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Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen, suspect in Friday’s car-ramming attack at a public Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany. Image source Rumble
Who Is Taleb A., and Why Did He Plow Through a Crowd at a Christmas Market in Germany?
On Friday, a driver plowed his rented black BMW through a densely packed throng of shoppers at a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany. At least five were killed—a nine-year-old and four adults—and over 200 others were injured. CCTV footage of the massacre is gut-churningly violent.
About 100 yards away from the carnage, German police arrested a 50-year-old psychiatrist with the distinctly non-Teutonic name of Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen.
The brutal ramming occurred exactly eight years and a day after a Tunisian asylum-seeker rammed his truck through a crowd at a Christmas market in Berlin, killing 13.
It happened more than three years after Darrell Brooks ran his SUV over the white revelers at a Christmas parade in Waukesha, WI, killing six and injuring 70 others.
It also happened about 10 hours after Elon Musk posted on X that “Only the AfD can save Germany.”
So what drove the driver to slaughter so many innocents? Speculation about his identity and motives is running unhindered and unchecked.
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Is he a political refugee from the Middle East? Yes. Born in Saudi Arabia in 1974, Abdulmohsen first came to Germany in 2006 and was granted asylum ten years later as a “politically persecuted person.”
Is he a Muslim? He was born into a Shiite family, so it’s to be assumed that at some point he was a Muslim. According to German newspaper Die Welt, he claimed on his X account that he used to be a Muslim at some point in the distant past.
Is he hostile toward Islam? In a German newspaper interview from 2019, he called himself the “most aggressive critic of Islam in history” and described himself as an atheist. His years of work as an NGO activist and reputed human trafficker have consisted of forcing Europe to accept ex-Muslims into its borders. He’s quite specific that he aims to fill Europe with ex-Muslim browns who claim to be fleeing religious persecution in their homelands. But despite his ceaseless anti-Islamist agitating, neocons who tend to blame Islam for everything are suggesting that he is a radical Shia Muslim working undercover and lying about his religious beliefs in an elaborately extended performative act of Taqiyya.
Is he a hardcore right-winger and supporter of Germany’s AfD? According to Newsweek, German newspaper Der Spiegel alleged that the self-exiled psychiatrist once said in an interview:
[…]if you listen to someone like Tommy Robinson or even Elon Musk, and even if you’re ignorant of the process of Islamization, you’ll think they’re conspiracy theorists…. But I can say from experience that anything Robinson says, what Musk says, what Alex Jones says, or anyone who is labeled a radical or a right-wing extremist by mainstream media—they’re telling the truth.
If the squirrelly Saudi shrink actually said that, it’s possible he was only referring to what Robinson, Jones, and Musk said about “the process of Islamization.” It’s feasible that his anti-Islamist animus hinges on its hostility to women, homos, and atheists, but he appears to have had zero problem in flooding Europe with nonwhites. His hatred of Germany seems focused on its treatment of ex-Muslim nonwhites.
Is he a Zionist? The Times of Israel (yes, I know) says that the headshrinker who drove his car like a human-being lawnmower last Friday “shared pro-Israel content on social media in the wake of the October 7 attacks.”
Pravda also says he’s a Zionist:
The Saudi-born terrorist responsible for the ramming attack on a Christmas market in Magdeburg has been identified as Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen, a Zionist and Ex-Muslim, living in Germany, who routinely writes posts that are extremely anti-Islam. He is wanted by Saudi Arabia on charges related to terrorism and human trafficking from Saudi Arabia & the Gulf states to the EU.
Is he a leftist? Only eight days before the attack, he spoke for 45 minutes with RAIR Foundation USA about his activist work in helping to move ex-Muslim refugees from Saudi Arabia into Europe. In one clip from the interview, he describes himself as a “leftist” and denies being on the right, but he immediately follows it up by saying that “leftists are the worst criminals on this planet.”
Prior to the attack, had he demonstrated intent to commit violence against German citizens? According to French paper Le Monde:
Last August, he wrote on his X account: “Is there a path to justice in Germany without blowing up a German embassy or randomly slitting the throats of German citizens? I have been looking for this peaceful path since January 2019 and I have not found it.”
Last December on his X account, he wrote:
I assure you 100% that revenge will come soon. Even if it costs me my life. I will make the German nation pay the price of the crimes committed by its government against Saudi refugees.
It’s difficult to sift truth from fiction, especially amid a swirl of screencaps and second-or third-hand sources directly in the aftermath of such a significant event. Getting to the core of the matter feels like shuffling a deck of cards under duress and trying to deal a winning hand.
But assuming that this Saudi expat is the same guy who wrote about his intent to kill Germans and then deliberately slew at least five native Germans and injured dozens of others at a Christmas market, his beliefs aren’t nearly as relevant as his actions.
He’s still a nonwhite who killed whites. Without open immigration, he would have been left to writhe in agony at the hands of his ethnic kinsmen in Saudi Arabia, and this never would have happened.
The trick lies not in taking the Islam out of the Arab, but in ensuring that you never let the Arab out of Arabia.
Warmest Yuletide Wishes From Your Curmudgeonly Correspondent
Although the Magdeburg massacre was an unfortunate blight upon our looming Christmas holiday and to my mind the week’s worst news event, it’d be unforgivably Scroogelike of me to end this column on a sour note.
The nights are long, the air is thin, and the winds blow cold out here in the high desert Southwest, but from the right vantagepoint you can look out over the expansive valley as the orange-tinted city lights glow like the warm embers of a crackling yule log.
Now is not the time to split sectarian pine needles over whether Christmas is a consumerist scam, nor whether Christianity is a Jewish plot to crush the European warrior spirit, nor whether our racial and ideological enemies are even human and deserve to breathe. Only a killjoy would deny that the holiday as practiced is a fusion of Middle Eastern lore and European pagan traditions, so let’s not be spoilsports and ruin the moment, shall we?
For me, who’s hard to please, there’s something innately comforting about the sensory overload of Christmas lights, Christmas trees, Christmas presents, Christmas songs, egg nog spackled with nutmeg, and everything short of fruitcake.
Allow me to get super-sappy and pull a hoary and grotesquely cheesy Christmas chestnut out of the attic with which to torture you: “Merry Xmas, Everybody” by Slade, a criminally underappreciated British hard-rock band from the early 1970s. Slade hailed from Wolverhampton in England’s West Midlands, an area that hosted many of those “far-right riots” from “yobs” and “thugs” last summer after the Southport Stabbings. Despite his rough exterior, there a sweetly endearing tone to lead singer Noddy Holder’s voice. He wouldn’t have been out of place in a Dickens novel and, for me at least, he recalls an era long before Great Britain’s tragic enrichment.
This year, my memories drift all the way back to the mid-1960s and some Christmases with my older brother Johnny—one at his second-floor apartment in the aptly named Mount Holly, NJ. I remember waking one frigid morning to see a demolition derby on his TV and laughing hysterically at the idea of a “sport” where cars smash into one another.
A year later, Johnny was away in Vietnam but sent our family Christmas cards fashioned from colored silk, as well as chocolate-covered ants and bees.
This year I’m glad to have my wife and son. I wish to see many more Christmases with them happy and healthy.
Merry Christmas, everybody.
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Thanks Jim. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you and your family Jim!
Did your brother survive the war?
Were you familiar with Jim Goad’s Netjerk Lounge? His brother was “John” on there.
I think Jim’s heart just grew three sizes today.
Merry Christmas to everyone at Counter-Currents!
Happy kwanzaa!
Some may not want to hear this but no European peoples have suffered as much as the German people have for the past 110 years. They have been living under a campaign of psychological torture since 1945 with their faces constantly rubbed in jewish excrement, forbidden to honor their grandfathers that fought and died for Europe. My Opa’s oldest brother was one of the 2500 out of 100,000 Germans captured at the end of the Battle of Stalingrad to ever see Germany again.
Here’s to the German people and all of our White brothers and sisters. Merry White Christmas everybody and Fröhliche Weihnachten alte kammeraden!
Let’s All Drink, Hear, Hear! I agree 100% about the German people and what their minds have been forced to go through due to Naziism. There is so much they have to be proud of, that they and their ancestors have accomplished, how they have made their country and the world a better place. World War 2 was horrible, as if that needs to even be said, but the German people do not need to continue to pay for it. Growing up, I learned that they were the bad guys and our side was the good guys. Nothing wrong with that, all countries believe that. But it hit me on a trip to Germany to see the Oberammergau Passion Play. My wife and I went to every city or village church we could. They are all beautiful and reverent. It was during the time of Fall Harvest and the churches were laden with fruits of the harvest.
The villagers wore their traditional dirndls and lederhosen and it was magical. What hit me were the plaques by the entrances. They were small plaques, nothing ostentatious, but filled with names. Going closer to read the plaques, we saw that they contained the names of the World War 2 village dead, the local fathers and sons who fought and died for their country. That hit me hard. All of a sudden, they weren’t the bad guys. They were guys. Guys who lived. Believed, cared for, and thought they were doing what they needed to do. I love Germany and Austria and think that they are a worthwhile and noble people and it kills me to see that beautiful country be destroyed by their current enrichment. Ich sage auch Fröhliche Weihnachten, meine Freunde!
Dankeschön. Auch dir und deinen Lieben ein frohes und friedliches Weihnachtsfest!
God bless us, every one.
Merry Christmas, Jim, and nice MC5 reference.
Merry Christmas, Jim.
Dear Jim,
That “something innately comforting” is a space God himself put into your heart so that you would recognize Him and want Him in your life.
“Merry Christmas, everybody.”
Frohe Weihnachten to you all!
Thanks Jim,
I greatly appreciate you and the hard work you put into each broadcast.
Glad life is going your way.
Have a happy holiday to you and your family.
For me, who’s hard to please, there’s something innately comforting about the sensory overload of Christmas lights, Christmas trees, Christmas presents, Christmas songs, egg nog spackled with nutmeg, and everything short of fruitcake.
Yeah, there are few things in life for me that can match the tranquility and good vibes of riding around looking at Christmas lights with Christmas music playing on the car stereo—when I was a kid, with my parents and when I got a little older, with my wife. Merry Christmas to you Jim and to all my fellow thought criminals on this site.
I look forward to a good fruitcake. Read Truman Capote’s A Christmas Story. Together with Gift of the Magi by O Henry one of the best Christmas stories. The Fourth Wise Man by Van Dyck. Those are our traditions.
I’m very grateful for your columns, Jim. My sister just died a few hours ago, but hearing from you and especially the great news that you have a son has lightened my load a bit. Merry Christmas to you and the family and to all of my fellow readers here.
Thank you, Mr. Goad.
That was eloquently put, and it’s a reminder to us all that the war still goes on.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Eleatic Cavalier
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