The 2024 Counter-Currents Fundraiser
Last-Minute Ways to Help Counter-Currents This Christmas
Cyan Quinn
520 words
This year, Counter-Currents is raising $300,000 to fund our operations for 2025. So far, we have raised $230,161.92.
To everyone who’s already given, thank you so much for your generosity!
As Christmas approaches, we want to bring your attention to two ways of giving that also offer you something to gift in return to your loved ones.
Give the gift of knowledge
This one is easy and instant. Give a friend a subscription here and you will then both have access to discuss all the posts as they come out rather than waiting 30 days. His or her comments on articles will be posted immediately. They too will also be able to receive invitations to Counter-Currents events. Everything is better with a friend!
Give the gift of music
As part of his annual tradition, Jim Goad is offering his karaoke talents to help us reach our goal.
In Jim’s own words:
For the absurdly low price of $500, I will debase myself by performing a song of your choice live and on camera. But let’s not go bonkers — if it’s a song that I don’t even know and/or a song I don’t think I can handle, I’ll ask you to pick another song.
E-mail him at [email protected] to place your request. See other performances here.
A book bonus:
One of our supporters wants to help you give the gift of ideas to your friends, family, and neighborhood through little free libraries.
Any readers who want to participate can buy one book from Counter-Currents, plus pay shipping for the entire bundle, and receive up to five additional copies in paperback for free up to a maximum of $75 for the books to be donated per person.
- Instead of using our cart feature, please e-mail [email protected] with your order request so I can send you the total shipping cost for your bundle.
Read the full details here.
Lastly, for those of you celebrating the whole 12 days of Christmas, there is still time to win one of these limited edition mugs with any gift over $150.
The Counter-Currents Mug (Available in Ceramic Black or Travel White)
Like Janus, you can now start your day both facing the collective memory of mankind and peer into a pro-White future caffeinated and ready to go.
(Travel White)
The Jonathan Bowden Cultured Thug Mug (Available in Travel & Ceramic)
(Pictured front & back — single-sided optional if you prefer a more subtle, less violent mug for your commute.)
Two-Legged Goddess Goblet (Available in Travel White or Ceramic Black Versions)
This mug is inspired by Savitri Devi’s memoir Long Whiskers and the Two-Legged Goddess, or the True Story of a “Most-Objectionable Nazi” and . . . a Half-a-Dozen Cats. Featuring a photo from her collection of Long Whiskers himself. On the back is a quote from Savitri Devi about her beloved Long Whiskers.
For Extremists Only (Available in Travel White or Ceramic Black Versions)
Great British orator Jonathan Bowden will encourage the revolutionary in your life to read (Counter-Currents) every morning.
Note: If you’re outside the European Union or the United States and want to take advantage of this opportunity, please contact us for details on gift eligibility and shipping.
1 comment
I just tried to make a donation via the Green e-check, but received a “server error” message after I tried to submit the check. Is this a problem on my end or is there an issue with the e-check system?
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