Editor’s Update
Our 2024 Fundraiser, the Counter-Currents Book Club, & Millenniyule 2024
Greg Johnson

You can buy Alain de Benoist’s Against Liberalism here.
697 words
1. Our 2020 Fundraiser
This year, Counter-Currents is struggling once again to make our annual fundraiser goal of $300,000. Thanks to our many generous donors, we are now at $218,161.92. Thank you.
The glass is 72.7% full. With the amount that has come in, I am confident that Counter-Currents will be able to do more of what we have done in 2024. But I’m afraid I am fixated on the 27.3% that remains empty. I’d be perfectly content with just doing more of the same, if I weren’t so ambitious. So let me share some of my ambitions for the new year, which are all contingent on getting closer to our goal.
First, I am amazed at how quickly AI text to voice programs have advanced over the past year. In the new year, I want to use such programs to (1) release audio books of all CC titles, (2) release audio versions of all new articles, (3) install a plugin that will allow people to make audio versions of all old articles as easily as they can produce printed versions of them, (4) configure our mobile site to read your playlists of CC articles while you are out and about, and (5), wherever possible, have the AI imitate the voice of the author.
Marian Van Court published a number of articles and interviews at Counter-Currents over the years. She died on April 14, 2019. Recently, I was contacted by a reader who wanted a sample of her voice. I sent him a link to one of Marian’s interviews with Arthur Jensen. He then sent back the following audio of one of Marian’s articles: “Cohousing.” I was amazed. Marian had returned.
Counter-Currents puts out texts in an increasingly post-literate world. Many smart and open-minded people just don’t have time to read as much as they or we would wish. Hence audio versions of all our books and articles would significantly increase our impact. How much would it cost to implement everything I have outlined? I’ve gotten an estimate of $20,000. It is worth it.
Second, in the new year, I’d like to sponsor more educational, networking, and community-building events. We design these events to break even, and sometimes they even make money. But in the post-Covid economic malaise, that has been increasingly difficult. We did two large events in 2023, and both lost money. Not a lot, but enough that we scaled back in 2024. Right now we have greenlighted two events for 2025. I’d like to do more, but it would be nice to have some money in the bank as a cushion. (Be sure to become a CC subscriber to be informed of events near you.)
Third, in 2025, emigration — especially mass deportations — will be a central topic of political debate. Sadly, our movement’s main site for immigration patriots, VDare.com, closed down this year due to lawfare. Thus I want to increase CC’s coverage of immigration, deportation, and related issues. To do that, we will need to have more money for paying writers.
If you want to help, now is the time. The year is almost over. Full details on how to help appear below. Thank you!
2. The Counter-Currents Book Club
The next meeting of the Counter-Currents Book Club is Saturday, December 21st. Greg Johnson and F. Roger Devlin will be discussing Alain de Benoist’s Against Liberalism, now out in English translation. You can order Against Liberalism here or, for faster delivery in the US, at Amazon.com.
Join us at noon Pacific/3 PM Eastern/9 PM Central European Time on:
- Odysee: https://odysee.com/@countercurrents/ccradio
- DLive: https://dlive.tv/Counter-Currents
- Send questions & donations to Entropy: entropystream.live/countercurrents
3. Millenniyule 2024
Millennial Woes’ Christmas Tradition, Millenniyule, has now started. Millenniyule is a marathon of livestream interviews with the people in our cultural and political scene from whom you want to hear, both veterans and promising newcomers. For the full schedule, check out Millennial Woes’ website.
4. How to Help Counter-Currents
There are many ways to donate, but the easiest is with an e-check donation. All you need is your checkbook.
You can explore all your donation options on our Donate page.
Remember: those who fight for a better world live in it today.
Thank you again for your loyal readership and generous support.
Greg Johnson
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Greg: donated online and upped my monthly giving. I need to get out of upvoting jail. What do I need to do?
Please explain your issue at [email protected]
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
It worked! Thanks!!🎄🎄🎄
Great. Thanks again. And Merry Christmas.
The AI audio thing is huge. I’ve been using the ElevenReader app to listen to C-C articles for the past few days and it’s really high quality.
I highly recommend downloading the app and setting it as a shortcut in the Share function in whatever browser you use. It’s only a few taps, very convenient.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks. I agree this could be huge. Fingers-crossed, we can fund it next year.
Great discussion! I thought I’d learned it all, only to discover: Munchhausen by Proxy, a “knock-off Counter-Currents site run by Jews,” and much more!
In reference to Greg’s comments, towards the end of the discussion, about the character of Middle Easterners, I’d like to post a link to T.E. Lawrence’s rant to Omar Sharif’s character at the watering hole about Arabs being “a silly people, a small people.” Haha.
The Best of Trevor Lynch should include his reviews of Cabaret and Breakfast at Tiffany’s. These are “must”s. Jared Taylor asked readers which columns he should include for If We Do Nothing, and the results contributed to making the collection a fine one. Perhaps a similar result would occur from polling readers about the planned Trevor Lynch volume.
I think, but am not sure, that “shot his wad” refers to firing a shotgun, whose cartridges contain ball bearings held in by a wad, which exits the barrel. In other words, you’re finished when you’ve shot your wad. If my grandmother used the expression, it’s most likely not vulgar.
“I think, but am not sure, that “shot his wad” refers to firing a shotgun, whose cartridges contain ball bearings held in by a wad, which exits the barrel. In other words, you’re finished when you’ve shot your wad. If my grandmother used the expression, it’s most likely not vulgar.”
Yes, the apt phrase definitely refers to a muzzle-loading rifle or smoothbore musket.
You have your gunpowder, flint or percussion cap, a patch (or wad), and for the projectile, either ball or “shot.” If you have a high-end setup, then the “ball” can be a fancy bullet like a Minié ball.
Unfortunately, we live in a Pornhub world instead of the “cap and ball” (oh dear) times of our ancestors ─ so if you say that one has “shot his bolt,” you might want to clarify that you are still talking about firearms (or wasted opportunities) and not something else.
I used to insist on using the word “Niggardly” when I thought something was particularly ungenerous. It got me into trouble on a work e-mail once in spite of having ready access to a good dictionary. The Scandinavian etymology of this N-word is nothing like what some people might think.
Also, using the word “whoring” is ill-advised these days if and when one is feeling exploited on the job. I can guarantee that the HR matron has never cracked open an actual dictionary in her life.
My Dad was an aerospace and nuclear engineer from the 1960s and basically redesigned the Space Shuttle solid rocket boosters (SRBs) for reliability before he retired. I can recall that he and his engineer colleagues used this pithy W-word often for some reason. It was like an abbreviated job description.
I remember a few years ago a public official in NYC got fired for using ‘niggardly’.
Small world: my dad was an aeronautical engineer in the ’60s.
Cool! You probably have some interesting stories to tell. I don’t have many because my Dad mostly did Top Secret stuff for government contractors. The Moon Landing was a pretty exciting time.
One of the last jobs that he did before retirement was a jet engine reliability study after the DC-10 crash at Sioux City, Iowa in 1989.
A fractured fan disk in the center engine of UA Fight 232 exploded and when it did it took out the triple-redundant hydraulic system on the DC-10 so that the crew had to crash land the plane into a corn field with almost zero control ─ but miraculously most of the passengers survived (LINK).
Anyway, the jet engines were made by General Electric and they were forced to remove and inspect all of the engines in their fleet which was going to be dauntingly expensive for a freak accident. They hired my Dad (reliability engineer) to figure out the problem and hopefully only replace the bad engines.
So he figured out a statistical model for random testing fan disk samples where only the blades from the bad batch from the key foundry and the engines using them were identified and replaced, thus saving the company from possible bankruptcy. Happy bottom line for the stockholders ─ oh, and Jeeves, do be sure to thank the hired help for us.
DM, thank you.
RE The Best of Trevor Lynch, I will take your suggestions seriously. I am leaning toward including only long reviews.
I am very pleased you like the Breakfast at Tiffany’s review. I was proud of that one. Before COVID, I met a wholesome young couple in Budapest at a showing of Breakfast in a small repertory theater. They loved the movie and mentioned that they were thinking of going to New York City on their honeymoon. I tried to convince them that NYC today is nothing like the film. In fact, if people want to get in a time machine and visit a more glamorous and white version of the past, New Yorkers would be better served by visiting Budapest.
RE shooting wads, I am sure that you are right. My grandmother also used the term, so it couldn’t be unsavory. But then again, she also used “coon’s age.” But maybe that’s savory too.
Another thing that Counter Currents should do (that I’ve thought for a while) is to get short clips from Greg Johnson, Angelo Plume, David Zsutty and others shared around on social media. This could be done using AI or even just volunteer efforts. Post the full videos to Odyssee. Some people can suggest time stamps, others can use CapCut to clip them. Have a Counter Currents Clips channel on Telegram, people can take the clips from there and then download, reupload to various social media platforms, especially X but others too.
There is so much gold on this site. I sometimes listen to old monologues/interviews Greg has done e.g. the ones on the Uppity White Folks is very useful imo.
The lack of clipping and distributing to social media is one of the main reasons this site is under appreciated. Lots of lower quality commentators on ‘our side’ do more clipping and reap the benefits.
Thanks, this is a good suggestion.
If you wish to make clips, you are free to do so.
If there are certain clips you’d like to suggest, can you send me links to the streams and also the time stamps?
My problem is that I am blacklisted from the big social media platforms and don’t have the time or inclination to invest much in posting on them.
Others who are more able to spread my clips and memes and willing to do so should get in touch.
Thanks, again, and Merry Christmas
Fax Over Some Recipes
And We’ll Be Fine
16 mins into his Woes chat, Greg coins the next great apparel slogan!
Thanks. Maybe we can put it on a mug.
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