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Talk radio host James Edwards interviews lifelong racial communitarian activist and attorney Sam Dickson.
James Edwards: Your journey into political activism began in your mid-teens. Over the years, you became involved with a variety of causes and organizations throughout the 1960s, 1970s, and beyond. Notably, you even ran a high-profile campaign for lieutenant governor of Georgia in 1978. Many people romanticize those earlier times. Is it possible that governors like Orval Faubus and George Wallace could have prevented the changes that have occurred in America?
Sam Dickson: Sadly, there was never the slightest chance that people like Faubus, Wallace or Strom Thurmond could have prevented what has happened. For one thing, they themselves didn’t really believe in their own cause. Their defense of segregation never involved what mattered—science and sociology. They talked in code words like “our Southern way of life,” etc. Many of them, Thurmond being the most conspicuous example, were completely in thralldom to our enemies through blackmail. How could someone who had sired an illegitimate black child, as Thurmond did, be able to lead us? And there are many others like Thurmond.
JE: It is easy to highlight the many ways in which our situation has worsened over the years. In what ways are things better for dissident activists today compared to your youth?
SD: Our situation in fact is vastly better now than it was when I first caught on and got involved in our people’s cause back in the 1960s. We have won the battle in the realm of science. The facts of race, heredity and genetics are now firmly established. Our enemies have been crushed in the laboratories. This isn’t spoken of publicly, of course, but it is a fact. Scientific truth is very powerful. Those who sat at the head table of their time could threaten to burn Galileo at the stake and could force him to recant and give lip service to their official position that the sun went around the earth but eventually science and truth prevailed. The same is true today in the fields of race and genetics.
However, our enemies’ triumphs have turned to ashes. They won. Massive race mixing programs have been enforced nationwide. The experiment has been tried. The results are in. There is no evidence that mixing the races has improved academic performance of minority groups. Quite the contrary. In the field of housing, black home ownership is lower today than it was back in 1965 when the Fair Housing Act was passed. The utter failure of our enemies’ “solutions” is very good for us. Finally, as is widely noted, the Internet has enabled us to get our information out to an enormously larger audience than when I was a kid in the 1960s. Back then the number of people who were aware of our ideas was tiny. The only way you could get dissident information was by subscribing to a small number of virtually underground newsletters that had a small subscribers’ list. The Spotlight, the predecessor of American Free Press, was the largest such newspaper. My guess is that the percentage of people who share our beliefs and understand what is happening and why is now double digits. This is a colossal breakthrough.
JE: In our present-day situation reminiscent of the Tower of Babel, you often speak about the enemies of the historic American people making every mistake you would want them to make. What do you mean by that?SD: They cannot control themselves. They are consumed with hate. They are driving the car into the ditch. A smart minority racist would say, “Hey, guys, things have really turned out great for us and things are getting better and better. We need to cool it. We need to sit back and let things ripen.” But they don’t do that, and they cannot do that. They are slaves to their own hate-filled emotions. They don’t know when to stop. They are driving a car with no brakes, just an accelerator. Their answer to the ever more apparent failure of their theories is to step on the gas.They are persecuting whites. They will persecute whites even more as time goes by. The suffering they are inflicting on whites will eventually force us to become what we always should have been and do what we always should have done.
JE: Among the many issues affecting our nation, which one(s) require the most immediate attention and why?
SD: The first thing that must happen is that we must win at least a small fraction of the elite, the ruling classes, to our side. From my reading of history, it seems that no revolution has ever occurred without at least a portion of the ruling class breaking ranks.The next thing is that we need a correct ideology. That ideology must be racially based. We must stop pandering to gimmick issues like Obama’s birth certificate, Clinton’s tryst with Monica Lewinsky, etc. We must stop talking nonsense about “returning to the Constitution” and going back to the 1950s. We must think “post-America.” The old order didn’t work. The Constitution didn’t protect us. We need a very new experiment than the one that was launched at Independence Hall in Philadelphia in 1789, the French Enlightenment document called “the Constitution.” Then and only then can we deal with the most critical issue which is demographics—stopping immigration, commencing repatriation and creating our own ethnostate like the one the Jews have carved out for themselves in occupied Palestine.
JE:Throughout the decades, you have observed the rise and fall of many individuals and organizations that have shared our concerns. Why does the candle often burn so quickly? What qualities should leaders demonstrate to ensure sustained success?
SD: The reasons why we so often have poor human material to work with—with numerous resplendent exceptions—apply to not only many who have been in leadership positions but also to our movement at large.
First, people are not drawn to our cause because adhering to our movement will bring them personal advantages. No one will currently get a contract or a federal judgeship by signing up with us. All of us have come to this cause out of idealism. We run against the grain. We are not going with the flow. We are swimming upstream, against the current. Such people act out of noble and sacrificial motivations, but their highly principled personalities mean that they are not generally team players. As the saying goes, they often “don’t play well with other children. “I don’t like to use the famous words of the odious Winston Churchill, who was in my opinion the most destructive prime minister our mother country has ever produced, but the words themselves are fine, and they fit: “We have nothing to offer but blood, sweat, toil and tears.” The people who join us know that, and, as I said, they often are noble in character. However, as the cliché goes, getting them to work together is like herding cats.
What we need most of all are team players: people who can get along with and function well with other people.
But we don’t get the back-slapping fraternity boys on the corporate career path. We need some people like those back-slappers but ones who are loyal to their people, men who know who they are. They need to “Know thyself” to use one of the phrases on the Altar of Apollo at Delphi in ancient Greece.
Another reason we have often had problematic leaders is that those who want and seek leadership are often not the people in the ranks who should step forward. The best have too much to lose and are cautious. The foolish rush forward. They are often full of enthusiasm, but they lack the qualities we need. Which brings me to my final point in addressing this important question.
The qualities we need but are often lacking include attention to tedious, boring details of work. Just being able to answer the mail, balance the bank account, fill out the forms, and file the necessary annual corporation reports with the secretary of state is unglamorous, but if we had had more leaders who would mind the shop and avoid catastrophes, we would be much more ahead in the game.
JE: As an officer of the court, you have a unique perspective on the so-called “justice” system. What advice would you give to those who still believe that judges and juries are obligated to follow specific rules and ethical guidelines to uphold the law, regardless of their personal opinions?
SD: The most important advice? STAY OUT OF COURT!Courts are the enemy’s home turf. There are some fine judges, but the unhappy fact is that judges are usually political appointees who are selected by politicians in the executive branch of government and approved by politicians in the legislative branch. Most judges engage in what has been called “legal realism.” They decide which side is the “right” side, the side that can most help the judge in his career, and they work from that calculation backwards to come up with their rulings. Judges don’t change and become straight arrows by putting on a black robe. Courts are dangerous places and being in court is expensive. There are ways to minimize one’s exposure to courts. One way is to put compulsory arbitration provisions in your contracts, leases, etc.
Prenuptial contracts are another way that people entering marriages can minimize the role of the courts and the judges. Young males in our movement who are getting married are taking great risks. They are often starry-eyed as grooms and brides ought to be. But they need to realize that over 50% of all marriages end in divorce. A divorce for one of our people is unusually difficult. The other spouse can (and usually does) make an issue of their husband’s “hateful” racial or other views. This works magic in the courtroom and the racially loyal spouse is likely to emerge from court effectively ruined. Do not entertain the delusion that you can file a court case and get justice. Stay away from the courts. Sometimes, as we have seen in cases like the conspiracy kangaroo court case in Charlottesville, Virginia, one gets sued and doesn’t initiate the suit. We should all have umbrella insurance policies for such situations.
Umbrella policies are surprisingly cheap. The greatest advantage to us in such policies is that the insurance company is required to provide the insured with a lawyer. This usually means a lawyer from a powerhouse insurance defense firm, a firm that the judges are afraid of and will be reluctant to screw over. The judge in the Charlottesville case granted the motion of the richest defendant and dismissed the case against him. I suspect that this was because both the court and the plaintiffs’ attorneys did not want a lawyer from one of Virginia’s most prestigious law firms sitting in the courtroom and obstructing the railroading of the defendants.People with our views have a very difficult time getting lawyers to agree to represent us. An umbrella policy will solve this problem. Antifa will harass lawyers who represent genuine dissidents in America. Lawyers puff themselves up about how they will represent unpopular people, but the fact is that most lawyers are yellow and aren’t about to touch a case involving someone whose views are offensive to the entrenched minority in our society. I have personally experienced this in my own life.JE: The notion of sending Mr. Smith to Washington and reclaiming America from coast to coast seems unrealistic now. You often discuss how the system works against us at every turn. Please explain.
SD: There is no hope in the system. Keep reciting this mantra until it penetrates your skull.Mr. Smith is not going to Washington. Such people are few and far between. If one of them does try to go to Washington, he isn’t going to make it.For one thing, he won’t get any financial support.
For another, he will receive the silent treatment. He will not receive publicity and will not be heard. If somehow Mr. Smith breaks through and attracts significant support from the voters, he will be smeared. The system will find former girlfriends who will step forward and become celebrities by claiming that he raped them when he was in college. The system will find ways to indict him (as they are doing with Trump.
And, finally, the votes just aren’t there. Over 40% of the voters are now members of racial minority groups that are pampered and petted by the system. They are plundering America. They hate us. They blame us for all their problems. This bloc is always getting bigger due to demographics. It grows by about 1% a year, and the pace is picking up. As I said before, we must think about the concept of a post-America. Free yourself from system delusions.
JE: The Great Replacement is real, and you were one of the earliest proponents of establishing an ethnostate for white Europeans on the North American continent. Is there a realistic scenario in which such a concept could develop?
SD: Yes. The creation of a homeland for white Europeans on the North American continent is the only possibility for survival. Anything less than that is death for us. Thinking big is the only way to think realistically. And it can be done.For one thing, the system is doomed. As I said before, the system has no breaks. It will keep on hounding and persecuting white European Americans until we cease to exist—or until people have had enough.
The system has never faced a real test in almost a century. Times have been good, generally speaking —there have been no droughts, famines, real depressions, or catastrophic wars. But times can change. The test is coming. The system will not survive; it will collapse. The system’s death will be our opportunity for life itself. We can be grateful that the one group that never fails us is our enemies. They are doing everything I would want them to do. When the crack-up comes, as it inevitably will, then living in our own ethnostate will be the only way out. Americans are like gypsies. They left their mother countries because they were gypsies, and they are still gypsies today. The average American moves every four years so white Americans will have no difficulty moving. People naturally want to live with their own kind and do not want to live with people different from themselves. European Americans will want to move into an ethnostate. Finally, the concept of an ethnostate is a refreshing breakthrough. We have to give people answers. We can’t just keep telling them how awful things are.
JE:You own a home library that rivals those in small towns. If you could recommend just two books for others to read, which ones would they be?
SD: Questions like, “Which are the two greatest books you have ever read?” or “What two books would you recommend?” are difficult to answer, but I’ll make an attempt to reply. I can’t confine myself, however, to two so I’ll go a little beyond that number. I’d first recommend The Dispossessed Majority by the great and good Wilmot Robertson of blessed memory. Wilmot was the greatest of all the movement figures I have known. He was a towering man. Those who did not know him personally cannot imagine how great he was. His book is the best summation of the plight we white Americans are in and who put us there. Secondly, I’d recommend How to Win Friends and Influence People. Yes, I know people will laugh, but our people would profit from learning how to get along with others. Finally, I’d recommend The Richest Man in Babylon. This is a very short book on personal finances. It has a practical program that can be implemented. If you follow the principles in The Richest Man in Babylon, you will be financially independent in 20 years.
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We have to give people answers. We can’t just keep telling them how awful things are.
Not enough Amens in the world for this quote.
Also, I’ve always loved Sam Dickson–the way he just openly and brazenly practices in one of the professions that is most hostile to this movement, waves his figurative middle finger at the establishment, and dares them to do something about it. A truly great man. In any just or sane world, there would be t-shirts with his image on them instead of the dead jew bitch.
What we need most of all are team players: people who can get along with and function well with other people.
But we don’t get the back-slapping fraternity boys on the corporate career path. We need some people like those back-slappers but ones who are loyal to their people, men who know who they are. They need to “Know thyself” to use one of the phrases on the Altar of Apollo at Delphi in ancient Greece.
I do think the tide is turning and more of these types are and will be crossing over. I find myself in this category. On the career path but know who I am. Thanks for all your work in this movement Sam. Merry Christmas!
I wish we had a thousand more men like Sam Dickson – truly a Superman. Merry Christmas Sam!
As always Sam provides us with a hopeful path forward if we are willing to follow it. His advise is always marinated in the uncompromising reality of what is possible instead of what is merely daydreams.
As usual, thanks Sam so much for your contributions to the understanding of our situation and what is possible.
Kevin from Effingham
Merry Christmas Sam! As always, you tell it like it is.
Something about this sentence is wrong: «First, people are not drawn to our cause because adhering to our movement will bring them personal advantages.» Shouldn’t it be the following? -> «First, people are not drawn to our cause because adhering to our movement will bring them NO personal advantages.»
Adding that second ‘no’ changes the meaning of the sentence. The version in the article is saying that the people who join the movement are not doing so for personal advantages. Your version is saying that people are not joining the movement because they realize it wouldn’t bring them personal advantages.
Merry Christmas Sam and everyone
Merry Christmas to you too!
Merry Christmas, Sam! We love you dearly. You are a treasure to all.
Excellent interview.
The FBI will approve this interview for mass distribution on the afternoon of January 20, 2025.
Merry Christmas Sam. And as always, best wishes!
We should all have [legal] umbrella insurance policies for such situations.
It’d be very useful to have C-C run an article listing legal insurance firms, with perhaps recommendations. Add in 1st Amendment defense groups which are still functioning such as the Free Expression Foundation and how to contact them.
Also, an article on what to do to cover oneself legally. Is it a good idea to keep a journal of one’s political activities in order to use it in court? What about using your device for a visual record? And what do you do to sanitize your records of potentially incriminating materials?
Might also be useful to provide a list of things to do if you are arrested at a demonstration or elsewhere. There are videos on such scattered around the Internet.
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