All liberal, socialist, and Marxist societies, regardless of their specific economic system, have one thing in common: They are all tied to the economy. (more…)
Tag: Guillaume Faye
English original here, French, Spanish
Część 6 (Rozdział 1, Rozdział 3, Rozdział 5)
Aby zrealizować swoje cele polityczne, Północnoamerykańska Nowa Prawica musi zrozumieć właściwe relacje pomiędzy teorią a zmianą społeczną, metapolitkyą a polityką, teorią a praktyką. Musimy uniknąć dryfowania w kierunku bezczynnego intelektualizmu albo bezmyślnego – a zatem najprawdopodobniej przynoszącego skutki odwrotne od zamierzonych – aktywizmu. (more…)
2,899 words
From a liberal perspective, there exists a logical (and also emotional) resistance to the use of concepts, terminologies, and ideas that are foreign to modernity, since for liberalism, being born detached from the latter, such foreign concepts, terminologies, and ideas would a priori be anti-modern and therefore anti-liberal.
A significant problem that has arisen for liberalism, as well as for the more conservative Right detached from modernity, is that the Left(s) have shifted the political battleground, relocating to new terrains and implementing new rules of engagement, where individuals and social groups are addressed and bombarded on different planes than were imaginable a few decades ago. (more…)
Today is Guillaume Faye’s birthday. He died in 2019 after a battle with cancer. Faye had been sick for some time, but he was so focused on writing what would become be his last book that he postponed seeing a doctor until it was complete. When he finally sought medical attention, he was diagnosed with stage four cancer. There is no stage five. Guillaume Faye gave his life for his work and his work for Europe.
4,453 words
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
It is during and after the First World War that reinforced concrete was incorporated into political programs as a “progressive” building material. The Futurist Antonio Sant’Elia inspired an entire generation of so-called “brutalists”: Le Corbusier, Buckminster Fuller, and members of the movement called De Stijl. Jappe cites Futurist proponents of concrete cities: (more…)
English original here, French version here, Polish version here
Capítulo 1 aquí, Capítulo 3 aquí, Capítulo 5 aquí
Para lograr nuestros objetivos políticos, la Nueva Derecha norteamericana debe entender la relación exacta entre la teoría social y el cambio social, entre metapolítica y política y entre teoría y práctica. Debemos evitar desviarnos tanto hacia un intelectualismo inactivo como un activismo poco inteligente y tal vez contraproducente. (more…)
Like all journals of dissident ideas, Counter-Currents depends on the support of our readers. So far this year, we’ve raised $66,365.84 of our $300,000 goal. I want to thank everyone who has donated so far. (Please donate here!) But first, Mark Gullick explains why your support is so crucial given what we are up against today. (more…)
March 31, 2023 Guillaume Faye
Guillaume Faye:
Od soumraku k úsvitu2.655 slov
English version here
Poznámka překladatele do angličtiny
Následující projev zazněl 17. května 2005 v Moskvě a jeho francouzský přepis vyšel na ruském webu Athenaeum.
Přinejmenším ze tří důvodů mám za to, že stojí za to šířit tento projev v nacionalistických kruzích: první důvod si postupně začíná uvědomovat stále více anglicky mluvících nacionalistů – Guillaume Faye je dnes asi nejzajímavějším, i když ne vždy nejpřípadnějším mluvčím za geneticko-kulturní dědictví související s bělošským odporem. (more…)
After reading Doug Huntington’s insightful review of It Follows, David Robert Mitchell’s excellent horror film, I watched the movie for the first time. Set in Detroit, its austere, derelict cityscape was an eerie amalgam of crumbling industry and disused grandeur which was juxtaposed with a near-idyllic white suburbia.
Detroit’s dark inner-city denizens, distant shambling creatures, are relegated to the background; they are viewed in passing from afar by the film’s main characters as they drive into the city in search of answers. (more…)
Today is Guillaume Faye’s birthday. He died in 2019 after a battle with cancer. Faye had been sick for some time, but he was so focused on writing what would become be his last book that he postponed seeing a doctor until it was complete. When he finally sought medical attention, he was diagnosed with stage four cancer. There is no stage five. Guillaume Faye gave his life for his work and his work for Europe.
A terrible signal.
Too weak to even recognize.
— Talking Heads, “The Overload” (more…) -
July 14, 2022 Greg Johnson
Projekt Septentrion: Posledná línia obrany
2,644 words
The decline of the West is still in the first slow phase, but at some point it might speed up dramatically. — Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations & the Remaking of World Order
In 1993, academic and White House strategist Samuel P. Huntington wrote a piece for the American geopolitical journal Foreign Affairs entitled “The Clash of Civilizations?” Three years later, Huntington dropped the “generally ignored question mark” and expanded his work into a book. (more…)