Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 618
Peter Brimelow, Defender of Christmas
Counter-Currents Radio
Greg Johnson was joined by Peter Brimelow to discuss the various attacks on Christmas that continue to occur year after year. It is now available to download or listen to online.
0:44 – Introducing Peter Brimelow
1:22 – VDare and the War on Christmas. Egregious stories contest at National Review. 20 years at VDare; mainstream coverage
4:55 – The War on Christmas and The Great Replacement
6:00 – Homosexuals join the War
7:00 – Diversity not the issue: non-European tourists love Christmas!
11:24 – Will Trump act to ban debanking and deplatforming?
14:48 – Legislation is needed
16:20 – Has it gotten better or worse with Trump’s election?
17:30 – Greg’s “Merry Christmas” tactic and cancel culture
18:56 – Creeping diversity in European advertising; cancel culture and its origins in communism
22:50 – Donations
30:56 – Taking our own side and ecumenical cosmopolitanism
34:54 – Questions and comments
36:00 – Randolph Bourne and Eric Kaufmann
44:00 – Starmer and Trudeau; leaderless protests are hard to suppress; volatile Canada?
48:41 – Economic migrants and the WEF
49:19 – Ireland and mass immigration
56:20 – Glorious years of postwar prosperity and the Cold War; why is NATO still a thing?
59:00 – NeoCons and George Gilder
1:09:00 – Tech nerd meritocracy versus nepotistic Indians
1:14:30 – VDare on X: link to all their Christmas coverage through the years; Christophobic elites in the US
1:16:00 – War on Easter? Easter as an open-source holiday. The arguments vary but the goal remains
1:20:00 – Could Peter and Greg have done a better job at managing Kamala’s campaign?
1:28:00 – Censorship and the new age of online politics
1:30:30 – Peter and Greg on Vance and Trump, Thiel, and more Vance
1:40:10 – Donations, final thoughts
1:43:00 – Where to follow Peter online? Virtues of the world of Substack
1:45:05 – Goodbyes; next Book Club on the 21st will discuss Alain de Benoist
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Steptoe, Slade, and Santa
The Worst Week Yet, Dec 14-21 2024
In Syria, HTS is waging a literal war on Christmas.
Is there a war against Easter, you ask. You bet there is. Even the local bishop signed a “sacred covenant” on Easter Sunday, of all days, with a couple of Indian tribes up in Kamloops regarding reconciliation after unmarked graves were found but so far no bodies have been exhumed.
We need to talk about this:
The First Law Of Nature is self-preservation. Or, for the Christians out there it is God’s First Law Of Nature. Therefore, why isn’t Christianity synonymous with our survival? No legitimate religion stands idle as a race is exterminated. Whatever religion we Europeans adopt, even atheists primary want is their survival & the survival of their offspring, must be synonymous with the survival of our race.
OROR (Our Religion Our Race; Our Race Our Religion) must be included in whatever belief system we live by. Should we choose not to, how can we look into our children’s eyes?
John: December 22, 2024 We need to talk about this: The First Law Of Nature is self-preservation… Therefore, why isn’t Christianity synonymous with our survival?
White Christians worshipping their racial enemy’s mythical spook up in the sky, Jehovah/Yahweh, is not just stupid, its anti-Nature, requiring escapist superstition and gullibility — anti-survival.
[E]ven atheists primary want is their survival & the survival of their offspring, must be synonymous with the survival of our race.
OROR… must be included in whatever belief system we live by.
Yes, an absolute necessity! Atheists believe in nothing, especially other fellows’ spooks. That’s a start. We race-realists must leave the door open for them to become more intelligent, more racially focused.
Thank you for pointing this out. Christianity is antiwhite. Worshippers of Christianity worship Jews. Being White positive and Christian at the same time is an oxymoron. It is like trying to row a boat in two different directions at the same time, while you’re being chased by an antiwhite crocodile who wants to sink the boat and eat you.
Sam Dickson shaming idea is spot on. We need to use it at every opportunity. Christianity needs to be shamed for not only doing nothing but aiding & abetting the INVASION of our homelands. What good is christianity if it does not protect one of God’s magnificent creations – the White Race?
Does anyone know of a religion that is synonymous with the White Race?
I consider myself an Atheist, or an Agnostic if you prefer, since I don’t think the metaphysical by definition can be proved.
I definitely don’t believe in Nothing. I am just not a big fan of Superstition, and further, I doubt that Religion is on balance a force for good in the world. And weird observances or faithful practices doesn’t make it so.
What I do know is that I don’t have all the answers and am often wrong.
I’d like to believe that there is a benevolent intelligence in the cosmos, but the question doesn’t keep me up at night.
Have a Cool Yule!
One remark of criticism—I had trouble understanding Peter at times, which is a shame because what he says is so valuable.
I went to a sort of Jewish stronghold University, not elite, but maybe sort of like Wesleyan, not that university, but comparable. There was nothing put up for Christmas, but I recall they would put up this big display in the quad, where they would light the seven lights of a menorah for Hanukkah. Looking back, it was a brazen discrepancy, but I don’t think in any of the nine years that I was affiliated that I even once heard someone note the discrepancy, much less voice any sort of complaint. Woe betide any student who might have, obviously! Although there were a lot of Jews, they were still numerically more Christian students than Jewish. It just shows one how ingrained the double standard is.
For Christmas I want a neuralink implant to keep up with Mr. Brimelow’s supersonic legato auctioneer delivery!
An awesome discussion nonetheless with a fire hydrant of wisdom, greatly looking forward to hearing more in future.
That sikh prayer at the RNC was offensive for a different reason – the pious snake who delivered it stabbed Kari Lake in the back by (once again) reneging on promised legal support.
I guess Kaufmann just wants us all to get a wong? Interestingly, I think his refuge Buckingham is Dr. Parvini’s old haunt.
I remember that back in the early ’90s in Southern NH, a school principal was quoted as bragging that his school had banned all Christmas songs, especially RELIGIOUS songs. So far, par for the course. The guy then gave an example; it was that old hymn of the faith, Jingle Bells!
I don’t believe that there is any kind of “war on Christmas”. “Christmas” is a many billion dollar industry. There may be a small minority of folk who want to do away with the word “Christ”, but that’s a very good thing, since Christianity is antiwhite. Why not just call it Yule, when that is the true name of the holiday?
“Christianity is antiwhite.”
This is true supported by the evidence.
John: December 23, 2024 Does anyone know of a religion that is synonymous with the White Race?
Synonymous? It’s good for Whites to be familiar with their pre-Christian European beliefs that were heroic and matched our race’s character better than the Semitic slave religion. But those pagan beliefs are not suited to overcome the grip Jewish supremacism has on our people.
Knowing our people and our movement need a spiritual foundation that’s grounded in reality and that conforms to Nature’s laws, Dr. William Pierce founded Cosmotheism 50 years ago. See: Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future by William Pierce – Cosmotheism
Or put ‘Cosmotheism’ in the search block at and dozens of articles will appear.
Deep inside all of us, in our race-soul, there is a source of divine wisdom,
of ages-old wisdom, of wisdom as old as the Universe. That is the wisdom,
the truth of Cosmotheism. It is a truth of which most of us have been largely
unconscious all our lives, but which now we have the opportunity to
understand clearly and precisely. -Dr. William Luther Pierce
AFD Alice Weidel just said “…we want that something finally changes in our country…”, what a waste. Until Alice or any European aka White says it explicitly – this is our homelands & all you non-Europeans have to go back (this is not a discussion) to your own homelands – then we are just talking hot air.
I’ve certainly noticed a “Blackening” of Christmas by corporate media. I live in what was, until recently, a 95% + White area (Although the very noticeable demographic reconstruction has been proceeding at top-speed over the past 3 years!) and yet my local Kroger has 95% BLACK people in its Christmas imagery. One White person — one! — is depicted: an elderly White woman alone. The USPS Christmas mailer I get every year has been 100% black since the Year of Floyd 2020. This is just to mention two obvious in-my-face annual traditions. All websites I have visited since early November show the requisite blacks now donning their gay Christmas apparel….It’s as Christmas had its origins in Africa! Christmas a Black-thing?? Who knew?!!
I do not imbibe mainstream media “news” or “entertainment”, but I have read about and been exposed to many of its worst excesses through pro-White websites.
Hyacinth Bouquet: December 24, 2024 I’ve certainly noticed a “Blackening” of Christmas by corporate media… I do not imbibe mainstream media “news” or “entertainment”, but I have read about and been exposed to many of its worst excesses through pro-White websites.
Yes, it’s a shame, Hyacinth. Go with Yule, the mid-winter celebration of European people before it became Judaized, now Negified. Father Frost or Grandfather Frost are more suitable than Jesus and Santa.
Seasonal gift-giving is a great tradition, especially for children, The commercialization of the season is so Jewish and who does it benefit? Picture Jews gathered around their department store cash registers on Christmas eve, singing, What a friend we have in Jesus.
Call Jew-controlled mass media what they are , not corporate, not legacy, not even mainstream, but Jew-controlled.
I think that is a very good idea! That is, going with the concept of Yule rather than Christmas. I love the winter season; the quiet, cold contemplative nature of it; the shorter days and longer nights. Santa and Jesus are irrelevant to the reason I enjoy the season. You are too right, re the media — it is Jewish-inspired filth!
John: December 23, 2024 Sam Dickson shaming idea is spot on. We need to use it at every opportunity. Christianity needs to be shamed for not only doing nothing but aiding & abetting the INVASION of our homelands. What good is christianity if it does not protect one of God’s magnificent creations – the White Race?
Good question, John. Christianity is not grounded in reality. Fact!
The White race is not just one of our Creator’s finest creations, but the most magnificent when compared to all others.
Also, whatever version of the Christian Bible one chooses to follow, whichever denomination, the deity he has chosen to worship is Jewish and imaginary. How stupid is that for a European White in 2024?
I’m not familiar with Sam’s shaming idea. He’s been helping me lately with a legal issue.
We have talked, discussing religion and Cosmotheism. Sam, a southerner, considers himself a nominal Christian. I got the impression that like most folks he doesn’t have a deep-seeded belief in mythical Jesus but more like he’s unwilling to jettison the traditions of his family church/denomination.
Traditions, no matter how stupid, are nevertheless difficult to break. What will the family think?
Christianity is the foundation of all modern anti-race ideologies. Both Liberalism and Marxism are the offshoots of Christianity. The idea of universal equality is the core of Christian believes. Therefore, it is laughable, when people, who consider themselves racially aware, try to build their ideology on Christianity. Why not on Marxism-Leninism?
Sam Dickson’s speech on the last AmRen conference was good, as usual. I like his open rejection of the most holy cows of American society. He needs to extend the same attitude to Christianity as well. Bible is not more holy than American Constitution or Federalist Papers.
Jared Taylor’s grasping for Christianity can evoke only a sarcastic smile. Dear Uncle Jared, if you believe into Jesus Christ and his ideas, then, why do you dislike modern America? It is the closest approximation of the Christian ideal of universal paradise.
Anyone who adheres to Christianity must accept its political dimension realized in the form of modern “western democracy”.
“I’m not familiar with Sam’s shaming idea.” He mentions it in his AmRen 2024 speech.
John: December 24, 2024 “I’m not familiar with Sam’s shaming idea.”
He mentions it in his AmRen 2024 speech.
Thanks. So, who did Sam say should be shamed?
The White race is not just one of our Creator’s finest creations, but the most magnificent when compared to all others.
I’m partial to the White race, myself. What I don’t understand is why you think the Christian God would object to the preservation of that which He created. This is so especially since it appears we are a blessing to the whole world. For the most part, we don’t even need to say so, because non-Whites say so for us. After all, actions speak louder than words, don’t they? We all know which way immigration flows. Since you seem to be open to the idea of a Creator (which, contra Scott upthread, is all but a proven scientific fact at this point), I wonder what exactly you think our Creator expects of us. By “us” I mean here all of humanity, not just Whites.
Sometimes I think you anti-Christians confuse yourselves because you either cannot or will not recognize the Christian God for who He is. You insist he is a Jewish tribal deity, but then you insist that this Jewish tribal deity imposes an unlimited duty of charity to the entire planet that is inconsistent with our own survival. That is not the sort of thing a Jewish tribal deity would do, but this logical constraint doesn’t seem to bother you.
When you acknowledge that the Christian God is universal rather than tribal, you fail to recognize the logical corollary: non-Whites are moral agents who have obligations of their own. Anti-White Cultural Marxists aren’t exactly cultivating the cardinal virtues, are they? To the contrary, they are textbook illustrations of the seven deadly sins. In case you don’t remember, they are:
I suspect that you are so committed to White supremacy, that you cannot conceive of non-Whites as moral agents in this way. You literally infantilize them insofar as you think it is normal for them to be totally inconsiderate of others even as they constantly shriek and wail the moment they have a need that someone else isn’t meeting.
Greg has made a statement to the effect that only non-Whites have moral standing in Christianity, because they will always be the meek and the poor in spirit. His point is well-taken and rooted in Scripture. Here is how I would respond: This view rests on the Apocalyptic tradition of ancient Judea, wherein God was expected to personally appear and put a deeply unjust social status quo to rights. Apocalypticism by its very nature is not equipped to provide practical moral guidance over the long term, because there isn’t supposed to be a long term.
This brings me to the main subject of this thread: Christmas. There is a war on Easter, but it is nothing compared to the war on Christmas, and there is a reason for that. In the West, the Incarnation is practically speaking the central fact of Christianity. The idea of God Incarnate taps into the deeply-rooted progressive and humanist (or Faustian, as some call it) instincts of Western Europeans. ‘Tis very much the season for recognizing the shortcomings of Nietzsche’s critique of Christianity: that it is anti-human, anti-vital, and hopeless.
Since we are called to create a better world rather than just wait for God to come and fix everything, we have to face up to questions about the limits of charity. What do you do when you’re Charles Dickens and some fallen women repeatedly leave their safe houses and relapse on opium? What do you do when you’re Leo Tolstoy and the local peasants you desperately wish to uplift sell their grain stores to buy vodka? What do you do when non-Whites repeatedly play the race card and start taking all your chips, because of… unjustified anger, pride, greed, envy, etc?
For now, I’m going to set these questions aside and celebrate. Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, or whatever.
Lexi, responding to my statement: December 24, 2024 The White race is not just one of our Creator’s finest creations, but the most magnificent when compared to all others.
* * * * *
I’m partial to the White race, myself. What I don’t understand is why you think the Christian God would object to the preservation of that which He created.
Your premise is faulty, Lexi. Your Christian god, Yahweh or Jehovah, is imaginary. “He” created nothing.
The White race is Nature’s finest creation in known history — the most inventive, the most attractive, creative, the greatest explorers, etc., but Mother Nature cares not about that. All She cares about is which subspecies — for our purposes, which race — fights the hardest and is most determined to be still standing at the end in the eternal struggle for existence.
…Since you seem to be open to the idea of a Creator (which, contra Scott upthread, is all but a proven scientific fact at this point), I wonder what exactly you think our Creator expects of us. By “us” I mean here all of humanity, not just Whites.
Science confirms Nature’s laws, yes; science does not confirm the existence of Yahweh, or Jesus.
Sometimes I think you anti-Christians confuse yourselves because you either cannot or will not recognize the Christian God for who He is. You insist he is a Jewish tribal deity, but then you insist that this Jewish tribal deity imposes an unlimited duty of charity to the entire planet that is inconsistent with our own survival. That is not the sort of thing a Jewish tribal deity would do, but this logical constraint doesn’t seem to bother you.
Whatever. We have our way that conforms to Nature’s laws, you have Yahweh, the imaginary Jewish spook that does not. The two beliefs are irreconcilable.
When you acknowledge that the Christian God is universal rather than tribal, you fail to recognize the logical corollary…
Racially speaking, Christianity is universal because it is open to all races — yellow, brown, black or white, they are all precious in Yahweh’s sight. You either believe that or you don’t. Judaism on the other hand is only open to Jews, and racially through the mother’s blood line. That is racial and tribal. Yet Christians, yellow, brown black or white, foolishly worship the Jews tribal god. fact!
I suspect that you are so committed to White supremacy…
There you go again, using the enemy’s word to describe one who does not believe in your spookcraft. Supreme over whom? I am a racial separatist. How can I be supreme over those from whom I and my fellow separatists I intend to be entirely separated geographically?
Greg has made a statement to the effect that only non-Whites have moral standing in Christianity, because they will always be the meek and the poor in spirit. His point is well-taken and rooted in Scripture. Here is how I would respond: This view rests on the Apocalyptic tradition of ancient Judea, wherein God was expected to personally appear and put a deeply unjust social status quo to rights. Apocalypticism by its very nature is not equipped to provide practical moral guidance over the long term, because there isn’t supposed to be a long term.
Whatever. Greg can speak for himself, but he doesn’t strike me as a Bible thumper.
This brings me to the main subject of this thread: Christmas….For now, I’m going to set these questions aside and celebrate. Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, or whatever.
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