Elon Musk, Wilmot Robertson, & the Question of White Immigration
Dave ChambersIn what has to rank among the least surprising discoveries of 2024, it has been revealed that Elon Musk, the world’s wealthiest man, is not a populist crusader, but is instead a self-interested globalist in search of cheap labor. Since Christmas, online political debate has centered around the H-1B visa controversy, with Musk loudly proclaiming his support for the program. Musk’s views on these visas could be attributed to greed alone, but I suspect that there is another factor at least partly responsible for his position on this particular issue.
On December 27, Musk posted a vulgar message to H-1B critics in which he threatened to “go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.” The backlash against the visa program clearly struck a nerve for the South African- born billionaire. Musk’s outburst demonstrates that, despite his professed American patriotism and presumably sincere opposition to leftwing anti-white rhetoric, he still, at some level, views himself as a foreigner, and identifies with other (overwhelmingly nonwhite) immigrants as much, if not more, than he does with native-born white Americans. Disturbingly, the billionaire tech CEO has been able to buy a great deal of influence with Trump and wants to use that influence to ensure his company will be able to continue replacing American workers.
Thus, what we have here is a foreigner who is attempting to put the interests of other foreigners over the interests of natives. Furthermore, Elon Musk may be a citizen, but he is not part of our nation.
It may seem counterintuitive for a White Nationalist to assert that someone like Musk is “not part of our nation.” After all, unlike fellow H-1B defender Vivek Ramaswamy, Musk is white. Is racial kinship not sufficient to make Musk one of us? I concede that one who wishes to make the case that Musk is a bona fide white American can find some supporting evidence in the words and deeds of America’s founding generation. The first Congress established procedures for the naturalization of “free white persons” with the passage of the Naturalization Act of 1790. Under this law, a white immigrant such as Musk might well obtain citizenship. Furthermore, in the second of the famous Federalist Papers, written in 1788, John Jay described Americans as “one united people” that was “descended from the same ancestors.” Here, common ancestry is referring not to a common ethnicity, but to broader racial kinship. Although the United States in the immediate aftermath of the Revolution was composed of former British colonies, it was not an ethnically homogeneous polity. The English were a majority, but there were other European groups already present including the Dutch, Irish, Scots-Irish, French Huguenots, Germans, and Swedes. Jay thought himself a full member of this “one united people” even though he was not an Anglo-Saxon, being instead of Dutch and Huguenot descent. Musk’s family is English and Dutch, which seems to make him every bit as American as John Jay.
But is this really so? Perhaps on paper it is, but in practice a white immigrant cannot become part of the American nation instantly upon arrival; he or she must assimilate into it. White or not, there is no such thing as “magic dirt.” An excellent account of how various white immigrant populations have assimilated into the American nation over time can be found within Wilmot Robertson’s classic treatise The Dispossessed Majority. Robertson argued that white America has a core population, which he refers to as “The Majority”, consisting mostly (but not entirely) of those of Northern European heritage, Nordic physical traits, and protestant religious convictions. While acknowledging the overwhelmingly British character of the founding generation of American whites, he did not define the Majority narrowly as “British” or “Anglo-Saxon”:
Granted that the genetic and cultural contribution of the British to American civilization was undeniably much more significant than that of any other single nation or group of nations, the British nevertheless are only one offshoot of a larger racial division to which tens of millions of other Majority members can claim kinship. Since Majority unity can never rest on national origins, which are inherently divisive, it might be appropriate for historians to stop treating the Majority past as a chronological patchwork of petty Old World rivalries, interlarded with tendentious sociological dogmas, and start treating it as a discrete genetic and cultural continuum. (pp. 70-71)
White ethnicities that were not originally part of the Majority were referred to as “white minorities” by Robertson. Importantly, he distinguished between the “assimilable” and “unassimilable” white minorities. Of assimilable white minorities he wrote that:
Geographically speaking, their countries of origin have been Ireland, France, the Slavic lands, and various Central European and Balkan states. Mostly descended from those who arrived in the mid-19th century and in later immigrant waves, Assimilated Minority members, owing to their unremote racial and cultural affinities to the Northern European or Nordic elements of the population, have largely been absorbed into the Majority demographic matrix. (p. 125)
Into the category of “unassimilable white minorities”, Robertson assigned groups such as the Southern Italians, Spanish, and Greeks. However, he adds the caveat that he is “speaking of frequencies not individuals” as “Obviously, there are unassimilable members of every Assimilated Minority and assimilable members of every Unassimilable White Minority.” (p. 146) According to Robertson, neither Alpine (as opposed to Nordic) subracial traits, nor recent entry into the country, nor a religious background other than Protestantism disqualifies a white immigrant from membership in the Majority. However:
What does retard or hinder assimilation is a combination of or, more precisely, a manifold of Alpinism, late arrival, religious and linguistic differences, a tradition of political absolutism and peonage and, in the case of the Slavic groups, an Eastern European rather than a Western cultural heritage. (p. 125)
So far, there still does not appear to be any insurmountable barrier to Musk’s membership in the white American nation. But Robertson goes on to make an observation that brings the “Musk problem” into fuller focus. Of naturalized whites, even those of Nordic stock, he remarked that:
No matter how closely he or she approximates the Majority racial and cultural norm, the newcomer, as opposed to the latecomer, almost always retains some traces of minority consciousness- a consciousness which he often manages to pass on to his children and sometimes, depending on its intensity, to his grandchildren. (pp. 126-127)
Is Musk one of the rare immigrants who is capable of fully assimilating? The answer is a resounding “no.” It is quite apparent that the pronouncements Musk has made over the past week are an expression of his minority consciousness in action. Assimilation takes time, often generations, and it involves not only the alteration of outward behavior, but a shift in the way that one views oneself. In the case of Elon Musk, no such change has taken place. Therefore, he cannot rightly be considered part of our nation. Seen in this light, Musk’s behavior makes sense; far more puzzling is the willingness of the American nation to allow such an obviously unassimilated immigrant to attain such power.
While white immigration is certainly preferable to nonwhite immigration, it can still be dangerous depending on the circumstances. It is imperative that political power remain solely in the hands of members of the nation, i.e., those who have assimilated into the core population- what Robertson called “the Majority.” At one time, this was well understood. The Johnson-Reed Immigration Act of 1924 severely restricted white as well as nonwhite immigration. The pace of European immigration throughout the preceding decades was unsustainable if an American national identity was to flourish, and this well-crafted piece of legislation ensured that the Majority would be given time to assimilate the newcomers. Permitting the Majority to be overrun by unassimilated Europeans with conflicting identities and divided loyalties would have been disastrous for social cohesion and national unity.
Should a white ethnostate come into being on this continent, it too will need to set an immigration policy. Such policy must not be one of “open borders for all white people.” The interests of the native population ought to come first, and their wages must not be undercut by migrants willing to work for less. We do not want our descendants to be replaced- not even by other whites. Finally, an emphasis must be placed on assimilation There should be quotas determining how many immigrants will be admitted in a given period, and dual citizenship cannot be permitted.
Although individuals of many different European nationalities have been successfully assimilated into the White American nation, we are not just “generic white people.” Our unique culture and traditions must be protected, and this necessitates not only the complete and permanent prohibiiton of nonwhite immigration, but also strict limits on white immigration. A nation of Elon Musks is no nation at all.
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I think the main problem is not that Musk isn’t American enough, it’s that Musk, because of his position as a massive industrialist, tied into a lot of government contracts, with enormous business pressures on him, is not that sensitive to long term white interests in the way we are. It’s a far lower abstract priority when it comes to actual policy.
Given the choice between more economic growth as he perceives it, and white well being in the future, he’ll choose economic growth every time.
So I think someone has to start saying economic growth can’t be the final decider of everything. But it’s unthinkable to a lot of people, especially a lot of these milquetoast conservative types, many of which are cheering on Musk and his millions of based pajeets as a great conservative victory for values and common sense over the ‘SOCIALISM’ of the Dems.
What we are going to end up with here is pathetic battle of who’s immigrants are most salable to the masses of morons. It is the Democrats’ or Trump’s ? But it is just a selling point, the reality will be no different one way or the other.
Certainly, there is a brown professional revolution happening anyway. Musk is just one aspect of that.
Musk is pretty thoroughly deep state; what it wants, he wants (or at least pretends to):
They want the Great Replacement, and his billions (and possibly his life) ain’t gonna be safe if he goes off script.
Side note: Why has no one complained that he doesn’t capitalize white? I got an earful in my comments about only capitalizing races by country or region (eg, East Asian) but nobody has said one word about him doing the same. Odd.
Happy to oblige! I always capitalize White when referring to my race, instead of a color of, say, paint. White is my identity, not my “color” — and I am proud to be capital “W” White. Our various (and many) enemies are trying to negate our identity and erase our gene pool; and one of their cheap psychological warfare tactics is to capitalize the “B” in black, when referring to that race, while simultaneously asserting that White people don’t even have an identity — just “unearned privilege” due to having a lighter skin tone than the, ahem, “global majority”. Thus, the lowercase “w”.
In conclusion, the very least we can do as White identitarians is capitalize the word WHITE.
I posted my response to the capitalization question in Corax’s most recent essay.
I understand that, but what puzzled me is that nobody seemed to complain about Chambers using the same lower case white style.
Using the lowercase for both “white” and “black” is suggested on the Counter-Currents style guide, so that’s what I use when I submit something for CC.
Dave Chambers: January 3, 2025 Using the lowercase for both “white” and “black” is suggested on the Counter-Currents style guide, so that’s what I use when I submit something for CC.
To each his or her own, Dave. May the most dignified style guide prevail. ;o}
I thought that was probably the case, re the recommendation of the Counter-Currents style guide. (Jim Goad, for example, does not capitalize it; and he is unerringly correct in his grammar and usage.) That is why I quit posting the above sermonette after every single article I read, wherein the author used a lowercase “w” for White people. I’m sure I was quite tedious about it when I first started reading this webzine. Personally, I always capitalize it for political reasons.
I’m skeptical about this. If Musk’s problem is that he’s fresh off the boat, then what about WASP CEOs who sell out American workers? Their only loyalty is to their wallets.
As for Musk himself, his latest act is quite perplexing. He’s one of the richest guys in the world, yet the prospect of having to pay IT professionals what they’re worth makes him react like a toddler whose pacifier has been snatched away. Does he have any idea of how he makes himself look with that?
There are many reasons why rich, powerful individuals oppose immigration restriction.
The Democrats want voters, the Republicans want cheap labor, and unassimilated immigrants have a chip on their shoulder.
But most historical examples of rich, powerful Americans who opposed immigration have been old-stock WASPs like Henry Cabot Lodge Senior.
unassimilated immigrants have a chip on their shoulder.
Why would Musk have a chip on his shoulder about anything? He’s the richest man in the world.
But most historical examples of rich, powerful Americans who opposed immigration have been old-stock WASPs like Henry Cabot Lodge Senior.
And yet they lost because they were a patriotic minority outnumbered by a treacherous majority who sold the country out just as soon as our fellow Whites gave them moral cover after WWII.
I imagine this H1B betrayal must be extraordinarily painful for White men. You ultimately have noone to blame but yourselves. The whole White movement will be better and stronger once you face the facts. Musk isn’t Jewish, and he has assimilated just fine into White American culture. Indeed, he embodies it. White Christians were Trump’s most reliable constituency by far, while White “nones” voted more like Black men than other Whites. (71% to 78%). White women still voted for Trump, despite all the predictions that we would turn against the Republicans over the increasingly irrelevant abortion issue. It’s all in the CNN exit polls.
I’m not going to start blathering about “male nature” or “male reproductive strategy” or anything like that, though I’m certainly tempted, but I really don’t want to hear any more about repealing the 19th Amendment or reinstating property qualifications or any other such nonsense. If this doesn’t put an end, once and for all, to that ridiculous blather, nothing ever could or will do so.
Here you thought you had an exemplary, patriotic, accomplished White man to be your advocate, even your hero. But no, he is a psychopath like the rest of the White male elite. I should have known when he made everyone RTO five days a week for no reason other than his own greed and obsession with power. Worse, he has actually threatened to go to “war” over the H1B issue. I’m assuming that doesn’t include a principled support for free speech on Twitter, but I’m not even going to get started on that, for now…
Indeed, he’s certainly disappointing with this. What gets me is how he’s threatening to mete out some dire, unspecified punishment. Who elected Musk again?
So you think Musk’s advising Germans to support the AFD would be less idealogical and rank opportunism; Alice Weidel would be the cherry on the cake for him? He did mention her and her partner by name, implying they and the party are actually quite progressive, didn’t he? And Musk’s personal life has recently become rather polygamous, immediately picked up on by a Christian man interviewed on a podcast with similar views as this website. I can see what you may be implying when you mention male reproductive strategy and psychotic types rising to the top. Certainly would not be catholic marriage would it?
Not that I’m trying to repeal the 19th Amendment (!!??), but white women did NOT overwhelmingly vote for Trump.
Per those CNN stats, white men DID vote overwhelmingly for Trump: 60% to 38%, 22 percentage points.
White women voted for Trump at 53% to 46%, 7 points. Trump got more support from “Latino men”: 54% to 44%, 10 points.
But I guess I have to accept condemnation based on your point about Elon Musk. I really thought his take would be more like Spencer J. Quinn’s in his recent article. I was never fooled by Vivek, though.
His actions are not perplexing being but “a toddler in a tantrum”. The wallets they serve and their projects are not perplexing either nor the least bit surprising. The recent agreement on the Bill, by both parties to prevent a govt. shutdown were undone by Musk and his public display of resentment to it blaming certain spending programs as unacceptable to include child cancer research, which only then stirred the interest of president elect in the rejection. The true motive for his resentment was the inclusion of a hi-tech sensitive information restriction for China (and Tesla) which has now been dropped or excluded (for our benefit).
With Musk being South African one would think that he’d be sympathetic towards our cause. Is anyone familiar with how his family stood on the Apartheid question?
Devon Stack makes a very persuasive case that Musk is at least 1/2 “fellow white”, which explains a lot.
Devon Stack calls everybody Jewish, including those who are not. Two examples are Peter Thiel and Bruce Springsteen. According to Wikipedia, Thiel grew up in an evangelical household and still holds vaguely Christian beliefs, despite his gayness. I don’t think there were that many Jews in Germany in the 1960s when he was born.
Springsteen’s name is Dutch, not Jewish (note the spelling). Central New Jersey, where he is from, was originally settled by the Dutch in the 1600s, and there are still people there with Dutch names. He gets his Mediterranean schnozz and coloring from his Italian-American mother.
Musk’s maternal grandfather, Joshua Haldeman (according to Wikipedia–yeah, I know), was born in Minnesota, presumably of American parents, and after moving to South Africa in 1950 supported apartheid. So Musk ought to have some sympathies for our cause.
Another question to ask would be “didn’t Indians play a role in ending apartheid?”
Gandhi, (The supremacist also disliked Indians who they referred to as “Sammy’s”)
ncleapyear: January 1, 2025 Musk’s maternal grandfather, Joshua Haldeman… after moving to South Africa in 1950 supported apartheid. So Musk ought to have some sympathies for our cause.
Apartheid in southern Africa in 1950 still worked, still kept the peace for the most part so was still defensible, as was racial segregation in the U.S. South back then. We cannot live in close proximity to Blacks in 2025, exploiting them as we did 75 years ago. Never again. It will not work! We must have geographical separation of determined eligible elements of our race from other races if we are to preserve our gene pool. Fact!
Musk knows. He’s not stupid. Ten years ago he said this:
I think demographics is a real issue. People are not having kids in a lot of countries. And very often people will say, “We’ll solve it with immigration.” But immigration from where? Many parts of Europe have an average birthrate of only 50 or 60 per cent. of what’s needed for replacement. Or China for that matter — they’re at 50 per cent. of the replacement rate. Where, exactly, are we going to find 600 million people to replace the ones that were never born?
Add the word racial in front of his word demographics and he is for practical purposes a race-thinker. All we’ve needed is one multi-billionaire backing our cause and the war is half won. Instead, he’s jumped on the Trump train for now, but he knows. He continued:
I think if you were to state the threats to civilization, the lack of people is obviously a threat to civilization. We are going to face, in the mid part of this century, and particularly in the latter part of this century, a demographic implosion the likes of which we have never seen — including the Black Plague…
Was he referring to what plagued Europe in the 14th century or the plaque of Blacks today?
Another threat to civilization is religious extremism — obviously a concern. If that grows over time — particularly if it’s a form of anti-science, anti-technology Luddite religious extremism — then it’s an obvious threat.
I won’t mention the third threat to civilization.
He already did, if facetiously, mentioning the Black plague. Source: The Challenges We Face: An Open Letter to Elon Musk | National Vanguard
Musk’s father Errol was staunchly opposed to Apartheid and was active in political parties that called for it’s end.
In that case, I hope old Errol is living among his good buddies in Soweto, preferably in a house without burglar bars or a fortified entry system.
Even if we immigrated the smartest of each group, IQ colorblind nationalism does not work at all. Personality, behavior, and morals are which are rooted in genetics to a certain degree play a big role in some cultures being superior to others. IQ is not everything when you take into account nonwhites such as Jews, Chinese, and Koreans see Whites as an outgroup that they lack kinship with. East Asians on average may be smarter than Whites but they lack the creativity, individualism, and willingness to question that status quo which is a unique trait among Caucasians. Globalists and White corporate elitists have a high intellect but they are traitors and cowards who want to turn America and the West into multicultural commercial empires.
If my ancestors had even a fraction of Elon’s attitude they would have been rightfully deported back to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in two seconds. This H1B migrant needs to sit down and listen.
Musk is an elitist globalist tech bro, who poses a great danger to our peoples. An everywhere man, he places no value on white culture, beauty and heritage, seeing different parts of the western world as mere economic zones.
So sick of that man.
The last paragraph in this piece reminded me of how the country was described in the democrat platform for this election. It claimed there was no white culture and that we will rightfully become a minority soon enough. I am disappointed in the histrionics from Musk, but I think he has wisely toned it down in retrospect. He may need to make a decision to step back from his business interests if he’s going to work with DOGE. If he thinks migrants are more efficient in a professional environment he hasn’t worked with the ones I have. Most of the ones I work with are stationed in India. I’m sure they like it this way so they can live like royalty there. As it stands, musk is not the biggest employer of this visa class, but he has outsized influence on policy. We’ll have to see how this plays out.
The battle against the illegal immigration appeared to be hopelessly lost just a couple months ago, and now at the very first vague glimpse of a ray of hope you are already antagonizing the only people that we hope are about to change something about this, even before they had a chance to get into the office and start this difficult uphill battle.
You may have the best arguments on the H1-B, but I don’t think that you have the correct timing. What is the point of attacking this bridge when the illegals can still come in without a problem?
I just don’t see how this is a winning strategy at this moment. I see it as an opportunity for the left to not only get its way with the H1-B but to also jeopardize any plans with the illegals.
The battle is against White replacement period. If every illegal was rounded up and deported today, but Musk gets his way and legal immigration is exponentially increased, then we lose. In fact, legal immigration is a greater threat than illegal immigration.
Further, I don’t see how confronting the tech lobby on the H-1B issue now will undermine future efforts by the Trump administration to deport illegals. Deportations are already popular, so much so that it was Trump’s main campaign promise, and the GOP cannot afford to abandon the issue without alienating its White populist base. The metapolitical battle to normalize the idea of mass deporting all illegals has been won. I believe that now is the time to shift the Overton window further and normalize the idea of a total immigration moratorium.
I don’t see how confronting the tech lobby on the H-1B issue now will undermine future efforts by the Trump administration to deport illegals.
The tech lobby arguably has much more influence on the Trump administration than any of us debating here.
Yes, a metapolitical battle has been won, and kudos to all who made it possible. Anyone can mention the immigration subject without immediately being shuttled to Siberia. But the battle for repatriating the illegals is yet to begin. Not a single illegal has been sent away yet, and the left has already prepared an army of lawyers, judges, and fretting activists ready to drag each individual case into a years long legal hassle, until another administration will come in to revert everything. Don’t say hop before you jumped the fence.
America is the third location for Musk. He is here because business conditions are optimal for his objectives. If, and even when, China provided optimal conditions he goes there. It is funny, how on the sports teams where they import players whose genetic fast-twitch muscle fiber give them advantages, the We who used to play on them, don’t win. They get cut and no longer get to play, collect obscene salaries and endorsement deals.
We need to call him out that he doesn’t see America as a sports team. He sees the biomass that populates this dirt as sports fans. If you are childish/infantile enough to identify yourself as him through him or Tesla or SpaceX or Starlink or the brainchip thing, and I know many manchildren who do, then you get to pretend that you are winning even as you and your children are losing.
Musk is a rootless cosmopolitan. He never had any compunction about lying nor about being a libertarian who has well earned his nickname as the subsidy truffle hound. He is a psychopathic liar. I used to think his quote saying that solar panels are as energy dense and efficient as nuclear fission power plants was his most absurd and patently false claim. Second was his claim that CAGW is a real problem – all to promote his car fleet replacement scheme that is massively environmentally destructive and likely totally impractical from a material scarcity perspective.
Not anymore. My new favorite is this distillation of his intellectual genius he expects us to believe. “In order for America to defeat Asia we have to import countless Asians to replace Americans in the fight.” – Elon Musk 12/25/2024
And this is the greatest genius of our time. This shameless liar will not save us. In our new state, we will punish traitors like this the way we did in more traditional incarnations of our civilization.
What is his genius, exactly? I don’t follow these matters too closely. Is he a brilliant computer coder? An inventor? I can’t recall hearing him say anything especially clever, but I’m assuming his intellectual gifts are more quantitative than verbal.
Maybe he’s more of a Steve Jobs type, brilliant at perceiving entrepreneurial opportunities (though in the case of Jobs, he really contributed something through honest competition in the free market; Elon is a government subsidy whore).
That is a great question. I subscribe to the ACM and the IEEE periodicals and have access to the entire literature of patents and papers. I haven’t found a single paper where Musk has made even an interesting paper that sparked some other breakthrough. I have seen articles where his brother says how prodigious Musk was and cited his work on Z-Maps. I know what Elon did. It was a hack. At the same time Musk accessed his little map feed and hacked together a city map a real luminary was in Microsoft labs in San Francisco doing groundbreaking work on geo-spatial databases. His name was Jim Gray. Mr. Gray is a decorated computer scientist whose work is cited frequently in the realm of CS and applications of CS to databases, file systems and storage engines. Sadly, Mr. Gray disappeared in 2012. He went out sailing by himself, not a genius move, in SF Bay and was declared dead in absentia.
Who am I to believe? Musk’s star struck, and I think innumerate, brother? Or citations and applications of research that actually enable one to store maps. Coincidentally, the data structures and algorithms used to represent maps in memory in real time and track drivers and passengers, (R-Trees, Segment Trees, Quad Trees … …), are not inventions of Musk either. So yeah, what exactly has Iron Man’s contribution been to engineering?
We never talk about Gray. We never talk about Claude Shannon, Dennis Ritchie, Jim Gosling, Eric Metcalfe and on and on and on and on.
Linus Torvalds is a bit more of a household name, and his contribution is far more important than anything Musk ever did as a engineer. Why isn’t he venerated more than Musk? Even the psychopath Eric Schmidt at least contributed to compilers and regular expression engines. It is all Musk Musk Musk Musk. As we say in the software industry, there is a smell here.
Supposedly Musk was Chief Scientist at Space X and designed the rocket. That is B.S. In a recent job I worked with several ex Space Xers. Musk’s genius there was assembling an all-star cast of the top rocket scientists and gave them the freedom from the anti-White Civil Rights regime to engineer the self landing rocket that coincidentally was designed and theoretically proven and even tested by NASA in the 70s. It didn’t die due to lack of engineering. It died to to anti-White government priorities. (check out Paul Kersey’s “Whitey On The Moon”). Musk didn’t invent that. All of the ex Space Xers I knew said that Musk is not doing the engineering there.
Another thing interesting about Space X is that he has a female CEO who prattles on endlessly about diversity. Basically, every time you scratch the surface on Musk, you end up with more questions than answers, and you always find direct contradictions. Is he against DIE? Then why is his Space X CEO all for it? Is he for America? Then why is he proposing the dissolution of its middle class and its core ethnos and importing a new ethnic elite?
That doesn’t even account for guys like Vivek who is a fraud. Why is Musk consorting with him on DOGE? A corrupt to the core ethno-narcissist is responsible for ending fraud and corruption in government, and Musk is teaming up with him?
I think we need to push on all of this. The Civil Rights Regime is anti-White and it has punished us for decades. Yet, Trump puts a Pajeet in charge of it and one who basically used the RNC to declare cultural supremacy by declaring her and her people’s God the one true God. I want a White man in charge of ending anti-White discrimination. When are we going to be like Jews. No Jew would ever permit a Muslim or a White or a pajeet to be in charge of ending campus, “anti-semitism.”
What is wrong with us? The same is true of the FBI. The FBI is persecuting Christians and White men. Why is a pajeet in charge of its reform? They have no incentive to take the boot off of our neck. It is good that all of this is in the open. These are legitimate questions and we need to keep asking them on X and to our representatives over and over and over again. This is the last stand before dissolution and retreat to redoubts are the only path forward for us. In that case, probably only about 30% of us at best will choose survival.
I am rambling. In short, good questions. Musk has generated a lot of hype as Iron Man. He runs six companies. How is that possible? Maybe it is. It all seems dubious to me. As dubious as Vivek’s relatives being the one clinical trial that passed and Musk being the richest man in the world based on stock market valuation, and the entire EEV fleet conversion as a solution to a non problem. Let’s keep asking the good questions.
Thank you for your considered response. Obviously, you know a lot about the tech field (I don’t, although I work somewhat adjacent to it). But my ‘take’ from your response is that you yourself don’t quite know what Musk’s genius is. If Musk is neither a brilliant mathematician, nor engineer, nor coder, then it must be as an entrepreneur. But even there, his talent seems to be accurately discerning where Federal money is likely to be flowing, and then starting companies that capture some of that flow.
But again, I really don’t know, which is why I asked. I also don’t know how Vivek made all his money, but am less interested (it smells, however).
The weird thing is the sudden prominence of all these Punjabis over the past year or so: Vivek, Nikki Haley, JD Vance’s wife, Kash Patel proposed to head up the FBI, Sriram Krishnan, probably others I’m forgetting. I agree – why can’t the Chump just choose a bunch of hardheaded and iron-fisted white men (at least like the new border czar Tom Homan, if not tougher)? I smell the influence of his too clever by half children. But who knows, really? It’s still better than the Kamala alternative.
Yes. Real-deal Iron-man prodigy Palmer Luckey said, “Elon’s biggest gift seems to be anticipating where government spending is going to be increasing and positioning himself with an enterprise that will capitalize on it.” We are making the same point. For me, it is important because we must shatter the myth that Musk is the CEO/monarch who will save us, and we must see him as yet another post-Cold War opportunist – granted one who is very gifted at commanding engineering talent and government subsidies to produce real things.
One explanation for the sudden rise of the political power of subcontinental Dravidians in America may be Stephen Steinlight’s call for another ethnic faction to ally with Asians to divide and conquer. I doubt that is the entire story. They are rising because they now have the ability to bribe their way into power all on their own and they are doing so. There is also the GAE to consider. The GAE probably horse trades with rising and counter-balancing powers like India. ‘For our alliance against China and nuclear non-proliferation agreements you can own our hotel and gas station retail franchises. Oh and since we destroyed our education system and don’t want to dismantle its propaganda and patronage utility, your education system can feed our software industry with cheap and loyal labor. We’ll split the remittances.’
One thing we must do as a stateless people is take matters into our own hands. Just as India saw technical education as a path to increasing wealth and power we too should do so. We’ll get farther creating our own talent feeder mechanism and being of service to our people. With far less money, we can equip our young in trades including STEM trades and feed them to our new industrialists first. Any surplus we can then imitate the Dravidian tech mafia and compete with them by supplying our own people.
A bit of a tangent, but this is the way we need to start thinking and then acting.
Elon apparently now has 12 children, of whom 3 were born to his girlfriend Shivon Zilis, an Asian Indian:
Zilis, is a top executive at another of Musk’s companies, the brain-chip startup Neuralink. The 36-year-old works in the capacity of Director of Operations and Special Projects. Though Shivon was born in Canada, her mother, Sharda, hails from India. Zilis acknowledged her ethnicity in a 2015 interview with USA Today, saying she “pretty much turned out white,” probably alluding to her physical attributes. She did, however, give credit to her Punjabi background for her big eyes, implying a link to her mother’s Indian roots.
Maybe Elon should join the old order version of the Mormon religion. He’d fit right in:
Musk became a dad again in early 2024. He welcomed baby No. 12 — whose name has yet to be disclosed — with Zilis. Later that year, a source told PEOPLE that Musk and Grimes are looking for a home in Bel Air where they can live with all of his children and their mothers.
So he is a degenerate. He sews his oats with low-borns and cavorts about with them living as a hippy. It just keeps getting better and better. He sounds more Saudi than Northern European.
Stronza: January 2, 2025 Elon apparently now has 12 children, of whom 3 were born to his girlfriend Shivon Zilis, an Asian Indian… [who has said] she “pretty much turned out white”…
Thanks for that. One does not “pretty much turn out White” if she has an Asian indian mother.
Australia began with English or British race patriotism and a White Australia Policy. This changed to mass immigration for Whites, and then to no White Australia Policy, and then to mass immigration for non-Whites, which is erasing the White majority.
Mass immigration for Whites was harmful because the masses of newcomers from lands far from England wanted to overthrow the Anglo-Saxons politically and demographically. To do this they readily entered into political associations with non-Whites, and encouraged non-White mass immigration. A “multicultural” political body was always an antiwhite political body because it was an anti-Anglo body first.
The politically active “multicultural” Whites showed no fear of destroying the White Australian majority; the “multicultural” immigrants had White countries of their own were that were not affected by these bad policies. From the point of view of the politically active “multicultural” Whites they were giving away what was not theirs but the property of the Anglo-Saxons who stood in the way of the ascendancy of non-Anglo immigrants, and “multicultural” new Australians were gaining allies.
Dave Chambers’ cautious attitude is abundantly justified.
After clumsily betraying and insulting hordes of native MAGAn tribesmen, it may be the end of the political trail for The Loan Arranger and His Faithful East Indian Companion.
I’m not sure Musk’s perfidy requires such an elaborate response. The fact that Musk is White doesn’t change the fact that he has no racial loyalty to his own Whiteness. If Musk had entered a country with a strong White Nationalist culture, his perfidy on matters of ethnic invasion and White American worker displacement would likely not have occurred at all.
Everyone in the White Nationalist sphere knows that some Whites are not racially loyal. Some are actively disloyal and others are merely indifferent to their Whiteness.
But that doesn’t make them any less ‘White’.
It just means that the interests of racially disloyal Whites have to take a back-seat to that of racially loyal Whites within any White Nationalist organization, including a future White Nationalist state.
Come on, guys, give it a break. Elon is currently attacking the Labour Establishment non-stop over the Pakinstani gang rape cover up. He might almost single-handedly trigger a reckoning, I had no longer hoped for. It is truly epic and I love every minute of it! Like a vampire hunter, he drives our deeply corrupt elites out of their dark chambers into the sunlight and lets them crumble to dust. Woe betide his opponents! He gives hope to the powerless and betrayed! Now rumours are spreading the UK might even be sanctioned by the US over the treatment of Tommy Robinson\the cover up of child abuse. Glorious!
The comments here over the last few days, on the other hand, reek more and more of envious Incelforum. He is even a degenerate? What have you all done for white girls so far? Women chase after him because he loves them, wants children with them, affirms life and has an adventurous heart. And whats more, he strikes fear into the hearts of my biggest foes, the European agents of the great replacement.
“Come on, guys, give it a break. Elon is currently attacking the Labour Establishment non-stop over the Pakinstani [sic] gang rape cover up.”
Yes, Musk deserves credit for saying this (on Twatter):
In the UK, serious crimes such as rape require the Crown Prosecution Service’s approval for the police to charge suspects. Who was the head of the CPS when rape gangs were allowed to exploit young girls without facing justice? Keir Starmer, 2008 -2013
I wrote an extensive response examining and disagreeing with this paragraph:
Should a white ethnostate come into being on this continent, it too will need to set an immigration policy. Such policy must not be one of “open borders for all white people.” The interests of the native population ought to come first, and their wages must not be undercut by migrants willing to work for less. We do not want our descendants to be replaced- not even by other whites. Finally, an emphasis must be placed on assimilation There should be quotas determining how many immigrants will be admitted in a given period, and dual citizenship cannot be permitted.
It’s not here. What happened to it? Did it not go through? I ‘ve been having some problems lately with my internet service provider. But another shorter comment on this thread did go through.
Do people like musk with too much money ever have like, a hobby or something? That’s not chipping people’s brains and being a snarky little prick on X? Just business and money and more business on trash heaps of more money. How is it any different than gold-collar hoarding? Instead of cat shit, it’s expensive shit. God, these insufferable people are so goddamn boring! You’d think billionaires would just settle down in Aspen or Jupiter Island with an escort service like normal people. I’m so sick of seeing these ugly drones like that little worm vivek and their twaddle.
Stronza: January 3, 2025 “Come on, guys, give it a break. Elon is currently attacking the Labour Establishment non-stop over the Pakinstani [sic] gang rape cover up.”…
Good for him. How difficult is it to be critical of invasive Pakistani gangs raping White girls?
Musk is not only a race mixer — thanks for pointing that out — but despite his billions and claiming to be a “free speech absolutist” he is obligated to Jewry. Considering his recent, so-called public feud with the Anti-Defamation League of B’ad B’reath, when our Jewish watch dogs tell him to jump, he jumps.
The closest I’ve come to social media is commenting here on C-C — never on Twitter (now Musk’s X), or Faceberg, or all the rest of those <ahem!> “free speech” platforms that ban us. A year ago our National Alliance Media Director, Kevin Strom, made a positive comment on X about Cosmotheism. The ADL picked up on it and whined to their boy, Elon, what Kevin had “tweeted” on X as “funding hate.” Kevin was permanently banned without a hearing from X by Elon as a result of this appearing on the ADL’s site:
Another premium account that appears to belong to neo-Nazi Kevin Strom encouraged users to join the Cosmotheist Church, calling it “a new religion for White people.” The Cosmotheist Church was the brainchild of William Pierce, founder of the neo-Nazi group National Alliance. Shop and donate links on the National Alliance and National Vanguard websites take users to a Cosmotheist Church site to complete their transactions. The National Alliance website says, “Click here to easily donate online to the Cosmotheist Church, the parent and spiritual basis of all our work.”
“Hate” is whatever the busybody Jew defines as hate, but especially anything that describes what Jews do. Cosmotheism is for Whites and does not mention Jewish perfidy, yet the ADL told Elon we are using his X to “fund hate.”
The so-called hate that Kevin was “funding” on X is this “tweet”:
Young Whites are drugging and killing themselves in terrifying numbers. More than the drugs themselves, the cause is a lack of meaning in their lives and a culture of anti-White hate. The antidote is Cosmotheism, a new religion for White people. If you care about our people, you should look into Cosmotheism as a spiritual path for us.
What are Jews so afraid of? Source: https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/12/em-elon-musk-economic-man/
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