and reality…
Forget Dereka. Next he’ll embrace coprophilia and write a NY Times best-seller. Who cares?
Reminds me of William Pierce’s classic essay from 30 years ago “Truth Before Fashion” at nationalvanguard.org.
Some people just aren’t made of the right stuff, unfortunately. It seems to me that “they/them” wasn’t in it for the right reasons, and left in entirely the wrong way. Anyway, as Sam Adams put it:
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom – go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!”
Considering he’s married to a woman and that this took place years after his initial denouncement of WN, it’s likely he’s an autogynephile. I’d recommend anyone who wants to learn more about that issue read Ray Blanchard’s work and view this site:
Most of their wives seem like normal women who thought they paired up with intelligent men & were disappointed to find out their husband has fetish-driven gender issues.
I realize most are going to say Mr. Black is doing this for money, but I’d bet that it’s actually this.
Looking into it.
Derek Black interview streamed on May 7, 2024:
Fantastic essay. Perhaps the best I have read so far regarding the movement since I began perusing this indispensable site five years ago.
The thought of inculcating these ideas in my children has been something that has weighed heavily on my mind as they grow older. I still have a few years before I feel the need to even broach the subject with them, but thank you for some pointers on how to successfully go about it without pushing them away from what they may see as outright hatred in their small minds. Balancing real world experiences of racial differences with a neutral approach to social and popular culture norms by Mom and Dad will be quite a challenge but one more than worth it in the long run. I hope and pray that my girls will not have to learn any of the hardest lessons in order to come to the right conclusions regarding racial differences. Thank you Greg.
Thanks so much. I am pleased with how it holds up.
Results are hard to predict. Growing up in South London, both of my kids had a couple of painful lessons in race realism, yet both espouse ‘acceptable’ opinions on the subject. Best of luck.
Thank you for mentioning the nasty practice of babycutting. However, parents want it only because doctors have been promoting it for over a hundred years. In the late 19th century, no mother or father spontaneously decided, “Hmmmm, if we have a boy, we’ll have to have that thing removed.” They were trained to want it and over many decades it became embedded as a normal thing to do in the English speaking countries.
However, over the past 30 years much information has become available regarding the normalcy of the intact organ; so I suspect that parents who still want Junior done have disturbed feelings about the genitals and sexual matters in general. If there is any cure for that, I can’t find it. If anything, matters are getting worse with transsexualism being approved for minors.
Where will it end.
Greg Johnson: “I believe that each race and each distinct people should have a nation or nations of its own.”
Yes, a homeland for each race.
See the maps of where the nordic-germanic people live in Europe at: https://nordic-homeland.blogspot.com/ .
You do not so much as “give up” White Nationalism, as you capitulate.
How do you “give up” the preservation of your people, and the will for their image to be manifested in the future?
Most of all a future were Whites can flourish, not as objects of abuse, exploitation, or as play things.
There is no rational argument that could be presented, to me, for the continuation of affairs in this utterly monstrous, anti-White abomination, formerly called the United States of America.
There is no universalist, or humanist egalitarianism (the very idea of “the human” is so odious, as no such thing exists – as it is not a biological definition but in itself an anti-White concept) which could be adequate reason to abandon the fight. No matter how squalid Whites have become due to generations of intense and merciless psychological abuse through propaganda, at every stage of a White persons development.
No. Those like Black believe the problem is insurmountable. That there remains no possibility of victory for Whites, neither domestically or globally, that the physical and psychological degradation is irrecoverable, and seeing that no possibility of victory remains, to re-integrate oneself into the anti-White system, to show you are no longer a threat, and what is more non-threatening than a de-sexed eunuch?
Even if Black were correct, that defeat is assured.
Even then; this is no time for “renouncements”.
Something that is somewhat similar, is the fact that Prince Harry stated in his autobiography that he is proud of the fact that he is having biracial children with his mullutto wife. He has turned his back on his family to be fashionable about multiracialism.
I welcome the passion in this essay!
Face-palm! Sorry, I meant to make a stand alone comment.
Great stand-alone piece/precis for white nationalism that makes use of the resources of philosophy concerning the nature of truth. This would make for a good first read to offer a newbie/normie.
Thanks, please share it widely.
How do you think his father and duke react to all of this? Knowing that crowd, it almost seems like some divine penance upon them.
That was a really cogent essay though. It reminded me why I loved this website!
“How do you think his father and duke react to all of this? Knowing that crowd, it almost seems like some divine penance upon them.”
A man does the best he can for his own flesh and blood but it doesn’t always work out.
A man wanting to raise his son in the family business is such a strong pattern in human affairs that it can be considered practically an instinct. Don Black can’t be blamed for that.
Maybe Don Black taught his son too much too early but you’ve got to tell your kids the truth some time and it’s asking too much of fathers to always choose the best time, place and way of teaching everything.
We try to do what’s right but we don’t have the power to choose fortunate outcomes. How many fathers have tried to raise their daughters right only to have Daddy’s Little Darling wind up on the stripper pole? There’s no “divine penance” about it; it’s just the forces of corruption winning out over ordinary men without foreknowledge.
“That was a really cogent essay though. It reminded me why I loved this website!”
When Stormfront Radio was a daily, then occasional podcast, one of the hosts was usually Don Black. For much of the radio program’s run, it was a call-in show. Don Black was always very calm and measured in his speaking style, with a dry sense of wit. Once, I recall, the subject of Derek Black’s renunciation of White Nationalism came up. Don Black never dodged the subject, but simply stated that he was still in touch with his son; and that although the parental relationship had undergone a tremendous strain, with Derek’s mother not speaking to him for a period of time, the relationship eventually mended somewhat. At the time of that broadcast, at any rate, Mr. Black stated that they still visited and spoke regularly. My impression was that come what may, he is the boy’s father and loves him.
I used to listen to that show when Derek hosted it. I never really cared for it with Don as host. There were comedic segments when Derek hosted. It wasn’t scholarly enough to teach me anything, so lacking both educational and entertainment value I was out.
I didn’t notice anything odd with how he sounded on the show but the first time I saw a picture I immediately detected something anomalous. But I had no way to gauge what was responsible for the peculiarity. Perhaps not even a paraphilia, he looks as those he may have a mild form of craniodiaphyseal dysplasia. I figured it would be gross.
Did anyone ask Don why he would send his son to a school with a ‘shoes are optional’ policy? Even Cali doesn’t have a university as loony.
Derek Black was long gone from Stormfront Radio by the time I started listening, which was in 2016, so I really knew little about him — other than what was gossiped about on the SF forum. Later, of course, the book about him came out, “Rising Out of Hatred”. (What a title; good grief!)
The quality of the radio show, with Don Black at the helm, fluctuated wildly depending upon who was the “guest host”. It was Truck Roy, when I first started listening; and what really struck me, the first time I listened to the program, was that it seemed as if they were half asleep! I soon became accustomed to Mr. Black’s very laid-back style and quickly developed a great deal of respect for him.
Seems like the good old days, now…
Quite a nice opener to expose a possible new member for certain. Myself included. It makes me think about how a discussion about why we’re right would go with a diversity is our strength devotee? Do they have personal examples of how their lives are enriched by blacks or mexicans or any non whites? Do they think blacks really treasure living near white people more than their fellow blacks? There’s no stronger argument for our cause than the sheer hatred for us by all the minorities. Everyone prefers their own kind. Let’s keep trying to make it happen for the betterment of our lives.
I think quoting Derek Black from his own Wikipedia page is a helpful way to understand his apostasy.
“I would say, “This is what I believe about I.Q. differences….I believe that this is true, that race predicts I.Q. and that there were I.Q. differences in races.” And they would come back with 150 more recent, more well researched studies and explain to me how statistics work…..until I would come to the end of that argument and I’d say, Yes that makes sense”
Derek seemed to feel that racial differences in intelligence, IQ specifically, were highly important. So much so that they were seemingly integral to his being a white nationalist. And I think that’s very revealing. Because if we listen to Derek, we can see the damage that IQ primacy can do.
Derek, like a lot of other “former” WNs seems to think that the reason to be a white nationalist isn’t because you feel genuine affection for your people. It’s because they’re smarter, better, or in some way distinct from others. Not because they’re your own and deserve the empathy and advocacy that comes with sharing the same DNA.
Could be that Derek was always looking for an opportunity to join the other side. I think that was the case. If not? I think it’s a good time to revisit the topic of IQ nationalism contra white nationalism. Great article as always, Greg.
“It’s because they’re smarter, better, or in some way distinct from others”
Yes! Those “others” would include people of their own race.
You mention IQ nationalism; perhaps this is more easily recognized as IQ elitism.
“Not because they’re your own and deserve the empathy and advocacy that comes with sharing the same DNA.” – Very good point!
“Could be that Derek was always looking for an opportunity to join the other side.” Again, I agree with you. As soon as this story broke a few years ago, my suspicions were that his motivations were totally self-serving.
Derek Black is completely selfish.
He could have left the movement in a much quieter, less publicly-exposed manner.
He is an attention-seeker; because in his eyes there’s nobody quite like Derek Black!
He wants to make an easy living out of his life experiences as the son of a former senior member of the Ku Klux Klan.
He is a weakling parasite feeding off of the white nationalist movement.
He/She/It/They is an encapsulation of the rootless free-for-all opportunism of a dying civilization.
In the new civilization that our movement must and will create, there will be no place for Him/Her/It/ Them or others of the like.
I have had similar conversations with Sailer, on the self defeating exercise of “I.Q Nationalism” as I am young I am unsure I ever swayed him.
I.Q. is N O T the essence of European people(s), and thus we can derive no meaning from it. If we have to present a “rational” case for why we wish to exist, then scrap the entire dissident right. We must not be irrational be pre-rational, outside of the confines of the edifice of lies we call Liberalism.
Firstly it gives our enemies ammunition.
In if we are opposed to being replaced by for e.g. by Mestizos or Africans, surely we cannot then object to being replaced by South East Asians or Chinese who score well on such tests.
I demonstrably oppose this on merely aesthetic grounds.
Lastly even if we accepted this rank materialism, it is a defensive posture. Whites should not be required to quantify or validate our existence. Or explain why Whites deserve or are permitted to exist, because of this or that accomplishment.
Even if Whites accomplished nothing on the world historical stage, we are not in the business of negotiating the conditions for White existence.
White existence is non-negotiable, and all barriers to White flourishing must be removed.
I’m not sure I ever met an “IQ Nationalist” or so much as even heard one speak.
To me, discussing IQ differences was the easiest way to dispel the Gospel of Equality and to debunk the idea that all disparities were caused by racist meanies.
I don’t disagree. IQ is a useful means of showing racial differences in intelligence and aptitude. I only have an issue when people exalt IQ above their own kind. When the defining factor in a person’s advocacy becomes IQ instead of their race, I think that’s a pretty serious problem. And it seems evident to me that part of the reason for Derek Black’s leaving white nationalism is because he placed a significant amount of importance on IQ.
Again, I don’t think IQ is unimportant. Nor do I think we should neglect to use it as a means of illustrating racial differences. But I also believe that people have an ethical duty to care for their own kind. Even if some of them aren’t the brightest. When I say “IQ Nationalist”, I’m using it pejoratively to describe the NRX/HBD crowd and adjacent intellectuals like Richard Hanania and Steve Sailer, both of whom have singled out and insulted poor whites on the basis of their intelligence.
“And it seems evident to me that part of the reason for Derek Black’s leaving white nationalism is because he placed a significant amount of importance on IQ.”
Derek Black says that for the twelve studies of IQ he had at his disposal to prove his claims of natural inequality; his opponents had 150 (?) to counter his. How can we prove this? Shall we ask Derek himself? No. Derek Black wanted out and had done so for a very long time Pure and simple. In the greater scheme of things, he will be forgotton. (Just as things are starting to heat up and look interesting!)
The door way out was there for him.
But he slammed it shut on the way out for ultimate dramatic effect.
The Departure of the Queen of Sheba with no thanks of course to George Frideric Handel
WhiteNationalism is a bigger scam than “Conservatism”
I don’t see why people are whining about Don Black’s gaywad sperg cumming out as a tranny after gettin some kikess pussy and leaving “White Nationalism” which is a failed scam like “Kosher KhannedServantism” and was first mentioned by David Duck after he got called out for selling the mailing addresses of Mississippi and Lousiana Klansmen to federal informants, and Republican government candidate Robert Fowler and left the Klan after being accused of being a crook. The old timers who were my mentors after the Ft. Smith Sedition trial rebuilding told me that the Duck didn’t care for anything other than money and pussy. The Duck got onto the Internuts in his sundry incarnations in the 1990s as a “White Nationalist” leader. The Duck pled guilty to being a crook and the rest of the so-called White Nationalist “leaders” signed a “New Orleans Protocol” to not speak ill of the Duck who gave his Klan to Thom Robb, whose lawyer spawn Jason is a member of Bryan Reo’s Foundation for the MarketPlace of Ideas/ZOGbot Poverty Flaw Center as is your recent guest Jason Lee Van Dyke. Seems like you “White Nationalists” prefer to keep the “White Nationalist” scam up because I got blocked for posting embarrassing posts like the 2017 FMI/ZPLC 501 c3 IORS posting.
Now my white supremacist mentors were never adverse to violence and civil warfare. I’ve lost my inheritance to Bryan Reo civil lawfare to the point I’ve suggested […] much like Iron Felix Dzerzhinsky as first head of the Cheka did to win the Bolshevik Revolution against the Russian Empire social parasites and predators. “White Nationalism” is merely a weak pussazoid reaction – a scam — to a Satanic mighty evil empire which is on the way out anyways.
In the case of Don Black he merely was a ZOGbot who like jewboy Linder is running a data-mining operation to hoover up the whiggaz-mites and geezer-gelt in a bowel Movement coonsisting of whiggers looking for “leadership” as ZOG falls apart. Don Black used to beg or $7500 a month for what he admitted in 2017 when he got his forum domain name back cost him $92 for hosting and $200 for cloud flare per month while begging for $7500 in part to host his sperg spawn on a nigger am radio station. Well, with the ZOGbux given by tards seking to save the whigger race Don Black had enough ZOGbux to send his gaywad spawn to a gliberal college where he learned to love jews and niggers and now the messed up gaywad spawn wants to cut off its nuts and had ghost-written another “I haet daddy the racist a-hole” book.
No great loss. Pity more of these tards and theys’ fucked-up spawn can’t r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. from our wonderfool bowel Movement.
In the past decade it has been “lone tards” such as Dylann Roof or Robert Bowers who have accomplished bigger blows against ZOG than Internuts Activists feeding newbie whiggers like David Duck, jewboy Linder, or See-Eye Dentists like Baal Finck who turne out to be jews or “white nationalists” like Dickie Spenthwer or Bi_Polar Bradifer Griffin / Cunthair Walrus or Greggie5G Johnson. ZOG biowar such as prion-poisoning or Covid-19 and the jewwkrainian war or Gazacaust wars have spellt the end of ZOG, not whigger nutsionist bitching for fun and profit.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryn Nations of Missouri
Candidate Newton County Eastern District Commissioner
You are a certified nut, Pastor, but I have to admit I like much of what you have the say about the WN bowel movement.
I think he’s a brilliant surrealist writer. Our James Joyce. Our Captain Beefheart.
Just goes to show there’s no accounting for tastes. Some prefer surrealism; I like realism.
Lindstadt is entertaining but not rational. However, some of his criticism of the greater WN bowel movement is right on, so he might make some people think. I’ll read him here as long as you allow his scribblings. He believes his resurrected Church of Jesus Christ Christian, that should have died with Richard Butler years ago, is the answer. That’s surreal enough for the pastor’s followers, I suppose; I’m sure you’re not one of them.
I wouldn’t follow him to a worm wrestle but to ease back on-topic, I have to agree with him when he writes this:
I don’t see why people are whining about Don Black’s gaywad sperg cumming out as a tranny after gettin some kikess pussy and leaving “White Nationalism” which is a failed scam…
I could not be less surprised. I long suspected he was a homo (or something equally disgusting). To be frank, he doesn’t really look any weirder dressed as an old woman than he did before, dressed like a lesbian Carmen Sandiego.
Don Black could not have been too surprised either. He sent his son to one of the most liberal schools on the planet. And despite it being 96% White, the only people Derek ever had any interaction with were jews and homos. Not that it would have mattered, as far as his homosexual compulsions, where he went, all indications are that the condition is determined prenatally.
Having two sons myself I cannot help but pity Don. Derek was his only son and he’s a bit old to try again. Although I do despise Don Black’s hypocrisy regarding Freedom of Speech (e.g., He is quick to cry ‘1st Amendment’ when his own speech is threatened, while actively suppressing the speech of others). I understand his reasoning, online discourse can be exceedingly vulgar. Unfortunately that’s what freedom sounds like, speech that people like has never needed protection. It is far more important to protect the freedom than anyone’s sensibilities.
I read the book today (pirated 🏴☠️ of course, I should rather cut off my hand than give him a penny). It’s less than 200 pages. Much of it is about other people and recounts events for which he was not present (in some cases not yet born). The last book was mostly about other people but at least this time they are usually people he’s actually met, though not always.
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