In the past I’ve made the argument that a study of the toys that a people makes for its children give us an insight into that people’s cultural direction. Toys are a very interesting bit of material culture which are often overlooked as objects of study in anthropological and cultural research. They give us insight not only into what a culture and people are, but also what they hope to become in the future, because toys are the material cultural artefacts which a people produces for its children, and as such are training and development tools for what a child ought to become in the future. We therefore make baby-like dolls and tea sets for young girls, and toy guns, trucks and building blocks for young boys.
But there’s an even more important category of cultural artefacts indicative of a people’s present and future than toys: games. The reason is simple: Toys are made for young children, whereas games are meant for everyone.
Of course, certain games are not appropriate for all ages. It is a little embarrassing, not to mention dangerous, for pensioners in the park to be playing tag, just as it is irrational to expect that five-year-olds will play chess instead of strewing the chessmen around to be painfully stepped on at some unspecified future date. But since we’re talking about chess, it is a game which has a very broad spectrum of age-appropriateness: the proverbial seven-to-77 type of game. More than that, chess has a certain culture which surrounds it: It is a shorthand, the rules are simple and easy to learn, and it is rich in archetype and life-analogue, which makes it a gold mine of metaphor and analogy, both of which lie in the shared heart of poetry and education. As I’ve mentioned before, if two strangers who’ve read the same book can immediately work out politically relevant alignments, then two strangers familiar with the same game can immediately work out a rudimentary strategy and coordinate towards a common goal.
Sports games, too, fall into this category. I don’t intend to speak about mass-media commercial sports here, since such sportsball is everything wrong with the globalized, anti-nationalist world in a nutshell. Players become “us” or “them” on a whim; all it requires is a contract and a change of clothes. Fans will readily cheer on a team from a town they’ve never even visited, full of people who aren’t from there and probably aren’t even from the same country that the team is. Players are increasingly non-white, and even the white ones are more and more degenerate, embodying the very worst of modern hedonism, superficiality, and weakness.
The fans are encouraged to get fired up about this surrogate struggle as a means of getting distracted from the very real wars in which they’re embroiled in the real world.
Sports had these problems long before they added the obnoxious virtue-signaling during halftime. You complain that they’re trying to convince you that Bob is a Sheila in the ads, but you’ve already accepted that Ngubu is English on the pitch.
Of course, nobody treats sports as participatory games anymore, but as spectacles to be watched. Nevertheless, sports are games. They’re meant to be played. In playing these games, the players act out rudiments of what they’ll later have to do in real life. Team sports in particular serve as invaluable preparatory courses in both small-unit tactics and in strategic thinking. Combat sports teach valuable lessons in position, relative strengths and weaknesses, endurance, preparation, and determination. And, of course, games of chance such as poker teach the most important lesson of all, that luck is a factor and that courage is important. Poker in particular teaches one to play against the player, not against the game (a lesson easily missed in chess or team sports).
When people refer to games in the modern world, however, they rarely mean chess, football, or pattycake. When modern men say games and gaming, they usually mean video games. And here we run into a bit of a problem.
Whenever they see me playing video games, the elder womenfolk of my family are fond of complaining that I should set aside childish hobbies, especially now that I’m uncomfortably ensconced in my thirties. While the sentiment of leaving behind childish things certainly has a place, I’m not convinced that video games are as childish as all that, especially the grand strategy types which I enjoy playing. Indeed, there’s nothing strange or childish about a 30-year-old man playing chess, poker, football, or throwing a few friendly punches with a friend. However, were I to start a game of Hearts of Iron 4 or Crusader Kings II — both of which exceed chess, football, and poker in complexity and concentration required, and can certainly not be played by children (at least not well, at any rate) — that is childish.
Of course, I did not get to where I am today by listening to the prattle of old women, and were these opinions confined to that benighted demographic, there’d be no problem to address. However, more often than not it is serious men, including White Nationalists who dismiss video games as childish and unserious. Indeed, this is part of two broader trends within this intellectual thought-space, the first being hostility toward the modern, and especially technologically modern; and the second the dismissal of leisure activities, including games, as frivolous and unproductive for the cause, and therefore to be shunned.
The first trend is too big to be addressed in an aside, and has already been written on by me. Briefly, rejection of technological progress is dangerous and wrongheaded, granting an incomparable advantage to our enemies, who enthusiastically embrace technology to promulgate their cause. The second trend is what we’ll comment on briefly here: There is a growing joylessness to the Right-wing cause. Too many people are dour and permanently outraged, and most of the time it’s because they’ve allowed themselves to believe that leisure is degenerate. Accordingly, they avoid leisure, and as a result they become humorless scolds, more often than not reminiscent of the robotic Randian reason-worshippers who likewise shunned frivolity. From the text:
Personal enjoyment, indeed, was also frowned upon in the movement and denounced as hedonistic “whim-worship.” In particular, nothing could be enjoyed for its own sake — every activity had to serve some indirect, “rational” function. Thus, food was not to be savored, but only eaten joylessly as a necessary means of one’s survival; sex was not to be enjoyed for its own sake, but only to be engaged in grimly as a reflection and reaffirmation of one’s “highest values”; painting or movies only to be enjoyed if one could find “rational values” in doing so. All of these values were not simply to be discovered quietly by each person — the heresy of “subjectivism” — but had to be proven to the rest of the cult. In practice, as will be seen further below, the only safe aesthetic or romantic “values” or objects for the member were those explicitly sanctioned by Ayn Rand or other top disciples.
Now, exchange “whim-worship” for “degeneracy,” “grimly as a reflection and reaffirmation of one’s highest values” for “procreation of the white race” in the bit about sex, “rational values” for “implicit whiteness” in the bit about painting or movies, and “subjectivism” for “individualism,” and you have a disturbingly accurate picture of the broader Dissident right in 2022, even if we lack the totalitarian control that a centralized structure like the Nathaniel Branden Institute provided for the Ayn Rand cult.
“So what?” you say to me. “We should practice self-denial and shun frivolity, for the cause. We all need to work harder. We all must give more.” And indeed, we do. However, I’m not seeing more done for or given to the cause, least of all from the people who kvetch about others playing video games. But even aside from that, the notion of becoming a joyless scold is entirely unpalatable to me. Even if it weren’t, discarding all leisure and frivolity is a recipe for creative sterility, which is a very dangerous position for an embattled movement desperately in need of creative ideas and solutions if it is to survive and succeed in the current political landscape. I suspect that this puritan streak is a carry-over from mainstream conservative political attitudes. I’ve written in the past about the Right’s strange fetish for work and its incomprehensible belief that having ample leisure time is a sign of lower value. I hear jokes about “libtards not having a real job,” and that the positions which liberals occupy involve no labor and are essentially sinecures. I agree that this is indeed so, but having more leisure is precisely what gives liberals an important edge over conservatives — and indeed, ample leisure time is historically the hallmark of aristocracy. When a conservative mocks the liberal for “not having a real job,” it’s like a medieval peasant mocking his lord for not toiling in the fields: absurd on its face, unless one is mind-fucked into believing the insidious nonsense we sometimes call conservatism.
I wrote the “Work Stinks” essay when I was still employed, and my contempt for working is palpable there. Since then, I’ve managed, through prudent economic and financial decisions, to earn ample leisure time for myself. I live well, work less than 10 hours a week, want little, and devote myself to pursuits I choose. The nationalist cause is one of many of those, if the predominant one. I read old books, I watch good films, I hike, I cook, I play chess, I roam the city with my friends for hours on end, learning and teaching all the while in an homage to Aristotle’s purported peripatetic lessons. I scour vintage stores and those of artisan shoemakers for the very best in fashion. I go to the theater and to musical events. I train Wing Chun Kung Fu with a Sifu who’s also a rock star. I make mead, liquors, and beer. On a whim, I drive to other towns to experience what they have to offer. I take month-long holidays in foreign lands. And, of course, I play video games. My life isn’t exactly charmed, but it’s certainly better than that of some wage slave locked up in an office with his lunch time and toilet breaks monitored and measured. I consider this ample leisure time I’ve attained for myself to be one of my life’s crowning achievements.
I’ve been a gamer since I was 5, when my parents bought me a Nintendo SNES. Much of what I am — much of what you, esteemed reader, appreciate here on Counter-Currents — has been informed by that. Much of what I do is informed by the heuristics I practiced in those games. Of course, I also played sports, chess, and many other games, and developed many of those heuristics there. Moving with the physical body must not be neglected. But we must not lose sight of the fact that while video games seem childish and frivolous, they are far more culturally potent than movies and TV. While a movie is passively watched, a video game is acted out, which imprints more powerfully on the human mind, making the necessary assumptions and archetypes of the world sink in much more permanently. What video games people play is probably far more predictive of metapolitical trends than what movies or TV they watch.
A joking rallying cry often uttered on the Internet is “gamers rise up.” Like all good jokes, however, it is based on certain truths. Gamers — especially people who play competitively online, or the much-maligned “Swedish map games” of Paradox Interactive such as Hearts of Iron or Crusader Kings — tend to be young, white, male, and contemptuous of the world which surrounds them. By virtue of having played Hearts of Iron, they already have a better-developed world-consciousness (here meaning awareness of the world beyond their immediate surroundings) than the average conservative, or even the average non-gaming dissident. The shared culture of a given game or a collection of games gives them a reference point they can then use to coordinate with other gamers, even if they personally do not know each other. They span multiple countries and are no strangers to confrontation. In short, they are a revolutionary class in the rough, waiting for a unifying and directing cause to help them rise up.
In the past, people have tried to direct this nascent revolutionary class by appealing to them while expecting them to drop their hobby and embody the archetype of the joyless, robotic White Nationalist criticized earlier. This is the wrong approach. Of course, appealing to gamers as white men is a step in the right direction, but it would be far better to develop pro-white video games, not only as an appeal to gamers but also as a means of recruiting the young to the cause.
Modern video games require a good deal more funding and talent than White Nationalists can currently muster, but at the very least the idea-space must be opened. We can begin by modding existing video games. Friends of Counter-Currents are already engaged in such activity. Someone has created a mod of Project: Zomboid called Project Dindu where the players are the last white people on an Earth overrun by diversity. More ambitious still is American Krogan’s intended mod of Fallout 4, where all the non-whites are replaced by whites, many voiced by notable dissidents and white identitarians. These are baby steps. Future success for White Nationalist gaming will probably look something like Kingdom Come: Deliverance, the vast historical role-playing game focusing on Sigismund of Hungary’s invasion of Bohemia, which in practice plays as a race war between white Czechs against Sigismund’s Cuman mercenaries.
Speaking of Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Eastern Europe is often a hotbed of nationalist gaming. Indeed, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic all have rising gaming studios which often produce unabashedly nationalist and historically revisionist content. Many industry figures in these countries are adjacent to the nationalist Right. Western White Nationalists who decide to enter the gaming industry would do well to cultivate business and political relationships with their Central and Eastern European counterparts. The games produced are of high and ever-increasing quality, given that they are made by white men instead of the diversity hires which increasingly infest Western game development.
European history, art, and folklore are a vast treasure trove of settings, drama, and struggle from which the gaming industry can draw inspiration. Historically, it did exactly that, producing the great video-gaming works which I grew up with. Now, as in many other types of media, the gaming industry has turned away from Europe and is glorifying the black and brown masses of the world while systematically deconstructing European identity and history. This, of course, doesn’t mean that we should shun gaming, but rather that we should pick up this discarded European patrimony and bring it to life in new nationalist and identitarian games.
Indeed, gamers should rise up, but another path is open to us — a path that will allow us greater metapolitical power — and that is the path of the game developer. Rather than play through the games made for us, often by our enemies, we must define the game parameters ourselves and produce new frameworks for the new nationalists yet to come of age.
* * *
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The Roman patricians valued a life of “otium et bellum” or leisure and war. Leisure is one of the things our citizens need to have so that they have time to properly educate themselves and become physically fit.
Besides Paradox map games the Total War franchise had a strong influence on my passion for history, although that franchise has gone down hill. Total War: Rome 1 inspired me to jump into learning about the ancient world, which lead to me realizing that the ancients were in every way better than the moderns, which in turn primed me to be receptive about Julius Evola’s ideas on Tradition. There was a direct chain of causation between video games and my dissident politics, and I assume most right wing gamers have similar stories.
Interesting! It’s amazing how different routs can lead to the same goal. My path to Tradition was thus: college history teacher mentioning Nietzsche semi-jokingly to me buying his Thus Spake Zarathustra, to then a couple of years later, while Googling Nietzsche to come across a now defunct Traditionalist website on which I discovered Evola …
Gaming is a massive waste of time.
– avowed videogamer
I was a you boy in the early 70’s and all my toys reflected the reality of a white man’s world. It was toy guns that looked real, Tonka trucks made out of real metal, and GI Joe’s that looked like the victorious men of the greatest generation. My mother made many mistakes with me but she let me be what I was, a red blooded American boy from the greatest country on Earth thanks to God.
I suspect gaming draws a lot of criticism because of gamers themselves, who tend to be extremely nerdy and unlikable. Basically incels.
Chess players are nerdy as well but in a different way that is less off-putting. While escapism is a normal part of life, gaming seems tailor made for the guys that society calls losers.
I don’t know… Comparing gamers to “incels” — or what’s more aptly called in our circles “the manosphere crowd” — is a bit much. I might be off with the times re. gaming culture, but its members seem to me more similar to 90’s potheads than some annoying loser narcissists aggressively trying to tie their poisonous hobby horse to WN.
The best propaganda is subtle. The issue with explicitly pro-White gaming projects is they have put ideology before creating games people want to play. The didactic message should be secondary to the gameplay, barely explicit at all.
The fact is Hearts of Iron, Civilization, Caesar III, and many great strategy games of the past were inherently right wing and led people to pro-White opinions simply because they were steeped in our history. Likewise, the adventure and RPG games of old were explicitly based upon Western mythology. This naturally draws people to internalise such things into their imagination and to learn more, rather than explicitly WN games which will only have meme value and appeal to those already in the movement.
Whenever I meet a 30 or 40 something year old man who DOESNT play video games, I consider them degenerate. These are usually the same people who can’t handle ordering from an app or touchscreen, fail hard at computers, and get their elections stolen.
That was both simultaneously sad and hilarious!
Please share your successful ideas with finances with all of us so that we may both emulate your lifestyle and give a bundle to CC for their current fund drive as well. I’m long past being able to return to college to become a lawyer, which I ‘should have’ done years ago. And inheritance is out — I do have one, about $250 monthly, and no more relatives left to increase it. Teaching financial literacy is by far the best help anyone on earth can do to help others. Giving money away to lazy bums gets no one anywhere. Needless to say, as an ‘old lady’, you know I will say that studying personal finance in college is 10 times better than playing video games, but I do know I’m preaching to the wall here. Enjoy!
There isn’t such a thing as financial literacy to teach. There’s investing in something and getting a return or.. not. But even that is over thinking for a lot of folks.
Most “entrepreneurs” you see online today knew nothing at all about business, economics, money or anything. They just do ‘stuff’. Some of them are as dumb as crap. A bit of luck helps like anything.
But that’s those people. When someone claims a great lifestyle online and it’s not connected to something anyone can actually see then it’s hard to put any value on that statement. Unless a couple of articles for CC/week = 50,0000 billion units in their currency. Perhaps it does.
Look, there are some games I have a nostalgic attitude towards like Street Fighter – there was an article about that here some months back.
But gamers, like all addicts want more. I don’t believe there are answers to anything in video games or think the interactive experience of games vs say tv or cinema is any more of a healthy one. In some ways it’s probably more unhealthy.
I think gamers tell themselves it’s healthy or useful or has some real life application. And I’ve been surprised over time to see even quite intelligent people tell themselves this.
I suppose one could argue there is a social online culture which has come out of gaming which is at least something to build on. Ok fine.
I’m happy to watch the triggering and meltdowns on the left about explicit WN games and the scramble to get them banned. I’m pretty sure there were efforts going back to William Pierce in this domain. Not sure what else it can achieve.
By our enemies standards, up until.. I dunno…15 years ago, all video games were inherently white supremacist, systemically racist. There’s been an effort poz them more recently I understand, but the core of them is quite white really.
But at the same time games also represent a highly non-flattering aspect of whiteness: this need to be distracted, immersed, tangled up in something of zero practical value whilst creating a whole world of silly justifications for this time wasting.
Which is a big part of how got into this mess we’re in to begin with.
Great article, reminds me of making a swastika house in the unabashedly White game the Sims, which has a beautiful soundtrack by the way.
The end goal is our own Break Away Civilization to continue our destiny of a strong united people, to journey our quest for knowledge & exploration & head back to the stars as we were meant to – WE ARE EXPLORERS. We need our own Ethnostate, explicitly, NOW; let’s start with our own community, town, city, state; is there one? People right now are ready to move.
1972 was the last time we set foot on our Moon, we were supposed to head for the stars. We gave up that dream & chose diversity – it has gotten us on the road to extermination.
We didn’t choose diversity over the stars. I was never asked about ‘diversity’. Were you?
U r correct in that we were never asked to bring diversity. However, we as a collective went along, which is viewed as acceptance. I can think of 7 items we accepted: 2 fathers or 2 mothers is the same as a father & a mother (that’s a LIE), sexes can b changed(LIE), there r more than 2 sexes(LIE), the different races r the same & even interchangeable(LIE), diversity is a strength(LIE). All these lies were pushed from the top down in order to exterminate the European Peoples from Europe to Australia.
You’re blaming the victims of the con instead of the con-artists. Believing a convincing lie does not make you a accomplice. It just means you’re too decent to realize that you’re being abused by expert abusers of people’s trust.
Many people who have studied American political structure know that the people have been systematically cut off from political influence. It used to be called a ‘democracy deficit’ by leftist analysts back when the elite could use ‘democracy’ to put a fig leaf on their top-down control.
We will never get rid of con-artists, we have to b vigilant, have the mindset to reject anything that is not good for our people, for our posterity.
Great essay. I appreciate different subcultures of our people explaining themselves to other parts of White Life.
Every tribe that exists has choices. If the tribe has a soveriegn state, or close, the choices many be grand. Nicholas avoid the enumeration of gaming that is specific to tribes. For example, the Han Tribe may have numerous gaming options. Can NJ list the existing games that are Han centric? Are Han centric titles growing in number every year? What form and function do all Han titles follow? Who of the European tribes documents the Han gaming scene ( + where)?
If the leisure of 400 million to 9oo million Han is based in some percentage on access to Han centric gaming, is Eastern European leisure gaming tribal centric + to what percentage? Do Russian tribal gamers play games that are pro-Russian or Pro-Ukrainian? Or does NJ just cover them there Eastern Europeans with an all glib racist label?
Do Russian centric gamers play games say, such as Blow up a nuclear facility in Ukraine? Say a Russian centric does blow up a large nuclear plant in Ukraine, contaminates all of Europe, how does NJ label that individual? Is that individual suddenly a White racist?
Say, Russians agree to allow 10 – 20 million Han soldiers to transit over + attack the Ukrainians. Can NJ speculate what leisure games would the Han gaming politicos offer the Han potential player/military ?
Collaborators: Can NJ offer insight in to “collaborator” leisure gaming? Does pro-Ukraine leisure gaming exist inside the borders of Russia? Does pro-tibet or Uzbek leisure gaming exist for the hundreds of millions of Han: centric or not, inside the CCP borders? Already collaborators are blabbing in the legacy MSM about how the Russians should be satisfied with grabbing this/that Ukrainian territory.
Do tribes have the right to identify collaborators? How about racists? The 1945 “pretend” trial and real execution of Robert Brasillach in France still re-bubbles especially around February 6. Can Collaborator games be purchased for leisure pursuits? Kurds, Basques, Irish, Scots, Tibetans, Quebeckers, Uzbeks: what will make most cash? Will Yankees allow known Russian Collaborators from the Ukraine to physically travel into the west/USA? Who will create/distribute the first such leisure game for the older aunt/uncle to purchase for her fav little nipper?
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