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We knew it would eventually come to this. During the 2024 presidential campaign, we could see all the Tech Bros lurking around Trump, filling his head with sweet nothings—and talk of the need for cheap foreign tech labor. During the campaign and shortly after the election, Trump mentioned increasing legal immigration while deporting illegals, suggesting such tactics as stapling green cards to the diplomas of graduating foreign students and giving a pathway to citizenship for “Dreamers.”
But for white advocates, there was little question about supporting Trump; the nightmare of the Biden-Harris administration had to end. So we talked about how unpredictable Trump can be, that he tends to float potential policies before retreating when he gets blowback from some powerful faction. And we practiced some deliberate denial as well about what a Tech-Trump alliance actually meant. We told ourselves it was just a dalliance, not a marriage, that, once elected, Trump would come to his senses, that he would be true to his real MAGA supporters, that he would bring the Tech Bros to heel. After all, he had been fairly good on H-1B visas during his first administration. In 2020, he signed an executive order curbing the H-1B program. Furthermore, he fired the head of the Tennessee Valley Authority after it was revealed that federal agency had “an outsourcing plan whereby 200 American professionals would be laid off and made to train their foreign H-1B visa replacements.”
When Trump won in a big way on November 5, it was a time for celebration, not infighting. The country was no longer in the hands of those who openly hated us. As the weeks rolled by, we watched his appointments closely for indications of the direction his new administration would take. There were some positive signs. This time around, there are fewer establishment Republican “swamp creatures” in his inner circle. And there are a few solid “border hawks” signaling that he may keep his word on the border.
The appointments of a host of Christian Zionists to key positions ensuring a continuation of the first Trump administration’s “Israel First” policies rankled a bit, but that was to be expected.
More concerning was the way Trump’s Silicon Valley Tech Bro advisors became part of the administration, in numbers large enough to form a powerful faction. These included Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, David Sacks, and Sriram Krishnan. And, though nobody wanted to bring it up, the Indian subcontinent was over-represented in numbers usually reserved for Jews. Kash Patel, Harmeet Dhillon, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya would be joining the Indian members of the Tech Bros in the new administration. One or two might be okay, but as a group, combined with the Tech Bros, they start to look like an emerging ruling caste.
Krishnan’s appointment was the most puzzling. He was educated in India, hired by Microsoft, came to the U.S. on an L-1 transfer visa, and then spent a decade or so bouncing around from one tech company to another. After that, he started a podcast and became something of a tech celebrity. Despite the mainstream press making him out to be some sort of innovative mastermind, he seems to have been more of a manager than a creator, and his main qualifications for a top advisory position to the president appear to be a glib tongue and popularity in tech circles. (If there is anything truly remarkable about Krishnan, it is his facial structure—and not in a good way.) He is, of course a big supporter of immigration, particularly of removing the per-country caps on green cards.
For a while, the celebration continued. But with the December 23 appointment of Krishnan to senior policy adviser for artificial intelligence came the inevitable breach between the Tech Bros and the MAGA base. As Greg Johnson showed, the resistance was fast and hard—and smart. This appeared to trigger the Tech Bros. Ramaswamy poured gasoline on the fire with a remarkably tone-deaf tweet that said more about him than it did about the need for imported labor. Although he offered a “spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down” by conceding that Americans are not inferior tech workers because of “an innate American IQ deficit,” his contempt for Americans came shining through. The main gist of the tweet was that “the reason top tech companies often hire foreign-born & first-generation engineers over ‘native’ Americans” is because “our American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence for way too long.”
There is some truth in his claim; American popular culture is, in many ways, toxic. And many young Americans have not developed the work ethic of past generations. But Ramaswamy’s defense of importing foreign tech workers shows that his understanding of MAGA is both shallow and duplicitous. MAGA is not about raising America’s GDP and creating opportunities for immigrants; it is about restoring the culture that produced the strongest and most innovative nation the world has ever known. Since the 1960s, Americans have been pounded with bad messages in the schools, in the media, and in the churches. They have taught to loathe themselves, to be effeminate, to defer to other ethnicities. The medical profession has pushed a massive number of mind-altering drugs, from Ritalin to mood elevators to SSRIs to oxycontin, and the streets are flush with dangerous Illegal drugs. Standards have dropped, the untalented are chosen over the best. It is not just a few TV shows that have caused so many Americans to retreat from reality, to choose victimhood over perseverance, and to kill themselves through “deaths of despair” such as suicide and drug overdoses. Making America Great Again means the hard job of reversing these negative cultural trends. It does not mean replacing Americans with people of an entirely different ethnicity and culture, as Ramaswamy wishes.
With that one tweet, Ramaswamy’s Brooks Brother exterior came undone to reveal the lizard-skin underneath. Some of us knew all along that Vivek Ramaswamy was not a true MAGA guy. He said a lot of the right things, but he oozed a two-faced slickness. Trump’s embrace of him was an early warning sign; we know how vulnerable Trump is to flatterers and posers, and Ramaswamy is certainly those.
We also knew about his real background; how he got rich through some shady pump-and-dump trading with volatile pharmaceutical stocks. As a hedge fund trader, he bought some small research companies for pennies just before they were bought up by major companies, giving him outrageous yields.( The research produced by these companies eventually came to naught.) The odds against such miraculous good fortune occurring on multiple occasions were astronomically high, yet despite the rank odor of insider trading, Ramaswamy was not investigated by the SEC or any other agency.
Rather than him being a great visionary or innovator, it appears that the main differences between Ramaswamy and some Delhi con artist scamming Grandma out of her life savings by pretending to be tech support or a Medicare representative are matters of scale and sophistication. If he is a typical product of upper caste Indian “culture,” then no thanks.
If Ramaswamy inflamed the controversy with gasoline, Elon Musk threw TNT on it. He literally tweeted “Take a step back and F*** YOURSELF in the face” to the majority of MAGA supporters who oppose H1-B visas, and threatened that “I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.” He later added that those who oppose the visas are “contemptible fools” who “must be removed from the Republican Party, root and stem,” but then tried to clarify that by “contemptible fools” he meant “hateful, unrepentant racists” who “will absolutely be the downfall of the Republican Party if they are not removed.” (He may find that calling people racists no longer makes them shrink and hide for cover.)
Due to this outrageous loss of composure (longtime Trump confidant Steve Bannon called him a “toddler.”), the street cred Musk has built with the MAGA crowd may be gone. Over the last few years, he deliberately shifted his reputation from that of left-leaning entrepreneurial maverick hipster to MAGA nationalist. While the social media Leviathan was wrapping its tendrils around the Internet to choke off the former freedom of expression that had existed just a few years before, Musk restored some freedom of speech by purchasing Twitter and opening it back up to many who had been banned (albeit not all) and relaxing some rules. He even teased having pro-white inclinations by tweeting: “Only the AfD can save Germany.”
But now, just like Ramaswamy, Musk’s lizard skin is showing. Notable critics of the H-1B program claimed they had lost their “blue check” privileges on X. Musk warned that he might limit the ability of opposing tweets to spread throughout the Internet (“freedom of reach”), and conservative gadfly Laura Loomer, who has led the charge for the anti-immigration side, complained she had her account temporarily suspended and that replies on her X account were being marked as “probable spam.” “How can you call yourself a ‘free speech absolutist’ and then punish someone by restricting their speech?” Loomer wrote once her X account was restored. “We need to have an honest conversation about Big Tech influence over MAGA.” (Loomer herself was forced to apologize after it was discovered that she doxed Krishnan.)
The potential to hold communications hostage has always been a concern about Musk ever since he purchased Twitter: would he use his immense power over information to fight for the cause of freedom, or was it primarily a means to impose his globalist desires on the world? We have been given a pretty good indication of what his real inclinations are recently. Until last week, Musk always came across as cool, measured, in control, unflappable. His tweet directed at those who are against increased tech immigration was so unhinged, so excessive that it must have been a matter of great importance to him. He almost seemed like Gollum reacting to somebody who was trying to snatch the Ring away from him.
What the Tech Bros/lizard people have publicly displayed is that they have the empty, spiteful worldviews of the rootless cosmopolitan. Their ties to this country are tenuous. Krishnan is an immigrant. Ramaswamy was born here, but he is a wealthy Brahmin who can return to India at any time. And this is Musk’s third country of residence. It is obvious they do not see this nation as a people, but merely as a plot of land, a container for an economy. For decades we’ve been fed the “economic argument” for large-scale immigration, but the results are in: it does not produce prosperity for natives. In 1965, jobs with livable wages were plentiful and inexpensive housing was abundant. Since then, immigration has dramatically increased labor supply, driving down wages and opportunities for natives. It has just as dramatically driven up the demand for housing, making it more expensive. The result is that many young people are hard-pressed to afford places to live on their own and to start families.
The Tech Bros share the cosmopolitan’s “shape-shifting” tendencies in the pursuit of power and wealth. Silicon Valley’s move into the Republican Party to control the immigration debate is reminiscent of the second and third generations of “neo-cons” wiggling their way into the upper echelons of the GOP to take over the nation’s foreign policy during the Reagan years and beyond. Both Musk and Ramaswamy had political beliefs that seemed somewhat vague before attaching themselves to the MAGA movement; their MAGA political transformations smack of the opportunist rather than that of a committed patriot. Wikipedia says Ramaswamy started out as a Libertarian, voting for Michael Badnarik in the 2004 presidential election. He became apolitical, not voting in the 2002, 2012, 2016 elections, then supposedly supported Trump in 2020. He has contributed to both Republicans and Democrats, giving to a Democrat Congressional candidate as recently as 2020 and registering as an independent in 2021. And his religious views have taken a similar tortuous journey; he apparently now calls himself a “monotheistic Hindu” to align his beliefs with the MAGA Christian Nationalists.
Musk also belittled America with his tweet: “The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla, and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H-1B.” Is he kidding? He arrived in America in 1992, one year after the US became the world’s lone superpower. And that was 10 years before either Tesla or SpaceX existed. We’ve been a strong, prosperous nation since the early 1800s, a great force for prosperity and innovation. It is as if nothing existed in America before he arrived.
So, with the battle lines clearly drawn between actual Americans and lizards, the ball was placed in Trump’s hands. Would he revert to his 2020 self to satisfy his MAGA supporters? So far, no. He responded by saying how he has “always been in favor of the [H-1B] visas.” One must remember that he is into Musk for about $250 million in campaign donations, and it is likely that Ramaswamy gave him more than a few rupees. To them, that was an investment, or perhaps a down payment. Trump will not, or cannot, cast them aside easily.
But that leaves him in a very hard place. Immigration is the central issue for MAGA, and his supporters do not separate illegal low-skilled immigration from high-skilled legal immigration the way the Tech Bros would like them to. To us, both mean foreigners coming to replace us, to take over our jobs, our schools, our neighborhoods, and our culture—our very existence. Trump may find the going very rough if he cuts himself off from his MAGA base. They may have stuck with him the last go-around despite all the disappointments and reversals. They may have let his comments about increasing legal immigration slide during the campaign. But now? Throwing his base under the bus even before taking office? Maybe some of his supporters are so bereft of hope without him that they will stand by him no matter what he does. But maybe not. Lots of people want him to prove himself this time around.
Of course, he will still have a few powerful factions on his side to go along with the Tech Bros. He will have the Zionists who are more concerned with having “Israel First” policies than MAGA, and the Christian Zionists are many. He will have Wall Street, and perhaps Hispanics who voted for him primarily for economic reasons rather than immigration. He will also have much of the Conservative Inc. media to do his bidding.
But that might not be enough for him to thrive in office. If Trump loses his MAGA base, the left that is now in disarray may be restored and rejuvenated. He may face relentless attacks from both right and left, while the obsequious mainstream conservative media loses viewership and influence. It is not tech money that gives him his “mandate”; it is his huge number of supporters. The mandate is not to do what the Tech Bros want; it is to do what is best for Americans, and that’s MAGA.
Whichever way he turns, the deep breach is there. If Trump makes the wrong choice, he could widen the rift so far that the Republican coalition is over for a long time. Musk wants to purge the Republican Party of immigration opponents. MAGA supporters have already had enough of The Punjab on the Potomac. This issue is not going away easily, and it’s hard to see much policy compromise here; at this point, all immigration is a loss for MAGA. Furthermore, any deal cut could be of the sort in which, for instance, H-1B visas are cut but the per-country caps on green cards are lifted—”the large print giveth while the fine print taketh away.”
Of course, with Trump, no policy is certain until it actually becomes policy. Reversing course on H-1Bs may be Trump’s best move politically. If he reverses his recent comments and sides with MAGA, he will basically have the same enemies he had last time around. He survived that term, albeit accomplishing little of the MAGA agenda. His support may be even greater today as well. Plus, Musk and Ramaswamy may have done themselves irreparable damage with much of the right; even if they win this round they may be seen as deadweights. Right now, however, the chances that Trump will reverse course does not look good, but it is not hopeless.
And there may be a silver lining in all this. Whichever way Trump goes, things could turn out well for white advocacy. If Trump reverses course and decides against the Tech Bros, we win: our middle class will not be rapidly gutted by an invasion of educated foreigners the way our working class has already been decimated by the invasion of illegals. We will have bent the government to our will and increased our strength. And it will give us more time to build a stronger movement before we become a minority in our own country.
And if Trump decides in favor of the Tech Bros, the number of committed white advocates are likely to increase, for some people who have not yet admitted to themselves the severity of our plight will be angered by the continued invasion and by the contempt shown us by our government. Their hearts will grow harder to the establishment and be more open to our message. Already our numbers grow daily—and the lizard people grow more visible.
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With that one tweet, Ramaswamy’s Brooks Brother exterior came undone to reveal the lizard-skin underneath
Sounds like Dr. Shiva’s characterization of him as “Vivek the Snake” is pretty apt.
Trump is only a one termer. He can do as he pleases without having to worry about reelection. He’s probably only worried about his legacy. That might work to our advantage.
Any and all of Vivek’s political dreams are dead. The best that him and Musk can hope for is Vance, who was probably the target all along. My suspicion of him keeps growing. They don’t just give book and movie deals to nobody hillbillies because they tell a good tale.
This issue should be the one that wakes people up. I’m already hearing normies say “we need Indians”. The brainwashing is deeper than we thought.
It’s an interesting point about the book and movie deal. I hate to be a Negative Nancy, but “JD Vance” (not his real name) was favoured by techbro elites at Palantir and actually has an Indian wife and kids. His kids are being raised in the Hindoo religion, by the way. Are the kids taking his (fake) name of “Vance”? I don’t know, and don’t really care. I would be amazed if James “JD Vance” Bowman counter signals the coming apoocalypse.
I’ve never liked Vance. Like many here, I’m very sensitive to “nationalist nuance”; that is, to what issues alleged nationalists (including Chump) choose to focus on. Although I reluctantly voted for Chump 3x (what realistically was the alternative?), I disliked him from the beginning after he stated, in his typically elliptical and stupid way, that he “wanted a big wall to be built [on the border] and the illegals deported, after which there would be a great big door open for them” [to come through the wall legally]. “WTF??”, I thought.
I distrust Vance not only because of his Hindu wife (no trustworthy white man, at least of family-starting age, marries a nonwhite {I suppose an aging fellow like me could get away with it, as I wouldn’t be having children with her}), but because his “nationalism” is mostly trade and foreign policy focused. He rarely disparages immigration, and when he does, it’s usually illegal immigration. At best, he might occasionally criticize immigration in labor market terms, which is correct economically (immigrants depress native worker wage levels, and thus exacerbate economic inequality), but not the whole or even main ‘story’.
Never have I read or heard Vance criticizing immigration in true nationalist terms, focusing on preserving our nationhood, our peoplehood, our ecological renewable resource base, our national security from foreign spies or terrorists, or especially, our Anglo-Occidental ethnonational identity, and/or our historic ethnoculture of ordered liberty, which is the real foundation of both American exceptionalism and American success. He doesn’t talk about the huge socialist welfare burden immigrant parasites impose upon American taxpayers, nor about how immigrant voting habits are the almost exclusive cause of Red states going Purple (eg, AZ, NV), and Purple states going Blue (eg, CO, VA). I have a very bad feeling about where Vance’s true loyalties might lie.
This is why I wanted DeSantis or Tom Cotton to be either the GOP nominee, or the VP. Neither is perfect, esp on Zionist issues. But both have made noises about reducing legal immigration. I’ve been saying ever since the end of the Cold War that immigration is not only the most important issue of the age, but by far the best issue to distinguish true rightwingers from poseurs.
That De Santis made any noise whatsoever about reducing legal immigration is totally ridiculous. Steven Miller remains Trump’s immigration consigliere, and Trump’s policy proposal on legal immigration reform has been and remained in 2024 getting rid of family reunification visas. NumbersUSA, Center for Immigration Studies, and FAIR lobby in DC for immigration restriction and report on every policy change and proposal by all Congressional offices and presidential administrations.
Adopt a civil tone unless the facts are on your side.
DeSantis has called for a points system for legal immigration similar to Canada’s and Australia’s. Those two countries admit more than half of their immigrants based on skills or professional merit, far more than the U.S.
DeSantis said that legal immigration should be based on the needs of the U.S. — not the needs of immigrants. He has criticized “chain migration,” a politicized term referring to family members following other relatives to the U.S. He’s also advocated against the diversity visa lottery, a federal system that admits people from countries with low immigration levels.
These DeSantis positions are hardly what I want, which is zero nonwhite immigration; more white immigration; and expulsion of legal immigrants who have committed crimes, and eventually, of those who are chronic welfare deadbeats, too – in addition to the Wall and mass deportations of all illegal aliens. But they would result in substantially lower numbers of legal immigrants being annually admitted.
Trump, OTOH, is a very nasty supporter of generous legal immigration. All of his ire has been focused for the past decade on the scandal of illegal immigration. I’m still glad he defeated Open Borders Kamala, however, but he is no Buchananite.
These are not policy position at all. They are campaign utterances. DeSantis was never a name any of the three immigration reform organizations and lobbies took seriously-except probably for illegal immigration, which every GOP candidate for the past 40 years is obliged to rail against.
Trump’s 2016 campaign ran not just on illegal immigration, but also on getting rid of family reunification, as stated on his 2016 campaign platform. Trump 2016 was a campaign based on and motivated by Ann Coulter’s book Adios America!, published on June 1st, 2015, three weeks before Trump announced his run for the White House.
DeSantis’ campaign was not run on immigration. Trump’s was in 2016 and 2020 and 2024, and his sales guy mumbo jumbo about “all the people we need to let in to grow the economy” will go down the Trump rabbit hole as soon as Silicon Valley donors get to keep their H1-Bs, removed regulatory burdens, and Federal tax breaks. That will be the Trump deal.
Vance is the White Barack Obama.
He wrote an autobiography before he started his career.
That’s exactly what I said when I saw him enter politics.
What a shock it will be for the Space Lizards to have competition from a different species of Lizards!
The issue is NOT IQ. The issue is, as Jared Taylor says, “we have a right to be us, and only we can be us”.
Even if non-Europeans had an IQ of 120, we still cannot allow them invading & conquering us, which is exactly what is happening now. This is Our Homeland period
“Trump may find the going very rough if he cuts himself off from his MAGA base. They may have stuck with him the last go-around despite all the disappointments and reversals. They may have let his comments about increasing legal immigration slide during the campaign. But now? Throwing his base under the bus even before taking office? Maybe some of his supporters are so bereft of hope without him that they will stand by him no matter what he does. But maybe not. Lots of people want him to prove himself this time around.” MAGA must be ready to throw rotten tomatoes at Trump if he betrays, even before setting foot in the White House. Trump has a very simple choice – patriot or villain. We cannot let this opportunity pass, this line in the sand. Trump the traitor or Trump the patriot. The fact that we have someone of our race who we still cannot depend on to have our backs is beyond words.
“Whichever way Trump goes, things could turn out well for white advocacy…”
…or not. If he goes with monied interests – most likely – American workers will be under the thumbs of both Indians & Jews; & if he sides with immigration reductionists, J.D. Vance’s wife might not like it
You are right that there is the very real possibility that the Great Replacement continues unabated. But even if that happens, we are not yet at the point where the totalitarians can wipe out dissent entirely. The resistance is growing in Germany even though their government is much more totalitarian than ours. If Trump sides with the Tech Bros, some portion of the MAGA people who are still mainstream may become radicalized.
I worked in recent years in a place where we could look out the window and see people who were spacing out on those extremely dangerous drugs that you mentioned. Most of the Tech Bros might be insulated from this kind of thing, working at home or in their plushy white-collar industrial parks, but it’s a much different world for the rest of us. As a result, I think that MAGA will continue to be a force to be reckoned with.
As John Derbyshire recently said, MAGA is not just “America First,” it’s “Americans First.” The pushback on Twitter and elsewhere against Musk/Vivek is encouraging, and it’s also encouraging that MAGA is a lot more than just people who are constantly online. It spreads across age groups, and includes many of the wrongly-despised Boomers. Scoffing at MAGA is a big mistake for the DR.
This is a very good overview, Mr. Stark. Thank you for it. I was especially struck by your comparison of how the Neocons slimed their way into GOP circles, with what the Silicon Valley bigshots are now attempting. Whitney Webb has been warning us about this kind of thing for a while. Sometimes I think she goes too far, but she has put an awful lot of useful, troubling info out there.
Where did you find John Derbyshire?
“Radio Derb” is posted on Saturdays at the ZMan site. Derb’s comments about “Americans First” is at https://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=33311 (it includes a transcript, which is quicker for me).
Derbyshire also has his own site at johnderbyshire.com. I don’t know if he posts Radio Derb there or not, though. I’m not a huge fan of The ZMan site and its commenters, but at least it has Radio Derb.
The Derb wouldn’t remember me, but I had the pleasure of having lunch with him and Peter Brimelow and a few others some years ago. They were both nice guys, and are two who should have monuments raised for their services, when the world finally comes to rights.
I didn’t comment on Greg’s fine post about this, but I will here. You mentioned medicine, but it’s not just tech. Medicine is getting a lot browner, and across the Western world actually.
There’s an organized massive pajeet machine that’s spewing millions of these peoples onto us from all angles. My concern is there won’t be any professional careers for whites in the future. It will all be gone. These brown peoples are getting too embedded everywhere, their curry gene physiologies too accepted, and the more feeble-minded end of the rightwing spectrum is starting to embrace them as thought leaders and great model conservatives who should lead.
We don’t need based pajeets.
The problem with Musk is always going to be a wealth gap and top-down problem and it will burst out at times like this. His day to day concerns are not ours. And what’s it all for ? So Musk can make some even bigger giant AI blob ? Is this something we really need ?
Although I am grateful for (and surprised by) Trump’s election win, he and MAGA are the last gasp of American conservatism, with its suicidal addiction to color-blind civic nationalism. Which includes being willfully blind to the color of the people who gave him 85% of his votes and to our group interests as the irreplaceable core of America.
Ramaswamy’s insult did not surprise me at all. However, though Musk is clearly a loose cannon, his insulting tantrum did catch me off guard. Being on the spectrum has its downside.
I agree with Mr Stark’s final two paragraphs and take hope from that. This has never been and is never going to be a smooth ride. But as more of the masks come off, more of our folks are bound to see reality.
People like Nick Fuentes, Andrew Anglin and Devon Stack long warned about this situation and suggested we demand promises on immigration BEFORE giving Trump their vote but too many wanted to get on the Trump bandwagon and cross their fingers.
Now of course it’s too late to demand anything as Trump doesn’t need your votes anymore, you have no leverage. The new Indian technocratic elite will be coming now and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Fuentes, Anglin, Stark and whose army? Or did these pipsqueaks think that Trump would be swayed by harsh livestreams? As a movement we had and have zero leverage at the polls anyway. So don’t pretend this situation is simply because we didn’t listen to the wisdom of your favorite podcasters.
If we are passed up by China, we are passed up by China. Let somebody else do the work for a while. Since when was the purpose of life to be better than China? Do Finnish wake up every morning worrying they are not better than Sweden and then decide to overrun their country with Indians?
I think trump was so desperate to get into office, in order to pardon himself and his followers to diffuse all the legal pressures upon him, that he would have made any Faustian bargain. It had become an existential question for him practically. That’s why he did all these crypto currency reserve promises and all. He was looking for any political force to recruit. What we said on immigration would not have mattered.
Great writing here. Elon Musk has fathered 3 children with an entertainer named Grimes, and it is also a description of her look and general attitude. She goes out of her way to look and act demonic. This guy could be sleeping with actually beautiful women, and yet he chose what looks like human tree fungus multiple times. I may be the shallow one here, but that alone made me suspicious of him. Last week’s tantrum was freaking unhinged. He’s not coming back from that, ever. Same with Ramaslamadingdong.
I pray Trump chooses us.
I don’t know all the details, but I think that his first ” wife ” was an unattractive half canadian half Hindu and that he has 2 mixed race children with her. Everything suggests that he is a man child very insecure physically and sexually. It’s only at the top of his career that he chased white supermodels and actresses ( like the notorious narcissist Amber Head ) . Generally, he seemed attracted to ugly and weirdo looking sluts.
His tantrum about the south Asians invaders is linked to his former mystery meat ” wife ” and bastardized children, of course.
He has TWELVE children with three different partners. Lots of fatherless drama! One of his boys has already come out as trans. I don’t believe dual-citizen, leap-around-the-world billionaires really value loyalty to their family, nation, or people. And, just like all non-American foreigners, he’s shown he does not value free speech.
Blackpilled has illustrated that Texans like to pretend that Elon favors cowboy boots & guns & everything else they cherish. But, it’s just pure economics/business; nothing more personal than a lowered tax bill. And he’s just as likely to pick up & go to a completely new country, if he finds an even sweeter tax deal.
One of the really regretful arguments that was prevalent in our circles a decade ago was the “don’t send your kids to college” argument.
Of course, there are valid points to be made that some people are more inclined to practical trades, and can succeed in well paid blue collar careers without taking on a ton of debt. That has always been true, but nonetheless this isn’t the direction that parents and their young adults offspring should be planning.
The other, more tenuous argument, is to not send our kids to college because they’ll be indoctrinated to the left. A huge reason that the left has so much power is because non-elite working and middle class families with right leaning sensibilities haven’t been sending their kids to college for decades. There are some very good STEM programs at Christian affiliated and Tech colleges, for example, where at least most of the faculty isn’t Antifa-tier shitlib.
My point here is that I’m not siding with Ramaswammy on this, or Musk, and I certainly don’t any elite immigrants and non-whites lecturing me, but we do need to recalibrate this untenable idea that right wingers shouldn’t go to college. It’s almost one of those mind-virus ideas that seem like our enemies planted just to help their own cause.
Agree, and we need people who can represent in elite circles.
I’m happy to let you know that many high schools not only fully teach trades, but are also working with state colleges encouraging kids to take college courses for high school + college credit at the same time.
This is especially convenient if you have bright kids, & on principle, you can’t shell out money for your kids high-level indoctrination with a clear conscious, AND you also don’t want to see them up to their eyeballs in student debt.
I have no issue whatsoever with learning trades. My post isn’t a snob post against the working class. I came up as an enlisted man in the military to start my career.
My point is twofold. We can’t complain about foreigners taking high paying STEM jobs if we are against our kids going to college. Americans can’t enter into the race if they don’t have the qualifications to even try out. (Again, not siding with the tech bros. I’m just very much against the dumb “don’t send your kids to college” nonsense.)
The other thing we can’t complain about as nationalists is that everyone in power is against nationalism, if we aren’t willing to put our kids into professions that can offer them a seat at the table (lawyers, business degrees etc).
The key is to teach your kids to be antifragile in their beliefs, to not be swayed by peer pressure, and to make good enough grades to get scholarships so that they don’t get into debt.
My point was simply that 2 years toward a 4-year college degree can often be knocked out during high school, free-of-charge.
And through the AP tests too. I started college as a junior.
Let’s be honest, anyone on our side who was holding Musk up as some champion of MAGA/free speech/whatever was hopelessly naive. All Trump and Musk represent is something less bad than the folks who openly hate us. If you’re wanting something more than that, you need to look elsewhere.
I can only shake my head at WN for being surprised that Musk and Vivek are not on our side. The Right is simply too easy to manipulate.
The “I told you so” bros are a stopped clock congratulating themselves for being right twice a day.
Maybe so. Too bad it doesn’t change the fact that the Right are often poor judges of character, and so psychologically weak that they will be swayed by the smallest bit of attention.
That’s a more defensible position.
That was fast! After getting elected, it is the custom for politicians to at least pretend to keep their promises. They shouldn’t overtly betray their voters immediately. Wait a decent interval – like six months – to June, maybe.
I wonder if Trump is going to pardon any of the J6-protestors, who are political prisoners, innocent of any crime. During the last 18 months, Trump repeatedly promised to pardon them all. But now that he has won?
No – probably not. Instead, he will pardon swindlers and gangsters, in exchange for cash bribes, just like he did during his first term. Trump is a regular politician, but less evil than Biden, Harris and Clinton.
If he doesn’t pardon the J6rs I am 100% done.
It’s the one thing he needs to do because there are no barriers for him to do it. The deportation thing will meet massive, entrenched and powerful opposition and it may fail because of that, but the only obstacle to a Presidential pardon is himself.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Trump isn’t even the President yet and many of his picks for cabinet look promising on a number of issues. Even Musk has somewhat walked back his comment on H1B. The wide and heavy flak that came the way of Ramaswamy and Musk was encouraging and in some cases surprising. We never expected more than missing a bullet by getting Trump elected but there are still hopes that we may do better than that. In the UK we probably have to wait 4 years just to maybe get the same chance
If Musk and ilk are such fans of Indians then they should move Twitter, Space X, Facebook etc to India and take the brown people here with them.
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