Government Efficiency
Sir Keir Starmer and his Labour government have taken far too much flak for my liking, and it’s time to defend the old school tie and point out Labour’s successes since a handful of people tore themselves away from daytime TV to vote them into office in July. After a string of electoral losses to Nigel Farage’s Reform UK at local level, Labour were facing another round of defeats in similar elections next May, and have come up with a foolproof plan to avoid these drubbings at the ballot box. Like all the best plans, it is brilliantly simple. Don’t have the elections.
Labour have announced plans to postpone elections next year on the pretext that a local council scheduled for border redistribution cannot hold elections while such a change is in progress, and this has suddenly become their plan for several such councils. Even that shifting of council ward frontiers, as always, represents dirty work at the crossroads in electoral terms. “Gerrymandering” sounds like an American sports commentator, but is in fact the political practice of changing electoral boundary lines to give advantage to the party in power through shifting traditional voting blocs. Thankfully, this degraded tactic is not the motive here, simply the avoidance of defeat for a government currently acting like a wounded animal struggling uphill.
Moving to the judicial system, Labour have also streamlined the court process. During the August riots, while white British people were being marched to court and then jail for social media posts so fast that their racist, Islamophobic feet didn’t touch the ground, there has been a bit of a delay in setting dates for three major trials involving non-whites. This is typical of racist Britain, where whites get everything before non-whites because of their white privilege. I know this, because I have been told by black people (who are always infinitely knowledgeable) and their white accomplices in ideological blackface.
The trials of the suspect in the Southport murders of three little girls, the black Muslim convert charged with a near-fatal attack on a white soldier, and a black Labour councillor who allegedly told a crowd that those on the “far Right” are “are disgusting, Nazi fascists, and we should cut all their throats” (how “alleged” can that be, unless this video [0:15] is a deep fake?), have all been scheduled for the same day. This is to be applauded. If the court is in session, why not get through as many cases in the same sitting as possible? More government efficiency, do you see? And to save the media the trouble of reporting on these contentious trials, all three are taking place on January 20. It’s not as though there is much of importance going on that day. The BBC are planning to cover Trump’s inauguration to the exclusion of all else.
So, under the Starmer junta, if a trial is politically inconvenient, the date of the hearing can be shuffled around to suit the government and avoid MSM scrutiny. Starmer has just played a three-card trick. Why not make it four? The two Muslim men accused of attacking police officers at Manchester Airport – allegedly breaking the nose of a female copper, or, as Muslims usually phrase it, “a chat with the wife” – have finally been charged, although a court date has yet to be set. Might I suggest January 20? The UK could even rename this day in line with the various other “International Days” of this, that or the other pile of meaningless crap. “National Politically Inconvenient Court Case Day” doesn’t have much of a ring to it, but it will do.
Next, political donations. Boy, do they need tidying up now a Leftist government is in charge. There has been much talk of Elon Musk brassing up £100 million to Reform, and up with this Starmer will not put. Lucy Powell – good political surname in the past, but not this time – is one of many genuinely thick women Stalin 2.0 has in his government, and she has “suggested” that the law may be changed to block Musk’s largesse. Foreigners are not allowed to donate to British political parties as the law stands, but may do so via UK-registered companies they own. Musk’s Tesla – beloved by Leftists for its green ideals before the doge of DOGE hooked up with Trump – operates extensively in the UK, and so any such donation would be legal. But Musk is not George Soros, and actually wishes Britain well, so therefore his money is seen as dirty and tantamount to election interference. You read that right; The same Labour Party who sent over 100 campaigners to America to campaign for yet another gormless woman in the recent US election, in clear contravention of US law, are now bitching about election interference. As Michael Caine so memorably said in Get Carter; Stroll on.
Despite polls showing that he is the least popular PM in Britain for a very long time, one chart Starmer is topping is the pop chart. A song called Freezing this Christmas is a cover of Lonely this Christmas, a maudlin piece of Elvis impersonation from a 70s band called Mud, and refers to Labor’s decision to cut winter fuel allowances for pensioners. The BBC have helped Starmer out by refusing to play the single, despite its being at Number 1. The BBC are often referred to as “Britain’s state broadcaster”. It won’t be long until the word “state” has a capital S.
The Prince of Dorkness
One of many irritating traits of the British MSM is their ascription of some stupid nickname to public figures. Lord Peter Mandelson was a key part of the Blair Labour government, from which he had to resign twice due to financial irregularities. As he is credited with being the first person to whom the phrase “spin doctor” was applied, the newspapers have always referred to him as “the Prince of Darkness”. This is a little like nick-naming Pee-Wee Herman “Darth Vader”.
Mandelson is exemplary of the kind of effete, London-centric, metropolitan Leftist who helped Labour desert its traditional base in the white working class, and once mistook mushy peas (a northern English delicacy) for guacamole. Under Blair, he was an accomplice of Alastair Campbell, Blair’s old press secretary and a notorious bully. Both men introduced the concept of truth as being malleable into British politics, and that is what “spin doctors” do. It is the technocratic face of simple lying, secular taqqiya. But Lord Mandelson may find this a little more difficult with his new portfolio, which is as British Ambassador to the US. Nigel Farage has already shown himself to be a canny political operator by offering to help Mandelson repair the damage already done by Labour to the “special relationship”.
Like so many British politicians now squirming over Trump’s election, Mandelson insulted 47 back when he was 45, branding Trump “little short of a white nationalist”. Of course, for many on the dissident Right, Trump is regrettably a long way short of being a white nationalist, but the President elect’s office responded to Mandelson’s appointment with typical Trumpian bluntness. Trump’s co-campaign manager, Chris LaCivita, called Mandelson “an absolute moron”, and suggested the Prince of Darkness “stay home”. One can’t help but be reminded of the Bill Hicks “pussy-whipped Satan” sketch in which the Devil visits earth only to be forced to mow the lawn by a pushy American wife. “Hey, Prince of Darkness”, taunt the locals. “You forgot the edge!”
This is a further opportunity for the incoming Trump administration to humiliate the Starmer government by treating Farage as the UK’s man in Washington, and leaving Mandelson out in the cold.
Christmas Recess(ion)
At Christmas the British government goes into recess, and as this year’s seasonal gift to the British people, it looks as though the country they are supposed to serve will be going into recession. While it was always in the cards that a Labour government would be unlikely to improve the economy, Starmer’s dunderheads seem to have managed to scupper it in record time. Of course, they could just fix things by adopting the approach taken by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in 2022. The definition of economic recession, which originated with Nobel Laureates Paul Samuelson and William Nordhaus, is two consecutive quarters in which GDP (Gross Domestic Product) falls. Yellen, however, along with Biden’s Council of Economic Advisers, didn’t like the look of the second half of 2022, and simply changed the definition. More simple, effective governance.
Like Christmas, American governments seem to come to the brink of shutdown on an annual basis. This was constitutionally impossible in the UK until the introduction of the Fixed-Term Parliament Act of 2011, but what if the economy really does collapse? And, to paraphrase the poet Shelley, if recession comes, can depression be far behind? What if, one day, nurses, coppers, traffic wardens and all the rest of the hordes who work for the state go to their ATMs to find the cupboard is bare?
If a recession does hit town, the government will be under scrutiny. The austerity they themselves have brought about will require a pecking-order of who gets what first, and if the tens of thousands of ungrateful immigrants currently enjoying room service at the British taxpayers’ expense are favored, the UK will inch even closer to the coming re-run of the English Civil War.
Out With the Old, In With the Old
It’s been a genuinely horrible year for the United Kingdom, and England in particular, which always takes the brunt of any criticism of the old country. On Christmas morning, the first thing I saw on YouTube was a live report of a driver mowing down four pedestrians, seriously injuring one, in London’s famous Shaftesbury Avenue. I went to a live report and the first thing I noticed was all the crap on the street, litter blowing around despite there being plenty of rubbish bins. You just don’t get that here in Central America, people have too much respect for their surroundings, the places they live in. The next point of note was the two police officers standing keeping guard after the crime had occurred (the police are very good at that), one white policeman with a regulation police cap on his head, the other a fat Indian wearing some sort of stupid top-knot.
The very next piece I saw claimed that, after days of stormy weather in England, Christmas Day was due to be calm and the English Channel placid. Thus, hundreds of migrants were expected to make a crossing the British government not only have no intention of stopping, but wish to accelerate. I suppose we must applaud the efficiency of the migrant trafficking gangs for clearing their backlog, something the British Civil Service seems incapable of achieving with regard to asylum applications. It must please Starmer and his crew that it is Yuletide. Anything to spoil the season for the white English. Merry Christmas, everybody.
Excuse my language, but who exactly f***ed my country up? I think I’m entitled to know. It was a good country, a strong country, a nice country. It was safe and people trusted one another not to do anything appalling and, if and when they did, people were appalled. Now it’s just more of the same, one attack after another. Ho hum, it’s just another stabbing or acid attack or deliberate use of a car as a weapon. Don’t you worry yourself, Mother, it’s just Yuri Bezmenov’s “normalization” in action. And if the attacker should happen to be black or a Muslim or both, then the government-media complex can be relied on to come out and bat for them, and will make every effort to keep them out of jail. Should a white person, however, be unwise enough to post something unsavory, or even mildly disapproving, of Islam, the same complex will come out to bat just the same, it’s just that they will use the bats on some first-time offender and do their utmost to put the person in a heavily Muslim prison.
Happiness, Hope, Realism
However, despite the shambles which is currently doing duty as a stand-in British government, a happy, hopeful and realistic New Year to Counter-Currents readers of all nations, and stick to your New Year resolution, whatever it may be. Mine is the same as ever – to play at polo with the skulls of mine enemies. America has Trump to look forward to, the UK just more of the same decline, World War I poet Wilfred Owen’s “slow drawing down of blinds”. Usually, I distrust people who quote Bob Dylan lyrics, but I will make an exception; There must be some kind of way out of here.
Happy New Year.
The Union Jackal
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Here’s to a nice polo match indeed!
Why are the British so leftwing (esp on race)? All whites everywhere are bad, but the Brits and Anglo-Canadians seem to be the very worst appeasers and knee-benders. Why should this be? Anglo-Americans, in the South anyway, are among the least brainwashed.
My suspicion is that far too many of England’s racially best were killed idiotically trying to kill too many of Germany’s racially best. There is a link between race-realist adherence and true patriotism and nationalism, and the most fervent national patriots would have been disproportionately killed off in the World Wars. The detritus that was left has been siring and rearing a new white race, very different psychologically from what we once were.
“Why are the British so leftwing (esp on race)? All whites everywhere are bad, but the Brits and Anglo-Canadians seem to be the very worst appeasers and knee-benders. Why should this be? Anglo-Americans, in the South anyway, are among the least brainwashed.”
Please accept my apologies for this somewhat late response.
That the British are so left-wing particularly on racial matters is a direct product of our sharply delineated class system, a result of which is to associate opposition to White racial replacement with the less educated lower classes. This is the same right throughout the rest of the Anglo-sphere with slight regional variations which you point out in regard to Anglo-Americans in the Southern States.
The British class system as it is today has evolved since the Norman Conquest of 1066 – the last successful military invasion of the British Isles. This facilitated a gradual social sorting process unhindered by foreign powers operating openly on our land space; unlike mainland continental Europe, the countries in which were subjected to frequent armed invasions with resultant changes in royal dynasties and geographical boundary alterations. Frequent and tumultuous ructions such as these prevented a slow British-style social evolution; the results of which can be seen today with the growth of radical national-populist parties on the mainland continent. These parties enjoy wider support from the educated classes unfettered by the social rigidity of the UK.
North America and especially the Antipodes are largely outgrowths of British cultural influence which would perhaps at least partially explain why popular support for White identity politics is not as strong as it is in the core of Europe.
Anyway, I hope you had an enjoyable Christmas and may I wish you all the very best for the forthcoming year.
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