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Editor’s Update
The Economy Sucks for Ambitious Young Men
Decadence, the Corruption of Status Hierarchies, and Female Hypergamy: A Response to Rob Henderson’s Article “All the Single Ladies” pt 2
High Stakes: Scorsese’s Casino at 30
First Principles of White Identity: White Solidarity or Antisemitism
The Conservative Who Called Out Treason
Merry Christmas!
I like your VDARE ornament!
I bought this DNA one to hang up, but thought I should save it to give for the birth of a new little girl or boy:
Merry Christmas, & Happy Yule
Counter-Currents rocks! xo
Kim: December 25, 2024 Merry Christmas, & Happy Yule…
Happy Yule, indeed.
Note NationalVanguard‘s “Today in History” feature for 25 December:
274: A temple to Sol Invictus (“the Unconquerable Sun”) is first dedicated in Rome by Emperor Aurelian, on the day just past the Winter Solstice, when the noonday sun is first observed to begin its return north, toward Europe. The date of the celebration is later hijacked by Christians for “Christmas.”
National Socialist leader Martin Kerr puts the mid-winter celebration in perspective today:
…To our ancestors, the Winter Solstice — the shortest day and the longest night of the year — was symbolically important, because after the Solstice, the days begin to lengthen, and even though there are still months of cold weather ahead, slowly but steadily the Sun begins to strengthen. The frigid air will inevitably be replaced by Spring’s warm breezes, and the barren land will give birth once again to a new cycle of living Nature. And so our ancestors gave thanks, in this season of long nights and frozen landscape, to the rebirth of the invincible Sun, which they celebrated as the holiday of Yule.
Today, we, as a people, are suffering through a period of growing darkness, of racial winter. Our numbers dwindle as those of our racial enemies increase. Our governments are filled with the most venal creatures imaginable, who are willing to sell out the future of our children just to further their own pathetic political careers. Even the most modest and reasonable efforts to resist the slow death of our race are met with hate-filled ferocity on the part of the anti-Whites. A double standard has arisen in which pro-Whites are subject to brutal persecution and vilification, while those whom they fight are lauded as cultural heroes. As a people, Whites are dispirited, demoralized and cowed. At the present, they are in no shape to shake off the shackles that bind them…
Read more of Martin’s piece, here: After the Darkness, There Will Be Light | National Vanguard
The VDARE ornament rocks! Wish I had glassed-in bookshelves. Less dusting.
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